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tv   [untitled]    November 13, 2010 9:00pm-9:30pm EST

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in the u.s. by a third the two leaders signed a deal to ratify the treaty in april but it still needs to be passed by both the duma and the senate for more details now we go live to our tuesday as our sailors fall in the summit in yokohama japan so tell us a thanks for joining us getting this new start treaty finalized has been a slow process is there any sign that today's talks have speeded things along. yes well here at the apec summit actually be the talks between be a russian president dmitri medvedev and the u.s. president barack obama happened on the sidelines it was the first talk of the a second day of the summit and yes at the top of the agenda on the table is the ratification of the start treaty now a president obama has the reiterated his commitment to the russian president that he is going to make sure that the treaty gets done at the lame duck session of the u.s. congress and he also said that he had communicated to the u.s. politicians that this is of the utmost to priority as you rightly mentioned that this was signed in april and this would reduce the nuclear long range missiles of
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the two countries by thirty percent and it would allow the two countries to check on the stockpiles of each other so it is very important that this is making ahead be making a progress and a commitment is coming from the u.s. president on this matter another thing that they discuss today that is of utmost importance is a key priority in russia's economic reform policy its ascension to the world trade organization it's been it's had it has had this bit of joining for quite some time now and today the u.s. said that russia belongs to the w t o p he was quoted as saying fast and he said that he fully supports a russia's obama fully supports russia so essential to the w t o another think that was done today is that the u.s. is going to start exporting chicken soup russia again after a. debate back they have to stop it because of health issues raised by russia so these things are brought up another thing that's are just they just briefly mentioned is the missile defense issues of the. country's security issues but of
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course they will have a separate summit next week in lisbon where they will discuss the details so the main topics on today's agenda for the two presidents positively the positive results are that of the start treaty ratification and out of the w. russia is essential to the w t o. so nukes and chicken but on the sidelines of the summit that meeting with medvedev at obama what about the summit itself what's happening there. yes this is the as i said be a second day and we're expecting a declaration from the apec nations today but as of that moment the general standing is that the countries the twenty one members do want to embrace for free trade and further progress in the trade cooperation of the countries wherever we do know that from the g twenty there were cracks between disagreements between the countries and it did me surface here in japan and the u.s. had said here at the apec summit that the global economy will improve if the u.s. economy improves so that was their argument and the president of china hu jintao
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had that well with regard to the currency issue with the u.s. putting pressure and that china is building it to consider gradual appreciation of the want but not not immediate appreciation as the u.s. is saying so there are still a lot of issues about the countries have to resolve but in general again they're saying as they did it between twenty do embrace the idea of moving forward economically of a progressing economically especially since the world has to get out of this still the effects of the global economic crisis so we're waiting for the formal declaration for it from the apec member states to be handed out later this afternoon japan time. all right artie's toes are still alive in yokohama japan thanks for that report. well let's get some more analysis on attempts to pass this treaty our nuclear arms reduction u.s. chief negotiator on the issue believes the ratification process has dragged on too long and says it's now critical that it happens soon. i believe there is zero
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chance that we can get to the negotiating table any time soon on tactical nuclear weapons unless we get this treaty ratified and entered into force it will be a profound blow to the us russian relationship and will cause some difficulties in terms of advancing our national security agenda with with the russian federation there's been a very very strong effort to understand this treaty it's been many years since we've had a big strategic nuclear arms control treaty of this type before the senate there's been a strong due diligence what i'm saying is that body of information is there nothing has changed over the ensuing period while folks have been out for the election process it's time to take that body of material make the decisions that are necessary and move forward to a vote on the floor. not ratifying the treaty would send the wrong signal to the world in particular to countries and some of the world's trouble spots that's the
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pain of the u.s. chief negotiator for the first start treaty which was signed in one thousand nine hundred one. u.s. russian arms control is a critical part or critical component of dissuading other members of the international community to not go nuclear and if we can't get a modest arms control agreement ratified aren't we giving talking points to optimum dennis shot in tehran what impact are we having on on pakistan on on india and on other would be nuclear powers in the in the greater middle east it has to be viewed as a as a massive setback in what i consider to be the kind of fundamental security problem of our of our day which is the spread of nuclear weapons to fragile we and sometimes rogue states and potentially on to terrorists and finally
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i'll just simply say this i don't think frankly that the reset policy can survive the non ratification of start if we can't ratify this treaty we are going to send a signal of cum i believe of almost total incompetence to the rest of the international community. turn to the day's other top story after years of ignored claims organ trafficking in kosovo is finally reach prosecutors at least seven people have been charged a spec of luring poor people to sell their kidneys with the false hopes for cash one of the suspects is being linked to the kosovo liberation army which was accused of selling the organs of captured serbs during the one nine hundred ninety s. war r t sarraf earth has more. police intel emerging here in kosovo at the moment an organized crime group including a former health minister involved in organ trafficking now the story starts a couple of years ago when doctors working for the private health clinic medical is
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the you can see behind me were investigated for allegedly performing these illegal organ transfer operations now the group was said to have targeted poor people from regions such as russia kazakhstan and remain year and offering them around twenty thousand dollars to come here and have these operations performed with the recipients as well being charged a huge amount of money for the cases taken by you like the police mission working here in kosovo and they boards these indictments the seven people now the prosecution haven't actually made these public but we've been able to gain access to one of the documents and seeing what the indictment said one person named in the indictment also has links to another shocking case involving organ trafficking now in that instance is alleged that around three hundred serbian war prisoners during the course of the war were kept in a house in northern albania by the cause their liberation army and were killed and their organs used for trafficking now the details of that case came to light when
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the former chief prosecutor of the war crimes tribunals khalid to pont a released a big detailing some of this information now what it was covered by the media at the time in the new toys yellow house incident and other details of that case with particularly greece and there were allegations of people having organs are made and then being kept alive until the other organs were needed and then being killed and although the case to detain media attention there was heavy criticism that it was never fully investigated properly and that there were many people who were trying to block that and the story coming to light that with this latest case there really are growing concerns because they could become a breeding ground for these types of crimes indeed commentators saying that there are many people including possibly authorities who are profiting heavily from this type of crime. for more on this story on our website from r.t. dot com but still ahead on
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a lighter note we take you to romeo boot camp in the a little later in the program . phone numbers in my system which is like a brazilian supermodel fifteen seconds. it's a place for love or guys to learn pick up one hundred one and they're prepared to pay handsomely for the perfect flirting. and another pet project for vladimir putin the russian prime minister has given been given a crocodile and a tiger over the years and now we report on the latest leg for to be exactly the p.m.'s current. winter is on the way in russia but you'd never guess it from the way things are right now after suffering a sweltering summer in november is turning up the heat temperatures should be dipping to the freezing point but right now they're hitting fourteen celsius by day artie's arena gluco looks at why it's still hot soft in moscow. usually with pulling out our winter coats right now but something is definitely a riot in the weather department in fact it's not just most poor most guys have
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been enjoying several very very warm days no need for for code sore heads but if we were to go down to the south of russia in fact we could enjoy swimming and sunbathing to the fullest degree it's that hot out there and of course this is not something that russians are historically used to if we were to go back to let's say nine hundred forty one during the world war two period fuel was freezing in tanks of course people were people were need deeper in snow blizzards basically the usual winter things that were happening in the vendor and we don't have to go that far in time is not a fact just let's say ten years ago same story again snow would be out here people could ice skate on the moscow river you could not do that right now obviously something is going on and winter is in no hurry to arrive in fact in some places in the western part of russia trees are starting to bloom again and they can grow at
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the grass is still green and bears are not hibernating roaming around looking for food to eat birds are not flying south so something is going on something that people are not used to and definitely winter is in no hurry to arrive at this moment actually the experts are sort of separated into three groups one of them is saying that of course the manmade pollution is to blame we don't have to go back far to remember the british petroleum disaster in the mexican gulf of course that has affected the loop current in the gulf and that is one of the intrinsic parts of the gulf stream and if that is affected of course obviously temperatures at not just northern america but in europe are going to be affected as well and as a matter of fact something is going on in the world in fact everything that's been happening for the last year year and a half as far as weather is concerned actually looks small. it's something out of a hollywood blockbuster be a pocket about the apocalypse rather than something that we're usually used to for
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example snow in australia and in south america you don't get to hear much about that at least you didn't until about this year you were suffering from severe flooding but this is a past spring and of course like you mentioned earlier it's sweltering heat in moscow people dying from overheating fires raging all of that because of the weather of course other scientists are saying that it's all because of the sun so the sun players are to blame and yet of course there's a third group of scientists who are saying this has been going on for millions of years and we should just relax and enjoy the warm weather while we can. our team spoken to a u.s. based science broadcaster who explains what he thinks is behind the current volatile weather what happened with the loop current in the gulf of mexico it actually broke up. starting shortly after the disaster it will twenty and by the early part of june it was completely disconnected now there's a number of contributing currents for what later becomes called the gulf stream
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have the brazilian current the caribbean current and as it passes into the gulf stream which then crosses the atlanta north atlantic the gotland and go north toward the scandinavian countries norway and sweden and of course affect the climate of the british isles northern europe and of course also russia and ukraine the loop current had been destroyed it's probably an interaction not of the immense amount of oil that was released but the use of correction ninety five hundred two would break and boundary between a boil and a warm gulf waters so. the consequences to the climate of northern europe is that. we don't know how fast to secure with just one or two years it's most like be going to three in ten years but the. british isles and northern europe areas of france and germany its own will acquire more of the planet that normally
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during a midwinter is more like the climate of moscow remember our website is always keeping you up to date on the stories that we cover here is what setting up for the weekend there are. russian companies revving up for the future in formula one find out how . motors won its place on the grid as the country's first team in high octane support. at a group of russian i.t. experts have been accused of hacking bank accounts in the u.s. and stealing three million dollars find out all about this and more at our team dot com. russia's prime minister is known for his affection for man's best friend his beloved dog became the first to get a collar to be tracked by satellite now it looks like i'll have to buy another color lattimer putin has gotten a new puppy that was given to him by
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a borg area's prime minister during a train trip and it seems to be love at first sight it's a lively young gary and sheep dog which will now head off to join the ever growing prime ministerial menagerie among the animals he's been presented with recently has been a tiger cub which putin was given as a birthday present two years ago. first impressions last when it comes to romance but many can fall flat at the first hurdle dating is a tough game so now there's a solution for americans who can't find the right words to who are christina been visiting a boot camp for the failed floods. let's get straight to the point when it comes to hitting the town on a saturday night many people go out with a goal. that goal to school i mean i do go to girls but like i would like to improve the success rate i'm trying to improve my numbers i guess you could say
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success and numbers in a game called pick up one that doesn't always come easy for many american men because the number one rule of a mobile girl girl that's walking is if you have to stop or so she could have a conversation with her and it's not just a game it's an entire community i've been in the community i've been doing pick up for a year and a half at least with its own language most of my peers don't really cold approach which means go up to people that they don't know and talk to them and have separated from the crowd and i've started doing that and one of my recent we call them number closer just got the phone numbers. recently i got a phone number from a ravens cheerleader so just in a grocery store nicole was the c.e.o. of real social dynamics a company founded and funded on teaching people mostly guys to be effective p.-u. ways or pick up artists nine nine percent of guys out there really don't know how to approach you'll see a hard girl walking down the street and you won't know what to say or what to do
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and just walk right by you even in the united states capitol city where politics equals power men who score high from nine to five. are batting zero after dark at the time i was doing nothing but picking up girls and just loving are as decent as the actual hands on training is achieved and there are three day boot camps in cities around the world intense training courses to help guys seal the deal so guys are actually willing to pay two thousand dollars for it. yeah we did. we get about one hundred to two hundred boot camp clients on any given month paying two thousand dollars up to twenty five hundred dollars for a more customized program we actually fly your city of choice whether there's any student signed up or not make no mistake most of those who sign up are looking for true love or a long term relationship they're looking to perfect the funds which you think you take a look at this guy successful in picking up a girl at the mall but clearly still nervous he's being videotaped by an r. is d.
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instructor just a few feet away an instructor is texting his client and well encouraging to start doing what they call the one man salsa and to be more comfortable sure enough there is a shift in energy. in this community it's all about strategy and speed gun phone numbers i think my fastest number close like a brazilian supermodel in like fifteen seconds perhaps the ultimate goal well we won't talk about that but it starts with this here and introduction all around and within seconds a close christine for us now r.t. . turn now to some other stories making headlines across the globe myanmar's pro-democracy leader has walked free after spending most of the past two decades under house arrest aung sang suu kyi greeted thousands of cheering supporters after military authorities allowed her release i remove the barricades surrounding her
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lakeside home she became one of the most prominent political prisoners and world leaders are welcoming the move and her detect. there been a violent clashes in bangladesh over plans to evict an opposition leader from her military only house former prime minister has lived there since her husband was assassinated thirty years ago while plans to force her out on a technicality are seen as an escalation of a bitter battle the current leadership bangladesh has struggled to stabilize after spending nearly two years under emergency rule. asia pacific leaders are heading into a second day of talks maybe hoping it will bear more fruit than the g. twenty earlier in the week major business leaders were there too including the man in charge of one of russia's biggest investment banks under a cost and president has been telling our teams our what the gathering of the richest nations of nations ought to be about coming your way next.
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many thanks for being with us and so in your opinion just the g twenty made a strong link to does that risk there's still a real consensus to overhaul in the walls financial system every much so i think the. g twenty didn't become a global government of course but i think from meeting. the more and more before debates of ideas and. ideas.
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becoming program for example or the measures so i think that the very useful thing the. shoulder so the idea of g. twenty meeting is quite fruitful and what that school steps could the g. twenty take to revitalize wells economy and trade. loving the number of. discussions of course. relates to the global sustainable. growth and of course. there's a focus on the budget deficit for the new thing budget deficit reducing government debts. some sorting. out a main key economic figures i think that is quite important on the other hand there's of course the reform of the national monetary fund and all of the important misuse breaching the financial stability between the focus of this is
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so plenty going on during the so-called current seawards and balancing out so global trade imbalance a big a problem do you think these two issues are. definitely creates this conflict creates a problem leads to a mobile that it's the old the. changing of the currency market. i think of the as a bet for the world economy and about i think that didn't resolve all the crisis. we should go for the worse than the situation for many countries and reduce them so reduce the wealth of the world so. you really stick i don't think that these are trying to resolve the c.d.c. or speak to measure of like for example the american side proposers will be implemented there's so many differences in approach between chinese japanese
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americans europeans and the merging markets so i think but but i hope that with the growth of the all of them in the discussion of these east view these e.c. will not be as accurate as it is now german chancellor angela merkel recently someone sitting protectionism as being among one of the biggest challenges to face the global economy what do you make it fast and what would you someone just being among the biggest thing that's always i mean crisis always leads to more protection means. number one i would say so from this board view there's nothing unusual that recent cries as a lead to the same situation either in the currency field or in the trade field. yes i think be also used to liberalize the economy to liberalize the world trade to liberalize the world economy i think that that's the correct way to proceed now what do you make of the us this recent announcement over the weekend six hundred
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billion dollar round of wants to be using. and how will it be to affect team think developing a common i agree that's probably had to stop. the government supporting measures will they call them in it's too early and i think the russian government would you substantially support but also continue this program and i think i think we will see a little bit more of our own support for the next year or so before really the point to me stop to conform with government assistance i think it's quite important focusing on the inflation that to produce state that the rocks and governments you can cling to see what's still full calling for inflation in the coming. i think what the what was there already and nels by the russian government so for me it's implied really stick i think the government succeeded in bringing inflation to be a record lowest level and i think it will continue to be used. to the level of
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other developed nations within the next three four years the tunning and now it's going to debase the domain and to fill that house was that kind of sound america's now has been altered what do you think it would take an even conflict to me to multi-currency this that i think that will happen i don't know how weakly we have for example to be insisting that ruble should be included in this growth of at least for the purpose of original. and say it i think. i mean be a very big death to america for the number of make a dollar a month the volatility over the meeting is a dollar and three i mean. everybody to the conclusion that this should be a multi-year currency bust because i think the going to happen in the future political spin president abbas's been something back many thanks for joining us
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here on also thank you. a moment when the world has changed forever. thousands pounced to nothingness. thousands wounded. and doomed to suffer and today. was the first but probably not the landstuhl military uses of this weapon. many more will be come. children come and get on in the future.
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more news today violence has once again flared up. and these are the images go forward has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are the day. the official. from the. video. with the palm of your. machine.
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in the united kingdom is available in the house for. the. country house is the pool. the crew me to feel. the oil spill the ruben's hotel. kosovo fueling speculation. by the kosovo liberation army during. the war one of the. former high ranking. arms dominates the talk of the u.s.
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and russian presidents on the sidelines. obama. was extreme weather across the world. surprisingly mild temperatures this time. up next our special report looks at the checkered history of a place that's now a seat of democracy but which had symbolized the defeat of nazi fascism sixty five years ago stay with us. was. berlin.


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