tv [untitled] November 16, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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suspected russian arms dealer viktor booth lands in new york after being extradited to the us from thailand moscow insists the moves are illegal. the european union president warns the irish debt crisis could cause a collapse if europe fails to unite against a common economic threat. and the new leader of britain's armed forces believes the west is unable to defeat militant islamists and al-qaeda general sir richard david richard says to prepare for another four decades in afghanistan. has more on our top story next as the alona show assesses victor boots chances in the u.s. where the justice system appears to have already made up its mind stay with us.
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welcome the lower show will get the real headlines with none of the mersey work to be live out of washington d.c. now today the suspected russian arms dealer viktor boot was extradited from thailand to the u.s. so we're going to look into his much disputed history around the globe and what options he has now that is on american soil then are the neo-cons that they host of the two thousand and ten foreign policy initiative form and george w. just broke round on a new presidential center including an area dedicated to a think tank does this mean that nothing has changed in america we're going to speak to author david swanson that is the t.s.a. is new groping security system is dominating headlines we're going to tell you about how the terrorism program is bringing in the big bucks as airports are
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bringing in those invasive backscatter machines you will never guess who is making money off of them writer mike riggs will join me for more on that story and could this be proof that the american economy really is in big trouble the one industry that could withstand anything the sex industry is finally feeling heat from the economic crisis we're going to speak with the owner of a swingers club about the effects that he's felt in this troubling time as of the end of face show but now let's move on to night's top story. suspected russian arms dealer viktor booth is being extradited to the u.s. after being imprisoned in thailand for the past two years now while boot was behind bars the u.s. and russia had an epic tug of war over boots intentions and whether or not he's been transporting weapons to conflict areas around the globe whether he's guilty of dealing arms or not but has built up quite a reputation around the world r.t. correspondent catarina zareba has the story. how the woods lord of war there are
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over five hundred fifty million firearms in the world wide circulation that's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. the only question is. how do we arm the other eleven and his alleged real life prototype russian businessman victor boot nicknamed the merchant of death denied all accusations and laughed off parallels. and i feel pity for it's but his statement never changed even when he came from behind bars in the infamous bangkok hilton but that did not stop the thai people court from ordering his extradition to the united states despite the fact the country's criminal court earlier refused to do just that in a move worthy of a bureaucratic record thai authorities move goot from prison to a u.s. airplane in under three hours without him seeing his wife or his lawyer. and
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even though this case may seem closed the biggest question remains unanswered what does victor know to make the americans want this badly victor boot is a walking intelligence treasure trove has a phenomenal phenomenal photographic memory and because book now is too much he is more dangerous than wiki leaks for the u s smuggling role in weapons in not only in africa and latin america but all over the world it's not everyone that's willing to give the russian businessmen the type of credit given to him by u.s. prosecutors he's possibly a merchant of some death but he certainly isn't the man the u.s. major would call them merchant of death i mean back to around quite a large airline operation and many an operator and i would think that ninety five percent of his flights were ordinary commercial goods i know you flew television as he flew washing powder all sorts of things so we're only talking about five percent
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of the ca goes possibly being. run even flying is not itself illegal but ever since his arrest in the thai capital in march two thousand and eight the american side it everything it could to make charges stick including adding allegations of trade love violations boots family have repeatedly criticized the court procedures firm in their belief that he is being made a scapegoat of a policeman a principle this is a question of principle they've spent ten years spending money taxpayer money on trying to root out gun runs so they have to have someone to show for it and they chose victim of course it's nothing but p.r. . you know moyes actually refused to take his case because they were visited by u.s. officials boots trial and tribulations are anything but over his fate in the u.s. is very uncertain with only one thing guaranteed more time behind bars rumors of a sequel to hollywood's blockbuster lord of war have been circling around for
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a while the last ordinary moviegoers await that release dictabelt will be awaiting his own at this point in time both look equally unlikely. kashrut as r r t moscow. victor has journeyed today will be taking him from bangkok to new york where he's expected to arrive in just a few hours i'm joined live now by our hugh corresponding marina in new york to give us all the latest details now marina first of all i guess tell us why new york why is he going there. well the short answer is that when victor boot was arrested in march of two thousand and eight the u.s. attorney in the southern district of new york was the one to file the charges against mr boot and in february of this past year the same attorney this same u.s. attorney introduced a new indictment against victor boot and so this is where the paperwork was essentially filed in lower manhattan right next to the metropolitan correctional
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center and that is a prison where mr blue may very well be taken to it's also the downtown lower manhattan is that prison is near wall street it's near ground zero where the twin towers once stood it's a backdrop for big cases and big names well now what do we know exactly of the details so as far as i'm concerned boots supposed to arrive and not about nine pm tonight and then you know where does it go from there do they tell us when the court proceedings will begin clearly they haven't been exactly specific with which prison. you know alone unfortunately the department of justice has not disclosed any information they wrote me an e-mail saying we are not commenting on anything and i ask all the questions you just asked me when will be will he be arraigned when will he be arriving where will he be taken to mr we can confirm that some media outlets are reporting that victor boot has already arrived in new york we
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are awaiting official comment but we should mention that when victor boot left bangkok he was under extremely heavy guard he was excluded by eight people including some that were wearing d. e a jackets he was wearing himself mr britt was wearing a bulletproof vest ballistic missile ballistic helmet and so obviously this is a man that was surrounded by a high level of security and we can only. anticipate that once he is in new york and it is confirmed that he's in new york he will be held under strict security measures now we can't have a mention of course of the timing of this is unfortunate or i guess perhaps coincidental depending on who you ask you know the u.s. and russia are experiencing a reset of relations of sort just coming up this weekend both president obama and president of aides of are meant to be at the nato summit in lisbon portugal and
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well this like i said is not good news for that relationship but also what have the officials been saying from both sides. you know obviously it's doesn't help the good relations that have been formed between the u.s. and russia but you know many believe that there is no such thing as coincidences in politics. russian russian officials are obviously reacting to this in a very critical manner russia believes that this was there was an unprecedented political pressure but put on the legal system and put on the thailand government in order to have a victor boot extradited to the u.s. let's remember that u.s. officials have been aggressively pursuing mr boots extradition for more than two years and this is something that came out of nowhere there was no there was no disclosure from the u.s. government before this occurred and some would even argue that this was a violation of the laws that are in place where the russian government should have
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been notified beforehand sergei lavrov the russian foreign minister says that russia will continue to give. all the necessary support to victor. citizen and also added that mr guilt was never proven in thai court despite all the proceedings that the u.s. aggressively pursued so obviously a lot of questions still up in the air on the validity and the legality of the u.s. moves when it comes to victor now very quickly i'm assuming that the answer this question is going to be no considering everything of the justice department already said but will the media have any access to viktor but. it's a good question and it's one that should be asked i think it's fair to assume that victor boot will be held under special administrative measures and if i'm correct that means that he will be placed in a cell by himself under a twenty three hour lockdown he will have very limited access with the outside
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world and that means no media interviews limited access with his attorney. me if he has one here he didn't have one in thailand he will even have unlimited access when it comes to visitors we should also mention that if he is sent to the metropolitan correctional center in lower manhattan this is a prison where other high profile people have been held such as lynne stewart a civil rights attorney for. those are names that have come to the press with us to the u.s. charging them with terror related acts although they were not convicted on terror related to. what is going to distribute obviously a lot of eyes paying attention to how this wall play out and how the u.s. is acting when it comes to legality in this whole case we're definitely to have to wait and see if we get any details maria thanks so much. now what's been done is done buthe successfully been extradited to the u.s.
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just spite the russian foreign ministry calling the move illegal and in contravention of extradition law so how do we look at this from a legal perspective that can boot argue his way out and return to russia on the basis of technicalities or are all bets off now that he's touched upon u.s. soil well joining me from houston to discuss it is douglas mcnabb senior partner with make now harare and an expert on u.s. international extradition. this mcnab thank you so much for joining us first tell me this you know in accordance with what the russian foreign ministry said was what the u.s. did illegal in any way. not according to extradition law what the u.s. did was put forth their case in a legal court and the thai government based upon the extradition treaty between thailand in the united states alternately agreed that mr boult should be should be extradited i understand that russia has argued that because mr bout was not a u.s. citizen but he should not have been extradited that's not an issue in the
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extradition treaty between the two countries that russia has also argued that there was significant political pressure put on the thai government that is something that perhaps could have been argued in the extradition hearing itself that mr about should not have been extradited as a result for political reasons but all of that is is is in the in the background down mr about has been who has been extradited to the u.s. and the u.s. supreme court has or is as is found that even if mr boot or illegally returned to the united states that that is not the basis to have the federal charges against mr boot dropped now are you at all surprised with me he's been in thailand for two years right this pressure has been going on between the u.s. and russia for you know years months you could say but then it all happened so quickly once they did decide to extradite him to the u.s. it happened within a matter of hours victor but its own wife said that she wasn't able to get to the
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prison in time to even say good bye to him so is that of a clear sign here that there was a lot of political pressure. that's a clear sign to me that the u.s. law enforcement wanted mr boot by to the u.s. as quickly as possible in our extradition cases it's not unusual that if the u.s. government wants someone to be returned to the u.s. that they're going to act as quickly as possible in order to make sure that that individual is returned to the u.s. and the and that there's no further delay now tell me this how is this going to play out in court i mean is this man going to have a jury trial he's known he's been nicknamed the merchant of death i can't really imagine how anybody would be objective after that point. it's going to be difficult there's a significant amount of pretrial publicity of course they've been books written about mr boot he has he is facing a two separate federal indictments so he's potentially going to have two trials
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one of which he's facing up to why without parole in the u.s. federal system if he is sentenced to life i'm certainly not suggesting that he's going to be convicted but it be as convicted and sentenced to life like this life they literally carry him out in a box but the second indictment he's facing up to twenty years without parole but i think that the real challenge is going to be for mr blue to engage to hire and pay for legal counsel in the u.s. that isn't tainted in some way mr boot is going to perhaps be able to get court appointed counsel i don't know that he wants a court appointed counsel the general rule in the u.s. in my experience and i've been doing this federal criminal defense and international extradition since the late eighty's my experience has been generally the court appointed counsel in the federal criminal case is not up to it's not up to speed they're not typically experienced in complex cases so it's going to get
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court appointed counsel if you can't afford to hire counsel. and and and he's going to get an experience counsel on the other hand. if he wants to hire counsel because mr boot has been designated by the u.s. department of treasury's office of foreign asset control because he's been designated as a special designated individual that hired counsel is going to have to get permission from the u.s. department of treasury evasion in order to to represent and be paid by mr bush so it's the very government that's wanting to put him in jail one of which is. the underlying offense will buy a lation a loaf that attorney is going to have to get permission from the represent mr all it's definitely going to be a very high profile case and everything that you just told us sounds like it's going to be even more complicated than we can imagine mr mcmahon thank you so much
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for joining us my pleasure well just ahead on tonight's show the neo cons are back artie's kalen ford will tell us what's on the agenda for the a group and how they plan to quote restore america meanwhile george w. broke ground on a new presidential center today so we'll have the details about the project and what that all means after the break. wealthy british style it's time to explain the next go. to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy is a report on our. news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been
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seeing from the streets of canada. showing operation to rule the day. does the name james blunt bring a bill back in two thousand and five the musician out of britain released an epic pop ballad channeling the hearts of ladies around the world with two simple words your beautiful. well it turns out that james is more than just a pop artist with one annoying hit black actually used to be a soldier for nato when they were involved in kosovo he was a cavalry officer heading up about thirty thousand troops you may have known that bit of information but did you also know that james blunt single handedly prevented
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world war three get this back in one thousand nine hundred nine there was some major turbulence when nato forces showed up at a pristine air forward air field during the kosovo conflict so blunt told b.b.c. news there are about two hundred russian forces already occupying the airfield and when blunt in his unit were told to attack he refused he says that he knows he could have faced court martial for denying his orders from his superiors but he was willing to do it to save the world and finally one of glenn's commanders agreed with his decision saying that his unit will not be responsible for starting world war three so it turns out well blunt in six were right few days later the russian troops asked nato forces for help and the conflict was defused now i'm not saying the blunt didn't do the right thing here but the way that he paints this entire story made us all think it was a joke the first time we heard it not only is he a successful pop artist but he also singlehandedly prevented world war three from breaking out you know i think that i just came up with the title for his next it
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single i save the world it's true. ever wonder what happened to america's neo cons after they launched two wars left us saddled with trillions in debt and then lost the white house and congress while they are back and they are bigger and better than ever artie's killing ford has more in the group and how they plan to restore america and their own words. neoconservative leaders came together for two days of quote restoring america's leadership in a democratic world without ever acknowledging the role their policies played in its decline they reassured each other that china's rise didn't signal imperial demise were different from china you know we have a liberal regime we make mistakes all the time and you know there are things in our history for which we need to apologize and have a holocaust but at the end of the day think of ourselves as trying to promote human rights and lift all boats and prosperity and that's not how the chinese regime thinks of itself and they painted a rosy picture of their continued occupation of afghanistan and their ability to
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control afghan president hamid karzai despite new corruption charges and revelations electoral fraud cars i don't know what was worse at one point over president karzai he was very amenable to listening to western advice then we've seen the emerging the last several years version two point zero of course on which is a very different figure one who the west is in a sense we stepped away from our mentoring lation with him and became really someone adversarial they presented their typical schizophrenia approach to russia and eminent threat but at the same time no match for u.s. military might i don't worry about every mission the cold war i don't think it's going to happen one reasons i don't think the russians are capable of reading and warned of imminent danger should the us close any of its eight hundred thirty seven military bases worldwide to reduce the four trillion dollar deficit my greatest fear is that in economic tough times the people will see the defense budget as the
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place to solve the nation's deficit problems. to find money for other parts of the government i think that would be disastrous in the world environment we see today and what we're likely to see in the years to come unquestionable too was america's nuclear arsenal well i hope that we have made world. without nuclear weapons i also hope that page fly just outside the gates of the white house the last two years ago and the presidential election neoconservatives gather here at this hotel to espouse much of the same rhetoric they had back then the threats of iran and china a permanent presence in iraq and afghanistan and a skyrocketing defense budget and they had their foreign backers in the audience d. new conservative view is that we need to go all out eliminate one side and have a victory and then in power to people to to manage. their government and you agree with that view i definitely do among them were former foreign darlings of
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washington back for a pat on the back even as their influence faded at home i'm not republican and democrats you know. a member of solidarity well you can do what you want this is your country do want to work well i have my own view and my own proposals. american. establishment believes that this is important it will be great if they don't we will continue oh so it's no problem most tellingly democrat turned neoconservative senator joseph lieberman praised president obama to me the story that in some ways neither party wants to knowledge unless their courage is people at the time is that if you look back at the last two years the story of the obama foreign policy is as march continuity as change from the bush administration policy neo conservatives may be down but they're not out with republicans back in control of the house their foreign policy agenda is back on the table killing ford
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arts. washington d.c. . what a coincidence that it has the neo con love fest or technically the two thousand and ten foreign policy initiative forum named restoring america's leadership of a democratic world was being held here in new see former president george w. bush broke ground in dallas for his presidential center joined by former administration officials including dick cheney and congolese rice the former president planted a shovel into the dirt and promised to continue to advance the principles that guided his service and public office located at southern methodist university the george w. bush presidential center will include a library a museum and a think tank working for education reform global health economic growth and ironically human freedom as well as a decision theater where visitors can hear a set of facts and then try to side to decide what they would have done in that situation so if we look at the big picture here neal cuts wanting to restore
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america's leadership by joking about nuclear weapons were doctrines and scoffing at befriending russia along with george w. bush starting of all things a think tank does that mean that nothing has changed in america joining me to discuss it is david swanson author of his new book war is a lie comes out on monday david thank you so much for joining me so i guess let's start with bush right i mean here's a man who got our country into two wars who opened guantanamo bay who essentially said yeah go ahead torture people damn right i'm down with waterboarding and he gets a think tank. well these encourage him not to do too much t.v. and he's getting a library which protesters in dallas today are denouncing as a library of closing the very end of the law is good you know president obama is the one very in the lies you still want to go in out of his way to compel the justice department to immunize bush to protect his secrets to protect him from criminal and civil responsibility and giving him the freedom to go until a vision to brag openly about having committed still at least which which really.
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hits the public in a hard spot because people don't want to believe that their leaders will go on t.v. and brag about crime so they conclude that these actions must have been illegal and hence you have the neo cons openly parading their views of how the world should be despite everyone done everything they could to to vote in somebody new two years ago and then as joe lieberman said first time i've ever agreed with the man so much continuity out of president obama and that the public responds by rejecting his party this month and now they feel empowered to step forward it this is not the way this world would look if any effort had been made to hold bush and his gang accountable for their abuses and their crimes why why do you think that it's all because of bush i mean really why are neo cons so powerful i guess you could say so influential that no matter what happens they all still seem to have their little
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bubble they get together and these people they they really do they influence policy despite how damning it might be for america's image abroad. well they have money on their side they have fear and propaganda on their side and they have much of the u.s. corporate media on their side there is no left wing media to to tell the public the views of those opposing these people many of the people who have been accomplices to bush in his crimes in his war lies are now employed by television stations and newspapers in this country so they don't go away i mean this this conference in washington on the right next to the washington post at the w. hotel they are bringing back criminals from the iran contra era aides to president bush a laundry list of people who who have been rejected if not convicted of crimes and people like as not who's in no good favor in his own country in spain these are
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people whose whose views have been rejected by the american public in every poll but the public doesn't have political alternatives to them other than the democrats where you have to squint to see the difference now david very quickly we'll have a minute left but tell me so there are there are protesters outside today at the ceremony and there will be a process for the next couple of days you'll be speaking in monday and on monday in dallas tell us what's going to go on there yeah monday meaning yesterday germs are as i was coming up now now the past few days and the next couple of days there's a long series of events and today in particular there was a big protest rally and march of people who don't want to join the president looking forward who think we should enforce our laws even against the biggest of our criminals and you can go to the people's response org to see the people's response to the bush library of course george bush only thought himself the beret and.
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