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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2010 7:30pm-8:00pm EST

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hello again you're watching aussies great to how you're with us the headline. a breakthrough in relations polish and russian leaders praise new steps to strengthen ties between the countries as president with better business also working to smooth out longstanding differences between both patients. splices pie story a young russian assistance to a british and peeved faces deportation from britain on suspicion of a spare knowledge which both she and her politician balsa to deny there's been a british media frenzy over this story reminiscent of the cold war in europe. and tensions run high as seoul holds
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a nice series of nine bahrain naval exercises displayed warnings a call from pyongyang the u.s. has been holding meetings with south korea and japan in washington demanding north korea it sees as what they call that provoke you to get. up next a look at how america's war on terror has given rise to war of religions in the u.s. triggering the rise of christian nationalism fusspot of all special report is coming out.
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this crusade. this war on terrorism. is going to take a while. i really believe that the pagans the abortionist and the feminists of the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle all of them tried to secularize america i want the thing in their face and say you helped this happen. they can point to nine eleven and say look we told you something like this was going to happen we're told at the end of the world was coming it would be a great confrontation and see something like this is never happened before and now it's happening and no you should listen to us now you should take note that our message has a meaning we were able to foretell these kinds of apocalyptic policy destruction.
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when all of the colonies had been established over here they got together for the first time in sixteen forty three and wrote what is known as the do england confederation and in that they stated piecework just listen to them carefully where we all came into these parts of america for what and the same
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and. namely. to advance the kingdoms of our lord jesus christ. today all but coral ridge hour dr kennedy reminds us of the important tenets of reclaiming america christ we need to bring the word of go to bear. every spear of one. one of the things that's interesting about eighty games candy who's a little bit less narrow and people like you know pat robertson or jerry falwell but he's right up there in terms of influence he's probably. third. most successful most listened to christian broadcaster in the country you see a clone in minion theology which basically holds that god gave man to mean you know over all the earth that minion was forfeited after the fall but then restored to christians through the death of jesus and so essentially denying
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in theology holds that christians have the right to rule and that's something that he is kennedy has me very very clear in his writings i believe that the bible gives us to mandate. that are the basic tracks upon which the trade of the church. train of every christian while you are supposed to run. the first whether it's valid in the first chapter of genesis. first twenty eight where god told us that we are to be fruitful and to reap reproduce so multiplied to replenish the earth and to have dominion over everything all be your reclaiming america for christ means a nation that tries to its word tries to do it god has told us we should be doing and trying to bring god actually bring god back into the country again they're trying to outlaw him in our pledge to try and outlaw him in our schools they're trying to outlaw him and even our monetary money. they banned the ten commandments
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which is what we're supposed to live by in which the lot of this country was founded on. in fact if you go all the way back to the very beginning you see there was the lord's christ. declares in his diary that it was the holy spirit moving it is hard to courting to the prophecies of the old to take the gospel of christ to the new world one of the things that i think is really interesting about him that he serves as a kind of a break that's we you know ready for prime time christian right and. if he responds. to see as it were in. the states absolutely. this is the one reason why i seek to use this because i do think it's all the biblical prophecies are true then saying those whose time is short
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words if. you. didn't see too soon that's. so that. there's to descend into law the logos. there is a spiritual war it's an unseen spiritual war that's what we've been told we're been told that the god of this age speaking. satan has blinded the eyes of unbelievers so that sometimes when you're talking to them they don't even realize what they're advocating is really quite dark this is from a book called the changing of the guard the local principles for political action by george graham he used to be the executive director of the james kennedy school of which ministries and he wrote christians had an obligation a mandate a commission a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for jesus christ to have dominion in
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civil structures just as an every other aspect of late and got to think this but it is did many and we're after not just a voice is dominion we are after not just influence it is dominion the hour after not just the time it is diminishing we are after world conquest that's what christ has commissioned us to accomplish we must win the world with the power of the gospel and we must never settle for anything less good radio upon which the christian church and every christian why. use the last commandment that god gave to us which was the great commission or the a banjo mandate which is to go and preach the gospel to every creature we find in a fusion strapped for it says that they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word everyone everywhere evangelizing and that's how the early
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church conquered the pagan roman empire once we reclaim it here maybe we can be more effective around the world because much of the world has. gotten away from god gotten away from christ. on a personal expressed appreciation on the station. for me this is. true ghostwriter more than thirty years of constant. the critical week for us was a program he created for. the only hope for anything this world is the constant really. is for people to know that if they were to die right now and it could be even better because. it. is. it really is it is it's.
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i think it's quite appropriate for us to proclaim our faith. for those who are of a faith that we believe one must have a spiritual experience a born again experience an opportunity to accept that receive christ into their heart into their life sad to military is a perfectly fine setting in which to do that when the word terror think it's really thinks to focus the people say the most christian god same god michael says the most god requires you to leave your son down for him the christian god gave his son to die for you well it's a clash of cultures it's a class of civilizations do we want to go back to eighty eight century islamic law or do we want to enjoy the blessings and fruit of christian liberty and i know
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where my food is sleep. since it. was hit. please. please this. is the lead in. time and is long overdue when we need to repeat. flame america for jesus christ and i say that without shame and without apology and we should say yes we want to reclaim america. ordinary sequence of human behavior undergoes
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a radical change so that it no longer exists and its earlier form what exists according to an apocalyptic vision whose some kind of utopian purification perfect society that has supernatural sources is given from god or if in political form is given by. absolute political truth and. expressing truth. for we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. the eyes of all people are upon us so that if we shall deal fosli with our god in this work we have undertaken and so cause him to withdraw his present
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help from us we shall be made a story and a byword through the world. dr kennedy and dr falwell pat robertson all of these people we stand on their shoulders today in the successes that we enjoy have come at a great cost to many of these great men rick made a pretty strong assertion last night and i want to welcome that he said. that apathy or indifferent to these civil matters among the people of god is nothing less than what it says. you happened to be here in washington d.c. the nation's capital at a time when america is in the middle of not one but two wars. and it would be an absolute disaster for our democratic republic and for our children our
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grandchildren if we lost either one of these wars welcome to the culture war so some would say it's too strong a term when you have two mutually exclusive world views signing for predominance in the human heart how else would you categorize it in fact let me give you a job description if you were to ask me what do i do i would tell you that i am a war correspondent in babylon. scorned by a succession of i have to share. multiply the right to listen to the british still doesn't understand where we came from we need to apply more rack to listening kidney failure flick dutch with prosper and grow and i'm here to tell you if you think two thousand and four was something we have not begun to reach critical mass we are going are just special interest group in america today and for far too long our saudis have trampled underfoot but somebody is going to join me this morning and shout shine a little know. what has happened is that americans have now turned.
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in favor of four basic things. group sex homosexuality infidelity and unrestrained sexual hedonist. if we listen to how jesus proclaimed today you think you saw him so i'm tired i sure we're in headband we're in law. long haired pot smoking hippie that's not a jesus i say jesus was the most intolerant person in the world. you know i kind of feel like believe whose wife concubine got abuse on nights use you know in judges one thousand chips if you so much all night that she was she was killed. and what he knew he took her body home cut her up twelve in pieces put on top of donkeys and sent a message to israel look what happened in israel this is god's place you would have
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been here three days later four hundred thousand soldiers warriors showed up at the top on that never be this doesn't happen here not in god's place this does not happen here we're going to take some action and they were full of righteous indignation so mad mohnish mature you this morning is this sounding along. a spiritual in fact asian is taking place secular media never likes it when i say this so let me say you. and your battle station. ratty old weapon she is ready to shoot on stage and i can't seem to incite a riot i can't seem to affect what defines a shadbush in the heart in shaping the future. man your battle stations ready your weapons law can blow.
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if you believe that you can create a society christian society that will allow christ to return on earth and then to do so is not only to be. obedient to the will of god but obedient. the loss of history which you believed was discovered and then you become a very powerful and frightening force because there is no other way to go forward all those who do not embrace this eschatology this vision of a christian nation are to be ruthlessly shunted aside because they are agents of see.
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me sane. only four percent will be bible believing christians in your generation that means ninety six percent are living outside of the cover of their father the father in
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heaven and their living with the pigs they're surrounded by sin. you have real live pigs. in the park with you looks like you're having a good time doesn't it. with. god is waiting for us to turn and get out of the pig pen run as fast as we can away from it if you're ready to leave the pig pen say i'm outta here. i'm going to die to myself i'm going to take up the cross and follow me that's what i want to do. i want you to stand on your feet. one at a time and shout as loud as you can. one of the time jump to your feet wait for your moment one of the time and exclaim. and in doing that. and then proclaiming that you're putting to death.
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the old self. for. something or. changing this. just makes everything feel. just fixes everything. in. place.
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to sleep. again. mark balladeers really christianity is one of the only religions i think the only one that actually respects the rights of the people who don't agree.
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with me dying it's just going to send it to the place where aiming to be enslaved. sinner we get there the better if i die in the right. the word column order something. was over a thousand studies that show the more violence you see on television. the internet movies the more likely you are to be violent i think that i wasn't studies how many more do we meet before somebody starts doing something about it. because i believe that no man left on a battlefield is the way that we need to live our lives leave. some people are making a profit off of point violence and are just like the video game to teach them how to commit murder how to plan first what's up with that is that entertainment.
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total is it could be understood as the psychological. you quibble and oklahoma terror as if. it's a tell it's here in realm within the individual so to speak we are the creatures who know that we die and this can create the most intense impulses in a quest for some form of immortality symbolic or literal. and that can lead to totalistic behavior and we have a much longer period of dependency in our childhood than any other species
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and that leads to tendencies toward dependency that can be very extreme in adult life. and toward following gurus and susceptibility and vulnerability to totalistic. god i pray that your holy spirit would descend on this place. with. your light to. meet you just to. see. what. jury selection or a should be. whatever it's a salad that's. all
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the stuff is shaping these kids for the sake of a buck. we think. we . know what. you're. we use special old french and accessory quick moment. they are ready for free flight. to turn off warm air became the company. as it should and those people with merge in the previous night if.
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it's. a must do so nothing in a free flight. would be soon which brightened a few moments from funniest impressions. from stunts on t.v. don't come. in
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india multis available in the move go hard enough joint people jones some of the lots of the gateway hotel the grand imperial trying to toss west coast.


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