tv [untitled] November 29, 2010 9:00am-9:30am EST
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i mean a good fears for his image after the week you leaks whistleblower web site published several hundred thousand documents classified conversations between u.s. diplomats. to senior iranian nuclear scientists are targeted in bomb attack suspect iran blames israel and the u.s. saying it's an attempt to how per the country's nuclear program. people in a mom buy a slum and demand compensation as the authorities plan to evict them to expand the city's main airport inflating the price tag of the project. a very warm welcome to you this is r.t.
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life from moscow unflattering assessments of world leaders by u.s. diplomats and spying on the un secretary general that's information anyone has now access to after classified documents from u.s. embassies across the globe were revealed by online whistleblower wiki leaks for more on this we cannot cross live to r.t. correspondent you've got it chris going on so where you go to the files contain highly sensitive information about u.s. foreign affairs tell us if you can take us back behind the scenes according to wiki leaks what actually happened. well first of all this is a huge call to the american diplomacy and to the state department and saucers we're talking about over two hundred fifty thousand classified documents conversations between u.s. diplomats talking to each other in various parts of the wall these documents that consume some of the united states key allies in most parts of the all the including central lesia the middle east russia and europe as well some very controversial
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information which is if if it is true then. meet me on the relations and harm the image of the united states and its diplomacy according to some documents published by week in leaks though the whistleblower website which allegedly not got hand got these documents on their hands according to some of the documents that you i think enough saudis ordered to spy on some senior top foreign officials and even the united nations senior officials including secretary general the spying would. gathering information personal information on their bank accounts and other personal data some embarrassing political mclean's also mentioned in some of these documents how american diplomats allegedly every through two leaders also countries including off the partner states of the united states. for example the president of
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france nicolas sarkozy is referred to in some documents as the naked emperor the german chancellor merkel is referred to as teflon merkel the president of iran hold up why didn't john is referred to simply as hitler russia's prime minister vladimir putin in some conversations according to wiki leaks is referred to as the alpha dog and the power turned down between the prime minister and the president russian president dmitri really was referred to as batman and robin so like i said some very controversial information if in fact it is true and it has already pushed some analysts to say that such data are also all such calibur can only have a leak from the state department itself which actually puts its efficiency under question. these leaks would never have happened if not for the number of
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insiders who are ready to lead this information it looks like. it's links to the wars in iraq and afghanistan when offices in the studio the day looking for a not exactly fair business and this moral decay inside the pentagon caused these leaks the main thing this leak has done is break the illusion that the state department has everything under control they have been exposed mechanisms not secret but quite simple and cynical partners of the us will be more careful now it's another sign that the us is no longer dominating the world. so the release documents date back to the years off the bush administration which is pushed some analysts to think that this me be a blow to the obama in just a ministration which was conducted on purpose to prevent possibly president barack obama to be reelected in the future. as i understand about my administration is supposed to pay the bills or all of the last administration
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because of the some documents abate dated back to the year two thousand and four two thousand and five so i personally have a feeling that if this is ongoing an attack on president obama which started not today and which aims not to allow him to be reelected this is the thing i think. of course we're talking about hundreds and thousands of classified documents we still have to be studied but among some of the most controversial one so far is also the ones about the consequence of a city hall with two thousand leads which concerns georgia and russia of course and according to that document released why we can beat you back then you are some bastard in russia knew in advance that georgia was planning an attack on south to say yeah he also knew that georgian forces were moving towards the georgian the syrian border and he passed this information on to i make enough for us back in the
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united states and also. some of the documents suggested that he. there was a discussion going on between american diplomats on how to support the image of president mikheil saakashvili as the georgian president regime and to protect the georgian image in that conflict when you go to her confidential files were also obtained by one of russia's media outlets tell me of the been any revelations here concerning russia. one of the one nineteen washington whiskey but top of the russian border magazine did receive these materials. as i've said some of these documents to refer to the russian president the russian prime minister and the time that the first two were allegedly as batman and robin which is quite embarrassing if in fact it is true but so far actually. we didn't really
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hear that much comments coming out of the kremlin or the white house we did hear from the president's press secretary that it's michael said that the kremlin didn't find actually anything interesting in these in these documents and comparing them with the stories being put together in hollywood meet the press or worse off the prime minister well you know putting aside that it's too early to me any common sound to make any. decisions in this to criticize this is he's this is a huge amount of information which still has to be studied the exact wording is unfreezing staff to be studied in order to find out exactly what these world leaders were called by american diplomats if in fact this did happen but. some analysts have been saying that some of the information published in these documents is not anything new it was known in the diplomatic circles around the
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world that's just how things work behind the scenes so this is a one point of view saying that basically it's the impact of publishing these documents that really serves as a blow to the united states diplomacy. we know all pretty much more of what the united states thanks abbi out leaders in the valley the vans and cross the seas. there is a thing would be simply to see it in print on official documents. we're just getting some fresh reports some information coming out of the foreign ministry you believe the foreign ministry says it's not going to base is judgment off do you lucian's between russia and the united states only these documents but it's going to continue basing it on practical steps and measures practical politics and practical diplomacy between between the two sides so some very
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controversial information surely and as hillary clinton plans her visit to some of the allies united states allies including the middle east and central asia she's definitely going to have to do some explaining about this whole situation so i know her friends and may i have her back against the wall when it comes to this forthcoming trip r.t. that you're going to spin off that thank you. well in just a few minutes coming your way here on r t keeping an tensions high south korea pyongyang with a regional joint naval exercises with the u.s. only a week after a deadly exchange in the region and we talk to experts about the reasons for such military escalation also. if you really want to we are we are not from this area stricken residents the indian government are gripped in a deadlock keeping plans for airport expansion ground. well
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a senior iranian nuclear scientist has been killed and another one wounded in two separate bomb attacks in tehran the wives of the physicists have also been injured the attacks were reportedly carried out by men on motorcycles who attached the bombs to the cars the iranian government blames israel and the united states for the incident journalist and broadcaster on the mokhtari told us here at r.t. that it was an attempt to hamper iran's nuclear program from abroad. if you live in iran it's a very peaceful place nothing much ever happens here when these kind of actions are carried out it is generally from abroad and it's carried out with their coordination with their planning and their agents who might have been able to get in the country which in this case they have and their countries that are interested and i using iran's nuclear program to broadcast adverse publicity are known to the
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world and they're also known for their terrorist activities and proxy terrorist organizations in the middle east so i can't expand anymore on that they're all interested parties and i think the world already knows who they are iran's nuclear program is very extensive but it is entirely peaceful now why would they want a country's efforts to get on i have no idea they react as they used to make medicine they used to generate electricity their light water reactors there can't be any deviations keeping iran under their thumb is one of the main main objectives of such actions right now let's get some opinion here from the israeli side for more i'm now joined by mayor jeff undone photo director of the middle east economic and political analysis company. so i'm iranians are accusing israel and the united states over the attack tell me what's your view on this. well at this point i think everybody is being suspected as being behind this attack the rain ians have
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pointed the finger at israel and the united states however it is possible that it was this was all saw an inside job because within iran after the last years. elections there have been more people who doubt the legitimacy of the regime the i.r.g.c. is have to call in a number of its own officers because they suspected them of being green supporters so it's possible that these gentleman were actually supporters of the green movement who were eliminated by the regime this is a possibility that cannot be ruled out but it is also possible that it was a foreign intelligence agency at this point we don't know but all possibilities must be considered or you're saying it is possible that there could be foreign forces at work here but you're also suggesting it could possibly be some sort of political cleansing of these nuclear scientists who are possibly political dissidents tell me this or does it make sense if indeed iran if this was an inside
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job in iran would it make sense to cool the scientists who could contribute to the country's development well if they were found to be helping. the opposition movement and i think that would have been considered as a liability and if that's the case think killing them this way and blaming foreign intelligence services basically absolves that ukrainian government from taking responsibility for killing that we can just basically blame other countries for their death well there are some that might say that seems a bit too convenient now according to wiki leaks the king abdullah of saudi arabia the king of bahrain among other regional leaders have over recent years been pressuring washington about alchemy demijohn to quote cut off the head of the snake and take action against its nuclear ambitions is it possible do you think that washington and israel have finally bowed to this pressure. well as i said it's
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possible that anybody was behind this we cannot rule out but there are many countries in the region iran is major enemy is not israel it is these are countries such as saudi arabia who doesn't want to see iran a persian shiite country becoming a major player so i'm not sure that they would have provided the just sticks for such an attack if he indeed was carried out by a foreign intelligence agency however i think the death of these two senior scientists will be welcomed in these countries because they do not want these lawmakers public of iran becoming a nuclear power or having nuclear bomb bombs on their any circles so you're saying that when it comes to the regional neighborhood near near iran that ok they could be pressure from some of the other countries that they don't want to iran getting a nuclear weapon so there's regional pressure there's pressure from israel there's pressure from washington d.c.
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but we often hear rhetoric against iran from israel and the us let's not if we if we can let's just now listen to what one knesset member have to say how do you play this please if there was a single man that would kill hitler in. history would be different. one didn't know speaks like hitler and takes the actually measures to fulfill his plan it is a leader of a state to say that israel should be wiped off the face of the globe and he is a running to produce nuclear weapon so if we could stop his blend in any measure we should do it our so there's an israeli knesset member comparing ahmadinejad to that of hitler now the member of the country's legislature essentially calling for the iranian president to be taken out but if you can't directly go after the leadership are they simply going after those both during the country's nuclear gender i.e.
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the two scientists. well have to say that first of all mr arias is one of the more extremist members of these israeli knesset he has in the past called the british dogs because the british government expelled some israeli diplomats he's not the average israeli knesset member and he represents a very extremist minority within the knesset i must also point out that the we keep deeks yesterday pointed that the united states government also believes that ahmadinejad is hit there but again i think that's an exaggeration mahmoud ahmadinejad does want israel wiped out but i don't think he's hitler at this stage and i think for israel to want to weaken iran's nuclear program it's very logical if another country was calling for the elimination of russia every other week and was financing the death of russian citizens on the streets of moscow then i don't think russia would want that country to become
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a nuclear power this same goes for israel israel is not against iran wanting to become a nuclear power because it's a muslim country because pakistan also has a nuclear bomb we don't see israel complaining about that like a star is they have a good result as well but israel reportedly has been one of the world's a biggest nuclear arsenals in its possession but no one is questioning israel about its nuclear arsenal. yes of course because the state of israel does not go around threatening any country with delamination and yet they still refuse to sign to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. i think that's the way to go absolutely in the future i hope all countries of the world who are reported to have access to nuclear weapons go unsigned in nonproliferation treaty in fact i wish for the day when there is no nuclear weapons anywhere in the world but when somebody calls for you repeated the nation i think it's not in the interest in your interest or in the interest of the international community for that country to have
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a nuclear bomb or let's wrap this up now i'm running out of time here but finally at the end of the day when it comes to the attack on this pair of iranian nuclear scientists are you thinking it's more politically motivated or motivated more by its role in washington d.c. . at this point i really cannot say all i can say is that all options must be considered that he was by an intelligence agency abroad it is very possible it is also possible that it was an inside job what i can say with more certainty than anything else is that this is a loss for the even for the revolutionary guards because they're in charge of protecting these people if it was found out that they were members of the opposition and they were eliminated this shows that there is dissent growing dissent within iran and if it was done by foreign intelligence agencies then it shows that the revolutionary guard counterintelligence agency the old guard is not doing its job properly. director of the middle east economic and political analysis
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company thank you. but reports suggest china's top foreign affairs diplomat could be sent to north korea as early as monday all of this as part of attempts to ease tensions on the peninsula beijing wants emergency meeting of the six nations involved in north korea disarmament talks south korea says it's just not interested in formally resuming talks on the subject at this time tensions have been stoked by the u.s. and south korea holding four day joint military exercises in the yellow sea near the disputed maritime border has reportedly put its surface to surface missiles on alert and it comes just days after the north claiming it was provoked fired artillery on an island belonging to the south and that killed four people pepe escobar brazil based correspondent for the asia times says the naval exercise is a deliberate provocation by washington. the way washington has been spinning all
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this they say look we had these exercises with south korea more or less organized months ago so they were scheduled to take place starting last monday finishing next tuesday in fact. all over a weak. defense measure and not an attacking measure. but now. the situation has been evolving after the incident last tuesday in the oval seat for the chinese and for the north koreans just looks like an attacking exercise specially because the joint u.s.s. george washington which is basically a floating war machine with six thousand soldiers and fighter jets it's a nuclear power you name it they could destroy the whole country if they wanted out of this floaty war machine now it's going to the yellow sea as well this is a useless provocation because they're not supposed to be there in the first place
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there is an american continent doing the exercises i won't go to south korea and forces which was scheduled from the beginning so we always go back to the same point who's been. this new installment of endless cold war in the koreas to its own benefit then usually of course the west and corporate media when it's but what was asked by brazil by its correspondent for the asia times while mom by is the largest airline hub in india and the gateway to south asia but expansion of the city is a main airport is being thwarted by the surrounding slums the government wants to relocate tens of thousands of families but the price time could be too high for residents wanting compensation. and whether the expansion plans can get off the ground. this is the first glimpse most people get of mumbai india's financial
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capital and it's not a pretty sight with around one hundred thousand families sharing their walls with the international airport this is not just an i saw it's a huge security hazard also on. as far as the runway lengths are concerned as far as development of hangars is concerned you know these are activities which the airport requires expansion of the terminal building today we are chock a block at the airport where you have almost one hour of circling time for every aircraft the government hopes to clear that three hundred acres of airport land the slum is a good step on but attempts to relocate the slum dwellers have met with stiff opposition like many others here a couple fears her livelihood will be disrupted if she moves on but i'm not concerned with the airport has expanded or not but where we are staying now a replacement houses should be in the same area and largely here to here and children work at the airport and women and money by cleaning utensils right here if
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you really came to us what do we and we are not moving from this area. two years ago all the state government gave the contract to leading developer each d. i l. do we have a late date the slum residents by building them homes up to seven kilometers away but with the state agencies acquiring land to accommodate only one in every four families many prefer to stay poor with every change there is going to be resistance but having said that people are aware the slum habitation in mumbai works. at the same time because now they are being shifted from lands which they currently occupying some of them will not qualify the slum residents occupy prime land in the center of mumbai and they had no real important source of votes when all the government has to force them out as a result their demands have become even more ambitious. you know let me listen to this family should receive at least one hundred eighty thousand dollars as
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compensation actually flipped me by it will cost that much this is expensive but at least the family can live frugally the government can even give us this conversation money a provider placement played in this area clearly this has become an important case of the government removed by airport already congested it desperately needs the land that the slum has encroached upon to increase its capacity a second airport has been sanctioned on the outskirts of mumbai but this will not be ready to let the thousand and fifteen sort of rains to be seen if the government will win the battle against the residents of this mumbai slum button saying r.t. india. and i'll be back with a recap of our top stories in about ten minutes time but first it's the business news with sharona. welcome to the business news i'm sure. russia is the fifth large gold producer in
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the world but despite rocking prices for gold growth is slowing archies tachyon apply a call that explores why russia could be left behind in the gold rush. there in the world. in one. year. when we got on to ground we saw just one man drilling before the ninety's said that in their mind in the euros used to employ three thousand workers producing five tonnes of gold a year now it produces as little as five hundred kilograms of the precious metals and even though gold now come on sky high prices the miners here still left behind in the gold rush what i mean which you know it's hard and expensive to work in mining metal producers hike prices all the time transport and electricity monopolies raise tariffs constantly miners say there is enough gold and silver down
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here to last for another century but experts argue mining such old deposits is profitable the industry is still leaving all of the results of saudia geological exploration and isn't desperate need off new projects there is growth in certain companies that are either extending and expanding existing mines or bringing online . mining projects that were already known about frankly thirty years ago there's very little you know new things that are being developed are going to be factors of growth going forward so if the current situation doesn't change now in ten years you can forget about growth it's not going to happen because there's just there's nothing else there's nothing to mind. one of the main drags on gold exploration is the law on strategic resources if a company with foreign capital. finds a mind of more than fifty tons of gold it risks losing its license as such deposits
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become strategic the government is now considering easing restrictions and opening deposits of opting to prompted fifty tonnes to foreign investors the goals in russia it's going to be here it's not going anywhere it's in the ground we have borders russia has a large bureaucracy has a large tax forces a large security force has controls. the go get a go what difference does it make. you mine it up you pay your taxes the central bank can basically buy the gold if they want to so you know that from that point of view you're secure analysts say before the law on strategic resources came into force until two thousand and six almost all the major gold mining projects in russia were built with foreign capital that helped industrialize the sector make contrie the world's fifth largest gold producer if the industry is reopened for foreigners the growth prospects of russian gold mining could become the best in the
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world if you have a political business to. take a look at the markets here stock markets are down however banks are among the leading gainers on the footsie after european union finance ministers approved a bailout for ireland worth eighty five billion euros most blue chips are down on the dax with deutsche post and metro among the top losers. meanwhile in russia other indices are down after starting the day on a positive note most of the blue chips are down the biggest losers on my sectors worse hydro down more than one percent and your shares continue to drop after damage to a railing the company uses to ship parts from its main russian mine spare bank is the only gain on the just point one percent. and that's all the news for now but you can always find more stories on our web site at our two dot com slash business stay with us.
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for six months the russian capital was in a state of siege. days and nights people lived in fear of occupation and were preparing for the desperate defense intense battles took a heavy toll on the clock and. then the sony dami switched to the offensive but was the first su near defeat of the where moms would.
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