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tv   [untitled]    November 22, 2010 2:30am-3:00am EST

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fish and plant life the see it's now a disaster turned to dust and disease after decades of mismanagement. the cost of the union serbia's leaders not enough to try and join the shortages in the shops which are being blamed on member states leaving the public less convinced about signing up. and in fact to have more about serbia's a passage to the european union on the challenges the nation faces so he should not suspect the country's president already started. but is that the church serbian president thank you very much for being with us today thanks a lot mr president it's been two years since kosovo's independence was recognized and back then there was a lot of talk about the don't know
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a fact about the threat of destabilisation in the region and that none of that happened why do you think was it right to make such a fuss in the first place in the beginning of the domino effect is still existing as a threat for everybody not only in the region of southeast europe but those everywhere and from the. real concerns both to making for the consideration of how we react to the army unit about the declaration of independence thing that we are trying to prevent problems. i mean should be a consistent policy that means we are totally against partition of all countries of the member states of united nations. that means we are against partition of the countries that the existing in the region in that respect you're fully supporting for example the integrity integrity of other countries. in the three spades we are contributing to disability even though we are very much affected because if you look through the caribbean of the pen just recently kosovo as prime minister
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suggested starting relations from scratch ways. is that possible i mean what would it take for serbia to actually i think i think the dialogue is a very important that look can bring some solution i mean we have a confrontation between serbs and albanians not between should be and because we don't score so in the us we have a confrontation between serbs and albanians for almost. fifty years until the end. we have to solve that kind of conflict. blocking not only serbs sort of single being is but also whole region in terms of progress and development only trade dialogue we can achieve some sort of that can be acceptable for great so the prettiest foreign minister with a mistake sat that serbia's actually putting it chances of joining the e.u. under threat by refusing to cooperate with kosovo and you're facing a really tough choice what's your priority kosovo or the membership i'm not making
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that kind of differencies been. participating on election and so last time in the first one i was elected for president of serbia having in the mind two main sort digitals to become embassy to future putin and to be friends to be talking to you considering to my country i'm going to continue my efforts in that direction well in two thousand and eight in every single one of your interviews you said that seven approached percent of your people off serbs thought that kosovo was the main problem major problem in the country and like your later this number dropped to six percent why is that i mean if you're talking about people the. mentioning of course always a main problem of the contrie different opinion polls imposture you are you have to know that serbia is a very much affected because if economical crisis and in that respect the old
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serbian people and the citizens of thinking that economic crises. unemployment and the kind of problems on the top of this is a totally true with a strong economy and the real development you cannot defend your state and the national interests and that is why we are trying to solve the problems like all other countries all around the world but people are not thinking that the costs always are not the problem anymore always existing on the problem not only between sort of sin. binion's but those with regional policy globally thinking because of carrying in the mind the real possible press of the can create many many turmoil sold around the world the international court of justice in the hague recognized the legitimacy of course of this independence and this is the first president now to that what do you think are the consequences for some other european countries the decision of the international court of justice has been legitimizing you know
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through a declaration of independence not independence of course. being in the mind the group of the people the you know law through early independence didn't have a right to do that they came to the consideration all the legal framework which was adopted on course so before. there is very controversial decision but we are not going to hear indecision so for the international court of justice we accept that and we are going to continue all efforts in the erection to defend territorial integrity and sovereignty over serbia but that cannot be really. the. road to dialogue between serbs and albanians between both agreed and we have to hear some kind of compromise on the end of the day solution is not one side that means close well being is getting everything and the other serbia and serbian people are losing everything i'm totally sure that we have to have
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a some compromise despite their urging of the european parliament to recognize kosovo's independence or spain or greece there is romania they refused to do so do you think it's more because they're apprehensions about their own intentions or it's just solidarity no no no no they're there are all governments all around the world are they finding their own interests not only those three countries but also cyprus and greece and i appreciate very much that kind of approach because that was very helpful regarding serbian position but those governments are defending. interest so they citizens and the national interest and we understand that very well be on the side that perfectly well you have always stronger promoted the pro-american image of your government and then when the cost of the sham marriage support it came down to it turned out that russia was your only ally to ally how did that happen and i'm pro serbian. president the government is going to be old is if i'm going to be leader of this country i'm sure that i'm going to continue my
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work serbian government we want to have the best possible relations we deny the states even though we are facing with a real challenges for especially because of course that is a crucially important achievement in my talks with the vice president biden and clinton and she came to belgrade and we agreed that we disagree on course so we should and this is not to every easy to achieve that kind of. relations in the very difficult circumstances in which we are living second we do not want to become members states off united states we want to become a member state the future p. and you know we are leaving the europe and we are going to continue our efforts in the direction but no one can make very strange or not the future condition symptom so frequent as in kosovo. because of our intention to become a member state the future puno p should that the approach of european union countries very much take into consideration our relations with russia historical relations very close relations and culture relations no one can make any problem
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seeing death respect this is not change of policy and be sure to serbia is going to be very very close partner of russia true future and future history so for you today in two thousand and ten serbian brush up right there what exists course this is not changeable and we should have continued to have special little course i have extremely close relations with your president to your prime minister we have a very very good composition. we agreed on many many issues that we are going to continue our force in that direction so this is a quote from your interview that balkan integration into the day all the way to settle the disputes and we should all be integrated into europe and look for pragmatic ways out civil attorneys the now why do you think it's possible to settle the issue that one country couldn't solve on its own within the e.u. boundaries only truth we can solve the problem is that it's not the third thing only serbs and albanians only serbia but those
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a whole region and i think that is becoming a globally extremely important issue and that is the reason that only sixty countries recognize corso independence until today we have more than one hundred ninety countries so that the member states of the united nations and it is this is also fate that we have to take into consideration so that ultra right moments are gathering pace and here i am now under this conditions how do you see settling the problem of living side by side with my sons in your country i mean the religious issues are very very important to. them so bush and bush have people that have a muslim religion are living in serbia for centuries and i appreciate very much the arch event of my statement bush culture in my country and in the regional policy in that respect fully respecting all rights for all religious communities old
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national minorities and we are going to continue that kind of probably so europe is a facing with the problem with the challenge hard to define them self in terms of the influence of the moslem culture on european conflict. between turkey and europe we are not very strong country and we cannot to decide what has to be european policy in that they were actually have to decide where are the border so if your puny are know how to the candle. many different things that exist in between christians and muslims but. if you want my opinion and i see. extreme religious groups that. have been all really jews right now not only among the muslims but those some of the christian facing the serbian president would would be. very very often insisting on
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christian identity but very strong and very extreme religious organizations becoming problems everywhere on the globe sir sir big government at its head and cabinets to the hague what's your assessment of this process we have to continue that process first of all this is all over this is in accordance with dollar just lation we are respecting our own nose otherwise we will be in a very difficult situation and second in terms of frequency area one who is accused has to be and he should be are not. talking about serbs croats bush in exile barriers but because of war and terrible hold consequences we are facing who are the only ways in terms of frequency lieschen the people that really accuse because of participation in the war crimes during the night the night this has to be faced with a justice in the heat. but then two years ago when i was doing i was acquitted of
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all charges he sat there tribunals decision was a major blow to the whole international justice system and also to the hopes for reconciliation saying that you considered a biased and incompetent that was really very tough momentum for serbs and serbia for me as a serbian president. fortunately that is a continuing process against the mr hardee right now and there right now he's in the hague tribunal once again. and the human rights watch says it's a human rights organization that demanded that you put pressure on serbia to actually make the search for. more effective what do you say to that. much change in my in my in my approach on the everyone who reads the thing they teach us to be in the hague tribunal that is a very strict and changeable pockets mr president thank you richard you very much thanks a lot. sweet
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and clean. and fair useful. radioactive and dangerous. and even dead and desolate. they only keep their unique secrets and their bottoms unique lakes on our team. would be soon which brightened if you knew about someone from phones to crash.
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for instance on t.v. dot com. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms. we've got the future covered. free the press and on t.v. news crew trying to film an annual rally against the so-called school of assassins and he's locked up by police in the u.s. state of georgia. central asia is dying giant what was once a thriving basement bomb plot yarrow sees no designs does a turn to dust and disease after decades of mismanagement. union serbia's leaders lined up to try and join the new group which is hopes which
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are being blamed on member states leaving the public less convinced about signing up. now an update from the world of sports with a tiger. this is the sports news an hour to you here is what's coming up in the program. the standings in the group at the tennis finals in london with the swiss aiming to win a record equalling season ending tournaments this year. the eagles come out on top in the divisional clash against the giants to take the lead in the east. and also the morning over the caves in a low scoring game and. let's begin with
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sunday's eglash primary. school in the child as much to say as he regained fourth place following a four one victory at full maradona was among the crowd watching tennis open all the six minutes then added a second to read may did three zero by halftime tevis forty second after the break while zoltan bear all pulled one back city moving to within three boy chelsea. with in fourth place for a bottom fairly morten gamst pedersen also supported the trial for black burn to want to kneel at home to aston villa as the match also still gets around about their arrests and make his debut in the second hall. moving stateside now where colorado lifted the m.l.s. cup for the first time in their history the rapid speech in dallas to want in extra time in toronto dallas cracked the school board. marvin chavis closer to thirty fifth minutes the second goal of the playoffs for him colorado
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equalise town minutes into the second hall from the corner keesey took him some time but he was able to match it to a hole in the end so regulation added that one all at the start of the second hoffa but still time to stop for dallas. definitely not making a defender and his school striking a crucial deflection off jordan john and for no goal to what was the final score colorado becoming the fourth different analyst champions are the boss for you. now the world's top eight tennis player in the men's game are in london for the a.t.p. finals and home favorite andy murray has produced a superb display to beat. in the open on sunday eight back to erema cheered on the britain as he went up against the informs me who recently won the paris small stones but mari broke serve in the third and several games to take the
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opening set six two and he survived the only break point of two three down in the second set before closing down six pool. the match in one hour and twenty minutes to take in the early lead group. and he was told by roger federer later on this was beating the beat federer are who has made it to the world finals for the first time since losing to the same up. in the two thousand and seven final the swiss raced through the opening sat and oval for our families rhythm early in the second us and unable to stop fed express from a six one six pool big tree better and meanwhile is aiming for a record equalling to be finals title this year. they are in group eight and start their campaigns on monday. and a full football now plenty of interesting match ups this week but probably none more intriguing than the end of seized clash between philadelphia eagles and new
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york giants here is also both with a recap. what a season has been for michael vick the thirty year old quarterback shining brighter than he ever has with the atlanta falcons he's eagles taking on the giants would be n.f.c. east lead on the line and in case you don't know this is mainly what vick is known for ability to run the ball like no other q.b. in football takes it to the end zone for a six yard score put in philly up by seven the eagles were leading by six up to three quarters but big stories turnover of the season results in this eli manning finding their weak hagan in the end zone and just like they have the g.m. and take their first lead of the game by point a couple of scoreless drives later is four down and one for the eagles excels the quarterback sneak just manages to pitch it to a sham point fourteen carries for one hundred and eleven yards in the game and he will go all the way here to put the eagles back up big then completes the play with a two point conversion to jason of and to make it a seven point game so the giants have plenty of time left to try and tie the game
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on the following drive but it all goes wrong for them manning trying to do its best mike big and get the first down with this legs but he fumbled the ball in the eagles we cover new york tried to challenge but the ruling on the field remained and the eagles held on to take the w. as well as the lead in the n.f.c. east mediumship of our team. staying in america and all to the hardwood now as a new orleans heart as have been the main surprise package in the n.b.a. so far this season he expected grace paul and company to be in this position they are now eleven on wall after the win and sacramento. it wasn't the greatest game ever but it had its moments like this al you want to green have a nice game with fifteen points and ten rebounds as the kings jump off their nearly made but the hornets know how to get back in games clock winding down in the second preschool finds trevor ariza will base the buzzer with a triple to tie it. and then late in the game hole again showing why he's the best
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playmaker in the game things they did last all the pick and roll and he pointed the way for the harness was tied with san antonio for the best record in the league now . elsewhere the celtics were missing rage and wrong time paul pierce missed the game winner in toronto as the raptors handed boston that fourth loss of the season the joints were able to hold off the wizards in overtime and the lakers cruised. over the war has. to rush in basketball now where it says cal have suffered the domestic defeat of the season playing out a disappointing seventy want to sixteen i lost a cousin or knicks adding to them. reports. it's proving to be a very difficult season for the army men are struggling to adjust to the new coaches system and they're now on the verge of missing the you're really top sixteen for the first time in more than decades yet the moscow side were unbeaten
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in domestic leak ahead of beast match where they face their form a cold she gave people a shooting in his new side meet and the visitor showed they were verbeek challenge from the first quarter and working hard in defense and he swore occasionally stayed on the ball and scored on braids and aside from doesn't finish the throws off by two points says scott stowage to scoble you're sure each decided to experiment and leave it at the blame time a few sides keep blair gentleman boredom but gordon steel was influential in this game become insists highest score was said. one thousand points however it was only exists like the matter of a mean co who became the game's more fair they will where he had a ten rebounds to his fourteen points and court to see of it i mean because that design side had a one point lead and possession was less than five seconds remaining tara was followed by. more shots in the arm and needed to sink
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a three pointer to send the match into overtime and then the david and sage drew a fall while shooting free and it was his chance to save the david says but he made only one short ensuring the victory went to win yes consul can well i feel very bad no it's a hard one to swallow we uns me personally should have made free throws in the end we just gave the win away but a negative experience is still an experience so we just have to learn the lessons. a great week for a week's walk to work said that something more than luck was on their site i don't believe i believe in gods where you. know everything happens the way it's supposed to happen and so you know i think it's a basketball you know everybody everybody makes mistakes everybody makes great plays you know i mean it's that's the joy of basketball that's why you play the game nothing serious for them but this huge win for us. i believe we won this game
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because they played two days before this one very important game. for spirits and that's exactly where they lost a lot of energy meanwhile cisco now is focusing on the you are the is the nearest game coming wednesday in milan and there would be even more damage but you missed archie. golf now and he pulled her is back in the world's top ten off to winning the hong kong open by washout the englishman held off italian mateo mon-el sara and compadres simon dyson for his second victory of the year the overnight put himself in a great position for an eventual birdie here on the sixth dyson was right on pull those heels a little day along with seventeen year old model several dyson's eagle from the apron on the third was one of the final rounds highlights maintain his composure against the challenges the thirty four year old did bogey the eighteenth but card with a final round of sixty seven to finish on twenty on the porto and make the second
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trophy of the season he also returns to the top ten with this victory. victory all his european tour of korea. and finally a brief look at the latest schools when at the local get outdoors continue to wobble at the top of the table or scouts have begun at home in a shoot out by ninth placed didn't ask me that he has come with a hamstring bills and he also has a panel to shot for three big elsewhere. so much here for just a day three two win against mid table and he's you dropped fourth placed alphonse guard along two zero while two time champion bar sage dale spar thoughtful one also on sunday sort of style avoided the third straight defeat as they shot it to make two zero and most victories for ted old says scott scott and trotter. for the moment let's now have a check on the wild weather state. issues
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that so much could be going to make even a lot of people here in the burlington drowning in debt levels in rich industrialized countries are truly staggering for a long time to come there is plenty of financial.
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would be soo much brighter than a few pounds from phones to pressure. these crims stunts on t.v. don't come.
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down to the official ante up location to go on the phone only pulled touch from the queue jumps to. watch all she lights on the go. video on demand all keys my old compass and sense feeds now with the palm of your. question on all t.v. dot com. my colleagues here on r.t. are now in jail in the state of georgia they were arrested while filming a rally outside a notorious training set of a latin american military and police here in the u.s. i'll be back with more in just a few moments. also the cost of the union so be as leaders lined up to try and join the e.u. shortages in the shops which are being blamed on member states leaving the public less convinced about signing up. and central asia as giant.


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