tv [untitled] November 26, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EST
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it is eight am in the russian capital you're watching r t with joshua welcome to the program russia and the e.u. should get rid of all barriers to commerce and become a free trade zone worth trillions of dollars in an article written for a german newspaper of why the report mapped out his vision for a one massive market for doing business stretching from lisbon to bloody bus stop russia's prime minister was riding it had a meeting with germany's chancellor and manny of its top industrialists who were just going off reports. well the skies over the european economy continuing to darken the hands of some of germany's more successful and influential companies are brainstorming in order to find a way to for move forward in the current economic situation in europe at the fourth economic forum in berlin russia's prime minister vladimir putin is also going to attend the forum and he didn't come empty handed just previously he published on article in the. newspaper the one which is actually organizing the forum calling
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for closer cooperation between the european union and russia and let's face it russia has the resources the e.u. has the technologies to do so one of the key points off this article was also the construction of a free economic zone between russia and the e.u. and german chancellor angela merkel has already commented on this idea actually supporting it saying that russia first has to answer the wall trade organization talking about the european union's economy has some severe problems portugal and ireland as well and we're getting reports that belgium and spain may be next and according to the german chancellor the current picture is much worse than anyone expected before in an hour. west facing an exceptionally serious situation is concerned i don't want to paint a dramatic picture but i just want to say that's a year again you can imagine the debate we had in the spring and imagines we have to take talking about germany this country is actually showing some really
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impressive economic growth the country's government has just announced that the number of unemployed people has reduced from five to three million people and they're actually expecting this number to fall completely they're saying that this is the picture now in some southern parts of the country so obviously quite a lot of important issues are on the table here in berlin and i think it's safe to see that some of the conclusions which would need at this forum will affect not only this country alone but europe as a whole. can offer pork in there and that's kaiser economists and health of our teams kaiser reports believes germany is ready to merge as the world's new superpower the crisis is only adding to germany's ability to ultimately break away from the euro and compete head to head with china for competition in terms of being the twenty first century global superpower it will be
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germany and china the us has gone the u.k. is long gone continental europe is outside of germany doesn't produce anything so you've got a reconstituted germany with their own central bank again their own currency and i predict the rise of germany again this is something that after world war two was that was attempted to be outlawed but germany is back and of course germany has actually relations with russia the russian leadership speaks german the german leadership speaks russian so there's a lot of talk there and the tonic genie is being let out of the bottle i don't think america is prepared for a germany because being a was a superpower again and yet as a result of this crisis that america helped engineer there you have it america's punching itself in the face all the time. i was match guys are economists and host of our it is kaiser report they're still add this hour here in our team under attack the nuclear shelters from another era. you'll find water to last you at
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least two weeks you'll also find a flashlight with batteries and medical equipment with this your knowledge that is . find out where washington residents should run for cover in the event of a big boy. now latest crew to return to earth from the international space station have landed safe and sound at five months in orbit the soyuz capsule delivered a russian cosmonaut and two american astronauts to stand now we can cross live till we're spot on the top you know we go who can bring us the latest who is in the city of karloff the heart of russia's space program good morning to you natalia so tell us how's the crew feeling after this three hour journey. well of course the two all the pretty precautions that were necessary to make sure that they are feeling good when they arrive and. to go place as scheduled right now so you see i mean nineteen
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safely landed it took the spacecraft about three hours to travel all the way from the international space station back to earth and now that team of three cosmonauts is feeling wealth and safe back to earth now russian veteran cosmonauts for you to all together spend a year in space and he's calling from nasa sean and walker and douglas were have spent about six months there each in their mission included in the number of space walks and experiments and they in fact brought a container a refrigerator with the result of one hundred twenty scientific experience they conducted during their mission including by a technical physics and chemical chemistry test will tell you while we are talking we're just showing our viewers live pictures there are some very interesting live shots will tell us a bit more about the atmosphere what was it like on the ice as. or to their departure. for this particular time they must have been in an element of extra stress before their departure because they witnessed their predecessors failing to
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undock from the international space station due to a technical difficulty with an automatic lock that connects the international space station and the same spacecraft that delayed their return back to earth by twenty four hours nonetheless the previous team has also learned that safely but this team seemed to be rather optimistic about their return they even had a special thanksgiving dinner before they started getting ready to flying back to earth right now three more cosmonauts remain at the international space station and they're welcome they're waiting to welcome three more in the middle of december. ok and i thanks very much david bring us the update. to other stories now in our polls as well as say they were being persecuted for using their native language to spell polish street names and even surnames but authorities of illness say their actions fall well within the country's laws are. reports shop owner decided to
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make life easier for the poles living in rural lithuania should put signs in both lithuanian and polish languages in her store but then i thought she would be fined two hundred euro for violating the state language law according to it all signs in the country must be strictly in lithuanian. i didn't feel as if i was doing anything wrong this was something the local polish community needed besides i had their fishel state language on these signs as well this is a violation of human rights i was told i could have signs in english german or french but not in polish almost a quarter of a million ethnic poles live in lithuania for centuries warsaw ruled this lie so nowadays in some villages the polish amounts to over eighty percent of the population. another sticking point is the street names and villages where the polish community lives it is not the fact that pows use both languages but that
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they use the word for word translation which in rages the authorities in of illness secretary of the polish council in the twentieth says that they cannot even spell their names right all id cards and passports of ethnic poles must be written in the state language adverts of each says that the history of polish lithuanian relations have a hard past but it must have been left behind when the two countries became members of the e.u. . lithuania were so keen on becoming part of the e.u. that they signed several documents on the session one of those was the european chancellor or national minorities it says that we can easily use our native language but now for some reason the lithuanian authorities are rolling back all the obligations to brussels. we turn to the body which oversees the use of language for on says it says no obligation was violated and that in fact vilnius had every right to persecute the use of polish. or indeed the charge of our national
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minorities give the poles a little weightier the right to use their language but at the same time the document says the law of the country prevails over the chargers clauses and according to the law in lithuania we have every right to find them for using their language on signs. some poles living in lithuania suggest that this is vilnius is revenge for centuries of polish occupation authorities on the other hand refute such claims and say that a decision on the use of polish is being discussed within the country sparling meant but nobody can tell what will prevail the attitude to the events of the past or the wish to be part of the united european legislation alexi russia ski r.t. reporting from vilnius in lithuania. now more on that story and plenty others on our website where you can also have your say on everything we're covering but here's a quick taste of what's waiting at home right now. the new computer program developed
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in russia aims to protect children from the hidden dangers lurking in social networks we put the home alone software to the task. and russia's industry giants proposed extending the work week to sixty hours but doctors warn this will kill employees literally all the details on our website r t v dot com. the cold war may be over but the u.s. still faces the threat of a nuclear attack the idea of a terrorist could get hold of an atomic weapon presents a nightmare scenario for the city's most likely to be targeted but as our reports in the event of a strike today's generation of americans wouldn't know where to turn.
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it was the first and foremost fear of the generation. let's face it threat of hydrogen bomb warfare is the greatest danger our nation has ever known the american way of life was under attack and everyone had to have a plan of action and the key to survival is that it would show that's why the federal government has a nationwide shelter from. the event of a nuclear strike the government had thousands of fallout shelters ready and stocked to protect the american people factory. apartment house. fire. lauderdale asked you at least two weeks to find a flashlight with batteries and medical equipment you mean that you're. in the nation's capital thousands of shelters existed but now only a few hundred of them are still noticeable there are about a thousand shelters originally but today all the interior shelters are mostly here
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adam irish is a history buff who has made it his mission to find the shelters today we're trying to preserve the sign says memory city where there are an area that bill brown remembers very well i was a junior high school student here from fall of one nine hundred sixty two and told the spring of one nine hundred sixty five the cold war was well underway many children here i'm sure like myself in bed at night would hear like a fire and siren and think it was an air raid siren sounds that hammered home the nation's greatest fear and i think everybody in our young impressionable age had great concerns about this and you know it caused a lot of paranoia. but if washington was ever attacked a room full of beans and cots wasn't going to do much for the residents of this. city it is important to know that these shelters are only meant to protect people against fallout not the blast itself fall is the term for radioactive particles
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that fills the air in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion billions of them would fall from the sky they were releasing radiation that could cause sickness or death in the area where they fall it wasn't a real threat because the city would have been first on the list but despite the pointless preparations people like brown felt it was better to do something than nothing we were just doing what we were told to do you know and the idea that you know the fly ash was the important thing in the shock wave would follow you wanted to be away from where would you be when the atomic bombs fall. but today you can secure your family's future by reserving a spot in a state of the underground fold from bolton what was the nation's greatest fear and the protection against it have become a distant memory only to be poked fun at in video games and movies if washington was bombed with a nuclear bomb what do you know what to do no. no not at all just go as low as.
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so do you know what that sign means behind you i would assume that it's an actual true then if there was some kind of nuclear attack you could hide there but i've never noticed it before so i would assume it's also data probably or are you worried that there could be a nuclear war tomorrow you know why not just is just not in the cold just have and if it happened would you know what to do. probably like everybody else you can easily break you with your hand but has the threat of a nuclear strike really disappeared back then it was mutually assured destruction so no one fired missiles at each other today you know it's just a terrorist group that has a missile it's nothing to stop. the reasonable recognize the threat to our way of life. threat to our survival. but while people might still face a nuclear threat with no specific enemy many believe it's pointless to prepare for
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preassure either r. t. washington d.c. . afghan officials are blaming nato for sending up a make believe peace talks with a man posing as a top taliban leader president hamid karzai even held negotiations with the imposter before his true identity was revealed the scam began over six months ago when afghan officials were approached by supposed taliban agents offering peace talks british intelligence reportedly arranged the meetings while the cia oversaw the entire affair but the man claiming to be a high ranking militant turned out to be a shopkeeper from pakistan the scandal has left the u.s. led coalition red faced after large sums of cash were handed over to the fraudster artist military contributor says nato needs to learn to do its homework how come the artist managed to outfox and outsmart the whole western intelligence community it was a desperate political move that prompted the us military leadership in afghanistan
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to get involved in such air adventure that resulted in a total embarrassment for the central intelligence agency then led him in to afghanistan across the border from pakistan and then they safely escorted him back thus completely avoiding any opportunity to resolve this mystery who is he is working for whatever you try to swap professionals whether in military or intelligence for politically convenient personalities it will backfire sooner or later but it will. and that was our military can tutor colonel leave gannicus shop there. let's now take a look at some other stories from around the world and north korea so joins us. pushing the peninsula to the brink of war becomes a habit of a planned visit by a u.s. military official to
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a small island targeted by artillery shelling from the north which killed four the south was criticized for its slow response which forced the defense minister to resign china and russia have called for calm while the u.s. sent an aircraft carrier in response. police in rio de janeiro say they have regained control shanty town that have been taken over by a violent drug gangs five days of clashes saw at least thirty people killed most of the fatalities were suspected drug dealers although a fourteen year old girl at a sixty two year old woman also died drug traffickers have regrouped in vehicles zero after being expelled from other shanty towns in the city. the. presidential elections in haiti are going had despite the country's cholera epidemic more than fifteen hundred people have died so far with thousands more waiting treatment an estimated four and a half million people are registered for the elections on sunday but only forty percent are expected to turn out the elections are seen as
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a crucial step toward stability in the country following january stepha stating earthquake. by is set to mark two years since gunmen launched a series of attacks around the indian city killing one hundred sixty six people the sixty hour siege targeted luxury hotels the main railway station and a jewish cultural center security will be stepped up for the day with anti-terrorist police among those deployed in the as criticize pakistan for not pressing ahead with charges against the alleged mastermind. out there ho maybe thousands of miles away but that doesn't stop a small african community thriving in russia's snowy capital. very nice and there are several african festivals of events held in the russian capital and all of. bring different societies closer together whether you're looking for authentic african jewelry or clothing or here to see one of a lot of performances the main aim is for social integration education and best of
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all celebration. if you watch moscow out about ten minutes time here on our team before that we'll take a look it's happening in business with. hungry for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. would be soon which brighter if you knew about songs from fans to impression.
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he starts on t.v. dot com. hello and a very warm welcome to the business news one of russia's leading travel companies interest around europe second largest to operators thomas cook have announced a new joint venture archie correspondent muddied a question about has the details of the deal. thomas cook told us today that they paid forty five million dollars for thirty point one cherries but i do hope in the nearest future maximum till twenty thirty to acquire the rest of this year as we were told today by of the general director of thomas cook at the been chasing for this deal for the last three years and it was a fantastic deal for this company to perform to soaring to as you do through the
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whole organization one hundred percent of the company in the meantime in those intervening for years going for its shareholders more to continue to grow the business to grow. but to grow in the us in terms of time however as the future of form to companies still hasn't hasn't got its own name they might work under the brand of interest all mine in the future work out their own brand meanwhile of the role of interest here is to give some sort of a market knowledge and brand recognition for thomas cook as interest has quite a strong brand recognition within the russian tourists amaury kits meanwhile the russian tourists market is growing quite tremendously and the some analysts see a perspective for some significant growth in the nearest future however there are some challenges like a lack of proper infrastructure and the services that many russian two operators
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are facing and trying to overcome. let's have a look at the markets asian stocks are flat to negative as european debt problems still worry investors. and here in russia both the r.t.s. and the myself closed on the day at the closing by energy of may just most of the blue chips with. just under two percent on the r.t.s. bucking the trend. in the heart set on the mice that's despite creating a profit forecast. europe's markets may have gained on thursday but the fear of debt is still dominating sentiment ireland now looks set to receive a bailout package after it announced the harshest austerity budget in its history the big concern is this will not be the end of it that portugal and spain will need help because campbell head of sales at london capital says there are reasons to believe the contagion will spread and western investors will pay more attention to
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emerging markets. we've seen just a few things that really have started to shift the balance now and the first was when the spanish ten year government bond yield. five percent in the cost has been a sort of point of no return receipt for greece we saw it for ireland and it's happening to spain spain is one of the biggest economies in europe so that's a serious concern the merging markets have been attractive for some time now and of course they are very much the driving force behind global growth but certainly western investors are looking more to the bric countries is as they've been classified in brazil is certainly a very popular emerging market amongst western versus russia not so much interesting the but there's a lot of talk now you know russia is getting
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a little bit of attention even seen relatively undervalued market when you compare it to the likes of brazil which has been so popular and so this should shift the focus but of course there are already has been a great deal of focus on the emerging markets already brought royce engines say it's gearing up to become a founding member of russia's titanium valley but i'm approaching finds the decree next week to create a plastic not you help in the urals around the world's top titanium supplier base and. the british engines giant is hammering out a deal with top officials for the new special economic zone which will enjoy tax breaks and customs free trade. tanian valley initiative skolkovo yes they had meetings with the ministry of economic development and they're setting up special zones if the numbers look right and we like the partners and we're able to work closely together there's absolutely no reason why we shouldn't be very very
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involved if the research and develop. an operation is successful. production here as well what we haven't been doing in russia is is manufacturing engineering supply chain and research and development. and that's the area that i think we're interested in that in exploring you know developing new technologies for gas turbines. new forms of engines i mean we haven't had. that many major technological shifts in the aerospace industry you know in the hundred or so years that we've been flying. the world is ready for some new new developments recently dmitri medvedev says fighting corruption is his number one priority have you received in your surety is that you will be spared red tape if for example you enter staying in delhi we know there's a commitment to changing business practices in russia and we welcome that and we can already see some of the practical practical effects of that there are some very
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six months the russian capital was in a state of siege. days and nights people lived in fear about the patient and were preparing for the desperate defense intense battles took a heavy toll of. the summit on me switch to be offensive but it was the first su near defeat of the where moms would. battle for most go on or keep.
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a close a team has been to the tone screen where rich academic life gives birth to innovative ideas. no margi goes to the area which together would boost the industrial development. offers to make a journey into brushes his dream. and to enjoy version. welcome to the. wealthy british sign of the sun it's not on. the. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy for a no holds barred look at the global financial headline news to name two cars a report on our.
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welcome back you're watching r.t. live from moscow here's a look at the top stories free trade between russia and the move from atlantic to pacific russia's prime minister outlines his vision ahead of a high powered business trip to berlin germany supports the idea of a questions the country's trilateral customs union. here a long stay in space comes to an end for a russian cosmonaut and his nasa colleagues as they come back down to earth safe and sound it's repeat will remain in orbit and you expect to be approved in russia's star city later today. polls in lithuania saying they're being victimized and fine for using science in their own language some claiming it's the authorities way of getting revenge for centuries of polish occupation. fallout shelters in the u.s. gathered dust would.
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