tv [untitled] December 1, 2010 11:30pm-11:59pm EST
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seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on our t.v. your headlines russia counts down as football's governing body gets set to decide who will host the twenty eighteen and twenty twenty two world cup games. russia's premier goes head to head with talk show host larry king in an interview shedding light on everything from wiki leaks to european missile defense. and concern over european debt rocks the eurozone with a list of countries facing hardships continuing to grow. back to the alone a show now the smithsonian institution has removed an image of jesus as aids sufferers following complaints from christian groups up next alone up next alone to
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ask if art has gone too far or if it's reasonable to provoke in the name of a good cause stay with us. well it's time for tonight's tool time award and it goes to a prominent member of the tea party judson phillips is president of tea party nation and he's come up with an idea that moves us back over one hundred years or so it appears that phillips isn't a fan of voting for everyone listen to his comment in a weekly radio address about who should be allowed to vote and who shouldn't. founding fathers originally said they put certain restrictions on who got the right to vote it was that you were just a citizen and you automatically got to vote you know some of the restrictions were
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you know you you are obviously would not think about today but one of them was you had to be a property owner and that makes a lot of sense because if you are if you're a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. so if you don't own property sorry you're out of luck you don't have a stake in the community you just don't count well according to judson phillips only property owner should have the right to cast a ballot and make decisions for everyone else out there is this mad insane i mean does he also want to take away a woman's right to vote how about the blacks there is a simple reason the fillip doesn't want renters to vote because in most cases renters live in major urban cities in most cases those who live in major urban cities tend to be more liberal you know those liberal places like new york d.c. chicago l.a. san francisco so by taking away someone's right to vote then the tea baggers can just expand their base never mind the whole land restriction to vote was phased out in the eight hundred twenty s.
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and was replaced with the requirement that a voter must pay taxes now that tax requirement was also phased out meeting thank you so judson phillips from the tea party nation thanks for trying. move our country back about one hundred fifty years or so and that's why you are tonight's told time where. our favorite crybaby over at fox news is spouting out more ridiculous comments on air two days ago glenn beck got fired up about comments made by howard dean where he bashed fox news saying that they repeatedly just make stuff up and beck didn't like the way mr dean called out fox news at all so he decided to respond on air. here do you really believe that i could or anybody here at fox news could just make things up and remain on the air. i'm going to go ahead and say yes of course you do it is a well known fact that the you make stuff up pretty much every single moment here on the air whether it's on your radio show on television if you need proof how
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about just the other day when barack actually have the guts to claim that fox news has the liberals hosting some of their shows. the liberals. have owned the network many you know not just get it either there are some. programs i mean yes you think. isn't that funny every so sure that there are liberals hosting fox news i could name it now just a few days before that back to gave a twisted explanation about net neutrality saying that it's going to allow the government to control what you view online i know there are twenty eight he said they want to make sure that you can get the huffington post on fox news no think you they are about to control what you see on the internet or glenn that doesn't really make any sense because if you watch any sort of real news you know the net neutrality is all about keeping service providers from controlling what websites you can see at what speed and in fact the f.c.c.
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is working on measures to ensure that people have equal access to all websites i think you just want to throw in a random jab at arianna huffington on that what do you need one little bit of more proof on his daily lies how about back in july when he said on his radio program that federal tax dollars and potentially obamacare are going to fund abortions. regulations joe think of the number of babies that will be killed with your name. congratulations mr. for now having my tax dollars your tax dollars going to. children. i'm sorry but that is just blatant fear mongering at that point he's attacking the hyde amendment which is a ruling that's been in place since the seventy's way before obama came to office that said that abortions can't be performed using federal funds and we were just the other day he even said that obama was going to unionize the t.s.a.
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so they could be his private army so what was that you were saying before about not making stuff sorry glenn you just can't when that when you make stuff up everybody knows that in fact there are numerous websites dedicated to calling out glenn's lies on a daily basis as in you can click on the daily exact program find the exact areas in the show where he manipulates comments to back his own crazy ideas so at this point glenn you're just embarrassing yourself how about spreading the truth for a change or at least just stop denying that you make stuff up for entertainment value. now there is a major debate brewing in the art community as the smithsonian institution's natural portly portrait gallery is removed a video depicting jesus on a crucifix covered in ants from exhibit at the museum of the artist has said that the exhibit is meant to depict the suffering of an aids victim a conservative lawmakers and the catholic league have called it hate speech designed to offend and place an insult on christian sensibilities and they were
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particularly peeved at this is all the on display during christmas season now the exhibit includes many other works and is the first major museum exhibition exploring gender and sexual identity in american culture now the smithsonian institution is funded by congress but exhibits are funded through private donations however lawmakers are calling for an investigation and a serious look at their budget and are they over reacting isn't this art or can art go too far well here to discuss it with me is victoria. aris executive and artistic director for the transformer gallery and from our studio in new york is geoff field director of communications for the catholic league thank you both for joining me so much now jeff i'm going to start with you because all the catholic league seems to be so up in arms over this here why is this hate speech what's so bad about what was on this exhibit. well you look at it has to do with jesus and covered in ansan it's definitely designed to offend christians if you look at it they didn't
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pick our jewish symbol didn't pick a muslim symbol it picked a christian symbol and that's what that's what they're trying to do trying to offend christians and that's and that's what they did and we never called for censorship we never called for it to be told that was done on their own accord we only asked that the house appropriations committee in the senate appropriations committee take a look and reconsider their funding of the smithsonian now victoria tell me how you for do you feel like this is censorship i mean if it's a piece of art doesn't really matter you know what it's depicting whether it be across whether it be something about the jewish religion or the muslim religion this is absolutely censorship on the part of the smithsonian institution and it's unfortunate that the national portrait gallery made a great choice in including david want to just speak piece in this exhibition and it's a shame that it was pulled based on fear which is really all that i hear you don't even the smithsonian actually did that that they that they went ahead and pulled it i think we're in a recession and arts communities and arts organizations large and small are
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incredibly freaked out about money and how they're going to continue their operations i think this is entirely fear based move on the part of the smithsonian and i just hope that based on the response of the arts community arts audiences and citizens throughout the u.s. and abroad that they'll change their decision now jeff you know when it comes to art do you think that it let let's say that this had somehow targeted the jewish religion or the muslim religion or another religion then would you not have cared i mean is it ok for them to supposedly offend one but not the other. we are a catholic organization were we defend against the sensibilities of catholics if it's oh it was a muslim piece of art and it's up to organizations like care if it was a jewish it was jewish sensibilities they were offended it's up to groups like the . we deal with christian catholic issues and that's you know there's no there's no reason to offend any sort of religion sensibilities and i know that there's this
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debate that it's open for interpretation and there are complex and that's always the argument of the elite class that is that is promoting these sort of these exhibits and no there's nothing open to interpretation if you if you were to put on picture of muhammad there's nothing the printers interpretation about that if you put a if you put a swastika on a synagogue there's no there's no open interpretation of that it means what it is and that's what that's what we were saying is that there is clearly an anti christian animus here is that they were they took jesus they took a symbol of the christian faith and they demonized it in the put and so on and it was a gross appropriation. of what. is supposed to be something beautiful in everything that. goes on was never said madiao we but i didn't i'd like to respond first of all i was raised catholic i consider myself christian and i'm in no way offended by this piece secondly there are about ten seconds in an
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overall thirty minute video that show depictions of ants walking across a crucifix i don't know about you but growing up in the catholic church i saw far more frightening images as a child in church them itself especially traditional churches churches gothic churches art work is art work jesus has been. exhibit a in all sorts of scenarios to create a dialogue around artistic expression freedom of expression human expression human feelings this piece is a moving piece that deals with all aspects of humanity and human feeling from aggression to love to las all things that i understand that growing up as a. it's what the church taught me that jesus was speaking to so i actually find it offensive that the catholic league thinks that they're speaking to for all
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christians or for all catholics while trying i'm going to answer this question for you right because there are a lot of lawmakers out there that are really up in arms about it they're calling for an investigation they also called for this piece to be removed they're saying that's because american taxpayer dollars are you know go towards the smithsonian institution's but i feel like they say this with the assumption that america that everyone in america is christian and everyone's going to feel the same way also that the majority of americans would in any way be offended by freedom of expression is in our country based on freedom of expression to in our forefathers and our foremothers to and fight for freedom of expression it's shocking to me that in two thousand and ten where we're even talking about this as an issue when there are so many issues in our country right now people are starving people are homeless and our own country and yet the catholic league focuses on ten minutes of a video piece that is by an established artist who's been were nouns in the arts
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community since the mid eighty's it. is the reason why the taxpayer should fund an exhibit like this or a video like there's no reason for it what we actually were saying is that the taxpayers shouldn't have to pay for the. use of the cultural you are generally the people who visit museums. people all over the world go to the smithsonian institution they're free can you go to the u.n. is. there is no reason why there's no reason why what we're saying is there's no reason why the general public have to pay for an exhibit like this is art everybody . in his presidency and during the creation of the national endowment for the arts to have a country that is intellectually strong. we must look at all different points of view we must support the arts we must support freedom of expression the museum is providing access to you might not otherwise otherwise never see this work and of
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course it is not in the sense of appropriate ones that are as i understand it also though it is private donations that find exhibits right it is not the taxpayer dollars the taxpayer that the pays for the smithsonian institution for the place but when it comes to a certain exhibit then it's private donations that go into it i don't know about that. they would have money for this how much tax money goes to support the national endowment for the arts in the smithsonian institution in comparison to supporting military efforts. that's not the issue here were why not the smithsonian issue while you're talking about this ten seconds of a thirty minute piece has been remarked it's a discussion. do you speak for all christians what i would do it was never so we just. really respond well you know we've got a great response all we've heard a great response is while there are people that see this is censorship there are
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a lot of people in fact that are going to be known for this we know about how it was that you're absolutely right because we are organizing a. protest action artistic action that will originate a transformer tomorrow at four five thirty and we will be covering our mal's in recognition of david want to rich's work and silence of this piece we will be walking down to the national portrait gallery to have a silent vigil protest in response to the removal of this piece well clearly this is an issue that is hotly debated in the community right now and lawmakers really are up in arms we'll see if they actually get an investigation over and we'll see how the protest goes but you know i don't think that it's up to anyone to tell me what are. and i am not allowed to see right thank you so much for joining us thank you also to come in tonight's show to women in oklahoma have taken shoplifting to an entirely new level but until we tell you where chose to hide their stolen goats
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and some military veterans are trying to shed light on a dark chapter in the cia's history you've heard about the l.s.d. and other chemical experiments but did you know about implanting chips in brains and have all the details surrounding these experiments only. says it's enough. when something really control what you want to get down to. special coverage. is almost featureless finally sold. for a song for the future of the. world cup. final to be hosting the world's largest sports event lines on the larger. question will.
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the country of norway is usually known for being a worker's paradise but offers fantastic benefits like paid maternity leave decent job safety putting at the top of the list when it comes to happy workers that is until now it turns out that there might be great benefits where you might have to deal with some very rude bosses supervisors have become so obsessed with worker productivity that they're monitoring their every move especially when it comes to bathroom breaks according to the daily mail managers have issued elec trying to keep cards that keep tabs on how often employees use the restroom and thirty three percent of norwegian companies have a bathroom sign in list and have cameras installed to keep a close eye on how they're using their potty breaks but one boss is taking this and saying practice a little too far he has issued read it bracelets to female employees who are on their periods then they're allowed to take more bathroom breaks without any consequences seriously i would rather just beyond tasteless
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a workers union in the country is investigating this company but how humiliating for females to essentially be tagged because it's that time of the month on top of that they're using a red bracelet come on guys could you be a little bit more creative so what do you do next are you make a bracelet for men to show how pissy they are because they haven't gotten laid in a while or you could just refrain from humiliating either sex that's just a thought or a way. now it's that time of the year again christmas shoppers are out searching for bargains but two women in oklahoma decided to do a little five finger shopping police say the alien brown and thomas tried to steal twenty six hundred dollars worth of goods or a t.j. maxx but it's how they decided to hide the items that's so strange these two individuals were actually concealing the. in the areas of their body were excess skin was under the third. chest area. of their armpits and things of that nature they were in there we can see a large items. rose and what were those large items logs like the two women had
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four pairs of boots three pairs of jeans and a wallet in their body fat now i understand we have an obesity problem in this country but now shoplifters are hiding items inside their body fat seriously i think i mean it's time to go on a diet now we did a little checking and a study released two months ago says that shoplifting cost u.s. retailers forty billion dollars last year that includes employee theft shoplifters and vendor theft so with that big figure in mind we sent our brave producer out on the streets of d.c. today to ask if you could hide something in your fat rolls what would it be take a look. try to steal for christmas and stuff in your barrels take it everything that i. so you know if they're old might be worth it can i promise stealing something i would still i would still know. that. what would you still in front of your cat. i'm first of all it would not have just said. that if i
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would actually still not comparable like that that's a big that doesn't and huge nothing bad has anybody ever tried to stop a cupcake in their battle. you know. what they do with the cupcakes when they leave the truck and i've seen it happen in the forks i used to be in the retail business and now take anything you really have to hide in the. and if you had that rules would you shove this stuff in your bowels and ceiling yes it is that many. hours of talking to everybody i think that will idea is a good idea so many did on the dawn was diet and by this time next year over still myself and so. there you have it now as for the two women arrested in oklahoma they are facing a long list of charges so looks like they're in for a very and merry christmas. by now experiments conducted by the cia with l.s.d.
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and other chemicals have been well documented but did you know they also try to turn humans into robot like assassins by planting electrodes in their brains that's a military veterans have been fighting to make public for years some plaintiffs claiming the m.r.i. scans confirm that there were devices placed inside their brain without their knowledge now in a lawsuit in california a federal magistrate has ordered the cia to produce records and witnesses about the experiments allegedly conducted on thousands of soldiers from one thousand nine hundred eighty nine hundred seventy five except the documents on those devices planted in brains now the cia of course has been fighting tooth and nail to keep this information disclosed and they claim that some of the documents are protected under the state secrets privilege but could the truth already be out there or earlier i caught up with dr collin eros president of the connie institute for psychological trauma doctor calls obtained fifteen thousand pages of cia documents through a freedom of information act lawsuit so i first asked him if anywhere in those documents there was evidence of electrodes being implanted into soldiers' brains.
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in the documents which were actually all declassified in the senate and he doesn't talk directly to both those individuals but it describes a series of just brain electrode in programs in different animals dolphins and human beings so would it surprise you at all or i guess you know would you be convinced that they probably did in fact do these experiments on humans as well. it's not a question of opinion there's publications in the medical literature for instance two lane where brain electrodes are implanted in a homosexual guy to try and cure is homosexuality there's a books and papers out of harvard and yale describing putting electrodes in cats dogs dolphins and human beings to control the behavior it's all published for real information dr oz please tell me out of the documents you looked at the research that you've done some of the stories that you found to be the most shocking of
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experimentation done not only on soldiers but also just on us civilians. well one good example is a paper of tulane dr robert heath was trying to cure a young man in one thousand year old of being homosexual so it put electrodes in his brain and they were connected into a pleasure center and he gave the guy a box so he could push a button on the box and stimulate himself but they took it away because he pushed the box fifteen hundred times in three hours and then what they did is they had him watch heterosexual pornography while stimulating him to a priori as mixtape to try and condition them into being straight and then they brought in a prostitute at a hired he had sex with a prostitute while they were monitoring his brain waves and then they debrief the primitive prostitute to make sure that the sex went ok and he actually had an orgasm which you would think would be him would never happen ever in the history of the human race but it's published in a medical journal yeah i mean it's also not rather disturbing when you think about of the did these people actually volunteer for these experiments well in that
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particular case he volunteered and was you know part of so-called regular medical treatment you know other experiments with the military people forced for instance given l.s.d. when they were told virtually nothing about what it was or what the effects would be and so the consent could vary from relatively full to basically zero. now tell me this was it only the cia that was conducting these experiments was it other branches of the military or do we do we know exactly you know who is responsible in each case it's all interconnected but it's the office of scientific research of the air force the office of naval research the department of the army and the cia and then they would funnel money often through the national institute of health u.s. public health service and so on now you also hear here psychiatry you work with people who have stress disorders have you worked at people that have said that they've undergone these types of experiments and you know all of them afterwards
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struggle i guess trying to you know rehabilitate themselves. that's how i got interested in this was when i moved to dallas in one thousand nine hundred ninety one early in ninety two then i've heard hundreds of these stories since people told me about being taken to labs or hospitals or military bases and being experimented on in these ways. all for the purpose of creating new identities museo barriers to entry and it's i don't know if it was real but i decided to look into it now if you had to guess would you say if the cia could be conducting experiments like this today we don't even know about it. so yeah i would say i'm personally certain that all the intelligence agencies around the world are running these kind of operations . but we know that at least a reasonable amount of that's going on at abu ghraib and guantanamo bay there's no question about that how much of the more fancy high level stuff is going on is all
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classified. while dr ross thank you so much for joining us is definitely always. i guess a disturbing and seems so inhumane and wrong to hear about these stories but this is that her thing. well that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in make sure you guys come back tomorrow we'll have an acoustic variant on the show from the young turks now coming up next tuesday news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. it was created to serve public interests to inform and to entertain. these days there's nothing easier than opening a new media outlet but there is nothing harder than revoking its license in case of
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