tv [untitled] November 15, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EST
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also squabbling with other top aides such as christina romer and that's something that i myself have heard from industry insiders from economic insiders that i've talked to this kind of aca is that you know one thing that sources had told me was that christina romer presented a much larger fiscal stimulus to summers than what he presented to president obama and this paints a picture where he was constantly at odds with her over her financial modeling over her predictions over what she was modeling for the economy and this is the continuation of that that seems to have affected other things that she was doing and other. things within the obama administration whether it be you know regulations or paula scenes or just in the debate with his colleagues that were issues well we'll see if this takes any of the heat off a governor once the book is finally released warren thanks so much. taking a break but we'll be right back.
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it's seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. so your headline president obama faces a tough challenge to ratify the atomic weapons control treaty as a shift of seats leads to a lame duck senate u.s. leader need sixty seven votes even though his democrat party controls only fifty nine seats to start a deal was signed with president medvedev in april to cut both countries' arsenals by a third. russia's top diplomat says the financial sun is rising in the east during trilateral talks with china and india the world's second largest economy is now
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china having overtaken japan in recent months it's also the fastest growing averaging a ten per cent rise over the last three decades. also e.u. prosecutors are investigating an organ trafficking network in the balkans connected with seven people were charged in kosovo details of the case to be made public at the end of the month critics accuse several western nations of turning a blind eye to lawlessness in kosovo since it declared independence from serbia nearly three years ago. back to the alone a show now looking at the legal wrangling over what to do with the mastermind behind nine eleven while lawyers argue kali's shaikh mohammed stays under indefinite detention with no trial on the horizon stay with us.
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it's time for tonight's full time award and we are going to get to the mccains so there john mccain and his wife cindy apparently they're a little confused on friday the no hate campaign released a new p.s.a. supporting the gay community and cindy mccain played a major role in this at take a look. are political and religious leaders tell l g b t youth that they have no future they can't get married they can't donate blood they can't serve our country openly they're not even allowed to adopt in certain states what are these kids
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supposed to think they're being shown by the adults in our country that there are no solutions to their problems what's worse these laws that legislate discrimination teach goalies that what they're doing is acceptable our government treats the community like second class citizens why shouldn't they. so siniora mccain says that military and politics military leaders and politicians are telling the gay youth that they have no future what she happened to be talking about her husband who is in congress and the votes that he makes on congress you know john mccain has been fighting tooth and nail to keep don't ask don't tell for being overturned and just one day after the p.s.a. was released cindy walked back her support in a tweet she said i fully support the no hate campaign and all it stands for and i'm proud to be a part of it but i stand by my husband stance on don't ask don't tell oh cindy just always started warming up to you you disappoint us yet again i'm betting that john was not too pleased with the whole p.s.a.
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thing or maybe he said he was hopped up on percocet a budweiser when she made them that no hate p.s.a. and of course reversed her stance one day later she has had some issues in the past with that and yes i know that was a low blow but being a hypocrite is just as bad now her husband john has always said that he would help repeal don't ask don't tell when military leaders told him that it was time to repeal the measure and this year military leaders are doing just that but john wanted to wait until a study repealing the measure was complete so the washington post now says that study is finished and that seventy percent of the military support repealing don't ask don't tell but somehow that's still not good enough for john mccain. and not from a not a study that is we because we know this. because it is that certain interior members of the military think it would be just right to have it going i have not seen that study and this study was directed at how to implement the repeal not whether the repeal should take place or not but very importantly we have. so mccain
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just keeps moving the goalposts just admit it old man you will never support their appeal of don't ask don't tell and that's why cranky old senator john mccain and his very confused wife cindy are tonight's told timers. now just last week we told you about campaigns aimed at protesting the very invasive body searches done by the t.s.a. national off out day asked passengers to refuse to go through the x. ray body scanners in airports and subject themselves to the pat down in public so that everybody can see how the government is treating law abiding citizens well this video just shows how the t.s.a. reacted when a passenger fights back and it may encourage more people to jump on board with the boycott let me explain thirty one year old john tyner was trying to board a plane at san diego airport when he chose not to go through the body scan and when he was told that he would have to receive the pat down instead but once the t.s.a. officer explained how he was going to do the pat down which included the growing
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checked all the passenger responded if you touch my junk i'll have you arrested and he told the entire counter on his phone check it out. you know. the standard the money the very if you are going with the story for most of it would you be doing what it should be going to the place where you are the you know your group towards what we do will be slowly but very few that you turn to look for a very very. good. very good group and for you it's we can do there is a test but you're going to have your rest. now tyner was threatened by the t.s.a. that if he didn't agree to a pat down he could face a ten thousand dollars fine and a civil suit so tired declined again and then got a refund forced ticket for you know this incident does raise the issue once again our full body scans and invasive pat downs really necessary several passengers have claimed the pat down is like getting molested out of the body scanners have already caused trouble over
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a very intimate and personal pictures getting leaked not to mention x. ray exposure and this idea of paying customers being assumed guilty before proven innocent well it's not sitting well with a lot of people taking to the skies so could this encounter become the new slogan for the growing protest against the t.s.a. if you touch my junk i'll have you arrested just to have you know the video is going viral with more people viewing this passengers follow a blog post it could become a way to fuel fliers across the country so i'm just saying come november twenty fourth airports around the country should be prepared for travels to revolt because this thing is getting big. now according to the washington post to lead sheikh mohammed the self-proclaimed mastermind of nine eleven probably remain in military detention without trial for the forseeable future that's according to obama administration officials that means that no trial in federal court no military commission again no no nothing just indefinite detention apparently obama doesn't
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feel like feels like he's stuck because liberals don't like military commissions conservatives don't want alleged terrorist to be tried on american soil. so instead of acting like a leader who up holds the rule of law as he swore an oath to do when he became president he's just going to pretend like that rule of law doesn't exist oh yeah that promise that he made about closing get me on his first day in office apparently that's off to just a few more examples of promises that this administration doesn't seem like they're going to fulfill their disgust with me as andrea press our senior counsel and human rights watch is terrorism and counterterrorism program andrea thank you so much for being here now i mean can you believe this feels like such a spineless move to me especially with the explanation that well we don't want to upset people on the bright or people on the left so we're just going to go ahead and and detain him indefinitely no trial no nothing well i think it's important to note that the statement of unnamed administration officials doesn't actually mean that it's truly what the obama administration is going to do and we certainly hope that's not the case i think there might have been some thought in the
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administration that it would be worth discussing and seeing how the public reacted and i think the public has reacted incredibly negatively to the idea that khalid shaikh mohammed and his coke used would never face justice well i mean they are already you know they've tried omar kotter and a military commission in guantanamo they've already they're trying out for the right now in federal court so i mean those two things are happening which of course you could say are not appeasing one side or the other so why would it be such a bigger deal well i don't really know the answer to that because this trial is so incredibly important to so many americans it seems that if anyone would be tried it would be those accused of plotting the september eleventh attacks it's incredibly important to a lot of the victims of september eleventh and family members of those victims to be able to go to court and actually see justice being done just like the victims and family members of victims of many other terrorist attacks around the world have been able to do it's only here in america where they haven't been given that opportunity now you said that you scorsese or unnamed obama administration
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officials however now is speculating that well an announcement must be imminent and it must be coming from the president but do you really think the week. i expect that i mean or is this kind of a way of being able to push it back because these statements are essentially saying that no action is going to be taken until after the next presidential election until after the political atmosphere has changed whatever that means i don't see the political atmosphere changing any time soon i do expect an announcement in them and i think it's probably closely tied to the go on a trial which as you mentioned has been taking place in federal district court in new york and virtually no one has noticed there's been no additional security costs there have been no security threats that we're aware of it's been a completely unaccountable trial and the jury is deliberating right now so i think that while it's likely that the army will be convicted there was a tremendous amount of evidence against him and if that is the case i think the administration will see that as a vindication of its idea of holding trials in federal court well that's funny the mention that that there really has been no fuss about that because we've talked about of the on this show as how you could have seen fox news you know or other
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conservative pundits reacting at the thought of a terrorist being tried on american soil and then once the trial began there were really no cameras rolling everybody kind of forgot about it you know and it kind of disappeared away from the limelight but tell me this i mean if the obama administration obama who promised to uphold the rule of law as the president of the united states if they do go along with it if they decide not to try it if they decide to try to detain him and definitely then are they've been dictating all of the policies of the bush administration what george bush what dick cheney did all the policies know it's important to note that on obama's first day in office he banned torture that was an incredibly important statement one we didn't think before needed to actually be impeded by the president of united states but apparently it did need to be reiterated so there have been some incredible improvements but it khalid shaikh mohammed and others are not tried and are held in guantanamo indefinitely i do think it will be a major blow to human rights in this country and in the obama administration's
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ability to promote human rights abroad and very quickly so they're saying if they're allowed to hold these people under the laws of war how does that work i mean if the. war ends then can we no longer hold them indefinitely exactly that's one of the biggest problems with a lot of work tension versus a conviction if there are tried in federal court convicted two and sometimes to life in prison they will spend the rest of their lives in prison but if the war is determined and at some point whether it's five years ten years or even twenty years in the future they would have to be set free all the more reason to keep our global war on terror going on continuously you. know well i think that you know if they do go on and you know do what the washington post is reporting here that people will react negatively to this thank you so much for your thank you. so to come on tonight show four loko that's a drink that's being debated here in the u.s. so we're going to break down exactly what's in the drink and what's behind all the fuss in just a moment and while the economy is suffering there's one business that's booming sex addiction clinics so is this a real addiction or is the latest excuse going to celebrity can't keep it in this
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pants we're going to speak to recovering sex addict animals. though so many years as. she saw in the prisoners. still along. this well you. know so many years used. some are being designed to save. others take their executioners along these are just. so many years of. memory use to moment. as well. as. great.
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it sure would be soo much greater if you knew me by from silence to question. me. don't call me. you've probably heard the words for local being tossed around all over the news there's been several recent reports about teenagers young adults drinking too much of this alcoholic energy drink and then becoming violently ill in fact people are getting so sick of the beverage that some states have even banned it from being salt and new york just hopped on that bandwagon but of course the biggest question is should this drink the band see for yourself how four loko affects people.
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my the in the in. the arab. world are you really really good. so why does a drink make people so drunk well you see just one of these cans for loco is the equivalent of a multiple beer is anywhere between three and six experts say and also has as much caffeine as a full cup of coffee and an energy drink alcohol content is twelve percent and depending on your size one of these could give you
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a blood alcohol limit of point one three keep in mind the legal limit is point zero eight so yeah it makes you super drunk but can't banging six beers leave you feeling just as queasy doctors say that mix is a very strong stimulant with a depressant so it makes you wide awake drunk preventing you from accurately gauging how intoxicated you really are sounds a lot like what happens when you drink a red bull and vodka now many activists are complaining of the beverage is targeted towards the younger crowd because despite being in a very very large can it only costs about three bucks apiece and that is a great option for college kids and teenagers who don't really have a whole lot of money oh and despite being so strong that drink also tastes like fruit punch leading people to consume more of it than they would if they were doing some other type of alcohol like plain old beer but once again these people never heard of mike's hard lemonade and for local also is marketed their product in a way to get the attention of teenagers. so yes trying to get.
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now this drink is quickly getting a lot of nicknames like walking blackout liquid cocaine or a blackout in a can i don't understand though why so many concerned parents are just targeting this one drink yeah it makes you super drunk but how is it any different than those malt liquor is on the shelves we all know red bull vodka has the exact same fun nickname walking blackout not to mention both caffeine and alcohol are legal to certain age but you mix them together and it becomes an eagle concoction so should you really ban this drink or maybe should the government just remind consumers that they need to be more conscious of what they're putting into their bodies one seems more civil than the other but you guys tell me. now the owner of a truck dealership in central florida is gaining worldwide headlines for
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a very unusual promotion if you stop in and buy a pick up you will get a free a k forty seven rifle yep you heard me right a dealership in sanford florida which is near orlando is giving away assault rifles just for buying a new truck only in america take a look at their websites where there is an a k forty seven on the front page you know the actual rifle won't be given to you at the dealership you'll get a voucher which you can use it in your buy gun store and if you don't want the rifle you can get a four hundred dollar discount on the truck and of course you have to pass a background check before you get the gun so at least there's some kind of safety requirements put in place here but this just seems like a stupid promotion to me now a guy working at the next door business he wasn't too happy about the gun give away either. you know the told me they're doing this is a salute to veterans but maybe they should have asked the guy next door the v.f.w. guys next door is going to be here forty seven was shot fourteen times my rifle.
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kills a lot of people want to get a limousine that i was worried. the owner of the dealership says that he has gotten an earful of complaints from people who say of the gun giveaway is wrong and i have to agree i think that it's in pretty bad taste but you know that got us thinking what other tasteless promotions what americans probably fall for how about a promotion to adopt a cat or dog and with it comes a free dinner at a local chinese restaurant or better yet of course there is the chinese restaurant better yet you could pay good money for a ladies' night event. and the company behind the promotion sends you to a gay bar and of course what about a driving instructor holding team driving lessons for students at the school of the blind just three more useless promotions like the one in florida offering a free a k forty seven with the purchase of a gun. now last week we told you that swingers sex clubs are feeling the effects of
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the recession but there's another industry that's booming sex addiction rehabs although sex addiction has yet to be officially acknowledged as a disorder the number of sex therapists has doubled since two thousand and seven to about nine hundred and counselors say the demand increases monthly and those in the field call the expansion of sex addiction programs exponential and are attributing it in large part to celebrities that's right tiger woods david to company russell brand they've turned in once controversial diagnosis into a mainstream one and some of the field estimate the three to five percent of americans are sex addicts some say even more but what does sex addiction really like i decided to find out from someone who suffered it first hand so earlier i caught up with sue williams silverman author of love sick one woman's journey through sexual addiction my first asked her to explain to us what it's like being addicted to sex. well for years you know we forgot and your recovery it was really curious here i mean it's like living a double life on the surface i see five you know i went to college i have
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a master's degree i was married and everything you know from way people would would you be you know it seemed like everything was fine and i had a great life but i really was luke looking at double life because this. seemingly perfect white was really just a mess or to cover this dark. world that i was living in where i would have numerous beers with you know mostly against yours man and just act out sexually so you know it really is. leading a double life and i mean the reason why i was a sex addict to start with i mean you're not born a sex addict something happens to you that causes you. to have that kind of an addiction and for me my father's actually molested me while i was growing up so you know i mean it could have been something else but you know actually we're we're the origin of the addiction came from when i when you were in the rehab facility did
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you was there any common denominator amongst the other patients there something that you feel drove everybody to the state of addiction or was it you know everyone had their own story there were definitely were common denominators i mean i was in a rehab center all of all women and every woman in the unit we all had some form of child abuse in our background whether it be sex sexual abuse or emotional abuse or physical abuse so yes i mean everybody had you know a very some form of trauma in their childhood now what's it like being a woman who is a sex addict because you know from the majority of people they do say that they are addicted to sex are men and this is only now when it's especially becoming more of a mainstream topic you wrote your memoirs back in two thousand and one so i were you ridiculed how did people react. right my memoir love sick was the first memoir
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written by a woman on this addiction and it was kind of. two different messages that i got from men that were very sort of contradictory and the one hand when i was interviewed by a lot of radio talk show host i was very much ridiculed and asked very inappropriate questions for example one radio talk show host asked me like where is the keep you safe place you ever had sex not understanding that the addiction and and the book that i wrote head was about recovery i mean you know love sick is about the twenty eight days i spent rehab it was not really about acting out and so they would ask me just all these very inappropriate questions about my sexual history which. it was really rather dramatic to be honest but on the other hand i was getting all of these e-mails mainly from women but some men too who were just really thanking me for having written the book because they didn't know why they
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were struggling so much with sex and they didn't know say why they were having here's with people you could know if they were married and you know having these sort of inappropriate relationships so once they read my book they realized oh that's what's wrong with me too and then once you know that that's what's going on with you you know that you have sex addiction then there's a way to seek help and. you know quite a therapist to help you get in a group and everything so it was really sort of odd you know when the book came out that i'm the one hand i did experience a lot of ridicule and you know people just making fun of the addiction and totally misunderstanding what it meant but on the other hand and really the more important and. we're all you know all of this positive support and response that i got from women you know just like we were struggling well so tell me this mean now we can say that thanks to celebrities like tiger woods or maybe david to cover the russell
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brand i mean that's the reason that those who run these sites that we have rehab centers are saying that their business is booming they're saying thanks to you know these high profile cases now it's becoming mainstream but do you think that the cases like that help like they're saying that now everyone thinks that have celebrities are doing it maybe it's acceptable or dislike kind of make a mockery of the entire infliction of flexions because me it's kind of a double edged sword you know i mean i'm the one meeting and it does. get the idea of war into the mainstream and people understand and get oh maybe there is an addiction to sex addiction is a valid addiction but when it's a celebrity you know you hear in the media i know that they're just using as an excuse you know like tiger woods is just using an excuse or maybe people will feel sorry for him and you know maybe a swipe will pick them back or whatever and so i find that. in a way it's one of those that they don't really talk about. great yeah they're
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really trying to understand you know sort of what's at the core of why people become. the first place and what it means. so there really is you know that kind of sort of makes. you know well it's definitely something that people don't know a lot about it's still not officially a diagnosis so i think the people out there have a lot of questions so perhaps celebrities are are opening their minds and maybe they'll actually start reading some literature because unlike other addictions where the end goal is to completely drop it like drugs or alcohol with sex you're supposed to still have a sexy healthy healthy sex life excuse me after you do go through recovery sue thanks so much for joining us. thank you so much. before we go it's time for our tweet of the day sarah palin's alaska made its debut last night on t.l.c. and it was a hit for the cable channel with five million viewers so that got us asking how could five million viewers be so stupid but please don't encourage us all when
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here's a bad dream that just keeps coming back that's it for tonight's trail thanks for tuning in to make sure you guys come back tomorrow or we're talking about the groundbreaking ceremony for the george w. bush presidential center i find it a little bit ironic that part of all be dedicated to developing solutions to global challenges or get more into that tomorrow in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's or any other nights they can always catch it on the you tube dot com slash the alone a show of host interviews as well as the show in its entirety coming up next is the news of the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world.
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