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tv   [untitled]    November 20, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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in the united kingdom she's available in. the room if you want to turn the old wave
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in her turn to get a little search on the millstone hutto country holds a day in the goldman turns to remember the crimean it used to feel the montagu the turn of the world the rubens original. take it or leave it russia says it's only prepared to participate in the european anti-missile defense system on the fall partnerships of the details stay with r t v . also this hour washington is spending massive amounts of toxoplasma to make sure its agenda is promoted abroad through critics coppola too and opposition groups who have a special investigation. and one hundred guests of the passing of one of the world's most influential writers and thinkers tolstoy's watson the ideas are as anonymous and the latter as ever.
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in news from russia and iran the world this is all see with me thanks for joining us russia's doors are open to discuss its participation in the european missile defense but it holds a fat and equal role in it after the nato secretary secretary-general made upbeat remarks on the issue president medvedev later appears to suggest that slightly more cautious stance. wraps up the main details of the nato russia council in lisbon. the european anti-missile defense system that was widely discussed both in the nato summit and in the russian nato council the nato secretary general mr rasmussen for the spoke at length about its importance and about how much of that as a nato member states want russia to be a part of it as a strategic partner and as a key player not only in the region but also in. a guarantor of
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global security that supposedly this anti-missile defense system would provide coming out after the talks of the russian nato council mr rasmussen made a few very optimistic remarks that now many chose to believe it's a major major if they started their the arms would acquire the capability to defend european territory and population against me is there an attack. and they extended an offer to russia or. cooperate with our so. let us do this together. and i'm very pleased that president medvedev there has taken off that offer from the russian president that he came in to the speaking to the journalist said that he was a bit more cautiously optimistic about the potential for a relationship between nato and russia he said that there are conditions to
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cooperation between russia and the alliance and one of those conditions one of the most crucial conditions is that of a full partnership in the involvement in the european anti-missile defense system. we have agreed with the nato upon is that we will pursue donnegan the european a.b.m. i mean god his should be that our participation be equal and i will stress this it can only be as pontin's no other form of participation for the sake of the parents is acceptable by the we participate fully we exchange information take part in this is in making. we did not participate at all mark obama took a chance to reiterate the significance of ratifying the start treaty that once again urged congress to do so not only for the future of these european security but also for the future of american security and a general sense of stability in the world arena but also for it because it
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symbolizes the new start the so-called reset in ties between moscow and washington and to not ratify the treaty would be damaging to those ties which are crucial to our relations not only between moscow and washington but the entire international community i have received overwhelming support from our allies here that start the new start treaty is a critical component to u.s. and european security my expectation is is that my republican friends in the senate will ultimately conclude that it makes sense for us to do this jealous of course priced multi with the u.s. and the russian leader to speculate on what will happen to relations between russia and the united states should the treaty not be ratified both leaders said that they hope it won't come to that because it will mean that a whole lot of work and a whole lot of effort would have been wasted but of course both leaders reiterated
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once again the fact that they believe this treaty will get ratified and the sooner the better. and pull ingram executive director of the british american security information council says although overall could bomb a facing an uphill battle in the senate the ratification of the new start treaty is a question of when not. so this this treaty is good for european for america and for russian security it's the logical extension from the original start treaty that lapsed last december and there is now no official clear verification treaty between the two countries so this this this treaty maintains takes on arms control for and for and and takes the first step in a very long road to that is around obama's vision so he's certainly not about trying to score political points here he's exposed himself to some extent to two
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opponents who do seem to be trying to use this treaty themselves to score political points against him very very difficult political situation but i have to say if that treaty comes up for us for cation on the floor of the senate it will pass the debate is when it comes up for votes and the objections are largely about not having enough time to properly scrutinize the treaty senators have had eight or nine months to do this it's plenty of time compared to previous treaties so it really is quite baffling as to whether there are really any concrete objections to this treaty coming from the senate and dr adrian perhaps the professor of politics at the university of canada says with native position weakening its members they're well aware their lives cannot exist without. the europeans have been arguing for a long time behind the scenes that russia needs to be brought on board that nato can not function properly without stronger russian involvement that required
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a different attitude in moscow which was seen with present mediators but also a new openness on the part of all the nato partners and even countries traditionally more critical and perhaps even hostile towards russia such as poland the baltic states recently acknowledged that it's greater dialogue and more cooperation with moscow a good thing for everyone involved this is our c.n.n. still ahead the nuremberg justice. it was not just a few people who had to be punished but only in time ideology of mass killing. sixty five years out of a nuremberg trial saw nasa's convicted of crimes against humanity when bessie gave why some of europeans continue to vilify this shameful fascist this. political influence abroad is bought and sold to the highest bidder often with american taxpayers' money the us government spends billions of dollars annually to
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finance foreign politicians and party is that can promote washington's agenda in the second part of her special report to her half it explains how it's done. great party but who's picking up the tab apparently the american taxpayer nine billion dollars spent by the united states agency for international development and promoting washington's democracy initiatives. a new model for influencing a target country's internal politics and favor of u.s. interests to financing training support and guidance to pro u.s. forces in foreign countries another democracy promoter the national endowment for democracy received one hundred thirty two million dollars during two thousand and nine nearly all of it from us government agencies but these are just the tip of the iceberg there is an entire network of organizations involved in the democracy
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promotion business although all organizations insist there is no political affiliation the board of directors for both n.d.i. in iraq i suggest otherwise former secretaries of state national security advisers members of congress and even clinton bush and reagan administration officials they all have a history in washington one deeply rooted in sustaining the current foreign policy priorities to understand us foreign policy one must first understand a very basic fact the us government wants to dominate the world. this is what democracy promotion brought the people of one door us. while usa id requests eight hundred thousand dollars for strengthening governance and democracy in hundred us journalists and activists are being brutalized and killed under the u.s. backed government. in egypt a revolt against the us backed policies of the hosni mubarak regime has mobilized
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these agencies to co-opt opposition groups and sharing the results of the upcoming elections will be beneficial to washington many who study these agencies believe the soft money working behind the scenes is directly linked to the cia they had to have this new organization with a nice sounding name a democracy and it and i sounding name which would be free of the taint of the cia and that's been that was a reason an idea was cool. usa id has implemented democracy promotion initiatives in over one hundred countries in the past twenty five years this year's budget one billion dollars according to usa ideas website spending ten million dollars in a target country increases that amount to democratic change five fuld how much of your tax money would you like to go to promoting democracy in venice i. know not that much would you be ok if foreign governments were giving our politicians
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money for the election campaign you know that would bother me and here in lies the hypocrisy we have a very clear law on the books prohibiting foreign governments from interfering and the russians are supporting and the candidates with money so we do exactly what we prohibit a home encouraging transparency is a stated core element of the u.s. government's democracy promotion efforts in foreign countries however here at home the agencies themselves are far from transparent detailed budget programs are unavailable to the public and contact with the media is limited over the last six weeks r.t. repeatedly requested interviews with usa id and mediate iraq and d.-i all of our requests were either tonight or an answer to have office r.t. washington d.c. . and just to remind you there are plenty more stories at our web site on t.v. or home and check your blogs political cartoons and photo galleries look now at the
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bottom line of. the german boxer who's gone from being in the blue corner to corner in the boonies led was played by one of the sport's toughest government the bottom of the ring with water. and he's been a small in a sleeping beauty and above all a prima ballerina as my befits kate celebrates turning eighty five has starred still shining as bright as that great has pretty. story. sixty five years ago the nuremberg trial not only brought top narcisse to justice but also laid the bedrock for what has become international law twenty two
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architects of those horrors faced the tribunals made up of judges from the salvage chain and the u.s. britain and france representatives of allied nations that will attend an opening exhibition this weekend marking the anniversary of the nuremberg trials but despite their trust it is they revealed as r.t. the next here test your calls a disturbing revival of fascist ideology is underway in parts of europe today. this red army veteran was close to the trial which changed his story his best friend i'm on then acted as a prosecutor on behalf of the u.s.s.r. in the new and better hearing sixty five years ago so i could have said as if it wasn't for them the outcome could have been very different. he understood that the trial was not only about. it was not just a few people who had to be punished but. of mass killing his speech impress the judges so the number of those in the top rose dramatically in a trial which lasted for almost
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a year twelve high ranking nazis were sentenced to death it was a milestone in history the nuremberg trial laid the foundations of international law as we know it in particular it created a precedent of judging people for starting a war against other nations so nowadays we all know what a crime against humanity is no days the most the free europe acknowledges the positive effect of the nuremberg tribunal but some nations have a complex relationship with the past look there is a monument to the soviet army literatures and here just meters away is the monument to a story in soldiers who fought alongside u.b.s.'s troops. is still only an anti-fascist activist andrei says this historic paradox is reflected in the current state of affairs in this baltic country was. even looking at the crumbling streets of this monument it's clear that ira government doesn't she the red army see if yours instead to be glorify those who fought on the side of fascists that's despite the
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fact a large part of our country would never support such ideas in april two thousand and seven this clash of opinions spilled onto the streets the estonian government ordered the relocation of a soviet soldiers statue from central to the outskirts of the city thousands of dissenters protested and clashed with the police and monuments to free estonia was split several hundred meters from the square where the soviet bronze soldier statue used to stand it was ambles across and in the very heart of it is an emblem which was used by the a stone s.s. legions back in one nine hundred forty s. . from swastika marches to mass gatherings sixty five years ago prosecutors in newton better could not have expected a legacy like this the trial was meant to make sure fascist ideology stayed in the bloody past but the rise of new naziism in eastern europe is a sign that these ideas still live on let's see russia r.t.
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reporting from tallinn is stony. and let's take a look at some other international news stories this hour are a german magazine has a tape that al qaida and associated groups are plotting an attack on the german parliament which goes salsa as it's planned for next year with two militants having already arrived in berlin several weeks ago the information was provided by jihad it's to the german interior ministry and he says other parts of the country are also targeted the report comes as officials confirmed the discovery of a suspicious package bound for munich in the median airport but the german interior ministry say it was a false alarm meant to test our port security. the efforts to reach workers trapped in a new zealand mine by gas blast has stalled because of fears of another occurring twenty nine miners are unaccounted for more than a day after a powerful explosion ripped through the pit though two men managed to escape with
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only slight injuries the fate of their colleagues is unknown explosive gas levels are still too high for rescue crews despite to begin desperate to begin work to go underground. and a story which might disturb you is now tied police have found more than two thousand aborted foetuses in the buddhist temple in the capital city of bangkok a grim discovery was made while officers investigated smell coming from the building bags of fetuses were recovered just beside a broken foot and is suggesting they were for cremation and abortion is illegal in thailand except in special cases and several arrests have been made of a suspected illegal clinic. it's been a century since the death of world renowned russian writer leo tolstoy the author of celebrated novels war and peace and the karenina is being remembered throughout the country tolstoy also had controversial views on religion which saw him excommunicated by the russian orthodox church visit his family and state south of
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moscow to find out how russians of you today. leo tolstoy liked his family estate because it was as far from the madding crowd as you could get a place where he could feed darks and get lost among birch trees without anyone disturbing him. a century after his death it's an easy thing bought solitary group after group falling into his house not to minute for contemplation we are in the us napoleon has never been short of visitors in fact during the hi susan some are spring and autumn we have trouble handling the flow of tourists it's pretty hard to get it you have to call it a certain time to book a visit on a particular day otherwise you just won't get there. it's. a great great grandson of the writer my dear tolstoy ken my side many of his famous ancestors novels by heart but he says few of the museum's visitors could do the same russians
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are proud of tolstoy but more is the brand than a favorite author according to polls only eleven percent returns to his books after finishing high school selina which. unfortunately most people never go back to question call it torture that to been forced to read it as call ins to prefer it it was trendy and popular these days there's nothing bad about that it's just a pity that those people miss out on reality which are. just a few hundred metres from told through history this philosophy still serves as a pillar of strength for bass family all fred and elaine but their vinick of the long to do have borst a christian group that with the help of tolstoy moved to canada in the late nineteenth century fleeing from persecution in russia ten years ago their descendants came back settling in the village told stories found most of his life what happened is the void that was in me in canada disappeared and its spiritual
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void i found myself here like tolstoy who despised exploitation all for them elena building their new home all by themselves even though it's already taken them a decade like tolstoy they strongly believe in pacifism and a unity with nature and above all they see told stories ideas as timeless i think his ideas haven't yet been reached. and there are just starting to be talked into and that's what i think russia has agreed to. and i thought foremost through all of his life was to begin renowned for you find all sorts of conventions including his own. once out of a doubt that is terrible because it means the end of everything but this doesn't apply to he's only legacy during his lifetime his readership was in defiles and a century after his death the count calls in millions last year war and peace was in the in the great book of old times by music magazine bringing an ultimate moment
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of peace to this warrior of the boycott arthur he. and also his lawyer and the stalks we're told stories biographer andrew wilson about the author's enormous contribution to world literature that's coming up next . it's the hundredth anniversary of layo tolstoy's death and to mark that out of a story i'm talking to one of his biographers a and wilson he wanted awards in one nine hundred ninety eight for a biography of tolstoy and wilson thank you very much for talking to r.t. now first as a biographer what attracted you to tolstoy. he's a giant he was the great giant of the novelistic form greater even than dostoyevsky the great dr so that was what attracted me to him and the fact that ever since i had really become a serious researcher in my teens it was his novels i regarded as the greatest tell
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stories books i'm thinking specifically of war and peace consistently tops the list of that best book ever do you agree with these kinds of ranking. you can't really compare war and peace with any other novel he himself said it wasn't a novel and it isn't really a novel it's a book about everything. yes all the years you know five campaign culminating in the battle of our salutes and then the invasion of eight hundred twelve but the further it is on you realize that it's a novel about the whole of russia and also it's a novel about personal regeneration tolstoy was as much as a writer what do you think in compass is his philosophy in life thousands of people who are following his coffin when he died and will no doubt get on to this. they weren't following him because he was a great novelist they were following him because he had taught not only russia but
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the world how it ought to live how we should be less selfish how we shouldn't be wrecking the planet we shouldn't be fighting wars and he essentially and underwent this transformation didn't he from high society author to spiritual alloca storm. from the beginning actually this feeling that we are called to a deeper truer life away from the absurdity of society and so forth the tolstoy family were very ground i mean some of them were advisers to the emperor the family . on whom old principle construct more in pieces because his maternal grandfather was also a very grand military and political figure tolstoy himself lived almost entirely in the come. it is a state and yes my apology on the he never really. played a big part in the political life there was this huge crisis in the middle of his life we need finished and i trained you know and he had a crisis what's the point of it all there's
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a moment in his autobiography where he said he couldn't even be in a room in the room with a piece of rope feel that he would want to hang himself he then thought the way to live for us to try to be like a peasant and for a few years he pretended. he'd by the way set up schools not only on his interstates but. acres and miles around last night probably on the starting education. he was the great pioneer of russian education and even now they sometimes in some russian schools use his c. to teach people to read. it wasn't just sort of pious try dreaming but having pretended to be a peasant he then went back to being the reasonable man he was and he thought what is due to christianity and the church is teaching ethics how to live. the miraculous stuff for leicester and it was out of that was he was volved his
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call for last year's life which as you say is that he felt that all governments not just the governments. but particularly evil in his eyes all governments are based on violence and the only way that we as individuals and we as society is to get away from a system of the military of war solving problems of torture in all selves to forswear violence but also to false where the idea of authority so he was an extremely subversive figure tolstoy was a deeply religious man but he did get into quite serious conflict with the orthodox chat well he was religious in this way that you get in the novels i think where he parted company with the church. claim that for example the miracles were literally true or that the church had the right to dictate to men and women what they believed and what they thought and how they should behave and so he fell out with the church in a very very big way and they eventually after he wrote the novel called
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resurrection which has a lot of the liturgy of the orthodox church in it the extreme eunuch ace's him didn't make any difference to him because he hadn't been going to communion anyway but he was extremely new to it meant he couldn't have a church funeral which was quite a big deal in eight days it was a big deal for his wife who was who was an orthodox it wasn't for him he'd never wanted to be buried in church ground anyway he was buried in the place the states where his brother thought he'd buried this greenstick when they were playing it. but a game in childhood on the green stick was written the secret of how we should live the cedars of human happiness so it's very appropriate it should be buried. and we are celebrating the hundredth anniversary of tolstoy is that what celebrate well to celebrate is the greatest novelist who has ever lived but also this man who was guided with a passion for the truth and he alone stood up against this extremely powerful
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regime. and told the truth in a world of lies and this was a fantastic example for russia because in all the terrible years which followed his death he died in one thousand. the civil wars the first of all the civil war the revolutions and so forth the tradition of tolstoy lived on and it's enabled the dissidents when they courageously began to emerge and stand in this times to look at his example and see that it's only it is one voice telling the truth look at a lot of our look at social needs and they would guided by the influence of tolstoy and that's really what we have to celebrate and. he was in essence and. if told so he'd be alive today what you think he would be doing. he wouldn't be very surprised that for example the americans just as the russians did before were trying to defeat the afghans nobody's ever defeated the afghans so he behalf amused
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by that he wouldn't be very surprised that the bag of the world. made a complete mess of things so what we call civilization must let some tools of the banks and he would be saying just what he was saying in one thousand. live more simply try to love people try to live for others and wilson thank you very much.


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