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tv   [untitled]    November 30, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. easier headlines work together with nato or face the possibility of a new arms race president dmitry medvedev gives a stark warning in his annual address to the federal assembly he also highlighted ways to modernize the russian economy fight corruption and pledged more help for families to tackle the demographic problems facing russia. for suasion time for barack obama as he makes a last ditch appeal to the senate to ratify the new arms reduction treaty with russia to cut the nuclear arsenals of russia and the u.s. was signed by presidents obama and medvedev in prague in april. and the final whistle blows for bids to host the next two football world cups as competing
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nations await the decision from the sport's governing body rushes up against england and joint bids from spain and portugal and the netherlands and belgium goes to its first world cup defeat executive committee will announce the winners thursday. back to washington after the second party alone to show up next the us department of homeland security has been seizing website don't name me domain names find out what this has to do with keeping the us safe up next. time for tonight's tool time award and we're giving it to a repeat winner texas congressman joe barton you may recall when he first gained notoriety back in june of this here when the head of b.p. was testifying on capitol hill at the height of the gulf oil spill he made these comments about a twenty billion dollars fund of the white house forced b.p.
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to set up to pay for the damages take a listen but i'm ashamed of what happened in the white house yesterday i think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what i would characterize as a shakedown. in this case a twenty billion dollars shakedown. now that comment caused a firestorm that almost caused bar in his position on the house energy and commerce committee and other republicans have retaken the house barton has once again set his sights on the chairmanship of that committee and in a slide presentation he e-mailed to colleagues he laid out his plans on the obama white house very simple declare war take a look at the presentation it shows photos of generals dwight eisenhower omar bradley and george patton barton says that speaker john boehner is our dwight eisenhower in the battle against the obama administration what jordi leader eric
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cantor is our omar bradley and i want to be george patton put anything in my scope and i will shoot it wonderful wonderful so congressman barton is actually comparing the g.o.p. to world war two leaders and the obama white house as the enemy regimes of that era was born you know who the enemy was during world war two you know the nazis that's a really tasteful they at least he isn't calling democrats socialists right sounds like joe barton has done of the get made another dumb and irresponsible comment and that's why his nights to a time where. now for the holiday season how would you like to get your hands on the hottest item out there it's shiny it flies without a pilot and it can do a whole lot of damage any guesses yet well if you're thinking drones then you're right according to wired dot com several countries are looking to the united states to fulfill their christmas wish list it turns out the countries ranging from turkey
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to the united arab emirates all want to get their hands on the u.s. military's shiny new toy like i said there drones were revealed in the wiki leaks documents several countries have their eye on predator b. which up until now has only been sold to a select few countries now it's well know the arab emirates love to spend money and there's already a strong u.s. military presence in that country but they still want to own one of those silent bad boys for themselves and turkey they've relied on drone reconnaissance from the u.s. for so long that now they're hooked on drones as well so could this be the ultimate gadget every country's wish list and certainly starting to look that way but while all of those countries are pleading with the u.s. begging them to give them their own drones let's turn the tables for a minute let's show the irreparable damage caused by these shiny military toys a pakistani tribesmen is now suing the cia after a drone strike killed his brother and his son while attempting to take out members of al qaeda kareem khan from north waziristan is seeking five hundred million
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dollars in compensation saying the u.s. is hoarding thousands of civilians all attempting to hunt down the terrorist organization he explained at a news conference the other day that he is simply seeking justice because his brother and his son are innocent victims of u.s. drone strikes and i think we all know that well khan probably is never going to get five hundred million dollars from the cia unfortunately the world doesn't work that way definitely not for tribesmen trying to take on the u.s. government but i for one fully support him and his lawsuit after all he's right in saying that his for. amalie were the innocent victims of drone strikes if nothing else hopefully it'll raise awareness of the side effects of drone strikes in foreign countries and it's definitely a glaring reminder that even though countries look to these drones as shiny fun toys these toys have a very real and potentially deadly outcome. if you go to the department of homeland security's website and i'll tell you that they have
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a vital mission a clear goal keeping america safe that's a rather broad mission statement and if we look at apartments recent actions you have to wonder if they're expanding they're off already a little too far over the thanksgiving holiday eighty two domain names were seized by d.h.s.s. and more specifically by ice that's immigration and customs enforcement and they did this in the name of protecting american ideas and products from counterfeiters and pirates on the internet those evil people the might want to download something for free and get this it all happened without congress yet passing the combating online infringement and counterfeits act which if passed will give the government the ability to make entire websites disappear from the internet if they find infringement to be deemed the central central to the purpose of the site so if the bill hasn't been passed then what is homeland security doing seizing domains and as act as a sign of more to come join me to discuss it as mike masnick founder of the tech
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blog and the president and c.e.o. of floor sixty four mike nice to see you again it's been a while yeah thanks for having me oh it's great to be on the show tell me this first starters this is the most puzzling piece of the puzzle or you know of the whole story to me is why did ice immigrations and customs enforcement seize domain names and what do they have to do with copyright infringement. yeah it's really kind of a strange i mean basically they sort of claim that they have a mandate over cyber issues and so the i think they're sort of stretching what the mandate is to to try to make it include copyright issues when it's really not clear if that's a fish the end of their mandate or issues that just seems so bizarre to me but legally canada part of homeland security yet with without congress yet passing this bill can even do that can they seize domain names well it's definitely
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a really big question i mean there you know their argument is that it fits under sort of standard criminal forfeiture or seizure of property and those laws have been sort of stretched and stretched further and further i think this really pushes the boundary and i think that there's actually a pretty good chance that at least some of the sites that have their domain seized might actually challenge this and or we might you know find out that no legally they can't i think in short term they're hoping that most of these sites actually don't challenge it and just kind of go away and i'm not sure that's going to be the case this time around well even if they do claim to have a legal justification for this shouldn't they at least give the site some warning beforehand shouldn't they at least take it to trial before they just say or shut down. yeah i mean there's there's a few different constitutional questions here i mean there's this sort of straight due process question of you know can you take something before there's actually been a trial there was you know the court did issue a warrant but that's very very different from having
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a full ever served trial you know the sites involved say that they were never informed they never had any communication so there's definitely a big you know question about whether or not this violates basic you know innocent before proven guilty but there's also a question of traditional first amendment free speech each right some of the sites that were taken down two of the sites were pure blogs talking about hip hop and the rap world and you know there's a plenty of not infringing content on there and there are all sorts of cases about this is the issue of prior restraint whether or not the government can block the publication of speech shows basic sort of free speech issue so i think there are a lot of questions about you know whether or not this was legal in any way and of course perhaps the most disconcerting thing for the government is that apparently it must of these sites popped right back that surely afterwards they just went to a different place is that right yeah i mean one of the funny things about the way the way that they seize these domains is they didn't seize the sites they didn't
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seize the servers that hosted them they didn't seize any of the content all they did was they got verizon which runs the dot com domain. database to basically remove that entry and move it over to a company hired by homeland security to handle this so the actual web sites themselves still exist and you could go there directly by their ip addresses and a lot of them have simply just you know picked up new domains that are controlled by verizon and are hopefully you know outside of the ability of homeland security to just go and seize that domain name but if that starts happening right if obvious sites start going to different domain names does that in effect put our network you know into more danger than the homeland security has even less control right. i mean there are all sorts of questions that are brought up why you know what it does is it really does sort of call into question the whole set up of the way domain names are currently allocated and who has the rights to them and there are some
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pretty reasonable fears that if homeland security or if other aspects of the government you know under that. bill you know that would allow the. justice department to start doing something very similar you know does that break the way the internet has always functioned in the past and that's a pretty serious thing to consider well it definitely seems that way especially if as you mentioned you know some of the sites that were shut down were hip hop you know blogs or perhaps search engines not necessarily something that focuses just on infringement and that is just that's just blatant censorship i think that makes us all have to worry about it but i guess one thing that we're hearing is it doesn't homeland security have anything better to do don't they have more important things to be worrying about i mean this just makes it seem like the entertainment industry really has them in their pocket yeah i mean it's really kind of scary because obviously there's a there's a lot of really important things that you think security should be working on and
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the idea that they should be worried about you know what is happening to these businesses is really kind of troubling and when you know this is sort of the second time that security seized a bunch of sites and the earlier time back in the summer they actually announced it at disney's headquarters which really raised a lot of questions because you know homeland security's not supposed to be working for any corporation they're supposed to be working for you know to protect the american people and it seems very very strange that they would be involved in in a case that was blatantly you know working behalf of a corporation keep america safe why is it what it says on their website so in terms of this bill that the congress has yet to pass is it only a matter of time do you think that it's you know just a when and if it actually goes through. there was some concern really on the entertainment industry's really push to get it get it through as quickly as possible thankfully there's been a long enough pushback that i think it's been it's been held off for now and already some aspects of the really really worst of the bill it looks like that's
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going to get cut out of it so it's a little unclear i think it's a little early to say i know that there's there's a really really strong push for it and you know what we're talking about the sort of industries and these kind of lobbyists they have a history of getting what they want in the long run so it's still a little touch and go but it it's not it's not a great situation right now and that's a what taxpayer should be up in arms about right as i thought were the whole focus is supposed to be on jobs in the economy right now now what the entertainment industry wants and mike thanks so much for joining us thanks for having me. so to come tonight we talk about the tea party but how about just how boy had explained that moment at the white house met with g.o.p. leaders today trying to make nice after the show lacking in term elections can both sides really work together or is this just the latest p.r. stunt from obama and the republicans they've got nice political reporter for
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politico joins me next. a closer. to the times. where rich academic life gives birth you know the demands. are she goes to the area which together with boosting industrial development. or is to make a journey into bridges history. and to enjoy the culture like. welcome to the region. on our. for six months the russian capital was in a state of siege for days and nights people lived in fear of occupation and were preparing for the desperate defense intense battles took a heavy toll and. then the summit on me switch to the
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offensive that was the first sunni or defeat of the wehrmacht. battle for moscow an arche. good samaritan. excellent professional. medics traveling and much possessing an extra ordinary car. the doctor who helped many people in his country. the political criminal responsible for thousands of deaths. was it an attempt to repent. or just escape a fair trial. the other life. on our team.
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it should be trying to. move. from science to action so. we don't don't. there is a major incredibly pressing issue facing two incoming members of congress and it's not national security it's not jobs debt or the housing crisis now in fact it's cowboy hats fredricka wilson and billy long will be sworn in next january and while she's a democrat he's a republican they do share a bipartisan love of cowboy hats in fact the two of doves themselves the cowboy hat caucus i would almost be cute if they did they want to puke well luckily for us so
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they might run into a little problem when they arrive in d.c. full time you see you're not allowed to wear hats on the house floor there's a rule banning hats and it dates all the way back to eight hundred thirty seven but these two incoming freshman say that they're going to lobby presumptive speaker of the house john boehner to let them wear their trademark hats while the house is in session wilson told the miami herald that she has been wearing hats every day for about twenty five years as a way to honor her grandmother who is from the bahamas i was really where the cowboy hats come from the bahamian culture but anyway that's neither here nor there a law says the cowboy hat is his trademark so when the two spot of each other at the freshman orientation it was a love at first sight they even posed in the freshman class photo with their hats on the cute now obviously my first response to the story was a repulsion but hell if it happened to make it democrats and republican friends maybe obama should have handed out cowboy hats to a summit with g.o.p. leaders and damn leaders. and speaking of that nearly one month
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after the g.o.p. scored big wins in the midterm election republican leaders finally held a meeting with president obama today to talk about the future and how the two parties can work together the meeting also included democratic leaders but this was the first face to face meeting the g.o.p. and obama have had since the republican power search so who are the new all powerful well we decided to take a detailed look we start with senator mitch mcconnell the minority leader for weeks he has made comments saying the g.o.p. has goal over the next two years is to make sure that obama is a one term president but today he was preaching working together said that their meeting was frank and productive you're right and he was followed by senator jon kyl of arizona this suspect hasn't been the most trustworthy at keeping his word in recent weeks he said he was all for a start treaty then last week he all of a sudden said that he's not going to vote for in the lame duck session he also back
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to ban on earmarks and three days later he placed a two hundred million dollars earmark in a bill that was passed in the senate that is leadership for you now on the house side you had mr orange himself the next speaker of the house john boehner was there it's been reported that the president and boehner have tried to make nice recently but he's made repealing obamacare and extending the bush tax cuts his top priority so i'm still betting their relationship is going to be frosty no matter how nice they play for the t.v. cameras and also have the meeting minority whip eric cantor often called the boy wonder he says the president hasn't reached out enough to the g.o.p. but every time he's been one of a t.v. camera he has only bashed obama and many say that he'll be obama's worst nightmare over the next two years so now that we know the personalities involved it's a little hard to believe that the meeting was as hunky dory as the president says it was in the press conference following it so what we really think went on behind closed doors or join me to discuss it is dave. news political reporter for politico
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today thanks so much for being here good to be here i want to start with what happened perceiving the summit right because it was announced for one date then they had to postpone it but it turns out that it wasn't even really a summit it's just one meeting of many more to come and it only lasted a little more than an hour i mean can't we operate that sounds doomed from the start you sort of have to like him is to the junior prom right boys are on one side of the room the girls are on the other sort of looking at each other feeling each other around was from going to come forward that's what happened here they had this meeting scheduled they postponed it i don't think the republicans were ready yet they were on the same page they just come out of this election where they had huge gains so and then there was all this you know whose whose fault was it you know was the white house's fault was it a dis finally what happened they got into the same room there and mccool amicable to each other because when you have to sit across from someone it is much harder to lodge a personal attack alone if i'm sitting across from you is much harder is
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a oh she's a terrible i really have to talk to people i don't like every day and it's very so i mean so i mean but it's tougher to do that so i think what happened today was a lot of showmanship there's going to be a lot of coverage about this what happened there's not a lot of substance involve you're going to the t.v. cameras in there that shows them having exchanges but when it comes down to it they're going to stay where they are on the issues although we will see obama did appoint make an appointment of timothy geithner the secretary treasury to say go work out a deal on tax cuts so what i mean you've pointed at his treasury secretary who was already there and said go make a deal on tax cuts couldn't they have been doing this all along they didn't reach a deal in this meeting on tax because they didn't reach a deal in this meeting on the start treaty these are the two biggest issues at the moment it's i mean it's completely symbolic the one thing that i think was significant that president obama acknowledged he didn't do enough to reach across to republicans i think he looked at the election results and said look i lost sixty three seats in the house i lost seats in the senate we lost governorships i've got
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a. acknowledge some responsibility here so this is sort of his olive branch saying look like a hammer all this out today but look i need to do more to reach out to you mr boehner so here's my guy here's my right hand man secretary treasury he's going to try to work with you on some of these tax cuts issues but as far as substantially they still have huge differences the president saying he does not want to extend the tax cuts to those making over two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year the republicans say everyone gets a tax cut so they don't want to but you know i by the way now thanks to your little reference to junior school dances i'm just picturing them all slow dancing like i think i got very. very touching you know each other's shoulders here but that's what's so interesting about what you mention is that obama finally seems to have conceded somehow it finally slapped him in the head that he realized oh hey we lost of those midterm elections almost a month ago but the republicans took this so differently you know where obama said that this means the american people want my bio more bipartisanship they want us to
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work together to reach across the aisle the republicans thought that you know the message of the voter center is saying no to everything the democrats want and that's you got to think of boehner and mcconnell have been there think about the new members who's just spent the last year running against obama running to go repeal health care repeal you know take away the stimulus not spend the unspent money in the stimulus bill so be very very careful because they've got sort of this tea party this new caucus and you have yours coming in that feel like they have a mandate from the voters to oppose bomb on every front it's very hard for them with their new majority this is what gave them the new majority to go in and compromise and president obama president obama his advisors are obviously aware of this so they need to tread carefully too but i think symbolically the white house was smart and saying ok we're going to try to compromise you know we will come to you i didn't do as much as i should we'll come to you but all that is don't think you know if you ask a lot of the progressive base of the white house is getting frustrated for that
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it's a lie. because all you ever want to do is compromise you know lay down and say ok fine you can have this too ok fine you can have this too and we've had a discussion many times on this show that you know where did obama's balls go i mean i want to see it coming from this guy but i want to talk about some of the the characters to who do you think is really going to be obama's biggest nightmare over the next two years some are saying it's going to be cantor you know i'm not sure i think as far as a nightmare i think you have to look at the new class i mean look at rand paul this is someone who came in and said we need to we need cuts across the board you know he thinks obamacare is unconstitutional and he was very blunt during his campaign about it so i think you're going to have some people like him going to the senate for money even mitch mcconnell is going to be able to control him you know and i think similar members in the house remember this about john boehner though he was not a cheat he's not a tea partier he's embracing them right now but this guy is an old fashioned country club republican and i think now that the republicans have controlled one of the chambers there's sort of responsible for governor governing and he's going to
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look for some area to cut a deal is going to be on tax cuts possibly it doesn't look like it now but we don't know how these things works banner in the sense that he has control the house republicans are going to be more responsible for governing because the liberals the democrats can be saying mr boehner where the jobs you know you're on now it's their turn to start your start pointing finger you have a hand in this that they're going to be held accountable but what about is there going to be some tension i mean there has been in the past at least between boehner and counter they don't necessarily see eye to eye and like you said boehner is not a tea partier so are we going to start seeing this whole g.o.p. momentum start you know fraying falling apart i think they're going to be pretty united because obama unites them unless they beat obama you know i think that is going to be a driving force mitch mcconnell as you said in your piece there that's his goal but it's interesting because cantor and boehner are rivals people on the hill have already talked about their relationship these are two you know ambitious politicians the republicans neither of them are tea party members i'm interested to
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watch some of these. new members come in to see how they react to the leadership decisions if you're is able to strike a deal with being in or just tea party in the house revolt and blame boehner and that's where you get the tension and some of the inner fighting me that you. lastly very quickly are we just going to see everybody get even crazier and even meaner and point more fingers and there are more name calling in the next two years i mean it's it's two years away from crowther presidential election they've got a window because the closer you get to twenty twelve the tougher it gets it's going to get nastier and more partisan but i think they have a window in the early months january march where they could do some bipartisan legislation to i think they're going to do don't ask don't tell the dream act some of the legislation that you referred to in this lame duck no that's not going to happen but tax cuts politicians if they're smart they're not going to people's taxes to go up somebody you know they're going to extent they're going to figure out about. the water thing everything else i'm sure they'll find an excuse. to ignore and dave thanks so much for being here are before we go it's time for our
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tweet of the day on the pentagon has released a study and it says that the military is ready to allow gays and lesbians to serve openly the right wing well they can't stand the results they are now calling for more studies and for a slow process so here's our tweet to the g.o.p. homophobic machine it only took god six days to create earth so how long can you possibly need to repeat repeal of don't ask don't tell that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure you guys come back tomorrow wonkette blogger sarah palin costal be joining us in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights you can always catch it all you. want to show we post the interviews as well as the show in its entirety and don't forget also to answer our questions this week coming up next as the news of the latest headlines from the u.s. around the world. we'll
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