tv [untitled] November 19, 2010 5:30am-6:00am EST
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for the feel we've got. the biggest issues good voice face to face with the news makers. are watching are the live from moscow these are the top stories identity crisis nato is said to me to lisbon for a summit to figure out where the cold war alliance is going in the twenty first century u.s. led blogs now looking to russia for help as the war on terror in afghanistan drags on and to stand here. bringing democracy to others u.s. style with u.s. money americans land their government for the billions of taxpayer dollars funding regime change abroad which they say is only backfiring on them. and no prison time
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for petty crimes is what russian lawmakers are proposing as they prepare to revolutionize the country's penitentiary system russia's prisons are currently overflowing. now as the nato summit kicks off in lisbon r.t.l. going off talks to the head of the alliance and the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the federation council find out what they have to say about what lies ahead for nato and russia's role in its future that's in our interview program spotlight coming up in just a moment right here in our. hello
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again and welcome to three parts like the interview show on r.t. i'm probably not and today we're talking about the nato russia summit in lisbon the nato secretary general anders fogh rasmussen says this summit should be a breakthrough in the alliance to stocks with moscow on anti-missile defense their adoption of the much discussed agreement can now be a matter of hours but have all the disagreements to be settled on me we're asking one of the most influential man in russian parliament the chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the federation council mikhail margelov. the nato secretary general says the lisbon summit will bring a new reformed organization he wants to reduce staff and change to teach you concept of the alliance to turn it into a more effective body the reformed alliance will have to deal with challenges to global security like the threat of missile attack it's very likely the summit will approve the new and to missile defense shield a long time point of discord between nato and russia.
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welcome to the show thank you very much for coming well first of all why is president medvedev who has been seeking some particular go or is it just a sign of goodwill inside of moscow well first of all for us for the russians issues of national security are always issues of national consensus and present the beauty of who represents all the citizens of russia and. to respond to what people want from him and people want from him more security for the russian federation. that is why it's so natural to build bridges with nato which is of the strongest supernational organisation on the european continent in the end in the atlantic region as well as nato has its operations in central asia in some other parts of the world we have to talk to nato we have to build docking mechanisms with nato we
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have to be partners with nato that's why president india goes to lisbon but prior to that recently the nato parliamentary assembly has passed a resolution promising i quote to support georgia's sovereignty and territorial integrity calling south a city and a part of the i quote again georgia's territories occupied by russia and calling on russia to withdraw its troops and quote georgian official apple of course already called it and now the heavy blow on moscow does that mean that the entitled russian nature of nato which you have been talking about since we were kids that still that well actually when we were kids were talking about and the soviet nature of russian but what is important to say here is that russia is not the second improved edition of the soviet union we tilt to the different country even the in our nation building we are facing as still to the different task russia has always been an empire under the tsars under the bolsheviks now we have building democratic
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sovereign nation state which is not an easy task but we are trying hard and that's why i don't think that the need to is an anti russian organisation with all my respects with all my respect to my colleagues and counterparts in of the nato parliamentary assembly. i should correct them russia has never questioned sovereignity or independence of the republic of georgia we wanted and wants to be friends. georgia and the problem is that not russia but russian peacekeepers were attacked by the by the georgian troops which resulted to what we have today as the reality in southern caucasus ok now never mattered not to connected with the ex to ex addiction of it to boot to united states send a your colleagues in the lower chamber of parliament in the state duma they called
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to the tightening to to to to see said very mean the relations with thailand to be to be tougher on thailand as a retaliation to their extradition of blue to the united states do you support this idea by the way it states that popular liberal democratic fraction came out with that idea well you know. needless to say that these people are neither liberals not democrats they're more radicals and this is one of their radical approaches which i'm not surprised to hear i don't think that we have to cut our ties with thailand it's an important country in asia it's an important member of apec and i should remind you that president will be at it has recently visited apec summit in yokohama in japan and we have close ties with thailand now what's happened with this gentleman with mr bush i think should be.
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you know should be discussed by lawyers it should be discussed by diplomats it should be discussed in a quiet manner and mr bush should answer all the questions of the court of the. questions which to my mind will not be easy i just want to add that foreign minister lavrov called it a call to what happened with boot absolutely illegal and then under and president and pressure from the united states and i should say that presidential advisor. as a surrogate said that russia does not want to justify mr boot before the investigation is over and before he answers all the questions of the court move it gives meeting with a comedy prior to the party's summit in lisbon russia has had stopped the s. three hundred sales to well that we actually cut all our work directly in the other the military sector will do you think that there is
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a chance that the three hundreds may may go back to the region as a retaliation as russia's response to to to well to what happened in thailand when the pressure where were for example with the the problems that we having with their lease process is concerned well i think that if mr ahmadinejad wanted to reduce the number of iran the feels in russia he did the job very successfully particularly with his will with one of his exotic statements prior to the very day to the ninth of may he said that russia and the u.k. have to pay compensation for the people of islamic republic of iran for the occupation of iranian territory by british and soviet troops during world war two well should we remind mr when adjusted so it's really intriguing of nine hundred twenty one is still valid and we can come back. ok good point ok let's move to another
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part of the world to eastern europe a cord from the polish foreign minister wratislaw of sikorsky russia should recognize that miss our house will be a major threat in the twenty first century we and poland we in poland i'm sorry believe missile defense is necessary and we are glad that the rest of nato is coming around to supporting it and quote do people the politicians in russia share this concern do they share the belief that the myths sounds are the major threats of the twenty through century and are we going to do something about well actually we knew that missiles are becoming one of the most serious weapons during the first day of world war two when russian get to shows we're attacking fascist troops nazi troops and we knew that missiles is a serious thing during. the cold war we all remember the missile crisis the missile cuban crisis in one thousand six to two we did not have any illusions about the
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missiles and we know they are dangerous that's why from the very beginning when the republican administration in washington came up with the name of the new project of missile defense for is to europe we came up with our proposal proposals to use a russian readers to stations and russian. possibilities in and in our movie or to be integral part of a new international a missile defense system which will be used on principles of equal partnership and this is all of message to nato today we believe in equal partnership we believe in a fifty fifty partnership and we do not believe in a younger orsini of brothers anymore do you think something like that something something like this need a new defense system this new alliance a joint anti missile system somewhere that will be maybe. discussed in lisbon this
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week and i hope it will be discussed in lisbon this week because we have to move forward in our relationship with nato we have to do something creative we have to do something positive and we really need breakthroughs like we have to do some joint operations in areas of concern i think we showed great example with our american partners in afghanistan where the famous anti-drug operation which was executed together by russians and americans and i think we can do more we can do more combating piracy of somali assures we are doing more ready ploy our helicopters from child in central african republic to sudan to south sudan to support the referendum there we we are looking for new areas of cooperation and of course the missile defense system can be one of the areas of joint cooperation you mention of ghana state and i'm sure that of ghana stand will be one of the seven to discuss this weekend and lisbon no doubt russia who were there and the reason for
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me to say so is that yesterday russia's air force commander general alexander is there len said this listen the defense minister today is studying the possibility of using russia's military transport aircraft for nato's afghanistan bad cargo and ground so said their us defense minister is doing his homework while the president is going to lisbon so you also sure that they're going to discuss that well no doubt the issue of expanding and broadening of all corporation on the ghana system will be discussed in lisbon i think that. the new realities are now on the table americans are buying russian made military helicopters to be used in afghanistan we are ready to train pilots and technicians for these helicopters we help working together on combating drug trafficking from of against and in afghanistan we are working hard on provide. not opportunity is for nonmilitary and military transit
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for our partners. from the alliance and i think that russia expresses its in that readiness to be involved more except deploying our would troops on the afghan territory the afghan syndrome for the russian society is still an issue so so you sound pretty optimistic on the eve because we talking on the eve of the decision that may may be taken in portugal you know optimist well i am well as usual i'm cautiously optimistic but i should say that for the russian political class even during the most difficult days of our relationship. with need to particularly after tragic events in southern caucasus in august two thousand and eight it was crystal clear that fighting against taliban in afghanistan nato is defending our southern flank says mikhail margelov chairman of the foreign affairs committee at the federation council spotlight will be back shortly right after
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a break and i hope nato secretary-general mr anders fogh rasmussen will be joining us from brussels that's in that couple of minutes so stay with us we'll be back. closers the same of you i can tell you that you'll already know most of what we're talking to from the media we have to be end of the second world war major nazi leaders were put on trial for war there is no doubt such crimes were committed. though so many years of past sins on the prisoners. are still in law. as well this is for sure. those so many years of. summer
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will be designed to save the. others take their executioners longing for justice. those so many years of past. memory use to minimize as well. as country. welcome back to spotlight i'm not even just a reminder that today we're talking about the upcoming nato russia summit in partial here in the studio has me how i'm going to tell a friend joining us from brussels is nato secretary general mr imus fogh rasmussen mr rasmussen how thank you for being with us. thank you mr aslaksen the
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lisbon lisbon summit is expected to discuss nato's first new strategic so this you concept in a dk decade you call it one of the most important summits in the history of our alliance that's worth what you're quoted to have said how does this document define the relations between nato and russia. we want to develop a true strategic partnership between nato and and russia and to achieve that goal. we want to develop practical cooperation between nato and russia in areas where we share security interests and i hope the nato russia summit in lisbon will take such important decisions. will the nato russia council become a permanent body in the near future. yeah but actually the nato
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russia council is already a permanent body it was established in two thousand and two in rome where we discussed the future relationship between nato and russia and it has served us well since then but personally i do believe that it has not yet reached its full potential so i would like to further develop political consultation and practical cooperation within the framework of the nato russia council there are some of them while we were waiting with mr mcgill of two for you to join us we discuss the the missile threat the anti-missile defense and so on and you said in one of your interviews i quote once again the big decision will be to invite russia to call parades in new clear defense how have you already received an answer from russia to
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this invitation and how soon could russia and nato reach an agreement on that something like a joint nuclear defense missile into my suit anti-missile defense. russia has not yet given. a clear answer. to to that but for good reasons because nato will decide to develop a nato based missile defense system at the summit and of course we can expect the russian president to give an answer just a few hours after after a nato decision but what we will do at the nato russia meeting in lisbon is to initiate a joint analysis of how. nato russia cooperation and research defense could be implemented and that would be a very very positive step forward so. i think the nato
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russia meeting in lisbon will be a very positive in very productive meeting. mistrustful soon if you'll allow me to ask you a question i'm chairing foreign affairs committee in the upper house of the russian parliament for the last ninety years and i was present in two thousand and two and put out to get the bar in entirely when the agreement between russia and nato was signed for establishing the council after there we take part in different discussions on how do we really see the partnership between russia need to what is your vision how do you see it. in reality will be a kind of general de gaulle in a way of russia joining the political organisation of joining the military organization or is something different on monday i will be chairing my committee meeting in the federation council and i will be asked a lot of questions please help me to answer them. yeah i understand very well your question and i'm pleased to get this opportunity to exchange views with you. what i
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envision is two separate systems a russian system and a nato based system but systems that corporates for instance in the area of exchanging data. and information that is of course of our most importance if we are to make our systems effective and give them better coverage so exchange of information and data will be an important element in this practical cooperation but i don't envisage one merged system but rather two separate systems that corporate. mr rasmussen. my friend and your friend your colleague mr gore's in the russian representative to nato he said recently in one of his interviews i quote the problem is that nato
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countries haven't come to a conclusion how the anti-missile defense should look like and how much it will cost not all of them if you are even convinced that missile risks are a reality and quote well at this upcoming summit do you think the nato countries will have a common approach to this antifederalists thing or if you will still have different opinions. we will have a common approach and all decisions within nato are taken on the basis of consensus so the decision we will take will be a decision supported by all twenty eight member states and i consider the threat a real threat we know that more than thirty countries in the world have missile technology or aspirations to acquire missile technology and some of them can also hit targets in the your atlantic area so the threat is real and against the real
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threat we also need a real defense and we can defend ourselves through a linkage. of existing u.s. and existing european missile defense systems we can give protection to the whole population and we have also studied carefully the costs and actually the costs. connected with the development of this missile defense system are very modest so it's technically feasible and it's economically manageable. centrum ergo it has not a question your excellency what we see during the last fifteen twenty years is the extensive development extensive growth of nature nature as it is it is expanding absorbing more countries exulting absorbing larger territories how do you see of
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the cooperation between russia and nato in the long run say in fifteen twenty years do you see russia as a strategic partner that means what. first of all i had to say that nato does not upset or contras. our our our door remains open. for european democracies that fulfill the necessary criteria to become members of nato but it's a voluntary organisation and our open door policy is based on the fundamental principle that each individual country has a right to decide its alliance affiliation itself i also have to stress that our open door policy is not directed against russia and our open door policy is does not constitute as threat against russia on the contrary our
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open door policy has contributed to stab allies. the situation in eastern and central europe after the fall of the communist dictatorships and sanctions to this that police asian. the economy has also prospered in eastern and central europe and russia has profited from that russia has profited from peace and stability along western border and russia has profited from the economic development through more trade envoy and more investment in eastern and central europe and this is a reason why i'm quite optimistic about developing a true strategic partnership between nato and russia at a strategic partnership which involves. political consultation and
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also practical cooperation mr rasmussen only five countries are reported to contribute to nato military birgitte these are the united states france united kingdom greece a no brainier the list includes a country like albania and excluding a country like germany you still optimistic e.u. you don't see this as as a trace of the upcoming financial crisis in your going to. i have to stress that all twenty eight allies contribute to nato's budgets. and as far as defense investments in the individual member states. is concerned. some countries invest more than others but all twenty eight countries contribute to the nato budget obviously it
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is a challenge that member states are faced with but it constrains we have to deal with that and the way we would do that is to prioritize our our investments. we will at the summit in this burn give priority to ten necessary critical military capabilities and in the coming years we will focus our investments on these. capabilities which include missile defense cyber defense and tactical and strategic airlift so the paradox is that you will see a strengthened alliance as a result of the economic austerity. thank you thank you for being with us mr astley thing is here are just a reminder that the helmet of gallup chairman of the foreign affairs committee of
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the federation council of russia and anders fogh rasmussen nato secretary-general who are joining us our spotlight today will be back with more first on common fun of what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take care. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers.
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