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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2010 1:30am-2:00am EST

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well you without see that's take a look at the headlines that football's governing body is set to decide who will host the world's biggest sporting event the world cup in twenty eighteen russia is among the favorites but faces competition from england as well as joint dates from spain and portugal i mean netherlands and belgium. the russian premier tells primetime america moscow should become an equal partner in european defense which would have to reinforce missiles on its own borders pre-teen also discussed democracy in russia us with veteran talk show host larry king.
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russian prime minister also took the u.s. to task over the latest wiki leaks wave of two recent releases left the white house red faced new revelations detail how spanish american officials claim organized crime runs at high levels of. the next twenty two russian pilots who managed to safely land a crippled passenger plane saving all seventy two people on board that's in spotlight. hungry for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. hello
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again and welcome to spotlight the interview show on r.t.i. mouthing off and today we will hear a miraculous crash landing story. in september a russian tupolev one fifty four aircraft with failed flight control navigation radio communication systems made an emergency landing at in the bandon airstrip in the middle of the thai got its crew managed to save all the seventy two passengers on board president medvedev has all of the pilots as heroes of russia and decorated the other crew members with the order of courage today and spotlight they will tell us the dramatic story and details here are the captain of the aircraft crew and the
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navigator you have given you know myself and sergei how long life. you going in the high school it has been flying the wellknown route between moscow and this mall town in russia for several years but during one flight an unexpected electricity supply failure put everyone aboard on the edge of survival the team guided by captain you being in by still managed what seemed impossible they landed the plane on an old saw that airfield. to get a life as a navigator that i saw of the whole crew no surprise then that it was he who first spotted the bandit strip lost in the taiga the president decorated that scene was data words the captain became heroes of russia in the navigator a member of the what. thanks so much for coming to our program and congratulations on your well deserved awards thank you. all your friends and relatives most of us. when you were
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landing that airplane did you feel really scared you're quite experienced people but nevertheless what were you afraid. i was scared at one point only. scared but it felt as if something was missing you know russians. the moment the fuel low lights went on the countdown began. after that moment we were we couldn't carry on the flight as we had intended earlier. on that moment we had to make an urgent decision so you were going to fly somewhere well let's go back to feeling afraid i felt fear a couple of times but it got suppressed immediately. when an individual is busy doing things he's fear and yet suppressed i had of the kind of fear that constrains
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one's motions and limbs but that's not what we felt you just have to overcome it as we were busy piloting this fear was receding i felt really scared only once when we landed and ran into the forest but we'll get to that that's when i felt somewhat scared but not while still in the air. right here not accustomed to flying through a forest. of events were unfolding as follows. wide was taking place as usual at the altitude of ten thousand six hundred meters we made a trip from moscow to pull out and they and we were on our way back machine is nothing indicated what was going to happen so when we have men started bailing gradually at first we decided to descend to a certain altitude and to continue to fly as it was old cloudy below the plane was so our intention at first was to reach
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a cloudless area for better visibility audiences to determine our exact location and decide whether we should head for the nearest airport they would have been in but things changed when the fuel low light went on as a gay said so we realized we had only thirteen minutes left to fly which of those thirty then would run out of fuel and angels would stop and that would be it so we had no other option but to get under the clouds so we can see terrain and start looking for a landing place. now let's take a look at how today's guests worked that miracle landing a plane with failed flight control here's this report from spotlights. the tupolev airliner with eighty one people on board was on its way from russia's far east to moscow cruising at thirty thousand feet its electrical system failed
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the policy to do some quick thinking and find somewhere to land in the vastness of the russian wilderness as it descended there was no way to slow it down using brakes and the well look tricity to the flight controls added to that no way do to call for how near recklessly they saw an abandoned f.l.d. with a concrete runway that had been used by how to cope just too short for a big airliner it was their only chance and they too could land in this town. the plane. the runway to the poorest cutting down trees as it slowed. down in march of this seventy two passengers and nine crew members were heard in the question landing. what was the response of the pilot cabin staff when the flight engineer reported that the equipment failed you said that it started failing gradually or didn't fail immediately because. this was
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before the flight engineer made his first report it was like just you know that aircraft would go wide levels in the automatic mode the auto pilot is going to syria and pilots monitor the process. so the first thing that happened was the autopilot turning off and andre and i switched to manual control and then the flight engineer began reporting that equipment started failing because that's when everything began. did you eventually realize what happened i think something went wrong with the battery that's according to the commission. about it only when do you know now that yes we do could you tell us about it two other audience know what caused the entire electric system of an aircraft to fail according to preliminary conclusion of the state commission the airplanes first and second batteries experienced thermal runaway. bride viewers we need to mention that there are four
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batteries on a plane the first and second battery experienced thermal runaway as for what is state of the process hasn't been mushed researched by science but all car owners know what world batteries on if they want to go to whether that's when all of a sudden the bench wrist temperature jumps up and the battery goes out of order. vapors in a car this process isn't dangerous he just stops operating and that's it. but when thermal runaway happens on a plane it produces very dangerous a crude fumes. to contact anyone on ground when the plane ran out of so to say was there any way to get in touch with the ground. we had an emergency radio already fifty five wasn't working he was working
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so that the ground search service would locate us at a landing but that's what it's intended for the user to contact the ground it works as a beacon only when it's on helicopters can take the bearings and locate it. could you use your cell phone calls from our cell phones immediately that was in ground but it didn't work in the air right. one kilometer above ground. to pick up a phone and make a call. cordingley you didn't have any communication with the airfield. they just saw you we had no communication period no channels when they saw you and realized you were going to land we were the ones who saw and realized that we were go into one of their no ground services in that airport. was there the chief right there of course chief and he saw us and. let's go back to
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the thermal runaway issue just how likely are such things to occur. i have never heard about it happening so unexpectedly and with such serious consequences does this mean it can happen again. yes it can happen once again let me stress that this process hasn't been properly researched with thermal runaway can be a gradual or sudden wave. which is related to temperature rise inside the battery . could you explain about this a few low lights. off with quite a lot of few fuel tanks so the light went on but you knew you had to know if you look. well let me remind you that our rectifiers failed the first and second batteries failed. and because of their failure there wasn't enough
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power to enable fuel pumps to transfer fuel from wing tanks to the supply tank that feeds the engines. thus the pumps stopped and the supply tank pumps mechanically driven they only work when engines work. comparing to cars again you had gas in the carburetor only exactly and there wasn't much gas there either so gay tell something so your plane ran out of a city even though the engine was still running how did you steer then when all the wing flaps and so on are power operated or are there manual control rods as well. i guess it could be possible but the thing is that angels were running and plane was a bt and to manual control and steering at that point nothing really terrible was happening yet engines were running and the plane was under control even though there was no electricity and no radio control in numerous devices including gorge
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were out of order and when the fuel low light went on when we reached the cloud free area and spotted that concrete runway at that point we had to slow down by engaging wing flaps and slats. and that didn't happen neither in automatic nor in manual mode and all we could do was extend landing gear by means of the secondary mergence the hydraulic system the entire flight took place with clean wings. at high speeds and you landed with clean wings to exactly that's why it was so difficult that was quite a risky trick well we had no other options moreover you had tanks full a few they were half fool actually say he never saw all of the captain of the. one fifty four which made a crash landing in the common public and navigator of that flight. was also in our studio spotlight will be back shortly after we take
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a break so stay with us we'll continue in less than a minute. we'll . bring you the latest in science and technology from the realms. we've got the future covered. says. when it's something really cool when you want to get down to brass tacks. special coverage. is almost featureless final whistle looms on an international faceoff in the future of the two thousand and eighteen world cup. final to be hosting the world's largest sporting event live on a. question more on the.
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welcome back to the spotlight i'm algor knowledge and just a bit more into that my guests in the studio today are eve guinean the very soul of here a rush hour and the captain of the tuple have won fifty four which made a crash landing in the common republican september and also a flight navigator that all of that aircraft said of the who was awarded order of courage so the game my question is to you if gainey has explained several times that after the emergency cropped up that you managed to descend through the clouds and were already able to find your bearings by sites at the most can you call it luck that there was no low cloud cover so that you could navigate your plane with the map and by terrain sights i mean. there were many factors that helped us to
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land it was daytime not night there were no mountains. which we had just passed northern europe. it was the distance between. the land in the lower cloud was six hundred meters. so after we pierce the clouds and started looking for a place to land. we again had luck and that was the river spit. initially planned to run for that split because we didn't see any runways around. but as we began heading for it. oh i must add this. in our lending we were told by the locals that this bit has been used as a field as well. and even that was fortunate for us. so as we headed for the spit we sighted that village. and i suggest that the
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crew that we are somewhat to the right so that the villagers might see us and quickly call rescue services to help our passengers. but as the guys got down to piloting the plane. i was turning my head left and right. only off chance that something else might turn out. and then i clearly saw a runway. on the runway it was straight and even as a road. like a real highway. in the forest next to the village an amazing country it was the soviet union how many and built. thank god. the airfield chief had been looking after their own oil that time clear and that incidentally do you know that a hero of the age or hero of russia. says the same thing he said in one of his
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interviews that the pilots would have been unable to save the passengers had it not been for that man who hadn't let anyone ruin that runway that he called him a real officer and a real patriot do you agree do you agree that heroes who do. to be decorated yes in fact in essence all those years he performed his duty like you did although no one seemed to need him to do that but it came in handy. in fact i believe that it's he who is the real hero because he was quite free not to look after that congress street at all because after in ninety nine when the local airlines stopped flying their smaller craft like and twenty four and yak forty helicopter pad was organized on that runway where medical helicopters touched down from time to time and that man saw it as a point of warning to maintain the runway in order he's
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a real. he went on tending the runway he didn't let anyone use it for outside purposes now the mushroom hunters vehicles were allowed in nor any other heavy equipment business people that cut timber in that area for us but to china offered him good money to be permitted to stockpile timbered on the runway to earn money yes but he declined all offers he said this trip should stay free in case an aircraft game was needed again and so it was. the story of some glass of water that you used in order to better pilot your plane we were talking about vehicles but personally i heard the glass of water pail in connection with the rolls royce when you buy a rolls royce you place a glass of water inside and drive the car they deep mph over the water isn't skilled it means the assembly is good. pretty much the same with air craft. there shouldn't be any spilled water.
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in fact the glass of water will still standing when they landed. in fact years ago as the water. in fact we could show if we had a full glass of water. you have a level. and you put a glass of water on it the water spills out when you tilt the plane to one side or another water in the glass tilts as well so used to find the horizon. we use that as a horizon indicator as we were piercing clouds not landing. let me explain something people in journalists asked many questions than i'd like to explain it once again no one landed the plane with the help of that glass of water we didn't look at it while we were in the air it all began as we started climbing down the flight engineer put down that glass and it came to my head how thoughtful it was of him to offer a drink of water to the crew but then i recalled that it was an old trip from an
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era when aircraft had no horizon indicators if you were in the clouds a glass of water was used in order to prevent your craft from turning over in the air and to keep it on an even kneel. but none of us really looked at the glass because the laws of physics are different and so on big is flying at high speeds. you mean centrifugal force is an operation yes the only thing as again use that is that an indicator of a soft unsuccessful landing was the fact that the water was still firmly in his receptacle as the plane touched down on that runway and after it stopped so how many attempts did it take you to land the plane used for attempts circling on purpose in order to better see where you were going to land or was it because your first attempts failed actually as i said the mechanisms were not working and the speed was high. school this type of plane cannot land at such a high speed. but how much did it exceed the speed needed for landing by
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a hundred was your landing speed two hundred seventy kilometers per hour and what was your landing speed at that moment four hundred and later three hundred eighty this is why it was a visual flight and a visual maneuver. during our first and second attempts we just failed to fit in into the runway alignment during the third attempt we decided would fly over the runway and see whether it was free. com pass it was still operational and we marked a tentative landing course which we saw on the strip was clear and braced up for the touchdown on the fourth attempt was a success. so tell me can you say you were lucky to be flying that specific model t. you want five four is there anything about it's designed to help you land it successfully i'd like to say once again that this particular plane saved lives. this specific plane yes precisely this model it's very reliable though obsolete
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cold is it. well the smart plan stop turning out these i crafts as late as two thousand and eight yes it's an obsolete model but it's some thirty years old isn't it yes its first regular flight took place in one thousand nine hundred ninety two forty years yeah forty years it's just obsolete it has three engines it consumes more fuel than foreign made aircraft but the plane is highly reliable situations like the one we faced because there really nothing like this is going to happen any more but it has some very sturdy shafts is nothing in the running gear broke no nothing in a landing gear broke. and you know nothing broke as we plow through the woods it's a reliable plane and if you act with determination it follows your orders very well . i'd like you to comment on the latest tragic air accident involving a polish plane that crashed near smolensk surely you've heard about it and read
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a lot about it as you see it what prevented the crew from making a safe landing. it seems to me the. was nervous because the entire government and the country's president were on board the plane. what they should have done was to avoid landing on that particular affeldt. so you should have diverted they shouldn't have taken the risk that it to land on a reserve airfield and save lives very interesting if all the mechanisms were operative the plane had been checked ten tested time and again by contrast none of your back and asms were functioning but you enjoyed good visibility while they were in the fog where their flight conditions worse than yours even with the functioning instruments sure they had formed all around but the instruments were in good order but they shouldn't have made any landing attempts just to be the instructions
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they'd say issued hand for reserve and fields you know what i mean is that to land the plane with the electric system being out of order in conditions of clear visibility is easier than to land an operating plane in thick fog it depends on how you understand it. better to find a reserve airfield. right there are standards of weather requirements and crew preparation which a crew on a particular working plane in think fog got killed and killed the passengers. no matter what advances of technology maybe they can replace a q nine hands yes and in this case it means that the plane was deanna judged all of the equipment was out of order but all the same the crew landed the plane successfully let's make another comparison as a well known story to last year they landed a plane on the hudson river which situation was more complicated there's are yours what do you think we were not there i can say what's your idea about it what's
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better water or forests i think both situations are very complicated i admire what the captain did there i think he's a great professional. it's hard to land on the water surface because it will. in case of a swing the plane will break into pieces what they show some of the what the wings will be torn off but he had all equipment working fine landed calmly said he would notable that the engines did not work well the landing was successful and on the job my last question is will your plane fly again i think that it should flaws will you fly again on it. you're not supposed to shoot snow thank you so much good luck thank you for participation thank you thank you very much for being with us and just a reminder that my guests today to put me in guinea know my cell and hero of russia and captain holland that tupolev one fifty four which made a crash landing in the commodore public can sit down and also the flight that the
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gators are the same crew sygate tell a lie to was awarded an order. and that's it for now for all of us here will be back with more first on comments our once going on in and outside pressure counsel then stay on party and take a few. we'll
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. bring you the latest in science and technology from around flushing. we've got the future covered. in india ulti is available in the movie joint people chose the i love you lots of thinking.


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