tv [untitled] November 20, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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it's an artsy rushes agreed to cooperate with nato on the european. chief from the us us presidents have announced the russian leader is about to address the summit in lisbon. to understand us foreign policy one must first understand a very basic fact u.s. government wants to dominate the world ensuring influence abroad under the flag of spreading democracy looks at how the money from u.s. taxpayers pockets ends up funding america friendly politicians overseas. and one hundred years after death of one of the world's greatest writers leo
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tolstoy his works and philosophical ideas is alive and popular as ever as he wrote . this is r.t. welcome reads eight pm saturday night here in moscow i'm kevin owen and one story dominating our coverage tonight the nato russia summit and breaking news from that summit in the last few minutes in fact the nato secretary general says that russia has accepted the alliance's proposal to work together on the european missile defense nature of nations decided that the airlines will quiet the capability to defend european territory and populations against the style attack. and they extended an offer to russia. cooperate with us.
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let us do this together and i'm very pleased that president medvedev has taken up that offer much more detail on the breaking news over the coming hours here on r.t. main town the alliance has said all along it wants to see russia as a part of that message was made clear at the meeting currently taking place in lisbon where nato has adopted a new strategy that includes cooperation with russia has cut. the details from lisbon. critics of the organization will of course say that it is finally realizing that it is becoming obsolete that in fact it began becoming obsolete as soon as the cold war was over and spain fall of the soviet union the very reason for nato is existing disintegrative it was no need for the alliance to continue existing behind their whole lot of course there are already to hire experts in many areas where russia and nato can actually call for aid and mutually benefit from that
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cooperation specifically trying to establish security and afghanistan the somewhere in a region where nato is heavily involved in such a region where russia that russia is very concerned about and recent joint emissions in that region are specifically fighting drug trafficking that is something the middle size and hailed as a great success and yet another ass eric affront to their cooperation that they could emphasize and that they make an example out of and of course there are looking to intensify their operation is specifically in afghanistan with russia revising transit results or and nato are about i mean for troops nato goods humanitarian aid that is essential to the region and think and so a very strong area of cooperation for that for the alliance and russia false hope for a good novel could be not just one year one of many and that is what we can with a diff is expected to talk about at the version you know hounslow here i think in
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lisbon with many aspects of potential cooperation it including barack obama's idea to get russia involved in the european anti missile defense system something that yes of course russia has always expressed its arms or vacations about with him but it does now seem the meynell wants moscow to be as much involved and as possible part of this closer cooperation specifically in the field of missile defense is of course the start treaty signed by presidents of the united states and russia. bamma while still is but took the chance to urge. the u.s. congress and senate once again to ratify the treaty saying that it is a necessary step not only for european security but also for american security and it is something that the nato secretary general mr rasmussen also backed the u.s. president on and some to say that nato is finally realizing that it does need to reorganize itself and perhaps come up with
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a new strategic concept something that the alliance members have been doing here in the listing and it now remains to be seen whether they will manage to make the trip did they transition from simply speaking about it to actually implementing it and forging closer ties with russia is definitely part of their new strategy now everybody's watching just to see how effective that strategy will be. construed as overall correspond that they're just like you know at the moment u.s. president barack obama is speaking just before that couple of minutes before the top of the. nato. mission was speaking as well the top line the headline from both of them tonight is not quote a ready if you just joined us is that russia has agreed to cooperate with nato on pan european missile defense system the details still to be fleshed out we're hoping to hear from dmitri medvedev he will be speaking next to me as that happens we'll bring you live coverage of that developing news event here on r.t.
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tonight more comments on what's going on in lisbon to has been today political analyst dimitri simes love spoke to us he says he believes that without russia now when the u.s. cannot achieve this strategic interests. it is the founding principle of research at. nato needs to the us need programmatic cooperation with russia in order to achieve its vital interests it is in the heart of the obama administration policies in this vital interests are iran afghanistan and nonproliferation so with all of these are possible this is why there are administration decided to improve relations with russia to reduce the importance of some contradictions like on georgia and so on and so forth and. moreover russia nowadays is the only foreign policy success of obama administration apart from the major powers because if we look at the relations between the america and china they are very problematic
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know this with europe there are also problems with other asian countries there are problems but with russia we have this profiled improvement if the collapses. and won't have any success at all thoughts on the program from political analysts to be true since last spring to us about it and just mention again how you can stay with us in a couple of minutes time to them a half hour expect any real live coverage of president dmitri medvedev and that news conference that will be starting shortly in lisbon. more news now today buying influence abroad doesn't come cheap as hard of american taxpayers are finding out to their cost it seems the u.s. is spending billions of dollars to finance opposition politicians and parties overseas that fit in with washington's foreign policy plans but in the second part of a special report tonight r.t. if you had a visit explains how it's being done. great
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party but who's picking up the tab apparently the american taxpayer nine billion dollars spent by the united states agency for international development on promoting washington's democracy initiatives. a new model for influencing a target country's internal politics and favor of u.s. interests to financing training support and guidance to pro u.s. forces in foreign countries another democracy promoter the national endowment for democracy received one hundred thirty two million dollars during two thousand and nine nearly all of it from u.s. government agencies but these are just the tip of the iceberg there is an entire network of organizations involved in the democracy promotion business although all organizations insist there is no political affiliation the board of directors for both n.d.i. in iraq i suggest otherwise former secretaries of state national security advisers members of congress and even clinton bush and reagan administration officials they
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all have a history in washington one deeply rooted in sustaining the current foreign policy priorities to understand us foreign policy one must first understand a very basic fact the us government wants to dominate the world. this is what democracy promotion brought the people of one door us. while usa id requests eight hundred thousand dollars for strengthening governance and democracy in one door us journalists and activists are being brutalized and killed under the u.s. backed government was was in egypt a revolt against the u.s. backed policies of the hosni mubarak regime has mobilized these agencies to co-opt opposition groups and sharing the results of the upcoming elections will be beneficial to washington many who study these agencies bill. the soft money working behind the scenes is directly linked to the cia they had to have this
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a new organization with a nice sounding name a democracy in it and i sounding name which would be free of the taint of the cia and that's been there was a reason the energy was created usa id has implemented democracy promotion initiatives in over one hundred countries in the past twenty five years this year's budget one billion dollars according to usa ideas website spending ten million dollars in a target country increases that amount to democratic change five thought how much of your tax money would you like to go to promoting democracy in venezuela. not that much which would be ok if foreign governments were giving our politicians money for the election campaign no that would bother me and here in lies the hypocrisy we have a very clear lure on the books prohibiting foreign governments from interfering in
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our elections are supporting and the candidates with money so we do exactly what we call her go to home encouraging transparency is a stated core element of the u.s. government's democracy promotion efforts in foreign countries however here at home the agencies themselves are far from transparent so detailed budget programs are unavailable to the public and contact with the media is limited over the last six weeks r.t. repeatedly requested interviews with usa id and he d i r i n n d i all of our requests were either tonight or an answer you have hospice r t washington d.c. . looking ahead a bit tonight a program got coming up shortly a special report for you about one of america's most controversial political science is known finkelstein the film gives a balanced portrayed of a man called self hating jewboy some on the street fighting revolutionary by others is a quick preview of what's in store. my married
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mother did not live with me come. true free. and she was very good for the. chief though. i was frankenstein's monster. we do have a problem. every. effort is made. on the palestinian or in the european side to negotiate in. to the violent attacks against israel which i have no fear of war for me. so long as you have no fear calling the leader of the state of israel one of the main terrorists in the world. we are supposed to be seriously examining history but you mention
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a few words about jewish culture happening and people get so upset this is i'm sorry to say it's a form of emotional blackmail. you're watching i'll tell you from moscow that program coming up for you next hour. it's been dubbed the birth of international law the first trial of senior nazis in the german city of new sixty five years ago twenty two architects of those horrors faced the tribunals then made up of representatives from the soviet union the u.s. great britain and france this weekend officials of the allied nations will tell you next mission in europe verse three of the trials. reports now some parts of europe a revival of nazis and decades on from the atrocities committed in that name.
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this red army veteran was close to the trial which changed history his best friend . acted as a prosecutor on behalf of the u.s.s.r. in the new and better hearing sixty five years ago could have says if it wasn't for them then the outcome could have been very different. he understood that the trial was not only about him. it was not just a few people who had to be punished but on the. mass killing his speech impress the judges so the number of those in the rose dramatically in a trial which lasted for almost a year twelve high ranking nazis were sentenced to death it was a milestone in history that the nuremberg trial laid the foundations of international law as we know it in particular they created a precedent of judging people for starting a war against other nations so nowadays we all know what a crime against humanity is no days the most
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a free europe acknowledges the positive effect of the nuremberg tribunal but some nations have a complex relationship with the past look there's a monument to the soviet army liberators and here just meters away is the monument to a story in soldiers who fought alongside u.p.s.'s troops. is still many an anti-fascist activist andrei says this historic paradox is reflected. in the current state of affairs in this country. even looking at the crumbling streets of this monument it's clear that government doesn't she the red army saviors instead to be glorified those who fought in the side of fascists that's despite the fact a large part of our country would never support such ideas in april two thousand and seven this clash of opinions spilled onto the streets the historian government ordered the relocation of a soviet soldiers statue from central to the outskirts of the city thousands of
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dissenters protested and clashed with the police monuments to free estonia was pulled several hundred meters from the square where the soviet bronze soldier statue used to stand it was ambles across and in the very heart of it is an emblem which was used by the a stone s.s. legions back in one nine hundred forty s. . from swastika marches to mass as veteran gatherings sixty five years ago prosecutors in newton there could not have expected a legacy like this the trial was meant to make sure fascist ideology stayed in the bloody cross but the rise of new naziism in eastern europe is a sign that these ideas still live on let's. see reporting from tallinn is stony. going to seventeen minutes past eight o'clock this saturday night here in moscow as you can see on the bottom of your screen is there we have breaking news that comes from the last twenty minutes or so that news is that russia has agreed to cooperate with nato on a plan european missile defense system we heard earlier on from but half an hour
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ago from the nato sacred general anders fogh rasmussen it was also reiterated is being reiterated right now in fact as i speak in lisbon by the u.s. president barack obama he's speaking now soon as he finishes president medvedev will be taking to the stage taking to the podium our cameras trained on that we will bring you live coverage here on the r.t. news channel meantime let me take you through some other world news headlines now tonight in brief before that a german magazine has reported al qaeda and associated islam is groups particular terror attack on the. spiegel says it's planned for february or march next year with two militants having already arrived in berlin several weeks ago the information comes from a tip off by a jihadist to the german interior ministry with other parts of the country also reportedly targeted police have been posted around the country at train stations airports and tourist attractions. rescue efforts to reach those miners trapped
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underground in a new zealand coal mine on hold at the moment because of fears of a second explosion twenty nine miners are missing more than a day after a powerful blast tore through the tunnel there as two men did manage to escape with slight injuries it's still not known whether the other miners have survived or not rescue organizers have said the level of toxic gas is still just too high to send a crew below ground keeping a close story for you tonight. it's been a century since the death of world renowned russian writer leo tolstoy the author of celebrated novels war and peace and anna karenina is being remembered throughout the country not just as a writer tolstoy it was a much contested philosopher excommunicated by the russian orthodox church at the time r.t. visited his family estate south of moscow to find out the feelings of modern day russians. that what they have for. leo tolstoy liked his family estate because it was as far from the madding crowd as you could get
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a place where he could feed docks and gets lost among birch trees without anyone disturbing him. a century after his death it's an easy thing bought solitary group after group falling into his house not to minute for contemplation we. just had to learn has never been short of visitors in fact during the hi susan some are spring and autumn we have trouble handling the flow of tourists it's pretty hard to get it you have to call it a certain time to book a visit on a particular day otherwise you just won't get there. it's. a great great grandson of the writer my dear tolstoy ken my side many of his famous ancestors novels by heart but he says few of the museum's visitors could do the same russians are proud of tolstoy but more is the brand than a favorite author according to polls only eleven percent really toss those books after finishing high school. unfortunately most people never go back to question
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call it torture or to been forced to read it at school instead they prefer it it was trendy and popular these days there's nothing bad about that it's just a pity that those people miss out on religion which are. just a few hundred metres from tolstoy's history this film also face still serves as a pillar of strength for this family now fred and elaine put their video called belong to do how boring a christian drove that with the help of toll for him to canada in the late nineteenth century fleeing from persecution in russia twenty years ago their descendants came back settling a village told stories found most of his life what happened is that void that was in me in canada disappeared and it's a spiritual void i found myself here the boys like tolstoy who despised exploitation all for it in a lane of building their new home all by themselves even though it's already taken them a day case like tolstoy they strongly believe in pacifism and
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a unity bit nature and above all they see told stories ideas time lives i think his ideas haven't had been reached. and there are just starting to be tapped into and that's why i think russia has agreed to cheer. and after foreigners throughout his life tossed to became renowned for define all sorts of conventions and finding his own. leo tolstoy once out of the dark is terrible because it means the end of everything but this doesn't apply to his own legacy during his lifetime his readership was indifferent than a century after his death the count calls in millions last year war and peace was named the greatest book of all times by music magazine bringing an ultimate moment of peace to this war here in the wake of archy. as mentioned earlier probably to take you live to lisbon over the next thirty minutes as the president gives a media conference russia e.u.
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summit the headline news from which of course you can see on your screens right now the breaking news there tonight to russia has agreed to cooperate with nato want to pan european missile defenses to more details on we've got something live business right now there with you lou. hello and a very welcome to the business news like many other governments around the world russia has taken steps to reduce this budget deficit but with parliamentary and presidential elections approaching it steering clear of unpopular austerity measures instead texas ought to be raised particularly on business and make poor reports. taxes in russia are going up from the beginning of two thousand and eleven the increase would be the equivalent of two percent of g.d.p. to reduce the budget deficit which is expected to be a little below five percent but these will not be temporary measures. there is
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a difficult period ahead and there will be a new trend for taxes which will not be temporary taxes are going to increase many countries except at such measures but priority should be first given to ending tax breaks and creating neutrality in the tax system which applies equally to all companies which the measure which is cause most concern among lawmakers is the decision to increase insurance payments for companies to thirty four percent from fourteen percent although this will have little impact on nonresident companies operating in russia the increased insurance premiums on payroll funds will apply to the first four hundred fifty thousand troubles ever sellers of foreign companies pay a higher than this traditional small businesses are right for them will be exactly fifty four percent which is a dramatic increase compared to what's happening today for nonresidents i for the companies that trade is a rush rather than operate in a country it's completely irrelevant there are fears the cancellation of tax breaks will be
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a deterrent to those wishing to invest in russia but the head of ernst and young's tax and legal practice and c.i.s. people to admit yet have says that's unlikely we as a country will not be able to attract investors by simply reducing taxes even by the volition completely you really need to create the stimulus. that would. incentivised. the finance ministry is trying to have its cake and eat it by reducing the budget deficit scaring business and for the most part the experts believe this will be possible as you've been off to the tracks when it's the government will be taking a small series that in almost any other developed country. business or. a look at the markets now play russian equity markets closed to positive on friday for a six two hundred point benchmark finishing just a tenth of a cent to my six had an up and down session and ended just a little time. looking back at the last week the russian markets were pulled in
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both directions with virtually all fools upbeat economic data from the us encouraged the bulls why don't play sion wars and china feel the best. the markets and that of the week slightly down but largely unchanged the past week has seen. the continuation of the tug of war between the blues and the bears you know there are people who are seeing a lot of our beat economic data coming out of the u.s. coming out of asia a lot of quality a.p. always a big general motors which is very well received a lot of good news in the market and good developments but the biggest fear now is inflation is special in china where the central bank had to act to stop the rapid increases in prices there's also told that both china and hong kong can take measures to arrest the rest of the growth in real estate prices to prevent the bubble and so all of between these two kind of big positive all the improving
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global economics and certain positive corporate developments and the fear of rising inflation in china and therefore maybe elsewhere in the world these two opposing factors have resulted in the share prices and that in the week slightly down bit essentially flat russia is creating a special zone to boost into astral innovation the so-called titanic valley it will be set up in central russia by the end of the here. is expected to attract national and foreign investors in the hope of a shift from producing raw materials to a more advanced output archies timothy reports. the russian government is an enthusiast for special economic zones gambling ports and high tech i've either got one or it's under development so why not do the same for titanium in the best possible because it will give enterprises the opportunity to develop into gees
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value added products and also bring out partners here with new technology and cruelty to duction titanium valley wants to attract shipbuilding power plants engineering pecial chemistry medicine and nuclear engineering will be located in the ural mountains next to the world's biggest titanium producer this imperial of the smart people into the can is thirst of all we are inviting our partners and our buyers these are the companies like boeing air bus a good tree and rolls royce is fully corresponds with their games to cut costs so we are ready to invest up to one hundred fifty million dollars into city and volley even though the decree to set up the economic zone will not be signed for another couple of weeks companies are already showing an interest of the acim feel of this more to spend seven hundred million dollars in preparation and it's not the only one its neighbor russia's leading pipe producer chel pipe is also actively modernizing for six hundred thirty million dollars. let's build. this.
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