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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EST

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old costs and says feeds now in the palm of your. question on the. morning news today. if these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china corporations are the day. in the czech republic he's available in hutto as sorious central otoh primavera the most full stop by you to which i am a taste in bosnia and herzegovina. in. the children of each.
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but you know what you know. turn. in serbia ots available in. regency. welcome back you're watching live from moscow these are the top stories u.s. prosecutors are set to decide on the fate of russian businessman victor bush faces charges of supplying weapons to terrorists russia says both extradition from thailand was illegal. a massive defense budget a world with nuclear weapons and seeing threats all around are issues back on the agenda after the republican success in the mid-term elections. and dragging in ireland behind it the european union warns of economic collapse of violence and the whole we you don't face up to an economic storm. up next as our special report on
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the veterans of the second the wall of war. visits to this house on leo frankel street in central budapest are by special invitation only even the sign marquee trying to computers doorbell is missing in their strip by vandals or the intended i'm so fed up with inquisitive intruders. needs help from his friends to do it household chores and acts off a certain hi gary and john di maria he's lived here under virtual siege for nearly
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three years he stayed largely indoors since his name was put on the list of the most wanted nazi criminals. the most devastating war in the history of mankind came to an end sixty five years ago every passing year see shrinking numbers of those who fought in the war now well into their eighty's it's hard to tell from their looks which side they were on back then once a year some of them proudly wear their medals but others would rather race those years from their memory. hell of. doing everything but your problem. you didn't teach i don't like coming this implies an episode took place outside a hotel in santiago chile people at the center of efraim zuroff and if you witch
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hunts nazi war criminals the chief investigator was looking for traces of dr our time was on the top ten most wanted list his case is very important because he's. served in three concentration camps and murdered many inmates in the mauthausen concentration camp in austria and also carried out all sorts of experiments and operations without anesthesia and castrated people did really horrible things. to spend little time in this modest jerusalem office his work takes in many places around the world. famous nazi hunter simon wiesenthal died it was efraim zuroff they carried on the job of dissenters founder. this is. the work of my life i should say. twenty. twenty four years working in the.
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because of your friends who are of some vesta get. hungry and mentioned a computer has to spend most of his time at home to current head of decent all center is providing conclusive evidence linking computer organized in the serbian city of novi sad list of people to be executed and herded into the local theater with their feet was sealed some would be allowed to live while others would be executed on the banks of the danube we know that. the team that rounded up these people. took them to sokolski there is of course a possibility. this is what we're hearing that the men under his. committed murders already at the beginning before the people were actually taken to. today's top nazi hunters are mostly preoccupied with paperwork they study here tribes collect evidence and initiate legal action against war criminals but in one nine hundred fifty eight when israeli investigators discovered the whereabouts of adolf eichmann
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the most wanted nazi and israeli intelligence agents decided that it all began with the letter an elderly jew living in argentina wrote to his daughter was dating a young man whose surname was like. the indian boy in the us iris who had no. we didn't they move sand name. now retired lives in a spacious house he used to be an israeli government minister and a member of the israeli parliament almost all of these perks came his way thanks the operation he led to seize adolf eichmann in six hundred sixty at the time it was very important from a saudi agents to determine whether the man who organized the conveyor belt extermination of jews during the war was living in
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a small house in the summer and he. took pictures of a. name in argentina the pictures were compared with photos of the so-called architect of the holocaust. and. these photos. station department of the police and we came to. that ninety nine percent men and then the name of the man was i. needed. find your own. benefit. number germany april nine hundred forty six the trial of nazi criminals eichmann is not among excused but the next coming down of house which mentions him. is joined by grrr ribbentrop kato and lay
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almost all of the top leaders of the third reich with the exception of hitler josef goebbels and heinrich himmler who committed suicide. there so i need to lead is kept on scene they didn't know anything about the concentration camps they said they had never been there they claimed they had not even heard of the shooting if not. this is one of the tensest moments of the trial the accused are shown a documentary about nazi atrocities in occupied territories in concentration camps most of the accused put on dark glasses their fate is now sealed. eleven top ranking figures of the third reich are sentenced to death by hanging. some of the footage showing the nazis trying to hide behind their dark glasses was shot here and who controlled one of the most horrific concentration camps no which museum and those who survived the horrors of those days often come here.
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brutes here and told all of us what now the fear is slate's that if the only way out of there was through the criminal tory chimney and they pointed to it good at this let it that it is good. through the religion could tell us a story when he was brought to be controlled he was only seventeen years old but he was far from the youngest inhabitant of his barracks. youngest prisoner was brought to go his name was your chick. your ship. you should was then the six year old son of a polish raf. if left without help in the concentration camp he was unlikely to survive for more than a few weeks children fellow inmates decided to save the boy. looked up to him she did all the wood that was meant to. know the father gave the boy some details to say. about it she was
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a very modest. we were much older so while he was playing we did his work for him. despite the fact that. it was an activist organizing former inmates of concentration camps he had no idea what happened to the little jewish boy after they were separated in the liberation of book involved he became the chief rabbi of israel. scores of worshippers come to a small synagogue to listen to his sermon they like rabbi lao for his eloquence and lucid examples again and again he tells the story of more than a half century of searching for a russian by the name of fuel there from the city of dust off the way he tells it it sounds like a parable. of the. day. but they did this lastly i could find. meanwhile children mccullough chink lived in russia
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itself the little boy he'd saved had long forgotten. that they feasted and i don't think he remembers me he was only seven years old then ever from. existence to feel. the recording where fyodor recalls the jewish boy he saved was made in one thousand nine hundred two just a year later he died of cancer but two years later rabbi lao did find the address of his surviving daughters to the rabbi loves endeavour's the name of. the man who saved him has been put on the righteous among nations list in yad vashem memorial showed that of rest of is now one of the heroes revered in israel for their part in saving jews during the holocaust. this small synagogue in central budapest is not much different from the one with rabbi deliver sermons. by by
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a twist of fate. god now passes the house of a former major in hungary and gendarmerie but she doesn't hate chunder computer. says the matter of fact is simply that. there is any number of people now living in hungary who did. choose to. believe in freedom and peace the one carrion prosecutor's office doesn't think it's obvious that shonda computer is guilty of the massacre in the town. we received documents supplied by the serbian site now we need to formulate a chain that might prove. there are two options either to fail to formulate a logical chain and the case will be closed. in his apartment shanda computers attorney dr schultz attendee is again playing the game with gary in judiciary in his opinion the situation has reached
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a stalemate nobody has serious plans to put the old man behind bars but quitting complera is not in the interest of the hungry and legal system either. prosecutor's office really doesn't want to put trial on the other hand they can't just a quick him because of pressure coming from abroad particularly so they. just playing for time simply waiting for capirossi day. meanwhile shandor computer is set to mark his ninety six birthday death is not on his mind despite his failing health he says a clear conscience is the recipe for his longevity with computers future is far from clear israeli nazi hunters predict the action dharm will soon be put on trial and in prison service says showing that is likely to see next christmas behind bars .
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closure is the same of jackie and go back to the other day when most of us were tough to see the nature of this military alliance is in search of a mission can nato remain relevant facing twenty first. may eleventh one thousand nine hundred sixty a suburb of buenos aires mossad agents are parked in two cars on garble the street deciding what to do they're about to capture the most prominent nazi still at large but the first bus that was supposed to bring holocaust mastermind adolf eichmann alias ricardo comment on humble clerk came without him operation me to roughie tun
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has to decide whether the capture should be postponed into another day or the agent should wait for the following bus a time tells his team to stay in the cars might mean appears thirty minutes later. got a bad decision i find. to swallow. and there when he was about seven eight meters from us then. jumped on the nazi was taken to a safe house it will be nine days before an airplane with israeli diplomats can secretly take eichmann out of argentina throughout this period rafi tang was questioning the former nazi leader. only asking me in german what was he what was his name and he said. and. was is named. after scaping from the. prison
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camp in germany. nine hundred forty five and then. know what was g o s s n. and then he say. and then. finally the man who organized the mass extermination of people during the second world war face trial in israel. might mean eagerly cooperate with israeli prosecutors and gave a detailed account of the past be true throwing detail showing how jews were deported to death camps described how they were killed. for get it the first moment of the trial. came into the courtroom is
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the symbol. who's. become to destroy people and he stood up to attention before the. court of the state. the. meeting of the creation of. security was exceptionally tight throughout the eichmann trial the defendant was protected by bulletproof glass there were serious concerns that some of the holocaust victims or their relatives might attempt to kill eichmann eventually the court gave the verdict as expected adolf eichmann received a death penalty for crimes against humanity is life ended in a prison in a suburb of tel aviv.
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the center of the ghetto that ran along that street. there was no road on the side of the street so the only road people used was here there was only one road and there were very many high. yeah. it was just eleven in one thousand nine hundred three he remembers clearly how germans came to the once rich town. there were five thousand jews living here at the time. to exterminate them straight away. ghetto in the central part of town and put up barbed wire around it. dividing the process into three stages throughout their stay in dog enough germans were killing jews wherever they found. my father went to get some hay and noticed the hay stack was. down with. doubt.
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and then he looked to me. during the occupation the jewish cemetery and several times students from a local school are now taking care of the graves. former school principal galina to princeton a doesn't remember that time she was born afterward in a different town by the time the germans left there were no jews left in dog enough for the. when they were shooting innocent people on the square. bullets i grabbed a small john out but he said he had to and smashed he said hands against a telegraph he i cannot think couldn't speak of these little children with them two hundred jews managed to skate from dog enough walk fifteen hundred kilometers through german occupied territory and make it to the soviet front line.
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oh look how that was that this is lay on rubin speaking from israel or you know in the caribbean now and how i am so happy to hear you. know never mind though me or somebody crassness your question or this nation i talk to the manager of the town or veterans daniel sturridge say they will look after the jewish cemetery that we share. and was barely seven at the time when germans were shooting jews he and his family spent three days heidi across space under the floor. of residents realized clearly that germans would not stop until all the jews were exterminated despite the barbed wire around the ghetto some jews did manage to escape from dog enough they hid in the woods with the participants. and by august one nine hundred forty two two hundred survivors had joined many of them were women and children.
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a big march of their citizens although. there are three. german and russian lines to safety into into territory. later than. jews nicknamed partisan nickel like you see you off who was put in charge of the march the moses. he was the commander i think he had was eamonn a fifteen or sixteen part years and this was was where pence and the rest of us where every two hundred seventy two hundred seventy people as are sent children we meant elderly who started this beak unprecedented and unique march all of the occupied territory we covered about thousand five hundred kilometers despite all the precautions on several occasions germans almost
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discovered them one time to see your school merely ran into a nazi patrol the germans opened fire and several people were killed but the nazis decided not to pursue the group the participants of the march were very much afraid of being discovered one day it will grow old sure most provocative about two years old or three years old and she hears the cry and at night the crying was a very dangerous thing because we could have been discovered by the enemy so. that people start or forcing their parents of this girl to their own house to kill her it was. reported took the serial and he sort of came and took our own on our own his hands and
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quiet. became quiet. in early winter when the march was almost over and the group was about to cross the front line the soviet military arrested accused of no friend other participants they suspected them of being german spies no gain of smoothness could easily have been executed and only the testimony of the jews he saved convinced the red army of his innocence pulling the unprecedented march make it like you see oh it was again put in charge of the partisan group he led into nine hundred forty four as he does eventually this is me a dish and this is my younger brother this is mom and this is dad shandor computer keeps old pictures in the most prominent space in his little room in this photo he's a thirty year old son dhamaal to search preparing to celebrate christmas of one nine hundred forty two with his family play and then meaninglessness ladyship there it
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was very nice then then made it easy. notion the computer number three on the list of living nazi criminals celebrates christmas all alone at the end moose i must say i'm very learning you know it's not so easy to find a wife leah ninety five. computer is ill there are pill cases all over his coffee table he has no energy left for his favorite pastime of cooking. the former major of her hearing john barnes keeps saying the same thing again and again . they can add. that i've never killed anybody i've never even used my gun as that. oh then i was walking down the street cos the rixos hotel and this that and i heard somebody crying she still made it to her tone and saw the end in it and his family with all their belongings
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school ready hacked back on a bottle. she. was telling him they should go to the bank of the danube. i yelled at him and told him that they were not on the list and that they were not going anywhere. that's what i told you. that even though there are no icons or crucifixes in the former's and arms house computer claims she's a very devout christian. his speaks about the girl what this a little brainer who lives in a small israeli town doesn't need translation she's still fluent in hungary and but she doesn't believe a single word of what she and the computer has to say. she remembers perfectly well the frosty day in january nine hundred forty two when she along with three thousand other jews in novi sad was brought to the bank of the danube. and. of course without the head and.
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without the think. it was a very heavy so it was my father i jumped on him i wanted to help him and since i. took. the photo and. he told me go away and put it on my head the jews were ordered to form a line for people wide they were shot near the river and many bodies were thrown down into the danube lee remembers clearly whose name gendarmes repeated during the executions i prayed that the. savior calling please sever the shiny shiny. that the way shortening the names.
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lydia sees what a pitiful condition shanda computer is in but she's not willing to forgive her. he's still clever. trials of war criminals have attracted a lot of public attention in recent years the case of john demjanjuk is one of the highest profile trials genius served as a warden in several concentration camps according to the prosecution he was an accessory to the murder of nearly thirty thousand jews. another sensational case is the trial of joseph sure grubber a very marked officer who spend the rest of his life in prison a court of law is established that he's guilty of murdering fourteen italian civilians in one thousand nine hundred four. these are so-called last chance trials many of the war criminals are already dead so as prosecutors review each case they're asking for the maximum term without regard for the age of the defendants. beyond rubin one of the surviving doggin of jews sometimes visits this place and
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yet the sham itself a cost museum. in a creator which. you know he no. this is then i'll leave the righteous it commemorates the names of people who risked their lives during the holocaust to save jews it has the name a few of them a fellow chink who saved tel aviv's chief rabbi next to it there's the name of nigga like you so you know it was leon rubin who made sure the bill russian partisan was listed one of the righteous among nations. that is deserved that it made it sound.
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found crying and i get all. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.


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