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tv   [untitled]    November 21, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm EST

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motion would be soo much brighter if you knew no bounds to move from finest impressions. whose phone starts on t. dot com. they faced it this is not a provocation but more of. a force it let me show you first step is what you should disapprove retraced because they have no idea about the hardships to be faced. by one it's business is it of them to newstand for any army the life of abuse the other is the most precious
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thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. victories nineteen forty five dollars r.t. dot com. hello are you watching r t s review of the week my name is kevin now in thanks for being with us these are our top stories moscow will take part in missile defense plans for europe but only if it's an equal partnership that was one of the outcomes of the nato russia summit in lisbon which has been hailed as a fresh start in their relations. russian business magick to boot denies charges of weapons smuggling and terrorism at a court in the us he was hastily extradited from thailand on choose day.
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and hour to news crew is detained in the us as they filmed a rally near a military training academy in ga. and two israeli soldiers get no jail for using a palestinian boy as a human shield they forced the nine year old to check bags for bombs during the gaza war two years ago. our programs continue next tonight the second part of our close up portrait of norman finkelstein the outspoken critic of israel and indeed the jewish son of holocaust survivors. you know the famous joke. a journalist goes around them asks a russian of oh and it's really the same question he first goes to the russian excuse me what's your opinion of the meat shortage the russian says what's in the
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penny and. the reporter then goes to the pope excuse me what's your opinion of the meat shortage the pogos what's meat. you know goes to the israeli excuse me what's your opinion of the meat shortage is really replies what's excuse me. norman finkelstein speaks for no one but himself and a handful of people who have such hatred for america. famous in this recent tragic events showed that if a person walked in the streets of london going to treat people he could probably be killed before he met. her through her every single member of my family on both sides was exterminated
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both of my parents wonder who i work i know i thrive. at it for five flake and examine me cry from my parents for me and my proof simply and i will not be fighting with israel commits its crimes against the palestinians . norman finkelstein is a professor of political science he's been to the center of numerous heated academic and political disputes he can. who has ever managed to stifle you look at you there's a plethora of books the rise and fall of palestine the holocaust industry reflections on the exploitation of jewish suffering it's been the.
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debate hasn't been. easy to look to as well in some dusty room on able to speak. today a debate and a new book called the case for israel it's by alan dershowitz who is one of the nation's foremost appellate lawyers felix frankfurter professor of law at harvard law school and why don't we start with you laying out the thesis of your latest
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book the case for israel well i want to write a progressive liberal case for the two state solution which i think that most israelis favor and have favored for a long time i argue in the book that no country in history faced with comparable threats both external and internal has ever tried so hard to comply with the rule of law i compare israel favorably to the united states in this regard norman finkelstein your response i was asked to come in and discuss his new book i went home purchased one copy in fact i purchased two copies i read the book very carefully i did with what someone serious does. with the book. i read the text i went through the footnotes i went through it very carefully there's only one conclusion one can reach having read the book and this is a scholarly judgment it's not an ad hominum attack mr dershowitz has concocted a fraud. my parents were survivors of knobs and.
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sometimes i was. because. i thought it was going to be like opening up this new skates everything is going to come out and i wouldn't be able to handle it. the one. my first involvement publicly in the israel palestine conflict was the israeli invasion of love between ninety two. and the estimates or you know somewhere around twenty thousand. overwhelmingly
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civilians were killed. and so i started to we sleep on the israeli post. so i'm going to go through the event and the scope of the commitment and then obviously i'm jewish so i have a personal commitment and the three came together. i saw one back from the occupied territories chairing the first intifada one to live with a couple calls to the families. to philip enduring relationship. norman was always
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a very political person even in tenth grade eleventh grade he was always very political he was probably more political than anybody that i knew with the time and we were many of us very political beings being against the war in vietnam was very was involved that was the thing to do but norman was truly was truly against it. you know i could understand why you weren't torn apart by what the us was doing to you. about these scenes on television you know the little girl's things to my shoes being incinerated from my parents i got the moral commitment but when i got from professor chomsky was a way to articulate it intellectually without losing the passion and commitment it was a way to do both when i met him. the time he was
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a graduate student he was a graduate student at princeton. in the middle east department working on the history of zionism and at that time a book appeared to draw on peter's book from time immemorial which was receiving an enormous praises everywhere under it's a lot of peru's the greatest thing that's chocolate ice cream. there's the full force completely preposterous and worthless the book said that there were no palestinians in palestine until the zionists came along and made the desert bloom and then the palestinians began to arrive to palestine it was the book that was a no value whatsoever it simply recycled very old and stale
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israeli propaganda but it was the book that american jews want to have because it completely whitewashed israel. and the book was a huge success and received every accolade in america until norman finkelstein wrote a longer view article in which he exposed the spurious scholarship behind that book and i sent out my findings to like twenty five people tied them up. and then one side of the morning i got a quote from professor chomsky you know this is noam chomsky and he said i read your findings and they saw on the right to me i mean is going to be controversial in a generally it isn't but there are certain issues in certain subjects where debate can be difficult.
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this book is the holocaust industry and norman finkelstein the author of welcome to you thank you for having me controversial and i can't not use the words mean over you have my. moment i think you should i don't i don't even know so throw at us i remain faithful. to the horrendous suffering of my parents you have been asking how the course has long ceased to be a source of morrow or his sorrow in my opinion and it has become a straight out extortion racket i have full of american jews have
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a fact of holy hijack the nazi holocaust the last mayo europe. these how one tough have you become the main phone or. an anti semitism in europe as well as the main perpetrators of holocaust denial i do slightly disagree with the tone of us voice what it discusses these betters because i do feel that remember a specially organized brooms is costly it doesn't just happen it isn't
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just done by volunteer. there is no avoiding something like that organization that we call the dentist. this is not about some construction of memory this is about people using history for their political purposes. there is no new anti semitism this is pure fabrication. there is a creation of a new anti semitism to serve the same purpose as was used for the past twenty years the holocaust industry to divert attention from what's being done to the palestinians so everybody is talking about the new anti semitism
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instead of what's being done to the palestinians and the wonderful inversion to her israel and its supporters and to the victims and her and the palestinians and their supporters into the victimizer turning reality wholly on its head. my grandmother did not like that because. she was afraid. and she was very close. she felt. i was frankenstein's monster in this case finkelstein sometimes i had taken her too literally. taken it too much to heart. and. she felt i was destroying myself.
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and david wrote a book called the holocaust industry the whole point of the page has been such a trivialize i am not blocking the whole point of the book was to trivialize a minimal i. jewish suffering that took place in the holocaust that has nothing to do with the conflict it's going on in the middle east the only thing that it does is it adds to the tension on campus he made his entire career is based on was me was. that.
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they. were poor people respect i'm an old timer i know how deeply frustrating it can be when you're sitting in the audience and somebody goes on for an hour and a half saying things that you find i believe utterly loathed some repulsive and also you think factually incorrect and. i think i think people should have more than sixty seconds as i said i'll leave it to the patience of the audience when you feel it's going on too long you know how they express your disapproval otherwise they should be allowed to go on. joining your speech you made a lot of references to jewish people as well as certain people in your audience not just people in general but certain people especially in your audience to nazis you know that is extremely offensive when certain people. and they're also extremely
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offensive to people who actually suffered the nazi world i don't respect that anymore i really don't i don't like and i don't respect the crocodile here. or crocodile theory. i'll allow them to finish and i live in the fear of miami the thirty percent. i live. allow me to fear you are saying. i don't like why i don't like to play before an audience the hi-lo course card but since now i feel ok now i will feel compelled to write a farmer welcome to our. mary mary mary mary. shylock one thanks for
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iraq one for our. my mate my bro where from mike i'm a guy from french repaired. every single member of my family and my father. was. ok i guess my father was in auschwitz concentration throughout my my brother was in my prime concentration camp every single member of my family on both sides was exterminated both of my former who of course i know are rising. profile and exactly the crux of the west food my parents taught me and my proof simply that i will not be silent when israel commits its crimes against the palestinians i consider nothing more openness. to use various suffering and very rather.
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they're trying to justify not work you're not brutal was very human become members of the motion of oh right it is really very clear it's ok to be and so i reply no i longer to be in him a day or browbeaten by my peers if you had you know you would be crying for the palestinians. norman finkelstein is a classic anti-semite. invokes the oldest stereotypes against the the jews if he were not a jew that is she i don't think he is a jew he is as someone once put it he's jewish only on his parents' side. if he were not a jewish person or a person of jewish heritage with a name like finkelstein nobody would have any doubt that he was an anti-semite it's only because he's jewish sometimes i feel that it's suffocating to the secular jew
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hating you good to be critical of israel. many israelis are critical of israeli policies many israelis or. anti zionist even i had no problem with people challenging and critiquing zionism israel israeli policy i would never call a person merely did that anti-semitic what pincus name does goes well beyond that. thank. you is the real question whatever you feel about the justice or injustice of the establishment of the state of israel whatever you think about that that's a historical question there is not a current political question all of the palestinians are the palestinians
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and hobbled to their self determination there are two people living in doubt land one people have the full rights of statehood in any percent of the land and the people who occupied that land for several thousand years consecutively are being there not their right to self-determination in twenty percent of their homeland thank you thank you. i don't entirely agree with the previous speaker. this is the israeli palestinian conflict he says the israeli palestinian president all the end of this whole conflict will be jailed journalists killed on the hill goes to pakistan. to do some story on islamic
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extremists i guess kidnapped now they kidnapped him because he was an american journalist about all over your sleeve like all american journalists he must be a cia agent. the inside couldn't have to be discovered there would school who's a jew. and as a matter of fact it was an israeli. they go so so i did about it. but i made him confess on camera. speaking to video camera cops rather like this one forced him to to fess on camera i am a jew the son of a jew wests and then they slit his throat. the people who did that have been stopped it is really checked for people do the perp and the sword as well it. no matter what the roots of this call for it all we do fall into
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a situation in which a large segments of the world. tali well in the western world in the seventy's it was almost vanished in this classical sense large sections of the world and in fact it was something that's almost indistinguishable from that he said to see the entire world community say between one in six states depending on the vote the entire world community believes that the palestinians should have their right to self-determination in twenty percent of their homeland is real and united states are denying them that right it's as simple as that and you can drag in that conservatism the holocaust daniel pearl and everything else but it can't change the fundamental facts the fundamental facts are these the entire world community supports a two state settlement along the june one thousand nine hundred sixty seven borders israel the united states the chief rejectionists in the world are opposed to it.
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many issues with mr finkelstein's position but chief among them is his notion that really this cut this situation which has persisted in the middle east for decades really comes down to something very simple it's all the fault of the israelis but i think there are a number of reasons that could explain this for instance popularity with those individuals who support palestinian side of the middle east question first is with . a well read and their take to it spokesperson of their cause said on the ball and i have to really be quite candid here the fact of the matter is that norman finkelstein is a member of the jewish community and have a member of the jewish community speak out against the state of israel gives his words a certain cachet that no one jew or a palestinian spokesperson. would simply would not.
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say of course were about israel. let's be clear about one thing and my view as a release have the right to be there they have the right to exercise self-determination in. what's his star power i have no question in my mind about that and i have many friends who live there many people who i deeply respect i have no interest whatsoever in playing this game of bashing israel that's not my thing but but. allow me to buy for those of you who are snickering but just as it would be shameful shameful for any german during world war two to give a lecture singing the praises of germany. and just as during the u.s.
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war in vietnam for me to sing the praises of the us amid the horror and amid the suffering i'm not going to sing the praises of israel when the war was over when palestinians have equal rights when there is justice there are very happy to join along with everybody in singing israel's accomplishments and criticizing its faults but not while and when it's torturing the palestinian authority. and. this latest image way less. wish you a complete annihilation stay here. we do have the problem but every time and effort is may on the palestinian or the europeans saw
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to negotiate an end to the violent attacks against israel which i have no fear at all calling terrorist so long as you have no fear calling the leader of the state of israel one of the main terrorists in the world thought. sweet and clean. soul she's very useful. radioactive and dangerous. and even dead and desolate.
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they all keep their unique secrets there are bumps unique lakes on a tease.


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