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tv   [untitled]    November 26, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EST

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global news twenty four seven this is our t.v. live from moscow russia germany should dramatically increase the level of business which passes between them that was the message from russian prime minister vladimir putin as he addressed some of germany's top industrialists high powered economic business for. you go to prison office now following the discussions and joins us live to give us the latest on all of this. can you just give us the key points of what putin had to say what exactly is he actually proposing. well we did hear some strong words from the russian prime minister vladimir putin was talking about the global economic crisis how it affected both russia's economy and the european economy as well and he talked about how there was
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a different approach in russia and in europe to businesses both sides for example of what you would approach and said that if during the crisis during the peak of the crisis european business is present in russia were helped absolutely in the same way as russian businesses were by russian authorities according to our situation here in europe was different he said that some russian businesses were simply. help also talked about at the moment. there's some type of discrimination going on concerning the russian businesses working here in europe gave a couple of examples of russian businesses who've purchased projects here in europe some energy projects as well are now being forced to give back projects despite the fact that they bought them previously absolutely illegally. except
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a bow and said that this is hampering business ties between europe and russia and this is at the same time while the have to be partners in order to deal with the consequences of the global economic crisis let's hear what the russian foreign minister had to say. but he's getting it pretty much russian businessmen are ready to invest in european industry but for unknown reasons this can be difficult so when russian money attempts to flow into european businesses european companies look to other emerging markets to keep their costs down there are many examples of russians facing political and economic obstacles when attempting to enter european markets. pleasure of course in a sense that is the global economic crisis was not caused by a regional local factors he said that this was a structural crisis which has to be dealt with together specifically by russia and to europe and talking about how russia russia's economy is recovering at the moment
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from the crisis he gave some numbers saying that of the g.d.p. growth of this year is expected to be over four percent four to four and a half percent which is quite impressive the figures and also said that the huli g.d.p. in russia is estimated to be around one trillion euros which is quite impressive as well and it grows by around fifty to seventy billion euros every year which obviously makes russia quite an interesting port or for businesses here in europe now you go to other than the comment to the russian prime minister had to say at this summit in germany he also published an article in a german newspaper can you give us the gist of what that had to say. absolutely right and publish an article in these you go newspaper which actually organizing this forum where the heads of some of the more successful and influential germans german companies are putting their heads together figuring out ways to move forward . in the current economic situation in new york and in this article vi going to put
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in called for more cooperation more business ties between russia and europe for more joint ventures joint projects both in business and in science for alliances to be built in the many spheres like energy or ship building or car making pharmaceutics and more he was saying that and this was said again during his statement at the form itself that russia and europe have to deal with this crisis and its consequences together and that's why it's important for businesses and for scientists on both sides to work together you keep pledge that russia will continue investing money in scientific projects in europe called for european investors not to turn away from russia as well these are some mean points and also reports and said that russia's accession to the wall trade organization is essential to the
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abolishment of the visa regime between russia and the european union is essential as well it's actually he called it the final step to step towards reaching the next level of cooperation between russia and europe and also talked about creating this free economic zone from lisbon to vladivostok we actually already heard of the german chancellor angela merkel merkel commenting on this supporting this idea but saying that russia first passed through and through the world trade organization before they could think about it so quite obviously a lot of issues are on the table here in berlin is a very interesting forum in that sense should this it's going to be really interesting to see what's going to happen next. all right that you're going to start off there reporting live from berlin thank you. economist and host of kaiser report believes that germany is ready to emerge as the world's new superpower. the crisis is only adding to germany's ability
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to ultimately break away from the euro and to compete head to head with china for competition in terms of being the twenty first century global superpower it'll be germany and china the us has gone the u.k. is long gone continental europe is outside of germany doesn't produce anything so you've got a reconstituted germany with their own central bank again their own currency and i predict the rise of germany again this is something that after world war two was that was attempted to be outlawed but germany is back and of course germany has excellent relations with russia the russian leadership speaks german the german leadership speaks russian so there's a lot of talk there and the tonic genie is being let out of the bottle i don't think america is prepared for a germany because being a was a superpower again and yet as a result of this crisis that america helped engineer there you have it america is
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punching itself in the face all the time. that was max keiser an economist and host of oxys report well still ahead of you this hour here on the under attack nuclear shelters from another era. inside you'll find canned food and water to last you at least two weeks you'll also find a flashlight with batteries and medical equipment to assist your balance that is this. find out where washington resident should run for cover in the event of a big blast. after five months in orbit the latest crew to return to earth from the international space station have landed safe and sound the soyuz capsule the only current means of transport to and from the i assess delivered a russian cosmonaut and two american astronauts to kazakhstan. has more from the city of course on your heart of russia's space program. so you see i mean nineteen
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safely landed in took the spacecraft about three hours to travel all the way from the international space station back to earth and now the team of three cosmonauts is feeling well and safe the mission is now complete and the crew feels good and is satisfied with the way it went landing. i congratulate everyone who contributed to the success of this project russian veteran cosmonauts for you the chief in has all together spent a year in space and his colleagues from nasa sean and douglas will or have spent about six months there each in their mission included a number of space walks and scientific experiments and they in fact brought a container a refrigerator with the result of one hundred twenty scientific experience they conducted during their mission including by technical physics and chemical chemistry tests for this particular team they musta been in and the elements of extra stress before their departure because they witnessed their previous testers
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failing to undock from the international space station due to a technical difficulty with an automatic lock that connects the international space station and the savior spacecraft that delayed their return back to earth by twenty four hours nonetheless the previous team has also won that safely but this team seemed to be rather optimistic about their return they even had a special thanksgiving dinner before they started getting ready to flying back to earth right now three more cosmonauts remain at the international space station and they're welcome there were waiting to welcome three more in the middle of december . putting that well polls in lithuania say being persecuted for using their native language to spell polish names and even surnames but authorities say their actions for well within the country's law. reports. shop owner decided to make life easier for the poles living in rural lithuania she
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put signs in both leith when ian and polish languages in her store but then authorities said she would be fined two hundred euro for violating the state language law according to it all signs in the country must be strictly and lithuanian and even with another i didn't feel as if i was doing anything wrong this was something the local polish community needed besides i had definitional state language on these signs as well this is a violation of human rights i was told i could have signs in english german or french but not in polish. almost a quarter of a million ethnic poles live in lithuania for centuries war so ruled this land so nowadays in some villages the polish amounts to over eighty percent of the population. another sticking point is the street names and villages where the polish community lives it is not the fact that polls use both languages but that they use the word for word translation which in rages the authorities in of illness
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secretary of the polish council in the twentieth says that they cannot even spell their names right all id cards and passports of ethnic poles must be written in the state language advert to survey which says that the history of polish with when in relations have a hard past but it must have been left behind when the two countries became members of the e.u. . little radio was so keen on becoming part of the e.u. that they signed several documents on a session one of those was the european chancellor on national minorities it says that we can easily use our native language but now for some reason lithuania authorities are rolling back on the obligations to brussels. we turn to the body which oversees the use of language for on says it says no obligation was violated and that in fact vilnius had every right to persecute the use of polish. or indeed the charge of our national minorities give the poles
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a little weightier the right to use their language but at the same time the document says the law of the country prevails over the chargers clauses and according to the law in lithuania we have every right to find them for using their language on signs. some poles living in lithuania suggest that this is vilnius is revenge for centuries of polish occupation authorities on the other hand refute such claims and say that a decision on the use of polish is being discussed within the country sparling meant but nobody can tell what will prevail the attitude to the events of the past or the wish to be part of the united european legislation. alexi russia of ski r.t. reporting from vilnius in lithuania. about story and plenty of other. on our website you can also have your say on anything we're covering here's a quick taste of what's waiting for you right now at dot com a new computer program developed in russia to protect children from the hidden
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dangers lurking in social networks we put the home alone software to the test. and ruptures industry giants propose extending the workweek to sixty hours but doctors want this will literally kill employees all the details on our website at www dot com. for many americans fallout shelters are no more than remnants of cold war history but some say if weapons fall into the wrong hands these archaic hideouts could play a vital role and as our reports people are unaware that hundreds are still scattered around the u.s. capitol ready to protect should the enemy strike.
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it was the first and foremost fear of a generation. let's face it of hydrogen bomb warfare is the greatest danger our nation has the american way of life was under attack and everyone had to have a plan of action the key to survival is that it would show that's why the federal government has the nation right. in the event of a nuclear strike the government had thousands of fallout shelters ready and stocked to protect the american people factories. apartment house and. shelter inside you'll find canned food and water to last you at least two weeks you'll also find a flashlight with batteries and medical equipment to assist your fellow citizens. in the nation's capital thousands of shelters existed but now only
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a few hundred of them are still noticeable there are about a thousand shelters originally but today all the interior shelters are mostly here adam irish is a history buff who has made it his mission to find the shelters today we're trying to preserve the signs as a memory of the area there are an area that bill brown remembers very well i was a junior high school student here from fall of one nine hundred sixty two and told the spring of one nine hundred sixty five the cold war was well underway many children here i'm sure like myself in bed at night would hear like a fire siren and think it was an air raid siren sounds that hammered home the nation's greatest fear and i think everybody in our young impressionable age had great concerns about this it you know it caused a lot of paranoia. but if washington was ever attacked a room full of beans and cots wasn't going to do much for the residents of this.
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city it is important to know that these shelters are only meant to protect people against fallout not the blast itself fall is the term for radioactive particles that fill the air in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion billions of them would fall from the sky and settle to or release the radiation that could cause sickness or death in the area where they will follow wasn't a real threat because the city would have been first on the list but despite the pointless preparations people like brown felt it was better to do something than nothing we were just doing what we were told to do you know and the idea that you know the fly ash was the important thing in the shock wave would follow we wanted to be away from where would you be when the atomic bombs fall. but today you can secure your family's future by reserving a spot in a state of the underground fold from bolton what was the nation's greatest fear and the protection against it have become a distant memory only to be poked fun at in video games and movies if washington
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was bonds with a nuclear bomb would you know what to do so. no not at all just go as low as. so do you know what that sign means behind you i would assume that it's an actual charter then if there was some kind of nuclear attack you could hide there but i've never noticed it before so i would assume it's also data probably or are you worried that there could be a nuclear war tomorrow. why not just it's just not in the cone it's just not going to happen and if it happened would you know what to do. probably like everybody else you get an easier prey if you will your hand but has the threat of a nuclear strike really disappeared back then it was mutually assured destruction so no one fired missiles at each other today you know it's just a terrorist group that has a missile there's nothing to stop. nothing to stop them reasonable recognize the threat to our way of life.
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but while people might still face a nuclear threat with no specific enemy many believe it's pointless to prepare for preassure either r. t. washington d.c. . he is coming to you live from moscow and afghan officials are blaming nato for setting up make believe peace talks with a man posing as a top taliban leader president hamid karzai even held negotiations with the imposter before his true identity was revealed the scam began over six months ago when afghan officials were approached by a supposed taliban agency offering peace talks british intelligence reportedly a range the meetings while the cia oversaw the entire affair but the man claiming to be a high ranking militant turned out to be a shopkeeper from pakistan a scandal has left the u.s. led coalition a red faced large sums of cash were handed over to the fraudster. military contributor says nato needs to learn to do its homework. how come the con
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artist managed to outfox and outsmart the whole western intelligence community it was a desperate political move that prompted the u.s. military leadership in afghanistan to get involved in such air adventure that resulted in a total embarrassment for the central intelligence agency they led him in to afghanistan across the border from pakistan and then they say for it is scored him back the us completely every waiting any opportunity to resolve this mystery who is he is working for whatever you try to swap professionals whether in military or intelligence for politically convenient personalities it will backfire sooner or later but it will but it was all to use military contributor and all you
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have getting now let's get to some other international headlines this hour south korea says the sound of artillery fire has been heard in a one of its islands in the yellow sea but it's not clear where it's coming from the reports come with north korea warning the u.s. and south korean naval drills planned for this weekend pushing the peninsula to the brink of war in a show of solidarity a u.s. military commander paid a visit to young people in ireland the site of a previous all to retire from the north in which four people were killed earlier this week. at least two people have been killed in a car bomb attack on a procession of shia muslims in northern yemen worshippers were on the way to the funeral of a spiritual leader when a suicide bomber drove his car into the crowd and detonated the explosives at least eight others were wounded this is the second attack of its kind just this week. police in a rio de janeiro say they have regained control of
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a shanty town that have been taken over by violent drug gangs five days of clashes saw at least thirty people killed most of the fatalities were suspected drug dealers although a fourteen year old girl and a sixty two year old woman also died and drug traffickers had to regroup. after being expelled from other shanty towns in the city there is a continuing crackdown on violent drug dealers in the city. you and i us here with the latest business news. hello and a very well welcome to the business news which start with an exclusive to our team russia war a sea of korean risks gas cuts off to starting afresh over prices keep claims existing deals with gazprom don't meet the e.u.'s energy charter which it has signed the e.u. says the charter also makes also salt illegal as all the gas companies can't use
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the pipeline but gas pumps chief accent in the dirt if says he will convince parcels to back the project. so steve is really proud he would have been project because it's all short stories if there is some friendships on shore part was. here to build some gate in force. whereas assure that the interest of european community . exclusion clause is. because if all the basic stadium so stadium we could think asian there was not a good supply given to solve the sort of way in countries like ukraine and ball giri have ripped up existing transit contracts with us from you can't be happy about that also. the support of such as such are real because we are wearing them all to them because if you buy they will put in danger of a long battle committed ones and the question was this major investor so we could
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replace us. what do you hope to achieve when the top chinese guest delegation flies to moscow this week or should sign contracts in the middle of the next year and just. two days ago i made the wrong one doozy in. the us president or c. and b. c. of the very constructive discussions on technical side will come out of. the next round will take place in the world generally. well. on direct from second quarter profit fell twelve percent year on year we see an improvement in quarter three let's wait about three rows assures that. it will be very good voice for. eleven. three russian oil and gas projects being developed under production sharing agreements may bring russia almost three hundred twenty billion dollars in the next forty here is. one project
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led by exxon mobil is the most profitable state shed its production may reach one hundred eighty six billion dollars including taxes seven to let buy gas problem may bring about one hundred twenty eight billion dollars to the budget revenues from totals have dug up project from a total twelve billion dollars russia's budget received about one and a home billion dollars from this week for ships last year. now to look at how the markets are faring that sol european stocks lower as markets took in fresh reports of last heard and career and sovereign debt issues continues weighed on investors mining shares are weaker helping to drag the footsie down point six percent shares of rio tinto are losing three and a half percent and shares of antiphon gunstar after having point five percent. or so in the red off to advancing on thursday to its highest level in more than two weeks most of the blue chips are falling the biggest loser is no rules to make go
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down more than one percent. the debt crisis is dominating sentiment on the european market side and now looks set to receive a bailout package after it announced their harshest austerity budget it is history the big concern is this will not be the end of it that portugal and spain will need help on discount will head of sales at london capital group says there are reasons to believe the contagion will spread and western investors will pay more attention to emerging markets. we've seen just a few things that really have started to shift the balance now and the first was when the spanish ten year government bond yield rose five percent in the cost has been a sort of point of no return we saw it for greece we saw it for ireland and it's happening to spain spain is one of the biggest economies in europe so that's
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a serious concern the merging markets have been attractive for some time now and of course they are very much the driving force behind global growth but certainly many western investors are looking more to the bric countries as they've been classified and brazil is certainly a very popular emerging market amongst western versus russia not so much interesting me but there's a lot of talk now that you know russia is getting a little bit of attention even seen a relatively undervalued market when you compare it to the likes of brazil which has been so popular so this should shift the focus but of course there already has been a great deal of focus on the emerging markets already. and as campbell head of sales at london capital corp it's going to become easier for skilled foreigners to come to work and russia presidential aide. says the government will implement a number of new measures to liberalize visa and migration regulations for highly
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qualified for and. beautiful first will simplify visa regulations not only for the specialists themselves but also for their families the second issue is a radical reduction of demands for those constantly traveling inside and outside russia as well as across the country the rules are also going to be eased for specialists with annual incomes totally two million rubles which is sixty three thousand dollars and those supporters who graduated a russian will get priority right for work that its own them. that's it from the business team for now my call it couldn't really tell we'll bring you more stories in an hour's time and you can always log on to our web site r t dot com slash business.
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they close a team has been to the tone screen where rich academic life gives birth to innovative ideas. known largely goes to the area which together with boosting industrial development. offers to make a journey into russia's history. and to enjoy mergers and vivid cultural life. welcome to the pair and region russia closing in on cheap.
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live from moscow this is r.t. your headlines now free trade between russia and the e.u. from atlantic to pacific russia's prime minister outlined his vision ahead of a high powered business meeting in germany who supports the idea but questions the country's trilateral customs union with. a journey in space comes to an end for a russian cosmonaut and his nasa colleagues because they come back down to one of the safe and sound three people do currently remain in orbit the new expedition will be approved in russia that's coming later today. polls in lithuania say they're being victimized and fined for using their own language some claim it's the authorities.


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