tv [untitled] November 26, 2010 7:30pm-8:00pm EST
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player of the soviet leadership responsible for the atrocity the soviet union blamed the nazis for the massacre twenty two thousand polish officers were killed on the direct order of joseph stalin. up next we take a look at some of the latest and greatest innovations in the world of high tech technology update coming your way next. hello and welcome to technology update november means shortening days and obviously changing weather here in russia but it's also a month for emphasizing a key new direction in russia's development minolta of member kicks off here at the moscow expo center with the third international ross nanotech form. own manner of new gadgets in the future projects are on display at the forum where some three
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hundred companies and institutions as well as top scientists from over a dozen countries have gathered it's all put together by the unique state corporation ross no no we very community in the. it is. to create such a platform such a place where people could be it can we see about this that is all before him many new poll changed their plans jobs come to us with their projects. they wouldn't have gone with all the four day weekend to find out what all the fuss is about what exactly is new know it's become a buzzword spawning many gimmicky products in recent years but what role will real nanotechnology play in our lives. this is how some of the world's top technology companies envision our nano future new systems will help us custom engineer our urban environment. can change what we eat and how we grow it. special equipment
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will revolutionize the field of medicine making once complicated or even impossible procedures and prophylactic measures cheaper faster and less invasive clearly a common thread in these predictions is the increased use and flexibility of touch screen technology for ever reshaping business and communication if these forecasts are to be believed many of the gadgets we accumulate for different functions will be streamlined into far less bulky combined devices the application of nanomaterials not only makes this feasible they can also revolutionize industrial production all of the data we need to go about our daily lives to be combined on one tiny multi-functional chip set to hit the market in the near future but that future is now already embedded in each and every moscow metro ticket so if you want to open the gates to europe's busiest subway system and take a ride around the russian capital you have. beholding nanoscale technology inside the relatively plain white blue and red paper packaging is what's known as
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a radio frequency identification or are if id chip manufactured and put in your metro passed by the leading russian microelectronics company there is simply line in the science cities eleven good not far from moscow pumps out nearly three hundred million of these are if i did cards each year which are effortlessly programmed by station cashiers to hold the data about how many rides are entitled to no contact no swipes no worn out magnetic stripes. there's a general trend of transition to more functional small bank cards with chips that have a higher level of protection. in the course of time we will be able to use these technologies in document protection in civil. or in a joy his license is a project to create a single social code that will replace several documents with one of these can be excised birth certificates etc just about anything you like. it's
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a grueling global markets incorporating more and more potential applications as the size of the chip shrink in their memory expands specious in house clean room facilities are used for production of silicon chips for both horrified and smart cards or if id cards include the chip and a radio antenna for wireless transmission smart cards require physical contact and are more common for telephone systems or bank cards for now they're the only company in russia exploding one hundred eighty nanometer process technology for chip production. we are planning to expand the production promises to fold in the course of this next year jointly with russia. we are going to buy additional equipment to apply a new technology with a minimum size of nineteen nanometers for use in the things like. navigation systems and digital television are manufacturing equipment makes it possible to
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introduce process technology that's unique in russia for the launching this future productions will create a chance for russian design centers to benefit from our technical capacity to develop their own projects for use to go to russia and abroad. for me kuhn today the focus is on affixing their chips to moscow metro cards but the same production technology will soon be used to stick energy free memory morsels where ever we want them or if id can transmit over different frequencies so they work in different distances one for your car passing through automatic toll booths another for the ski pass if your favorite slow. there in person oh id cards for access to our t's moscow studios as well as biometric passports they help libraries keep track of their massive collections and companies like wal-mart track all their goods while some are concerned about saif i scenarios where they be used to control us others
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like ross nunn and chief anatoli chubais use are excited about how they'll fix some of life's day to day headaches. technology for the stalls of the future as of today that is being what saved it together with the leading experts in this sphere it provides for the transition of old trait to a new technological principle that in fact it means replacing traditional ball carriers which at present can be found on any bottle or commodity with billions of electronic are if id chips is going to be a new system of running mold in shops where the movement of every single product from the store house to a shelf and from the shelf to the shopping cart will be tracked online the most interesting thing is that when a smart shopper leaves the supermarket he needs to check out in the sense that there's no cash and in our i thought id card allows to touch just to be charged directly to his. bank account shoppers could still pay with cash if they want but there would also be other options electronics isn't the only field where tiny
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technology is finding mass scale applications they iconic soviet statue of the worker in collective farm girl has been saved and still against the elements by a microscopic make over. first directed at the paris world's fair in one thousand nine hundred thirty seven to twenty four and a half meter sculpture was a monument to triumph in soviet socialism more than nine tons of steamy steel in over five thousand detailed pieces were forged together according to soviet sculptor vito motion is designed after its turn in the french capital it was reassembled outside moscow's main soviet era exhibition complex where it aged under the stress of over half a century so harsh climate. taken apart piece by piece for restoration in late two thousand and three the worker and his collective farm companion stay disassembled in a moscow warehouse for years amidst discussion of how best to preserve it and
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display it for the indefinite future. the most visible loss of luster was clearly the steel a steel outer shell this was cleaned in covered with a special solution with the internal high strength low alloy steel frame accounts for most of the overall seventy five times mass as well as the whole installation structural integrity. ultimately the special protective coating is developed by the russian company t s b c proved to be the shield of choice for the famous statues frame since that project the firm has developed ways to improve their micro spray techniques with the nano twist. let's keep up with. our attempts to improve the characteristics of micro structured protective coatings have led us to apply nano structured power. to apply the protective coating. torch.
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the system for feeding in solution. to the drops. after a solvent evaporates in the second combustion well the particles getting. a flow to the surface without even reaching. their system makes it possible to apply nano structured coatings structure that's what makes it different from a possible technology which destroys all particles in the process. took the safety. systems high temperatures melt particles into irregular agglomerations larger than one micron often losing the protective advantages of the nanostructures the results of this particle bombardment is an impenetrable layer over the surface of a wide range of constituent parts. may have been
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a prominent example but those projects don't come through every day in practical applications may well be more important since they're key to the industrial production. company is one of the biggest customers together a long way in the development. for electric submersible pumps. as a result of this cooperation. as a key technology in its project with. technology. in search of ways to help. the inevitable see. blasting interfaces in the field. stages down
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a deal with. hundred million bucks aimed at expanding their production and marketing internationally. are far from the only application for protective coating . cooperation with. customers with. companies in the aerospace industry. at the moment. special coaching for space craft that will help maintain temperature. stations. c.p.s. treatment was applied to the first cable state bridge within six hundred design and . the bridge should stand for decades thanks in part to the. heavily used and turbines for everything from power stations to planes also increasingly sprayed to
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stable decay. in layers of nano particles may be useful in extending the shelf life of valuable metal but it's not the kind of difference that jumps out at the naked eye now the glass wall behind me might not be how you choose to redecorate your living room but it's a visible application of nanotechnology made right here in russia siberia based on innovations. displayed. to show me the machine in motion i'm certainly no ideal photo model but for the sake of showcasing nano technology i can be persuaded. patented nano structured to imprint in a fixed the desired image be it a snapshot. of famous painting. over the material. but you can even put it on. it's a beautiful machine but it can't fix the ugly truth. the forum is full of
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big names and public figures checking out detect the unassuming character has been a focus of a great deal of attention constantino a still of his briefly back in his home country after being declared a two thousand and ten nobel prize laureate in the field of physics as he humbly explained to a wall of cameras and journalists at a special press conference the words he and under a guy did on a supposedly amazing material called graphene started with what looks like pencil lead and a strip of scotch tape the university of manchester in england has been the site of their research and it may have started that simply but it's taken on far more complex and exciting auspices gaiman of a seal of has spent the better part of the last decade experimenting with ways to obtain graphene first theorized by a canadian in the forty's and named by a german in the sixty's single layer graphene saw daylight thanks to gaiman of a sell off and a team of russian and international scientists in two thousand and four after six years in which that team is made more breakthroughs in the study of the substance
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detained a mistake in their work to science is most sacred stage it. just is easy to find him and know live with amazing role. there was music that is as the saudi. promise. to approach as only ray and will visit you will see. there will be. little. yeah. yeah i think. back in the manchester lab it was smiles in champagne for never gaiman company. and nobel prizes icing on the cake of years of hard work but they know they're not alone in the game they've had competition. from other graphene researchers from day one so how is it they got there sample first in traditional graphite carbon
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structures atoms on the same plane or both closer together in more tightly bonded then they are to the atoms on layers above and below this means that the layers can slide past each other and even potentially be separated. seized on this possibility peeling away layers. unbelievably thin film just one atom in think miss so called graphene. from the institute of microelectronics technology high purity material works with a permanent basis that's why some of the experiments were conducted at the institute and the other. scientists and it's a pleasure. after years spent studying the same material and travelling repeatedly to and from his colleagues laboratory in the u.k. . is still excited to talk about. heads in the science city of.
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research for the manchester team in parallel. has been a key figure in the research since its early stages and he remembers the. time. the basic idea first of. making a metallic transistor has been a sort of holy grail but sweet old school days that making a transistor of metal is impossible. with semi metals though it may be quite possible so that was the first motive behind attempts to create a transistor else of graphite. graphene transistors began to look like a real possibility thanks to analysis by scientists like. me have extracted the first sample. was needed to. and possibly a playable property over time the team discovered they could not only observe
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manipulate graphemes property the first samples for example were low efficiency conductors but they've improved drastically over time as new studies are released experts are calling the material revolutionary for the whole field of solid state physics. here with. the first prospect for applying graphene was a high speed noise transistor is because graphene has very high electron mobility that it can also be applied to in gas senses we've proven that graphene based senses can register even separate molecules. and finally it could be instruments based on new quantum principles because graphene can sustain many phenomena of quantum physics at room temperature has. a. high powered microscope show how graphene samples look up close to electric currents for testing with these kinds of
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nano scale materials there's simply no substitute for top quality observation equipment. making that kind of equipment is the business of russian firm. technology update has been on their trail for years back in two thousand and seven they were already producing world class microscopes and controlled experiments systems their quitman is in laboratories in over sixty countries and in over one hundred universities around russia over the last decade under the increasing demands of the expanding world of nanotechnology and. joining the push for multi-functional quit their latest installation the integra spectra is a good example of this cross-breeding combining scanning probe microscopic with the raman scattering spectrometer meaning the same device can be used to observe a desired object in its natural state in the influence of a range of effects. our instruments distinguish very well the
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first second and third layer graphene we've designed a plasma etching process in which one layer graphene can be obtained from three controlling this process being certain that it's executed properly and checking results is only possible with these kinds of instruments that's what makes them so popular these days. n t m d t is also entering calls to expand the nanotech sector in russia with their new and improved fab one hundred it's a month platform for assembling nanotechnology production facilities from customized clusters to clusters are linked to the technological chain by way of special intermediate modules both for transport and storage of samples between stages this equipment enables the construction of top notch factories for the fabrication of new no structures no systems and even their own devices. available modules fit certain types of production like pulse lasers to create carbon
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nanotubes focused to cut them and scanning proved microscopes to analyze stuff. we've learned to work with the market or we've been in this business for twenty year. old company to operate in the field of scanning pro microscopic. clients is the nanotechnology research and engineering center at moscow's acclaimed baumann technical university they've set up an interim fab with the aim of deploying a full cycle of research development and specialist training. can be adapted for use in purely scientific projects as well as prototype construction for real nanotechnology applications. easy experiments became possible only in the long. decades with the appearance of new quitman numbing fabs the contains none the fine trees produced by n t m d t what this is
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a breakthrough in the solution of technological problems. it's exactly the kinds of centers that russia needs and their expansion of the country spread out science hotspots has become a major objective of the us no corporation. scientist at the bellman center credited to test samples of nato materials systems and devices to propose collaboration between russia and private companies. with professional analysis jumpstarting new nano business in russia is a mere fantasy. simply don't have the capital to establish these facilities for themselves so once the theoretical base for their concept received approval the idea passes on to fab centers like this one for just production. thinking that is the scientific screening area before new nano tech can board its flight to
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international startups. we have very strong expertise here. what is fake basically fig doesn't work much of what does work is on show back at the nano forum but it's more than a two step process. other companies are scouting meetings like these for investment in production ready now i don't know how one magic material has already reached that stage graphene has the international scientific community a buzz because of the crystal structures unique properties it's so thin it's literally two dimensional it's two hundred times more durable than steel but still ninety eight percent see through it's incredibly flexible withstanding twenty to thirty percent differ. mation in terms of electrical properties it's an unparalleled conductor of electricity and cheap perhaps most importantly this is
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all it room temperature components when you get some sun has announced plans to release the first mobile phones with graphene touch screens in two thousand and twelve. the watches which are let's use this date as a reference point which soon looks samsung's big secret we got to see a working touchscreen prototype in a lab at some human coin university in the south korean city of suwannee they collaborates with the nearby headquarters of the electronics giant don't worry about the size they've already started producing graphene sheets several times larger. griffin these sorts center where the sun the sun to create so i think is the first to be this graph from the center in korea this is the griffins in this is set up maybe in two thousand at the time only one since emitter griffin was to make some
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size limitation is already history they've now made sheets with a seventy six centimeter or thirty inch diagonal consistent properties and production costs that approach viable commercial adaptation and they use a process called chemical vapor deposition to form a sheet of graphene on a copper substrate then they transferred onto a flexible plastic surface when it cools if samsung is really to launch consumer products in two thousand and twelve as promised it's thanks to this lab and they have still more graffitti goodies up their sleeves. this is a way for. friends to all race. that post that it creates silicon based because the future but the moon in the performance is not so good i think gripping is really promising point to the snicker. the placement in the future at least in see one specialist seems to be betting on
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a future dominated by flexible electronics teacher cellphone wrap it around your wrist now it's a watch dog and stretched out it's a touch screen t.v. computer monitor of course the world around us has to be fitted out for this kind of information exchange but the benefits are pretty easy to imagine in a few years people will hardly believe this all started with simple graphite and if peace of scotch tape. this material got so many problems is that it's. going to a study or people going to study for the next ten twenty or more for now it's a limited collection of truly nanotech products that you can take home with you but the way big companies and top innovators are betting it won't be long until it was all around us join us for more next month on technology update and enjoy the ride.
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prime minister putin pushing for closer ties between russia and the e.u. with an ultimate goal of a free trade zone during his visit to berlin also tried to court the german vote for russia's bid for the twenty eight thousand football world the prime minister also expressed confidence in the euro and said russia might form a joint currency zone one day. three crew members from the international space station returned safely to earth after five and a half months in orbit the crew conducted scientific research and perform maintenance activities during their stay aboard the one astronaut sent regular twitter updates and posted stunning pictures taken from the space station. and poland welcomes russia's recognition of the one nine hundred forty. after the state duma declares the soviet leadership responsible for the atrocity the soviet union in the nazis for the massacre twenty two thousand polish officers were killed on the direct order of joseph stalin. spotlights host.
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