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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EST

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i know you're watching r t with our weekly needs of you but first as the only country ever to be hit by an atomic attack japan seems an appropriate place to aspire to a nuclear free world on the sidelines of the apec summit in your kahana president's main event of an a bomb or reiterated plans to slash their country's nuclear arsenals and then hans will security at the upcoming nato summit and for the latest on that we'll be speaking to ati's correspondent tests are syria but a bit later in the program. now in this week's g. twenty summit the world's richest nations agreed to steer clear of currency wars to help revive the global economy nations pledged to avoid deliberate devaluation as a means of boosting exports an issue which has seen tensions flare up between the u.s. and china but analysts say the agreements weren't binding and a solution is near in the tsunami reports from seoul. the world at
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war the weapon currency. the fallout trade imbalance the world's paying i mean the world is paying the price for the asset bubbles that are being blown throughout the emerging markets and this high stakes battle for global exchanges it's china versus the u.s. on the western front the fed pumping six hundred billion bucks into the american economy the valuing the dollar while slamming china for not readily revaluing its you want on the eastern front the chinese position is well you're depreciating the dollar why should we really value the removal be the chinese currency which the us keeps on insisting on so it's really a standoff one that smacks of double standards it's absolutely true that the united states of late has made don't mess to clean self-serving policy that was shortsighted and that did not consider the rest of the world and this set up the
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sole summit but despite global outrage with u.s. fiscal policy they got more of a high level silent treatment than any kind of fight right now it's the world against the united states and in terms of an agreement to deal with the currency war nun's going to happen there is no interest coming from china or germany the two other key players to solve this problem not interested or protecting interest. and that was before the session even started obama might have guessed there would be no compromising china wasn't budging and germany an export giant defends its right not to surrender its strength by spending more abroad to appease u.s. calls to help economic recovery much of europe seems to be sitting back and watching how this will all play out no one is willing to budge on the fundamentals not china not germany not the united states most certainly the group also agreed to develop early warning indicators to prevent economic turmoil but the question now.
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is that enough to prevent this cash clash from getting out of control and he's now a r t from seoul south korea. from the g. twenty to the apec summit in. japan where presidents. plans to slash their countries. as well for more on that we can join don't use correspondent. as i say yet another meeting between the russian and american presidents what's come out of the talks this time around. on the sidelines of the apec summit it's a second day of apec summit the two presidents did meet it was the first bilateral meeting of the day and as you rightly mentioned the start treaty the ratification of the start treaty was the top of the agenda now president obama had. reassured president medvedev that he had told congress he had told the politicians in the u.s. that this is a top priority you know just going back this agreement was signed and it was
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discussed in april by the two presidents and it will slash long range missiles into two countries by thirty percent and it will also give the two sides a chance to a check on the stockpiles of the two countries now the ratification is still has has met some hurdles in the u.s. the both sides still have to ratify the treaty and both presidents seem very positive about this and here is what obama had to say about that this morning. i reiterated my commitment. during the lame duck session. so yes this is one of the main topics of the put on the table another is the anti missile defense system and the issue between the two countries now because the u.s. had planned. missile defense system to eastern europe and this has been a bone of contention between. nato and moscow because the u.s.
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says that by doing so the nato territories and eastern europe will be protected from a possible missile threats from iran while russia says that there is no threat the two presidents brought this up today but they said that they will hammer out the details of the nato summit upcoming nato summit next week in lisbon and this is what the president medvedev had to say on this matter. is that we believe that russia nature relations have improved it's beneficial for. right now we're working on a number of issues including the so-called european anti missile shield we've exchanged ideas as to what could be done here and will discuss this at the summit apart from that we've been working together in a productive way and will continue to do so. this being the apec summit trade and economy is a very important topic and the two presidents discussed the ascension of russia to the world trade organization of the bit of russia to join the w t o no president
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obama has said that russia has the full support of the u.s. and he said actually said the russia belongs he spoke with the russian side they said that they expected this to happen at the earliest this spring two thousand and eleven and this is what the president medvedev had to say about the w t o a session . recently we've made serious progress in terms of russia's decision to the. this is an achievement by the american president and his team who lived up to the agreements reached during my visit to washington i hope this process will continue and brush it will soon access the w. so we know that it is a top economic priority of a russia and so we see that of the three major topics major issues facing both countries have been discussed and this morning by lateral meetings. what about the outcome of the apec summit itself what have the pacific rim. greed upon their.
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right well again many of the leaders are coming out of the g. twenty and we know that from the g twenty there is this hanging dark cloud about the currency wars of course. this agreement between the countries were still there however all the countries did agree that if we're trading less barriers fewer barriers would be beneficial to big countries so one thing that is a different here compared to the g twenty is that they have agreed that they will not impose extra trade barriers from now on until twenty thirty eight at least until your countries start recovering again and they also said that the problem is that the will not impose measures to help exports and that of course is related to currency because countries are trying to lower their currency to have an advantage in terms of exports so the countries. are agreeing on actions that they're not going to take the actions are going to take so this is a positive thing for the apec summit they agreed the new zealand and the us
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actually agreed on free trade agreement so that is a good step for the u.s. so it's a much more successful than the g twenty although coming into this there were a lot of disagreements and a lot of a skepticism but we see that they want to take some steps but we will have to see in the future if they're actually going to be implementing the promises that they have made today so overall the leaders of the country seem to be quite positive about the outcome of a pact but again we have yet to see whether they will implement the things that they had said ok we'll leave it there for now also reporting live from york harbor in japan thank you for that. well that ratification of the staunch treaty well not doing that ratification would send the wrong signal to the world that's the opinion of america's chief negotiator for the first stone treaty signed in ninety nine to one. u.s. russian arms control is
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a critical part or critical component of dissuading other members of the international community to not go nuclear and if we can't get a modest arms control agreement ratified are we giving talking points to aquaman denish shot in tehran what impact are we having on on pakistan on on india and on how there would be nuclear powers in the in the greater middle east it has to be viewed as a as a massive setback in what i consider to be the kind of fundamental security problem of our of our day which is the spread of nuclear weapons to fragile we and sometimes rogue states and potentially on to terrorists and finally i'll just simply say this i don't think frankly that the reset policy can survive
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the non ratification of start if we can't ratify this treaty we are going to send a signal of come on i believe of almost total incompetence to the rest of the international community. and coming up next on the setting an example. this is america how everybody always looked up to us. it's not america's destiny to the cough the rest of the world uses it and next hour the resident gathers opinion on the streets of new york. a cry for freedom a shock value but not scraps and so. let's bring the scientists. despite years of official denial course of a has finally taken action claims of organ trafficking at least seven people have been charged with foreign nationals to the region and removing their organs for
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transplant one suspect is linked to the cost of the bridge which was accused of selling the serbs in the yugoslav war so. it was a war with a legacy of atrocities among the most shocking claims the alleged murders and harvesting of the organs as serbian war prisoners of the cause of a liberation army it's alleged to have happened in a place that became known as the yellow house in one thousand nine hundred nineteen after the military technical agreement was signed q four two forces promise to secure the safety of all people living in kosovo regardless of their ethnicity but after the serbian forces left ninety percent of the kidnappings happened the allegations were made in a book by former u.n. war crimes prosecutor carla del ponte say but the case never made it to court because of a lack of evidence now they it's returned to the public attention in the wake of an
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investigation into another organ trafficking case in cars a day. the two year prey focused on the private clinic medical. there are five people that charged every day. charges are. for gun trafficking organized crime and i'll be using officer position and then on twenty or so for the second indictment related to medical scase pos drives and two persons are charged of. unlawful medical exercise although it's not yet officially being made public the indictment has been leaks the group are accused of removing the organs of people so poor they have been persuaded by the lure of money being offered around twenty thousand dollars for a kidney part of the leaked documents. also reveals that many of these people were
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never paid r.t. discovered the two days he's been indicted and have been working at medicare before it closed and now working at private clinic medical just next door to the place they're accused of having performed the illegal operations so we went to confront your medicare about. another of the men indicted in the medical case has possible links to yellow house after a war crimes tribunal witness claimed he was at the house the new investigation stares at painful memories for those who are still trying to discover the truth about what really happened in the yellow house case and where their missing family members are now. after the war me myself my husband and our three children were living in costa he went out one day and was taken away for questioning he never came back. the sky was of course days past still evident today and there are
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concerns the cost of day is becoming an easy breeding ground for organized crime days he still wonder how that family members suffered save the truth of what happens cannot be allowed to remain buried sarah for a cost of a. time to most of the comfy this hour including students to be sure all the commonsense reports on the u.k.'s biggest protests against rising tuition fees. and deadly legacy in these children in the country why when this. one's in the other side i still felt today decades old and. this week a russian newspaper putting new twist on this summer's spy scandal between moscow and washington according to the paper the ten people accused of being illegal russian agents were turned in by their own boss sees your office can offer the
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journalists who came out with a sensational tale. that summer spy story between the u.s. and russia just a few months after dropping out of headlines around the world the biggest spy scandal between moscow and washington since the cold war iraq is back but it is the drama of this whole situation is that the agents were turned in by their boss. he's been named as colonel said about call for allegedly headed the american department of russia's foreign intelligence service neither his first name or photograph have been found to journalists from the moscow based committed news people who have held their own investigation claimed he is behind alone his colleagues cover in the united states. everyone we spoke to agreed that this was the biggest failure in the history of a foreign intelligence service some of the agents worked undercover for decades and all were given away just like all cell yes very findings have been confirmed by the president on friday dmitry medvedev said he knew who the traitor was from the
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thursday of the scandal it was june when american authorities announced the captured ten people suspected of being russian secret agents or were found guilty by a u.s. court and deported in exchange for four men serving time in russia themselves convicted of being foreign spies it was never going to stay out of the news for long the story instantly made headlines and especially since the russian president's first official trip to the us had just come to an end it's thought colonel to back off russia to the united states just a few days before the meeting that if the visit and according to some reports are few months before that he was offered a promotion at work which could have seen him subjected to a lie detector test and vet some believe is why he rejected the job offer instead he turned the other way by turning in his associates the media quickly found its favorite among the group of deported agents young rich and beautiful on a chapman was deemed the russian james bond girl but did the paparazzi flashes draw
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focus away from the real super agent in the group me collision course was still in the shadows just as he had been for the past four decades. pretty that's what is true this is an amazing story it doesn't only have a trailer but a true hero as well the two absolute opposites i'm talking about with some coffee and his fantastic story he left the soviet union in the one nine hundred sixty s. first to spain then to south america working as a photographer he eventually married and moved to the us changing his name to one last it said he continues we denied being a russian agent until colonels or work of presented secret documents that he then revealed his true identity but intelligence experts seen naming and shaming russian operatives was probably not the prime target. that. was probably a u.s. agent for a long time him self and i'm sure this whole story was instigated by the american secret service the two presidents are working to restart relations and some people
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are obviously against us the timing of the scandal was picked perfectly it puts another name in the frame for the russian intelligence service that's still trying to establish how a massive decades long secret operation could fall port so easily seemingly at the hands of one man you've got going off to moscow the vietnam war may have claimed many innocent lives at the time but even today continues to the suffering one of the main culprits is agent orange the code name for the size used by the u.s. military as part of its warfare program its deadly legacy still leaves children on a dreadful genetic conditions disability. has more consequences of an evil toxin. vietnam may be one of the only five socialist states in the world but its economic progress is notable business is booming hirees offices sprout up everywhere and the
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people have opportunities to improve their lives but the vietnamese struggled and not french reasons. that saying all is fair in love and war has been used to justify many military decisions but when during the vietnam war the united states began deploying a chemical weapon nicknamed agent orange over this country not many could have predicted that those from the most well be the soldiers on the battlefields but their children most at home or even born at the time. who to whom is thirty four years old he would never guess by looking at or born blind and with many severe physical difficulties her parents feed and bathe her to this day her life was taken away from her before she was even born. my daughter was born blind and we didn't know why until would soakers of the hospital. and the doctors did some blots that's when they said she was affected by agent orange for
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a decade american jets dispersed eighty million liters of the then brand new herbicide over the territory of vietnam operation ranch ranch did not win the war but did achieve its goal of destroying millions of hectors of agricultural fields and expose nearly five million people to its deadly poison half a million children in vietnam were born with severe physical and mental disability all because of agent orange. no u.s. government nor the chemical companies that made the herbicide have paid a single cent in compensation to those whose lives were destroyed by their work their only relief has come from the vietnamese government and there is international organizations like the red cross who have set up so-called peace villages their affected children get their chance to live a life with as much normality as their conditions allow palomas who can treat kids and then detain them at the same time we only get fifty cents per child from the government but we need more of course to help the children the whole they study in
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a school on site play with friends living in the village and get medical and physical treatment from the doctors but not many of them will ever grow to be fully independent and self-sufficient adults and that is the harshest of all their burdens. even if the united states bade some compensation for what they did no money can give my daughter her life back nothing can pay for this pain. gas runners are r t vietnam. with all special report that today find out about those who are content to suffer. a moment when the world has changed forever. thousands passed to nothingness. thousands wounded.
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left home. to suffer to the end of the line. was the first but probably not the last unitarians this weapon. call many more will make come. home armageddon in the future. now this week the u.k. saw a massive protest over part of the plans to tackle its massive debt tens of thousands of students marched in london against a planned hiking tuition fees because mission governments move would raise the cost of education three fold but testers burnt banners a break windows and hold on jacks a nice wooden fifty people were arrested for harsh budget cuts current song to the youth any one to raise the money that pays you next year david kendall dunham or each member of the european parliament told r.t. why he thinks increase in the evenings budget is pointless. we've only been clear
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really in the last week of what's happening which ration fees is a huge to change and of course the lib dems are more liberal democrats who are part of the coalition government promise to get rid of true ition fees altogether so they've been caught lying affectively and that's crazy a lot of anger but there's no excuse for this kind of violence on the streets of london when you look at where the money's going i mean the m.e.p. expenses account has gone up by eighty five percent that's for entertainment you're getting film prizes there's money going on the hunting as states and to private golf clubs you know it's a huge waste of money and there's no excuse for any increase in e.u. budget in fact it should be out we think we can as boasted about this two point nine nine percent increase is being great cut relative to six percent that's what the european parliament here wanted a six percent increase which is outrageous really but to be honest this is not true
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it hasn't actually been agreed it's no it's called does only by the actual chief negotiator here the every piece of negotiating on behalf of parliament has called this two point nine percent claim as being designed this and the president of the european union says it's an opinion not a decision so i mean to be honest with you that we don't know where we are at the budget could be far more than two point nine percent it could go up towards six percent in siri so we really are left in limbo here but there's no excuse for this kind of increase. now russia has been making a number of firsts in formula one of late this season saw its first driver taking the country will host its first ever grown preens such in two thousand and fourteen and now there'll be a russian car competing to be first past the checkered flag russian race driver missionary option is still somewhat unknown. but that might not be the case for much longer he has on bishops and aims i hope that my fish will be the one.
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in the first case and actually the point that i want to reach is the detail of this one such bullshit but for now he's currently stuck in go karts. that's because no russian company has ever built a formula one car in fact the image of russian cars internationally is quite the opposite. that is until now. enter a new russian comic. they're out to build super powerful super fast cars and now they've bought a stake in britain's virgin racing team they'll be helping to build the first f one machine when i should i would have you know it's got all the shit i would we started working with the virgin team as technical partners a year and a half ago at this point we've bought a significant part of this team now this is going to be the first russian team change and. in fact russia seems to have one and truly wave the start of flight on
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its formula one ambitions the prime minister hopped into a rental if want to come here this week and hit two hundred forty kilometers an hour and the ink's just drives on a deal to host formula one races in the southern city of sochi from two thousand and fourteen but despite all this promise russian races have a long way to go to realize around visions of the them accountable for you know. when a game systems is all denounced the one hundred twelve our team will have a russian driver but it's not easy it takes time to bring up a driver just like any awfully. the now mikhail will have to stay in the service. it might seem rather menial for aspiring formula one drivers mikhail says his experience on the go kart track is crucial. but from your line or a full seven years old. basically start to feel everything start to feel because it's so. it's very important because then when you become
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a professional race and earlier they don't think of all that you're doing fiore because this feeling in your head so will make challenges for aggression race enthusiastically now is the coming. of the moment is the days of russia's final takeovers who see his first indigenous attempt to create a super cost the initial warmachine early next year to be involved in values for fast track to sporting success thomas monte must. be back in the headlines in just a few moments stay with. download the official ante up location on the phone called talk from the shops to. watch on t.v. life on the go. video on demand all cheesemonger old
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costs and feeds now in the palm of your. question on the comb in the united kingdom is available in just the house bill and moved to the one who took the old waverly who turned it in closer to the mill stone hutto some of the country house today is the bull towns the rim brands the creamy the chesterfield the montagues moto the royal the rubens hotel. the watching on headlines the russian and american presidents promise security to each other on the world on the sidelines of the bunch of pacific summit in japan a. suspected organ trafficking network under investigation
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because of this concern region is becoming a major hub for organized protests. a moscow newspaper uncovers more details of this summer as a washington spy scandal saying it was a top intelligence officer who was a people's. moved. to much angry rhetoric between china and the u.s. the summits of the world's richest nations and so ends with an agreement to stun but wage and currency was attending the g. twenty was august and. that's coming up next. what's been dubbed a currency war on the trade imbalances it cools is still money exe discussion here at the fifth g twenty summit in.


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