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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EST

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well we've been looking ahead to the speech all day talking to various experts and journalists about what they expect to come out of this beach well earlier we also noticed the president medvedev had posted on his twitter page that he wanted ads to thank all of those who had been wishing him luck for today's address and he will say speak about how he spent all of last night separate perry before today's speech and finalizing all the of those last minutes a touch as well so far it looks like they were expecting the speech to focus on social issues and competition levels here in russia we also expect the focus to be on the need to modernize. the political and economic systems share in russia. and we're also expecting a focus to be on a loss goes warming relations with the west will last address was
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very much dedicated to the need for more nice day should here in russia the need c. modernize were juvenile the political system particularly to be the mid said it is also your stress the need to change russia's dependency on its all willing dacs industries that is cool and for a diversification of the countries they can really see them going it's like sank industries. were no say really expect saying. we were going to be diverted to focus on the need for ruptured she wrote rejuvenates. its economic structures and its political structures we're also expecting him to talk about the need to change some of the social structures. within russia.
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we could hear. the music beginning now with. the kremlin this evening then when it starts all of that said face of the nation address by dmitri medvedev let's now cross to the kremlin palace and listen see president to me to meet that is. what am i going to get i see citizens was a russian out there in the study of the steam deputies and members of the federation council but it's still a year ago that i presented my political strategy misrule to the stone that they'll use own nickel democracy modernize for the economy and create steam really for it brison neighboring areas to bring the wind generation of in order to well educated issue creatively thinking by citizens of this reason you to raise the standards of living to equality still the new level to go to did is stablished the status of the
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russian as a modern. that has reached in the success based on innovation if you put it since the one that visa process. modernization in how to contrary started during a difficult period here to this period was difficult for the entire world this was the period of a global crisis and suddenly at them with the middle east during last summer we saw a heat wave in its mother and a little girl did wave of dollars and wildfires humala nevertheless we were able to achieve a lot and i think everybody who contributed to the renewable obara society. smugly as they believe you know it economic we were able to stabilize our economy you have jury a significant a recession those will this year economic growth will be bought four percent wishing it's in the put that would despite rising prices for food when you could
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which happens to you out the world if we prevented the. other big surge of inflation to your next goal is to bring it down to four to five percent a year in a cheat but that the north or. combat in the consequences of a heat wave. we. believe one hundred fifty billion rubles to agriculture has helped stabilize the situation in this area he needed and prevented the loss of lives living standards in effected regions will continue i will continue to monitor these assignments for unemployment on the coolness currently five million people and that's a good ideal it's in the bill another words we reduce it by two million s. compared to the peak of the crisis with years and this is a significant achievement and so that in the. sovereign debt is really minimal it would have been there's not ultimately current level of utile but i think
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a national reserve so for the russian federation is about half a trillion in the u.s. dollar is this is my guess would be higher then the same figure at the end of that yes you thousand in any of a month you could have to unprecedentedly anti-crisis measures we are now moving on to more balanced budget at all budget to read policy on fortunately our budget deficit is still quite high that i beat him within the year with music blasted becomes an obstacle to our development we are going to decrease it but i'm in all other leading countries in the world who have taken up the same responsibility of course the situation in the economy is still quite difficult we haven't fully overcome all the consequences something wright says so we have to be frank about death but we have a full on taking care of our social responsibilities will still be a priority definitely as the. real income so of our population over the past few
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months up through by about five percent through the she will in the next year that we are going to raise salaries for public servants again we have targeted programs to provide living for our servicemen and veterans with him was more than that we would more rate over. we are able to respect the chanson year by year because i have set a goal to quell the you provide us with that in the when you came at the least add in that the living the basic living standard for all pensioners these swing goal has been achieved but the overall level of pension says still quite low he noted to raise it a little and to modernize our health care system. we are to a number of if they make difficult decisions including raising mandatory medical insurance and i hear about them and she this is that me but being widely discussed
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now but we have to. gauge the negative consequences of this step for businesses and therefore i made this decision for small businesses in the that were appealing the real sector and in the social sphere is well wouldn't it be to you there will be a two year transition period and they'll have a lower a little you know that with the tax them that this will be twenty six percent. of a good them within the deuce year we have been working on them and didn't like each of the various projects that on the mean area was over modernization our goal is to reach the energy efficiency of our economy by forty percent by the year two thousand and twenty i think this is a realistic goal and absolutely convinced of this this will reduce the costs of our companies and save money for jewels like the main thing this will
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have to do with the pain utility bills we recently discussed this area this issue that they may not that's who can win the conclusion we need is the way to prevent or even you know to be. living systems from degradation we. i need to make a. trip to more investors and i have given some me struction cedrick national nothing in this regard but it i would like to point out that we have certain achievements in developing up on the high technology with for example russian tomic industry is now yearly producing new facilities we have nine. power plants nuclear reactors being built right now in russia we're also building nuclear reactors in china and other countries do much in the for you over the past two years orders have increased up
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to ten times as compared to two thousand and five by twenty five times. at the. end of the will to. be my it would be the off course this produces additional revenues for the budget to ensure everybody cloyd in this scene is the reason it was a lame week in other issues supercomputing of. who do we have eleven a few russian systems as members of the top five hundred list for you computer producers of next year with a russian supercomputer love manasseh for will increase its spring activity by two point five times and it will become one of the most powerful machines in the world you will with do a little before the end of the year. we will complete our satellite and room long ass and next year will. finish our work in the maps and will
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start using the satellite systems in full must now glow in us will be able to serve . the mass consumer with both the next year digital access to be able to go television channels will be provided in most regions of which will have more than one thousand believe the facility use for the digital television network throughout the russian federation here the receipts the blessed year we converted the internet to russian language this is important to our country we cannot have it with our domain soon it became very popular i think this is another important achievement for russia. going on at the moment but it's not really in the with but if you also we're implementing a new strategy for developing clean russian pharmaceutical industry. share of the global market will increase next year if you put them in from twenty five to fifty
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percent in the pub we think that's also with innovative. pharmaceutical products eleven i think. the export of russian for masood equals will be another important. part of our revenues from our support our innovations that center in so called i suggest that this idea less than a year ago it was but it was the currently this project is already becoming a reality if we have to land on the we have the administrative team and we have a special law on the that establishes a unique preferences for everybody involved in this project me but it finally we have a specific offer or so from it with private and state companies that are ready to start their work even today i'd like to emphasize that attacks your benefits. and statement to subsidize unclear who are in scientific research should be available to everybody who have some ideas and who meets the criteria should be able to move
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over the next three years that we have planned. to you when you get the l a k which in the company will it be to you about thirty billion rubles if we were joined to you more research. by scientists and researchers and industrial companies and possibly will even increase funding for this program in another important project at the pit a huge turning moscow group name is not into a major international financial sense or in the the responsibility for the implementation of this project will ease federal structures and on this city governmental and also on the new mayor of moscow get it up with you particularly. some major russian and international financial institutions have joined this work something that i think our chances are quite good if you look at the world. if the benefits of having an effective financial market of them are all give us both
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authorities rituals and companies who will have access to all mordant of theodicy financial services. and of course russia will benefit as well from taxes and the inflow of capital still in. we have really. achieved a lot of course if we measure it. within the scale of one a year but i think you all realize that this is just the beginnings of the resources that we have a should be used to bring it not to mend holes that he's not for you can bug to modernize our economy to create a new competitive goods and services and millions of the jobs with them in the us we need to shave to demand for innovation we need to build small and medium sized businesses because you from a shooting crease professional prospects for a beetle you can still. mission and the government blind you in the world to use at
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least half a change of the same with the resources and additional resources from the federal budget to get up to support the priorities of our own why don't i see should. and. this means me here increasing the energy efficiency of our economy developing all new energy fuel information telecommunications and medical technologies you. so this excess of all these projects will directly affect the quality of life of our people whether they make a league year colleagues everything i just said to them is that modernization of the summit of course this is not a goal in itself this is just an instrument which we will use one of the here to resolve some problems that we have accumulated over a long period of time and a social sphere in the economy we need to support those who needed the most in
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a we need to create conditions to develop the open tension those on whom we've seen our hopes i mean our children our young people but it's more than is that because modernization is because the war is implemented primarily for there seemed. to be we should not be shamed who is that on them a pity that you for the human kind of country we pass on to our children and grandchildren but it is equally important but i would chance will receive the future if we do of russia there with twenty six million so russian children out of the chute that are already able to develop properly that they should grow up tabular and they should become were the citizens of russia that this is our goal number one. i said. thank you i wish you we're taking care of the future generations and your family is the most in the smart kind of investment and that he lives a society that truly protects the rights of children who in many respects
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children's dignity and options is not just the elite kind to society it's the best developing society this kind of society has a predictable future. i think a human the ideas are vital necessity have a state policy for youth of opinion that for children and morton paula set me whole assume that i mean it's. and there are it's of our national development even the by them this is why you should in bustling you in this address . the level of pneumonia special attention to this subject will cover in the much detail what i think what requires new solutions and new approaches first of all i'd like to say a few words about improving our demographic situation is going to here to two thousand and five the birth rate in russia increased by more than twenty one percent in the loop and this is one of the best figures in drug the world but i
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feel with my g. child mortality rate of we've been reduced by twenty five percent for the first time in the snow less year the number of them the russian population who of course this is somewhat due to you of that on the turn it's the capital and the national project health care and supporting family has to make it a huge we started working on the demographic problem seriously and will build a suite be working on it for an extended period of time but we should realize that for the next fifteen years in a forgettable we'll have to face the consequences self the democratic depression in the one nine hundred ninety s. and the number of reported dumped of women will seriously decrease and this is a serious challenge to our nation. you know what the media what do we need to do it first with those in it but we think we need to. make more available medical and social services to the mothers and children who were fifty we should develop the
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birth certificate and we will. know what health care reform children under three years of the age for those who were born on her way to need be also supported in union before infertility treating programs in. fertility also we need to modernize and clinics were children. improve the skills of people we're human here next year and i would in that you can we will assign. them at least twenty five percent of the overall the money located for here in a total of twenty five percent will go to health care for children this is a lot of money. that he's going to be up to one hundred billion rubles into the camp years wouldn't be out of them will go off to school today by the time children go to school which almost
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a third one third of all children have forgot the health issues which. with teenagers situation is that he's even worse health two thirds of them which is health issues and that will the provide so starting with when to eleven we will have a thaw specialty dispensaries sation for children what especially with vaccines we should make on the high quality you know need. medicines available to children we need to prevent them in the eye cancer and related diseases we should decide enough money so that then supporting young families families with many children with the problem and this is one of the most acute problems is living so this movie will be with us one of the residences unions because. we can now use it with them maternity the maternity capital to pay off the mortgage because
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without that they should have been cheated for me at the concert sign before the end of twenty ten even before the child was sure it was really three like he used to be and we have almost two hundred fifty thousand people who could use this and this also helped develop housing construction. next year movement i believe with the you know we should make this a permanent rule. now for three of them let me quote in two experts the main way to overcome the demographic crisis and you can each use them to increase the number of families with three or more children ready caly you think that recently to. look it up on the internet and i saw something interesting they could i think in. the region they had the social advertisement and this is a simple idea but i think it's quite nice we should tell the people who are good of
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our celebrities people who are ready famous in russia was a third personally in their family and this is like your full nickel and a cross of fury guardian will. be that you're really good with these awards of well known famous people who would out do what they did the world would have been different in the mankind would have been much poorer in the mission notions of culture you need to in other words and so i think we shouldn't provide special rishi. families with many children and many regions i know for example can eat in the van a region when its third child is born in the family they provide a landlord for this family so they can build a house or residence i think this is a very good example that other territories should follow and i think it would be worthwhile to eat lament the same practice everywhere.
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but to him what i did with the wealth and yes nothing so the government together with the regions should work i'm dead which and prepare for that with the necessary laws that so that every family when their third child. or forth and so on gets the land to build their residence who are considering special situations in their regions it may take some time it seems lament is. regents' may also use other ways of supporting families with many children. for example in the union of screeching little billy they give a certificate for one hundred thousand children by them which when a third child is born. one hundred thousand roubles will move that french third child will of course this requires getting the finances in and it depends on the financial situation in the region but the results will be worth it willingness of the leaf if you know that you threw the ball neatly in the we should have tax benefits for families with children for example will lead me to the way to do i'm
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going to forage child starting with a third child we should have a three hundred three thousand as a tax break up of it for jim. the government should provide benefits for all families for the of the children the week of it and we should get schools standard which means the effects of been if it so which are just nominal for many of our people anyway. with six who are going to you today many to file much asian sweeny with mass media blitz to raise funds for children with serious diseases if somebody businessmen would do this without advertising themselves they support. orphanages and supported the poor it is for children to know that we support do sin we have been working on legislation but do you know who are charity funds but there are still some problems
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with that for example when we provide a second time and the help this includes this is included in the tax base this is not to fear the money that is received from charitable funds will myth you should be taught a little tax exempt to hold. yet i should should not be included in the text of this at all so i expect that the state will adopt this log very soon and since you applaud i think you will to this seventh this is a very painful issue for young families or other kindergartens kuna gardens putting the orignal. children in the daycare center and kindergarten wherever i go whenever i meet with people at the always ask this question who are the at the beginning of this year yellow we had a one million p.d.p. she did six hundred eighty four thousand children. on the waiting list
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they put in the people even put their children on their waiting list in the kindergarten even before the child is born that's the reason why young families in many cases don't have children or have just one child therefore i decided that we should do the same thing you know the russians and what we should remodel and we'll hear an old kid in the gardens and build new kidney gardens. we should provide at the facilities for kindergarten that was about small when they made whole requirements should be feasible for those in that we could use with the kitchen and they should not be excessive. but it would get us right next. to where we should support alternative forms sophia preschool education if you like and non-government facilities a family can do gardening idea and we should crease your randall the lease for new kinda gardens including family gardens family can to garden to speak up
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thirty up with the kids for children who are not intending to garden we should have preschool groups. ed a regular school what am i going to get what was the league's what you did for two years now that you know we have been awarding a special order of that if you're going to. the mighty family glory. for your fathers and mothers of natural born in a dog to children we are really proud of such families and i will tell you frankly even speaking to you these people is a joy to me when they come to the crowd to get their awards i'm always happy to talk to them but i know unfortunately that we still have one hundred thirty thousand children who don't have parents yet because you know our country they don't have parents who are forced to appearance they don't have the main things
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which the family atmosphere and we still need to do a lot so that we don't have any orphans any longer and that be good but when the thing in their first year centers are should do their best to arrange families and support forces or families for these children but i knew we should not have nobody's children in our country. city as they probably only if they have another serious problem getting through in the us the so-called correction no civilian year would set up institutions that they mostly isolated children. instead of helping them a social lives so who do those in the believe that people could go through that we should have stayed institutions and civil society morny touring the situation with these facilities in your all correctional facilities with you thought you should have public councils with him watching them and we're getting them in and all been
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waiting at the also when the new social education programs for those who grades from orphanages it's not enough to give education and food to children we need but to you would help them to have to choose the new life when they graduated that will and really mean this is not just something that should you know pull at your local authorities should also do a lot more for example it could be for any preference or recourses when the graduates are going to enter into the tuition or with did you have the colleges and the people even the policies based on widely recognized internationally norms that the new in the declaration of rights of children i believe that i could conclude to clare's that the mankind should provide the best for the children with the eula and indeed the convention on the rights of children to me says that they are rights of children to have priority over the rights of should let them go to her own nobody to jules and if the state will not motional probably bianca we have commissioner in
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the works with children under the president of the russian federation that he does a lot of who are less some are you kidding me and saw that there will be there were major violations over the safety rules and we did some facilities for children and they were even. some cases where children in your died because of that we should have means that you are best to prevent us from palin any that i am doing dishes edge mr ration that we can set a local authorities should do their best to prepare for the next summer season well known which in the problem also. commissioners for. you on the children only. fifty eight regions of our country have them if you do this i believe actually this institution could be created in every on america in every province in every region in our country rushed there.


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