tv [untitled] November 23, 2010 9:30am-10:00am EST
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and is an aussie crew jailed for covering iran in the u.s. is freed on bail details of the brutal police maybe a cheering dirac's peaceful protest against the minute you base the school of a fast food had finished when officers called the crew filming the event a march them to a police. next spotlighting is from inside the crime then as one of the president his key aides his insight on steadying the economic ship and his claim to go away. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms of. the future.
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hello again or welcome to spotlight the end to the show on r.t. i'm al green of and today my guests in the studio is part of closing. the currency wars which were sending shivers across the financial markets are here to have been defused for now developed nations are trying to secure a more even balance between economies global is russia going to profit from it here's the aid to the russian president sarkozy. russia is promoting its currency the ruble as the new global reserve currency. is the rouble in trade with its neighbors including china but it wants to see to use more a working group has been created in an attempt to improve the reputation of the russian currency the plan is to turn moscow into world trade center the doctrine of
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the ruble as a reserve currency would strengthen the russian economy and give it competitive advantages when it eventually joins the world trade organization arkady dvorkovich says the exception into the organization will happen next year but that we've heard many times before. walk into the show thank you very much for coming well first of all let's talk about the g twenty that they just took place well first of all on the g. twenty leaders agreed and so to abstain from devaluation of their national currencies and this as president medvedev has put it i quote inspires optimism about the future what can guarantee that this agreement will be implemented why. just a piece of paper as we say in russia. two things one small correction leaders agreed
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to the abstain from mark competitive devaluations for national currency which implies. that gives this. water in a sense of artificial the relations a lot not what this is of a spoiler you know a lot of the way that the fundamentals of for a particular economy are two things that make them believe that this commitment is really an effective one one thing courage is very important is the way our previous commitments of the g twenty leaders. have been met one with example is a commitment to refrain from protectionism we could see much war station in the world without that commitment taken back. in washington the first summit of the leaders. all can this introduce some protective measures but without the commitment to refrain from major form of protection we could see where it was that could
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divide the world altogether and the second thing is a petition political commitment to leaders implies that breaking that commitment. petition under these leaders do not want to see. you say i quote you know actual policy of printing money can increase the risks of money markets especially emerging markets to to to be near to the to be risky and current meanwhile the u.s. keeps pumping and pumping billions of dollars of printed dollars into its economy doesn't it contradict the g twenty decision what about their reputation have a banner. from what i know are from what i know from our finance minister and at the central bank they are commonly informed by i. here's a mystery sion by filters area until it is your for him about what he says about
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him ounce of newborns being an issue and this allows them to to make steps to alleviate pressure on the market in this what is really important in the garment in central bank store and right to conduct policy is. that they believe or are needed for the national economy but what is important for us is to know what they're going to do and to. visit out the excessive for motion on. the. reaction construct area of my to clear. making. lower and this is what leaders agreed on they agreed that the finance ministers and central bank governors will meet frequently will discuss those things will consult each other really develop a set of irons indicators that will help them to it would major imbalances well
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that brings us back to your correction when answering the first question so so so. as as far as national governments are informed and what's going on even in the united states to bring to bring dollars as far as far it's a competitive you feel more or less safe about it yeah you feel safer. there's nothing absolute in this world we feel safer into what is important. is. that we also know what the plans are very. other boris's like fiscal policy was commitment to making toronto to reduce budget deficit by two fault in see it a four year period and if all countries feel. this commitment then risks will be substantially lower. the russian national news agency really noticed your rights i quote south korea proposed in the idea of creating
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a global net of financial security is it true does russia support it tell us more about it is that one of the original ideas of the korean president. to create a called global financial safety net and the financial safety net so include both global instruments governed by the international mind the fountain to other international financial organizations and to such instruments were developed. before the summit in seoul into or approved by leaders instruments that create much more flexible conditions for countries that found themselves in a problematic station to. request global health and he was help without a break and keep it asian all together in the second component of the original. apart regional areas. were your direct neighbors will help your local finance
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i your relation programmes in feel share. with other countries until you close those two parts will constitute the new system is not the bretton woods two yet we are not there yet but it's one of the ends of the future. new future global mindtree system speaking about risks many experts today speak about the risks of the cheap dollar and cheap you wind for russian economy is there a risk that the ruble will start becoming too strong. well be for. inexperience already. overweight it will. in the way of ruble was higher. than supposed by from the mental you to. and capital inflows that hurt before the crisis
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and creates risks for for the economy what is important is that the rate of appreciation of the national currency is not higher than the rate of increase in efficiency of labor productivity and energy efficiency and other efficiency indicators we believe that at least at this point in time the medium term perspective. would potential to increase efficiency even faster than the rate of increase in the real value of robel and this will keep us on the safe side and will not experience the negative and second so for. a dollar or recliners that's very very interesting to hear that from need because this is i think the first time in my lifetime that i hear from a person like here in the government to to to be betting on increasing efficiency of the got to be not all price in something else this is interesting well the only
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thing we can bet on right now there is no no way we should do i exclude on our community exports and global prices prices are all tile and we. experience that during the crisis when both physical demand and prices went down in that we lost a lot of revenue the focus of our present our government right now is to you know falls in with a musician plan into increased efficiency of the russian economy and they are safe i. know that must occur in our production and our exports so. it's the only way we can perceive it great ok there's still another quote i want you to comment on it comes from robert zoellick the head of the. of the world bank and he wrote in the financial times recently. the system should also consider employing gold as the national reference point of market expectations about
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inflation deflation and future currency values and culture is russia supporting this idea of increasing the role of gold well. this. phrase. by robert zoellick the president of the of the world bank is always the exact. reference to what the present invidious said two years ago one of the summits one of the strengths that we are advocating expanding the basket of reserve currencies. and we should also think about the role of walt as one of the stimulation of fact that we should means russia is a supporter of the russia russia is a supporter of the sadia it's still to be discussed what exactly the old world
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could be. we are far from the. suggestion that the goal should become a new standard to move again to the gold standard. risks involved in such a scenario. could be even greater than the current station but we could see a greater role of new digital reserve currencies in gold in the new mine to the system and this subject is going to be caused by both experts finance minister central bank governance and leaders i during the french presidency a conference french presidency in two thousand to have an says aide to the russian president at one point spotlight we'll be back shortly we'll continue this interview in less than a minute after a break so stay with us don't go. sweet
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welcome back to the spotlight an album of and just a reminder that my guest here in the studio today is out of the right of course he's the presidential aide aide to the russian president dealing with questions and problems our economy we're discussing the the g. twenty summit that took place in korea and russian world economy this is not quite nokia a famous communications company is said to be starting its business or whatever in skulk over the russian innovation sector joining the apec summit e.u. said since japanese companies expressed an interest to bolt towards the skulk of a project to sell not only the finns but the japanese to which particular camp companies k. can you name them and how soon can we start doing something well first of all school project. has already attracted interest from all parts of the world and on this side finnish and nipponese companies for hitch interest from the
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continent european. our agents in countries like korea or in particular are the president of the ballot a leader as well and american companies many american companies who want to participate in the project and skulk over is already in flux a project for many people. many investors professionals who are coming to russia. can question what can we do is kolker that the first questions they ask before they ask question about corruption not invest in for a month enduring you know and it's important for us and skulk over time given the. a driver not just a physical location for four companies but. germany's company is a very good conversation with them if they should visit. to visit and i miss the basic metals with heavy industries to be. sumitomo company and.
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the story of companies joe you see you talking china obviously joins also our japanese partners about the pharmaceutical sector since we know that in japan this the development of new drugs new pharmaceuticals. is good shape and i feel recently germany's companies were working only with the pharma giants in the united states and europe and we agreed that we will explore ways to world directly with japanese pharmaceutical companies so that they can come through russia and invest in russian threats are indeed russia. the government has approved a five year plan of privatization where do you think the assets but i know you don't work for the gold he work for the president but we're going to sell the assets and the russian changed or abroad london new york paris tells you where
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the decision of the government to expand the projection program into privatized major stakes in large russian company companies. it was. invoked that after the instructions of the president and after the report to the president the president approved the report from the government and that cleared the way for those protestations the reason the president is involved in that all those companies are in the list of three. companies and all provision deals with those as it should be proved by by the president so the way is open for those certain sections. in each individual case. mr finance and mr quantum you're. in consultations with professional ethics managers professional. financial institutions will take a separate decision on where and how to prioritize in moscow or in london or in new
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york or in the continental what more will get more money exactly also in which way i.p.o. or direct. sale frezza to the strategic investor or auction of the small packages to be to be sold and all other possible ways of doing it and doing it of the reason i asked this question the previous question is that is that we reading that that there's a plan our making moscow a world financial financial center and even a special group headed by mr voloshin the accent of the presidential administration is set up to create this financial financial miles inside the russian capital how's it going what has been done so far as certainly we will use soap relations program to promote more score in the financial center it's too early to say that most will become the global financial center we are one of the at least what we're starting
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with the regional financial center that's a first step toward this parish and moscow is a comfortable place for making capital transactions and you know is eastern europe regional is eastern. europe and serious former soviet union countries and other direct neighbors in position program is a good instrument to promote most. and. still the overall international financial center programme involves not just our projection of russian as it is but also making moscow a comfortable place to live for into the business and this is one of the tasks of the new mayor of moscow to do something it's also it also requires changes in the legislation and. preparation of proposals how to change the financial just ration packs legislation to improve
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for investment climate in russia investment climate in moscow and also it's about administrative procedures about simplified visa and work permit. procedures to. simplify life for people simplify. ways for people to come to russians work to russia it's important for everyone otherwise people to just not come. let's question is where is. economics what to do and policies like start flocking to get the w t o russian session to double tiro and the position of georgia you said i quote once again georgia is still able to block russia's assertion to w t o but russia is expecting the assistance of some other countries which countries do you mean that could influence georgia persuade. before any country enter there with you or any country can book
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a session in country since it's a concept of consensus rule it's not the majority ward in the arm. till the very last moment until. the in argument comes that a country is not to accept that the literal this is not taken. any country including georgia can grok the russian russian recession. but what makes us confident that we can go through this process is the real interest of our major partners. both in europe and the united states in russia joining. we know that they're interested so it's clear that they will try to help. the there is a technical way to communicate with her for our swiss partners. as our representatives . right now so certainly switzerland will be one of their partners but we also
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expect support for our our other partners in this process. another couple and one xperience i would hold them rather critics of what you do with the president say that the problem is actually in the fact that the demand for integration products is extremely low in russia as well as the level up competition would you agree at least partially to i was fully with that and you know we started working our own arm of the middle initial program that i visit the same idea that to stimulate demand for innovations how can you do something which is out of them on the block this is very oddly this is the way that is this why we should start or is releasing a month and we are trying to do that was in direct way and also in that way. the direct way to do this is storm and i change the system of government procurement.
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to all increase the state demand for our new. you know waited for more than our woods in services and. will they be prepared to piece of legislation that will. allow a storm require the products services that we are buying should. be in compliance and consistent with the most. and more than standards is best available standards in the world so we were getting was annoyed broad of also we will create a system where we can make the advance orders for things that are not created yet which will. make another push for innovations the companies will know that we need something in three years so they will try to develop that something. indirect way to stimulate demand for innovations is to create disincentives like tax incentives
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. or. develop new technical relation technical standards for the private sector for people thought that they will start. increasing demand for new products and services will do both really last very short question your boss he seems to want also not only to do the inside the country but to start selling russian innovation on the global market and he said medvedev so i mean the president he said that is emphasizing the importance of creating popular high tech brands in russia can you name any of them except the sputnik of the month they are scanned the sum of wired the browns that russia will be famous we don't know yet sincerely begin the process but. our focus besides the big things like nuclear energy and space communications is also small things that
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people need like current new formosa tical products new eighty products and eighty i think in the area were because of clear compete for the one that you have good must indication and good professionals. support visit with conditions they will create something new and this is salt on the walls of your example sorta like a. brother of the products off a frame or so long as i want some bottles same thing so it's already working but still seeing so i just cross the sinks in the real good luck to you thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today was the aide to the russian president out of the plant and that's it for now from all of us here if you want to have your sales part might just drop me a line will be back with more first time comments on the what's going on in and outside russia until then stay on r.t. and take.
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a christmas company of terror and europe are reported to be linked to international terrorist networks funding militants in chechnya. suicide rates among young in the us a war veteran still water record levels with unemployment homelessness i'm neglecting the real foresees among the reasons for below meaning creates. thank you and. we'll grow you an eyewitness account of america's freedom of speech and action from an alter you correspondent jailed for covering a protest outside a u.s. military base dubbed the school of thought says. reversing the damage and ambitious project might bring back central asia as our own see the near disappearance of which was one of the world's worst logical catastrophe. and come.
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