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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2010 2:00am-2:30am EST

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all. u.s. prosecutors are set to the side of the fate of russian businessman victor borge who faces charges of supplying weapons to terrorists russia says both extradition from thailand was illegal and will fight to the last for his rights. ambassador fans budget the world with nuclear weapons and seeing threats all around or issues back on the agenda after the republican success in midterm elections. and dragging the island behind it good kenyan bourne's of economic collapse and violent and the whole you don't face up to it cannot make storm. and on the business desk with the european union considering the liberalization of the gas
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market being the world's largest producer is no longer enough but gazprom to guarantee market dominance i'll have much more in twenty minutes time. watching r.t. live from moscow i'm josh welcome to the program russian businessman victor borge is now in jail in new york awaiting charges after being extradited from thailand suspected of arms smuggling if convicted in the u.s. he faces life in prison moscow says it will continue to fight for bush citing his extradition as illegal as marina now reports. u.s. justice department refuses to give me personally any comment regarding what will happen next to victor route but i can tell you that prosecutors are preparing to address the media some point wednesday that we detailed how the the trial would
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proceed if there is to be a trial where he will be held in the time being as i mentioned i did reach out to the justice department to just find out basic questions when the arraignment would be where mr boot would be relocated to whether he would be held under special administrative measures and the justice department wrote me back saying that they would not comment or answer any of my questions obviously this has added a tense element to the relations between the united states and russia russian foreign minister sergei lavrov weighed in on the situation questioning why this clandestine activity is taking place at the moment. but. you do despite two rulings in thailand's criminal court saying victor boots guilty was not proven to be the government has still decided to hand him over to the us like consider this unprecedented political pressure on the legal process and on thailand's government this is an example of striking injustice we as
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a state will continue to give all necessary support to boot as a russian citizen. shortly after the extradition was underway you will see the fischel say that they followed all the procedures they hope that what is happening right now with the activity surrounding viktor booth that it would not impact the relations between moscow and washington in any way let's take a listen to what was said. we have. a broad and deep relationship with russia it is guided by our mutual national interests i don't expect that this will have any impact on our relationship but it is fully consistent with both our. bilateral treaty obligations with thailand and fully consistent with international law this was a very quick and precise perceive that went under way that surprised good
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wife who now remains lewis as to what is happening with her husband what will happen when she will see her next we did get to speak with her here's what she said . it's hard for me to talk about but what happened was totally unexpected for both myself and victor's lawyer the thai cabinet held a closed meeting where a political decision was taken to extradite my husband to the us the extradition took place within four hours of the meeting against all the rights and laws of the country the only law that exists in thailand is u.s. influence i guess this decision was paid for what is coming to light in this story with this. the worry is the u.s. justice system is wide what they do process in the united states is all about because so many secrets have been kept so many people have been kept in the dark about what is happening with all of this while the u.s. has been aggressively campaigning to get him extradited and. so right now while
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many are questioning what due process and the u.s. is really all about. reporting there daniel is still an investigative journalist and ryder believes victor blood doesn't have any chance of getting a fair trial in the u.s. . i can't possibly see how it would be a fair trial because again the americans have spent ten years actually tried to get out of the trouble they spent two years and they have tried to get him out of prison in thailand to the united states and now actually when they have him in their grasp in the united states if they actually put him on fair trial and he wins this case imagine what's going to happen to the united states they're going to turn into a lobbying stock of the entire world so no the trial is not going to be a fair trial but again victor would simply has no secrets to tell so in a fair trial he would go a whole but again he won't go home i mean the whole idea of victor borge as a merchant of death as a hollywood phenomenon the trouble is not an arms merchant he was also he's a cargo merchant he was if you will the transporter so if americans think you can
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actually get secrets out of him they're very very very wrong you know the russians know there's the americans know this there's two ways to look at this or we're going to have a show trial of we're going to have a closed door trial i think probably they're going to go for the show trial because again is a very useful piece of the mantel piece because as i said before it's a big debate is just a pawn of this global game where the end game is to get russia anyway in any means possible how is anyone still an investigative journalist and writer. now new conservatives have mad in washington to reiterate the very same rhetoric that failed them in the us presidential race two years ago the right wing politicians of coal to boost the enormous military budget fight threats coming from iran and china and question russia's nuclear might argue scale and ford reports. neoconservative leaders came together for two days of quote restoring america's leadership in a democratic world without ever acknowledging the role their policies played in its decline they reassured each other that china's rise didn't signal an imperial
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demise were different from china you know we have a liberal regime we make mistakes all the time and we had you know there are things in our history for which we need to apologize and have apologized but at the end of the day we think of ourselves as trying to promote human rights and lift all boats and prosperity and that's not how the chinese regime thinks of itself and they painted a rosy picture of their continued occupation of afghanistan and their ability to control afghan president hamid karzai despite new corruption charges and revelations electoral fraud cars i don't know which version one point zero of president karzai he was very amenable to listening to western advice then we've seen the emerging the last several years version two point zero of course which is a very different figure one who the west is in a sense we stepped away from our mentoring relationship and they became really somewhat adversarial they presented their typical approach to russia and eminent threat but at the same time no match for u.s. military might i don't worry about
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a remission the cold war i don't think it's going to happen one reason is i don't think the russians are capable of reading and warned of an imminent danger should the us close any of its eight hundred thirty seven military bases worldwide to reduce the four trillion dollar deficit my greatest fear is that in economic tough times the people will see the defense budget as the place to solve the nation's deficit problems. to find money for other parts of the government i think that would be disastrous in the world environment we see today and what we're likely to see in the years to come unquestionable to what was america's nuclear arsenal well i hope that we have a world. without nuclear weapons i also hope that page fly just outside the gates of the white house the last two years ago in the presidential election neoconservatives gathered here at this hotel to espouse much of the same rhetoric they had back read the threats of iran and china
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a permanent presence in iraq and afghanistan and a skyrocketing defense budget and they had their foreign backers in the audience the new conservative view is that we need to go all out to eliminate one side and have a victory and then empower the people to manage. their government and you agree with that view i definitely do among them were former foreign darlings of washington back for a pat on the back even as their influence faded at home i'm not a republican a democrat. a member of solidarity well you can do what you want this is your country to do with your world well it's. only you in my own proposals. american. establishment believes that this is important it will be great if they don't feel continue oh so it's no problem most tellingly a democrat turned. senator joseph lieberman of praise president obama to me the story that in some ways neither party wants to knowledge muster courage as people
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at the time is that if you look back at the last two years the story of the obama foreign policy is as march continuity as change from the bush administration policy neo conservatives may be down but they're not out with republicans back in control of the house their foreign policy agenda is back on the table in ford artsy washington d.c. . and as the republicans breathe new life into old rhetoric the democrats are struggling to bring change and they are making a last ditch effort to push a key arms deal through congress before the end of the year vice president joe biden has warned that failure to ratify the strategic arms reduction treaty with russia will endanger america's national security his plea false statements by republicans that the deal shouldn't be signed this year with some saying it should be dropped altogether the new start treaty was sealed in april and should slash two country's nuclear arsenals by a third but it won't come into force until ratified by both sides something moscow
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says it's been ready to do for months republicans made significant gains in the midterm elections with few willing to cooperate with obama's democrats on the start treaty. more i have for you this hour here in our team exploring space and the moon will tell you of the so-called tanks that the u.s.s.r. sent up to explore the moon and what they found. now plans for a rescue package for ireland are being drawn up by eurozone finance ministers meeting in brussels members have vowed to support dublin with a struggling economy should it request help the decision comes on the back of market fear is that some smaller countries are not capable of paying back their massive debts earlier the president of the european union warned the irish debt crisis could cause an e.q. collapse now than they were legal and from a london based vestment company says may have little alternative but to take the
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money. i don't really in a position of much choice because clearly it's a sort of rock and a hard place. and the short term expediency of bail out so it's better than the. bondholders or the immediate reactions of the situation but just you know you what you want to keep an eye on the fact that one country after another. in terms of news flown in terms of the way the market is looking at this but my guess would be it's likely to be a short situation for all and because i believe that they will be forced to take bailout money and that will put them back probably in portugal in terms of the country being the most most closely as nads naylor in the u.n. from a london based investment company well financial analyst max kaiser says arlen should seek help from the institutions responsible for its demise. in less ireland's
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willing to give up its sovereignty unless ireland is going to become a debt slave unless ireland wants its affairs conducted by the i.m.f. and the i.m.f. everywhere they've gone they've they've brought destruction and economic mayhem you know they're licking their chops waiting to get in there to cause havoc pay themselves a huge freeze give bonuses to their college array of crony capitalists and terrorist bankers and ireland is quaking in its boots and the government unfortunately in our lives not standing up for the people it's abdicated its role as representative of the people the i.m.f. and the e.u. and the e.c.b. caused ireland's crisis so why are you going to them to ask you to solve the crisis they're the ones that caused the crisis our only needs to divorce itself from these financial terrorists and stand on its own two feet. now russia will supply the lebanese army with three helicopters tanks ammunitions the announcement comes after prime minister saad hariri recent visit to moscow the deal will boost lebanon's
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poorly equipped military that's in need of an overhaul that's been long overdue all good i'll get some analysis from military experts pose the director of the center for analysis of strategies and technologies respond thanks for being here with us on the program now the americans have been supplying lebanon with weapons until congress suspend a military aid in august before reinstating and just several days ago now russia has stepped in so why is moscow decided to help. in fact the bunny's government to hold this asked for military technical assistance both be done for free and russia off to the evolution took the decision to supply weapons to lebanon whether it was a wise decision or time would show because we know that the fumble government in lebanon is going wrong going to. be responsible for the arsenals and in certain cases these weapons can lead to certain groups like hezbollah and can be used both
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against. the serial and then some cases against syria which closes the while for sure in the region that's why whether it was a wise decision a month only time would show. look at the situation in the middle east and the lebanese neighbor is it possible that lebanon may feel some threat in the region coming from one of its neighbors. to sleep on the on doesn't feel very much secure due to its must see reward due to the. recent. one the stop here which was surprised several years ago. due to the fact that central government almost doesn't control the solving territory close to you sir that's why there are many friends. living on security. but the majority of them they are not from external enemies but they are from the situation inside. while some say the lebanese army is poorly equipped but do you thing this is just part of the reason
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why the country seeking new weapons. in fact the freedom armament or the eleven on this is their e s three inch mique so focused on their equipment or equipment which should. be displayed at the museums but can't serve those security purposes that's why it's quite natural. it's quite natural that. the lebanese government seeking for a new weapon but there should always keep in mind that the special would have been these government but this is people not iran which fights and the for several s. nuke and the really jews group which can sistani will refuse to. do friendly bunny's identity but they would be defending the interests of their own clan or. hold their religious jurisdiction the best weapon will be off not use. so one might
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not be happy to see newly arm lebanon. i think that both syria but he serials they wouldn't be happy seeing that live on the rearming because they used to the fact that livin on these weak state that there is no strong gun you've got becomes even armed response in case that's why i see this is a very poor about school situation on the boat. and opens it states syria and interesting although both will not be happy seeing lebannon being more strong. there was ample her director of the center for analysis of strategies and technology thanks very much for sharing your views here with us on our team. something to look at some other stories from around the world and iran is testing long range missiles part of what it says the country's biggest erda fans drill the five day war games are being carried out to test the islamic republic's ability to deter possible airstrikes against its nuclear facilities israel and the us say they
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have not ruled out military action against iran to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons to iran insists its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. the dominican republic has registered its first case of cholera for weeks after the epidemic broke out in neighboring haiti authorities have created health checks at the border to try to stop the disease crossing into the country the cholera outbreak has caused violence haiti after two protesters were killed by un peacekeeping troops playing for spreading the epidemic has killed more than a thousand. and officials say a fresh round of flooding and landslides of killed at least eleven people in central we have now the latest figures to bring the death toll to one hundred seventy eight in the region over the past six weeks experts say the tropical depression is likely to rage on. during the nine hundred sixty is the united states in the soviet union were fears space race the americans were first to
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get a man on the moon but on this day forty years ago the sauvie has guided the first unmanned rover to the earth's closest neighbor the lunar tanks or a lunar hods successfully explored the moon's surface. has their story back in the nine hundred sixty s. the i swear on day and night within these rules the soviet union had come up with a plan to send in the men drove to the moon but the question was how would it move around then stimulus surface once it got there. the solution was finally found at this institute we institute them first we want to use caterpillars we used to make turnings and we loved tanks but it became clear that wheels were more reliable than caterpillars could get stuck that would ruin the whole mission and we couldn't have food to make a mistake or you know what one popularly known as the luna tank was the first ever
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remote controlled rover to land another celestial body. initially slated for a three month mission it will the lunar surface for eleven months during this time it traveled more than ten kilometers taken over twenty thousand images including sound with its own footprints. every lunar morning once in twenty eight days when the sun's rays touch the lunar held solar panel it would wake up bape. hello only sound in a silent world and set off a new adventure. exactly wait what had was decided far away at the mission control center in the crimea. just left of going to was one of the five mammal in her team which also included and navigator and ten operator and two engineers. luna hoods camera film the moon surface and send black and white pictures back to earth with a delay of more than twenty seconds month so we had to judge the situation using
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this picture aboard a lunar ford stood still we got basic info on what was going on outside stones the course of the movement of craters and other such things after that the dr would choose the next one which could operate in. the first steps were difficult but in time it seems the teams work became more creative what's more. we once on women's day we wanted to get our wives flowers but we didn't have time that there was so much work so our navigator suggested drawing a flower like shape on the moon with the rover and we present the women with the pictures he even told journalists that you could see the shape through a telescope but of course that wasn't true. of the balloon after sending his last pictures back to earth. the luna had finally stopped in its tracks it's still there to this day but the little rovers tabs were a giant leap for mankind and the tracks it left on the moon surface will forever remain a trail blazed for future explorers. we look forward to checking out the lunar soil
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polar areas which weren't explored during the soviet era we know that water based on samples we found that we had that one day they will allow us to set up an inhabited lunar base for a lot of. back. the nine hundred sixty is the two superpowers who are sending both people in machines to the stars and back with only one go to outdo each other billions of dollars to spend in the race to leave one another behind but decades on its old friends the full phone flying space now united nations against the big good go to go to go together where no one has gone before. but if notion out the morse code st petersburg well that brings us up to date here in our team and business news is next with stephanie. hello and welcome to the business bulletin the european union is considering the
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liberalization of the gas market and proposing easy access for independent producers to the pipeline that work for gas problems they world's largest producer is no longer enough to guarantee its dominance of the market and teddy had reports . last year gas from sales to europe fell about twelve percent due to the financial downturn demand is now recovering but at the same time the russian gas monopoly is facing a stiff a competition the russian union favors diversity in the gas market and wants to liberalize the transportation networks russia dislikes the idea but some experts believe it has little to feel pretty priced markets means to. him and that the markets continue his call to the market i think in this is in favor of kasparov because they are the backbone of the supply of fuel and now they have also the chance to enter into the market to go through the cost some of the delay but because to the cost. i think is a good development for europe this station is also good for the trust in the
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customers to be guess another threat to russian gas comes from global companies taking a keen interest in gaz gazprom is facing increased competition in europe particularly from alternative gas produces may just such as shell which traditionally focused on full production and paying more attention to that gas business is going to reject the fact that the share of gas revenues in the total structure total revenue structure for. oil and gas majors made from stepping is increasing while the oil revenue share is decreasing actually the main competition for gazprom in europe robs not from our willing his majors themselves he counts from cattaro and she producers. african gas producers guessed. is not unaware of the problems of faces in europe analysts believe it needs to be more flexible in its pricing and
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long term contracts something the company is reluctant to do for the moment instead is focusing on diversifying its customer base in the fast growing markets of asia and. business r.t. moscow the onus on alliance is considering building a second vehicle assembly factory in russia's foreign east the company can't keep up with growing demand and will face a production shortfall of two hundred thousand cars by two thousand and fifteen the new plant will not only help to cover this deficit but also have transport costs currently it takes about forty days to bring spare parts by sea from japan to renaissance plant in the same petersburg region. general motors may increase the size of its i.p.o. on wednesday by about a third to four hundred seventy eight million shares this could make it the largest global i.p.o. in history the move is in response to stronger than expected demand for shares in the carmaker which is generating solid profits after last year's bankruptcy after the i.p.o. the government stake in g.m.
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a should fall to twenty six percent from the current sixty one percent the u.s. spent forty nine and a half billion dollars to rescue g.m. last year the car maker has returned a fifth of that and is hoping to pay off the rest of the seller stock over the next couple of years. the euro has come off a seven week low against the dollar but it remains vulnerable as europe's finance ministers grapple with how ireland will pay for its bailout program island is discussing the measures with its european counterparts but resisting pressure to accept the eight pulmicort from a just b. c. explains why island small economy could trigger a domino effect destabilizing the region shaky recovery. it may not be a big economy because i still have quite a big impact for the european economy as a whole and really what it comes down to is that conditions in our own got a lot worse from a financial market perspective and what it could mean for the real economies elsewhere in europe is that what could actually happen to continue so those are the now is a problem that could impact possibly portugal even more so and eventually in the
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spring so this is what the market is quite nervous about it's more about the contagion risk rather than just our story by itself. let's take a look now at the equity market chasing asian stocks are mixed on what will say in tech here the nikkei has switched opposed to raising the losses of one percent trucking fulls of wall street type of night that you had weakness has provided a buying opportunity for exports his son is on the slide as data shows consumer prices in china climbed up by the pharmacist pace in two years in october and that consumer confidence index in the region fell for the first time in six quarters. and here in moscow the u.s. has just opened point eight percent lower tracking those falls in global markets the my six will start trading in a few minutes if finished tuesday session in the red bank and if you may just wait . one of russia's largest telecom providers comes to us says its third quarter earnings have more than doubled from
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a year ago to reach fifty eight million dollars the result is better than on this we're expecting the company says it's on track to hit its full year targets. i'm not so the business news now but i'll be back with more a few next hour and of course you know if i was stories on a website that's called slash business.


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