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tv   [untitled]    November 16, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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mosco cool's of thailand's actions illegal consulates and russian businessman victor boot off to the u.s. to stand trial for trafficking almost to the world's water. victor boot is expected to land in the u.s. in a few hours join me guide to check out from more from washington d.c. . also this hour a blow to the very foundations of the e.u. its president warns the fighting currency could drag the union with it. and out of the day a day and human rights policies seem hypocritical and inconsistent activists slammed the u.s. for abusing prisoners in afghanistan and secret detention centers with claims there are more cases of torture. to be made public.
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with twenty four hour news from russia and from around the world this is r.t. in moscow. the russian capital is thailand's extradition of russian business invicta boots to the u.s. as illegal washington is accused of using unprecedented political pressure to handed having handed over america says the man nicknamed the merchant of death trafficked to dictators and conflict zones around the world is going to church can brings us now the latest from washington. according to some reports victor board is expected to wendy in new york at nine pm local time there following a very contentious extradition procedure this that puts lawyers family in the russian embassy in thailand said they had no information of that coming it was apparently just put on the plane in
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a very speedy manner and sent to face trial in the u.s. we contacted the f.b.i. for more commas they did not comment but they said they were going to hold a news conference this wednesday will definitely keep you posted on that the u.s. you can imagine is more than happy to have mr boat on their soil he was detained in thailand as a result of a sting operation carried out by america's here in the united states he faces charges of selling arms to a terrorist group and conspiring to kill american citizens if convicted he may face life in prison according to the u.s. he was one of the world's most active black market arms traders mr bush denies any wrongdoing and says he has only engaged in perfectly legal aircraft sales russian diplomats say they need an immediate access to fix the ports they hope his rights will be respected and for two years russian the u.s. have been in a tug of war over his extradition the u.s. believes is evil yes stoked violence by selling arms to war torn region regions
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like liberia's syria leone afghanistan sudan and so long russia is also believed the u.s. managed to get both extradited from thailand by putting unprecedented political pressure on the government and judicial authorities of the country where the sheriff dupnik you despite two rulings in thailand's criminal court saying victor boots guilty was not proven to be the government has still decided to hand him over to the u.s. like consider this unprecedented political pressure on the legal process and on thailand's government this is an example of striking injustice we as a state will continue to give all necessary support to boot as a russian citizen. actually mr bush lawyers and some intelligence experts claim that the reason the us so wanted to have him in custody is his allegedly extensive knowledge of russian military and intelligence operations it's really unclear to what extent victor abroad is knowledgeable in all those things but hopefully my
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colleague. will shed some light on why they did last one famous soul bad thing here people on the planet how the woods lord of war there are over five hundred fifty million firearms in the world wide circulation that's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. the only question is. how do we arm the other eleven and his ledge to realize prototype russian businessmen victor boot nicknamed the merchant of death denied to all like his asians and last off parallels. are turned over resort. to play this sort of laws for this very silly i feel pity for. his statement never changed even when he came from behind bars in the infamous bangkok hilton but that did not stop the thai appeal court from ordering his extradition to the united states despite the fact the country's
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criminal court earlier refused to do just that in a move worthy of a bureaucratic record tire thirty's moves goot from prison to a u.s. airplane in under three hours without him seeing his wife or his lawyer. and even though this case may seem closed the biggest question remains unanswered what does victor know to make the americans want this badly victor board is a walking intelligence treasure trove has a phenomenal phenomenal photographic memory and because book now is too much he is more dangerous than wiki leaks for the u s smuggling role in weapons in not only in africa and latin america but all over the world it's not everyone that's willing to give the russian businessmen the type of credit given to him by u.s. prosecutors he's possibly a merchant of some death but he certainly isn't the man the u.s. media would call them merchant of death i mean around quite
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a large airline operation in many an operetta and i would think that ninety five percent of his flights were ordinary commercial goods i know you flew television was he from washing powder all sorts of things so we're only talking about five percent of the call goes possibly being arms even flying is not itself illegal but ever since his arrest in the thai capital in march two thousand and eight the merican side did everything it could to make charges stick including adding allegations of trade love violations. boots family have repeatedly criticized the court procedures firm in their belief that he's being made a scapegoat of a policeman a principle this is a question of principle they've spent ten years spending money taxpayer money on trying to root out gun runners so they have to have someone to show for it and they chose victor because it's nothing but p.r. . you know louise actually refused to take his case because they were visited by
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u.s. officials. and tribulations are anything but over speak in the u.s. is very uncertain with only one thing guaranteed more time behind bars rumors of a sequel to hollywood's blockbuster lord of war have been circling around for a while and last ordinary moviegoers await that release dictabelt will be awaiting his own at this point in time both look equally unlikely. kashrut as our art moscow while snapper acts traditions are apparently business as usual for the us we could remember a different case that of a russian pilot who was arrested in liberia and transferred to america to face drug trafficking charges although his lawyers say there's no prophy committed any crime in the u.s. he was handed over to american agents in matter of days that happened in may they also used the u.s. agents of inhumane and cruel treatment of the pilot and claim that the pilot had been kidnapped. and their if europe's single currency fails
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so would the union itself the warning comes from the e.u. president who was speaking ahead of the meeting of the eurozone finance ministers portugal has warned it could be forced out of the eurozone at all and is also being urged to use european bailout money to prevent bankruptcy talk about the crisis there in europe with labor and from the london based investment company chevy dowsett management thanks very much indeed for joining us it all sounds rather dramatic doesn't it do you think if the euro does fail that there is a real possibility the e.u. will follow. i'm not sure about that but i think there's no doubt that the road itself as an experiment is definitely under stress at the moment i think probably the short term measures of a bailout will be the way they'll go i'm not sure i would necessarily say that the political union is on the threat of the time being ardent isn't too keen on this bailout idea as it is being pushed by other e.u. countries to accept to bone up but with this economic sovereignty at stake do you
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think it will actually give in i think i think they'll be forced to it's my personal view i think they'll be forced to i don't really in it in a position of of much choice because clearly it's a sort of rock an odd place. and the short term expediency of bailout suits better than the. bondholders all or i immediate reactions of the situation why is on in so much trouble many are saying it's due to the liquidity of the banks but what is the problem there do you think well there's no doubt that there is an enormous amount of borrowing that was unsustainable and couldn't be backed up with the underlying growth of the country but i think probably it's just a function of the size of the country within the euro zone. if you look at their peers similar sized countries that have the same problems and certainly aren't yog the larger ones are in also a similar bind i think it probably suits the economic union to look at the
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smaller countries rather than the big ones so i think probably there's an element of the market taking a view and it being as i said earlier politically expedient to look at the smaller countries around the larger ones because portugal big questions over portugal as well at the moment and it's actually saying it may have to be forced to leave the euro i mean if that really did happen do you think other countries would follow. i think if one country breaks the union then i think it is likely that other countries would follow. the collapse of the e.u. such as that that would actually result in the collapse of the eurozone and ultimately the e.u. if stopped suddenly countries started leaving the e.u. the e.u. currency. i mean effectively of course it would because the whole idea of it at this point is relying on the toys and the. also i would say the ability to receive bailout money from the other european governments at this point
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is absolutely intrinsically tied into the way it's structured but just you know you what you want to keep an eye on the fact that one country after another appears to be on a on a slow roast in terms of news flown in terms of word the way the market is looking at this. but my my guess would be it's likely to be a short term situation for arlen because i believe that they will be forced to take bailout money and that will put them back probably bar in portugal in terms of the country being most most closely kitty to support put this in perspective the talks about the e.u. failing what does that mean if that does happen what does that mean to the people of europe the economies of europe what are the actual implications there. well i mean this is this is the problem the not only found in europe at the moment sadly you know all the countries the enormous debt. u.s. u.k. all the euro zone countries it's difficult to say but i think that we. would be in
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agreement something's got to get there needs to be some kind of clearing of the decks so that the capital markets can get themselves back into sounder footing so i would certainly sort of try and be a little bit less alarmist and say well in a way some kind of restructuring is needed because at the moment it's a sort of quixotic venture of tilting at windmills with very little actually happening to improve the sichuan just finally we've seen the the eurozone crisis before it has recovered so by the sounds of things you are expecting another recovery but is there anything really very different about this crisis than we've seen in the past well the one thing that i would flag up is the difference between the euro zone and the u.k. and the u.s. is effectively germany and the reason i bring that up is because the ability to bail out and. use cost of easing for a better phrase. is more difficult in europe because the germans are much more sensitive to residual memory of what happened to them in the one hundred twenty s.
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with hyperinflation so i think you know the whole picture must be borne in mind the germans are driving the bus they are the most powerful nation in the union and i think the ability for them to provide open ended bailouts it's a lot more complicated than it is in certainly elsewhere in the world now thanks very much net investment director of asset management there live in london thanks for your time on r.t. . the u.s. and afghanistan are trying to downplay rumors of a dispute brewing between the two of them it follows president hamid karzai his criticism of washington's water ticks in afghanistan because i demanded the u.s. led coalition reduce military operations and that night raids against suspected taliban commanders which often result in civilian casualties but the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton says the strikes are crucial to fight insurgents all this is just days before a critical nato summit where the alliance will unveil its new combat strategy up until twenty fourteen but. these reports america's rules of engagement the only
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thing troubling afghanistan. thirty eight billion dollars have been poured into afghanistan by the u.s. since the two thousand and one invasion to bolster security and economic development a significant chunk of that money humanitarian aid to provide food build health clinics schools and one of the poorest countries in the world all part of the u.s. effort to win over hearts and minds and to convince afghans to reject the taliban and al qaeda drop off some humanitarian aid supplies as much as we can give the people the knowing that we are out here we are the good guys but there is a dark cloud looming over the battle for hearts and minds it's known as america's black hole in afghanistan a secretive place journalists and human rights activists still depict as a liability to america's so-called war on terror former detainees have described
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the bug room detention facility as the scene of heinous crimes a place into which people simply disappeared without a trace two detainees were tortured to death by u.s. forces in two thousand and two while the scandal exposed the use of torture to obtain information from detainees today by the groom rename power when detention facility rarely makes the news. ah grog is still very much a black hole it's a prison facility that is operating that we don't have very much information about there are about six hundred or so detainees that are there many of them captured outside of afghanistan although a list of names that were released last year a federal court recently denied access to any other information pertaining to those detainees. mobile outrage and condemnation over detainee abuse is america's new
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tory has gone time obey prison forced the us to change its practices there but those languishing within the walls of bug room were less lucky that the tension still your own title is that was the most transparent we're talking to similarly in history bob graham detention facility and afghanistan today have the same standards for the litigation process is in a wartime theater it's an act of war zone it would be an precedent to have such access the original buggering detention facility may have been renamed relocated but it will take more than a fresh coat of paint to ease the fear afghans associate with the prison reports of a prison with an imprisoned persist with afghan president hamid karzai recently demanding greater afghan insight into the prisons affairs and greater legal recourse for its detainees which is why human rights advocates insist the billions of dollars sent to afghanistan does little to buffer and sign an image of america has already been tarnished by places like bob graham and out of the. human rights
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policies seem hypocritical and inconsistent and i think it's a problem for mccallum and mixing humanitarian aid with contentious u.s. policies and nontransparent attention practices relay a different reality on the ground for the people of afghanistan hypocrisy is basically what it is jan hoffa's r.t. washington. the sea. six months after two hundred million gallons of oil gushed into the gulf of mexico the u.s. claims it's what is it good for fishing again but american oil industry insider bob kanva told r.t. we've yet to see the worst consequences of the environmental disaster. the problem is that the vast majority of the oil never came to the surface it's in the oceans still today in cold water three thousand four thousand feet deep there could be vast plumes of oil that we can't see this destroying the food chain how. you know
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it's tragic the u.s. government and b.p. both wanted this story off the television. and that full interview with bob cabin hour is coming your way in around fifteen minutes from now here on r.t. by the way you can follow up our stories leave your comments and watch us online at our web site that is r t dot com online and there you can find the story concerning no escape from russia's drink drivers russian policeman and. lays of people to detect from just twenty paces each gadget costs the police a cool ten thousand dollars. even in crisis hit florida selling trucks could be a very lucrative business if you offer your customers a kalashnikov as a sweetener find out more about the latest promotional martie dot com. a man in some petersburg has died after being hit by a car wheel thrown from an upper window of an apartment building there will learned
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centimeters from his feet before bouncing up and smashing into his head the forty four year old was hospitalized with brain injuries in a broken jaw and died two days later police suspect a group of teenagers seen entering the building may be to blame several of them were later allegedly seen checking him as he lay on the street before walking away . when out of some other world news the british government has agreed to pay millions of dollars to its citizens held in america's quantum obey detention camp nearly a dozen former detainees say they were illegally imprisoned and u.k. security services were involved in their torture they also claim authorities had information they were being ill treated yet did nothing to help them. sixty six people have been killed and injured over the collapse of a five story residential building in new delhi the apartment block was used mainly to hells migrant workers construction material and foundations are blamed for the collapse rescue workers at the scene struggling to save dozens still trapped under
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the table. chinese police have detained for welders after a massive fire at an apartment block in shanghai more than fifty people were killed and dozens injured by the blaze reports eighty unlicensed builders may accidently started the fire on monday the inferno ripped through the building forcing dozens to climb down scaffolding to escape. but also the world update buckingham palace has confirmed prince william is to marry his long term girlfriend kate middleton the wedding will take place in spring or summer next year the couple became engaged in the holiday last month when kate started dating eight years ago while studying together at some to andrews university. the landscape of the. rushes far east has been continuously molded by centuries of volatile geological activity parties documentary team takes you now in an exclusive adventure to the land of all ken it's a little later here's a quick preview. for your convenience our comfortable shuttle bus
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will teach you to display. just a few hours of serving urgent focused and scaring scorn. in your direction. on the moon. crater. scorching. there are included. a photo of the wild lunar rover for free. fascinating documentary for you coming up a little later that's in an hour from now stay with us here on r.t. for that now you know he's here with the business updates. a very warm welcome time to get the latest from the world of business gas from
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a still suffering from the effects of the financial downturn the uncertain economic outlook in europe is creating uncertainty in russia's biggest company but castro has been working to diversify its customer base our correspondent but in a course that explains how the strategy is progressing from the gas of russia conference taking place at gas prices headquarters in moscow. a lot was a mansion today about how the gas industry will recover from the financial downturn and gazprom announced that it will return to pre-crisis level up by two thousand and eight by only twenty twelfth and this was one of the main hot lines of the gas form that is taking place onto the moment had gas problems moscow had orders according to the deputy chairman of the board alexander the media of the gas demand in europe has fallen for quite significantly for due to the crisis and it has just started to pick up but it hasn't reached the pre-crisis level but to tell you more
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and in terms of that the a longer respect to for the gas consumption in europe will increase out quite significantly and to give you more details that will nansen to date the conference the european gas to consumption will reach three hundred eighty billion cubic meters alpha gas and heli by twenty twenty meanwhile despite the fact that most of the russian gas x. now flows into europe at the main focus and the main drive for the future growth lies in a completely different direction and it's the asian pacific region. demand for gas in the asia pacific region will definitely grow while analysts predict. not even to mention energy demand in such developing countries like china or india. two plans to supply at least ten billion cubic meters of gas to south korea starting from twenty seventeen by that time we expect the korean market to have grown by
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a further fifteen percent but the main focus is a china this november gazprom plans to continue negotiations over gas supplies into the country and alexander them invaded also mentioned today that gazprom is a relaunching work over sakhalin three four and five projects and this a full use of the overall company strategy to diversify its presence in the asian up pacific region meanwhile there are two major gas transportation projects that the i touch in today and these were north and a south stream while the construction of a north stream project is almost done and the first gas supplies by the pipeline is will start next year in twenty eleven however the situation over at the south stream project this is still unclear alexandra midday do for only months and today that other players from of the global energy community are welcome to participate and this project parties medina course for fourteen from gas from his headquarters
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the euro has come off a seven week low against the dollar but it remains vulnerable as investors wait for a decision on a possible bailout for ireland dublin is continuing to resist pressure check sept eighth from its euro zone partners such meeting the finance ministers in brussels it says it's not in danger of defaulting on its debt paul marco from h.s.b.c. explains why arland small economies such a big problem may not be a bigger car to me because quite a big impact for the european economy as a whole and really what it comes down to is that conditions in our own got a lot worse from a financial market perspective what it could mean for the real economies elsewhere in europe is that what what what could actually happen to contagion so yes arlen has a problem but could it impacts possibly portugal even more. so and eventually even the spin so this is what the market is quite nervous about it's more about the contagion risk rather than just our story by itself with the market wants to see is
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obviously if there is going to be some sort of package support package announced today something credible something detailed so they can walk away with thinking well actually maybe this is a good somebody that can take out some of this contagion fear at present if not then the market will be very nervous and i think what would probably happen is that the euro would probably remain under downward pressure. as take a look at the equity markets u.s. stocks are low in l a trade off to reports china would announce measures including price controls on food to slow the country's reputation on the growth. and european stocks sinking further into the red on tuesday following heavy falls in china and losses on wall street ireland is still in the spotlight as it comes under pressure to accept a bailout from europe. on the russian markets finished tuesday session in the red in moscow with indices shutting nearly two percent banks into energy majors weighing burbank shed nearly twenty percent on both poses and bill snuffle stone of
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the two percent on the my sense. and russia's largest still make a serious dollar has almost doubled its profits in the third quarter of beating analyst estimates that you can jump around three hundred seventy million dollars as the company benefited from high roll commodities prices. that's all the business news from the are joining me next doll for more business news and get more stories small website r t dot com slash business.
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