tv [untitled] December 2, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm EST
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that's hotel closeness you don't need to go. read this in the kennel was a hotel retreat. tonight russians across the country are on cloud nine with football minds. twenty eight feet up. the money will be organized. i. t bring you the journey that secured russia the ultimate goal plus we'll be showing you how people across the country is celebrating. good work it's a great thing that such a big event. this of course a lot of tourists will come it's great for our country. to country russia will be the leader. it's nice to see there's still some spirit of patriotism and i feel happy for our homeland.
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kevin now in welcome to our team is what i am this friday morning huge good news story for russia dominating our coverage just remind you if you know call it already the storage fee for meeting which brought russia or its first opportunity to host the world cup took place in switzerland and for the latest on this exciting event open across no to a test live for us in zero eight tonight tessa you can hear me and i was but a long day for you but exciting day isn't a round up for us what's been happening in zurich on this monumental day i think it's probably fair to say that for russia. well that's right it's been a very very exciting day it started off really with that intense a competitive spirit here we've heard from all the bidding countries for there were . twenty eight and finally it was down to the last to england and to russia of
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course after england's bid was england made the presentation there was a lot of talk that england was likely to win of course that casts a shadow of a doubt over russia's chances what as we know russia finally won the hosting rise of the world cup twenty eighteen now a lot of it has to do with russia was saying that the the reason why russia says it should get this is because there's a lot of need for there's a need for growth and development in russia would be do with would be living up to its philosophy of spreading the game it's more than just a game it's about here is humanity it's about people it's about bringing the game to places where it hasn't isn't as popular and so that is one of the key factors that has actually made russia the winner of this race and let's hear from the russian capital what they have to say. mr president. all the members of the. executive committee dearest friends and colleagues and everybody who
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is here. you have any chested us with. people wake up for twenty. and. i just can't promise we all can drummond's you will never regret let us make history together. well we know that the run up to today there was a lot of question whether russian private a survey reported was actually coming here because all the other body countries are brought in the big guns will be and he did it and he just arrived here is or it will be finished a press conference just a few minutes ago where of course members of the press were asking him prime minister why weren't you here and so this is what he had to say on that matter. the competition was tense both for the twenty fourteen winter olympics and twenty eighteen world cup but the olympics campaign didn't see so much dirt so many
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scandals and i think that in this situation we should have avoided putting any pressure on the fifa members that's why i told russia's sports minister that i wouldn't arrive to present our bid but it was a sign of respect to fifa members i believe the smear campaign against was unacceptable. well of course so we mustn't forget the competitors who didn't win their sports money like pats on the back for them must give them a mention tomorrow and also of course qatar as well twenty twenty to be doing a similar thing but no matter how you look at it the big headline for me with russia tonight isn't it how are russia's competitors taking. yeah well of course there is a lesser they've because race was very tight so of course there was a lot of disappointment coming from the campus specially of the english because there was a lot of talk as i mentioned earlier surrounding the fact that they might have the
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hosting rights of the world cup twenty eighteen so there was a lot of disappointment but they did come and congratulate the russian cab and let's hear from one of the stars of the english. you know prime minister gave us the way prince william gave us a way you know if. we you know we betty i think. we can be proud of ourselves but obviously we disappointed you said congratulations to you know two countries that got twenty eighteen and twenty twenty two so we're going to challenge them. so there you have it well the most anticipated day in be as sporting world is finally over the decisions have been made russia will be hosting the world cup twenty eight hundred qatar will be hosting twenty twenty two back to you. live from zurich thanks for bringing us the latest thoughts as well from moscow peter all of those being gauging reaction from that side of the story. it's because of what
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fever is about people supposed to spread football around the world and giving it to russia and giving it the first time not just to russia but the first time to eastern europe those just start keeping it out they could have they could have made a decision to give it to england one of the major powerhouses of european football like england like spain portugal belgium or netherlands they did went through a new approach so this is something that people have done in the past we look at where the headlines decisions that they've made where they're going to host the tournament so we saw them place a tournament this year in south africa the next one's going to be held in brazil this one at the one after that now we're going to see it in russia so people are really living up to what should be there monday so spreading football around the world by giving these games by giving this tournament to russia. i can gradually everyone from my heart as russia has won the bid to host the twenty eight hundred world cup now we must start preparing and we must do it properly of course we'll
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have the experience of the twenty fourteen winter olympics in sochi but it's still a very big challenge it's a lot of responsibility for our national team to you and i'm sure all the players will put in their will to achieve the best results this is really wonderful news i congratulate everyone and now will support our team to get ready for the world cup notion studios in this that even though i knew. well mr red head of their measuring the twenty fourteen lympics one thing he did mention as well it is going to rush to formula one now we seem even spoiled for choice as well now after the formula one the olympics and the world cup coming here but the experience that's going from those to the before we won on the olympics coming before the world cup could only serve to help the preparations they'll be put in place over the next eight years to make sure that those finals are the best finals that russia could put forward and one of the main statements is being made in the build up to the decision to choose russia for the finals as peter said that they wanted to have a tournament that would be remembered for generate. sions to come now that's no to
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russia to put in place now they've said seven but they can do it it's no joke to try and do it and be true but their reaction wasn't even from a political level this is really stretched the hearts and minds of people here in russia where i'm still right now is just in front of the the luzhniki stadium in moscow where the final will take place in eight years time earlier on here there were crowds of people who were releasing chinese balloons into the air chinese lanterns of a coupon into the blazon bridge the russian flag we're seeing cars driving around the capital with russian flags people holds a celebration at the scum. they are all over there bringing us up today will russia celebrating his victory to host football's biggest event in twenty eight in style we caught up with another of our correspondent she followed it from one of moscow's rather warmer sports boss. well indeed it is warm and very exciting here is better in fact for a while it seemed like everything was winding down and people were starting to leave but then the second wave came in they were fresh out of the football match
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and that just only goes to show that football is in fact at the moment russia's top sports right now and of course because of that the decision of the committee to allow russia to hold the world cup championship in the country is very important and we did talk to some fans would explain why this is a major event not just for russia but for russian football as well mogilny up i think this will help the country's infrastructure i play football myself and love the game you know used to i think it's good for russia and i will definitely watch it as this is no good this is greet i will certainly come to see a few games myself this will help the country's infrastructure with new stadiums and rules being built. richard quest a lot of tourists will come it's great for our country. so there you have a lot simpler than a lot lots of in just a patient for prior to the games prior prior to the event which is of course going to be held in eight dearest time but until then the fans of the russians will have
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to wait and see what exactly is going to happen to the country and how the country will prepare for this major major event of the underlying a part of the message which was sent by the russian position to the comedian was probably the idea that everything that that everything that we're celebrating today isn't that the pollution for the future for the young generations again eight years time is quite a long time so so those children who are young today or six seven years old there will be a two meters by the time the other world cup kind of rolls around and of course hopefully by that time they will be inspired to actually participate in the sport and be involved in the sport and hopefully by that time the infrastructure a word which sounded probably a million times to say every time somebody talks about this major event by then the infrastructure will allow. russia seems to be absolutely totally involved in the game and maybe that was the underlying part of the objects that russia has a brit presentist. the ceremony today with the little boy sol shah who essentially
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was probably representation of the entire russians in the us and children who were just ready already and probably to take on and carry arms through i think next eight years of the temperance of fog and who probably will be engrossed in this game when the world cup runs around and russia will be fully ready to host the event. yes that is absolutely right. people sort of jumping up and down and screaming and just being absolutely of relating to this probably the word that you probably describe it the best way i mean this is a major event some people have the people that were here did not believe that is
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actually going to happen everybody was saying that england is probably going to win it in fact i think until probably a about five minutes when this was announced i did not believe it either but then probably i had no patriotism texted or something or a sixth sense and i just thought this is going to be it and a lot of people did the same thing and a lot of people are indeed very excited they say that russia deserves this that football needs promotion in russia and since it's still the number one sport it still needs to be worked on it still needs to get all the infrastructure and all of the available resources poured into it so far so like i said before like many people have said before me this is a major event and people in moscow in particular but i think over the country are absolutely ecstatic about the fact that the world cup two thousand and eleven two thousand and eighteen i'm sorry is going to take place in russia russia. live.
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was. was. was. so. so should we got the t.v. day. the face of a bed that wanted and i had a man that led the successful team joins our tests are still in there in zero eight hi again tessa good see you say you're joined by the man who led this very successful as a russian brit alexei so often. that's right so we're here to get some behind the scenes inside first hand from one of the members of the
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russian pit now first of all congratulations for the win now it was said reported that everyone was pulling out the because of the last day they were still calling out people they were putting in a lot of effort on the eve of the voting the what was russia's count doing that time. the eve of voting we just were just polite we. made small conversation with people there were no serious discussions because i think if you haven't done it properly over the last year and a half you couldn't do it on the front and as there's nothing to be seen to be caught up with on the eve it should be always a result of the found and well planned out. strategy all right so what do you think it was part of the russian presentation the final presentation you said before that that you were putting a lot of emotion into it do you think that played
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a big part in the convincing the judges to vote for russia. because everything factual we already had opportunities to say we've had numerous presentations for various confederations we've had individual presentations to members study and so to go our go for the final presentation was to really tell how we felt about it how we felt about the idea of the big book rather than discuss the specifics of our bit. rather us some point during the voting process there was a lot of talk that england was likely to win were you worried to towards the end well we were not that's for sure but not necessarily better england we were in general. cautious about all our competitors. every country could have won every bit could have won. and would have organized the world cup perfectly well it's just to happen so that we're going to. play well now the work begins as the
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prime minister puts it had said what's the first step when you get back to moscow what's the work the first of the going to do well the first thing i'm going to do is certainly not think about work for a while. but then we'll discuss the. there is zero. the club of this long campaign. probably plan some meetings with chief. to really see how we go along from here. they will thank you very much for your time so that's why alexei sorokin he was a key part a c.e.o. of the committee handling the russian did all right thanks brings up today there and good to see the man that helped bring home the trophy as twenty four i think for much. and we take you through some of the main news stories now tonight here at r.t. russian officials say they deeply doubt the credibility of fresh allegations against
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the country released by whistleblower web site wiki leaks but secret u.s. diplomatic cables brad russia for organized crime and corruption and some even calling the country a mafia state delegations are also made against private as to vladimir putin claiming he did master fortune in foreign banks during his time as president put his press secretary has dismissed study information as utter rubbish saying it's a bunch of groundless rumors the fall is the latest in a growing list of leagues and originating from american officials i was not his report found out washington's been exposed to a truly global scale. a global partner in peace or paranoid superpower hungry for secrets our diplomats are doing what diplomats do around the world every day which is build relationships negotiate advance our interests and work to find common solutions to complex problems that's what they do but according to documents released by wiki leaks in two thousand and nine u.s. diplomats around the world were in fact directed to gather saif i take details
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including facial images fingerprints iris scans and even d.n.a. from u.n. officials among the target and basters from russia china france and britain even secretary-general ban ki moon many people didn't understand what that meant or that mean the diplomats do spying on the the order of operation allegedly came from u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton and as the u.s. assumes the presidency of the security council today these revelations will probably be seen as an undesirable distraction but little more it seems only belgium openly criticised washington for mixing diplomatic work and outright espionage the united nations is not in a position to comment on the authenticity of the document purporting to request information gathering activities official reaction from the u.n. itself only went as far as reminding member states that international treaties per hit spying at the u.n. their response has been so weak to being spied on by the u.s.
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in large part because the u.s. is just the behemoth of the u.n. they pay a lot of the bills but they also have the ability to veto a second term for ban ki moon the u.s. is the un's fattest financier said to contribute more than two and a half billion dollars in two thousand and eleven and this is not the first time the u.s. has been caught spying. back in two thousand and three in the lead up to the invasion of iraq the national security agency was reportedly conducting a secret surveillance operation. providing intelligence on the voting intentions of u.n. members this time around diplomats were asked to provide information on computer upgrade security measures passwords and personal encrypted keys of their human colleagues the exhausting level of details allegedly demanded about top u.s. officials has not only left the u.s. red faced but it's also caused some to question whether washington was ultimately
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laying the groundwork for surveillance or how king operations here at the world body had quarters for governments that are constantly talking about democracy the transparent see in poor law in the world and say that they're invading all sorts of countries in order to promote there's a new democratic spirit and then they behave this way i'm sorry but i think it's time for some outrage while washington repeatedly claims to be rebuilding and repairing relations around the world the image of the u.s. as big brother watching at the u.n. may be repairable what is the u.s. policy is this u.s. policy going forward and you know it was in the past will it be going forward and if so you know people better hold on to their wallets around here while the u.s. appears to be left holding the smoking gun. r.t. new york. vice president of the center for national policy told me the latest wiki
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leaks has hit u.s. foreign relations below the belt. the key point is that these cables do not represent. a clear picture it's information being passed on for analysis back in washington so even rumors are passed on and you're getting a file that includes information that some of which may be true and some of which may not be these revelations put people at risk around the world and worse than that undermines the trust that binds diplomats together to work on common problems i think we all have to assume that whatever we put down on paper or on a computer can be broadcast to the world that's the nature of the digital age and i doubt this is the last time they'll be embarrassing revelations out there in the world of diplomacy. well you know top news stories in brief three roadside bombs have exploded in the iraqi capital baghdad i think she will say security forces and government employees were targeted several people including five policemen were
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injured in the attacks which took place across the city during morning rush hour comes amid a wave an increased wave of violence in the country following the u.s. combat troop withdrawal. ivory coast opposition leader only what out has been declared the winner in the country's presidential runoff the constitutional courts rejected the result of the ruling party calling the victory a coup tonight the army said to have sealed the country's border earlier several people reportedly killed as violence broke out it were tartars office in abidjan despite a curfew is opposition parties accuse president bag of trying to steal the ballots the election is the first in the country for a decade. at least fifteen people have died now in europe from the cold snap that sent the continent into the deep freeze transports been affected across several countries with many major airports suffering severe delays the conditions are the worst the u.k.'s experience for seventeen years experts predict heavy snow falls and plummeting temperatures in europe will continue for several days. online
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tonight of course more about the twenty eighteen world cup top story we have for you i'm a chance to have your say and maybe give you support to also online an influential photographer and baldwin darkeys brings his work to russia we explore images and find out what makes seoul later so special at our team dot com the temperatures of the negative double digits even outside the studios in central moscow we explore how to stay warm and enjoy the russian capital as it chills captured one of the local inside knowledge at r.t. dot com. well we've enjoyed our coverage tonight of the russian success in winning its bid to host the twenty eighteen world cup my name is kevin and i'll be back with those main news headlines shortly.
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do we will enjoy the blessings of the bush liberty. really christianity is one of the only religion i think the only one that actually respects the rights of people who don't bring. the spirit in it is taking planes. down the station. ready to. wait for your moment one of the time and exclaimed. god bless you. good some. excellent professional. medics travel. possessing an extra ordinary car. the do. many people in this country.
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