tv [untitled] November 15, 2010 9:00am-9:29am EST
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impressed with the welfare state and long live the welfare state the system is broken and bankrupt with almost no one taking responsibility. global power shifts but asia pacific region becomes a center of financial power and influence with china taking over from japan as the world's second biggest economy. the u.s. warplane it's an exchange for a new hole in the west bank construction but critics say bribes were. decades of failed to deal with. fresh organ trafficking allegations in kosovo reignited claims hundreds of bodies harvested during the one nine hundred ninety s. yugoslav war and adds to fears organized crime is rife.
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global news at twenty four seven this is a lie from moscow the center of economics and power is shifting quickly eastwards to asia pacific well that's the view of russia's foreign minister who's been in china for a three way meeting of nations widely seen as shaking up the old order of global politics russia china and india part of the increasingly influential bric group alongside brazil the growing dominance elvis block is so. changing the world's centers of power the host of today's meeting china has already overtaken japan to become the world's second largest economy and is fast catching up with the u.s. there. are reports on the awakening of an asian giant. from a pile of ruins right after the second world war to an economic powerhouse second
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only to the us all of the span of a single lifetime major pan economic miracle. and go you but nowadays the land of the rising sun is becoming the land of rising discontent. the unemployment rate itself is. around five percent but. the quality of the jobs you salaries are being cut. even when companies hire new people they tend to the condition. without social security so the social benefits economic growth is on a standstill and export the engine of its economy are hurt by a soaring him pushing them to take their business elsewhere in the short run you will be doing you should really be increasing the overseas prevention we would be increasing to be equal parts for the buses by overseas he's referring to china also
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known as the factory of the world with a major chunk of every manufactured art of today either fully or partly made in china i'm here in the heart of the largest chinatown. for generations of chinese that moved to japan and they've been greatly from the rise of this country economically but ironically the original country they had left has now overtaken their adoptive home to become the second largest economy in the world which means japan is now chasing the pack rather than leading it japan you're quite right still seeing the. stuck in the mud struggling to generate. growth beyond us from a selfish. level. and i'm not sure either of those things are never going to change or many would say we're witnessing the beginning of china's era its economic clout is undeniable at the recently concluded g. twenty and apec summit barack obama repeatedly demanded that china lets the you want
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appreciate seeing below chinese currency is hurting u.s. exports chinese president hu jintao remained unmoved china gets the last word that's the new reality in asia if not the whole world. r.t. yokohama japan. and the outgoing u.s. senate is starting its last series of sessions before the new elected members come in this january and things got a lot tougher for barack obama the post-election period called lame duck sessions is the last chance for the president to push his initiatives through the democratic majority was severely reduced following recent midterm elections one deal at risk is the nuclear arms reduction treaty with russia which could face strong republican opposition political expert dr dominic leave and says obama is desperate to make this treaty work with win points at home. or the moment everything's less important
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than internal battles on capitol hill. you know within the sort of american political elite there's simply obsessive lee hostile to each other and competing for power nothing else really counts and therefore you know international treaties the whole range of foreign policy issues to simply become again essential you're about to see in and who's out in washington well i think it's partly that they feel the document is important it's you know this treaty is a significant part of their whole foreign policy and obviously they are committed to you know better relations with russia and trying to stabilize the nuclear relationship but beyond that if the senate throws out this treaty it will make the rest of the world believe that obama is powerless if you can't even get this treaty through what else is he you know going to be able to do probably nothing i think most of the rest of the world regards this is a good treaty the administration is committed to it if the senate throws it out at all filibusters it out then it will make the american administration look powerless
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and of course that will have a very bad a fate for the next two years so there's a you know a general issue surrounding the trade ability of the effectiveness of this administration there's also of course the broader issue of the nuclear arms balance with russia and indeed of collaboration with russia or the nuclear arms in general which. presumably it would also affect american plans as regards iraq but it's not at all surprising that. gates and indeed a barber a pretty desperate. professor of russian government of the london school of economics he was talking to us just a bit earlier and in a few minutes we'll look at what price the republicans are ready to pay you to keep america's image as a superpower amid calls for cuts in social spending to help america's shattered economy the massive military spending remains fenced off despite the growing debt. she noticed me and asked this how we met everything i have an instinct to her we
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report on a doctor at moscow who's devoting her life to helping those living on the edge. the u.s. is desperately trying to revive the stalled middle east peace talks it's offering now some early christmas gifts to entice israel into extending a freeze on building in the occupied palestinian territories washington's put twenty stealth fighter jets worth three billion dollars on the table and a pledge to fight any international resolutions against israel in exchange america wants israel to pause construction in the west bank for three months and promises not to request another freeze when that deadline is up palestinians are criticizing the plan angry that the proposal will not apply to east jerusalem dr hassan up all the palestinian economics minister says it shows how israel is twisting washington's arm. but i think we're talking about blackmailing israel blackmailing
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america and mailing the world for. missing some kind of. settlement activities settlement activities have been characterized by the whole world as illegal and i think the fact that israel is negotiating with. an american administration the terms of a deal where they could have this so. turning for three months is in my opinion very very serious breach of the neutrality of the american government and very serious speech for the international community this will not work because even if they have their will return for three months it will not be for the old palestinian territory but what will happen at the end of the three months nobody knows is there will stall the process even if it starts at the end of the three months they will have another route and that around here a new blackmailing long list of things that they will demand israel with the negotiating terms with the americans concerning the coming back to the peace process is terribly seeing for a fact that this is
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a country above the accountability and this is a country where the international law is not subjected to i think it is very high time for other countries to step in the united nations especially the other members of the quartet like russia and the european union russia and the libyan union have an equal stake in this peace process and i don't think they should accept the continual say we continue would simply sidelined by the way the americans are dealing with there is no way these dr hassan are who live there palestinian economics minister he was talking to us just a bit. well at least seven suspects in cars of our have been charged with persuading people to sell their organs with full software's of cash one of the accused who has links to the cause of our liberation army had previously faced allegations of trafficking during the kosovo war that conflict in the ninety's and the recent declaration of independence of kosovo has invited in organized crime and
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experts on the region say this is just the tip of the iceberg sorry for thing bus tickets. they grease him allegations claims this new organized crime group including doctors and a high level health official were involved in organ trafficking and as the investigation continues there are now growing concerns with political instability and a weak justice system cause of a could be becoming a breeding ground for criminal activity organ trafficking on exists in all the parts of the world but people who it's basically a big business or course the people who do it to don't do it on an ethnic basis but do it because there is a lot of money in it and the opportunity to sort of top. environment which has been existing impossible for pretty much the last ten years is of course something that they would welcome the allegations focus on the medical private clinic and first surfaced he is forcing the centers to close shockingly r.t.
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have discovered that two things named in the indictment have continued to work ever since as another health center you're a medical and just next door to where the alleged crimes took place so we went to confront your america about. we just tried to speak to america and they want to talk to us who are asking them about the two employees who are supposedly still working there despite having been involved in the medical case piers ago where that were shut down you can see the proximity is extremely close the indictments have shed a harsh spotlight on organized crime in kosovo a both his government and western countries are accused of turning a blind eye to the lawlessness has been growing ever since it declared independence from serbia really three years ago there are also many who accuse the ruling authorities of miscarriages of justice that date back to the war being drawn between medicaid and the yellow house case the alleged murder and harvesting of
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organs of serbian war prisoners by members of the cost of a liberation army but those in. sufficient evidence to bring that case to call my husband was taken just after the war ended despite surveillance having been promised security i regardless of ethnicity never came back the families of kidnapped and killed people in cozumel have been fighting the red tape in the un mission in concert. for a long time but so far was out a new result the biggest problem is that those who are killing and kidnapping people in cars will have to change their soldier uniforms for this use of m.p.'s they gained over night with the help of international institutions the focus is now for laying on whether the territory is up to fighting organized crime and say many can still say clearly because the pieces of the past there for the cause of they are to you is coming to you live from moscow and the bear in mind there are always
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many more stories on our website dot com and here's a quick preview of what might catch your eye right now while the forecasters predict the coldest winter russia has ever seen and there is still no sign of it with muscovites experiencing record breaking warm november day. that it was a popular car site where a lot of the words presented with garion sheepdog on a train trip to the country he joins the labrador and he's been given in the past all of that are waiting for you. with the u.s. debt exceeding thirteen trillion dollars republicans were elected in midterm elections on a promise to reduce the budget with across the board spending cuts yet they
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explicitly exam to the defense budget promising to fund america's wars whatever the costs may be lauren lyster has more. with the u.s. debt in the trillions in the economy still in the toilet it's no surprise politicians in washington are calling for this solution it's across the board spending cuts and in fact it was the rallying cry heard around the cable channel talk on midterm election night ery when you get right down to the details from charity maybe here medicaid you can however that is not what i say it looks a lot more clear that across the board cuts really exclude a fifty eight percent chunk of the budget and i mean that's why i started spending would you cut defense across the board as well as domestic seven year do you do not cut defense that how can politicians afford not to touch the six hundred billion dollars a year elephant in the discretionary room. that rises to over a trillion dollars depending on what you factor into what you're calling defense minutes a politician democratic or republican or
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a particular session of congress begins to reduce significantly cut spending there's an immediate outcry and those congressional districts that are impacted. i'm sure it's political and hey being a superpower doesn't come cheap it's a question of brain training ready to say the capability to project force in other words it costs a lot of money to support this it's our empire we have an empire we have half a million of our troops you know other people's countries all over the world. and maybe the spending isn't that big of a deal when you put it like that sounds like a huge joy in a number of terms of u.s. dollars but we have a fourteen trillion dollar economy but here is what else is quickly approaching fourteen trillion dollars the u.s. debt get the u.s. continues to demand spending almost as much on the fence as the rest of the world combined so it relies on other countries to pay for this countries like china to fund u.s. debt or another words define us as americans storing all of these dollars in iraq
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and. afghanistan in japan. bases around the world that's what the deficit is and that's what the us isn't talking about of the frame all american politicians would rather sidestep the issue i know. or protect defense at the cost of programs americans count on such as social security some high profile players are drawing attention to what actually resembles reality comediennes for one america is like a family that spends way more than they bring in and dad won't give up that big stupid ball and you know what america's stupid boat is it's our empire we owe yeah and former budget director is a republican president. and the. sun is an imperialist power and we can't have credit card imperialism we can't be the policemen of the world anymore because we can't afford it we're going to cut defense drastically
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with the will on capitol hill looking more like this if you do you do not cut defense and the president overseeing this astronomical defense driven debt what does this really mean for the country it means that mr obama is trying to turn the united states into a third world country just as george bush did and just as clinton has been just as reagan did so there's been a constant movement of the united states to run up foreign debt without any ability to pay or even without any intention to pay and when that credit card is maxed out that tough talk we're hearing now that you're going to be falling on defense. more and mr r t you are. not a look at some other world headlines this hour eight people have died and almost one hundred have been injured after a fire and gulf apartment building in china. the story was under renovation when a fire broke out. quickly spreading to the building itself chinese state media
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reports people jumping out of the windows in desperation to escape the flames. three million muslims have made their way to saudi arabia for the annual hard cold image of being priming mount arafat the hill of forgiveness from which prophet muhammad is believed to have delivered his last sermon to avoid crushers and overcrowding and elevated light rail system with twelve trains carries thousands of people at a time between the holy sites. while a respected doctor blogger and humanitarian by day at night she sift through rubbish and rome's abandoned buildings and socializes with conflicts she is affectionately known as dr lisa and has designated herself making the lives of the homeless the poor and the destitute more bearable but left facing a constant lack of food clothes and medicine she wants a greater understanding of the plight of the homeless. as winter approaches in
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moscow hundreds of homeless people stand in line waiting for just a small bit of food probably just as well people come here to eat you see there's food here eat some food and take the rest of my kids i've got kids you know. sirrah get a car the of is just one of thousands of homeless in moscow simply trying to get by but i live in a real way platforms that are like forty of us there are two openings so twenty people fit in one of them and twenty feet in the other that's been living there for one year recognizing a needle is a veteran drink and regularly sets up a makeshift clinic and distribution center near the pub you let's go to a train station in central moscow she has also started a blog to let people know the problems moscow's homeless face those who come to her for help simply call her doctor elisa. we help some people to return home the priority here is people who are seriously sick with cancer and tb those who are beaten up if we can we find their relatives i also try to help those who
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have come out of prison or all at once a week of the homeless and the needy from all over my. go come here so that they can get supplies of food and even medical treatment if needed but as is the case with many operations of this kind the supply just does not meet the demand. in summer will active shirts in the winter we don't have enough food because they need to stay warm in the winter which is impossible without food we need more room it would be good to have a place where they could stay at least when it's really cold though she faces a daunting task with limited resources those who know her say their lives are better because of dr lisa's influence one of the when i met elizabeth in two thousand and six here help anywhere i can we met when we were in difficult places in our lives her mother was sick and my daughter was also at the same hospital one of my daughters died in
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a car accident the other one barely made it she noticed me and asked what was wrong and that's how we met everything i have now is thanks to her and while those who come here for help understand the stakes in these and when your daughter born i don't know what we would do with it this help were not for these charity organizations we would be done for them dr lisa's fear is that politicians with the power to make real changes just don't understand the problems well. i don't know why this issue is being ignored because these are active people who could be returned to normal life when it hospitals that could solve many problems related to prolong to deaths or chronic disease it's not just the patient himself who is handicapped but the people around him who are the caregivers also become emotionally handicapped they have nowhere to go for help a dilemma that gives dr lisa the inspiration to continue to help one person at a time sean thomas r t moscow. time for the business news with charlotte.
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hello welcome to business program here on r.t. with me there was finally the scale of the debt crisis facing europe has become clearer with the release of two thousand and nine budget figures for the euro zone area greece was in even worse shape than previously thought a deficit of fifteen point four percent to g.d.p. islands which looks set to become the second country to receive a bailout now the second highest deficit over fourteen percent across the whole single currency lot for the budget deficit was more than twice the three percent target so when the euro came into being. the price of oil is rebounding all to three successive days of falls concerns over economic growth in europe and china undermining the market but friday's report by the international energy agency showing rising demand and strong g.d.p. data from japan a lifting sentiment for this now across lives in most of the plants in london thank
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you very much for joining us now the i.a.e.a. also declared the age of cheap oil was over do you think it's being a bit dramatic. i don't think so because one needs to analyze the price of oil relative of course to our currency right now with the us is all are getting hurt by its own doing really with quantitative easing what that means is there will be more dollars chasing the same amount of goods so in theory then the. public and anyone who will need to pay more dollars for the same price of oil perhaps in other currencies if there are any there are strong then it won't be the same case but right now it seems that most countries are really on the same race to print more money even today i read in the newspapers the bank of england is also saying that maybe they should do quantitative easing so if all the countries in
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gauging quantitative easing they'll be more notes chasing the same amount of goods from that point of view then or any other commodity shouldn't fall in price. and what do you think has the market tend to move bullish. well the market in itself leaving aside the currency e shoes is fairly bullish because china despite whatever issues they're having in the short term what they're considering doing crease interest rates china is consuming more and more oil everyday if the pace of discoveries in oil is not keeping pace with the growth and the man then of course that is going nowhere in the winter which traditionally is a bullish period for prices so right now. prices are very strong. they
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nearly hit ninety dollars a barrel last week barring any implosion in the european zone i think things are very constructive for the price of oil in effect and looking at the short term price movements how are worries over the european debt crisis affecting the market. well it market is of course very volatile it never goes up in a straight line or goes down in a straight line last week following the quantitative easing by the us prices were on a definite up trend and you could see the price ticking up every day then at some point in the middle of the week the war worries of ireland to start to take over the overall market psyche and many people were very concerned that ireland would go in essence in the fall like really really rough. and over the weekend
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there were some meetings by various e.u. officials and irish officials they seem to be trying to patch things up in the short term so in the short term then if the situation in our language it's a little bit better then the possibility of a europe default goes and is not a surprise and then prices will start picking up again but i think that's precisely what we are seeing today because thursday and friday last week it really looked like our line could go into the fall but today it doesn't look that way so things are more positive on the price of oil. kathleen we have to leave it there thank you very much as who came once a pegleg director for reporting at platts in london thank you very much. have a look at how the markets before when you despite europe's debt worries stocks they're trading high on monday reducing their losses as a u.s. report shows strong retail sales look tired but mainly thanks to you also the sector and here in moscow stocks the timing slightly there with the off chance now
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trading back in the blood bank is leading the gains in the all so yes about two point five percent is that what you call in there is nickel or close behind both because you know movement. in the old g.s. aims to raise up to four hundred million dollars from his upcoming i.p.o. that's according to comments on the newspaper close to the matter that has to take place next year with the bulls aiming to attract funds develop its business in russia and the c.e.o. of. the world's largest mining company b.h.p. billiton has scrapped its whole self billion dollar big calenders gratian itself to failing to gain approval from the canadian government decision gives the green light to russia's top fertiliser make a false on growth which is also interested in acquiring. that sort of business use nobody can respond on our website or to do business there.
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