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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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the organs of captured serve during the one nine hundred ninety s. war artie's sorrow for reports. greason tell emerging here in kosovo at the moment an organized crime group including a former health minister involved in organ trafficking now the story starts a couple of years ago when doctors working for the private health clinic medical is the can see behind me were investigated for allegedly performing these illegal organ transfer operations now the group was said to have targeted poor people from regions such as russia kazakhstan and remain here and offering them around twenty thousand dollars to come here and have these operations performed with the recipients as well being charged a huge amount of money for the cases taken eva by the police mission working here in kosovo and they boards these indictments the seven people now the prosecution haven't actually made these public but we've been able to gain access to one of the documents and seeing what the indictment said the one person named in the indictment also has links to another shocking case involving organ trafficking now
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in that instance is alleged that around three hundred serbian war prisoners during the costume war were kept in a house in northern albania by the cause their liberation army and were killed and their organs used for trafficking now the details of that case came to light when the former chief prosecutor of the war crimes tribunals khalid to ponce released a book detailing some of this information now what it was covered by the media at the time in the new toys yellow house incident and other details of that case with particularly greece and the allegations of people having organs for me and then being kept alive until the other organs were needed and then being killed and although the case did attain media attention there was heavy criticism that it was never fully investigated properly and that there were many people who were trying to block that and the story coming to light with this latest case there really are growing concerns because they could become a breeding ground for these types of crimes and the commentators say that there are
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many people including possibly authorities who are profiting heavily from this type of crime. serbian political analyst mishit governor leavitt says nato invasion of a crumbling yugoslavia in the ninety's created the environment for such atrocities to happen if only a part of these allegations are true this is a monstrous crime i need to stress that such crimes of never occurred when this was so over and yugoslav territory and be a proper this as all of. the united states and nato have. into kosovo occupied the country and insisted on the with their all not just a fleet of then yugoslav army but also on the with that all of the police force if you with all your police force from any area anywhere in the world at the end lawlessness will result most of the serbian orthodox church is so been destroyed meanwhile and all this under the supervision of nato so whilst we are mentioning no
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albanian participation there which is which is certainly true it is of the occupying power that has to actually carry responsibility. thoughts of serbian political analyst me she give their who joined us from london we've got more on the story on our web site r t v dot com and still ahead here in moscow a lighter note switching gears entirely we take you to romeo boot camp a little later in the program. the phone numbers so i think my fastest number poses like a brazilian supermodel fifteen seconds it's a place for a lot of lauren guys to learn pick up one hundred one and they're prepared to pay handsomely for the perfect looking back. at another pet project for of lattimer putin russia's prime minister has been given our crocodile and a tiger over the years and now we report on the latest leg or to be exact of the p.m.'s current trait. but first after failing to
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find a remedy for currency maneuvering in trade troubles of the g twenty some of the world leaders have headed for japan while economic strife tops the list at the summit of pacific rim nations as well the leaders also have some territorial disputes which need their attention artie's test has more from the apec meeting. free and open trade and investment has always been one of the main goals of the twenty one of member states but this year it's easier said than done it's a little more difficult especially since a lot of the leaders attending apec had just come from the g twenty. at the g twenty if not nothing really was accomplished there were no pre-meds signed between the countries and basically there was an air of the protectionism there were fears of protectionism and there were also accusations coming from the different countries that each one was protecting the interests of their own country so people are not expecting much really from apec i don't think anything particularly positive is. going to come out of it other than i think this is
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a forum in which the focus is on trade and economics but the fact that the u.s. could not get the free trade deal in seoul through done with the south koreans before this meeting which is something that i think president obama clearly wanted to happen the fact that it didn't frankly suck some of the air from from this meeting now so as it is with any four of leaders of the countries at overrepresented here do meet on the sidelines for bilateral or multilateral talks and one of those the talks that happened was between the russian president dmitry medvedev and the prime minister of japan and as we know tokyo added moscow have been in a rather tense mood because of the issue of the karylle islands the president of russia had a visit to these islands earlier this month that he's a first cousin actually to set foot on those islands and egypt pal is laying claim to them but russia has ownership say that their ownership is disputed and here is
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what foreign minister sergei lavrov had to say about that meeting. minutes to know it's a come once again expressed regret over president. president reaffirms our vision of the situation president the. besides him selfe would reach into visits this is own surgery and things will stay this way the president foods to change their approach to the issue of the peace treaty and the economy instead well there will be more bilateral talks happening and the one that we are looking forward to is the one between russian president medvedev and us president barack obama will have to wait to see if something will come out of that meeting. or these deaths are so you're reporting there from the apec summit in yokohama japan well winter is on the way here in russia but you'd never guess it after suffering a weltering summer november is turning up the heat temperatures should be dipping
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below freezing but right now they've been hitting fourteen centigrade by day our teams are in evolution go look at why it's still hot saw in moscow. usually with pulling out our winter coats right now but something is definitely a riot in the weather department in fact it's not just most our most cries have been enjoying several very very warm days no need for for code sore heads but if we were to go down to the south of russia in fact we could enjoy swimming and sunbathing to the fullest degree it's that hot out there and of course this is not something that russians are historically used to if we were to go back to let's say nine hundred forty one during the world war two period fuel was freezing in tanks of course people were people were need deeper in snow blizzards basically the usual winter things that were happening in the vendor and we don't have to go that far in time is not earth that just let's say ten years ago same story again snow would be
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out here people could ice skate on the moscow river you could not do that right now obviously something is going on and winter is in no hurry to arrive in fact in some places in the western part of russia trees are starting to bloom again they can grow the grass is still green and bears are not hibernating roaming around looking for food to eat birds are not flying south so something is going on something that people are not used to and definitely winter is in no hurry to arrive at this moment actually the experts are sort of separated into three groups one of them is saying that of course the manmade pollution is to blame we don't have to go back far to remember the british petroleum disaster in mexico gulf of course that has affected a loop current in the gulf and that is one of the intrinsic parts of the gulf stream and if that is affected of course obviously temperatures at not just northern america but in europe are going to be affected as well and as
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a matter of fact something is going on in the world in fact everything that's been happening for the last year year and a half as far as weather is concerned actually looks small. it's something out of a hollywood blockbuster to be a pocket about the apocalypse rather than something that we're usually used to for example snow in australia and in south america you don't get to hear much about that at least you didn't until about this year you were suffering from severe flooding at this past spring and of course like you mentioned earlier it's sweltering heat in moscow people dying from overheating fires raging all of that because of the weather of course other scientists are saying that it's all because of the sun so the sun flares hard to blame and yet of course there's a third group of scientists who are saying this has been going on for millions of years and we should just relax and enjoy the warm weather while we can. archie's been hearing about where russia's unusual weather can be traced igor chesty in from the world wildlife fund in russia believes the severity of the weather conditions
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will be felt even harsher around the rest of the planet we do see warming especially pronounced near the poles. for example the woman has twice as much observed as it is in the rest of the world also in the antarctic it's much more pronounced but what we will see more are more hurricanes are more floods more droughts more snow in the places where people didn't get used to snow and more weather where people go to much milder weather so there are severe most frequency all the. normal climate events like we have now will simply amplify and that's their most severe consequences for the economist as well as for their social systems much more severe than the other consequences of rising temperatures such. commentary from your chess team from the moscow office of the world wildlife our website is keeping you up to date around the clock on all the stories we're
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covering here's what's online at r t dot com right now. the russian company revving up for a future in formula one find out how modern lucio motor is won its place on the grid as the country's first team in a high octane sport. and a group of russian ice he experts has been accused of hacking bank accounts in the u.s. and stealing three million dollars and all about this and more at our t.v. dot com. russia's prime minister is known for his affection for a man's best friend his beloved dog tiny became the first dog to get a collar tracked by satellite in russia and now it looks like he'll buy have to buy another one lattimer putin has been given a new puppy this one given to him by both gary as prime minister during
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a trade trip and it seems to be love at first sight it's a young but very and sheep dog which will now head off to join the ever growing prime ministerial menagerie along the animals he's present he's been presented with recently have been a tiger cub which putin was given as a birthday present two years ago. or first impressions last when it comes to romance but many fall flat at the first hurdle dating is a difficult game so now there's a solution for americans who can't find the right words to artie's christine for his hours been visiting a boot camp for the failed flirts. let's get straight to the point when it comes to hitting the town on a saturday night many people go out with a goal. that goal to school i mean i do go to girls but like i would like to improve the success rate i'm trying to improve my numbers i guess you could say
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success and numbers in a game called pick up but one that doesn't always come easy for many american men because the number one rule of a mobile girl girl that's walking is that you have to stop or so she could have a conversation with her and it's not just a game it's an entire community i've been in the community i've been doing pick up for a year and a half at least with its own language most of the my peers don't really cold approach which means go up to people that they don't know and talk to them and i have separated from the crowd and i've started doing that and one of my recent we call them number closer are just up the phone numbers. recently i got a phone number from a ravens cheerleader so just in a grocery store nicole was the c.e.o. of real social dynamics a company founded and funded on teaching people mostly guys to be effective p.-u. ways or pick up artists that no percent of guys out there really don't know how to approach you'll see
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a hard girl walking down the street and you won't know what to say or what to do and just walk right by you even in the united states capitol city where politics equals power men who score high from nine to five. are batting zero after dark at the time i was doing nothing but picking up girls and just loving are as decent as the actual hands on training is achieved and there are three day boot camps in cities around the world intense training courses to help guys seal the deal so guys are actually willing to pay two thousand dollars for it. yeah we did. we get about one hundred to two hundred boot camp clients on any given month paying two thousand dollars up to twenty five hundred dollars for a more customized program we actually fly your city of choice whether there's any student signed up or not make no mistake most of those who sign up are looking for true love or a long term relationship they're looking to perfect the funds which you think you take a look at this guy successful in picking up
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a girl at the mall but clearly still nervous he's being videotaped by an r. is d. instructor just a few feet away that instructor is texting his client and well encouraging to start doing what they call the one man salsa and to be more comfortable sure enough there is a shift in energy. in this community it's all about strategy and speed gun phone numbers i think my fastest number close like a brazilian supermodel in like fifteen seconds perhaps the ultimate goal well we won't talk about that but it starts with this here an introduction. and within seconds a close christine freeze now r t. a bomb attack in a crowded marketplace in northern afghanistan has killed ten people wounded eighteen others authorities believe the intended target was a local police chief who died in the blast and the lives of three children were
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also claimed by the motorcycle bomb earlier a major nato base in eastern afghanistan was targeted by militants up to eight of the attackers were killed as soldiers repelled the attack the unarrest may not be receiving but the u.s. is continuing with its plans to gradually withdraw troops from next july marti's military contributor says washington self-imposed deadline could ring hollow in reality. it was a bad idea from the outset to set up an artificial deadline for the u.s. forces withdraw from afghanistan so it didn't come as a surprise when recently of their washington trio u.s. state department chief the pentagon chief and the u.s. joint chiefs of staff and the deadline will be postponed for another four years it has been a long suspected but now it's official. but the credit for the extension of the u.s. forces was drawl to general petraeus and the u.s. commander in afghanistan the whole idea of the artificial deadline for the u.s.
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pullout cut both ways on the other side it was a good idea to provide the sense of urgency for the abdal leadership to clean up their act together and to take full responsibility for the future of the country starting from providing the security all across afghanistan but since there is no leadership in afghanistan regarding the afghan government which is completely paralyzed by the corruption and incompetence while soaked in drug trafficking business no doubt it was a smashing tactical success for general petraeus. to call the u.s. counter-narcotics offensive in afghanistan as. initiative. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe me on mars pro-democracy leader has walked free after spending most of the past two decades
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under house arrest aung sang suu kyi she greeted thousands of cheering supporters after military authorities allowed her release and remove the barricade surrounding her lakeside residence she had become one of the most prominent political prisoners and world leaders are welcoming the move to end their detention. there have been violent clashes in bangladesh over plans to have been opposition leader from her military own to house former prime minister has lived there since her husband was assassinated thirty years ago but plans to force her out on a technicality are being seen as an escalation of a bitter battle with the current leadership bangladesh has struggled to stabilize after spending nearly two years under emergency rule. muslims from around the world are heading to saudi arabia for the annual hodge or pilgrimage which begins monday it's a required ritual for muslims who are able to travel to mecca and at least two and a half million are expected worshippers have gathered for the first prayers in the holy city ahead of the official opening security has been intensified over fears
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with possible terror attacks. asia pacific leaders are heading into a second day of talks many hoping it will bear more fruit than the g. twenty earlier this week major business leaders were there too including the man in charge of one of russia's biggest investment banks under a cost and president of the t.v. bank has been telling alice hibbert about what the gathering of the richest nations ought to be about it's coming your way next.
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many thanks for being with us and so in your opinion does the g twenty were made of strong and united as at risk there's still a real consensus to overhaul and improve the waltz financial system every much so i think they. didn't become a global government so forth but i think. the more and more before the debates of ideas and. ideas. becoming program for example or the measures so i think that the very useful proles of the thing the. shoulder so the idea of g. twenty meeting its parts truthful and what not school steps could the g. twenty take to revitalize wells' economy and trade. in the number of.
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discussions of course. relates to the global sustainable imbalance of growth and of course. there's a focus on the budget deficit to reducing budget deficit reducing government. controlling. the main key economic figures i think that is part important on the other hand there's of course the reform of the national monetary fund and of course the important misuse preaching the financial stability of the twin the focus of this is so routine plenty going on killing the so-called currency within a balancing our global trade imbalance a big a problem do you think these she wishes are. definitely creates this conflict creates additional problem leads to our mobile that tutsi old the. changing of a currency market. i think the survey is of the best for the world
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economy and about i think we didn't do to resolve all the crisis. we should go for the worse than the situation for many countries and reduce them so reduce the wealth of the world so. be released that i don't think that these are trying to resolve the c.d.c. or. measure of like for example american side proposers will be implemented there's so many differences in approach between chinese japanese americans europeans and the merging markets so i think but but i hope that the growth will be more than the discussion of the e.c.u. these e.c. will not be as accurate as it is now german chancellor angela merkel recently something to think protectionism as being among one of the biggest challenges to face the global economy what do you make it fast and what would you someone just being among the biggest and it's always i mean. crisis always leads to more
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protection and that's the number one i would say so from this board view there's nothing unusual that recent cries as a lead to the same situation either in the currency field or in the trade field. yes i think the answer is to liberalize the economy is the liberalized the world trade to liberalize the world economy i think that the correct way to proceed now what do you make of the us this recent announcement over the weekend six hundred billion dollar round of wants to be think how safe and how will it continue to affect team think developing at home and i agree that's probably had to stop. the government supporting measures what we call them in is it's too early and i think the russian government would you substantially support but also continue this program and i think i think we will see a little bit more of our own support for the next year or so before really the big
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one i mean stop to conform with government assistance i think it's quite important focusing on the inflation that to produce state of the rocks and governments you can cling on to see what's still full color for inflation in the coming year. i think what the what was there already and also by the russian government so for me was really stick i think the government succeeded in bringing inflation to be a record lowest level and i think it will continue to be used. to the level of other developed nations within the next three four years the timing and now it's going to debase the film on an old film that house was that kind of sound america's management office what do you think it would take an even come through to me to multicolor and see this that i think that will happen i don't know how we can. we for example be insisting that google should be included. at least for
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the purpose of original currency and i think. i mean be a very big death to america on a number of make a dollar a month for the volatility over the meeting or is the current theory i mean. everybody to the conclusion that this should be a multi currency bust because i think the going to happen in the future fund at a cost in president abbas's been something back many thanks for joining us here on also thank you. for your convenience are comfortable shuttle bus will teach you to display. just a few hours observing virgin forest and scaring the skirt mirrors in your
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directly. on the moon. craters. scorching soil then toward yeah our included. a photo with the wild lunar rover for free. download the official antti application to go on the phone oh i pod touch from the stops to. lunch on life on the go. see video on demand r.t.s. minefield costs and cents feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. this is just
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a parliament building in. them. sixty five years ago. it was the final target. to move through from some from the army. its capture became the symbol on the form of financial settlement. and the victory over nazi germany. the following. lines. brighten. the sun from fans to impressions. who threw stones on t.v.
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. in the czech republic is available in a hotel as science central hotel prima vera most of them will stand by you to which i am a taste in bosnia and herzegovina available in. the children of each. put you know. times. in serbia multiuse available in regency. two thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. easier headlines of at least seven people charged with illegal trafficking in kosovo fueling speculation of links to alleged organ theft by the kosovo liberation
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army to. during the one thousand nine hundred ninety war one of the men charged is reportedly a former high ranking health ministry official. after g. twenty gridlock on currency wars the baton is passed to the apec summit in japan and asia pacific nations including russia the u.s. and china try to map out the best way out of a global downturn twenty one member economies are working towards a free trade pact. plus a new year of extreme weather across the world r.t. goes in search of what lies behind it several regions in russia including the top of a large spear and seeing surprisingly mild temperatures for this time of year. now moscow's a melting pot of cultures and as has been through the centuries up next r.t. gives you insight into one of them as host martin andrews finds out what the jewish community brings to the cop.


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