tv [untitled] November 26, 2010 8:00am-8:30am EST
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worldwide news around the clock this is r t live from moscow russia and germany should dramatically increase their economic cooperation the message from russian prime minister vladimir putin to some of the some of germany's top industrialists business form. has been following discussions now joins us live with more details on this hello to you tell us what's been going on at the form itself. well so far it's been quite a busy for one of the discussions is going on as we speak russia's prime minister vladimir putin is currently meeting with germany's business elite and the discussion at the moment has gone a little bit beyond just business. was asked what are the biggest problems in the world that he currently sees right now he said that this is terrorism this is
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a racial and religious hatred and economic inefficiency says that the last year and two years have shown that some of the decisions made by some of the global business leaders had had a devastating effect on the economy and there should be definitely more economic efficiency in the global economy now previously before that meeting. at the former focusing on the cooperation between russia and the european union calling for more cooperation and more ties in fact he said that if russia and the european union want to stay competitive in the world in the international economy than it is vital for both to work together he also. european partners not to hamper cooperation between. european companies and russian companies named
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a couple of examples one russian investors were being blocked in europe when some russian companies purchased some projects business projects here in europe energy projects as well now according to him they are being forced out of this and all this is causing a negative effect on investment coming out of russia let's listen to what was going to put in had to say. it pretty much a russian businessmen are ready to invest in european industry but for unknown reasons this can be difficult so when russian money attempts to flow into european businesses european companies look to other emerging markets to keep their costs down there are many examples of russians facing political and economic obstacles when attempting to enter european markets still. the russian prime minister also focused on the global economic crisis in general its consequences both in russia and in the european union and actually he said that during the peak of the crisis the russian authorities were helping the street was helping foreign companies or
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western companies in russia in need of help just the same way as the state was helping russian companies something which he said was not happening here in europe and once again he talked about creating a free economic zone a free trade zone between russia and the european union from a list to void of our stock and. the international community was specifically business elite here in germany and the european union to put their efforts together in order to sort of the remaining problems many of which are still quite visible here in europe and in russia as well are you going to talk to me though about what why is germany being chosen as the venue for this summit what's the significance here. well currently the skies over the european economy in general are continuing to dark and there are serious problems in greece portugal oil and we're
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getting reports that spain and belgium may be next and in this scenario in this context germany is actually currently a great example of how to overcome financial difficulties it's showing some really impressive economic growth just previously to the german government announced that the number of unemployed people in the country has reduced from five to three million people they're actually saying that this number can drop altogether in the near future and that is already the situation in some parts of the country this is a huge forum taking place since some of the most influential and successful companies are taking their leaders are taking part taking course. i'm talking about companies like siemens a b.m.w. group wagon and more and that's why the discussions meet here and some of the conclusions which will be made here in berlin may not only
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a fact germany's economy but many fact the entire europe you're going to just keep you on just for a bit longer here other than the economics being discussed at the summit where you are in bali and have you heard anything about the forthcoming elections in russia by any chance. that's right absolutely one of the questions asked. the business topics here to vladimir putin was a question about the upcoming not the upcoming election but the next presidential election in russia and it was a short question the fact there was a little joke made about it that the organizers asked the participants to ask short questions and this was quite a short question whether it was going to which was going to run for president in russia or not while the russian prime minister saying that. he and. the president over russia dmitry medvedev are used to these questions and he said that . he's going to answer in the same way as both of them do at the moment that they
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are going to both study the situation together and determine what russia is going to need during its next presidential election and their decision is going to be based on the what's on what's better for the russian nation and that is of course according to the russian prime minister all right so not your second almost being discussed at the summit in berlin but also some of the questions about the future elections of russia he's going to soon to fly from boeing thank you. well max keiser economist and host of oxys kaiser report believes that germany is ready to have the world's new superpower. you can't really make an economy based on real estate speculation ireland and spain greece they tried to make an economy based on this idea that you could flip palaces and you could create a ponzi scheme with loans and mortgages and it collapsed as a result of the global credit collapse germany on the other hand nobody in germany
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is taking out mortgages like this nobody is flipping houses in germany germany are savers germany are sound business people and as a result they are a much better position now as a result going forward from this crisis the crisis is only adding to germany's ability to ultimately break away from the euro and to compete head to head with china for competition in terms of being the twenty first century global superpower it will be germany and china the u.s. has gone the u.k. is long gone continental europe is outside of germany doesn't produce anything so you've got a reconstituted germany with their own central bank again their own currency and i predict the rise of germany again this is something that after world war two was. was attempted to be outlawed but germany is back and of course germany has excellent relations with russia the russian leaders leadership speaks german the
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german leadership leadership speaks russian so there's a lot of a lot of talk there and we're talking about a complete reconfiguration of the global. money system was max kaiser economist and host of a concert report well after five months huddling around the world in orbit a russian cosmonaut and two nasa astronauts so their feet firmly back on the ground after returning from international space station and although the landing in kazakhstan was dubbed ideal the crew had to bite their lips before their trip to terra firma. for how small from star city the heart of russia's space program. so you see i mean nineteen safely landed in took the spacecraft about three hours to travel all the way from the international space station back to earth and now the team of three cosmonauts is feeling well and safe the mission is now complete and the crew feels good and is satisfied with the way it went landing. i congratulate
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everyone who contributed to the success of this project russian veteran cosmonauts for their huge chieftain has all together spent a year in space and his colleagues from nasa sean and. douglas will or have spent about six months there each in their mission included a number of space walks and say different experiments and they've in fact brought a container a refrigerator with the result of one hundred twenty scientific experience they conducted during their mission including by technical physics and chemical chemistry tests for this particular gym there must have been him an element of extra stress before their departure because they witnessed their predecessors failing to undock from the international space station due to a technical difficulty with an automatic lock that connects the international space station and say you spacecraft that delayed their return back to earth by twenty four hours nonetheless the previous team has also won that safely but this team
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seems to be rather optimistic about their return the even had a special thanksgiving dinner before they started getting ready to fly back to earth right now three more cosmonauts remain at the international space station and they're welcome there were waiting to welcome three more in the middle of december . well joseph stalin was responsible for the mass killing of polish prisoners in western russia in one nine hundred forty russia's parliament accepted the soviet leader ordered the cuts in mexico that soured relations between moscow and was decades. you can give us the latest on this it's been seventy years coming i would imagine today's ruling is fairly significant but feel it is indeed glorious was the catholic massacre is one of the most troubling spots in relations between russia and poland and this day is certainly going to have its place in history because for decades the soviet union denied any responsibility for
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the murdering thousands of homeless soldiers on still get territory of course they were different locations but hopefully feeling proud of where thousands were and sick were shot execution style in the back of the head and buried in mass graves in early ninety's forty's but the collective term for this massacre became known as the guy who massacred because one of those locations is in the shopping forest in russia slightly and strategic and that became very loose and hard on the soviet history and of course for decades the soviet union denied any responsibility in this heinous crime blaming instead of the hauen nazi troops and that believes and was held up for decades until russia in the early one nine hundred ninety s. finally admitted responsibility for those murders and. then the process of healing the whole process of healing actually started very slowly but after that various
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documents were released from the russian state archives pertaining to the master crow were various orders could be seen issued by. himself where he ordered the execution of all of the polish prisoners that were captured during the. second world war or the great patriotic war as it is known here in russia only recently were all of the archives related to this tragedy released and could be declassified from top secret handed over to our side because of the colors of the highly we will make. why. was i want to reassure her relations with russia and holloway and. or of course this was already accepted as out the fall of the hotel harry and regime that was in place in the soviet union this today's decision holding joseph stalin first one to
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sponsible is of course the turning point. i could use on the russian parliament except for much soviet leader joseph stalin did give the order for the mass killing of polish prisoners in western russia and watching for you the cuts in moscow can you give us at the bidding any reaction to this move at this point so i. hurried already we have heard our some comments from the polish side out of a they of course have old been a very positive saying that this is a very necessary step to improve relations between moscow and warsaw all force and it shows a level of trust that was absent in relations before all this side up also said that this decision today's decision by the state duma shows that not only is there a great level of trust between the two sides but also that they're operating with the same terms and that the words that are used by both sides actually share a meaning which is of course a great relief and will be
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a great boost to relations between moscow and were self forces the got the massacre is it just probably the russian for international relations it was also a site of. a massive killing ground in the late one nine hundred thirty. victims of stalinist russians were also executed and buried there so it is a great tragedy but not only for the soviet times but for recent times as well just as relations were seen to be on the mend and the russian prime minister and the polish prime minister visited the forest to pay their respects to almost those who died there the russian and polish soldiers just days after that the fall the president was on his way to also bring his respects him and it nearly one hundred of his colleagues members of polish government all died in a tragic plane crash just outside of the things are for poland this now is a site double tragedy of recent months and this story and this decision once again
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as said by the polish side is yet another huge step towards reconciliation and to putting the past for only behind. and moving on to a new level of trust in the relationship. a sensitive issue perhaps now put to rest . well more on all of our stories available for you twenty four seven not all it's he dot com and here's what else you can find there right now. with extreme. shock to discover a submachine gun winding its way to a woman in moscow. an american. thanksgiving and all full body scan of the airports but many opted to go cold turkey on one of the busiest travel weekends all year all the details waiting for you. our time now to have a look at some other news making headlines around the world this hour south korea
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has reported. smoke near one of its islands in the yellow sea official suspect it is a north korean training exercise the news comes as north korea warned the u.s. south korean naval drills planned for this weekend pushing the peninsula to the brink of war. in a show of solidarity a top u.s. military commander visited the island which was the site of a previous exchange between the koreas both of them earlier this week. two years since terror attacks around the indian city killed the one hundred and sixty six. men targeted luxury hotel the main railway station and a jewish cultural center in a sea lasting two and a half days and terrorist police will be among those deployed to bolster security india has criticized pakistan in the lead up to the anniversary for not pressing ahead with charges against the alleged mastermind. police in rio de janeiro's say
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they have regained control of a shanty town that had been taken over by violent drug gangs five days of clashes at least thirty people killed as officers backed by special forces and military hardware tried to restore order police say the violence began in protest against a crackdown on gang members in the slums brazil is trying to reduce violent crime in the lead up to hosting the football world cup in two thousand and fourteen. polls are living in lithuania claim they're being discriminated against by local authorities they prevent it they are being prevented rather from using their native language to spell polish street names and even surnames and. reports the roots of the conflict may lie deep in the past. shop owner decided to make life easier for the poles living in rural lithuania should put signs in both leith when ian and
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polish languages in her store but then authorities said she would be fined two hundred euro for violating the state language law according to it all signs in the country must be strictly and lithuanian and i didn't feel as if i was doing anything wrong this was something the local polish community needed decides i had definitional state language on these signs as well this is a violation of human rights i was told i could have signs in english german or french but not in polish. almost a quarter of a million ethnic poles live in lithuania for centuries warsaw ruled the slab so nowadays in some villages the polish amounts to over eighty percent of the population another sticking point is the street names and villages where the polish community lives it is not the fact that poles use both languages but that they use word for word translation which enraged the authorities. secretary of the polish
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council in the twentieth says that they cannot even spell their names right all id cards and passports of ethnic poles must be written in the state language. of each says that the history of polish with when your relations have a heart lost but it must have been left behind when the two countries became members of the e.u. . the radio was so keen on becoming part of the e.u. that they signed several documents on the session one of those was the european chancellor on national minorities it says that we can easily use our native language but now for some reason the lithuania authorities are rolling back on their obligations to brussels. we turn to the body which oversees the use of language for on says it says no obligation was violated and that in fact every right to persecute. the use of polish. indeed the charge of our national minorities give the poles in lithuania the right to use their language but at the
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same time the document says the law of the country prevails over the chargers clauses and according to the law in lithuania we have every right to find them for using their language on silence or some poles living in just when he is suggest that this is the illnesses revenge for centuries of polish occupation authorities on the other hand refuse such claims and say that a decision on the use of polish is being discussed within the country sparling meant but nobody can tell what will prevail the attitude to the events of the past or the wish to be part of the united european legislation. let's see russia. reporting from bill meus lithuania. and in just a moment karim is here with the latest business. for the full story we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. which
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brightened if you never sung from pundits to pressure. these stunts on t.v. don't come. welcome to our business program it's good to have you with us a free trade zone that stretches from lisbon to vladivostok let me put in has set out vision of how he hopes russia's relations with europe will develop during a visit to berlin. to business leaders push and raise the issue of the european plans to liberalize the oil and gas pipeline network this would mean you should be
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able to access the pipeline regardless of ownership within once this could prove the incentive to invest in infrastructure. which investors have of course figured that they will receive priority rights to use this infrastructure to pump their own gas but it is their gas and investment in the pipeline i think that the mechanical application of these provisions in the third energy package will put plans for modernizing these networks and infrastructure development. joining me now to discuss and visit is barras editor in chief of business new york hello to ben so what do you think of. this time if you remember munich space that was a bit different that we toric is different now. stands a stock stark contrast to two thousand and seven where putin basically read the riot act to europe and said you know come on guys you've got to cooperate with us and be friendly and instead to europe was continuously bashing russia and this time
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it's friendship but on both sides as well and i think that's very interesting it's not just the russians now reaching out to europe but the europeans are reaching back particularly the germans and the french who are throwing themselves at russia as a prospective market so why is he doing why is he doing it now at this particular moment well the crisis has changed everything on both sides of the fence and obviously russia was hit hardest of all the big emerging markets by the crisis and suffered a massive contraction and with the deficit and lower oil prices that they need money they need investment particularly and not just the cash but they also need to know how they're working up to that fact but on the other side of the fence countries like germany. they companies they're facing a very very flats if not decreasing market and if they're looking for growth they're going to have to come east and there's been several examples of really successful german investments here already and so now the government's behind that
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whole initiative to push their own companies who have been quest and pulled into russia. well how significant is the visa issue for russia where the visa is tied up in all of this i mean on the one side if you want to invest in russia then you know you should be able to get in easily with a visa and it's still difficult to get but on the other side with the elections the parliamentary elections coming up in two thousand and eleven that top of the list for the people in russia is freedom to travel something they never had a soviet union and they still put through this incredibly difficult visa process in order to get visas and with the elections looming and this kremlin is now becoming much more conscious of his public image has. become is no just been pushing for you know unrestricted visa access to western europe and they've been met on the other side with germans the french have with promises but it's still going to take years and years before you need to get the entire european union to agree to that now let's get back to the energy issue not surprisingly that the prime minister is
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against giving third party access to get to the pipeline but is he right by saying that this would remove incentives like remove the incentives if he does that well yes and i mean i'm the one pipeline run through ukraine at the moment which takes eighty percent of the gas and russia's proposal to build two new ones one in the north one in the south and the north one is nearly finished and it's not really an issue in so much as this nearly finished and it's not going over any territory starts in russia and is in germany the second one south stream would go through lots of different countries the russians are probably pay for it themselves but they're very against letting other people into it something they want it's because there's probably political it's about diversifying away and taking the political power away from ukraine to be able to turn off the gas because they really are over the barrel but the north st pipeline more or less solves that problem and the south stream i think is a bit of a feint on the sort of level have to but certainly they want to do on their own
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terms ok well that's all we have time for unfortunately bad. thank you very much editor in chief business new york thanks for coming into the program. and always have a look at how the markets are praying this hour european stocks are lower as markets took in fresh reports of blasts from the korea sovereign debt issues continue to where an investor's mining shares are weak or helping drag you down point six percent says of real things are losing three and a half percent and shares a wonderful dust up one for the house side. and russian bourses are in the red after advancing on thursday to its highest level in more than two weeks most of the blue chips are following the biggest loser in that is noise it's down more than one percent the sell. biggest retailer has beaten expectations with its third quarter results at x. y. group rose nine percent during the period just on the eighty million dollars improvement was driven by a new store openings a strong contribution from discount stores and the successful integration of the
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you all with all. our headlines now closer economic ties between russia and the e.u. plus a free pasta business and that's the message from russian prime minister of lot of some of germany's top lists of business for him and. a russian cosmonaut and two nasa astronauts have made a successful landing back on earth they spent five months on the international space station. and russia's lawmakers say joseph stalin was responsible for the cats in massacre and watched twenty two thousand polish people what killed the tragedies solider relations between moscow and warsaw. into some authentic culture right here in the us.
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