tv [untitled] November 30, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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socialism good to see don't need to go. run to the kennel was a photo retreat. for together with nato or face the possibility of a new arms race president dmitry medvedev gives a stark warning in his annual address to the federalist. time for brock obama as he makes a lot of which appealed to the senate to ratify a new arms reduction treaty with russia. at the last whistle blows for the bids to host the next two football games as competing countries await the decision from the sport's governing body. up next the alone a show this time they take a look at why the wiki leaks is taking a bashing in the mainstream media stay with us. we've got. the biggest issues get the voice face to face with the news makers.
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welcome the lower show we'll get the real headlines with none of the mercy or can live out of washington d.c. now today we're looking at wiki leaks from a different angle at a time where the u.s. presidency is referred to as an imperial want is waking leaks the only way to keep the leader of the free world in check we're going to speak with you about it and speaking of wiki leaks it seems like several media outlets are shutting negative light on the website calling out for blood rather than praising them for exposing the true government so i misspeak with former c.n.n. correspondent jamie mcintyre about the media bashing next to reopen our investigation into fracking corporations came to washington today to defend the dangerous practice of hydraulic fracturing despite the fact that it pollutes
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residents' water and leads to damaging medical consequences r.c.s. christine will join me to discuss the details of the meeting today between the corporations and the government then we'll find out why the department of homeland security specifically ice seized eighty two domain names but that's not the only question we also want to know if it's even legal so to get some answers from mike masnick and the president sat down with republicans for a bipartisan meeting today we're going to tell you who the major players were from the conservative side and we'll speak with politico to find out what all was said behind closed doors when else move on to today's top story. checks and balances they are a fundamental part of the american government they were created to make sure that no one branch has alternate power that no one person can rule as a tyrant and yet in the twentieth century. the term imperial presidency became popular because what it described was real we see with our own current and last presidents president bush who authorized torture president obama who authorizes
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lethal targeting kill operations in other countries so where is the law that's supposed to check those powers well for some reason some of the most influential legal voices who once were fiercely critical of an imperial presidency have become those who legally justify our current and recent presidents actions the examples being john yoo the author of the now infamous torture memos and harold koh the top lawyer to the obama administration's state department go ahead preemptively written a letter to julian assange this past weekend accusing wiki leaks founder of in danger in lives but justifying obama doing the same thing abroad with drone strikes so when the law begins to abandon acquiesce and walk away from the truth is a wiki leaks the only check and balance that's left or earlier i caught up with chatter gee managing editor of corp watch and i first asked him to talk about the term imperial presidency and what it really means. well the term imperial
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presidency is a legal concept that legal lawyers have talked about for some time and the theory basically gives the idea that the president can overrule congress and particularly in times of war and that sort of thing and interests in the one nine hundred ninety s. in the early ninety ninety s. there were two legal scholars the two top universities in america one was you and the other was but we were both you know discussed aspects of this one was very strident his name was john yoo and he later became. a professor u.c. berkeley and he spoke out against clinton who he felt was going to war too much was wasting taxpayer money and he talked about clinton's imperial presidency and there was another legal school scholar at yale and his name is harold koh now howell co protested what clinton was doing he didn't speak so much of the. presidency but he spoke out against treatment of haitian refugees in one town alone and he together with a group of students the president and one and there's
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a book about that called storming the which is quite amazing in itself that i tell you about with these two men right we have two of you i guess you could say the top legal minds in america who had one point were very critical of the presidency of the perhaps has too much authority and then we have both of those men working for people like barack obama in the obama administration working for george w. bush and then essentially making excuses for them and so in saying that in fact oh torture is legal under the law in fact drone strikes are legal under the law how does that happen i think well first of all i think lawyers work for the clients and there's a very simple answer to this so a lawyer will defend a corporation and will defend a individual who's suing the corporation they will defend mudra and they will work for the state that's their job you know and that that actually is a very reasonable thing to do. but i do think that there has been a subtle shift and i think there's a more important issue it is when you have power you know you take that power and
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they say you know power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and i intend. yeah so no i think in the case of john you you could make a very strong argument this is this is the man who actually used this term imperial presidency he's the man who said clinton is wrong clinton is evil and then he becomes you know he was actually junior person in the office of legal counsel department justice and he says it's ok to torture it's ok to wiretap without a warrant and it's ok to do this to you know the enemies of america so and then in fact when he's been interviewed and people say well how could you say that can the president do this isn't is there a treaty that on the treaties that ban this and he says no treaty in the particular question that this professor law professor university would not today deem said was does the president the authority to crush. child's testicles and he said no treaty so he's the man who really flipped you know and he said you know clinton people present and now he's saying bush can do anything you want so what does that tell
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you right because i think that one thing about america is. the law applies here right for the most part of the or at least it used to that people do follow the law and you know we have the free will as soon as you can say whatever you want to put at least you know that there can be some kind of an action that can come from using the law from saying that i want to either you know was the law abiding or it was not and yet now you have. these people essentially saying making bending the law you know making a i guess differences and challenges for the president i would like to believe that the law is something that's absolute but it isn't i hope the justice is is something that is something that let's say we we might agree is something that should be said but laws are written by man most of our men and they were written you know by congress they're not i mean slavery was once legal we all agree now slavery was bad and they were good lawyers who fought against this it now became illegal to enslave somebody will be against the law for once upon a time the united states it was completely so now how do you define you know how
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you could take the constitution and the constitution to actually rather vague document every thinks of it is this wonderful you know we think in america. things are perfect and people have rights but that's not necessarily true that this is something that is hotly debated in law schools the supreme court every single day right and so there are people who believe the president you know has authority of a congress i would defer to people like john yoo and harold koh who would also have differed but now it seems that once you get into power particularly the case of john knew. that they believe they could have power over everyone else now how roco in this particular case has defended the government and the government you know needs to have secrets i think it's the prerogative of the journalist and a free press you know to. the government of the government has broken the laws hillary clinton it is not to question them to hold them accountable i agree with you but what are you saying our piece to is that it seems like we. hear you call
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them as furry heritage and perhaps of their journalist of their or their accomplices are the only ones left right in my place checks and balances on the government so what i said you said if we don't leave this job we ask why are these wiki leaks and all the journals that are out there are they really the same thing why is it wiki leaks we can diggs is a form of journalism you know there are many kinds of journalism this new york times new york times excepts secret documents from many different sources especially from government sources often and then uses it judiciously to publish and to hold a government check so does ricky leaks so does the federation for american scientists do you know many different n.g.o.s from denmark. journalistic outfits from the washington post in democracy now who have a desire russia today people take information they choose what to publish that's what we as journalists are allowed to do we can leaks takes data and we can leaks it's taking that data shows and to hand it over to repeatable journalistic organizations and then to publish some of it some sand what we have read is the
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government reacting to legal minds of course attacking them for it but i mean somebody needs to like you're saying place checks and balances that really means that it's tracksuit protect the answers and the question is who writes the new york times says we as journalists can decide you know what the public needs to know so this weekend i don't always agree with the new york times there are people like judy miller who i think did bad reporting it's a good thing that judy miller militant which is to stand of the government and say i will not review my sources we can leaks you can criticize we can leak for revealing the names of people in afghanistan but in the case of the iraq war logs they made it very sure that not one person's name in those logs so and this time around they also you know that they have a journalist who is the guardian did in fact give the documents to the government to tell them what they wanted. you know too reductive so for thought thank you so much for joining us welcome thank you. well even if the legal community starts
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working side by side with the government rather than questioning it at least we always have the real government watch talk to a whole transparency the media right well not so much in fact the majority of media pundits have not only criticized weiqi leaks and leakers in general and supported the d.o.j. leading an investigation they've turned quite vicious they've begun calling for blood take bill o'reilly for instance. whoever leaked all those state department documents to the wiki leaks website is a traitor and should be executed or put in prison for life as you may know classified information is now floating around the globe courtesy of the traitors and this despicable website which is based in sweden. i just have to wonder did bill think that whoever leaked the pentagon papers also deserved to be assassinated and then if we move beyond the one who stole the information to the source that they gave it to to wiki leaks an organization that exists within no real national boundaries suddenly the media supports circumventing all lost to go out and get the
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take bill kristol who in an article entitled whack wiki leaks wrote the following in either case congress can act in an expeditious and bipartisan manner to encourage and authorize the use by the executive branch of all necessary means to respond and defeat within weeks all necessary so what does that say about our media culture have they given up on exposing the government decided instead only to cuddle it or discuss it with me is jamie mcintyre former senior pentagon correspondent jamie thanks so much for being here today for having now to tell me what's going on because honestly we have bill o'reilly coming out while he's talking about the whistleblower right saying of a need to be executed you have bill kristol saying that i don't care anymore let the president of the executive branch do whatever they need just to defeat these people get rid of them i mean it sounds like people are going crazy to me you know if the media were so upset about these revelations you think maybe they would exercise some restraint in reporting them but they're going right along with everybody else is an element of hypocrisy here plus you know the government does
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have tools to go out they can go after the source of the leak the person who actually gave won't be when they are doing i mean if you bradley manning they've also been the victim also prosecute news organizations and people under the espionage act if they can get them you know a lot of people forget what the pentagon papers case the government considered prosecuting the new york times for publishing the probably. papers under the espionage act they decided the end it was going to be counterproductive but the good news organizations are not exempt from that and frankly i think you know julian assange is not the bad guy here he's just the he's just the military as essentially the middleman but i mean do you think of the governor and not the government isn't it the media has somehow stopped becoming a government watchdog and instead want to up hold them and whatever they do i think they will have their cake and eat it too they want to get they want to get the leaks but they only want the leaks that they think are the good leaks now you know i'm going to big fan of wiki leaks and i think that their method of indiscriminately putting huge amounts of material out there it does make the
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conduct of foreign policy for the united states government much more difficult when they don't feel like they can have any sort of private conversations it's no secret that diplomats in private are not nearly so diplomatic as they are and well i think that's been made obvious here by the very frankly had i thought you knew that but who are these diplomats here because one thing right is that everybody is saying that this really puts into question america's diplomacy with the rest of the world but i mean are these just kind of low level guys were going through a scene that was recorded here and there it was a really really get over it and it's you know it's a little bear it's all awkward to have boost sort of unflattering things come out in public that you thought were going to be private but the real problem here is that the united states if it wants to conduct diplomacy in secret needs to learn how to keep it secret and they haven't adapted to the information age the fact that a low level person could get access to hundreds of thousands of pages that would embarrass the u.s. government and give them to anybody and you know the element of hypocrisy here i
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think is if you take weekly leaks out of the picture assume that this person just gave these documents directly to the new york times or to some other news organization you're going to tell me that they wouldn't get that people wouldn't report this on the one who are saying you know we're shocked shocked that this would be reported on the other hand they're perfectly happy to jump on all the juicy gossip that kind of thing there are some who wouldn't be right they want to report it but that's where i am. more the question comes in who is knew there was job was a reporter because it's their job to expose the government to let truth out there to you know to go along with transparency or are they that's the big flaw in the whole this whole wiki leaks thing is that despite what many people say there are a whole lot of big truths that have been exposed but there's been a lot of really sort of tantalizing little gossip items and again some details so i was saying off with their head this is the worst organization that's ever existed we have lawmakers saying they should be considered a foreign terrorist organization even if this isn't mean anything you know if they
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all do is embarrassed the government the same way that a sex scandal would well then what's the big deal they're ticked off and who's you know it's embarrassing garson it's awkward it makes life more difficult but journalists should not be on the side of arguing for more secrecy that the natural result of this is going to be more secrecy you know less frankness and cables more caution and then it's going to be harder to find out what's going on and sort of a counterproductive. effect to tell me what you think because we. said that their next big leak is going after and major us back right everyone is shattering because we just can't wait to see someone on wall street go down do you think the media's going to react differently there when suddenly it's not their government but it's a bank they are going to be would not surprise me because it's much easier to demonize banks and big financial institutions or big corporations every ten people tend to think they're greedy anyway so yeah but i want everyone is not a very you know i want a banker and i said some in politics things in emails or other records. right now now i think
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a lot of people are looking forward to that day happening that is for sure but you know i definitely think of the media's going a little crazy here information needs to be put out there and they did in fact work with the government to redact those names which even some people are criticizing them for doing that saying that they you know listens to the government too much rather than putting out what they need to do so chill out people thank you so much you know you're going to have our we've got. a lot more ahead on tonight's show the religious right is taking on and from likely to tell you why they have a problem with environmentalists from just a moment and we've discussed fracking on this show numerous times today big business came to these to try to persuade the government of the method of drilling for natural gas is completely safe artie's christine present reports when we come back.
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more news today is once again flared up. in these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. joint operation through the day. wealthy british scientists it's time to. go. to. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy is really hard on our. have you ever heard of the green dragon according to a group called the cornwall alliance the green dragon is a name that's been given to a radical environmental activists who are using the message of climate change to take over the world sounds strange but we thought so too that is until we found out
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who is behind this movement you see several religious leaders in the us have deemed the green environmentalist efforts as a new religion taking attention away from god and all of his mighty glory they specifically target the school systems that are teaching children about climate change or global warming rather than god almighty so cornwall life has created a mini series this sad light on the evil of gender of environmentalist check it out . the so-called green dragon is seducing your children in our classrooms and popular culture it's less for political power now expensive the highest global levels and it's twisted view of the world elevates nature of the needs of people of even the poorest and the most helpless. yup according to this group those who are concerned about climate change global warming anything that involves the green movement they are in fact the anti christ according the group's website they believe that all life will survive according to james four seven which says so
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admit therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you and to the religious right that means of the bible has confronted environmental fears and gods a wise design people and nature are going to thrive together so there you go no need to worry about human impacts on the environment which seems absolutely crazy but remember just a few weeks ago when illinois congressman john shimkus who is a candidate to chair the energy and commerce committee said something eerily similar. and only when you claim it's time to be over. man will not destroy this earth this earth will not be destroyed by a flood. it is just so disturbing to me that the cornwall alliance is message is actually getting through to elected officials now for those of us who have not yet come to see the light we can purchase this mini series about the scary green dragon for only fifty bucks so let's get this straight religious leaders all over the
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country not only think that climate change and global warming are fake they also want to charge people of blind faith money to get them to turn their backs on saving the environment let's just hope that somewhere out there there are still people who have the sensibility and the sanity to see how crazy these people truly are. big corporations versus small communities that's a match up that we're seeing more often and this time the conflict surrounds fracking as more people learn about the dangerous effects of hydraulic fracturing of movement against it is gaining steam so today fracking companies took their case to d.c. in hopes of keeping their drilling practices alive without disclosure artie's christine for as our house the story. first there was big oil heavily relied on by big boys big toys and big business. now it seems that big gas is next with scenes like this popping up all over the country where companies
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drill for natural gas by fracturing the shale below the earth. and extracting the natural gas from it it's told by many as the best option compared to coal and oil natural gas story is american most of our oil is recorded now we're sixty five percent of their cities it's clean burning so it's cleaner than your coal or oil or. it's affordable this is lee fuller of the independent petroleum association of america speaking on this panel at the heritage foundation to protect his industry and its huge profits from regulation and oversight. he says public disclosure of the toxic chemicals pumped into the earth will only lead to public misunderstanding and panic people can be scared of chemicals if you give them enough fear they can be responsive to fracking became exempt from the federal safe
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drinking water act of the energy policy act of two thousand and five largely with the help of then vice president dick cheney the former c.e.o. of halliburton a corporation deeply involved in the fracking industry many lawmakers here on capitol hill have fought to try to get the fracking industry regulated but time and time again they've faced fierce opposition. from other lawmakers and lobbyists and whose best interests it is to have those industry secrets to think that someone here in washington knows better about what needs to be done in pennsylvania colorado or texas is a real tough sell so why regulate this wonderful practice especially when there's been so much talk about the shelia nair's and others who have benefited from natural gas drilling i've got a copy of the. oh my look at that four hundred thirty four thousand dollars just like that and it fell out of sky but less has been said about the polluted drinking water of hundreds of other people people like pot for
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not only endemic pennsylvania this is a catastrophe you know we're basically living at ground zero for a catastrophe and everyone is overlooking it because they're listening to the gas well companies who are saying everything is fine this is great we have such a wonderful opportunity this is going to bring your depressed period jobs some residents save their water to show others what they're dealing with others so they can light it on fire and in louisiana seventeen cows grazing near a drilling site were found dead after the fracking fluid runoff got into their drinking water the issue has raised red flags around the country some celebrities are even jumping on board to raise awareness of the dangers of fracking. someone apparently didn't think actor mark ruff alone was doing it right he just discovered he's been placed on a terror alert watch list after his actions caught the eye of the pennsylvania department of homeland security all are saying here in new york is ok we're you
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know we don't have to do this here and we can slow it down and we can make sure that we do this right. a clue the government is involved too so how much power does big business really have. when it the oil and gas industry it seems they will allow nothing to stand in the way of their quest for a freer hand and a quicker profit in washington christine for zero r.t. . well christine joins me now in the studio to give us more on this story christine tell me one of these meetings was a hearing today where there are residents there as well talking to you know the representatives telling them their side of the story talking about their experiences their dirty drinking water well let's break this down the piece you saw in my report that was a panel discussion at the heritage foundation there was also a four that was put on by the department of the interior ken salazar getting the input from a lot of different people but it was no residence at all it was all industry people
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people who answer to the president as far as energy and climate people with the bureau of land management all different sort of the higher ups as well as lobbyists who have interest in this giving very piece but the most interesting thing is that this wasn't about how it harms certainly most people here say it benefits they say secretary of the interior ken salazar said this is for good for homeland security this is good for energy this is good all around but there wasn't anyone as you mention there are no residents giving sort of the negative impact the main discussion of the center of this discussion was disclosure should these big corporations have to disclose what they put in the ground or not and of course this meeting of the heritage foundation all the corporations are saying no because if you tell people we saw you know the sound bite from him that if you tell people about chemicals and they tend to freak out i would it sounds like a really take. you know argument to me he made that point time and time again they're worth it to be fair there were three people on the panel and one of them said you should disclose everything and if you don't have anything to hide then why
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should you be worried about disclosing it and you should just disclose it so we can move on with this discussion so that people feel less freaked out but there's a lot of different points to make here alone when i went to different kinds of ania and i met these people a lot of them got very sick if they don't know what chemicals they're getting sick from because the company that's putting the chemicals in the ground doesn't have to tell anyone how can they be treated how can the land where the. plants are dying be treated i mean this is a perfect storm here you saw dead animals sick people secret chemicals i mean it sounds like a horror movie here yet we you saw it first hand so at this panel you know were they giving any reasons why they think the chemicals aren't that harmful in terms of i don't know you know facts charts graphics no that was the most interesting thing three times mr fuller that you saw in my piece lee fuller he said that we shouldn't have to say this because the public won't understand we understand that
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we can give it to regulators people who can break down what these chemicals are and how they can affect people but if we tell people for example that diesel is going into you know the same water that they're drinking water is coming from it's going to make them freak out even though they showed it well cigarette companies do it and that doesn't seem to be making anyone abstain from smoking right i think one of the most one of the things that's most ridiculous to you is we spoke about this yesterday on the show that you know after mark russell oh now because you organize from screenings of a documentary about fracking has been placed on a terror watch list so i mean does that give you the impression that there's some kind of a sketchy. or work going on between the government and the businesses all right i mean there's two documentaries that have come out split a state and then gas one in the h.b.o. documentary this is the one that mark russell has been organizing people to come watch but a lot of his activism and his work with these communities has brought a lot of people out and it sort of changed the debate change the discussion and even change the way things are going with drilling in the marcellus shale intensive
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in pennsylvania the pennsylvania department of homeland security as you said caught on to this and really you know no evidence exactly why you got put on that list but yet you got all clearly he scared somebody christine thanks so much well coming up on tonight's show a congressman who has a history of apologizing to oil executives is out of the game and lands in our tool time segment and department of homeland security is cracking down on doing. names they claim that it's for copyright infringement but i think really allowed to have that power and this week with mike masnick founder of the tough start logging system a.
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