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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2010 2:30am-3:00am EST

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global financial headlines tune in to cause a report on r g. download the official cation q i phone or i pod touch from the i choose our store. one job life on the go. video on demand our teens live broadcasts and says feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. for.
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you're watching are you coming to live from moscow these are the top stories russian businessman victor borge is on his way to the u.s. where he is wanted for alleged arms trafficking this comes after taiwan approved his extradition but faces life imprisonment if found guilty. fighting against time the u.s. congress tries to approve the arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington before a new members are sworn in many suspect have all teary or motives the new congress men are seen as likely to sacrifice just to score points against president obama. human rights activists demand transparency in u.s.
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detention practices in again a stand to make sure washington is cleaned up its act following claims of detainee torture and abuse one of the places in focus is the parwan detention facility formerly known as bug or two detainees were beaten to death in two thousand and two . a brutal mass murder that shocked russia forty's arrest a gang leader following the slaughter of twelve people in the southern region of the dark investigators suspect the attackers over records hearing a local official it's also been taken into question. now six months after the oil spill in the gulf of mexico b.p. is selling its assets to cover the cost of the disaster meanwhile the u.s. reports its federal waters are once again open for fishing and what america claims to be one of the most promising signs of environmental recovery however bob kamber who wrote a book on the catastrophe is not so optimistic. said down with a well industry insider.
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six months ago the worst environmental disaster took place in the u.s. a b.p. oil spill on leave. more than two hundred million gallons of oil into the gulf coast how could this disaster have been prevented and why has this story fallen from the front pages joining me now to talk more about this topic is bob cavanaugh our author of disaster on the horizon and c o of a look at technologies thank you very much for sitting down to speak with r.t. happy to be here mr cavanaugh are you say that the b.p. oil spill was not an accident it was a tragedy that didn't have to happen why did it happen the problem with the industry has and has had for years is that it's essentially been on regulated in the us our regulations are our self and forced we sort of to the government that
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we're doing what we're supposed to be doing there are very few inspectors that actually come out to start to see if we're actually following all the rules and regulations and because of the deregulation of our industry at least in federal waters over the last ten years that the problems that we have a big getting worse and worse and there's been no one forced to correct them mr crabbe from what i understand one of the many reasons you wrote your book is because you believe that americans still don't understand the extent of this tragedy a tragedy that it's considered the greatest environmental disaster in u.s. history how bad is it we don't know how bad it is the problem is that the vast majority of the oil never came to the surface it's in the oceans still today now some of it's being degraded there is microbial degradation where some of the oil does get eaten but we don't know how long that takes and in cold water three
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thousand four thousand feet deep there could be vast plumes of oil that we can't see this destroying the food chain and the scientists that i've read and talked to will say that this. oil gets and gets into the food chain and could cause damage all the way up the to humans eating eating the seafood to come in from the gulf and it's a huge concern six months of past we have not seen congress act on any legislation that's exist story has basically fallen off the radar every u.s. news channel and major newspaper how no talking about this you know it's tragic the u.s. government and b.p. both wanted this story off the television because it was twenty four seventh's with the. feeds the b.p. had where you could actually watch the well flow and in all of the reporting it was going on the government desperately wanted to get that off the off of the
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television so they actually work with b.p. to make that happen i believe and that's what does what i concluded in my book exactly you actually dated it you said on june sixteenth there was a twenty billion dollar merger between the obama administration and b.p. that's exactly right the government or no oil industry in bed together what exactly do you mean by that if you go back to the first weeks of the blowout between congressman markey and the in the. obama administration the rhetoric became sharper and sharper and sharper against against b.p. to the point where even in london they were saying that we were bashing the brits and when in fact we were we were warned about the gulf of mexico. the rhetoric escalated until the meeting in the white house on june sixteenth where b.p. agreed to put twenty billion dollars in escrow to pay all the damages everything changed instantly the rhetoric tone down the government started working more with
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the with the b.p. and other other contractors in the gulf and all of a sudden they were speaking with one voice there were a few disagreements here along the way but admiral allen began speaking for b.p. and for the government and so all of a sudden the decision making all merged. and from there on they were there their interest were aligned the government wanted to keep b.p. afloat so they could pay the twenty billion so they wanted to get this story off the television as fast as possible so b.p. could recover what does that say about accountability that says there's not any what you're describing sounds quite similar to the type of conversation that was taking place fine following the two thousand and eight financial collapse in the u.s. a lot of people are saying it was because wall street was working under no regulations they were playing by their own rules and more than two years later americans and possibly people all over the world are still looking for accountability i mean are
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there parallels between both incidents there absolutely are if you look at the new drilling rules that are being proposed by the department of interior nothing has really changed and the changes that have happened are all basically putting another set of rules that are self certified on to the oil and gas companies there's no redesign of blowout preventers there's no redesign of systems there's no redesign of drilling rigs required so all of a sudden we're going to go back doing the same thing that we were doing before now secretary salazar talks about extending the permit review period from a statutory thirty days to ninety days but that requires congressional action and in after this midterm election that's not going to happen they're not going to change that law he read about lobbyists in your book what role do lobbyists play in this situation the huge mistake that the industry makes is that they allow paid
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lobbyists to speak for us. there are some executives who go to capitol hill but they only talk to republicans they don't talk to the to the democratic side most of the time and so we have lobbyists who make money by stirring up controversy so lobbyists don't want the rules to be fixed they don't want to head to to make progress because the more conflict there is the more negotiations there are the more money they make you have lobbyists that fight every word of every new regulation you say that there was a collusion between the obama administration and e.p.a. high the severity of the spill key committee tells the fines in the in the u.s. are determined by the number of barrels that are put in the water so it was really important for us to know how much oil was put in the water b.p. during this entire time never disclosed what the flow was even to this day they've
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never admitted what the flow was at the beginning of remember the coast guard said the well it's tough flowing was flowing zero will be pieced it on the stage with admiral landry while she was saying that knowing they had. on the bottom at that moment trying to shut the blowout preventer in because it was flowing only forty feet above them after b.p. had agreed to the twenty billion dollar payment then the government stopped pushing for that that that flow right once that you recall the middle of july about july thirteenth or so they set the capping stack on the well that allowed them to collect oil and take it to the surface instead of doing that they decided with the government to shut the well in which was a very risky move because they had no idea what the condition of the casing was below but they decided to shut it in so they could so they could get first off get keep from for more oil into the water but also to keep from having to measure the
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flow the scatter usage of the energy security of the united. states relies on moving away from fossil fuels tell words alternative sources of energy right we've seen other countries work this way and work this way successfully in this is something that u.s. candidates and u.s. elected officials promise to do if the us administration does not finally and fulfill the promises of moving away from fossil fuels where does that leave energy security in the hands it leaves it in saudi arabia. the challenge we have is that we're importing seventy percent of our oil today from other countries about half of it from countries who just hate us and so we're actually giving money to countries that fund terrorism or at least allow terrorist terrorists to reside there and because we're not taking any steps any material steps to reduce that importation
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like strong fuel standards conservation more solar wind biofuels because we're not really taking any of those steps we we continue to stay out of control we've lost control of our own destiny france does eighty percent of their electricity with nuclear we do something like less than twenty and we haven't built a nuclear reactor in the u.s. for over twenty years but we don't provide any long term investment support for wind or solar or any of the other renewables we need a long term comprehensive plan but that takes political capital and with the oil and gas industry pumping in the last ten years hundred twenty plus million dollars in campaign funds as long as they have that strong support in congress. i don't see a solution to this but this this takes this takes courage why did you want to be dependent on so many other countries the people in congress are focused on one
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thing getting reelected and as long as it's not right in their face they'll continue to look the other way they'll talk about doing something but when it comes down to taking the hard tough steps they will do that until forced what is going to take is a crisis in the us a severe crisis to get congress to move what do you mean by severe crisis fuel shortages. people freezing up north in the winter time huge blackouts you know like electrical blackouts i'm talking about serious things like happened in california back in two thousand two thousand and one where you think that could happen throughout the country absolutely. i'm very worried about it how soon do you think what you just don't know see the problem is with seventy percent of our oil being imported from other countries saudi arabia or opec could decide to cut imports by half it would be if it happened quickly it would happen in
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a day if they decided to do that now it's it's a bit of a standoff because we have all that money going to them so they they enjoy the money but they also control the price they control the supply the other challenge is that many of us believe that saudi arabia and the other opec countries don't have nearly the oil supply that they want everybody to think they did and so they may be struggling to deliver the amount of oil that they're delivering today and not have the flexibility they had thirty years ago so if you hit that supply curve that demand it's the supply curve the next barrel of oil was worth a zillion dollars because everybody needs a barrel of oil because the demand is not very flexible thank you very much for us i'm happy to be with you. those so many years of. actually swarm of prisoners. are still
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a lot easier as well that's a good portion of. those so many years used. some are a whole being designed to save. others a curate's you queue shinners. for just. so many years of spanish. memory use. as well. as home country. it is used. to meet.
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russian businessman viktor bout is on his way to the us where he is wanted for alleged arms trafficking this comes after his extradition but faces life imprisonment found guilty of. fighting against time u.s. congress tries to approve the arms reduction treaty between moscow and washington before new members are sworn in many suspect cheerier and your congressman are seen to sacrifice a deal just to score points against president obama. human rights activist the man transparency in u.s. attention ghana stand to ensure washington. cleaned up its act following claims of detainee torture and abuse one of the places in focus is the part of wine detention facility formerly known as drama where two detainees were beaten to death in two
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thousand and two. and a brutal mass murder that shocked russia sorties arrest a gang leader following the slaughter of twelve people in the southern region of cross and our investigators suspect the attackers of racketeering a local official has also been taken into question. well i'll be back at the top of the hour with more updates on the story in the meantime we hear from anna farmer. boards so what have you got for us this hour to have an interesting friendly for russia's borders against belgium although i'm not sure friendly is the right would find out why in a mind. how that welcome to the both of these other headlines. by steve friendly russian
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prepares to face the belgium side he bore down on. wall street this starts as the investigation into alleged corruption among its members ahead of the crucial world cup but. red bulls fly home formula one and youngest ever champion sebastian vettel and make sure he's taking a ride back to north korea. but. says his former side belgium will be good sparring partners when the teams meet for a friendly on wednesday is the first time they'll face belgium since quitting as them manager to take charge of russia will be with that is in the trio of a new coach. today picked up injuries when the side won the russian premier league at the weekend although man should have called is expected to play in the match being held in vote on a seven hundred kilometers south of moscow a set. crowd of thirty five thousand is expected and expects belgium to go for their way in russia's next competitive matches the euro qualifier against in march
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meanwhile are also affected by injuries for their friendly with france at wembley tomorrow night key players including john terry wayne rooney inhumane defoe and ashley cole are all absent it does mean a chance for some new faces including. anderson and striking jay bothroyd in place of the championship side cardiff and he started his career with arsenal but fell out with the management that despite having several clubs and a short space of time seems to have found his form hitting fifteen goals for his club this season. was more or less what. really spoke to me. on and off the show. and it worked out well as for france says the game is just one step in
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a long rebuilding process after a failure at the world cup he took over after the tournament in south africa and even though he said the sport is not as strong as those in the past he believes france have enough talent in place to start winning again. we have had some great sides before but what we have got now is a good group of talented players who are beginning to grow some of them are playing in foreign leagues some of them are playing here in england and what i am looking to develop is a top center and these players grow in programs to learn in other dimensions of their plate number style and the number facets of their play while playing in different leagues as well as playing in the french league. meanwhile faith ethics committee has begun a three day meeting ensure it to investigate allegations of corruption in the bidding process for the. eighteen and twenty twenty two world cups trying to maadi from the haiti and i jerry's amsterdam is seen here currently suspended from faces
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twenty four mining safety committee following media reports they would accept and students in return for that yeah i think this committee will finish their investigation tomorrow and even if it damning to marty found guilty faith or says an executive committee will vote on who will host the world cup so that then and then this will take part in the secret ballot ensuring on december the second. it's . probably the first time that there are kind of evidence that extra members are open for for bribes so. this time it's really serious for fee for i think mr. harding a problem because he wants that money for himself i think mr temari. will remain an extra member as he was talking about projects in new zealand where he is from taichi so may i expect to fix
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a commission to say. temari didn't want money for his own seat is going to be cleared. meanwhile the celebration continues for the new formula one world champion sebastian vettel he's arrived back at his red bull team headquarters in austria and was a proud man leaving the private jet with the trophy in hand as he strode across the tarmac and so vettel became a young seven champion at the age of twenty three you see thirty seven days after winning the darby grand prix on sunday he's crazy having to read all the constructors title trophy it's been carried there by team principal christian foreigner vettel won four aces over the season but has not led to a championship at any stage until you receive the checkered flag on sunday while he's a struggling to make. him with a chance of the title himself finished. trying to get some sleep on the plane now we're here again so at the moment everything is going very fast but i think we need some time and like ahead of the plane to realise the whole thing
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a bit better so it's really crazy in some ways are you disappointed of course but. it was a great great battle. sebastian fully deserved the chairmanship we drove very well and we had some good races a lot of the year obviously the team has come a long way in such a short period of time so a lot of positives of course to look at obviously for me it's a little bit disappointing at the moment but i will look back at this year being still with a lot of positive memories now down under restraint have named the seventeen man squad for the upcoming ashes with the first test against england starting in brisbane on november the twenty fifth straight month of losses and concerns over former search in spain and i think horowitz may of course like to hedge their bets on their first choice is more it is likely to retain his place is a story especially spinner at the gabba but the selectors have also named left off spinner. and leg spinner steve smith young batsman can. provide
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middle order variety as well as coverage for simon cattanach he returns to first class. cricket this without a thumb injury are no vice captain michael clarke who has a soul back to settle down thanks everybody thank you for being far away from from playing our best cricket the last two periods on our days there's been a bit of doom and gloom around this drug about about the performances of the same the last little bit but. happy to see some of the younger guys standing up in first class cricket and looking forward this this week's round of matches getting under way and seeing some more great performances and you know when the team is actually with us the squads actually trim back getting to brisbane and preparing the best way we can to make sure we start the series very very well so look i'm really excited about i can't wait for the ashes to get on to why. now finally we'll end with it will go with russian primarily going to week was any crime champions. were relegated it is.
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the lead.
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so that is always full for the moment.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. operations around the day.
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