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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EST

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wealthy british style it's time to. go. to the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy is a report on our. build the balance times on the road vibrant brush and they say relations with the greens to albion long haul the funds and drug addiction and out. of business with the threat to denies the charges and weapons smuggling and terrorism a report in the new. trial of blank from washington for pressuring the people process also. to israeli soldiers accused of using a palestinian child as a human shield to see not seem to match today and of human rights groups and the international community. and across the consequence are roma communities
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and victims by european governments are being left without shelter or help that trying to make ends meet. room well this is the line from me alice habit president medvedev says the whole song period between russia or nato is over he told the blog gathering in portugal this weekend that he's agreeing to boost collaboration on one of the most divisive . the summons mood was decidedly more co-operative than of late but there are still issues which they're not yet does the eye to. nato rolled out the red carpet for the country once considered its.
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and russian president dmitri medvedev arrived at the summit of the former cold war military alliance to leaders welcoming him with open arms and a plea cooperate with us let us do this together leaders on both sides seem to indicate they plan to do just that after nato russia talks they hailed as historic today marks a true fresh start in nato russia relations the willing ear it spells out our desire to pursue strategic partnerships that in its means would have overcome the difficulties of the past missile defense plans under the bush white house which provoked the most serious rift between russia and nato since the cold war well now the alliance wants russia to join in its plans compute russia wants more than just words of the good body we have agreed with our nato partners that's what we'll pursue dialogue of the european a.b.m. our main guide here should be that our dissipation ought to be equal and i will
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stress this it can only be as partners with no other form of participation for the sake of appearance is acceptable either we participate fully we exchange information take part in decision making or we do not participate a toll of the us reset of relations with russia has brought nato to moscow once the great enemy but now courted as a keep potential ally together we've worked hard to reset the relations between the united states and russia which has led to concrete benefits for both our nations now we're also resetting the nato russia relationship we see russia as a partner not an adversary russia and nato have reiterated common challenges to be fought from the spread of weapons of mass destruction to terrorism what's most significant is what's not on the list each other. russia has pledged more help to nato in afghanistan with transport
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access and more resources to fight narcotics there and for the first time in pakistan despite all the warm words there are still differences notably over the south has such in conflict over two years ago nato back georgia which russian forces were forced to fight after the civilian population came under attack and while nato seeks new purpose and allies others say the alliance belongs in the past and that entity across this is sort of conscience time children nato has existed certainly since the fall of the burden of war how this was for use and against whom the major problem for nature and of course what it does politically and militarily is i would reinforce as a peaceful the time being the imbalance between the us continues to spend a lot of the military and european nato member states some of which have become to cut back very drastically pratt's there's no greater example of the discontent with nato it's called and then we think here on the streets of lisbon would they be
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filled thousand of them i mean by protesting the alliance and it. going to we don't think it's necessary it's a zero for example for us and so a country in crisis is spending so much money on something it's cold war what we have is a very powerful minutes realize with no democratic accountability the leaders announcing the statements no problem is going to get a child to vote on it and as a result everyone's want to drink spending is going to go up the message is entirely wrong nato is out of date now out of time we need a world of peace and justice not one of preparing for yet more wars and after introducing a new strategic concept to high hopes at the summit that nato is challenge now is to turn concept into reality or top on the list is forging a lasting partnership with russia for the next. or a lister r t lisbon portugal. or
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russia's nato envoy believes that when you are the relations between moscow and the alliance may at least guarantee greatest security on the culture of western borders . now after we have lived through the conflict and south of setia on a sharp decline in relations it turns out we might have needed such a test on the one hand these events have shown that old nato policies were provoking such an adequate resumes like the suckers really warm to bloody actions on the other hand nato did not get involved in this conflict because europeans did not support the most aggressive part of the bush administration for us nato was a big headache it used to be an enemy now an unpredictable partner the left hand of which doesn't know what the right handers doing we are tired of this we want more stability and security on our western borders and in the long run maybe even certainty that there will be no trouble at all i think the americans are finally herders as well american antiwar campaigns believe the us is trying to offload the
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responsibility for its nato action in afghanistan on so they so ryback are from the coalition says president obama's administration is twisting europe to keep them onside in the increasingly costly. nato is functioning basically as a fig leaf for us foreign policy and u.s. military strategy north atlantic treaty organization afghanistan where one hundred fifty thousand so-called nato troops there really american troops with some auxilary forces are are there there is a branding of that operation at u.s. military operation to make it look as if the world has come together to share against the shared objective against the war on terror against al qaeda but really i believe that nato is nothing but a fig leaf for u.s. military strategy and many of the other nato countries all over europe those populations they don't want to go along they don't want their governments to be accomplices for the u.s. war in afghanistan so the obama administration is twisting arms in lisbon it's
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putting pressure on the different european governments not to abandon the american government as it continues its war in afghanistan. when eighty secretary general rules they brought up the importance of the nuclear reduction treaty between russia and the us and. that is that any delay in ratifying would damage the security of europe and the entire region president obama says there's no good reason why the deal can't be passed by the us congress the treaty would see the two countries nuclear arsenal flashed by a third but is being stalled in washington as nearest republicans now are way above the democrats it is security expert paul ingram told r.t. that though president obama faces an uphill battle it's more a question of where rather than ratification. is this this treaty is good for european for america and for russian security it's the logical extension from the
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original start treaty that lapsed last december and there is now no official clear verification treaty between the two countries so this this this treaty maintains takes on arms control for a foot and and takes the first step in a very long road to that is around obama's vision so he's certainly not about trying to score political points here he's exposed himself to some extent to two opponents who do seem to be trying to use this treaty themselves to score political points against him very very difficult political situation but i have to say if that treaty comes up for ratification on the floor of the senate it will pass the debate is when it comes up for votes and the objections are largely about not having enough time to properly scrutinize the treaty senators have had eight or nine months to do this it's plenty of time compared to previous treaties so it
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really is quite baffling as to whether there really any concrete objections to this treaty coming from the senate. well we've more in the weeks main news ahead including the massacre in southern russia that its use of police school. is private only arrested for twelve killings victim's friends and relatives blame local officials for regions. and stopping at the countdown to collapse is all islands economic struggle becomes europe's biggest headache global money both used to settle doublet to fix its problems by. russian business and alleged. has pleaded not guilty to charges including terrorism and trafficking he was hastily extradited to the u.s. from bangkok earlier this week and is now in solitary confinement in new york. trial and says it will continue to provide consular assistance takes up the story.
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a two and a half year campaign to get one russian citizen accused arm dealer victor boot begins to face american justice victor boot came into u.s. custody on tuesday set to stand trial on arms smuggling and terrorism charges one conspiring to kill united states nationals to conspiring to kill united states officers and employees three conspiring to use an acquire anti-aircraft missiles and for conspiring to provide material support to the fark meantime the u.s. to stands accused of breaking laws to grab the russian businessman organizing a swift extradition from thailand involving some fifty federal agents and u.s. marshals keeping the operation a secret from boots lawyer family and russian officials.
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despite two rulings in thailand's criminal court saying victor boot guilt was not proven the thai government has still decided to hand him over to the us i consider this unprecedented political pressure on the legal process and on thailand's government. moscow has dubbed the extradition of their citizen are striking injustice boot a former army officer was arrested in bangkok in march two thousand and eight in a sting operation involving american law enforcement officials all aboot who didn't get a chance to say goodbye to her husband in thailand accuses the u.s. of kidnapping as a political pawn. in this operation was illegal it was done after lobbying from the u.s. this russian citizen it was shipped to the united states as if he was just not shipped without his documents and without the russian embassy being informed and during his transfer to new york who claims that u.s. officials attempted to force a confession from him as part of
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a possible plea bargain. according to victor boot during the extradition there were attempts to convince him to make a confession of the crimes he had never committed promising some privileges in return but mr boot rejected these offers in new york federal court on wednesday the forty three year old cargo dealer denied all charges but is being held in solitary confinement at a federal prison in lower manhattan with legal assistance from the russian consul a top kremlin official stressed that moscow is demanding fair treatment for its citizens while not getting involved in the allegations but faces like your picture which i want to stress to the u.s. authorities of bulls in very serious and profound charges against this russian citizen we have nothing to conceal we don't consider this case a state secret or anything of the kind that we want to see this investigation finalists has to answer all the questions raised by the u.s.
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he will be given protection in the consular assistance however that doesn't mean we are claiming he's innocent you know. while many have speculated as to why washington wants but so badly opinions have very. little but if this is a question of principle they've spent ten years spending money taxpayer money on trying to root out gun runners so they have to have someone to show for it and they chose victory over a political were because i understand that there was significant amount of political pressure by the us to put on that our government but i assure you that will be nothing. compared to the push sure that the united states is going to. distribute to cooperate with the u.s. law enforcement already is against others the chances of a fair trial for victor boot are already in question with u.s. media and the prosecutor portraying him as a villain the so-called merchant of death is now
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a federal inmate there are all those seeking to provide some cold comfort victor boot is of course presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty the fate of viktor booths future will be sealed in this new york federal courthouse his next hearing is scheduled to take place in january if convicted the russian citizen faces twenty five years to life behind bars burning up or not artsy new york. investigative journalist daniel and tune in says the u.s. will. trial for its own interests i can't possibly see how it would be a fair trial because i got americans i've spent ten years actually tried to get out of the trouble they spent two years and i have tried to get them out of prison in thailand to the united states and now actually when they have them in the grass in the united states if they actually put them on fair trial and he wins this case imagine what's going to happen to the united states they're going to turn into allotting stock of the entire world so no the trial is not going to be a fair trial but again victor would simply has no secrets to tell so in
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a fair trial he would go whole but i guess he won't go home i mean the whole idea of victimhood is a merchant of death as a hollywood phenomenon the trouble is not anonymous merchant he was you know he's a cargo merchant he was he was a transporter so if americans think you could actually get secrets out of him they're very very very wrong now the russians know there's the americans know this there's two ways to look at this or we're going to have a show trial of it have a closed door trial i think probably they're going to go for the show trial because again is a very useful piece of mantlepiece because as i said before it's a big promoter just a pawn of this global game where the end game is to get russia any way and any means possible. you can find more coverage on the dallas is of stories that. just that when for you this weekend russian scientists says he's discovered the next era claiming that in just a few years the who should to keep you usual fun longer go on sale for details or
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call. plus one like this so this is raising a halt to the so many russians even more than the headline grabbing spy on that channel and those details are all out. on israeli military says that two of its soldiers were free they were convicted of using a nine year old palestinian boy as a human shield cheering as a war. correspondent. this is a military court that essentially sentenced these two soldiers to three months probation and the most of them from the rank of staff sergeant to sergeant now the case involves the operation cast lead the war back in two thousand and eight two
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thousand and nine when the two soldiers approached a young nine year old palestinian child and forced him to look inside a number of bags that the soldiers were fearful had some kind of explosives in them as it turned out there was nothing inside the bags and no one was hurt but the soldiers were charged with using this child as a human shield which was ruled by the israeli supreme court to be illegal the military prosecutors wanted to see some kind of jail time they were essentially calling on me fact that the soldiers are violating human rights and also what is known as these weighty defense forces code of purity of arms such a sentence carries up to three months in prison but as we see the soldiers got off with a relatively conservative and light interns just as a surprise to many people here in israel particularly human rights groups and left wing organizations i just got off the phone with the public committee against torture in israel and they used the word ridiculous and i think we're going to see more of that kind of reaction throughout the course of the day as the sentencing
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becomes more public you put it sholay is a former israeli soldier and he says that risk particular case and iraq has to know going to be used as a human shield is not unusual the only unusual thing in this instance is that it made it to court in the first place. i think that to ask a combat soldier and serve in the occupied territories where you use palestinians as human shield is like prosecuting coffee in the morning so what we did is we just bumped into a house nearby house we grabbed one of the kids we took him with us put him in front of the patrol you just walk your patrol in the village with your kid and then the interest of this is not the first time that there has been recorded instances of israeli soldiers carrying out some kind of violations against palestinians it was a case not so long ago when the israelis. soldiers loaded to facebook pictures of soldiers harming and mocking and humiliating palestinians there was a lot of emotion in the courtroom and be assured that this morning the soldiers themselves have not spoken on camera but their lawyer did say that they were
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satisfied with the finding they did feel that the soldiers were being used as a scapegoat by the military superiors who ordered the carrying out and that they are the ones who should be faulted book this also seems here in this role that this is a case that is meant to be a levy eight international precious that the international community can see the i.d.f. doing some kind of internal tracking and internal assessing to make sure that this kind of thing does not happen again but it's unlikely that with such a conservative sentence many people in the international community will be satisfied today. the euro has again come perilously close to sinking as economy teeters on the brink of collapse the leaders are now in the way of the saving the irish banking system which has seen investors fully repeating tonight it was in serious trouble insisting it a hundred cash to last until it nice next year portugal and spain want to accept a multi billion euro bailout to restore calm the markets want critics say it is
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being forced into a corner economists analyse present a month's kinds of things on and should break from the new year it was quickly as possible in last ireland's going to give up its sovereignty unless ireland is going to become a debt slave unless ireland wants its affairs conducted by the i.m.f. and the i.m.f. everywhere they've gone they've brought destruction and economic mayhem they're looking at their jobs waiting to get in there to cause havoc pay themselves a huge freeze give bonuses to their cards of crony capitalism terrorist bankers and ireland is quaking in its boots and the government unfortunately in our lives not standing up for the people it's abdicated its role as representative of the people the i.m.f. and the and the e.u. and the e.c.b. caused our lunch crisis so why are you going to them to ask you to solve the crisis they're the ones that caused the crisis our only needs to divorce itself from is financial duress and stand on its own too. now europe's roma communities are
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among the most persecuted in the world for those who live in bulgaria the situation is especially dire but their homes destroyed and a desperate lack of basic health care as are. discovered it. seems like we could become common across europe the mayor of this town in southern belle geary a told r.t. he had to tear down this block of flats because the room the residents had turned it into a slum. this pile of rubble is all that's left of the housing estate what all sorts of called a public health hazard infested with rats cockroaches and fleas thousands of roma called their home. some have moved to this wasteland no shelter health care or education for the children. well we don't know where citizens where there's a treatise like this schools won't take my son because he has lice and disease people here ask is this what the
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e used become with winter approaching they'll be sleeping in the cold first do you politicians bury their heads in the sand but only we can solve their own more trouble than us a lot of the. france has sent tens of thousands of rumor back to bulgaria sweden it's a leader mark in germany had similar policies they use justice commissioner says it reminds her of world war two one of the evicted told me he picks pockets to feed his family member countries report rumor offenses are shooting up pushing rising numbers into angry and she gypsy groups the biggest problem. is the crime already like a civil war. or else for. the life of the people campaign is one that most roma said both muslims and other states can't integrate because there aren't enough jobs for them and paul gearing up for education opportunities limited music remains one of the few parts.
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a racy gypsy style of pop called child tops the chops but campaigners say ethnic conflicts are set to surge until the e.u. learns to live and work with roma not just enjoy their music in the nightclubs the new bush or the saffir. now i have men that arrested in connection with the hair with a classic have three families the russians. they killed eight adults and four to a corrupt lower fourth and they're also being blamed as these but all three reports the governor has sacked several high ranking officers in his linking the mass murders to other unsolved crimes. grieving relatives and commemorative gandalf's dup this quiet rural neighborhood it is hard to believe that this peaceful place in southern russia was the scene of considerable brutality a dozen people including children were stabbed to death in this village of. four
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out of twelve victims are buried here at the small symmetry everyone who knew these people is in deep shock victor used to work for them as a family they were farmers he says real hard workers. this is the head of the family sergei and his wife billionaire and daughter lie yelena and her little daughter a mirror i just can't believe it happened and i don't know who could do something like this the bodies of the victims were found in this house investigators say that killers literally slaughtered everyone who got in their way the owners and their guests there to celebrate russia's national unity day would be a matter of six hundred men have already been arrested in connection with the murders one of them surrogates of polk is an influential and tipper newark who is alleged to be the mastermind behind hundreds of other bloody acts of terror that wealthy landowner support is also alleged to have his own private army disguised as a security firm besides many unsolved murders and rape cases the gang is also
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suspected of records hearing in the aftermath of the horror fear still stocks the streets here with people afraid of being the next victims of rape. when you get up there neighbor was also killed not so long ago he and his son were shot right on the porch of their home. someone is in someone's way investigators say it may have been city of it amid a refusal to pay off that cost him his relatives and friends their wives some of the regional police the storm brus as well as local officials have already been fired others are not ordering you to trust the guard the governor may get even stricter punishment should it be a bit up today we arrested the gang members tomorrow we continue by getting two dollars among law enforcement officers and local officials who are traitors despite the fact that gang leaders are under arrest some villagers believe that they still may get away with their crimes by using powerful connections in the capital but
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that according to the governor will not happen and i assure you that i'm hearing often that these are people who are backing from someone in moscow on a new york or whatever trust me if they get away i will get weeks everyone will get what they deserve however with many of the gang members still at large the tension remains high among the people of the southern russian village this shop community wants justice white behind bars but those responsible put truly horrific murders and clear answers over hundreds of other unsolved crimes does bollocks keep r.t.e. cross in the region. now some of the world's stories making headlines this hour and . the shanghai apartment what fifty eight people died in a fire last week many of the mourners say that even though they didn't know the victims they felt it was important to remember the twenty eight story building was being renovated when it went up in flames officials that blame workers for
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violating safety rules not arrested twelve on charges of decadence. but israel is our president claimed there's a plot to kill him for one hundred million dollars reward hugo chavez says the mastermind is the fugitive t.v. tycoon said the country earlier this year after a warrant issued for his arrest. the leg of that wanted for conspiracy on charges of being a loan shark which he denies the lego claims that president chavez is using prosecutors to carry out a vendetta. but i'll be back with that lines after a short for existing with.


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