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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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on our t.v. tonight russians across the country are on cloud nine with football games. twenty eighteen feet provoke club ladies and gentlemen to be organized in. brings you the journey that secured russia the ultimate goal plus in the program we show you how people across the country are celebrating tonight. rules got off of a it's a great thing the such a big event will take place here a lot of tourists will come it's great for our country rather avoid the country we're east russia will be the leader. but it's nice to see that there's still some spirit to patriotism and i feel happy for our homeland. and in other news from our
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t. washington lands itself in hot water after a new leak exposes its true colors opinions of a so-called corrupt russian raise questions over u.s. politicians and their stereotypical view. uncover now in a welcome to r.t. it's a leaven pm this thursday night on a huge good news story for russia dominating our coverage this evening indeed for russia it's as good as winning the world cup itself the country a little earlier on tonight awarded the right to host the sporting spectacle in twenty eighteen it not only promises of course a feast of football but also billions of dollars of investment and a massive influx of tourists laura live coming to come live media conference hopefully within the next hour or so as we take you to see rick promise the putins
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are going to be addressing the committee and thanking them for their voter support in russia and first let's go to europe no not for that long but before it let's talk to andrew farmer a correspondent who's been covering this mazing story for us all day today either andrew i guess five hours since that announcement that they're finally settling just a little bit in switzerland but the work is only just about to begin for russia what's been the reaction. well the action was amazing just a few hours ago when the announcement was made it will definitely be a party in the saving because the the russian bid same has also found out it was a landslide victory they needed a clear majority of twelve votes in the fee for executive committee is now transpired they got thirteen vice and only the second round a lot of us thought he would actually go to a third round of voting but it was no need for that and we all say fan of england who are considered to be one of their close rivals went out in the first round with a need to vote so the joy on the faces of the russian bid same only playing to
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playing to say and faith of president sepp blatter by dissonance meant. twenty eighteen feet from both cup later on john the man of ale be all that nice a nice was was . so plenty of smiles there no say smiling is president medvedev his praise the russian bed same for the ethics over the last twenty months in bringing the world cup to russia for the first time in its history. but argue there was. i can
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gradually everyone from my heart as russia has won the bid to host the twenty teams world cup now we must start preparing and we must do it properly of course we'll have the experience of the twenty fourteen winter olympics in sochi but it's still a very big challenge it's a lot of responsibility for our national team to live in i'm sure all the players will put in their will to achieve the best results this is really wonderful news i congratulate everyone and now we'll support our team to get ready for the world cup you mean you're the girl notion studios in this they have no idea. but as for prime minister vladimir putin he decided to stay in moscow for the vote but is now flown into europe to address the media here we do not surely about why he was in moscow he thought that russia won this contest because it takes all the right boxes as far as faith was can say. that your public a very i want to thank the few for executives committee for his decision for trusting us to host the twenty thousand world cup this decision is in tune with
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people's philosophy to promote football globally especially in regions where it's needed the most with my feet and russia's victory was based on the fact that russia is truly worthy of hosting the world cup even during the second world war in besieged leningrad people were playing football with this says a lot of us decision means russia is trusted. hundred was an extraordinary vote of confidence wasn't it in russia from officials who signaled a wanted to see let's face it change in the direction of football their love rated at all on the decision anymore. well not really it was a secret ballot place which effectively means that they. don't have to reveal who they voted for and they're not obliged to give their reasons for it but i mean reading between the lines i think you can work out pretty easily why russia may have won this contest firstly it's never hasty to world cup before and secondly
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they will initiate he the gym and investment in russia tens of billions of dollars and that will create the legacy that fee for it's always been after say today's three reasons alone i think russia could safely say has won the right to host the world cup in twenty eight. just bit earlier on after this announcement was made we heard from alexis rocca one of the leaders of the russian bid there saying that a media conference was planned we think that. putin is on his way there now we should be very close to zero we think do we know any more about when that's likely to happen it was forecast to be about eleven o'clock moscow time it's now just a little after that any one news or mark the course as soon as it happens will be crossing to it. guess what i have heard i haven't seen it with my own eyes but i have heard that he has now arrived and will be giving a news conference shortly so we're not quite sure what he will sound sure he'll be very praiseworthy of the rushing bay team and also be thanking the three three executive committee for their vote but as i understand it it is going to happen
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pretty soon so what will keep you updated and the farmer from zurich thanks for bringing us up to date there much appreciated. so that we brought you the official reaction to russia's win below see what ordinary russians have to say about the most important bad paper all of us being talking to moscow announcing that iran the saving energy of paid a could see again so there's no forget disappointing news for many countries today russia putting them on the back like true sportsman and of course you've also got to say congratulations to cata who are said to be hosting those games in twenty twenty two seems a long time away doesn't it but the big focus tonight on russia twenty eighteen was this announcement a surprise. well the whole bidding process has been something of a roller coaster ride if you ask me six months ago i probably would have said that russia would nail down as the favorites to host it however even in the spirit of the past couple of days as the delegations were putting forward their final presentations it seemed that england had actually emerged as the favorites to host
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the tournament they put together a very impassioned speech for mingling captain david back in making a speech said seem to going over hearts and minds only for russia to go and produce a presentation that did equally that are more they went on and then and won the the rights to host the tournament at the last moment putting forward if they said to the to the people who were both single mask it certainly won them over and convince them that they should host this tournament it is worthwhile noting just russia beat in order to be able to host these total and we're talking about real powerhouses of the footballing world i mentioned england there also spain and portugal the netherlands and belgium in those two bids to two thousand. national bates' there between belgium and the netherlands and portugal and spain they will all know masses must have names on the world stage and football brushed aside by russia's big they obviously impressed and they were looking to put forward a great tournament and that's just what the man who headed up the russian bid says he's going to do.
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and he's the president. on the members of the keeper executive committee dearest friends and colleagues and everybody who is here. you have an chance to us with. people world cup for twenty eight teams and i just can't promise we all can draw means you will never regret let us make history and together. a great scenes of celebration in switzerland right now here in russia where i'm stood right now just in front of the luzhniki stadium in moscow which will host the final in twenty eighteen we've seen people gathering here there were releasing chinese lanterns into the sky in place and with the russian flag in celebration also cause
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driving around the city a remote scope russian flags waving horns only horns blasting seems reminiscent to when russia was playing some of their best football in recent memory at the last european championships that we're looking to try and get some of that form back ahead of the the world championships in twenty eight same perhaps gokey stages further but it's not just a remorse go to celebrations of being heard all across russia people joyous at the news that the twenty eighteen world cup finals will be coming to russia. rules got off of the group and it's a great thing that such a big event will take place here but the downside is that there will be too many fans of torch russian football has a lot of fans you will all be in the city you will provoke fights this isn't cool for russian. high the city will long at all it's a great incentive for russia to develop i think we'll see what a stimulus to two thousand and fourteen olympics are what kinds of things people are doing for them they're a great inspiration for people i think following be an impact so she keep it up till two thousand and eighteen and things will be great for
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a lot more than the country will race russia will be the leader. it's nice to see that there's still some spirit of patriotism and i feel happy for a higher demand. reaction from around russia there the news that the twenty eighth the world cup finals are coming here. to talk about though the money that's been guaranteed for this we've talked about the media attention is obviously going to get but what else is it going to bring to the russian people. look of course the world cup finals bring with it massive amounts of financial investment tourism sponsorship deals the money is is always going to be talked about but what really needs to be looked at is the global game that football is it is a world game it's played everywhere in the world championships are the the highest point the highest issue on that you can reach of your the world champion that's it there's no higher than you can go to spain or the world champions at the moment they're the best even the world it's not just that though it's the the what filters down from not sort of into grassroots level here and the call it was going to be
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here in russia in twenty eighteen we saw similar things happen in south africa this year with grassroots football young football players are given extra coaching they're given extra money they're given extra impetus is well because you know there could be kids watching right now if you are around the world who in a year's time maybe coming here to russia to play in these finals this world cup final stephanie something that that brings nations together no matter what kind of political trouble they may have with each other when it comes the world cup finals those all go out the window and it's really a joyous celebration home this global game home football all right here all over a bring you some today there on the scenes earlier on from moscow and chatting to people about the street could see you catch up with you in a bit later again for some more of that plenty of comprehensive coverage of course about this great new story for russia tonight as you'd expect from us the anti news channels has more analysis on it now what is going to mean for russia from what cannot be fedoroff he's a sports journalist of the reuters news agency great to have you in the studio i was talking to our correspondent peter they were saying earlier on that when this
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announcement was made a few hours ago literally like the scenes back in two thousand and eight those european championships the same people waving flags horns blazing really does seem to have captured the russian public's imagination it's really good news for russia isn't it well it is and the kind of high points so to speak for russia being that the country needed this world cup to make it a real football country like england where you are you have the all the infrastructure the stadiums and so on. russia needed to build a modern stadiums to to build all the infrastructure. for that i mean kind of world cup would be like a catalyst for that to make it happen a lot of people say maybe that's why the england didn't didn't win the bid because a lot of their infrastructure is already there there was no benefit to come from it of course a mission statement is that you know football should help provide a better future for the world and there is a lot of work to be done in russia regarding infrastructure of course. how much
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work is there to be done do you think and counted all be done in time but it has to be our guest isn't it well. the government guarantees and i guess this was again one of the big points in russia speech that the government. is. floating financial guy and he's to to make it all happen on time and with little doubt that probably mean prime minister putin and will still be in power eight years in in eight years time and would he my kind of given his personal guarantee in going are the only think it i mean you say that it will happen what sort of country is russia when it comes to football people around the world be thinking ok england britain big football fans it's only germany spain big football lovers russia historically really hasn't fall into that they've played other games hockey for instance is very popular here do you think we're going to see a real resurgence of love for football in the country well. i
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mean it's not like i disagree but. i mean football is the number one sport in this country and. russia did well and they won the first european championships they haven't done that well in the world cup in previous walcott's even of the soviet union their best performance was watching the semifinals what is that and why haven't they done well there enough let it breathe the russians what what's not when they're to push them forward well the main reason. because it's so difficult it's only like what they only have eight countries. winning the world cup in almost like or well most eighty years so it's very difficult and i guess we're. falling behind with again with infrastructure and but this is again will be like the mostly for probably new generation the kids that now are like just drawing up and they want to be tidied the part of the team that will compete in the two thousand and eighteen i'm looking at the list here of the stadiums are going to be reviewed or
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indeed built from scratch are going everywhere around russia from yaroslavl to catrin bird krasnodar in the south kaliningrad really the list is is pretty long sixteen stadiums in all thirteen of those stages are going to be brand new it really is good news isn't it for four new blood coming into the sport it is especially for the people in those cities i mean the whole world i don't know if all sixteen stadiums will be told maybe they will be cut down to fourteen or thirteen but whatever the number will be the people in those in those cities will surely be an american mainly for again we're talking about the younger generation that is just growing up and they will have. a chance to play not just mean it's not just one city and it will be the whole infrastructure around the stadium you peaches. and the exotic that's the key thing i was going to come on to we're talking about actually how you get to these great venues opponents have a great venue for you can you get there and that's it's no secret that russia's
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infrastructure is not that hot in some places there is going to be a lot of work done to make sure that that's completely on the board high speed rail links better communications better airports that's going to be stepped up as well isn't it and i guess the detractors that say hey you are going to do it in time should only look at sochi and what's being done for the twenty fourteen olympics starts banging on the ball as far as the inspectors are saying isn't it yes actually they proved some skeptics wrong and there. i know at least not falling behind and doing all the work on time so obviously probably broke up will be more difficult because it's not only one city but thirteen c.d.'s and needs to be much larger work but still like i said with the government guarantees and everything is kind of like we have here is like sort of like. people from the day they need a decision from up stairs and if they get that and they get the point. clearly what your personal view on this than what you feel is
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a russian. writes in things he has to football who seems here just as a russian you have to be proud and i mean. including myself most of the people were kind of cautiously optimistic it would be kind of mood going up and down and even twenty four hours ago when the news broke out that putin was not going to do it people said oh that's probably mean it's bad news because he she knows she must know something and he doesn't want to be kind of this associated with the with the with the loses because previously i knew where he went he it was victory so i was as was much of this media speculation often wrong that's right all right we're not a federal sports jamison the reuters news agency pleasure to have you on the program have your thoughts as well he said very good night for russian sport. let's get some more thoughts now russia celebrating its victory to host football's major events of twenty eight to you kind of miss that tonight let's get some reaction from the streets of moscow one of the streets of moscow where are you ridiculous
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when you're a bar i think tell us what you're up to it has been did i but i would if i am not drinking but it will force me to make things come by the down around here but you have to realize that this is a work night a lot of people do have to go to work tomorrow but trust me earlier on it was absolutely insane people were very excited about the fact that not only by the fact the sixty one five know but also of course about the fact that russia now gets a chance to host the world cup championship of course that is absolutely great news and we did speak to people all over moscow earlier and they didn't tell us why their opinion this is a major event for russia and the russians would. want to be on that but i think this will help the country's infrastructure i play football myself and love the game you know used to i think it's good for russia and i will definitely watch it as this is no good this is greet i will certainly come to see a few games myself this will help the country's football infrastructure with new
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stadiums and roads being built. a lot of tourists will come it's great for our country. but of course there you have it fans have had their say the officials had their say and now we have to do is wait another eight years and see what happens then when the big celebration actually comes to moscow went to russia well all right but i guess there's no underestimating is that the importance of the event for russia even though it's a years away. absolutely right of course we've heard that word before infrastructure in the structure of probably a million times a day but this is indeed the major thing that is. that concerts this particular event in this particular french bides we probably should not be surprised at the fact that the main hero off the pitch video for this event for the for russia was a little boy named sasha and of course that that could actually mean the entire idea that this event is going to play absolutely important role for the growing
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generations for today's youth the boy sashi and his friends and and all the other little little boys and girls who are growing up in our world really will be inspired by it at this wonderful event by this absolutely wonderful game it is for them that the country is going to invest billions of dollars into new stadiums into it with a totally new and refresh infrastructure of the cities into basically improvement of the country for the youth i guess that is probably one of the main underlying points of importance of this particular event of russia's winning a chance to host the world cup championship just reminding our viewers we're. trained on where the made the conference is about to be held we were told it was going to be about twenty minutes ago but it seems to be continuing on and on and on i'm sure they will take the stage and i think. putin is going to be there as well
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we're waiting for that before now in moscow really good thank you for bringing your side of it much appreciated. just reminding us we will be taking to the. as soon as it happens a lot more comment to come on this great news story tonight well and weather when it decided let's so wind the clock back a little if you missed it and look back at the glorious moment for russia when it was indeed granted earlier on tonight about five hours ago at golden ticket and its name was revealed to the world there is now without the suspense but nonetheless with all the joy of the result twenty eight hundred feet from both a laser and gender mandeville be organized. i. i it's a win win for football and for russia with the twenty fourteen winter olympics in the bag and formula one on the starting grid question schools have three hosting global was given. you and trusted to make decisions. for junior gratian believe in the us believe in russia.
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as a country looks to set new goals as show of faith meets the nation's hopes world cup twenty eight russia ready to inspire. i. you are watching r.t. live from moscow on the night russia won the right to host the twenty eighteen world cup more of that ahead but it's business next with you. hello and a very warm welcome to the business news the world's major soft drink producer pepsico is buying control of russia's juice and day we giant them bowl down foods the price three point eight billion dollars to six to six percent represents a premium of about a third to the company's recent share price that course it's just to jump shopping
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on moscow exchanges the deal comes only three months off to france sold its eighteen percent stake in wimbledon back to the russian company pepsico take control in a stack of buying six to six percent the rest on terms mandated by russian law firm built on controls around a third of russia's traits and very market and house thirty eight production plants across the c.i.s. this year of involved down profits growth fifteen percent to over one hundred ten million dollars debt a view from b g c partners thinks that vision is tricky. initially all to say that when there's a takeover bid put in the aggressor nobody loses a little bit of value which puts because doug but i think when you're looking at the strategic deal looking forward i think there will be a recovery period you know because when you pay sixty percent premium to sixty six percent of a company it's an awful lot of money but i think everybody agrees that cross border
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deals are very much the way forward in order to get or is starting to show itself in a new country and even with a new company it's very often necessary to make your mark by paying quite a premium to the existing share price i think that in the long term they'll be happy about it i mean food is something that is going to be in short supply for many many years to come so when healthy foods the big target for a big international catering company such as pepsi cola you have to sit up and take notice. of the market snobbery. ochs extended their rally for a fourth day as high oil prices and speculation in europe's debt crisis will be contained boosted confidence in the global recovery. shares surged sixty percent up to pepsico cited will quiet a controlling stake in the brush and dairy company from added about three point seven percent of gross never being two percent on the high oil prices. and european
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markets extended the end of the day high e.c. b. has extended the window under which it will lead to european banks until april that seem to be your of turning to stocks to travelers money the top gainers to more than seven percent. growth stocks on thursday up to the jobless claims rose more than expected after its biggest single day jump in more than three months the dow jones the screening point eight percent. misses of the gas exporting countries but russia's push for more discussion before the e.u. approves its third energy charter the amendments would ban energy producers from distribution all correspondent to china pretty cool reports from the gas exporters formant contact. the main message of the meeting was that gas producers want to work on time called. and with gas prices which participants take environmental premium gas is the most.
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only work these terms will secure long term investments. will help possible imbalances in supply and demand in the future. to. this. we've discussed the current situation on the markets and agreed that the base price of gas should be linked to the oil equivalent and should take into account the advantages of gas compared to the oil and its byproducts very happy that ministers have backed russia's push for more discussion. before the e.u. approves it. that's a serious political decision. for him participants back to russia to discuss the european charter which is.
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also being. implemented this rule will obviously big. plans to move. downstream i guess. the main challenge is for the sector. as little as one percent which is much lower than in previous years on the positive side. with demand growing by six per cent a year such definitely bring exporters present here. but you know people the business are to you from doha qatar. russia's second largest lender p.t.p. bank will buy a majority stake and transcript of bank by the end of the hear trans creditors a top twenty bank on the market but bt b. plans to invest in the firm's operations to boost its positions the bank c.e.o.
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explains the details of the deal at this stage we were buying a controlling stake from this from this bank i think the entire capital of transcripted bank is approximately a billion and a half u.s. so altimeter we're paying approximate two times book value for that acquisition but all the business news for now you can get more store a small website r.t. dot com slash business. bringing you the latest in science and technology from the realm of. the future are covered. in india these are made of.


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