tv [untitled] November 30, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EST
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in the palm of your. dot com. t. working with nato do prevent a new arms race and forging closer ties with foreign partners are the top priorities outlined in dmitri medvedev presidential address to the federal assembly . it's barack obama's big test as he tries to break republican opposition and use his final chance this year to push congress an arms reduction treaty with russia. and peace activists in denmark have been demonstrating for most a decade against its involvement in the afghanistan war but the protests are falling on deaf ears we report tonight. this is r.t. who commits nine pm now here in moscow on kevin zero in with our top story for you
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and russia's president dmitri medvedev has warned of a new arms race unless russia and nato compromise on a joint anti-missile system addressing the two houses of the russian parliament he also underlined the importance of intensifying the fight against widespread corruption one of the major obstacles on the path to modernization of his innocent oh it gives us a review of the presidential speech. but easy g.m. i see figured out. to be that boy each meal to get you the state of the nation a perfect way to make a statement about how to protect the interests of a state russia sees missile defense as the number one priority on its global agenda not for today but for the future it is racially distillate here in the next decade we have the following alternatives either we reach an agreement on missile defense and create a full blown mechanism for cooperation or if we fail to have
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a constructive agreement a new stage of the arms race will start and we will have to make a decision on creating new strike forces it was one of his strongest statements one which experts think will get across how much russia wants cooperation not confrontation as they say in the united states is a game changer something which will dramatically change the strategic equation if it does not happen he wanted to say then we may be for a new period of confrontation but president medvedev didn't mention the u.s. or their so-called reset he focused on countries like china when talking about trade and boosting investment back home that i should acknowledge to step up economic diplomacy it should provide specific results for modernization of our foreign policy should not just be based on missiles we have already formed the customs union and currently we are creating a common economic area under the eurasian economic community we're testing cutting
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edge integration patterns as well as programs of effective cooperation basically we must move towards a common economic area spreading from the arctic to the pacific ocean through eurasia of course a good part of the address focused on domestic goals from pensions to paychecks president very do have pinpointed many problems and how he thinks they should be solved long term they must have a true. this speech wasn't just about the up calling a year it was about russia's plans for many years to come here's what the president said about russia's raging corruption problem but because of our experience shows that even facing a twelve year jail term does not stop corrupt people we think that sometimes economic measures such as a fine because it is so commercially bribery commute with one hundred four is fine . now it's time for lawmakers to get to work the president's plan is out there dmitri medvedev has paved the road he wants to see russia now it's time for
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these men and women to get the country on that track and stay the course reporting from the kremlin and he's the way r.t. . russia wants to take an active part in creating a joint defense system with nato dmitry babich from the rain obviously news agency told me that's the main idea president would read it was trying to express in his statement on n b. the main problem is how is russia going to be viewed by the need to isn't going to be viewed as a serious partner in building that anti-missile defense that old power all of eurasia if it's viewed seriously then there is no point for another arms race that made the video for made it very clear just a few days ago at least. he doesn't want a formal but you separation of russia and the project we're not going to be part of the furniture set. they think here in just a little more clear terms he reiterated the same idea. still ahead for you on r.t.
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british students take the streets in the town to protest against the deficit cutting measures that may make it tougher for them to get an education. and the law or russia is among those preparing the final big presentations to host the twenty eighth in football world cup the winner is said to be announced in two days' time but you know the latest. it's this year's last chance for barack obama to push for u.s. legislators to ratify the nuclear arms reduction treaty with russia as republicans try to stall the process has addressed the country sell it to get more support from congress that is going to teach you can live now to d.c. to talk more about the meeting it seems like president obama's a long way from getting this treaty ratified isn't it. kavin story is that obama basically has two weeks or so to have his arguably major foreign policy achievement passed by the senate and his pushing really hard the christmas break is coming up and after the holidays if by then the treaty is still not ratified there will be
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some dark days awaiting obama started more republican senators will come will take office than many of them are skeptical about the trade but this is the substance of the start treaty its content has long stopped being the focus of discussions here in washington are partisan games sort of scoring a political point seem to be more important to some politicians don't that what's actually at stake and that's the point obama's been making for weeks we've heard him call for republican senators to step away from this all while being desire to undermine his presidency and really look at the trade itself and how important it is for the u.s. national security take a listen so you. are reminded that the room the the street has been vetted for seven months now it's gone through eighteen hearings it has support from senators of both parties it has broad bipartisan support from national security
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advisors and secretaries of defense and sectors of state from previous administrations both democrat and republican and that it's absolutely essential to our national security we need to get it done. the start treaty is not just about reducing both countries' nuclear arsenals by a third it's seen as a symbol of trust between the two nuclear superpowers and obama made it clear that further cooperation plans with russia could really go south without this key trading place he stressed how important russia's assistance is in afghanistan how crucial russia's cooperation was on iran and the aspects of the u.s. and some other aspects of the u.s. russia reset and everybody here realizes that the new start is sort of a milestone of this reset they have been repaired at one point didn't have to be a broad base of support so why this is so the degree seals it know why the stubbornness well kevin as i said as i mentioned
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it's it's partly about political political it was scoring of political points in terms of substance if you look at key questions concerns whatever senators had regarding the new start those were all addressed the country's military unanimously testified in support for the treaty and number of former secretary of state both republican and democrat former defense secretaries all said having starred is in u.s. national interest so there is a huge bipartisan support for the treaty among experts but not on the hill and obama has very little timing ready to change that he's going to teach you can reporting from washington d.c. the surge bring us up to the. other side that was out he's going to come from washington ratifying who did you come for duction treaty will go into nuclear nonproliferation that's the view of richard burr who is the chief negotiator of the first nuclear deal between russia. we need to remember that non-nuclear nations especially signatories to the nuclear proliferation treaty negotiated in
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the late one nine hundred sixty s. see a link between efforts on the part of nuclear powers to reduce their arsenals on the one end and they're continuing to abide by the nonproliferation treaty on the other so i think the failure of start would be would undermine the credibility of the united states and i would argue other countries other nuclear countries in trying to dampen down incentives for nuclear proliferation. you can watch the full version of the interview with richard burton the discussion about the start treaty ratification and all across talked about show tomorrow all day and take a minute out now to check what's on our web site for you as always lots all but tonight so one of all topping stories an orphanage in russia suspected of forcing disobedient children into mental health whether mel treated there is more about that tonight online. the role may be in store for immigrants in russia as it's set
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to welcome foreign minister for the first time again if you will maybe as you'll say to discover more of. the publication by wiki leaks of that huge raft of communiques has wreaked havoc on american diplomacy politicians around the world said the confidential reports of u.s. officials off a few new facts though philip giraldi the head of the council for the national interest and a former cia officer thinks that collecting such data may be a part of a spying operation. in the aftermath of nine eleven there was a tremendous push within the u.s. government to make information more available and this has been one of the consequences of making information more available it has meant basically that
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relatively low level diplomatic messages and cables have been collected in a database where anywhere between half a million and two million u.s. government employees have been able to have access it's fairly normal to have those sorts of documents in somewhere in the system in other words if you're going in having an informal chat with the prime minister of a of a country in central asia there are a lot of people who want to know what the nuances of that discussion were for some of this stuff is kind of chatty some of it is kind of amusing i think the only thing that was really surprising to me was the state department effort to collect. e-mail addresses phone numbers personal information on their counterparts overseas and also at the united nations this is part of obviously a spying operation the u.s. is clearly taking steps behind the scenes to try to to silence them to a certain extent the swedish authorities are are moving ahead with a prosecution for possible rape there are moves in congress to criminalize what
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took place so that people that work for wiki leaks could be arrested and prosecuted they're going to be doing these things but it's quite questionable to what extent they will be effective i don't think it's a fair reaction because they call it a terrorist organization is stretching the definition of terrorism greatly but i think in this case it's something like political theater here king is is portrayed himself as a hard right wing very he has to say the right things to his own audience i don't think it will happen just because legally it it doesn't work it doesn't work in the definition. well some of the cables obtained by wiki leaks concern tensions around north from south korea suggesting senior chinese officials favor really fixation of the two countries on the soles control the documents were revealed as north korea's parliamentary chairman came to china for diplomatic talks earlier the us south korea and japan reportedly rejected beijing's call to sit down and resume talks on north korea disarmament the north further unnerved by
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a joint american south korean military exercise in the disputed waters right now as well as get more now on this we're joined the sea gallery he's a writer and foreign policy analyst place being with us mr gans appreciate it as you see it how will the information that's come to light from wiki leaks about china's preferred intentions for the korean peninsula be greeted in pyongyang it is a new set to ratchet up tensions in the region is it being taken seriously by pyongyang. i think. i don't think it would be taken seriously by pyongyang i don't think they have a preference. wiki leaks cables that suggest that is certainly the case but tensions are being ratcheted up. north and south korea and the western sea area. and it's certainly been a longstanding goal of u.s. foreign policy to maintain considerable military pressure on north korea and
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the events that have happened in the last few weeks in particular the movement of the u.s. aircraft carrier george washington in the area certainly intended to continue to escalate that you know terry tension. what a way for wiki leaks and those continuing joint military exercises close to north korean border mentioned just know what is the agenda of seoul here diplomacy doesn't seem to be a word that easily comes to the lips of the current south korean leadership when dealing with its northern neighbor does it. no it doesn't what we should keep in mind in trying to understand these events is that this is happening in disputed waters waters that are disputed because the end of the korean war in one nine hundred fifty three the united states unilaterally drew a sea border called the northern line win or limit line rather. which is
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a border that any impartial observer would declare to be absurd it's one. obviously claims for south korea waters that are properly considered north korea. as a result of unilateral decision made by the united states there have since one thousand nine hundred ninety nine been a number of clashes between south and north korean warships in the area and the intention of both sides is to conduct military activity within those disputed waters to reinforce their claim to those waters. we should recognize that one year ago in actually december two thousand and nine. north korea announced that it intended to fire live artillery into the disputed waters at that point south korea . labeled the intentions to be an abominable provocation and threaten to react resolutely well one year later what happens south korea fires
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artillery into this disputed area and suddenly is blaming north korea as the provocative or when clearly i mean whether it's north korea or south korea firing shells or artillery into the disputed waters i mean neither case this is a provocation. ok stephen goes for a better time thanks for being on the line with a small two in tonight's pretty shady. there's no shortage of skepticism in europe over the war in afghanistan in denmark the antiwar activists have been camping outside parliament for nearly a decade. opposing danish participation in the so-called war on terrorism they want to be a politician stand the permissive but the calls are falling on deaf ears. they've been here for nine years and they're not planning on leaving anytime soon among us . we're like no we don't want to go home and leave it to them
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again you know they are peace watch and they believe their government is doing the wrong thing by participating in the war in afghanistan you cannot fight terror with a wall because war is terror that's our main issue you know denmark has more than seven hundred troops in afghanistan a soldier killed recently brought the total number of danish losses to thirty nine so peace watch believe very case is as important today as it was in two thousand and one this is the danish ministry of defense right across the street from this is the danish parliament members of peace watch have been standing here for the last nine years day in and day out demanding the pullout of danish troops from afghanistan so has anybody been paying attention to them apparently not in fact they say it's not just the government that ignores them but the media and the general public too sometimes they say well denmark isn't war we say to the youngsters over here coming to us they say look around where i don't see any war
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and occasional deeds we happen to pass by i also don't show much enthusiasm i don't see. really an. aggressive. militaristic probably. so why have peace watch out to has not been able to gain any attention at least for their perseverence some believe it's because an anti war mood in the country is something over a new thing within the last year while there's a majority of the population against continued participation. even though there are so. the large political majority in parliament for public opinion has become skeptical but that's quite new but peace watch i determined to stay put until they reach their goal even if it takes their nine years well i'll stay here until the war but if you meet it in english glory tea cup if you don't make.
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british students have gathered for a third nationwide there of action in protest against government plans to raise university tuition fees the form is a part of the u.k. government's deficit cutting measures police attempted to contain the protesters in advance urging students to avoid a repeat of last week's violence to previous protests through thousands of demonstrators accusing the police of an overzealous response to isolated clashes stephen davis is director of education at the institute of economic affairs he told us now the government is facing the consequences of an unwise policy what is going on at the moment is that there's a huge series of unexploded bombs of bad debt in various countries which is being passed around a rather gruesome game of pass the parcel from one set of taxpayers to another it was passed on to the irish taxpayer it's proved too much for them and it's now effectively being passed on to the european taxpayers including the british ones what is needed is a mechanism for the orderly winding up of insolvent banks and financial institutions and that's what we don't have to spike two years in which we could
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have worked one out. steve davis director of education at the institute of economic affairs on the line from london here on out world news in brief it's not only the u.k. that's being hit by mass juden protests the most violent demonstrations through italy in its leap thousands of students have paralyzed rome's historic center in protest against planned budget cuts in the state university system lawmakers proposal form and cutting funds to faculties and courses they say will help save billions of euros of the next few years demonstrators who ever argued that the bill would give the private sector too much power and infringe on students' right to education. was life changing google faces a serious antitrust probe the european commission has launched an investigation into claims abuses its dominance paino ising competent competing search engines in its results google denies the allegations but said it would work with the commission. unseasonably cold weather and heavy snows hit southern europe in spain
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snows causing chaos with temperatures dropping to minus ten in some parts of the country and while this obvious no storm blanketed portugal numerous closures of roads and mountain passes the extreme weather is also affected u.k. calls and playing by airport closures. is the last day before the country's vying to host the football world cup in twenty eighteen and twenty twenty two are allowed to promote the bids the delegations are gathering in direct where the winners will be announced on thursday russia is fighting with england for the right to host in eight years time one of the planet's biggest sporting events also in the running a joint bid from spain portugal and belgium the netherlands still make their final presentation bids on wednesday us and australia are among those hoping to host the twenty twenty two tournament experts believe russia's got a strong chance of winning as well supported by the government pervert has faced criticism concerning its lack of infrastructure but as the head of russia's big committee says the country's got plenty of time to improve that situation. report
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largely describes what is. the state of affairs now ok we're talking about a world cup there will be in in almost eighty years. of course much changes well all occur and we have submitted all the documents signed by our government that these changes are guaranteed to happen. or coverage of demeter rivetted his address and other developments in our business bulletin next with the india. hello and welcome time to have a look at what's happening in the world of business president dmitry medvedev has given more details of his plan to more denies the economy the president also confirmed the broad sell off stage s. has announced earlier this year on small business but that have set social and manufacturing sectors will be exempt for the next two years from planned tax increases but if i'm not the night we must find an opportunity to soften the impact
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of the measures on business i've decided on a two year transition period for small firms in the social and production sectors they will have a lower level of insurance payment of twenty six percent this year i signed a decree for the list of strategic companies to be refused by five times the main goal is to increase the efficiency of lease companies to attract additional investment and to use the income to modernize the economy all norm core assets should be privatized the authorities should not own factories newspapers or ships everyone should stick to their own business. presidential aide corps which added that the decrease of insurance payments were safe small business more than three billion dollars over the next two years. russian companies urgently need administrative reform to help them restructure after the recession that's according to standard and poor's ratings agency. russia had an eight percent economic
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contraction brazil was i think about even so the zero growth china in india very strong growth you know eight nine percent annual growth in iraq it does have an economy that's more concentrated less diversified outside the oil and gas sector and the companies are not really competitive on a global basis and there's a need for a lot of investment in just just reform from an administrative perspective but then also investment in the basic structure of the country and maybe that's the biggest challenge in a really the recession exposed some of that weakness so in a recessionary environment where there's economic contraction some of the poor performing companies can't perform anymore so there's massive restructuring going on in the corporate sector it's still continuing getting out of the policy administrative environment right to promote business restructuring for more competitive companies that is a lot of work and so that's that may be the biggest challenge for russia. the debt
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crisis in the eurozone continues to spread on tuesday the cost of corporate bori jumped a sign that investors awarded about the risk of lending to companies as well as some european governments companies like france telecom's slip against the german benchmark. a quick look at the markets u.s. stocks are down on the war is that europe's debt problems will spread to move countries signed and that's just lead risky assets the dow jones fell zero point eight percent in trading. let their measures decline shedding at one point six percent energy components were also weak as crude oil prices so it fell one point three percent while some of the last one percent. and european stocks declined on tuesday as the region's debt crisis intensified and a report showed us home prices rose less than four cards in september being prepared ball that bank stocks lower for more than forty eight day as a talent in spanish government bonds slumped dortch of bank and commerce bank fell
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on the decks and losses endured in banks. to lost two point two percent s. credit suisse per cut its rating on the show as well if it's time we'll see has. been russia my six on the r.t.s. finished tuesday session ahead look oil was the biggest gain it jazz advanced three point two percent the most since june it comes out for the second largest current producer with strong results. the russian stock markets have been quite stagnant today even despite the presidential address as the director of his sales at creech explains. neutral impact on the markets we haven't seen any significant reaction in terms of chips on any of the things mentioned but present it to the markets pretty weak today because the main sort of foreground. of the events on the market i still not. russia itself but it's foreign background it's the europe and the us
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spectrum so basically we've seen quite to require them to and we conform to most of the blue chips today everything is marginally down they haven't been any significant loggers or dinners or today we've seen look well which is probably. the only sort of relevant piece of data which can be talked about about the russian market today is the quote proceeding in greater numbers ahead of the consensus potations way ahead of consensus fixations. which gave support to local sheriffs versus the market russia's gas exports monopoly gas brum estimates the sol stream pipeline across the black sea to europe will cost about twenty eight billion dollars the offshore part of the pipe may cost fifteen billion dollars at current prices while the offshore oil while the all shore section in europe is expected to cost half that and investment decision on the project is to be made by mid april.
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but actually. profits look oil raised twenty nine percent in the thoughts nine months it cited higher oil prices and a favorable settlement in it because our ownership dispute earnings came in and around six point eight billion dollars on the international accounting standards credit cost controls with generating record free cash flow. as for investment around eighty percent is planned to be spent on exploration and production twenty percent will be spent on processing and marketing currently lukoil produces around ten percent of its oil and gas abroad the company's going to actively develop foreign projects primarily this relates to western africa also we are actively developing the west corner project in iraq we have large projects in kazakhstan azerbaijan egypt saudi arabia and latin america so we have time for now but you can always find more stories on the web site r.t. dot com slash business.
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