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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2010 10:30am-11:00am EST

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factories newspapers all ships everyone should stick to their own business. that's not for me but to the main use for a look at the headlines. here in moscow you are with the headlines now working with nato to prevent a new arms race closer ties with foreign partners those are the top priorities outlined in this presidential address to the federal assembly today. it's barack obama's a big test as he tries to break republican opposition and use his final chance this year to push past congress on arms reduction treaty with russia. the last call among those preparing their final presentation two thousand and eighteen football world cup the winner will be announced in two days. through the capital
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of. four policeman hours before the trial of the republic government officials and comes ahead of a visit by u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton. well i've heard u.n. conference now underway in mexico climate change is the main question on the table the copenhagen agreement signed in january sets a goal of limiting global warming to two degrees celsius but many countries are unhappy with the document we talked about russia's position with dmitri medvedev advisor on ecology issues and the president of the world meteorological organization stay with us. thank you for sitting down with us the first question is about protocol what's your take on it. your lives and it is an efficient international regulation
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mechanism which allowed the participating states to get a taste of collect their work it was not simple if you look at the protocol now the question is whether to prolong the second period of the protocol i would say that it is inefficient and applicable in its current form our president new video of us said russia was not going to take part in the second period of the political realm or the reason for that is set out in the fourth report of an intergovernmental experts group which states that global warming is accelerating but in order to prevent a reversible climate change we have to make sure that global temperature grows by more than two degrees celsius if the gross to a higher level they accumulated changes in the climate and the biota will make life on earth very uncomfortable for civilisations the numbers in the fourth report states that all developed countries and we know that not every developed country is currently a member of the kyoto protocol have to reduce their emissions by at least forty
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percent and then keep working on reducing them so that's why the kyoto protocol in its current form without every developed country included on amendment b. or do you want us on the list of participants and with china being the number one source of emissions it's pointless other developed countries such as india mexico and brazil that are not subject to any obligations in the current format of the protocol. some scientists believe global warming is a natural process that humans can't influence are you supportive of that theory you are new york the global warming hypothesis that we currently use and its connection to human generated emissions is confirmed by mainly models with fruit on calculated these models show that there is a link as the concentration of greenhouse gases grows so the global temperature levels there are theory stating that the warming is connected to geological and cosmic cycles those theories as you understand remain a steering so what do we do what should the people on the politicians believe they
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can while themselves into submission and think that nothing can be changed or they can try to influence those processes your civilization burns fuel in the mid greenhouse gases as they develop those emissions can be cut the population of the earth is growing and we are at risk of finding ourselves in a very difficult situation within the next twenty or thirty years who will be lacking resources we don't work hard on the conservation of those resources and energy efficiency so from that point of view i just prefer a ball to start that process than doing nothing russia is suggesting we sign a new agreement that would include all the major polluting countries we godless so whether or not they are classified as developed or developing a lot of economists today depend on the growth of fuel consumption and therefore the growth of emissions the difficult part is finding a line of development that would let the condom use and while the grow without harming the climate or consuming more and more resources there are ways to do that
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it was done in the us in the one nine hundred seventy s. of course it will require the mobilization of our resources political will and the right public attitude and so on but it is a possibility that the president's decree to raise the energy efficiency of our economy was not an issue for nothing we have massive reserves and that sounds you could decrease the energy cost of our g.d.p. by twenty percent you. simple measures without even switching to high technology think about it if we implement the measures and massage down the government program we will achieve the goals that are set out and that is without impeding the development of our economy if we followed the primitive path of development would be impossible to grow without increasing our emissions russian experts who criticized the kyoto protocol have said that it would upstart russia's development was wrong and utterly popular statement because the only way the development of a country can be obscured by such an agreement is of the crime scene question is
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unable to fulfill the obligations it took upon itself. but what the president probably meant is that russia should raise energy efficiency because russia itself would benefit from it not because the world community wants it to. be but that is entirely correct that is the point i was trying to make when a set of cutting greenhouse emissions leads to saving natural resources it is important from the point of view of sustainable and wire mentally friendly development that would leave a potential for the development of future generations do you want our children our grandchildren and great grandchildren to have something for such piles of garbage and exhausted wells don't we have to work on a. master with that so do you thing that scandal such as climate gate did not have much influence on the expat community. well you know i was not interested in the new discussions whatsoever of any such issues why because it's not british
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scientists who determine that people are absolutely ignorant about how observations are made how things are assessed and how they are summarized what it is all like i mean why there is global warming or there is no such thing there is why the role of some scientists is being exaggerated for advertising purposes first a part of the world meteorological organization is global. atmosphere watch co-ordinating observations of all greenhouse gases the center gathering the information about all greenhouse gases emissions is located in japan there's a network of climate centers around the world including russia those centers are summing up observation data over their territory so there are strict rules and requirements in place concerning the standards watching climate not just weather and regular basis but things to be summed up as a rule of law an observation history as i say there are strict requirements of the world meteorological organization and therefore observation mistakes of course
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there may be some but there are few if somebody takes a look at that data fifty years from now the me state that something could have been done differently but from the point of view of today capacity the scientific facts we have to fully comply with what we should have i have great concerns that in this particular case those scoundrels are not about how those data are being gathered but on how they're being presented to the intergovernmental groups of experts assessing their bets or different interpretations may occur for instance i've been saying that according to some scientists some country should cut concentration of greenhouse gases by twenty five to forty percent by twenty twenty that's what european scientists did introduce my attitude towards that is that of the stress because in this case scientists were tackling the issue from the political point of view interpret ing scientific research data and drawing up a report on it can be politicized and most likely this kind of politicizing was the
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case here would you. well global warming has a great impact on the arctic region where russia plays a major role what is currently going on that. briefly speaking global warming reduces the ice cover smaller ice here is not just mere reduction it also means there margins of icebergs this wasn't the case before so if talking of practical steps regarding self exploration for oil and gas industrial development it's definitely being done on the other hand ice is a natural component of the climate system meaning balance smaller i seriously need to be various effects it is believed that global warming will lead to a colder climate in europe which is linked to the series that water will impact thermal water circulation and the gulf stream flowing close to europe and reach barents sea which is never covered with ice and will become colder and the regional
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climate will change it is a possibility but scientists have differences as to whether it's likely to happen in other words to radically looks likely but we don't know exactly how much i should melt down on all on the will take different assessments according to the most alarming once and may occur in twenty ten and europe will be frozen but this has not happened so far. what is russia doing to prevent those negative effects. definitely first the arctic is one of the least explored regions of the world severe climate conditions and the absence of people there are the main factors hindering the exploration which can lead to understanding of different processes there it was russia who initiated the third international polar year in two thousand and seven two thousand and eight according to the world scientific community its scientific program has become one of the major scientific results of the beginning of the twenty first century to ensure continuity russia
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has come up with the idea of holding the international polar dick. from the point of view of climate research and observations we need the exploration trips we have of drifting stations of the way you understand there's just one spot drifting in the ocean changing its position every year yes for satellite observations we do not have satellites to give a complete picture polar orbit all satellites are needed which can provide time specific shots therefore setting up such observation equipment is a major enervation project we announced and started up such a project consisting in creating the arctic project but the project has not gained momentum yet while our colleagues and us canada and the you are actively working in the syria because the one who manages to receive information on regular basis both first strengthen their knowledge and second their positions the arctic regions each serious exploration of the arctic is called the weather kitchen and climate depends on the arctic and many respects and the other thing i like to point out is that we
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have a state policy on the arctic we hold a number of scientific conferences and a number of scientific mechanisms in place which help us understand what's going on as well as to some up research data an opportunity to carry out business in our tech while minimizing human impact on the nature. thank you very much for this interview. speaks to the thompson creek where rich academic life gives birth to. archie goes to the area which together with the industrial development. first to make a journey into lodges history. and doing worse and the culture like. welcome
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to the param region. on our cheek. for six months russian capital was in a state of siege. days and nights people lived in fear of occupation and were preparing for the desperate defense smuggles took a heavy toll of. those so made on me switch to be offensive but was the first souvenir defeat of the where moms would. battle for moscow. would be soon which brightened. soon from finest impressions.
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means for instance on t.v. dot com.
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the headlines here on r.t. working with nato to prevent a new arms race in forging closer ties with foreign partners those are the top priorities outlined in dimitri presidential address to the federal assembly today. it's barack obama's big test as he tries to break republican opposition and use his final chance this year to push through congress an arms reduction treaty with russia. the last call goes preparing their final big presentation to host the two thousand and eighteen football world cup will be announced today. a blast rips through the capital of. policeman hours before the trial of the republic's government officials it comes ahead of a visit by u.s.
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secretary of state hillary clinton. with. good to have your company this is sports today i'm you know me these are some of the stories we're covering this hour d.-day looms with the host nations for the twenty eight day and twenty twenty two world cup to be announced on thursday r.t. caught up with one of britain's most decorated players american chelsea. spanish barcelona roger archrivals real madrid five nil in the first classic goal of the come early get six. hundred struck it's anything but the big easy as new orleans lose for the fourth time in five games in the n.b.a. to oklahoma this time around. this week will decide who has won the right to host
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the twenty eight day non the twenty twenty two world cup finals russia is in the running to host the event in eight years time and our correspondent richard from port fleet caught up with former manchester united great under who's confident his country will get the not. very much for a time of course. the bid for the two thousand one hundred world cup is drawing ever closer how do you rate russia's chances of big chances when i should be closer . in a world cup. like an england ninety six two six one winning one coming through our first world cup championship. last. if you remember people come to moscow and the result who can produce thirty nine for sure they would have seen. i think it was a good chance what i should win but russia's going up against countries like spain
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portugal england the netherlands and belgium they've got great stadiums got great infrastructure so in theory i mean these would be all the countries that when there was a so. who thousand term who's more a.t.o.s. if you if you serious if russian. movement concentration or more toward publishing sort of good turn for good studios. people are really really happy when police world cup and russia is also more of a legacy thing because as i just said i mean. these western european nations have everything russia still developing and i think this is a big catch my feet but i've got a year to help russia not just on the football pitch but socially as well yes of course yes. important to contemplate and serious work.
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but one of things probably will which will help russia they do win the bid to host the two thousand and eighteen world cup will be the massive. interest in the game something but isn't the case at the moment you having half empty stadiums which the you must be quite a surprise coming from england and from europe where even if you go to a small town put bail or a second division club third division club stadiums all the time is a signal for this woman deleterious to the mainland to read beautiful hello football before the q four do start to move for the new school the kids. and the russian people a little bit don't understand. what's happened what's happened in the form of. this problem for the. well any school or school some kids for the kids that's not too many is called before you are too many too many teams and so can the region through was the reason premier league play in the play more contemplation for
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football more interest for football to start of a start clue. not to knock two hundred percent he for the. world cup and would chancers who were quick or hundred points do you see russia as one of the favorites to win this world cup bid or do you think there are insiders who sixty four two percent are going to win who are strong enough and we know we're going on three things very well we're keeping our fingers crossed cumber second of december russia wins but it think you have little hopes or hope so. right now rush it may be the bookmakers favorites for the twenty eight danger element but any lengths are too far behind a recent fifa corruption probe by a british newspaper is believed to dented the country's bid somewhat but the english delegation are staying optimistic ahead of the juric and it's meant. we know what talk tough is to victory. that we are pursuing we understand all the
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options to that are out there in the way for us my workouts and we planning accordingly so at this point we're optimistic but we know we've got a lot of wood to do this week and i think there are people who still have to sign up brings us to feel the action we're after all this starts in the pre-game analysis the only figures that modeled after the first classico of the season were five until much to the light of the barcelona faithful the realm of dread the most richly assembled squad all footballers on the planet quite simply shell shocked barcelona getting into their groove early dinking over i could see ten minutes enough for a par for me driving through ball andres iniesta one became two at the nou camp just eight minutes later a real defense all over the place line pedro with the easiest to finish is after good work from david via on the outside. the second half would bring little rest but for the beleaguered visitors via getting in on the act in self netting superbly after another typical barcelona build up on pos from the reality terrorizer in
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chief lionel messi the same per the same result moments later barcelona on cruise control at this point and then them bar spent was complete right up the death jeff rense war is making the score and five nil the win. to top spot in the perm or early. we are proud to because the world have seen us the way we are going to we like to play that is the most important thing the result is the consequent of the of the game but. so i would like to does a game. to be to point to head to ferment it but. it is the worst defeat of my career i have never lost five nil be. for that's a fact but it's a defeat that's easy to digest because it's a defeated where there was no possibility of willie it's not one of those defeats
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where it was difficult to accept. i've seen joe say look better than not the oklahoma city thunder see of the best for last the soft new orleans on the n.b.a. hardwood on monday russell westbrook the spark in the final quarter of the california native playing the role of go to guy in the opening half one of the point guards eleven assists finding harden for a strong finish twenty two year old westbrook wherever missing ten of his first fifteen shots was a big factor in new orleans having secured a seventy six seventy two lead in the fourth but they turned the ball over here a lot of times around two. of his game high twenty six points westbrook again setting up that effort twenty ten world champion then found a shooting touch doesn't points on the late fourteen zero run by the thunder meaning new orleans leads for the fourth time in five games as the thunder take it ninety five eighty nine. the star stood miami heat being this season surprised
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disappointment dwayne wade le bron james chris bosch unco the winners on the night over the wizards the sauce beachside now with ten wins and losses for the year to date the dallas mavericks are cruising right along there are six consecutive victories coming over their fellow texans and houston milwaukee meanwhile were missing their two big man under drew gooden in a twenty one point loss to the jets. with winter well and truly upon us and europe biathlon off plates are busy warming up for the start of their season. sweden will host the first stage of the sports world cup on wed and stay on the head of the russian biathlon union spoke to us about the rapidly approaching event. the first stage of the world cup has always been a good early test for biathlon heavyweight nations china japan and the u.s. who have been training there in sweden for more than two weeks could be the
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surprise packages however them not our main rivals for us it will be a good warm up we can and praise how we prepared for the season and see the warka for new coaching stuff we shouldn't expect first prize here we have to understand how a team start out the season and how the athletes recover after the first race ok let's move back to football finally the russian premier league wrapped up this past weekend with already crying champions and it's at last able to bask in the glow of a job well done we've got the images from vats plus the pic of an eventful run thirty. thank you. thank. you thank you thank you. q. thank you.
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live. live. live live. live live. live live. live live. live.
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live. live. about so that for another year in russian football on that stuff for me for this hour.
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