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tv   [untitled]    November 27, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm EST

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cher reactors are expected to soon be supplying the country with electricity argues an italian overcall that has more overrun didn't announce the exact date when the nuclear power plant was launched and they say it is because there is still a lot of testing to be done to have before it starts pumping electricity into iranian homes they're expecting it to happen within the next one to two months. hopefully we will witness a large store brief on february when the bush era plant is connected to the country's power grid even though iran didn't announce the exact date it came as no surprise russian companies or saddam that helped to build this nuclear power plant has loading of fuel into the can you clear power plants began on the twenty six holes ok so but now the next step which will be the fuel that has been loaded will be heating the water that will be generating steam that will be turning the tribune and then generating you know look she said she and distilled is too soon to say that so pushchair is now working as full capacity as there are a lot of testing that has to be down to have iran is currently under
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a un sanctions against its nuclear program and the last round of sanctions was imposed to this summer with threats that indeed iran might be creating a nuclear weapons who are sure is not the part of a new iran's nuclear program that is a big concern to the west that is a peaceful nuclear power plant and an international experts are saying that there's very little chance of proliferation also the russian companies will stop them that helps operates and helps operate and help to build the nuclear power plant says that both russian and iranian experts are working under the supervision of international atomic energy experts and what's also very important is that marshall will be supplying the nuclear power plant with its enriched uranium but also taking the nuclear waste out of the country in order to make sure that it's not eased in any other way either other than the peaceful purposes. vladimir orloff from the center for policy studies says it's russia's role to ensure the plants safe running . we why do well know all of that of there will be russian
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engineers present at the facility of that of the facility is quite well controlled by russia iran will get both electricity and experience from the safer to and security viewpoint russia provides burls some may think there may be a proliferation concern there is none quite the opposite it opens new avenues for in good mental for iran in talks about peaceful uses of nuclear energy and iranian transparency on that in switzerland people are set to vote in a referendum on whether foreigners who commit serious crimes should be automatically expelled but in a country with a high proportion of immigrants some thinks that some think the proposal is too severe artie's tests are so your reports two years ago twenty two year old to me on his life was brutally cut short we. my son was at the carnival with his friend he
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was just standing and having a conversation with three young men came towards him and started beating him with their fists on the hit beat him until he fell and then started kicking him and the beat him to death for no reason no reason at all they did it just for fun. details then emerged the victim was swiss the attackers were from the balkans and to immigration sentiment rose giving traction to a referendum proposal to make it mandatory for foreign criminals with heavy crimes such as murder and rape to be kicked out of the country just a year after voting in favor of a law banning the building of new minarets on mosques the swiss are set to return to the polls on sunday with another yes or no decision to make their oath of paper should no longer be in switzerland because they don't deserve to be answered so some people are i mean they get so much money and they are
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a needy thing i scream it is i mean because no nomadic september. you can't keep them all out we need immigrants period. over sure a member of the swiss people's party which initiated this referendum is adamant that the answer should be yes eighty percent of the prisoners in this race prisons are foreigners it's a very high every age you see our attitude in these foreigners we have a lot of foreigners into it who behave within the law who respect the law who look for themselves they are welcome here in other words out with a black sheep a sensitive statement to make in a country with more than a fifth of its population made up of immigrants one of the largest in europe wary of a backlash from the e.u. and the world this response and released a counterproposal with amendments to the list of crimes and provisions stating that deportations must fall within both swiss and international law still either version
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is seen by some as another anti immigration move adding on to what's been dubbed as a rising wave and immigration sentiment sweeping across the country and the whole of europe can you make a difference between a drug dealer who is from nigeria or from russia from india or is a swiss is a drug dealer a drug dealer a better one so i don't make a difference between someone who is doing something wrong the law should not look whether he's white brown black or whatever what language you speak for the father of them jani the debate is a personal one he prefers not to divulge his vote but does say this those who come to switzerland if they don't become delinquent or violent then there will be no problem other one had the very idea of a proposed law targeting immigrants has raised accusations of racism and intolerance but could also be a way of saying that even tolerance has its limits no matter the outcome of this
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referendum vote many european nations will continue to face such tough questions the answers to which may keep boiling down to a yes or a no doesn't. r.t. zurich switzerland. stay with us here on r t coming up later in the program moscow's standstill supplicate in a city paralyzed with traffic find out if there is a solution to the capital's daily grind. but first with thirty percent of the population living below the poverty line and external debt becoming a growing concern many here in georgia could soon become a bankrupt country critics of the saakashvili government say too much money is wasted on useless projects are sarraf earth has more from the capital tbilisi. anyone who's ever received a hefty credit card bill the pain of having to pay off. well judy could face an eight hundred million dollars in interest payments by twenty thirty. two spiraling
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foreign debts. the level of debt has doubled over three years there is an international norm saying that if a country's external debt which is sixty percent of g.d.p. then the country is considered bankrupt we're currently at over the forty percent mark of georgia continues this it is entirely possible that we will find ourselves in that situation. external debt is now a major concern for the country and the government has come under heavy criticism for borrowing so extensively one of the main criticisms has been the government's heavy investment in construction projects such as the freedom bridge which many people have said was completely unnecessary but it was built just a couple of hundred meters away from the bridge that with. with the foreign debt growing the country's economic potential needed to be growing to. that with wine one of its only strong export products and a lack of investment in areas that will generate money government will have no way
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of paying back what they. call is reversible we think it will be very difficult to cover such large payments from the state budget and the country may have to refinance the debt meaning it will have to take even more money from international organizations and partner countries so just what have they been spending all that money on. well i need bridge for starters which kashdan at an estimated six million dollars and. then there's the presidential palace is snazzy new class dame which guess is between twenty one thirty two million dollars. and a number of other controversial projects including a glass monument and a raid which take two two hundred nine million dollars. the glass buildings which were symbols dreamed up by president saakashvili to portray a new chance parents of government now see if grimly ironic.
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to spend this money beautification projects this is really saying this is really. for the. city in carrying such large debts to the country has also done little to improve the conditions of the population. such. as. expenditure so. economists say this foreign debt is now one of the most serious problems facing the country the georgian government say they've used the money to rebuild the country and forge a bright future but for taxpayers that. carries
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a multi-million pound price tag that they'll be paying off for a long time to come so fast. you can always find more stories on our website here's a taste of what's online right now. feeling a craving for adventure you like consider signing up for the russian army or a foreigner. and russia leading the way with a sort of help from hollywood mega-star in the fight to save tigers from extinction about all this and more put away at our t. dot com. a cargo plane has crashed in karachi pakistan killing at least eight people it's believed the crew were all russians but this information is still yet to be
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confirmed by the russian embassy in islamabad the cargo plane crashed shortly after takeoff close to a densely populated area sparking a huge blaze casualties on the ground appear likely as reports say accommodation buildings being built for naval officers are on fire the country's aviation authority says the aircraft was a russian made cargo plane heading to sudan with relief aid we'll bring you an updated story on this as it develops. take a look now at some other stories making headlines across the globe a joint military exercise but u.s. and south korea has begun in the yellow sea maneuvers are going ahead despite tension escalating between north and south korea after the north shelled an island earlier this week two marines and two residents were killed in the bargeman young yang has issued a new warnings against the war games calling them quote and unpardonable provocation meanwhile former south korean military personnel have clashed with police during a rally in the capital seoul over the government's handling of the shelling.
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thousands of demonstrators marched through the streets of dublin protesting ireland's harsh austerity measures that include slashing jobs and hiking taxes it's the first major rally since ireland open negotiations for an e.u. i.m.f. survival package last week but trade unions say it's just the first of many around ninety billion euros are expected to be pumped into double and triple the economy but actual troubles are spreading all around the euro zone with fears portugal and spain maybe next up for a bailout. brazilian police backed by helicopters and armored vehicles are continuing to crack down on gang violence in the slums of rio at least thirty five people mostly suspected traffickers have been killed after a week of clashes drug gangs have burned several houses and attacked police stations and the district authorities launched the operation to make the city safe for the football world cup in two thousand and fourteen and the twenty sixteen olympics. moscow's traffic is infamous with millions of drivers spending hours in daily gridlock a rapidly growing capital where almost everyone owns
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a car is compounding the situation but the new mayor has a raft of plans to tackle the problem leaving muscovites hopeful for a solution before the city comes to a grinding halt as artie's daria push cover reports. the time when most streets will be empty is long gone nowadays the city's traffic jams on the tory is this city has become soup congested the problems being given top priority at the top level the minister of the ms plan has some good points if at least half of them realise they have found to be fewer traffic jams and whether that could save a cabbie like yaroslav up to three i was pretty good we know at the time he would no longer spend breathing in exhaust fumes or with the group of course you wouldn't get a heart attack from one traffic jam go of the if it several times a day for many and i was add that to other adverse effect is and your body will wear so much faster. the problem was born in the one nine hundred seventy s.
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and eighty's when many of moscow's major roads were planned back then hardly anyone imagined a moscow family owning two or even three cars. despite all recent efforts the speed of traffic has been dropping year on year experts blame it primarily on a severe shortage of space junk on us for over the past fifty years the amount of road building was far from fast enough can you believe that we have three times fewer rage than in paris or the lack of call parking forces drivers to ditch their cars on the sides of the already congested roads and this is the old way of tackling a problem when you met promise is a different approach his draft plan suggests among others road widening tolls and removing most ground level pedestrian crossings public transport also faces a major overhaul slow a trolley buses will be chased out of the city center by foster alternatives
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russia's very energy p.s. glow now satellite system will also be used to monitor jams while traffic cops will be replaced by automatic eyes all these cameras and monitors only cover forty percent of the city far from enough say the police the system needs updating and modernizing none of which didn't happen without a serious injection of cold hard cash the mayor is now looking for ways to raise the billions of rubles needed for the changes not everyone though is happy with the scheme a suggestion to ban trucks from the city during daylight has sparked protest from their drivers not about the hard work you got time should be for sleeping networking all you people ever asked a night show should be. ironically the time saving move could end up costing people more retail companies in moscow claimed it would be impossible to deliver goods at night while the. placing large cargo trucks with many smaller bands would
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trigger a surge in prices the other. guys don't drive through the city on their own will burn the nerves and petrol to provide for moscow's every day life we hope they don't think being the trucks will mean heaven as follows because it won't. but most traffic experts agree the mayor's proposals are reasonable as long as it's not just a publicity stunt and the money is found to solve the problem for making scenes like this one history. r.t. moscow. i'll be back with the headlines all more than twelve minutes first though nato leaders have mapped out the withdrawal of the alliance as combat troops from afghanistan in four years meanwhile there is doubts that cab or would be able to manage security on its own but in r.t. interview the foreign minister dr as army russell says it's time for afghanistan to stand on its own two feet stay with us.
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think each. week. one. thing. afghan foreign minister thank you very much for being with us today our pleasure as a foreign minister when soviet forces withdrew from afghanistan you have been
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publishing air resistance journal for eighteen years what did you and your compatriots expect for your country's future back then as usual in afghanistan wanted to be free independent and sovereign country to be friendly with its neighbors good region and have his own destinies there on her and that's something that you wanted and that's something that afghans always will how would you describe the state of your nation as of today afghan people have been at war for the last thirty years since nine eleven two cards and one when international community came to afghanistan to liberate afghanistan from different of the taliban . afghanistan is facing tremendous challenges to. our because for thirty years the war the country which solidly was a poor country has been completely destroyed so the challenge of. rebuilding the country giving the normal life. people are our children go to school to have
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a health care at the advocation and that is what we're trying to do now with our friends british defense chiefs general sir david richards set that nato should prepare for another thirty forty years to stay in afghanistan which makes and mockery of their plans transition in two thousand and fourteen why do you think need to change its strategy and do you think its strategy defeating the tribal opposition was right in the first place number one it's not a tribal position it is a fight against terrorism and extremism and the tribal chief in the tribal people are the first victims of the terrorism which have been killed or to. date of two thousand and fourteen afghan proposal president karzai is the first inaugural speech in the second term said that afghanistan should take the responsibility of its own security starting by two thousand and eleven and if an issue by two thousand and fourteen that's been proposed and i thought that in london and kabul
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conference by international community and that's been concrete ties and had the summit in lisbon that's a real things that afghanistan should be in the hands of afghans and the security afghanistan is the responsibility of the afghans so starting by two thousand and eleven and finishing by two thousand and fourteen the afghan national security forces will be in charge of security. and the remaining force of international community need to or not it will be supporting force not a fighting force how is the russian efforts to help the russian effort to what to help the war effort perceived in kabul i think russia is a great country great power in the world is a great partner of afghanistan in the region and we seek the support and cooperation of russia for peace and security in afghanistan because the security in afghanistan. the stability of afghanistan is not only for afghanistan it took
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effect disability and security of the region including russia so wonderful our product in war foreign policy the fight against terrorism and extremism and stability of afghanistan in the region is regional cooperation because the fight against terrorism and extremism is not only individual afghanistan it is a regional issue so if you cannot find a solution there vision a solution for it we'll be in deep trouble because that will continue and take longer time sir he told the un general assembly and i quote you to complement our efforts towards eliminating poppy production who wish to see greater action to counter smuggling of precursors into our country and to reduce demand and consumption of drugs in other countries as of today over two and a half million russians are addicted to afghan heroin this is where mr why has your administration and your allies failed to tackle the poppy production first of all the poppy production in afghanistan have to result of thirty years of war and lawlessness and despair of the afghan people who do new tomorrow he's going to be
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a life or not you know security for their future. sickened when he came to our back to afghanistan in two thousand and eleven to two thousand and one two thousand and two don't have any institution to fight it no police no judicial system no army and that will take time before you can put. in place but the fight that is not quite dick is also one of the priority of afghanistan because afghanistan will be first of all that suffer first before they are there will suffer from it then you are not taking the benefit of doubt because the money produced by the traffickers will go outside afghanistan and not stay in afghanistan so definitely it is there it is a major fight that we are in a good conduct this fight cannot be done by afghanistan alone we need support of international community we need the support of the regions by enforcement of law. by the precursor which are not produced in afghanistan is proof outside afghanistan
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and came inside afghanistan we will do our things our job to reduce and eliminate poppy cultivation afghanistan but also a war in the region should do did it forced to reduce the demand because because because the demand the production of poppies there so it's a common effort commonly for reducing the cultivation giving too far out of afghanistan the alternative which they would accept to to grow something poppy elections have also been a lot in needs lately two actions have taken place since the nato led invasion both sat fraudulent with the rigging with results published only two months after the poll what do you say to those who are claiming you and your allies are planning an unsustainable political system afghanistan a democratic system afghanistan after thirty years of war and lawlessness no government practically with different kind of government has now system to
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democratic process is taking root but you know you cannot make democracy in one day a new country especially in a country that had been at war for fifty years so i think that there are problems there are going to be a problem and i think the problem on election is not only in a specific in afghanistan a lot of countries even more developed countries have hope has had problems in the election but the process is going on and their people are now living in democracy that's the reason people are complaining millions of people in a very difficult condition of security when to vote a lot of women for the first time in afghanistan or when or in the election to be men a lot of priests it's good news with afghanistan well afghanistan cannot be switzerland or sweden in nine years mr foreign minister thank you very much for. this interview and i wish you and your people every success in achieving peace and democracy in
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your country. we'll. bring you the latest in science and technology from the ground floor so. we've got the future covered. seventy six hours of intense fighting. six thousand days. of beach front battlefields several kilometers long. and now there is only one person who cares. you see we are surrounded by garbage everywhere but also there are. on this beach which of course is a very most appropriate city signification a symbol of everything that's wrong with our goddamn government allowing not only
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it's six thirty am in the russian capital good to have you with us here on our t.v. or headline iran's first atomic power plant who share reaches an operational capacity before being linked up to the country's national grid moscow says it will supervise all nuclear activity at the russian built plant. swiss voters get ready to choose whether immigrants who commit serious crimes should be deported referendum comes just a year after switzerland voted in favor of banning the building of new minarets on mosques. and with experts claiming georgian foreign debt is spiraling out of control many blame president saakashvili for lavish overspending critics say the money is not going where it's needed most. next postmark.


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