tv [untitled] November 21, 2010 4:30am-5:00am EST
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you know this is r.t. the headlines now that shape the week moscow signals the bad times are over russian nato relations as president would release to help the alliance on missile defense and anti drugs missions in afghanistan. russian businessmen to big to boot denies charges of weapons smuggling in terrorism or to new york moscow calls for a fair trial in plains washington pressuring the legal process. shunned across the
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called roma communities a bit by european governments are being left without shelter or health care forcing them into crime to make ends meet. but it may be a century since the world lost one of its great thinkers but an award winning leo tolstoy biographer tells us why the philosopher's legacy lives on and how he might be viewed if you were alive today. it's the hundredth anniversary of player tolstoy death and so much about all of us three i'm talking to one of his biographers a n. wilson he wanted awards in one thousand nine hundred eight for a biography of tolstoy and wilson thank you very much for talking to r.c. now first as a biographer what attracted you to tolstoy. he's a giant he was the great giant of the novelistic form greater even than dostoyevsky i suppose of the two great drives so that's what attracted me to him and the fact
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that ever since so it's really become a serious reader in my teens it was his novels i regarded as the greatest tell stories books i'm thinking specifically of war and peace consistently tops the list of that best book ever do you agree with these kinds of rankings you can't really compare war and peace with any other novel he himself said it wasn't a novel and it isn't really a novel it's a book about everything it focuses yes all the years you know five campaign culminating in the battle of our salutes and then the invasion of eight hundred twelve but the further it is on you realize that it's a novel about the whole of russia and also it's a novel about personal regeneration tolstoy it was as much f. a loss of for as a writer what do you think income to say is his philosophy in life and i answer it in two ways if you think of that really quite early work of history as arky
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the cossacks there's a moment in that where no lynn who's been hunting. for the deer and is all covered in that is beautifully described fantastic scene and he's all alone he doesn't quite know where he is in the caucasus covered in that it's very hot very sweaty and he suddenly gets down in the hole. where the itself has been lying and he has this strange feeling of life. reason. with which he's trying next to. he's not sure whether the future life whether there's life after death but the significance of life itself for each one of those must peters or biting him justice for him justice for the. warriors and justice of the muslims that they're supposed to fighting there's an extraordinary significance in every single life and he has all his thoughts about being an heiress to trapped being
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a member of society in wall street they mean nothing to him what matters is this feeling of the sacredness almost the holiness of life and the importance of trying to live for other people now that's a very very early story and then when you get to the end of tolstoy's life and career the thousands of people who were following his coffin when he died and will no doubt get on to this. they weren't following him because he was a great novelist they were following him because he had taught not only russia over the world how it ought to live how we should be less selfish how we shouldn't be wrecking the planet we shouldn't be fighting wars. so this early story in which anyone has a sense of of the goodness of life the significance of life and how we should live more simply and more response to nature and to our conscience that really runs through the whole of his life and he essentially underwent this transformation didn't he from high society author to spiritual allocate storm well what i was
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trying to say by mentioning because archy is that it's always there from the beginning actually this feeling that we are called to a deeper truer life away from the absurdity of society and so forth the tolstoy family were very grand i mean some of them were advisers to the emperor the family . on whom old prince bolkonski are more in pieces because his maternal grandfather was also a very grand military and political figure tolstoy himself lived almost entirely in the country at his estate and yes my apology on the he never really. played a big part in the political life unlike his cousin's court in petersburg or in moscow but you're right to say there was this huge crisis in the middle of his life when you'd finished anna karenina. which was a fantastic success as well as war and peace and i made it very very rich which he hadn't been before he'd been land it and it had peasants and it had the states but
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he wasn't very rich he then became a multimillionaire as we would say. and he had a crisis what's the point of it all there's a moment in his autobiography where he said he couldn't even be in a room in the room with a piece of rope to feel that he would want to hang himself he then thought the way to live for is to try to be like a peasant and for a few years he pretended that. by the way set up schools not only on his interstates but the vast acres and miles around probably on the starting education . he was the great pioneer of russian education and even now they sometimes in some russian schools use his a b. c. to teach people to read. so it wasn't just sort of pious try dreaming but having pretended to be a peasant he then went back to being the reasonable man he was and he thought what is due to christianity and the church it's teaching ethics how to live.
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the miraculous stuff for leicester and it was out of that was he involved his call for last year's life which as you say is that he felt that. all governments not just the governments of the sars the particularly evil in his eyes all governments are based on violence and the only way that we as individuals and we as society is to get away from a system of the military of war solving problems of torture is in ourselves to forswear violence but also to forswear the idea of authority so he was an extremely subversive figure and an extremely conflicted person if i'm not mistaken here there's an anecdote that i remember hearing about about tolstoy that he was walking on the radio one day and he came across a gang of rock breakers you know people who break rocks with other rocks and he thought to himself. how much he enjoyed them because as poor working people they
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were so much closer to god than he was and you can imagine this rock breaking hearing this story and thing here you have no idea of the privations and hardships of my life exactly and there was a great deal of on realism about him which was why his wife for example phantom so maddening in the second half of his life and you know for example in part of the great creed he built up apart from being a vegetarian and a pacifist and so forth was the sex itself was evil. well he was an extremely highly sexed man and even when these tracts calling upon the world to forswear sex were coming out his wife was having her tenth or eleventh child and so forth making her look absolutely ridiculous of course as well as making him look ridiculous and did his contemporaries frequently see him as ridiculous well he. ridiculous isn't really a word one uses of these great giants and where one. does main feature of him is
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that he didn't have a sense of humor certainly not about himself but i think over the six question he did make himself ridiculous yes tolstoy was a deeply religious man but he did get into quite serious conflict with the orthodox church well he was religious in this way that you get in the novels i think if you think of pierre or prince andrew in war and peace if you think of given in little in their worldly young man. soldiers or land owners and people very much like himself as to crafts with women trouble and all that and then they reach a crisis in their lives and they turn to what's all about a member prince andrew thinking he's dying. and then what it's all about is this great stride he can sort of. he can identify with the ministry of nature tolstoy was full of that to the end of his days where he parted company with the church was over the claim that for example the miracles were literally true or that the church
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had the right to dictate to men women what they believed in what they thought and how they should behave and so he fell out with the church in a very very big way and they eventually after he wrote the novel called resurrection which has a lamp of the literature of the orthodox church in it the extreme eunuch ace's him didn't make any difference to him because he hadn't been going to communion anyway but he was excommunicated it meant he couldn't have a church funeral which was quite a big deal in eight days it was a big deal for his wife who was who was an orthodox it wasn't for him he never wanted to be buried in church ground anyway he was buried in the place the states where his brother thought he buried this green stick when they were playing a. game in childhood on the green stick was written the secret of how we should live the secrets of human happiness so it's very appropriate he should be buried there. we are celebrating the hundredth anniversary of tolstoy is that what's to
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celebrate well to celebrate is the greatest novelist who has ever lived but also this man who was dry he did with a passion for the truth and here lou stood up against this extremely powerful regime. and told the truth in a world of lies and this was a fantastic example for russia because in all the terrible years which followed his death he died in one thousand and ten the civil wars the first of all the civil war the revolutions and so forth the tradition of tolstoy lived on and it enabled the dissidents when they courageously began to emerge and sternness times to look at his example and see that if anybody is one voice telling the truth look at a matter of i look at social needs and they would guided by the influence of tolstoy and that's really what we have to celebrate. i and he said that he was in essence an a cast if told so i have a life today what do you think he would be doing. he wouldn't be very surprised
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that for example the americans just as the russians did before were trying to defeat the afghans nobody's ever defeated the afghans so he behalf amused by that he wouldn't be very surprised that the bag because of the world. have made a complete mess of things so what we call civilization must less in terms of the bangs and he would be saying just what he was saying in one thousand and between yourself live more simply try to love people try to live for others and wilson thank you very much thank you. margaret mother did not like her because. she was afraid. and she was very cold. she felt. i was frankenstein's monster.
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we don't have the problem. every time and effort is made. on the palestinian or the european side to negotiate an end to the violent attacks against israel which i have no fear of war call the cowards so long as you have no fear calling the leader of the state of israel one of the main terrorists in the world. we are supposed to be seriously examining history you mention a few words about jewish culture happening and people get some upset this is. i'm sorry this. form of emotional.
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download the official antti have location phone all i pod touch from the. life on the go. video on demand atienza blindfold costs and already feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. though so many years of past some former prisoners back fires still a lot of those wells considered for sure. those so many years of past. summer hoping to find to save. others
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cape fear executioners longing for justice. those so many years of past and memory is still a model. as well. as home. moscow signals that bad times are over and russia nato relations as president of agree. on missile defense and drugs missions in afghanistan. russian businessmen. charges of weapons smuggling and terrorism a call to new york calls for a fair trial names washington pressuring the legal process. and across the continent community as a victim by european governments are left without shelter or health care forcing it to crime to make ends meet. next for the weekend sports update.
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hello volcan this is this. thanks for joining us this hour here is what's coming up next best thing says playing the second spot in the russian premier league. rivals far back every match that's all. and two red cards. in a while the battle of. the children wasn't being who claims to place one match left in the season. and also they are city fans are drying out a second. round. so another big weekend in russian football games were played similar across the country on south of st the big all the action so. a second place finish in the premier league thanks
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to a thrilling comeback victory over sparta in the penultimate game of the season reports . nothing spilled. on is the seize the initiative in the opening half brazilian midfielder is making the best out of one of those early chances to open the scoring seventy minutes things went from bad to worse for the army in the second. after getting a second yellow card in the fifty third minute for the rest but seemingly man dubbed despite being down. to the meeting the team with a great rebound effort in the fifty seventh minute the home side didn't have to wait long to take the lead to see dubious slice through spar takes the fence for close range goal in the sixty sixth minute the ivory coast native scored his fifth goal this season instead. of was on the receiving end of some rough treatment which
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sparked. a red card in the final the brazilian. to compete with kids through three when we are junk she easy to get. a deal before you can see gore speak. in a salable and second that in no small things to third place or being who could only manage a joy at home to new champions meet the current champions got on board the best of it defies it and strike taking deflection from the mayor and for the opening night in the same as in a double delayed after there is stomped on his shoulder is blocked straight into an exam the kids are called he loves it too and has plenty of time to keep the finish however it eight minutes later the back five the host say well executive cross and caesar novels into one back and then an interception in midfield turns into i like seem
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a bit of sequel eyes and one point for having enough for being to play in the last time because we have sparred that will have to settle for me. and the law school to find a spot for europa league when to look at my tivo had the better of a stall on the road. dimitri last call so he's bound to say in the first off but making such i'll break the deadlock in the second drop in blood that pickle lies for us still there joy was short lived as a doleful to get them to back in front just a minute later so to watch it was how it finished. elsewhere as part of last with no consonantal football next season up to losing three one of them car while fighting for survival they are a buffer legation but only just a lot of breathing down their necks following a two one victory over terrorists. meanwhile the english season is just approaching its midpoint and it's only getting tighter in the our perception of the table as both chelsea and arsenal added want to the losing call on santa's day the gun is
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going down to them at the emirates stadium. bulls scoring the winning header the spurs could lose sleep to leave where scored the only first goal that allowed manchester united to catch up with them on top of the two no window. and livable moved up to the ninth off the beaten west memphis three neal. in the n.b.a. the oklahoma city thunder are showing everybody what exactly the word team means to beating the celtics in boston the day before last season's breakout schooled snatch their second straight road victory in may locate without two of the best players in the lineup the thunder once again with the league's top scorer cameron durant and jeff green russell westbrook use the go to guy in their absence he was able to lead them pawns the celtics on he's ahead of the pack here to be seen. in the third quarter the bucs themselves pretty good at the point guard position second year man
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brandon jennings got in the lead to a point to their first so late in the game they're terrible shooting from both teams and this one it should be jennings missed the story that one time he was down there just like that he does moss and were able to ice the game for all of the free throw line. elsewhere as steve jackson had the first triple double in charlotte's young french eyes he's three as the bop has held off the songs know during wade miami mouth face where rudy gay heat again we need to leave the grizzlies over the heat elsewhere you again victorious against a strong opposition all of the rules as the blazers go down for the second straight game and also the next now only three games winning streak up to topping the clippers. semis while the scores now ends in a moscow have missed the chance to go top of the cage shelf following a two one defeat at the hands of fellow high flaws c b and hugo recall did save at least some of the numbers blushes by making
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a last gasp goal for them but that was mere consolation for the novel the state. one point adrift of. course and the other end of the table in. the bottom off the. three want. us. now in sailing the russian ewald synergies stilling going to ashen for a semi final spot in the louisville trophy taking place in dubai that despite struggling throughout the opening day of the second job and they synergy faced an uphill challenge of the full b.m.w. or occult while both the. reigning america's cup champions and oracle skipper james spader ale did all the right things in the press stopped the russians tried to who came by for us to add a battle team meaning synergy started three legs behind oracle and they lost forty eight seconds america's maintained overall lead while sanjaya retained slim chances of making the semifinals there tied for fourth place with two braces still to go.
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and to martial arts filing may well be a battle of champions was held here in the russian capital of has more. sure it's always argue which fighting to make the stuff however the battle of champions is probably the best way to find the truth you can petition museum it gives an opportunity for its eighteen point. this time one thousand world and european champions to better than the women to discover big beats the rest. all these fights are very tough they're going to be only for real every school has its own match and they're all sure that their way is the right one to every. other issue it's a matter of order to win anyway. but to particular fight through particular. one of the most impressive points of the night was between left and. the rivals
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have already made which. well the twice in this call was equal and this time five books eleven scored points mean over the twenty seven year old kid walks are in a tough and big tickler do but they often respond the fist to fighting what to do up the evening's menu with two world titles been allowed into disciplines alexander show by two skillful russian plays michael six zero from the u.s. to become world champion and been credited on the russian wrestler dominated from the opening round giving his opponent no chance to get back into contention twenty two year old should watch inskeep keep throwing his way well to the floor though the russian was delighted with the victory assured long before the end of the encounter there was a teen age of sadness as it's his last ever fight bowing out of the ring at the top due to a long term injury other than animal on the one hand i'm very happy i would like to thank everyone and why poland as well but on the other hand it's
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a little bit sad as i have to finish my professional career because of injuries so it was my last fight in the ring or whatever i'm going to stay involved in training young fighters. and in the final battle of the right model question go for it fabio cooley for the world title in keep books and thirty eight year old italian never really student chance in a blizzard of bunches and kicks from the russian thirty year old classic of simply threshed his opponent lending punches to the stomach and head many a newly arrived at their chief of a talent the referee had to stop the fight in the third round after a hail of blows a good day's work though for the formidable russian soyuz who's now grab hold of belts and keyboard and the crown of absolute world champion. my opponent is a very non-typical kicker and i experienced problems with his kicks in the first round here and there but my tough training helped me that india and i'm sure the punches i threw at him would finally find the target and that's what happened. in
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martial arts other people in russia a full house at the luzhniki arena was evidence this big data was getting the red chance to see the top fighters from various martial arts in action doing battle in one ring can say about our team. at that spot for the moment coming up as the weather stay with us. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers on our t.v. .
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