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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2010 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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from. home.
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from. lame ducks quacking obama faces a race against the clock to get an arms control treaty with russia through the senate before the democrats see their majority cut. global power shift the asia pacific region becomes a center of financial power and influence with china taking over from japan as the world's second biggest economy. and fresh organ trafficking allegations in kosovo reignite claims hundreds of serbs had body parts harvested during the nineties beautiful war and add to that organized crime is right.
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with twenty four hour news from russia and from around the world this is r.t. here in moscow so the race is on to get a nuclear arms reduction treaty with russia through the senate in the us the final session has started before president obama sees the democrat majority cut in january when it'll get much tougher for him to get his policies through or he's going to has more now from washington d.c. . obviously this is going to be a last minute push to get this landmark deal passed through the senate before you leave elected officials step into office in january there is a very tense partisan game going on here in washington and the lot of observers say that for many on capitol hill the fight is not about the content of the treaty but rather about scoring political points and the point scoring is expected to intensify after republicans gain a considerably bigger influence in the senate in january compared to what they have now the republican senate minority leader has already said their priority will be
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to have obama voted out of office in two thousand and twelve so basically to make sure that the president fails on his major initiatives so the obama administration is very eager to get the treaty passed on this so-called lame duck session in order to avoid a bumpy ride after january when obama's arguably major foreign policy achievement could well be on the line of the u.s. it proves that. hillary clinton and defense secretary robert gates have just published an urge for the senate to hurry up with the ratification saying the u.s. national security depends on the prospects of the treaty to be ratified by by this look promising the treaty was earlier approved by the senate foreign relations committee there had been a long buildup to it over many months of hearings america's key military officials had been unanimously testifying in support for the treaty leading security experts in the country were saying it's only common sense to have the new arms reduction deal in place actually among those who testified in support for the treaty there
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were more republicans than democrats so it's wrong to think republicans are all against it some very influential republican senators like richard lugar are have strongly advocated for the treaty to be passed they've been they've been calling for their party members to put partisan games aside to to put their overwhelming desire to undermine obama and do what they believe is right for their country and for maybe on for many cut capitol hill observers the whole thing. bate it really comes down to this question will some republican senators sacrifice a landmark historic deal just for the sake of denying obama this rather in his foreign policy cap and what's at stake the treaty will cut nuclear arsenals of both russia and the u.s. by a third it's meant to increase the level of trust between the two nuclear superpowers it's meant to show an example of nonproliferation to other countries and is expected to pave the way for us russian cooperation in other areas as well
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and many believe what's on the line now is the well advertised we said not ratify the treaty could well put the leaders other cooperation plans on. going to come reporting the political expert dr dominical even says a bummer is desperate to make this treaty work to win points. well of the moment everything's less important than internal battles on capitol hill. you know within the sort of american political elite there's simply obsessive lee hostile to each other and competing for power nothing else really counts and therefore you know international treaties the whole range of foreign policy issues to simply become again essential to see in and who's out in washington well i think it's partly that they feel the document is important to you know this treaty as a significant part of their whole foreign policy and obviously they are committed to you know better relations with russia and trying to stabilize the nuclear relationship but beyond that if the senate throws out this treaty it will make the
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rest of the world believe that obama is powerless if you can't even get this treaty through what else is he you know going to be able to do probably nothing i think most of the rest of the world regards this is a good treaty the administration is committed to it if the senate throws it out which will filibusters it out then it will make the american administration look powerless and of course that will have a very bad effect for the next two years so there's a you know a general issue surrounding the trade ability of the effectiveness of this administration there's also of course the broader issue of the nuclear arms balance with russia and a deed of collaboration with russia or on nuclear arms in general which presumably would also affect american plans as regards iran that it's not at all surprising that. gates and indeed our barbara pretty desperate. and in a few minutes will be looking at the skull feast the u.s. is offering israel warplanes in exchange for
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a new halt in west bank construction but critics say bribes it won't solve issues that decades of talks failed to do. the center of economics and power shifting quickly eastwards to asia pacific that's the view of russia's foreign minister who's been in china for a three way meeting of nations widely seen as shaking up the old order of global point. russia china and brazil and india a part of the increasingly influential bric group among the side brazil the growing dominance of this is seen by analysts as changing the world centers of power on a host of today's meeting china has already overtaken japan to become the world's second largest economy and his fall sketching up with the us. reports now on the awakening of an asian giant. from a pile of ruins right after the second world war to an economic powerhouse second only to the us all of the span of a single lifetime major pan economic miracle. cure you but nowadays the land of the rising sun is becoming the land of rising discontent.
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the unemployment rate itself is. around five percent but what's problematic is the quality of the jobs. salaries are being cut. and even when companies hire new people they tend to the condition. without social security so the social benefits economic growth is on a standstill and export the engine of its economy are hurt by a soaring yen pushing them to take their business elsewhere. if you do it you shouldn't really be increasing the overseas prevention we will be increasing to be equal parts or near. by overseas he's referring to china also known as the factory of the world with a major chunk of every manufactured art of today either fully or partly made in
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china i'm here in the heart of the largest chinatown. there have been four generations of chinese that moved to japan and they've been greatly from the rise of this country economically but ironically the original country they have left has now overtaken their adoptive home to become the second largest economy in the world would. means japan is now chasing the pack rather than leading it quite right still seem stuck in the struggle to generate. growth beyond us. and i'm not sure either of those things are the many would say we're witnessing the beginning of china's era its economic clout is undeniable at the recently concluded g. twenty and apec summit barack obama repeatedly demanded that china lets the you want appreciate seeing below chinese currency is hurting u.s. exports chinese president hu jintao remained unmoved china gets the last word
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that's the new reality in asia if not the whole world. r.t. yokohama japan. america is taking a new approach in its efforts to build peace in the middle east it's offering israel twenty of the most advanced warplanes of the build in exchange it wants a temporary freeze on building in the occupied palestinian territories washington's put stealth fighter jets were three billion dollars on the table and a pledge to fight any international resolutions against israel in exchange america wants israel to pause construction in the west bank for three months and promises not to request another freeze when that deadline is up palestinians are criticizing the plan angry that the proposal will not apply to east jerusalem now discuss this further with he's the head of the land advocacy project yes it's a group working against the violation of palestinian rights thanks very much indeed for joining us there live in israel so what do you make of the offer of warplanes
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in an effort to revive peace talks. i could hardly hear you and what you make of this what do you make of this offer that some may see as an ironic combination an offer of warplanes from the u.s. to israel to revive peace talks. well. and you know one can hardly believe it. israel is it has the dating to take this take this offer you know as if israel is doing obama a great favor for stopping construction in the west bank and the end of the day you know every israeli as to ask you know what would be a future what would happen if israel would continue to construct settlement in the west bank and the answer is very clear you know by two options or israel would become an official point a state or israel will become in the national state since israel is not welcome is not willing the dreaded public is not willing apparently to become any any one of his countries i think it's mainly really interesting stuff to construct in the west bank and it's it's unbelievable to see that the tide
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is is giving obama hard time in order you know when obama is actually the one who is trying to save israel from its own deeds in the last forty two years so you. say the palestinians should welcome this deal and because that will mean obviously a pause in construction so it's a good deal isn't it from the palestinians point of view i can hardly hear you i'm sorry sir well just to say that this deal not be welcomed if it means that there will be a pause of construction from the palestinian point of view so it's a good deal israel should accept is that what you're saying. but it's clear that israel should stop constructing forty two years ago not now and the fact of it that is where it is has that they think i'm taking this offer from doing it you know shows you know how i think you know interpret that you know of israeli politics altogether is you know thinking that we can go and continue this larry of project
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in the west bank constructing in and moving israelis into areas which are not part of the state of israel is something which obviously is going to explode in our face and apparently we come to the point we're coming every day nearer to the point but this story is exploding in our face and what we see right now is another chapter another phase in this ongoing process but the whole point surely the whole point is that during that freeze during that ninety day period it would give both sides a chance to everybody indeed a chance to sit down and talk without any other diversions and that this is a valuable period where peace deal i don't agreement on borders could be reached so that's three month window is volatile is it is it not. the start of the. story short of that three month period if there is a freeze on construction it means that there is no. diversion from the main issue of trying to sort out a peace agreement that three month window could be vital could it not to reaching
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an agreement so therefore this proposal is a good one is it not. coherent well i don't know i don't know. i think we've got a few problems here with. that question. let me just ask you just quickly then if we if you can still hear me on this line. if the deal does go through. many people will say that this is israel simply accepting blackmail and that in fact it actually would be a negative move if israel does accept it. well you can hear ok let's leave it there then story it's very very difficult to conduct an interview when you can't hear me and i'm very very sorry about our problems thanks very much i hope you can hear me thanking you for joining us at least for a few minutes here on r t draw against the head of the land advocacy project for a group working against violations of palestinian rights thanks for joining me there in israel. well again it apologies for that obviously we have quite
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a few problems there with the sound connection now staying with. lebanon indeed the prime minister has praised russia's important role in mediating peace talks in the middle east staying on the subject of the middle east this is the latest development concerning lebanon and promoting stability and sorry sorry i should say so is on a two day official visit to moscow and he's caught up with him ahead of his trip and we'll bring you an interview with him in just over twenty minutes from now here on r.t. now here's a preview of that interview. i think russia could play a very important role it has many friends in the arab world we need to use our relations with russia in order to communicate the arab stands on things to the international community because it's very unnerving to see the injustice done by israel to palestinians as well as to lebanon in syria we can no longer ignore this
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political relations with russia very important to us we would like these relations to be economically beneficial as well and we would also like to find out how russia could assist lebanon and equipping our army and security forces in this respect we're going to propose some ideas for russian friends. investigators say they can prove a russian accountant who died in prison was part of a massive embezzling scheme saying hey magnitsky exact role of hermitage capital became a massive scandal after he died of a heart attack. over it give us details joining us from moscow now katrina tell us exactly what investigators say they have found investigators say they have found that sergei magnitsky died in custody was not a lawyer assay claims but was an accountant worked at hermitage capital and in particular he was in charge of working out techs of asian schemes investigators say
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that mike rieves he was a major mover in the organization of and best selling of almost five and a half billion rubles an equivalent of almost two hundred million dollars all the details of that will rebuild at a press conference in moscow tuesday easy years since sergei magnitsky died in a prison hospital of heart attack but he's lawyers claim that client died after being repeatedly refused access to medical treatment reports suggest that he suffered a full bladder disease and needed special trip now investigation into magnitsky as case continues while. investigation of the so-called hermitage capital case is officially over and evidence that has been handed over to the prosecution. just remind us how this case broke give us some the background details to this the story . is their game and misty was arrested in two thousand eight hundred charges of taxation and embezzlement and he died up trip eleven months after he was arrested
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in custody circumstances on his staff that sparked a huge scandal it quickly became a high profile case president dmitry medvedev and into he boarded a criminal investigation and sacked a number of high ranking officials also optimized needs to use case russian president ordered that. a major overhaul of russia's law enforcement should be carried down to now lawyers of sergei magnitsky lawyers working at hermitage capital demand that apart from investigation into their former employees case an internal probe should be carried out the case has been also taken up abroad hermitage capital. has called on the european parliament and legislators in britain the united states and poland to impose a visa balance some six state officials russian officials from traveling to those countries to the bond believes are connected to what needs the states the russian
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investigators to say that they've taken up the case seriously and will continue to look into circumstances of magnitsky staff the katrina thanks very much indeed for that update live from central moscow. at least seven suspects in kosovo have been charged with persuading people to sell their organs with false offers of cash one of the accused previously faced allegations of trafficking body parts of serbian prisoners during the kosovo war and as sara firth found out that conflict and course of his later declaration of independence has invited in organized crime . they grease him allegations claims that an organized crime group including doctors and a high level health official were involved in organ trafficking and as the investigation continues there are now growing concerns that with political instability and a weak justice system because of a could be becoming a breeding ground for criminal activity we don't have very real state and real
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estate is not functioning actually and we don't have double that's why the forty's very high unemployment is increasing you by the allegations focus on the medical private clinic and first surfaced two years ago forcing the center to close shockingly r.t. have discovered that to those named in the indictment have continued to work ever since as another health center a medical and just next door to where the alleged crimes took place the indictments have shed a harsh spotlight on organized crime in kosovo both its government and western countries are accused of turning a blind eye to the lawlessness has been growing ever since it declared independence from serbia really three years ago there are also many who accuse the ruling authorities of miscarriages of justice that date back to the war being drawn between medicaid and the yellow house case the alleged murder and harvesting of
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organs of serbian war prisoners by members of the cause of a liberation army but there was insufficient evidence to bring that case to cause my husband was taken just after the war and despite civilians haven't been promised security regardless of ethnicity he never came back the families of kidnapped and killed people in cos of i have been fighting the wrong tape in the un mission in course of a and n.g.o.s for a long time but so far without any results the biggest problem is that those who are killing on kidnapping people and consummate have changed their soldiers uniforms for the peace begin to power. overnight with international institutions these are the faces of some of the people that are still missing from the war and the fake of the day is really all weather caused by organized crime but there are still so many. pieces that therapy. we're told not to have
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a quick look at some of the world headlines this hour before the business news with an inferno that ripped through a high rise apartment building in shanghai is taking the lives of forty two people well over one hundred others injured according to reports twenty eight story time was under renovation when a farm broke out on scaffolding quickly spreading to the building itself people jumped out of windows in desperation to escape the flames. three million muslims have made their way to saudi arabia for the annual pilgrimage white road worshippers climbed mount arafat in the goodness in which prophet mohammed is believed to have delivered his last grand mufti of saudi arabia gave a sermon at arafat saying all violence and terrorism and those involved were working against the religion. it was of a straight an airline quantas continued a plane flying from sydney to argentina has been forced to make a return after experiencing a problem with this electrical system the boeing seven hundred seven two hundred twenty people managed to land safely at sydney airport two hours after departure is the fourth incident response. of the force which grounded its entire a three eighty
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fleet from singapore. brings up to date for the moment. about eight minutes from now in the meantime business is next for showing us after a short break. hungry for the fall we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. right . from.
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the. t.v. dot com. hello welcome to business program here on r.t. with michelle there was folly the scale of the debt crisis facing europe has become clearer with the release of two thousand and nine budget figures for the eurozone area greece was an even worse shape than previously thought the deficit of fifteen point four percent of g.d.p. islander success it's become the second country to receive a bailout of the second highest deficit over fourteen percent across the whole single currency bloc the budget deficit was more than twice the three percent target set in the year i came into being. the price of oil is rebounding after three successive days of falls concerns over economic growth in europe and china has been undermining the market for friday's report by the international energy agency showing rising demand and strong g.d.p. data from japan lifting sentiment. from london believes the fundamentals support
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a bullish outlook for the market. one needs to analyze the price of oil relative of course to our currency right now with the us dollar getting hurt by its own doing really with quantitative easing what that means is there will be more dollars chasing the same amount of goods so in theory then public and anyone who will need to pay more dollars for the same price of oil perhaps another currency is if there are any there are strong then one be the same case but right now it seems that most countries are really on the same race to print more money even today we in the newspapers the bank of england is also saying that maybe they should do quantitative easing so if all the countries in gauging quantitative easing they'll be more notes chasing the same amount of goods from that point of view then oil or
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any other commodity shouldn't fall in price and what do you think has the market turned more bullish the market in itself leaving aside the currency e shoes is fairly bullish because china despite whatever issues they're having in the short term what they're considering to increase interest rates china is consuming more and more oil. if the pace of this cover is in oil is not keeping pace with the growth and the man then of course that is bullish on right now we're entering the winter which traditionally is the period for prices so right now prices are very strong. nearly eight. last week. any implosion in the european zone i think things are very constructive for the
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price of oil in effect. time check the markets down here most capable it's closed. with the bench but like sex finishing monday's session maybe one percent higher than the gains on the r.c.s. optical five he said recalling a rose nickel also before there was a wall around one. of the r.t.s. aims to raise up to four hundred million dollars in the upcoming i.p.o. that's according to color so newspaper sizing a source close to the matter that is seeing all take place next year with the force aiming to attract funds to develop its business in russia and the c.i.s. . the world's largest mining company b.h.p. billiton has scrapped as hostile fourteen billion dollar bid for colored as potash corp after failing to gain approval from the canadian government the decision gives the green light to russia's top fertiliser wake for which is also interested in acquiring water. the russian insurance market will reach pre-crisis levels within
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months historically russia has been under insured with the people rely on the government and good luck to help out in times of crisis that is beginning to change the rapid growth of life and motor insurance we did a quarter of a report. young tourney and his company and through the russian insurance market only two years ago from the start of the financial downturn two years on some saturates of the economy have almost recovery to pre-crisis levels and among them the insurance market we have followed the amp on the russian market took them we thought going down on the other market kind of responded though we are strong but you got a recovery on the russian troops market especially in the sector or for what interrupts the fast growing life insurance business is sin expanding by almost twenty four percent this year x. three c. the mortgages will reach the pre-crisis levels of two thousand and eight within months one key driver is the masti corporate action forecast to reach one point seven million next year another growth sector is buildings insurance in september
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president need to me did have suggested the return of compulsory. find surance after this summer's devastating wildfire however this will take much longer than the government wants according to one of the country's leading insurers the general director of industry asks as a negotiator along will take two years. what we've seen now are only talks on how to implement mandatory fire insurance in the country if we talk about insuring apartments mostly means insuring liability but if you talk about countryside houses in this deals more with property insurance the state hasn't made its decision yet i think talks will go on for at least two years it's clear that number is so long it won't drive the recovery consumer confidence is crucial as the industry is to meet its potential my dinner which no business r.t. . there's other business days from now we can always.


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