tv [untitled] December 1, 2010 2:00pm-2:29pm EST
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the countries bidding for the hosting right see the world cup twenty eighteen and twenty twenty two are making a final push with russia as one of the favorites. but we should be doing is saying to our friends we will help you come out of the euro and get back to having euro currency fresh protests sweep across europe against the need to bail out failing economies with italy among the next at risk following the fate of greece and ireland a report coming up. presently but it came from the leading players in european security to push aside the stereotypes of the past and work together for the sake of future stability.
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hello this is r t it's no ten moscow time it's kevin and here in our studios at r.t. tonight with the lead story for you in the fight for the right to host football's world cup centered its final stage with cabinet countries making their last presentations with russia's bid for the twenty eighteen told them it said to be one of the strongest amongst them but it does face stiff competition from western europe as you'd expect artie's team covering events plenty of people there is reporting now from outside the fee for media center. well the main event for today is the presentation of the countries bidding for the hosting rights of the world cup twenty twenty two now we saw a lot more of the big names coming into town i was just at the afifa headquarters convoys coming in the media waiting outside so there's a lot of excitement surrounding the event of course well we've heard that prime minister vladimir putin won't be coming because he doesn't want to put pressure on the fact well we'll talk more about that later on but first let's have
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a little bit of a background and a look at russia's bid. twenty eighteen we believe this banner at russia's latest international friendly described how fans felt about russia getting the world cup but does the country with a rich football tradition stand a chance of becoming hosts. the dutch coach of the national team certainly hope so even though his home country is among the big. we need the world to. infrastructure. because the majority of the. many experts agree with that notion believing that russia lags behind its rivals in terms of infrastructure but that is about to change according to those behind moscow's bid this is the denominator stadium moscow's oldest this is where history's greatest football goalkeeper russian spent his glittering career
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the game's legend did not live to see his home ground being transformed it is now under construction to become an ultra morden stadium. all in all russia plans to build sixteen stadiums for the world cup games a graphic presentation shows clearly that all grounds will be high tech the head of russia's bidding committee says even if it loses the right to host the cup it has won in other ways to look at. every promise that we have. to the being fulfilled. right now as we speak. we do have a lot of things to built but it's no secret and we have already started that even regardless of the first choice. of sixteen stadiums will be built regardless of the outcome of the december second food bowl or supplying both in russia and abroad are relishing the prospect of playing on world class pitches but they say russia
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needs the world cup to both revive its one strong football traditions and to open the country to the rest of the footballing world. will be playing at that cup anyway but i think it will be the biggest victory for my country if it gets this world cup game brings people together. it's a great aunts a huge storm in europe even to the south africa was a great success you know and something like that is a huge thing and i'm sure the people. experts say thursday's voting in zurich will be completely unpredictable the british press however believes that russia's bid and the joint one of spain portugal are favored to win the russian delegation hopes it will be able to impress the fee for executive committee just as russia's olympic bid team did in guatemala to win the winter games for sochi. russia. reporting from moscow. well there's been a lot of attention given to russia the russian bear especially from the british
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press now one of the main questions coming from them is whether prime minister vladimir putin is coming well now he said that he will be staying home and he's also made comments on the media allegations of corruption in a fever and now joining us in the discussion is r.t. sports presenter andrew farmer no andrew what do you what impact do you think it will have on russia's bid well it sounds like bad news doesn't it that mr putin is decided to stay home but actually could be a p.r. masterstroke because he's actually sounding very sympathetic towards fee for in the executive committee saying he's staying at home because he doesn't want to put pressure on them he's come out to criticize the timing of the media campaign which is alleged corruption within feet for saying that this whole event which is here really to decide who will host the next two world cups has turned into something of a smear campaign so i think members of the fee for executive committee hearing these remarks this evening could actually be quite appreciative ok well he's not coming but russia does have reinforcements right. here along with chelsea owner
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roman abramovich they'll be pushing brushes case despite peter not being here it's worth mentioning that russia still leads this race in the minds of the bookmakers they're the clear favorite still with england second they have their prime minister david cameron here along with prince william and david beckham pushing their case then it's spain and portugal back in five to one they were the joint leaders at one stage with russia i don't know what happened there and then we have belgium and holland bringing up the rear but what's more is going to be a big day the contenders for the twenty eight hundred world cup will be making their final presentation to russia is going to make their presentation last now that could be a good thing some say that that's actually an advantage for russia i think it could be because there will be that with the last message that the fever executive will hear before they make their vote another point worth making is that sepp blatter the fee for president has the casting vote on this occasion and what that means is various friends of. and the winning bid will need a majority of a majority and twelve votes now it could mean in the final round would be two teams
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left to choose between and they could both get eleven votes speech now that happens at a casting vote will be left to mr blatter he has made very positive noises about rush's bait over the last few weeks and who knows if it comes down between it comes down to two teams to choose between he could push it to russia but right well there you have it tomorrow is going to be a really exciting day the race is very very close and i've spoken with a lot of people basically the essence is nobody really knows who is going to weigh in and so we'll just have to wait and see we'll have the results tomorrow in the afternoon. we certainly well for a fan's perspective the final stages of the world cup bidding process joining us do you know by mikel star of the leader of the supporters' club here of wasco you certainly are you've traveled around most of the world watching various football games we can certainly give you a top star for that but what can russia offer as a potential host if russia wins it tomorrow if russia wins it tomorrow or basically
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will offer the culture and it's going to be different from. all western europe. different food different people different attitude basically a nice treat because a lot of people say luck or like to go to russia. but now it's a world cup and a cultural thing altogether it might be a good foot to football fans get a warm welcome here in russia yeah i mean generally if the fans behave themselves if the don't irritate anyone always there was one welcome think about it that's the champions league final back in two thousand and eight man united playing chelsea know everything there was a bit of a rumble beforehand that they could be some crowd problems that could be some trouble there with british fans not always having the best reputation but that kind of works off ok and indeed we saw the british fans saying that you know they were quite happy with what they saw and they were treated quite well well that's exactly what i said i mean the france came together was british fans against british fans and they gained if you take the locals much and they didn't interfere and didn't harm anybody so why come back to russia welcome the heroes of course is russia
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a nation of football fans that inherently worldly hockey fans critically here but really get into it and a lot of people are coming to the ground to the domestic football and obviously the world cup the bigger went never been called in russia and i think it will be of great interest in the fans will be welcoming could russia go i'm going back to that safety question again and the reputation of various football fans around the world you know it's not just britain you're looking at italy as well they also promise of their fans don't you think russia can guarantee safety for the people coming to watch the world cup if it does get it. we are guess so because we are talking now in eight years time. in eighty years time to football hooligans policy or whatever but after this policy might change there might sell where you buy coffee or to all for this and this security security wise russia is really scary. what's the word it's trained to make to take really serious situations not even the full football
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hooligan violence it's i'm security is so the other big question of course is the facility does russia have the up to date facilities well i'm thinking look how russia progressed really well according to the olympic inspectors and what they're building in sochi for the us nice very nice mobile phone you've got there you know some just some good texas say on the television. we're trying to fold ever so slightly yes let's talk about those facilities in russia and the telephone game is just it just sort of a slow plans on live television there we go yeah yeah does russia have the facilities that will win the bid do you think what can it offer oil facilities wise i think you'd be a not match in england to be not matching spain and portugal at this time to build isn't there yet this eight years to build plus we've got. more to stadium which is up to date we've got to do which was hosted that final which is great we've got that in there with stadia which is going to be built in a couple of years time we've got another two clubs the eskimo spend spartak moscow who are planning to have their grounds build by the year two thousand and fourteen
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and i would say by that time it would cover moscow some previous book is getting new ground build that's been approved in the mine you've been. taken and i guess another couple of cities will cover it all let's look at worst case scenario of russia doesn't win tomorrow let's not just sit but if it doesn't win is there anything to be gained still it's a lot of publicity i guess from from this bit isn't it well obviously if we now we are saying that yes we want it and we're not going to turn we wanted to lympics we wanted to lympics and now we've got to win because now we want the big football we want. and we want to have it and we will definitely get it somehow but you see the benefit will be every time you lose you will have to come back and see what where your mistakes where did we go wrong where did exactly we go wrong that made you improve it then prove it you've done it and then obviously you go on his inspection done that in moscow they check the ask questions the questions will be answered maybe such
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a spec city maybe not but they will look white ok you all i was going to happen tomorrow you can put the cards on the table and tell us who you think is going to win or not here what will russia will we're going to hit michael starr thank you for coming and leader of the supporters club big football supporters club or moscow thank you. says. we need something really special when you get to get down to brass tacks. special coverage. is almost gone pete rose finally sold looms on an international faceoff for the future of the two thousand and eighteen world cup. final to be hosting the world's largest sports event live on the larger. question more on. another eurozone country another threat of an imminent bailout italy is the third largest economy that uses the euro now there are fears it may start plunging in the
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same direction as greece and ireland well with the euro falling the amount of money it cost rome to lend to debt ridden countries is rising dramatically spain portugal and belgium are also at risk of being pulled into the crisis doubts about the future of the single currency in the e.u. itself have been intensified by fresh protests sweeping across people angry face and savage cuts to pay for it all european parliament member nigel farage spoke to see says countries are trapped inside the euro zone and should get out to save their economy. if spain went down remember that the debt they got is about seven times the size of our land so we'd be talking there about three hundred fifty billion euros and italy bigger still and so you get to a point where there is no more bailout money where the euro in its current form would cease to exist i don't know whether that will happen in the next few weeks but it remains a real possibility when arlen joined the euro there were people like me saying there was no benefit for the country as most of their overseas trade was denominated in sterling or dollars anyway and that to join the euro they would have
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to have artificially low interest rates and for the first seven or eight years of their membership of the euro irish rates were three to four percent lower than they would have been had the irish kept the point and what that meant was that the property boom became the most massive speculative bubble and that's why the bust is as bad as it is and now adam finds herself in the euro where euro zone interest rates are going to head up over the next couple of years at the very moment that they're trapped inside a deflationary downward spiral what we're talking about is free trade is the ability of companies to buy and sell goods from our next door neighbor in countries look the swiss do that without being you members but all we do that without being e.u. members so if what the united kingdom wants is free trade she can have that. without being part of a club that makes three thousand new rules for us every year and cost us a membership fee of nearly fifty million pounds
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a day of the seven billion pounds that the british government has said it will guarantee for the irish frankly is money poured down the drain what we should be doing is saying to our friends in our land we will help you come out of the euro and get back to having your own currency otherwise frankly we're wasting this money mr gross so you said once said i think two years ago he said that the european union was the first ever nonmilitary empire and what empires try to do is expand so they'll have a stone here into the euro and they'll try and make creation join the european union next year over year after they think that all the while they're expanding people will say well it must be going well and it will take their attention away from what's going on with him sadly it's too late and all the opinion polls show that in germany in greece in britain and ireland and right across the european union increasingly the publics of europe are holding the political class that have done this to them in increasing contempt in so they have nigel farage european parliament member if you'd like to watch the full interview from him you can it's
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streaming on our web site r.t. dot com as those who are you tube channel two will simply predictions for europe's economic well being are also coming from michael moore sees a market analyst and author he told me there's real trouble ahead if the euro were to collapse. the political will is there to keep the euro with all means and this is what also you see being. president today announced that they will print money in order to make the euro survive the other question of course is if by printing money you can keep the euro but i mean we're here on a very political. issue that means if the euro really will go then you're also will drown europe needs to have one was and has to be one power and this power is only defined by a currency by a common currency if this currency this can currency is falling then europe erbil rules its voting rights in the world and this is what the politicians are well
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aware of so they will do everything to keep the euro left of course if the periphery falls german will be the lender and at the end of the day also germany will all fall finally if we have interest rates of four five six percent also germany is not able to beer this and so we will have big problems there's no other way then germany has to pull out of the euro if this is a possible or practical way this is of course another question but i don't think the german politicians are going to pull out of the euro they will stay there until the. market unless michael ross talking to be there no evidence dot com tonight let's go online as europe is filling the financial page see our guide to saving money went buy food from top to shopping at markets success save a penny on would save a dollar you know ever say i saved it anyway and over ninety years after firing the
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shot which spot the bolshevik revolution the legendary proves the rule officially decommissioned its crew disbanded peters will not to tonight it out. there was a shin for security and cooperation in europe is losing its influence and needs to be modernized they were the words of russia's president dmitri medvedev we've been visiting the capital austin now as it hosts the first summit of the fifty six member group in a decade russia also wants to reboot relations with a group which suffered after the country withdrew from the european conventional arms treaty three years ago that decision came after the us announced its missile defense plans in europe also at the summit president medvedev has once again pushed his initiative to create a pan-european security treaty but. the new treaty we have proposed would be
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aimed at guaranteeing common security for europe i think everyone who supports it is in use and it's been discussed for two and a half years maybe the stereotypes of the past are still strong and this initiative is ahead of its time but it turned will inevitably come will. get more now this is from the story from victimisation is from moscow's institute of strategic assessment he says that ensuring stability in iraq has borders is essential for the country's modernization. russia is not seeking any kind of confrontation of course believes. we are from craw assaulter just goes we are simply orders for any kind of reforms but what russia wants it's very secure environment especially on its borders because we need it for the done it very soon and i think russian diplomacy was the way back to you. personally in the last year of putting forward
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very interesting the very innovative broke balls also dropped three d. on european security included. and the russian president vladimir putin has also been discussing the country's security policy in an interview with american t.v. host larry king he says moscow wants to become an equal partner in new plans for european missile defense otherwise it would force russia to increase its nuclear arsenal to defend its borders but when asked about the latest wave of wiki leaks putin said it was quote no catastrophe because it was such a poorly kept secret however he did lash out at the assessment of his relations with president medvedev saying the comparison to batman and robin was arrogant and unethical put his interview airs on wednesday evening in the us and he is likely to be the last statesman to to appear on larry king live before the veteran t.v. star retired. to the past ten moscow times and will do so briefly a pakistani officials have dismissed claims that the country's nuclear arsenal could fall into the wrong hands those fears came from recent revelations by the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks giving details of more than two hundred
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thousand private u.s. diplomatic cables many analysts and politicians say the leaks often little of wasn't already known the founder of the website julia son jesus currently waited wanted by interpol for questioning over an alleged sex offense which he denies and says is part of a smear campaign. europe's big three he said to continue his heavy snowfall continues to cover much of the continent in poland the cold fronts claimed the lives of eight people please. they were meant to be drinking there's also a huge disruption to travel with the consolation of hundreds of flights and stranded passengers are the final turn of the route on the other side of the coin greece is experiencing record heat for the time of year with the season the high temperatures result of african sand big blood in the field. was about sports updates here with you in fifty minutes time to keep you abreast of that but it's business first with you in a few moments hungry for the full story we've got it for.
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the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. would be soon which brighter if you move the song from finance to pressure these. these stunts on t.v. dot com. hello times have a look at what's going on in the world of business russia may postpone its for sale of rebel bonds to your crisis has let verbal bonds to tumble as investors afford
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ass's they consider escape russia's also suffering slow economic growth and high inflation then other bric countries the sale of three billion dollars affordable denominated bonds could be delayed until twenty eleven. the government may cut spending for twenty ten by iran fifteen billion dollars to stabilize the budget deputy economic development minister. but the trouble in spending vestment me and spend be held in there are so fun to cushion any crisis. investors have taken a less favorable view towards russia versus other break countries emerging markets should still see high growth in their more developed rivals. global economist at h.s.b.c. bank explains why the growth outlook for russia is a little bit softer than for some of the other emerging market countries this was relating to supply side sharks emanating from the drought and also there were fears that because of the inflationary pressures you would have seen monetary tightening
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going forward to there were these two factors that did come to play also you have to remember that russia is really a cyclical player growth you know there was expectations that global growth is going to be sluggish and so oil prices in particular will remain subdued i would not rise as these two factors have hurt russian growth expectations but that should change going forward a lot of money around the system right now there is a lot of liquidity and that liquidity is looking for you and that it is really available in emerging markets not just the yield but also the structural story in emerging markets is a lot more attractive than it does indeed developed markets we're expecting growth of at least six percent over the next two years in emerging markets whereas growth in developed markets is a lot slower around two percent or thereabouts so overall the picture is a lot more attractive for emerging markets and that story should sustain over the coming. russia will add. to its international reserves the head of the country's
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central bank says this may happen within half a year old u.s. dollars and euro constitute more than forty percent of russia's reserves along with british pounds and japanese yen the central bank has already invested in a small amount of canadian dollars the reserves consist of foreign currency gold and other assets. russia and the european union will sign a document on russia's accession to the world trade organization on december seventh and brussels that's according to deputy prime minister alexander in november russia signed an increment which included timber export toujours along with pricing for the us for goods and services russia which has been go shooting its entry into w t o for seventeen years hopes to become a member next year. quick look at the markets u.s. stocks jumped into december with strong gains as robust two as jobs figures and manufacturing data from china and the u.k. helped investors look past faster in concerns me europe. and europe the folks who
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finished up more than two percent two point seven percent at close which was the biggest gain in three months as investors speculated that the sovereign debt crisis may force european central bank policymakers to expand their arsenal at the meeting on thursday for shared bonds to six point two percent after investors approved a six point six billion dollars stock sale to reduce the carmakers debt before its merger with products target just occurred plans the tech climbed with metal prices . in russia why is that some of the artists finished wednesday's session of most of the blue chips were high up with gas from leading the gains that shares sought four point seven percent this comes after the german energy company wants soldiers three and a half percent stake in the russian gas giant. russia's hydro power holding rist hydro has expanded its ambitions along with its investment plans it will spend at least three billion dollars on. new plans while what denies an old ones bursting out foot
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by about a thousand megawatts profits up ten percent so far this year at hove a seven hundred million dollars in the first half of twenty ten. the investment program for the next three years was confirmed this summer next year we plan to invest over three billion dollars around twenty percent will finance the technical upgrade of the existing plants the rest will fund construction of new hydro power facilities a key priority is to increase the value of the company in this regard the asian market offers outstanding opportunities the region has vast hydro power resources it also enjoys growing economies and business. because a company representing a whole segment in the energy industry we are interested in a wide range of co-operation from engineering to exploitation this means that we represent all change in electricity generation and renewable energy and the asian market is the most attractive for us at this time. and staying with the energy of
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euro seven airco of how utility controlled by us as advanced by the o.j. case three power generator from the hope to the bit of all spain two billion dollars for a seventy nine percent stake in the power generating company oh take a three here receive it never says two banks are already interested in quarantine credit for the deal if successful their position will make of the largest energy company in russia. that's all we have time for now or join me next hour for more business news and get lost or a small website r.t. dot com slash business. he.
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says muslims. when something really crucial when you want to get down to brass tacks. special coverage battles is almost one feature those final whistle looms on an international faceoff of the future of the two thousand eighteen world cup. to come to find out who will be hosting the world's largest sporting events kleinfontein. questionable. in india oldies available in the movie the joys the poto the i love you lots the gateway hotel the grand imperial troy the tall western.
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