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tv   [untitled]    November 15, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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from stupid. stunts on t.v. don't come. president obama facing a tough challenge to ratify the nuclear arms control treaty as a shift of seeds leaves him as a lame duck in the senate. russia's chief diplomat says the economic sun is rising in the east during trilateral talks with china and india. and the e.u. prosecutors investigate organ trafficking in the balkans after seven people have been charged in kosovo. two am in moscow i met treasurer good to be with you here on r t our top story the
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race is on to get a key nuclear arms reduction treaty with russia through the u.s. senate the final session started before president obama sees the democrat majority cut in january when it will get much tougher for him to push his policies through or he's got it she has more from washington. obviously this is going to be a last minute push to get this landmark deal passed through the senate before you newly elected officials step into office in january there is a very tense partisan game going on here in washington and the a lot of observers say that for many on capitol hill the fight is not about the content of the treaty but rather about scoring political points and the point scoring is expected to intensify after republicans gain a considerably bigger influence in the senate in january compared to what they have now the republican senate minority leader has already said their priority will be to have obama voted out of office in two thousand and twelve so basically to make sure that the president fails on his major initiatives so the obama administration
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is very eager to get the treaty passed on this so-called lame duck session in order to avoid a bumpy ride after january when obama's arguably major foreign policy achievement could well be on the line of the u.s. it proves that. hillary clinton and defense secretary robert gates have just published an urge for the senate to hurry up with a ratification saying the u.s. national security depends on the prospects of the treaty to be ratified by by this look promising the treaty was earlier approved by the senate foreign relations committee there had been a long buildup to wait over many months of hearings america's key military officials had been unanimously testifying in support for the treaty leading security experts in the country were saying it's only common sense to have the new arms reduction deal in place actually among those who testified in support for the treaty there were more republicans than democrats so it's wrong to think republicans are all against it some very influential republican senators like richard lugar are have strongly advocated for the treaty to be passed they've been
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they've been calling for their party members to put partisan games aside to to put their overwhelming desire to undermine obama and do what they believe is right for their country and for maybe on for many cut capitol hill observers the whole thing . bate it really comes down to this question will some republican senators sekret faisel landmark historic deal just for the sake of denying obama this rather in his foreign policy cap but what's at stake the treaty will cut nuclear arsenals of both russia and the us by a third it's meant to increase the level of trust between the two nuclear superpowers it's meant to show an example of nonproliferation to other countries and is expected to pave the way for us russia cooperation in other areas as well and many believe what's on the line now is the well advertised we said not ratifying the treaty could well put the leaders other cooperation plans on.
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political expert dr dominic leven says obama is desperate to make this treaty work to score points at home. for the moment everything's less important than internal battles on capitol hill. you know within the sort of american political elite there's simply obsessive lee hostile to each other and competing for power nothing else really counts and therefore you know international treaties the whole range of foreign policy issues is simply become again essential we're about to see it in who's out in washington well i think it's partly that they feel the document is important it's you know this treaty is a significant part of their whole foreign policy and obviously they are committed to you know better relations with russia and trying to stabilize the nuclear relationship but beyond that if the senate throws out this treaty it will make the rest of the world believe that obama is powerless if you can't even get this treaty through what else is he you know going to be able to do probably nothing i think
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most of the rest of the world regards this is a good treaty the administration is committed to it if the senate throws it at all filibusters it out then it will make the american administration look powerless and of course that will have a very bad a state for the next two years so there's a you know a general issue surrounding the credibility of the effectiveness of this administration there's also of course the broader issue of the nuclear arms balance with russia i do deed of collaboration with russia on nuclear arms in general which presumably would also affect american plans as regards iran that it's not all surprising that clinton gates and indeed obama or a pretty desperate. stay with us here in our teen a few minutes we'll look at their stealthy sweetener the u.s. is offering israel warplanes in exchange for a new halting west bank construction but critics say the incentives won't solve issues that decades of talks have failed to deal with. but first the center
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of economics and power maybe shift. quickly eastwards to the asia pacific region that's the view of russia's foreign minister who's been in china for a three way meeting with nathan with of nations widely seen as shaking up the old order of global politics russia china and india are part of the increasingly influential bric group alongside with brazil the growing dominance of this block is seen by analysts changing the world centers of power the host of today's meeting china has already overtaken japan to become the world's second largest economy as fast catching up with the us s. r. so your reports on the awakening of an asian giant. from a pile of ruins right after the second world war to an economic powerhouse all of the span of a single lifetime major pan asia economic miracle well you know you but nowadays the land of the rising sun is becoming the land of rising discontent. the unemployment rate itself is has been steady it's around five percent but what's
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problematic is the quality of the job the way you know i don't mean being cut they haven't. even when companies pay and you people they tend to on the condition of without social security through the social benefits economic growth is on a standstill and export the engine of its economy are hurt by a soaring again pushing them to take their business elsewhere to sort through you will be doing used to be increasing the overseas prevention we will be increasing the equal parts for the buses by overseas he's referred to china also known as the factory of the world with a major chunk of every manufactured item today either fully or partly made in china i'm here in the heart of the largest chinatown in asia here in hama and there have been four generations of chinese that moved to japan and they've been fitted
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greatly for the rise of this. economically but ironically it riginal country they had left has now overtaken their adopted homeland to become the second largest economy in the world which means japan is now chasing the pack rather than leading it and japan you're quite right still seen as stuck in the mud struggling to generate. growth beyond sort of a sluggish. level. and i'm not sure that either of those things are going to change or many would say we're witnessing the beginning of china's era its economic clout is undeniable at the recently concluded g. twenty and apec summit barack obama repeatedly demanded that china lets the you want appreciate seeing below chinese currency is hurting u.s. exports chinese president hu jintao unmoved china gets the last word that's the new reality in asia if not the whole world. r.t.e.
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yokohama japan. remember we've got more on this and lots of other stories on our web site r t v dot com also our web site right now details of a high speed revolution that russian the railways prepares to prime its trains to travel at least one hundred fifty kilometers an hour on most of its network was. when the pressure is on us college kids are turning to popping some pills the worrying rise of undergraduates on artificial stimulants who rapidly become addicts . israel's mulling over another temporary halt on building jewish settlements on palestinian territory in return for being given three billion dollars worth of fighter jets is washington's latest efforts to get it stalled peace talks moving
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again. the deal to hand over the new f. thirty five would give the israeli air force unmatched writing capabilities in the region the us is also offering to fight any international resolutions against israel at the united nations and will not ask for another settlement freeze when the deadline is up palestinians are angry not least because the proposal will not apply to east jerusalem earlier middle east policy expert phyllis bennis told r.t. that the u.s. is offering nothing new what could be the final straw for the palestinians. the three billion dollars we still don't know if that will be included within the existing thirty billion dollars that the u.s. has agreed to give to israel in military aid over these ten years this was negotiated by george bush and it's being implemented now by president obama whether it will be within that or whether this is an additional three billion dollars of new fighter planes they're also getting something that the u.s. has given all the time to israel anyway which is complete protection in the united nations that means vetoing any effort by the palestinians to get the security
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council to recognize a new palestinian state it means protecting israel from being held accountable for war crimes that may have been committed in the gaza war including preventing the goldstone report from being brought forward and with israeli accountability sent to the international criminal court it means continuing what the u.s. has done in the past of making sure that in the international atomic energy agency that israel is never even requested to join the nonproliferation treaty and make public its well known but officially secret. nuclear arsenal all of these things are things that the u.s. has provided to israel anyway so what they're adding to it now is saying that after this three month partial slowdown of settlement construction because it will not apply in east jerusalem which is crucial that's where there's a big settlement expansion campaign already underway that they will never again ask
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for a settlement freeze so it's giving the israelis an awful lot in return for really not very much. hey investigators say they can prove a russian accountant who died in prison was part of a massive embezzlement scheme sergei magnitsky exact role that hermitage capital became a massive scandal after he died of a heart attack behind bars or he's a catarina groucho has the details. investigators say they have found that sergei magnitsky the died in custody was not a lower assay claims but was an accountant worked at hermitage capital and in particular and he was in charge of working out techs of asian schemes investigators say that magni scheme was a major mover in the organization of unpleasing of almost five and a half billion rubles an equivalent of almost two hundred million dollars all the details of that were revealed at a press conference in moscow tuesday easy years since sergei magnitsky died in a prison hospital of heart attack as their game of musical was arrested in two
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thousand and eight and charges of taxation and embezzlement and he died up for eleven months after he was arrested in custody but he's lawyers claim that client died after being repeatedly refused access to medical treatment reports suggest that he suffered a cold blooded disease and needed special treatment circumstances all his stuff that sparked a huge scandal it quickly became a high profile case president dmitry medvedev and into fear he ordered a criminal investigation and sacked a number of high ranking officials also optimized means to his case the russian president who did that to a major overhaul of russia's law enforcement should be carried out now lawyers solve sergei magnitsky lawyers working out from a ditch capital demand that apart from an investigation into their former employees case an internal probe should be carried out the case has been also taken up abroad how much capital. has called on the european parliament and legislators in britain
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the united states and poland to impose their views abandon some six states russian officials to the fine beliefs are to not to do what needs to escape now an investigation into magnitsky case continues while investigation of the so called the hermitage capital case is officially over and evidence that has been handed over to the prosecution. catarina gretsch over reporting from moscow. at least seven suspects in kosovo have been charged with persuading people to sell their organs with false offers of cash one of the accused had previously faced allegations of trafficking body parts of serbian prisoners during the kosovo war as art he's sorry for a thousand out that conflict and kosovo's later declaration of independence have invited organized crime. they grease and allegations claims there's no going to it's quite angry including doctors and
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a high level health official were involved in organ trafficking and as the investigation continues there are now growing concerns with political instability and a weak justice system because of a could be becoming a breeding ground for criminal activity we don't have very real straight and real estate is not functioning actually and we don't have double that's why the forty's very high unemployment is increasing year by you the allegations focus on the medicaid private clinic and first surfaced years ago forcing the center to close shockingly r.t. have discovered that two things named in the indictment have continued to work ever since as another health america and just next door to where the alleged crimes took place the indictments have shed a harsh spotlight on organized crime in kosovo both its government and western countries are accused of turning a blind eye to the lawlessness has been growing ever since it declared independence
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from serbia really three years ago there are also many who accuse the ruling authorities of miscarriages of justice that date back to the war being drawn between medicaid and the yellow house case the alleged murder and harvesting of organs of serbian war prisoners by members of the cause of a liberation army but there is insufficient evidence to bring that case because my husband was taken just after the war and despite civilians haven't been promised security regardless of ethnicity he never came back the families of kidnapped and killed people in course of a have been fighting the raw tape in the u.n. mission in kosovo and n.g.o.s for a long time but so far without any results i think the biggest problem is that those who are killing on kidnapping people in concert have changed their soldiers uniforms for the peace they gained power overnight would. international institutions these are the faces some of the people that are still missing from the
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war and the focus today is really on whether kosovo is up to fighting organized crime but there are still so many he said clearly because pieces of the surface are closer. a respected doctor a blogger and humanitarian by day and night shifts through rubbish romas abandoned buildings with and socialize with convicts she's affectionately known as dr ways and she's dedicated herself to making the lives of the homeless the poor and the destitute more bearable by the left facing a constant lack of food clothes and medicine she wants a greater understanding of the plight of the homeless. as winter approaches in moscow hundreds of homeless people stand in line waiting for just a small bit of food probably just elizabeth says well people come here to eat you see this food here and eat some food and take the rest of my kids i've got kids you know. sygate a covey of is just one of thousands of homeless in moscow simply trying to get by
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but i live under a railway platform there are like forty of us there there are two openings so twenty people fit in one of them and twenty fifth in the other three i've been living there for one year recognizing a needle is a veteran drink and regularly sets up a makeshift clinic and distribution center near the pub you let's go to a train station in central moscow she has also started a blog to let people know the problems moscow's homeless face those who come to her for help simply call her doctor elisa. we help some people to return home the priority here is people who are seriously sick with cancer and tb those who are beaten up if we can we find their relatives i also try to help those who have come out of prison or whole once a week the homeless and the needy from all over moscow come here so that they can get supplies of food and even medical treatment if needed but as is the case with many operations of this kind the supply just does not meet the demand. in
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summer will lack t. shirts in the winter we don't have enough food because they need to stay warm in the winter which is impossible without food we need more room it would be good to have a place where they could. at least when it's really cold though she faces a daunting task with limited resources those who know her say their lives are better because of dr lisa's influence one of which that when i met elizabeth in two thousand and six here i help anywhere i can we met when we were in difficult places in our lives her mother was sick and my daughter was also at the same hospital one of my daughters died in a car accident the other one barely made it she noticed me and asked what was wrong that's how we met everything i have now is thanks to her and while those who come here for help understand the stakes this is where your daughter born i don't know what we would do with it this help were not for these charity organizations we would be done for them dr lisa's fear is that politicians with the power to make
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real changes just don't understand the problems. i don't know why this issue is being ignored because these are active people who could be returned to normal life we need to hospitals that could solve many problems related to prolong to deaths or chronic disease it's not just the patient himself who is handicapped but the people around him who are the caregivers also become emotionally handicapped they have nowhere to go for help a dilemma that gives dr lisa the inspiration to continue to help one person at a time sean thomas r t moscow. coming up international interest in the middle east doesn't just rest with securing peace countries like lebanon are also eager to get their economies in better shape that's why the country's prime minister came to russia to continue signing a raft of multi-million dollar deals r.t. caught up with saad hariri ahead of his base.
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and then one might have welcome to the archie interview with great pleasure and i would like to welcome the finance prime minister shakes out i had even i know hello prime minister hello i had thought that that and that unfit as and do you think that is a machine of the political crisis in iraq will have a positive impact on the and could lead to resolution of the political crisis there as well. i think the main problem here is that the key issue is ignored i mean
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about a fair peace for everybody in ninety ninety one there was a peace conference in madrid then there was also the arab summit conference in beirut where the participants came up with the arab peace initiative but now the peace process is being destroyed by different amendments which will lead us know when one of the principles behind the resolutions which was supported by everyone demand that israel should follow the resolutions that would have been no need now to talk about rome's and other problems had this peace process not been buried in the one nine hundred ninety s. we face many difficulties today because israel denies palestinians their legal rights refuses to return the golan heights to syria the ship of foams. and geisha to lebanon but the arab peace initiative was adopted why is israel doing that the international community has an obligation here and needs to know that we can only solve problems in the region through
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a fair. piece for roll this into israel is extensible to the deadlock in the peace process not only is it responsible israel is the main reason why the process failed with netanyahu is government is not able nor is it willing to continue with the peace process what role could fresh play in promoting the peace process in the middle east and russia participated in the madrid conference and is part of this process it is also part of the quartet mediating in the israeli palestinian talks therefore i think russia could play a very important role it has many friends in the arab world we need to use our relations with russia in order to communicate the arab stance on things to the international community because it's very unnerving to see the injustice done by israel to palestinians as well as to lebanon in syria we can no longer ignore this israel's trying to impose its own agenda and keep seizing land a daily unfortunately the world is not doing anything about it this is unacceptable in all aspects international of human religious to goes against the geneva
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convention and any other regulations israel is breaking international conventions making. when everybody knows that he had relationship with the russian leaders is very good what key issues really discuss this is at. the head the he as men and women too often politically relations with russia very important to us we would like these relations to be economically beneficial as well we would also like to find out how russia could assist lebanon and equipping all army and security forces in this respect we're going to propose some ideas to our russian friends we have been promised certain assistance in lebanon is ready to work out a plan for purchasing russian weapons to lebanon has purchased arms from russia in the past and now we are trying to figure out if we could get some discount on weapons for lebanon's army and security forces and us and what about jets. we will study the issue during our visit our pilots are going through training and
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hopefully this visit will be a successful end to what our president has started. many of you know what areas can expect agreements to be signed in russia we're considering signing an agreement on culture and between our countries ministries of justice we hope that agreements in other areas will be studied properly especially those concerning armaments for the lebanese army. and i know of at who's seen is russia maintains its position regarding the un international tribunal on the killing a former prime minister and fully supports it what is your standpoint of this position the beer but it's a natural position since russia is driven by the idea of justice and has never abandoned it and that's why we are grateful to russia for the position which we consider to be natural because russia supports lebanon not only in the matters related to the international tribunal but also in everything lebanon had to go through over the past decades with all the wars both in two thousand and six and
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earlier russia has always been on lebanon's side when you met why aren't you willing to satisfy the opposition's requirement. to step back from the special tribunal in order to keep the peace in the country and the winter while. here. we have created the government which initially was a national unity government and with no such concept as pro-government or opus ition forces we must be united it would be a political mistake for anyone to consider themselves to be part of the opposition while being part of the government that's number one number two is that there are indeed concerns about the special tribunal but i think that it would be wrong to talk about this under current circumstances there require sobriety and dialogue people need to calm down and act sensibly fighting leads us nowhere and at the end of the day you will have to live together in our country and keep up dialogue if god forbid we develop different views than the country will have
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a problem with that we must get back to the negotiating table the country requires peace and that's the most important take yes we indeed still have some disagreements but is it really the way out there must be peace otherwise there is no way to achieve positive results in dialogue how can an emotional person be in dialogue with other people i keep saying it all the time that we need to calm down the lebanese people need an opportunity to live a peaceful life because people are tired of all the discord we must do everything to achieve it and know who the father was something that if pressure on you on the part of the position builds up you'll have to resign is that possible how has the lead and then. i haven't felt much pressure on me and i think the pressure is being put on other people rather than on me as for resignation i was elected by the lebanese people majority expressed their trust in me so that we could form a government i became prime minister thanks to the support of the majority and i'm
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set to continue working together with everybody i love. you mr brennan distant. thank you. wealthy british science. markets why not come to. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my next concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into kinds a report on our.


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