tv [untitled] November 30, 2010 8:30pm-9:00pm EST
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socialism good to see don't need to go publicly and run this in the kennel was so true as to retreat. four thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our team easier headline work together with nato or face the possibility of a new arms race president dmitri medvedev gives a stark warning his annual address for the federal assembly he also highlighted ways to modernize the russian economy by corruption and pledge more help for families to tackle the demographic problems facing the country. first weighs in time for barack obama as he makes a last ditch appeal to the senate to ratify a new arms reduction treaty with russia the agreement to cut the nuclear arsenal arsenals of russia and the u.s. was signed by president obama and medvedev in prague in april. and the final whistle blows for bids to host the next two football world cup as competing nations
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await the decision from the sport's governing body russia is up against england and joint bids from spain and portugal and the netherlands and belgium to host the first to host its first world cup defeat the executive committee will announce the winners thursday. of next max kaiser and stacey herbert take a look at what lies behind a shortage of silver recently and discussed talk of ditching the dollar as a reserve currency all the financial news coming your way next in the kaiser report . ok time now for the kaiser report i-max kaiser and checking in from connecticut is stacy herbert stacy heard can you hear me i can hear you max keiser lots going on let's get right to it hit me with a headline well first max i have to tell you you know the f.b.i.
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might walk in on any moment because i am in connecticut and there are raids going on all over the place here all the connecticut hedge fund guys apparently have been you'll be shocked at this max that apparently they've been manipulating markets and insider trading yeah right of course the big headlines are coming out that the hedge funds are involved in insider trading and market manipulation you know the funny thing is that to report the kind of returns that they've been reporting the only way you could do that is by trading on inside information by definition what they do is trade on inside information of course goldman sachs lloyd blankfein all say well he calls it making a market that's a euphemism for breaking the law now the f.c.c. and others are coming down on these guys but i doubt it'll be more than a slap on the wrist of a small civil fine i don't think we'll see anyone it's not true because it's not a c.c. investigating this and it's not a civil matter because it's by the very nature of the fact that it's the f.b.i.
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. reading offices and subpoenaing people it's that's a criminal matter it'll be a criminal matter very exciting so you're in the thick of it greenwich connecticut of course is one of the big hedge fund capitals of the world the f.b.i. is crawling around looking for bad guys and so how's the feeling in there the media feel like the hedge fund managers are hiding under their desks so they're they're seeking asylum in foreign countries or what's it like well that's a very curious thing about this is that you know i watched the local news every night here and. there's nothing at all about this on the local news there's there's nothing at all by the way but about how many people are now camping out in line for black friday the day after thanksgiving so that is the only story that has been in the news nobody's talking about the hedge funds nobody's talking about this headline max china russia quit dollar that's right china and russia are now
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involved in a big currency swap they want to get out of the dollar they want to do deals outside of the u.s. dollar as a reserve currency this of course a put big pressure on the dollar i notice now the china is no longer the biggest buyer of u.s. government bonds japan is no longer the biggest buyer of u.s. government bonds the u.s. government is now the biggest buyer of u.s. government bonds they are smoking their own belly button lint in an attempt to keep the sure rod going just a few more quarter's longer and you've got those shoppers you know they are camping out waiting to get themselves deeper into debt it's kind of like you know getting the news from some farming state you know they have the state fair every year and they got the prize pig you know here you have some price shoppers are going to and gorge themselves with more debt and stuff they can't afford manufactured overseas to reduce or labor ability to get good wages even more well that's great so that the first paragraph of the story max reads china and russia have decided to
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renounce. u.s. dollar well there you have it i mean the who would want to do business in the u.s. dollar the currency is a toxic currency and funds all the wars in the invasion of yemen and stand in iraq it funds all of the t.s.a. agents that are crawling around airports thinking they are you know hands up people's kids looking for gold rings i guess it's a toxic currency nobody wants to be in the dollar anymore so i was also reading this time magazine right here and there is an article about the well the mortgage crisis and whether or not it's a crisis and here is the article max the case of the missing mortgage last documents are leading to contested foreclosures slowing the recovery this is what time magazine found now in this one bit they talked about washington mutual. well it turns out that they've lost one hundred thousand files for mortgages
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and the reason why is because in early two thousand and seven one who shipped one million loan files from a document warehouse in houston that it was shutting down to save money the documents were supposed to go to kwara as mexico you know where all those people are being gunned down. well according to local reports at the time one lost track of a hundred thousand vials during the move to mexico austin livy stuff yeah they were going to send him to building seven down there at the world trade center complex but of course they blew that one up they consented to building seven they already took down building seven as newscasters in the u.s. are now tacitly admitting the fact that that was a controlled demolition so they sent him to war as mexico of course that would work make sense for washington mutual which is now part of the whole wells fargo conglomeration of money launderers and drug banks that's what cobi out so be it out
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of that business now. it makes sense to be close to the source of where you're getting your drug you know money to launder you know whatever he was back is the bank do sure to recycle all the drug money it's hard to keep track and then the other headline of course that isn't really making news but here on the kaiser report is the bailout of ireland eighty five billion euro fund for banks and public finances so the e.u. and the i.m.f. will offer the government of ireland in eighty five billion euro facility we all know this but of course it's this isn't really being discussed so much in the news here big funder of the i.m.f. it was of course the united states but what were they getting the money from whereas anybody there broke the omega for the world bank they have no money all they're doing is they're taking control of this cunt. these debts and they're
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repackaging these debts as more debts except that the interest to be due to a world organization instead of a sovereign country this is how they're going to destroy the sovereignty of ireland greece all these european countries they crash their economies they come in they roll over all the debt refinance all the debt in terms of world bank and i.m.f. debt facility and now all that debt is owed to these global institutions so ireland loses its sovereignty and but they're not they're not being given some kind of relief or cash because the i.m.f. is broke the i.m.f. doesn't have a penny as you say it's mostly the u.s. and the u.s. is sixty trillion dollars in debt they have no money it's just an accounting fraud it's i remember accounting fraud versus allied irish bank or anglo irish bank fraud they're swapping one fraud for a new fraud there's another headline on this as you mentioned now irish bank. there was an interesting little note here is that while the up the words are reluctant to fully nationalize a i b it will need significant new funds one option is that the
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state will be left with a ninety nine point nine percent stake in the bank this point one percent that's not. that's private and that of course max is where all of the good stuff stays right wall reminds me of the mortgage backed securities markets where they saw all toxic loans to banks around the world but they put in one or two percent of u.s. government aaa rated bonds and then moody's came around and said the whole thing is worth aaa based on one minority of the securities being u.s. government bonds and on that basis they were committing massive fraud and enabled by moody's s. and p. fitch all the rating agencies and by the way these rating agencies are now coming into our lead and downgrading their debt and they're saying that if you hold an election in ireland to try to get a new government in place that might not be friendly to our embezzle men we're going to do. greater bombs so that all the movies is involved in financial
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terrorism openly without any fear of retribution by any government because they own all the governments well and of course who's paying for the banking fraud crisis in ireland ireland are scared the plan to cost irish households three thousand pounds this is just and taxes and new taxes. which will be introduced. to all the way everybody will now have to pay taxes even very low income people so up until now fifty percent of the population even have to pay taxes because they earn so little but even there they'll be taxed but that way way way to get away with if you're charging people tax who earn no income that's not a tax that's indentured servitude that's not a tax regime that's a slave regime it's so sad and arlen i saw a report a few days ago that even though horses in ireland are dying off from starvation
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here's a country that you know they love their horses and their horse races they can't afford to keep these animals alive there were running around the countryside and becoming and starving to death i mean this is the state of our island today well of course in the article they're saying that no matter what the irish government doesn't want to cut or what actually to raise the taxes on corporations you know they have the lowest tax rate if not one of the lowest tax rates in ireland in your book that's right they they don't want to discourage the corporations and the banks who totally destroyed their economy from leaving their economy why don't they just invite you know like charles manson springing from jail i'm coming over to ireland and become finance minister i mean that's and that would make sense but max the fact is that a lot of those corporations benefiting from the twelve and a half percent or fifteen percent corporate tax rate they're actually american corporations like google which are just funneling. basically their tax heist of the
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american population exactly if you want cheap labor go to china if you want to pay cheap taxes go to ireland you know if you want to pay if you want to have a lax regulatory environment for your environmental crimes to go to some other territory so there's not the corporations they don't exist on behalf of any one region or country they're merely fractions of a corporation. that are held together by one common theme of fraud and max finally i have some headlines here that i noticed silver shortages accelerate as wholesale supply plunge kreager kaiser one j.p. morgan's zero that's right zero is picked up on this the wholesale market for silver has dried up because of the campaign to disseminate to a decimate j.p. morgan by exposing their multi-billion dollar silver position that they're holding
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short on their books every penny of the price of silver that goes up j.p. morgan comes close to being extinct and i liken this to that scene in star wars remember where luke skywalker this flying into the death star and he asked to hit that exact little spot in the death star to explode the death star that little spot is the vulnerability of the global banking system that's the one little spot of the holds together the entire global banking system if that were to explode and the price of silver go to fifty sixty seventy dollars then j.p. morgan and the u.s. government and the federal reserve bank in washington explode like the death star in star wars so we almost let the force guide us force help us in getting the price of silver to fifty sixty seventy dollars so we put the death star j.p. morgan out of business federal reserve out of business well he didn't dast ours and stuff max i want to cut a few little videos you know we've had this viral video campaign which had i think close to one hundred videos now sent in at least and here's some pretty crazy
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stuff here here's the morning coffee. i'm not sure it looks like a superhero with the car silver here's another one from andrew b. series with a scene from silver apocalypse now this is p.b.r. street we request a strike mission coolants eighty four seven christian by super. and here's one from greenie for ford. as you. say as you see your campaign is spreading across america goes all over the world and we're getting now videos in many different languages this is a global insurrection against the banking occupation for those countries that have not yet been terrorized by the banks on wall street it's still
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a good sign to start buying yourself or go into that little vulnerable spot in the global banking system that j.p. morgan short position on their silver on the balance sheet explode that and the whole thing comes tumbling down and freedom shall reign stacy ever thanks again for being on the kaiser reports thank you max out that keep an eye out for these hedge fund managers you never know if they're in the back yard or anything yeah just if you see one wacko all right that's going to do it for this half of the guys report stay too much more after the break so don't go away. for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers.
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i have come back to the cause the report i'm max kaiser time now to go to new york city and talk with paul la gente of it he's the author of stock investing for dummies and of precious metals for dummies is web site is called raving capitalist dot com paul welcome to the kaiser report oh glad to be here all right paul in your book stock investing for dummies doesn't cover it in the book some of the action we've seen in terms of market manipulation and insider dealing and lack of regulation how does the average investor navigate through a market that's so obviously corrupt well this is basically what the futures markets i mean i i'm a great proponent of telling people that i should be buying bullion among other things says that's hard to manipulate the bullion bill but the prices that were in
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question is some it's been going on in the futures market for a number of years and a lot of it hit its pinnacle in the year two thousand and eight when several large firms will now legibly i have to say allegedly. were going to short some like one hundred thirty eight million ounces of silver in two thousand and eight which caused the price of silver to fall drastically and this is where the issue has been when people worry about you know manipulation or if markets are free enough ok so in the precious metals markets what these pending lawsuits now against j.p. morgan and h.s.b.c. the whistleblower and mcguire in london testifying about rampant manipulation and the hedge funds now around the world sent blood and they know that if morgan h.s.b.c. are forced to cover those shorts it will cause a huge short covering rally in these markets and but getting back to the stock market as a whole though i mean the stock market the cash market the new york stock exchange it's still dominated by high frequency trading program trading out. make trading
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which are fraud this still fraud the average investor how do they navigate around the obvious fraud i mean goldman sachs admits to the algorithmic trading and high frequency trading they made to the to their fraudulent behavior how does the the average investor get around this or did you just go with the flow well you don't go with the flow the bottom line is what is the stock market is the opportunity to buy stock at a particular price and you're buying participation in a particular company for me i was never that worried about how these large players and these potential practices came into being because if i bought a company that had great value at a price i was buying it at in due course it would do well you know what i saw whatever happened the last couple of years you know i did her and evaluation of old the the stocks that i remember telling my students about in my clients about many years ago the ones that i thought were good solid companies decent prices where are they now look five years later most of them are up triple digits see a lot of that stuff at the minute delay should that might cause you know
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a warping of the price in the short term but it tells the average investor that they have to go to the fundamentals if the solid companies solid profits and you're buying at a price that's a decent price in due course you will overcome even some of this. questionable activity by some of the larger entity's ok so value investing over time gets you a decent rate of return certainly you've got stallworth's of this approach with investors like warren buffett proving the value approach but over the longer time now a timeframe we are looking at a situation where the stocks that you're talking about of course are priced in dollars and the u.s. dollar itself is being attacked with all this quantitative easing and fed printing of money and so even if you're up on a percent if you're under up one hundred percent in dollar terms and the u.s. dollar crashes as many argue that it is crashing you're still left with zero. the
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end of the day are you also looking at some of these other more i mean is our precious metals the only way to hedge against the falling crashing dollar or are you looking at stocks in other countries as well well i think select stocks i need to have so i think are still very strong in spite of what you mentioned there because as long as they're tied to things i've been telling my clients and students in recent years that they should only be considering stocks and e.t.f. in those companies and sectors that are tied to human need because this is what's going to overcome a lot of this and a lot of those industries have an easier time mitigating things such as the inflationary impact and for me i tell people buy gold and silver among other things because look bullion is that important diversification away from paper assets i think that the last few years you've seen the trouble with paper assets look any paper investment can go to zero because it's based on somebody's performance like a company or somebody is promised like a bond and even currencies as
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a paper assets those are based on what the promise of a company of a country right because a currency is much like the stock of a particular of a particular company a country so to speak and so for me believe it's a way to diversify away from the risks of paper assets and so for me i've been telling my clients in recent years things that i would never have imagined telling them you know ten or fifteen years ago i for example buying extra assets that they keep for example running a pantry would you believe it telling your financial clients that they should be having more things that have residual value like of all things a painter that has like things like keynes a soup it only because look if there's been problems with currencies you want to still be able have those things that's going to retain their value few years from now as i told my students the other day look what it is they have more value a couple of years from now can a soup or a dollar bill this is really remarkable because it we've come full circle from what peter lynch is the advocate he said if you love campbell soup buy the stock now
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what you're saying is if. love campbell soup the stock buy this soup actually off of the store shelf but we do a little bit of both actually goes that's the versification all right so i would imagine in this portfolio would be stocks that relate to human need as you call it so that would be food and that you have stocks and food but you actually also have stocks of food in your pantry well for me when i say human need see you see how bad the economy is and i think that if you are adequately represented in the statistics we're not in a recession where the depression you know we see the real measure of unemployment it's really in the high double digits and so for me when i say human need think about the things that people will buy no matter how good or bad the economy is people still need food and water energy and by the way because of the way currencies are being overinflated in recent years across the globe i think that precious metals are also human need because it's a store of value that all of us need if we're going to be able to maintain our
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prosperity all right let's let's talk about precious metals here for a second many folks are arguing that or have saying that the gold standard is what caused the depression talk to me a little bit about this well if i if i heard you correctly about there was some people who said that the gold standard caused the great depression. and usually public i'm very measured in my words but i can say that that is probably the most ludicrous stupid destructive fraudulent things i've ever heard said. the goal stated and gold it had nothing to do with the great depression depressions are not caused by something like gold or it's not caused by a free market it's not caused by consumers and producers every depression and world history was caused by systematic blunders by the government so for me i'd love to be able to sit down with these people who have these misconceived notions about what gold does no gold adds you know responsibility to the realm of
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money. currency creation if you could limit that then you would limit a lot of the things that in the causing it look i was born in a communist country and in one thousand. and i left when i was four years old and the a communism is a close and you got all permanent the pression and permanent oppression and in one thousand nine hundred nine they decided to do their own stimulus in one thousand nine hundred nine they start to print up trillions of dinar and what they do caused one of history's worst hyperinflation zz and so the thing is you know if they had if they had the gold standard they would have had. and that hyperinflation led to economic this integration which in turn led to social disintegration and finally yugoslavia collapse into chaos and civil war and it was no more as of one nine hundred ninety four so this notion about the gold standard having causing the great depression it's like it's like blaming seatbelts for a car crash it's insanity well i guess the argument is that gold is
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a limited supply limited commodity therefore you are artificially limiting the growth of the economy whereas if you're not using a gold standard and you're using a fee out currency standard you can then create layers and layers of debt which presumably are going to increase your g.d.p. and this is exactly what has been attempted but hasn't worked very well hasn't paul well here's the thing if i heard you correctly about people thinking that somehow growth is tied to the money supply no that's. here's the thing if that's the case we all know what happened in zimbabwe during the recent years when the hyper inflated their currency could anybody argue that that was a growing economy you know it was it was a socialist rat hole where people suffered tremendously the government horrifically mismanaged that economy and they thought they could mitigated by printing up trillions of their currency no all they did was that they turned woods. products
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there were you know into such an expensive venue that people couldn't afford it it was insanity see real wealth doesn't come from expanding the money supply real wealth happens when you expand production business start up business formation business development more producers you know you increase the stock of goods and services that people use that lowers the price you expand the wealth building capacity of the country through production ok all the inflating the money supply does is increase the cost of these things but does it increase the value of these things so we've got about thirty seconds left on the back to the issue of the silver market and the manipulation. how do you see this playing out and do you think that the manipulation in the summer market is going to be finally ended after you've seen market action in the last few months you may have noticed that the those banks what they're alleging activities have been greatly reducing their activities in the silver market and you've noticed that the price of silver has
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risen to a thirty year highs and i think that if this is a lawsuit that is general is genuinely seeking to minimize this type of manipulative activity you'll see a natural market come in place and because silver is such a finite and such finite worldwide supply you'll see it rising and have overall a more beneficial effect on the silver market and the price of silver in due course . genevieve thanks so much for being on the caza report thank you for having me and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser in states an arm or are they my guest paul my geneviève is going to send me an email please do so at kaiser report r t t v are you until next time this is nice guys are saying.
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