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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2010 1:00am-1:30am EST

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blamed on the member states are leading the public less convinced about signing up . central asia is dying giant. based fiction. see is now a disaster turned to dust and disease and decades of mismanagement. you're watching our team lie from the heart of the russian capital and welcome to the program and on the t.v. news crew has been taken into custody in the u.s. state of georgia while filming an annual rally near a military base thousands joined the un authorized demonstration calling for the closure of fort benning which is nicknamed the school of assassins. and has been following developments. our crew is still in jail in columbus georgia we have no idea when they're going to be released our to correspondent kayleen ford and
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cameraman john conway were arrested while covering a massive rally outside ford banning which also a training center for latin american military officers and policeman thousands of people gathered at the gates of that institution in the state of georgia with demands to shut it down among its graduates are many of latin america's most notorious torturers mass murderers and dictators some call for banning america's terrorist training camp those by all standards nonviolent demonstrations happened at fort benning every year activists say usually few people get arrested by police but this time they say it was different so many more got arrested we talked to caylee in our correspondent earlier during the brief phone call she made from jail she said she had seen indiscriminate arrests of dozens of activists she herself and her cameramen were seized as they were trying to capture on camera what was going on as they were doing their job she was furious over there she she was saying they stayed away from the gates of the facility as they were asked to no harm to anybody
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but never the last both she and her cameraman got taken away kayleen and john were charged with taking part in an unlawful assembly and refusal to to a police officer activist of this rally say this year's demonstration was was different because because the authorities by all these indiscriminate arrest tried to send a message as they see it to prevent them from speaking out on what's behind the training that thousands of latin american military officers receive in the united states and again i want to mention the rally has brought together thousands of people protesting that is human rights activists victims of torture at one of the arrested was a ninety year old priest there has been a growing public outrage with what's going on at fort benning and he's training camp for latin american military and law enforcement officers they've trained around sixty thousand of them many of whom of return. to their countries and became very dangerous they committed all kinds of human rights abuses for example the nine
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hundred ninety three the united nations truth commission on el salvador named the army officers who had committed the worst atrocities of the civil war they are two thirds of them have been good they had been trained at the school of the americas in chile the school's graduates read both the ghost of secret police and his and some of his main prisons there which are often referred to as concentration camps generals who led the bloody military coup in honduras in two thousand and nine were trained at the school of the americas which is now called the western hemisphere institute for security cooperation while the name has changed but the practice is obviously have. have not caylee now reporter was covering all this and the rally outside fort benning where the training center is located is not the first time in our correspondent put it in an unpleasant situation in the u.s. for doing their job i remember in september one of our correspondents who was covering the u.n. general assembly. i was verbally abused and harassed by your police officer she was
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prevented from broadcasting and denies the use of her phone i remember what was later told she had done nothing wrong. on the way in a few minutes the world's most widespread bird of prey which faces being wiped out in russia one learns to say say things like if you find out who's doing it also. the air old sea has become a wasteland of sand salt and pollution i'm lindsey france to join me in kazakstan to investigate how this transformation has affected the people here and how would put it down on the environment. people in serbia are getting less enthusiastic about their country joining the european union and you've got a poll highlights concern over signing up to an alliance that's having trouble keeping itself together a center for the planes it's the basics that people worried about with prices in
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the shops already suffering from e.u. practices. it's government's eye on the west in just a few days' time you will be presented with a questionnaire by the commission and what's seen as an important step in serbia is bid to join the poor us citizens as was the case for the rest of the continent being part of the e.u. is a certainty for peace and stability and normal life better away from the prairie political rhetoric and the media amongst the public in serbia is thusly different in fact a recent monitoring report found that more than half the respondents now view. negatively. you listen to the politicians are so focused on joining the e.u. . gives. and it seems that our government is being dictated to and controlled by the e.u. . imposed crisis here are many e.u. countries and they're facing their own big struggles and there are some important
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questions being posed just how will the session help serbia's economy how will the multicultural institutions built after a decade of war be sustained at a time when leading european politicians are heard saying that multiculturalism is dead and when unemployment in serbia is so high the promises of a better future translate into actual benefits passed. bring down. any changes to government has also come under heavy criticism from opposition parties for the ill monitored selling a state assets in the privatization be the last decade. or two new the serbian government has been supporting the e.u. bid with promises of a better future free cheeses only ever presented in
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a mousetrap the government even sold some business. partners in the european union . industry monopolies have crippled many businesses such as a small dairy farm in belgrade or from cow to cart milk production serbia is now no longer profitable and it fell the situation changes consumers are going to be getting a drop of the real thing and the prices sad were ridiculous and sue farmers simply refused to accept it you know it's hard to find fresh milk in the shops and we're having to sell our coast for me. we're told that the milk monopoly is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to business corruption is with rich businessmen profiting from a government not strong enough or unwilling to oppose private interests investigation documents showing to r.t. reveal the state loss of around twenty million year is from the alleged and devaluing of the link to the sale of belgrade ports money that should have belonged
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to the taxpayer of course there are certain issues that you need to deal with the clause. corruption. a whole bureaucracy that is still existing here it is a. soil for phenomena like corruption people here no longer feel like the membership will be the answer to all the country's problems and prairie rhetoric holds nice way when continuing economic instability is affecting the lives of the population serafin. belgrade. well an interview with r.t. serbian president boris tadic says that despite economic problems the cost of their remains one of the top issues for the serbian people later this hour he tells us that in order to move forward balkan nations need to overcome their differences. are not me crazy. unemployment and the kind of problems on the top of our agenda
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and this is a totally true without a strong economy and the real development you cannot defend your state to the national interest but people are not thinking that of course always are not the problem anymore we have a confrontation between serbs and albanians not between should be and cause so because we don't trick when i score so in the us we have a confrontation between serbs and albanians for almost. fifty years and on the end of the day we have to solve that kind of conflict conflicts blocking not only serbs sort of single billions but also a whole region in terms of progress and development only true look we can achieve some sort of that can be acceptable for the number great. once the world's fourth largest lake essential asians are all sea is now famous for other reasons with ninety percent of its water lost through so. projects it's now
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little more than an environmental catastrophe and as our teens in france reports the c's demise also poses a serious threat to people's health. erroll sea is a shadow of its former self those in the kazak city are rask once had the sea at their doorstep but are now confronted by the haunting sight of abandoned ships the water is twenty kilometers away and from the dried up remains sickness comes one local woman who chose not to be named remembers when friends and family started to fall ill. here new diseases a match that we had never seen in high numbers especially related to breathe in my husband's good chronic bronchitis that's how i live you can see salt in the air but you feel it on the skin and you can feel it on the tongue. fields planted to make
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the soviet union completely self-sufficient in cotton consumed the rivers feeding into the air will see decade by decade it nearly disappeared now what was once the world's fourth largest landlocked body of water is reduced to a pit of sand salt and pollution. the salt clings to them moist seabed like here at the harbor in are all tsk as soon as it's dry enough even the slightest wind carries it into the town and across the country into the lungs of men women and children who don't even know they're bringing it before the ground cotton scheme the errol see was one of the most picturesque places in central asia as it disappeared along with the soviet union the task of regeneration fell to the heads of newly independent central asian states in the early one nine hundred ninety s. it was then that people learned of the extent of the seized the mines that until that point was known only to those close to the cultivation projects pesticides
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used to yield cotton leached into the rivers making the water a silent killer. the growing trees heavily polluted as well and in essence we're living in a disaster area in the past our infectious disease ward had one hundred fifty to one hundred sixty patients especially children with interesting new diseases per year it's about five per year it was the exact same with viral hepatitis this is all frank's to clean water. three years ago a group called the international fund for saving the errol c stepped in to protect the people from the tainted water. the fresh water project souls many shias when possible way lead tap water pipes to the villages and to distant villages they create local water pipe systems but the pesticides aren't just in the fresh water they're blowing across the dusty seabed as well. in addition multi-drug resistant
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tuberculosis is on the rise exacerbated by this toxic combination special rehabilitation wards are reserved in area hospitals so. our government pays fifty percent of what it calls ecological extras to our salaries. they throw in extra for a living new book with the rockets launched and the aral sea we have serious problems with the draft young people come in and fit for service. small dams now trap what little water flows into the upper air all see irrigating the desert little by little but walking through this place that's been given a new lease on life one can see the legacy of mismanagement it begs the question is bringing the water back enough to overcome the years of neglect or is the pollution too great to turn the dust bowl back into a thriving basin lindsey france r t kazakstan. and from salty
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dust to sparkling snow we have more of the natural world here dot com if you want to stream delivery drop off a south pole scientists of the russian cargo planes you need for shooting mission to get fuel and equipment to. also on the website it's the end of the line for the trusty old tram we were designs will trucks in meaningful be good but right the model which will mean that your camera. the latest meeting of the russian nato council and there's been some of the alliance welcome cooperation we don't win arms. any who thinks
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this partnership is the only way for nato to survive off the failed campaign in afghanistan. what is the hidden agenda of the latest nato in lisbon from the russian perspective the most important thing is to make sure they've made to splinter russia from its allies at c s t it's already plain and palpably obvious that the nato mission in afghanistan has failed it's obvious both the united states and russia the most important and missing thing is pakistani involvement one way or another in the afghan conflict in fact nato is nothing more than a political and military talking club which from the legal perspective is just a european version of the state of forces agreement for the united states bases in
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western and eastern beer but russia can offer the life support for the new role nato as an equal partner full of c s t o where russia is just one of its equal members that is the only chance for the atlantic alliance to get a new leaves off life after its miserable day back home in afghanistan. now at some other news from around the world. rescue officials in new zealand opera pairing to send a high tech new robot into a mine following friday's explosion which left twenty nine workers trapped underground they hope to transmit pictures on the sest toxic gas levels have so far hindered search efforts there's been no communication with the men since the disaster the country's prime minister says there's every chance the men are still alive. united states special representative to north korea has met south
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korea's nuclear want to discuss the latest on long runs program stephen bosworth strip includes stops in seoul tokyo and beijing and comes after kong young showed a new arrangement which was presented to a visiting american atomic expert his reports claim north korea is generating great fuel went for a new reactor. the peregrine falcon is the world's most prevalent about of prey but in russia it's a risk with barely a few thousand left in the wild but now a former surgeon is on a one man crusade to get the falcon off the country's endangered list but he went to see how he's doing it. here we. were back there richard this is how we teach our young to work with the birds. a yard has been tuned into a classroom and the birds of prey have
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a magnetic attraction. it was scary the first time then we slowly get used to them and it became interesting. mohammed shimmery is a surgeon by profession and moved to north a city or install via times now he's embarked on a tough mission to restore the peregrine and seek a falcon population of the region for five seven years we didn't have the permission to release the birds the ones that were born in the census stayed here for more than a century peregrine's have been a reassigned to north a city and it took mohammed over a decade to get the falcon britain project on track britain peregrine's in captivity has proved to be difficult for one she peregrine had no chicks for eight years no matter what meal fell can bring she didn't want to mate. mohamed has a story to tell about each of his one hundred fifty birds every day the result long
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to do list and just three people so they're all kept very busy. they say it takes a lot to train a fella going for hunting but in the wild birds have a completely different existence. the falcons born in captivity are trained to hunt and leave in the wild every year a few are released one even made its way as far as morocco only go in to prove the success of the operation you know if they continue releasing at least twenty five thirty five birds are nearly there is a chance that the species will stay here it's not hunted down nowadays though there are rare cases i think one day will see peregrine's not passing by is now the building nests here meanwhile mohammed dreams about getting a green light on his falcon risk. is that people who give you get to like the bird of brie you really love nature and the other forest ambulance so maybe with all felt in school we can somehow help the environment if the youth understands the
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environment in the right way we will live well with the paragon population now on the rise he wants to turn his attention to the falconry school teaching the locals how to look after the birds of prey and allow them to sue over their satan mountain save to hunt rather than be hunted. and then it r.t. from north s. it here. coming up the bloody battle of the turning point in world war two has left a legacy that to this day continues to haunt the island and its people a story in our special report ten minutes time. seventy six hours of intense fighting. six thousand days. of beach front battlefields several kilometers long. and now the result of one person who cares. you see we are surrounded by garbage everywhere but also there are. on this beach
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which of course is very most appropriate signification is a symbol of everything that's wrong with our goddamn government allowing not only garbage but torture way where so many guys died. a new battle is going on. will the history be protected. return to terra what julian cooper story on our t.v. . preened joins us now with all the business what's the outlook for the market's performance this week korea well good morning kerry global financial markets have been trapped between encouraging comic data from the us and worries about inflation in china and that trend is likely to continue that's according to analysts details in a moment hello welcome to the program good to have you with us kazakstan class a double oil production by two thousand and twenty and is keen to enter new export
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markets at the same time the country wants to diversify its economy and looking for foreign investors the country's prime minister spoke exclusively with business to business r.t. about those plans. because i stand if no on the wall because we have a huge reserves of the natural resources before the bridge over the minerals and settle but to be only supplier of resources to the war is not. now distillation is to be to have a competitor for free market economy to have a competitive. population with a higher standard of education mr prime minister it's been almost a year since the creation of the customs union of russia kazakstan and valorous how would you assess its work what problems have been revealed during this year and where has it been most successful of course we did have some difficulties the past
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may be will be some difficulties in the future but at the same time we do hear for very achievable results and i think the results that were quantum is enterprises within the custom union became more competitive. enterprises within custom union have more competitive advantages because the market is much bigger than it used to be before especially for because of standing on the sixteen million population now we can produce or was four hundred seventy million population this is a good one teach for us in the near tariff policy in the customs union it will be based on current tariffs existing in the russian federation it will get ninety percent of all the duties while kazakhstan will receive only seven percent what is your peer is this workable it's not only workable it's already working and they already feel the one digits of that i think gives the possibility to set up
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a new enterprise system the territory of all of custom union including kazakhstan and the order they feel. or interest from foreign companies to invest in kazakhstan because now they're looking for a much bigger market not only sixty million population and they already feel that interest from the. investors kazakstan plans to double oil extraction by twenty twenty what will be the priority in the country's energy policy and what export markets work has a start target kazakhstan is planning to double the export possibilities by twenty twenty and distin asian. exporter for energy to sources with the additional countries thought russian power plants east into europe through c.p.c. . consortium projects through russian territory but would boost. to
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china i think we will explore of much as possible even though the existing capacity is not enough and we are discussing with all the members of all the neighboring countries the possibility for a future expert but the first choice is russia. other stories debt stricken island has confirmed that it will receive a massive bailout from the european union following a week of speculations it's the second emergency rescue package organized by the eurozone this year the irish government is negotiating with the e.u. and the international monetary fund for loans worth just under one hundred billion dollars euros that's around one hundred thirty billion dollars as part of the deal the government will outline its spending plan for the next four years it wants to restructure the country's banking industry and bring down the huge budget deficit. markets in asia again optimism that an agreement to rescue islands banks will prevent contagion across europe tokyo stocks are off one percent hitting
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a five month high on one at one point on monday losses in chinese banks cap gains after trying to order the fifty basis point increase in reserve ratios for banks they have however is losing over a quarter of a percent. the russian my credit markets closed flat to positive on friday the r.t.s. broke the six hundred point benchmark condition just a tenth of a percent demise it's had an up and down session and it just a little higher. than the global financial markets have been trapped between encouraging economic data from the u.s. and worries about inflation china stephen says the trend is likely to continue in the coming week. we probably will see more of the same. inflation risk out of china and out of other parts of the world is very serious i think people are still concerned what the implications of quantitative easing in the united states will be
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. sold that there is still a lot of concerns that are weighing on investors' minds on the other hand you know we are approaching december the last month of the year despite the fears and a lot of problems with european euro zone that china the year seems to be ending in a positive note so maybe you know people will try to see kind of a positive ending to two thousand and ten so i think we'll probably see more of the same. people being concerned selling their shares and taking some profits close to the end of the year and people who are more optimistic loading up on chairs say but i think we'll probably see markets a little changed there are no major announcements also it's going to be a short the short week in the u.s. because of the things giving holiday. as a subject for this hour i'll get back with more in less than thirty minutes from.
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the. line. soon which brightened if you knew about song from funds to
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freshen some. of. these firms top teeth don't come. down the official ante up location on the phone the i pod touch from the q jumps to. life on the go. video on demand oxys minefield comes and r.s.s. feeds now in the palm of your. question on the dot com. but out there it's time for a look at the headlines now free the press and news crew trying to go an annual rally against the so-called school of assess since he's knocked up by police in the u.s. state of georgia. the cost of the unit.


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