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tv   [untitled]    November 14, 2010 2:00am-2:30am EST

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to a nuclear free world on the sidelines of the apec summit in no harm or presidents medvedev under bomber reiterated plans to slash their country's nuclear arsenals and in homes will security at the upcoming nato summit artie's correspondent is in japan for us. there at the apec summit actually the talks between the russian president dmitry medvedev and a u.s. president barack obama happened on the sidelines it was the first talk of the a second day of the summit and yes at the top of the agenda on the table is the ratification of the new start treaty now a president obama had to reiterate that his commitment to the russian president that he is going to make sure that the treaty gets done at the lame duck session of u.s. congress and he also said that he had communicated to the u.s. politicians that this is a priority i reiterated my commitment to get the start. of a lame duck session. or order this is one of the main topics that
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they put on the table another is the anti missile defense system the two presidents brought this up today but they said that they will hammer out the details of the nato summit upcoming nato summit next week in this bit is that we believe that russia nature of relations have improved it's beneficial for. right now we're working on a number of issues including the so-called european anti missile shield we've exchanged ideas as to what could be done here and will discuss this at the summit apart from that we've been working together in a productive way and will continue to do so this being the apec summit trade and economy is a very important topic and the two presidents discuss the ascension of russia to the world trade organization the bit of russia to join the w t o no president obama has said that russia has a full support of the u.s. and he said actually said the russia belongs to w. he spoke with the russian side they said that they expected this to happen at the
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earliest this spring two thousand and eleven. recently we've made serious progress in terms of russia's decision to this is an achievement by the american president and his team who lived up to the griminess read. during my visit to washington i hope this process will continue and brush it will soon access the. main topic in today's time to for the two presidents and positively the positive results i thought of the start treaty ratification this would reduce the u.s. nuclear long range missiles added the two countries by thirty percent it and it would allow the two countries to check on the stockpiles of each other so it is very important that this is making headway making progress and a commitment is coming from the us the president on this matter. not ratifying start treaty would send the wrong signal to the world that's the opinion of america's chief negotiator for the first start treaty signed in one thousand nine hundred. u.s.
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russian arms control is a critical part or critical component of dissuading other members of the international community to not go nuclear and if we can't get a modest arms control agreement ratified are we giving talking points to augmentin a shot in tehran what impact are we having. on pakistan. on india and on other would be nuclear powers in the in the greater middle east it has to be viewed as a as a massive setback in what i consider to be the kind of fundamental security problem of our of our day which is the spread of nuclear weapons to fragile week and sometimes rogue states and potentially on to terrorists and finally i'll just simply say this i don't think frankly that the reset policy can survive
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the non ratification of start if we can't ratify this treaty we are going to send a signal of come i believe of almost total incompetence to the rest of the international community. well the top party for the pacific rim the it is that the apec summit in japan was free trade in the final declaration countries agreed not to introduce any new trade barriers for three years leaders of twenty one economies also pledge to avoid protectionism which crept in following the recent financial crisis some countries had to put aside differences of currency debates to the sheaves much spoken about your in this week's g. twenty summit and so there participants agreed to avoid deliberate devaluation as a means of boosting exports and analysts say the g twenty agreements were binding when a solution is nearer as any sonali explains. the world after the war the
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weapon currency. the fallout trade imbalance the world's paying i mean the world is paying the price through the asset bubbles that are being blown throughout the emerging markets and this high stakes battle for global exchanges it's china versus the u.s. on the western front the fed pumping six hundred billion bucks into the american economy devaluing the dollar while slamming china for not readily revaluing if you want on the eastern front the chinese position is well you're depreciating the dollar why should we really value the removal of the chinese currency which the us keeps on insisting on so it's really a standoff the one that smacks of double standards it's absolutely true that the united states of late has made don't mess to clean self-serving policy that was shortsighted and that did not consider the rest of the world and this set up the sole summit but despite global outrage with u.s.
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fiscal policy they got more of a high level silent treatment than any kind of fight right now it's the world against the united states and in terms of an agreement to deal with the currency war nun's going to happen there is no interest coming from china or germany that's who are the key players to solve this problem not interested or protecting interest . and that was before the session even started obama might have guessed there would be no compromising china wasn't budging and germany and export giant defense its right not to surrender its strength by spending more abroad to appease u.s. calls to help economic recovery much of europe seems to be sitting back and watching how this will all play out no one is willing to budge on the fundamentals not china not germany not the united states most certainly the group also agreed to develop early warning indicators to prevent economic turmoil but the question now is that enough to prevent this cash clash from getting out of control and he said
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now r t from seoul south korea. well the u.s. had wanted to use the g twenty to pressure china but how to explain its own actions instead that's what leading global currency on this rommany told r.t. the us was really looking for the g twenty to be a forum to continue to pressure china and to have you know more unified front against china asian currencies current account surplus countries. from from the rest of the world and what it actually ended up turning into was that the u.s. had to go in there and do the tables were turned that the u.s. actually had to explain its own behavior to a whole host of countries in the chinese i think were pretty adept at turning this around and there were a lot of other countries who didn't mind actually turning the tables a little bit on the u.s. and saying ok well why don't you guys explain what you're doing with with the fed
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before your country before you start kind of throwing stones at us and coming up next hour not setting an example. this is america and everybody who's looked up to us. and if it's not america's destiny the rest of the world then loses it the next down the residents get his opinion on the streets of new or. old a deadly legacy be at least true for why the program this affects it is still a decade in the fight. despite years of official denial has finally taken action over claims of organ trafficking and least seven people have been charged with murdering foreign nationals to the region and removing the organs for transplant one suspects is linked to the kosovo liberation army which was accused of selling the organs of captured serbs in the yugoslav war. it was a war with
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a legacy of atrocities among the more shocking claims the alleged murders and harvesting of the organs of serbian war prisoners of the cause of a liberation army it's alleged to have happened in a place that became known as the yellow house in one thousand nine hundred nineteen of the military technical agreement was signed q four two forces promise to secure the safety of all people living in kosovo regardless of their ethnicity but after the serbian forces left ninety percent of the kidnappings happened the allegations were made in a book by former u.n. war crimes prosecutor carla del ponte say but the case never made it to court because of a lack of evidence now they it's returned to the public attention in the wake of an investigation into another organ trafficking case in kosovo. the team focused on the private clinic medical. there are five people charged.
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charges are. organ trafficking organized crime and i'll be using officer position and then on twenty or so for the second indictment related to medical scase cost crimes and to persons. charged with. unlawful medical exercise although it's not yet officially being made public the indictment has been leaks. the group are accused of removing the organs of people so they have been persuaded by the lure of money being offered around twenty thousand dollars for a kidney part of the leaked documents. also reveals that many of these people were never paid r.t. discovered that two days he'd been indicted and had been working at medicaid before it closed and now working at private clinic medicaid just next door to the place they're accused of having performed the illegal operations another of the men
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indicted in the medicals case has possible links to yellow house after a war crimes tribunal witness claimed he was at the house the new investigation stares at painful memories for those who are still trying to discover the truth about what really happened in the yellow house case and where their missing family members are now. after the war me myself my husband and our three children were living in costa he went out one day and was taken away for questioning he never came back the scars of course vase past a still evident today and there are concerns the cost of a is becoming an easy breeding ground for organized crime those who still wonder how their family members suffered say the truth of what happened cannot be allowed to remain buried sara for r.t. cause of a. well there are always more stories on our website that's r.t.
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dot com basically revealed that your artist. in the prints and retina scans take time and effort less expensive cumbersome a criminal. and israel security for that system than to for people to. also toss in your seatbelt makes the captain see the passenger play. switches didn't want to make it will take you there. this week a russian newspaper puts a new twist on this summer spy scandal between moscow and washington according to the paper the ten people the queues are being illegal and russian agents were exposed by their own boss. going off met the journalists who came out with
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a sensational trial. the summer spy story between the u.s. and russia just a few months after dropping out of headlines around the world the biggest spy scandal between moscow and washington since the cold war iraq is back over the drama of this whole situation is that the agents were turned in by their boss. he's been named as colonel said about call for allegedly headed the american department of russia's foreign intelligence service neither his first name or photograph have been found to journalists from the moscow based community news people who've held their own investigation claim he is behind blowing his colleagues cover in the united states. everyone we spoke to agreed that this was the biggest failure in the history of a foreign intelligence service some of the agents worked undercover for decades and all were given away just like all self yes their findings have been confirmed by the president on friday dmitry medvedev said he knew who the traitor was from the
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thursday of the scandal it was june when american authorities announced the captured ten people suspected of being russian secret agents all were found guilty by a u.s. court and deported in exchange for four men serving time in russia themselves convicted of being foreign spies it was never going to stay out of the news for long the story instantly made headlines and especially since the russian president's first official trip to the u.s. had just come to an end it's thought colonel to back off russia to the united states just a few days before the meeting me that if the visit and according to some reports are few months before that he was offered a promotion at work which could have seen him subjected to a lie detector test and vet some believe is why he rejected the job offer instead he turned the other way by turning in his associates the media quickly found its favorite among the group of deported agents young rich and beautiful on a chapman was deemed the russian james bond girl but did the paparazzi flashes draw
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focus away from the real super agent in the group me collision course was still in the shadows just as he had been for the past four decades. pretty that's what is true this is an amazing story it doesn't only have a trailer but a true hero as well so the two absolute opposites i'm talking about with some coffee and he's fantastic story he left the soviet union in the one nine hundred sixty s. first to spain and then just south america working as a photographer he eventually married and moved to the us changing his name to one it said he continues we denied being a russian agent until kernels or work of presented secret documents that he then revealed his true identity but intelligence experts say naming and shaming russian operatives was probably not the prime target. that. was probably a us agent for a long time him self and i'm sure this whole story was instigated by the american
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secret service the two presidents are working to restart relations and some people are obviously against that the timing of the scandal was picked perfectly it puts another name in the frame for the russian intelligence service that's still trying to establish how a massive decades long secret operation could fall port so easily seemingly at the hands of one man igor is going off to moscow. well this week george w. bush was back courting controversy after releasing his memoirs which he said he had no who gets about invading iraq personally authorizing twitcher in the book decision points he claims iraq's that weapons of mass destruction came as a shock to him that he still but these the u.s. was right to invade on the interrogation of terror suspects and said personally approved use of snake drowning because he believed to help prevent attacks and save the lives of former cia officer ray mcgovern the crew methods can never be
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justified. well number one it saved no lies that in itself is a big lie the proof is in the putting it creates more terrorists secondly it could never be justified torture is one of those techniques or one of those things that is all was intrinsically wrong just like slavery or like great or genocide all was always wrong or george bush is saying is that some lawyer city hired to give him the correct answer so you know you could go ahead and waterboard people waterboarding being universally recognized everywhere but in the white house as torture is you don't get to disengage psychologically from a dependency such as on alcohol without help this business about the almighty intervening and his turning himself over to the almighty is cynical in the extreme
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he needed professional help and when he listen to the almighty tell him to invade iraq well that's where it gets really ridiculous it's not the almighty that i know about. now in our special report in just over an hour's time we find out about the children of heresy are condemned to suffer the nightmare of genetic defects they hope atomic history will repeat itself. a moment when the world has changed forever. thousands passed to nothingness. only. to suffer today in the land. was the first but probably not the last imagery using this weapon.
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commonly will make. sure the common good in the future. the middle east is a region divided by conflict but not only between israelis and palestinians christians living in the west bank say they're being targeted because of their religious views and there's ati's porus the reports about into tax against them on the rise favored david ortiz lives dangerously a christian pastor among religious jews in the west bank city of i will he's received death threats for trying to convert jews and muslims to his faith my first time going into a muslim village. i got beat up we were giving our bibles someone hated ortiz enough to drop off a package at his house thinking it had a candy inside his fifteen year old son opened it the pipe bomb nearly killed him and the blew him through the kitchen and made
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a hole in the chest most of the thrusts were in this way but the back fire the steroid the refrigerant everything in back it took three years for israeli police to catch the perpetrator a religious jew jack titanfall who lived in a nearby israeli settlement he'd already killed two arabs and he says he's very proud. he did got a favor by trying to cut off. across the west bank the story for palestinian christians is as bleak and the threat comes from both extremists jews and muslims bethlehem the believed birthplace of christ once boasted a population of eighty five percent christian today less than ten percent live here this woman is afraid to show her face she used to go to mantra square and teach about jesus but all that ended after her house was nearly burned down i didn't feel like i belong to this nice anymore i feel like i'm strange or given the
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opportunity she says she wouldn't think twice about leaving the explosion of muslims. you know you feel you feel controlling everywhere every thing my granddaughter have to memorize. but tuss abu sada ignores the threats he's one of a growing number of muslims whose converted to christianity in recent years when i was a fighter over there i hated christians verse as much as i hated jews i was going on around your i'm looking for their own zone through anger and into their homes or putting out their cars because i believed christians are spies. for christianity can search alongside islam and judaism here these two palestinian brothers have no problem we consolingly christian faith with living in a jewish state they volunteered to join the country's army saying they feel as israeli as the jewish and arab counterparts. give everything i have for this
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because in the end this is my country but it's not without its problems. each time i go home in uniform someone will call it me traitor and things like that it doesn't influence me. but in recent months attacks against christians and christian sites have increased at the beginning of november this hundred year old church was burned by right wing israelis broke who. some of the windows and threw molotov cocktails inside it's no wonder that christians here are feeling under fire three hour t.v. jerusalem. now russia has been making a number of firsts in formula one of late this season saw its first ever driver taking part the country will host its first ever grand prix in sochi in two thousand and fourteen and now they'll be a russian car competing to be first past the checkered flag. russian race driver only option is still somewhat new. but that might not be the case for much longer
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he has on bishops and aims i hope that my fish will be a formal one. in the best case and they share the point but that was for ages the kind of just one side watching but the now is currently stuck in go comes. out because no russian company has ever built a formula one car in fact the image of russian cars internationally is quite the opposite. that is until now. enter a new russian comic. they're out to build super powerful super fast cars and now they've bought a stake in britain's virgin racing team they'll be helping to build the first f one machine when i should i want to show you notice because all the shit i would do we started working with the virgin team his technical partners and here and a half ago at this point we've bought
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a significant part of this team now this is going to be the first russian team one change in a queue in fact russia seems to have won and truly waved the star to flatten his formula one ambition the prime minister hopped into a run away form come this week and hit two hundred forty kilometers an hour and the inks just dried on a deal to host formula one races in the southern city of sochi from two thousand and fourteen but despite all this promise russian races have a long way to go get ice around visions of the kind of full. when i games just a little denotes the one hundred twelve our team will have a russian driver but it's not easy it takes time to bring up a driver just like any athlete. now mikhail will have to stay in the city. it might seem rather menial for aspiring formula one drivers mikhail says his experience on the go kart track is crucial. but from your line or a full seven years old you. visit to start the field everything start to feel the
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car and so on it's it's very important because then when you become a professional rosendo you're the don't think of all that you're doing you're a dick of this feeling in your head so we all make challenges photographs and race and these events now is the kernel. of the moment it's the days of russia's final takeovers who see his first indigenous attempt to create some cost the initial fifth warmachine early next year to be the embodiment of their hopes for fast track sports success tomas monti moscow. indeed well the back of the headlines in just a few moments states in.
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the. holidaymaker wouldn't dare to swim so deep. that tourists would be scared of such cold water. and would never die if nothing is seen within a mancini. they are not to. be our researchers. and feel worse some. land then in deep water.
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so cool. you're watching. be a russian and american presidents on the security to each other around the world to the sidelines six of them to. a suspected organ trafficking
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network under investigation. region is becoming a major. news paper uncovers little details of this summer's spy scandal saying it was an intelligence. people. after much angry rhetoric between china and the u.s. some eight hundred twelve richest nations or so these were the agreements were stunned by the aging parents. and attending the g. twenty was our guest in today's r.t. interview that's up next. what's been dubbed a currency war on the trade imbalance is it cool there's still money a discussion here at the fifty g. twenty summit in the presidents prime ministers business leave this room around the walls of the.


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