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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm EST

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good to see don't have to go. brother said the colonel was her job as a retreat. welcome to the program this is all see a quick check of the headlines. historical rubble that's how president medvedev has characterized the past relations between russia and poland as the two leaders pledged to smooth out times for both sides a. new spy thriller unfolds as a young russian woman working as an m.p.'s assistant in the united kingdom is a resident faces deportation on espionage charges. and tensions run high as south korea the u.s. and japan hold military drills in the yellow sea while seeking to exclude pyongyang from peace talks. well those are the headlines up next
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a look at how america's war on terror has given rise to war religions in the u.s. triggering the rise of christian nationalism second part of our special report is up next. warfare mythology. for the advancement of religious ideology. is i feel highly inappropriate. because i think from a place where warfare is very very real and has very real consequences. being an officer from strategic air. means that we understood that a very bad day could result in a nuclear holocaust. that's a reality that we live with every day and when you do live with that reality every
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day and you take some small part of responsibility for that and for trying to make sure that that doesn't happen every day then you become. i would say rather put out with people who would trivialize these kinds of dire consequences for the world. in order to advance a particular religious perspective. now from member station k.c. . colorado and it's. thank you very much you were one of those people who brought up into the plains this problem. the issues that we brought forward that there was
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the institutionalization. of evangelism at the academy that is to say that people were using. their position. air force officers as faculty members as officers come in and as advanced and senior cadets. to engage in and to inform others that the only appropriate way that they could resource their spirituality was from the bucket if you will conservative christian evangelicals. the commandant of cadets general engaged in rhetoric and for a bit and sent commanders guidance which talked about how people resourced their spirituality and. he equated militarism of conservative christianity with.
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expected the attitude that he expected from the students. when you're eighteen years old. because our. world is one. big. crowds. when people in the military whether they be chaplains or staff or people of forty in the military. articulate a religious perspective which says if you are not born again you are going to hell
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if you do not you jesus in this way then you are going to hell what you are really saying to that person is next. all your life and your existence is also less suited value than someone who embraces this idiology the etiology of the conservative christian. for all that is all they all are. live and while the authors. head off. while we have. several hundred. staff. this is. where all the officers. christian military. heroes
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are a was traded for. their work. for over three hours well it all is your. hello i'm major general retired deputy director of campus crusade for christ military ministries vision of campus crusade military ministries to transform the nations of the world to the military says we're. still finding just like the revival in the army in northern virginia eight hundred sixty two sixty three there's incredible numbers about a thousand a month i mean the recruit training camps that are coming in he's promised he can in many more recommitting why is that. clears a man's head you know to using this particular point in time to purify those
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individuals in the military as they go to do our bidding. and also providentially to purify our nation. is. war even gentle fundamentalists. the lord even zation. to be extremely powerful not only in the local community but one international level have a very international. reach these organization in others in there or scores of these organizations. also interest in influencing as well as the. county.
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is america. you know. all the way from genesis to revelation you see that god does have opinions about nations if god is pleased with the government he rewards it and. if he's not pleased with the government he withholds the blessing and. withholds his favor on that government so do i believe god has his hand on america yes i do i believe god will continue to have his hand on america i think that's up to us and do i think it would be wise for us to do the things for god to continue having us and on america i think that would be why.
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you choose to. air force members in saddam hussein's. swimming pool and chose to have photos taken of this and have those photos published. to make up that sometimes a little publicity if it which projects to the rule that a christian american or me is inhabiting and is rome a country and performing christian rituals in the palace of the former dictator of that country the former. that islamic country i think says very concerning and disturbing things and then for the military to tout that to put into law that activity or into a war that chaplain. the designation air force chaplain the year is is mind boggling to me quite frankly. in the military the kinds of extreme
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training pitch go through are justified by saying after all these are matters of life did. not. this seem to be justification is used in in christian fundamentalism in terms of saying there is this kind of altar with warfare going on so i am willing to commit myself fully to the sufficient principles just as i myself to this rigorous military life which justify a certain kind of intensity and radical the goals of my nation or the goals of god almighty god almighty will make sure that.
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the will of the song from god is fulfilled through the action of this nation. as you know nine eleven changed everything for the united states of america and changed things in the world. so as we train our soldiers to fight the war on terrorism the spiritual nature of this is very important it is very important at this point in time when our nation is here in this terrorism threat to our moral fabric. tightly together so that we are able to fight this war on terror only. we've got to bend our knee as a nation we've got to repent as a nation and we've got to start heading in the right direction as soldiers troops and their families have an incredible influence over culture at large we take in the sons and daughters of america and we bring them into the military forces and
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they are mentally transformed they are physically transformed and in god's providence they can be spiritually transformed if we can influence the military for jesus christ we can influence nations regions and continents for jesus christ. and i want you to understand. god's love for your. heard the voice of god. and i can see god. in there. and i pray there will be comforted by a power greater than any. spoken to the ages and saw twenty three. even though i walked through the valley of the shadow of death. the evil. for you are with me. during this time when our nation is at war it is especially thrilling to hear that
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over one thousand young people accept christ every month at our u.s. basic training locations in the united states and that future leaders are military are being reached and disciples at the academies and are o.t.c. detachments and operational locations around the world i'm impressed with your goal to change kind of that's for christ. as we move forward together and helping to rebuild the great commission let me encourage you to continue fighting the good fight as you seek to bring faith to the foxhole hope to the home front and carry the message of christ to the ins of the earth. god bless you.
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thank god. if god knows. he will have to apologize to sodom and gomorrah. and the world happening and the. other fine time to be looking to alert. earthquakes wars rumors of wars we are living in the final days before he turns. could overtake you sooner than you think all you have to do is turn on the evening news to understand that a cataclysmic drama is about to be the theater world of prayer you and i
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are living right now. in the days of the fulfillment of bible prophecy a day that prophet. jeremiah could only look forward to. the key to. making disciples. teaching. compromising the message of jesus christ. sure of drugs and divorce and homosexuality and pornography and satanism and suicide and incest and we're all the slightly slower thinking this is not progress ladies and john. what we are experiencing as a nation is poplog breath. plus with shock waves of mileage spreading through the middle east more fair all fall off a sea of harvick at what ominous signs convince these people that the end of the
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old is upon. a lot of christians are convinced that the apocalypse may be coming soon take a look at the rapture index on the world wide web so gentleman from books to blogs to the back pews the buzz it's all about the end it's our lives so i need to start taking care of unfinished business and telling people that i love them and i'm sorry for all the evil things i've done well i think that would be a good start. as you watch this i can only america fear the superior. this is being with you in the business. the fact that you are watching indicates that you have been left behind. nine eleven was a wake up call to america suddenly now we realize we're vulnerable and that fear can lead many people. we believe that god has raised up america
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to be a tool. to get the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. bible has taught for over twenty five hundred years the focus of the world would be on the middle east and the nations that are in conflict today are the very nations that are talked about the bible twenty five hundred years ago the first book we wrote was called left behind as the syrians were trying to make sure that people accept jesus while we have an opportunity so they do don't be left behind and the interesting thing robin is that all across america in fact around the world many people are calling on the name of the. think saved because there's no alternative either accept jesus or you're going to go through a terrible time but mom often says better get right very good right in these times that we're living it intuitively in the heart of every human being is the desire to live after death and we have the answer it's not from our words but from the bible
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and we've just fictionalized it made it so popular it just caught on it has caught on over sixty million worldwide gentlemen always a pleasure to have been here and for your insight we really do appreciate it.
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truly. snapped. i. should have. you don't like handing. stories to. jail. claiming we have accounts weapons of mass destruction of course we have to stop.
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the war with islamic fascists pick up work. now it's anyone's guess as to whether we'll find stockpiles of w m d's before the polls find the right to soften the constitution. dear friends until most of this comes down with two strong talents from brokeback mountain say we. start with. the first and most important principle that i want to raise. america is defined by its relationship to god. responsibility for ga think about this he gave us the already been over this
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earth has made we're all landmarks and then when the fall of that we lost that the example resurrection of jesus christ we gained that story once again. cared so much about this authority that even read the law with his finger. to leave it for you to share to reassure. elderly shoes that string but they lack a shawl. just go back in freak show. where this place out just listen jesus. history's going to write about us. they're going to say who are the christians who are the leaders when the train went off the tracks sixty dollars
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course culture or their eyes are going to say who are the christians the moms and dads the people who voted people into office the right people on the office. when they saw the train was about to go off the track they're also live a life i mean they said wow i thought wow. folks he stole our church. because. we're close we're very close to what he's found us at raising joe many men and women like you all over america will put christian citizenship i have to top of the list of your responsibilities then shoot very soon we will be able to come back to washington congratulating each other and know what shirt that we have done our duty and that we have given our children a shining city on
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a hill. dr james looked around smiling at this professor at harvard divinity school. told us that when we were his age he was then close to eighty we would all be fighting the christian fascists. the warning given to me twenty five years ago came in the moment pat robertson and other radio and televangelists began speaking about a new political religion that would direct its efforts at taking control of all
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institutions including mainstream denominations in the government its stated goal was to use the united states to create a global christian empire. was hard at the time to take such fantastic rhetoric seriously especially given the buffoonish quality of those who expounded it but out on that warned us against the blindness caused by intellectual snobbery. it was not a man to use the word fascist lightly he was in germany in one nine hundred thirty five and one nine hundred thirty six and worked with the underground and the nazi church known as the confessing church led by dietrich bonhoeffer. also reminded us that american intellectuals and industrialists openly flirted with fascism in the one nine hundred thirty s. mussolini's corporatism which created an unchecked industrial and business aristocracy appeal to many american industrialists at the time who saw it as an effective counterweight to the new deal. adams finally told us to watch closely
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with the christian right did the homosexuals. here seen how the nazis had used values to launch state repression of opponents edward days after he took power in one nine hundred thirty three imposed a ban on all homosexual and lesbian organizations. adams warned us that gays and lesbians would be the first social deviants singled out by the christian right. and we would be the next.
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because he said he was how do you what do you want like setting in the library or do you want. presidential ordeal one. already you want what are you what are you doing here. my. prayers are. my. my. my. mind. my.
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mind or. poor.
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in india multis available in the move go hard enough join people jones feel us think a photo of the grand imperial trying to toss west coast course.


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