tv [untitled] December 8, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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the ones who told her to say don't need to go alternative medicine the colonel was her job as a treat. big launch date student protests expected in britain as parliament votes on education costs and university tuition fee hikes. we can make found a jewel in the solar cells to the top of time magazine's online poll for possible beginning but speculation grows that the u.s. will seek to try him if sweden succeeds and extradite him from london. and russian embassy officials in london are finally granted access to a twenty five year old woman compadre facing deportation on suspicion of supplying food while she works for in english westminster m.p. claims both denied. up next is the only show from our washington studio.
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welcome the loner show with the real headlines with none of the mercy we're going to live out of washington d.c. now tonight what seems like a cyber war has broken out over wiki leaks hackers who are waging what they call operation payback have already taken down visa master card and this was bank post finance all because those companies cut off payment services to wiki leaks now this concept of a cyber war has been hyped for months but are we finally seeing the real thing next two years after the american taxpayers bailed out wall street they all street i
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mean are rebounding right back into the life of luxury while millions of americans languish in unemployment wall street is indulging in caviar facials and expensive art so can the bankers ever be rained down yesterday president obama announced a deal with republicans on the bush tax cuts that extended tax breaks for the wealthy just like obama promised not to do so is this the ultimate capitulation from president obama and what are the consequences for the u.s. economy then cities all over the united states are cutting essential services like police and fire departments as revenues are drying up cities like camden new jersey which is the second most dangerous city in the united states so one poverty rates and unemployment are on the rise is making cuts to essential services really the right answer next for the first time in history a private company has successfully launched a spacecraft into orbit and then guided it back to earth. so what does that mean
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for nasa and the future of commercial space travel and discuss that with jeffrey manber commercial space pioneer that's going to be at the end of the show but now let's move on to our top story. earlier this week obama announced a deal on the tax cuts that has led democrats and progressives reeling with anger the compromise would extend all the tax cuts that are set to expire on december thirty first most importantly those for the wealthy which the president has for months not to do in return republicans will allow long term unemployment benefits through the end of next year and also includes a one year payroll tax holiday for working couples tax breaks for businesses and more than forty thousand estates of between one to ten million dollars are not going to have to paint herenton taxes next year now some democrats are fiercely rejecting this proposal and promise not to vote for it and murmurs are even beginning to spread of a democratic challenger for two thousand and twelve so could this be the final nail in the coffin to turn progressives against their president here discussing with me
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carter alter net's economic editor thanks so much for being here now in talking about in writing about this new tax deal you called this tax cuts for the gilded age tell us go into that further well my big concern with this policy is that we're essentially really reinflating the bush economy all over again this one two year extension of the bush tax cuts is not going to bust the u.s. budget deficit it's not going to create some sort of fiscal crisis for the united states but we are talking again about epic levels of inequality and president obama acknowledging that any policy which helps those at the lower end of the economic spectrum must also do something very very significant for those in the upper end of the economic spectrum and how do you get to that point i mean i just don't understand how we got to the point where you know unemployment benefits are something that is being held hostage by republicans so that they can extend tax cuts for the wealthiest population that's what's fundamentally get screwed so that's what's fundamentally so objectionable that it. an employee benefits is good
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credit is good but these are sort of basic moral intuitions about you know the foundation for any society is that you don't let the poor suffer needlessly you don't just let them die in the middle of a severe economic crisis and so obama said you know what i'm going to make sure that those those things don't happen but he he shouldn't have to argue that case and all the you know you can't put all this on president obama congressional democrats decided to punt this issue down the road several months ago until until a lame duck session they had a winning hand in october and they decided not to not to play it because they were afraid of being labeled as sort of tax tax raisers and big spending big families but scared of their own label and on what's what's so of noxious about that position is that the american people agree with them on this issue they they have a significant majority of people think that we should extend the bush tax cuts for those making less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars a year but not for the millionaires and billionaires they had a great winning hand which they could have run on and probably limited some of their losses in november instead they kicked it down the road in the in the you gave the president much less negotiating room but the president still could have
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done something you could have given the veto threat i mean getting the basic moral foundation for society in exchange for you know what about you think the bush tax cuts gretchen morgenson at the new york times this great analysis showing that for every one million dollars dollars that walser is going to bonuses these bush tax cuts let them keep it to forty thousand to fifty thousand dollars i mean for that to be the price of a you know the basic social safety net seems absolutely outrageous to me if political realities political reality but we could have gotten more than what we got well what we're seeing now is of course some democrats are vowing that they're not going to vote for this we had senator bernie sanders saying that you know even if it takes a filibuster they will go for it and then we have larry summers who again is out there fear mongering saying that if democrats don't vote for this deal right now then we are for sure going to see a double dip recession in the markets are going to freak out is the exact same warnings that we heard right before tarp right before we bailed out all the banks so i mean does he have some teeth here or is he really just trying to freak people out again oh i think it's very likely we're going to double the percent. and anyway
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if you look at how the housing market and housing prices are going down the housing market's going off a cliff again and they don't seem to have a lot of policies ready to deal with that and certainly no political will in the administration thus far to actually deal with the foreclosure crisis which is what is pulling housing prices down and the rest of the economy is going to follow housing prices so i think we have a serious problem there whether whether we passed this deal or not the main thing that really bothers me is that the president's created a situation in which what we get is essentially a continuation of the economic stimulus levels that the government stimulus levels that we've had from the past year there is no there's almost no celebrating you can read the headlines of the obama white house is now celebrating if they manage to get some more stimulus but when you say is going to be a double dip recession what you mean is that the economy will grow at one or two percent instead of you know be contracting it at one or two percent it's not like suddenly there will be some some great economic catastrophe things will just be slightly worse that's probably true the flipside of this is that republicans are
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going to demand something in return for this later on because this is going to be such a big deficit you know busting program you would have a lot of republicans out there saying we need to have serious cuts in social security because the government is insolvent and all this nonsense that that will not be true but but the obama administration has signaled repeatedly that they want to do something about social security and they want to cut social security if you know bomb as the deficit commission right right now if he carefully takes a hit there he did not have to create that commission he did not have to appoint the social security people to that commission who appointed. and he has to praise the agreement they came to when they came to it but he did all those things he clearly has his eye on social security and once you cut social security are you talking about a long term decline in the demand in the economy that is anti stimulus so what we will get with this issue with this deal is is a small amount of stimulus for the next one year coupled with long term stimulus from cuts in social security that will come later on don't know we're getting what we're seeing right now obviously is a lot of anger coming from the left do you think that this could be that final nail in the car. and where obama said i understand you guys want to fight i'm
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sympathetic to that but now is not the time but how much longer are progressives going to be sympathetic to obama do you know there are murmurs right now that perhaps some people are asking for a challenger to him in two thousand and twelve do you think that if you get to that point well the big problem that he has is that for a long time people on the professional left is part of this generation is more of them have been critical of him but the bush tax cuts are sort of a foundational economic policy platform of the democratic party the mainstream democratic party not the professional left not not the radical left just the mainstream democrats everybody in the democratic party has campaigned on repealing the bush tax cuts since two thousand and one so to capitulate on that is to say ok this major point on economic policy is no longer relevant and we're willing to negotiate away for relatively minor provisions and i think i think it's really outraged a lot of people on the left who are not are not considered traditional leftists so i think you know i think rightly selling we will see what kind of backlash happens out to say thanks so much for being here thanks for having me. now the u.s.
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government they might be doing everything they can to find a legal means of taking wiki leaks and its founder julian assange down but while they whine about it from capitol hill there's a sort battle occurring in the cyber world we filled you in on amazon dot com taking we can leaks off of their cloud computing service then pay pal master card and visa stop taking electronic donations from wiki leaks to wiki leaks since then thousands of mirror sites have been set up swiftly where the diplomatic cables can still be viewed and today master card and visa's websites were hacked and partially paralyzed by a group of online activists who call themselves anonymous who are looking for revenge they're calling it operation payback along with master card and visa they've already targeted the swiss bank post finance and they have to go after pay pal as well as a quick reaction definitely shows that the hacker spirit seems to be alive and well but how far could this go is. a full on cyber war one joining me from san francisco
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to discuss it is eric harris founder and director of antiwar dot com eric thanks so much for joining us thank you what tell me how do you see this happening right now is this a full on cyber war they were witnessing or is that a bit of an overstatement well at this point it's a bit of an overstatement but it's certainly escalating in the u.s. government is the one that's behind the main escalation the cyber attacks well maybe ill advised are certainly understandable the u.s. government has done everything that they can without following due process or filing any legal charges to lean on these companies and threaten them to get them to stop doing business with wiki leaks to break their agreements without any sort of notification do you think is winning this battle so far because yesterday i was just absolutely baffled when i was looking at you know what happens when the government starts to push when the government shows its influence and you see that
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you know major companies like these are like mastercard you see amazon dropping wiki leaks and suddenly you know the at the same time you see all these mirror sites swiftly popping up you see the hacking attacks it definitely shows you like i said that the hacker spirit is alive and well or do they have the upper hand for now. well i think that it's going to be a back and forth but the u.s. government is finding it very very hard to rein in the internet the internet is so robust that the u.s. government can't keep up with it and there are now thousands of mirrors sorry it's an antiwar dot com has a site wiki leaks study antiwar dot com that will direct people to the nearest and most robust and up to date wiki leaks mirror now you say that antiwar dot com doesn't necessarily support the hacking of these websites but you must be in support of wiki leaks right i mean you guys have boycotted amazon. absolutely and we are boycotting amazon and we have condemned master card pay pal. and
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we do think that people should protest to these organizations to get them to stop capitulating to the u.s. government requests i have to wonder though if at the end of the day for companies like these out like master card like amazon that are so massive if any of this really even hurts if so what if their site gets hacked for just a few hours so what if someone starts boycotting them doesn't even affect their business. well i think it brings the attention to what they're doing and so in that sense it hurts the business more so than the hacking itself i think the hacking could be a little ill advised in that it might bring the government to further crackdown on the internet but i think they're going to have a hard time actually going and stopping wiki leaks wiki leaks is has becoming it's become the people and we are seeing one to thousands of wiki leaks sites and i
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don't think the government's going to be able to stop them but do you think that it might be causing a bit of a rift in the hacking world for example i know they had you know. meeting recently hackers organization here and there adrian lamo was really chastised by his fellow hackers for what he did for turning in bradley manning well that was terrible but i got i really don't know what percentage of the hackers that are active out there are actually represented by these public organizations i think that it goes a lot deeper than that and my other question is i also wonder if perhaps the government might be loving the fact that people are talking about a cyber war right now right because what it does is it takes all the attention away from what wiki leaks is actually releasing and there are cables from you know the idea of transparency of putting information out there and rather people are talking about pay pal and these and mastercard well yes and they're also talking about the
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bogus claims against the sun coming from sweden we have to remember that the base the the root at this is what's behind wiki leaks and what's behind the government trying to keep these secrets from the from americans and from the world. but clearly it seems like there are enough people out there that do want these secrets to be exposed to do you think that at the end of the day in this technological age with websites like wiki leaks around that no matter no matter what the government does that somehow there will be people out there who want this information to get out that they will find new ways to do it that's right the government is is just trying to play cleanup right now they're trying to catch up with the the people and the people want information demand is producing supply of that information and with the internet it's unstoppable and they're producing it very swiftly their reaction time has been so quick how people were reacting to antiwar dot com the fact that
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you also put up a link to these cables well our traffic has actually gone through the roof we see a tremendous interest in these cables people want to know what their government is doing even the people who are condemning weiqi leaks are excited about what's in the wiki leaks releases and i think that everybody wants to see these even the people who are saying oh they don't like what what's being done very well thank you so much for joining us and definitely seems like this cyber war side of our cyber battle you know gives us a little glimpse into what it's really all about these days thank you thank you for having me. now sticking with weiqi leaks i think it's pretty safe to say that julian assange has a somewhat complicated sex life he's accused of raping two women while in sweden but the charges are not what we would normally consider rape here in the u.s. rather than for not wearing a condom and both women he's accused of raping say that the sex was consensual in
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fact they spent time with a songe after the alleged rapes happened it's a very complicated story contradictions new angles being thrown out every day but thank god we have glenn beck to help walk us through the case with his chalkboard complete with pictures and impressions we can pick up next lecture where he's discussing the science being introduced to woman number two by woman number one. woman one introduces woman number two says to a son and says ok you do you really should meet her even though we've just had sex you should need her. now back rambled on for a little more and then he talks about the one night stand as woman ever to take a listen to his take on this alleged rape. she says ok but i gotta go to my apartment get the cash which is lucky because at her apartment they can have sex and they have sex consensual sex and where is
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a condom the next morning they have sex again where did i put that money oh i don't have any patience on this time however no condom there is the problem again. oh how did we ever survive without glenn beck's chalkboard and his such a creative take on today's big stories aren't we so happy the rather than focusing on what the diplomatic cables that wiki leaks released contained or how the government is trying to subvert the law to take wiki leaks down back us focusing on the details of something that no one will ever really know except for those involved and he's playing with pictures on a chalkboard thank you glenn always good to see that you're on the top of your game . now still to come tonight we bailed them out with billions of taxpayer dollars but now wall street has returned to living artie's marina and i reports that.
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years ago when the financial markets melted u.s. lawmakers came to their rescue with billions of dollars the collapse cost eight point five million people their jobs and taxpayers were left on the hook for seven hundred billion in loans to some of wall street's biggest banks fast forward to say where those same banks are preparing to hand out record breaking bonuses in the coming weeks so how that cash be spent artie's marina partner tells us. it's next the sculpture eighty thousand dollars not the first floor thirty thousand to thirty two thousand if an artist were to illustrate something of today's new york city office at fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand votes nineteen thousand it may just be money bags twenty four thousand dollars to twenty six from you amid the lackluster american economic climate kristi's is seeing sunny days this painting sold for a little over six million dollars with over six hundred million dollars worth of
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impressionist and modern art sold this year. since two thousand and eight we've seen an increasing return of confidence to the art market new york has once again become one of christie's premier selling sites sixty five thousand dollars what you like said you would like to think you're just as wall street's wealthy and powerful . after you think you have or you are back to indulging pampering at the la perouse spot at the ritz carlton involves wearing decadent hors d'oeuvres i recommend this skin caviar but lox body cream cream costing more than seven hundred dollars for less than four ounces while the caviar facial costs more than three hundred we do have a very very very large corporate following so corporations will come in and get their employees coming out a time when corporate. america is banking record breaking profits one hundred fifty thousand going. from choice to.
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business at wimpy jewelers has spiked but only those making top dollar can afford pieces with price tags that exceed the average annual income of three u.s. households combined if working a very very busy was the most probably the biggest. business boosted perhaps by bonuses coming from one st louis street the symbol of the finance industry the financial collapse and record breaking compensation one hundred forty four million apparently up thirty percent from last year's record haul if anyone would know about business it would be we always want to make everyone happy here here at rick's cabaret happiness comes bearing lots of skin and beauty but it doesn't come free for an evening six seven eight thousand dollars ten thousand dollars it's hard not to have a good time when you're surrounded by nearly naked beautiful women who've seen a boom in business as wall street has rebounded and these guys are getting much
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deserved bonuses and they want to celebrate bonuses and hearty and have a great time from six cravings. to food cravings one hundred and seventy five dollar hamburger served up at the wall street burger shop and we still fellow. you know every month give him ten ounces of cool be seared while graw age group and this is kind of where all the value guys this is a white truffle as well as a black truffle as well as gold as in gold leaf flakes to garnish off the burger there isn't anything that's really just to make it pretty. particularly pretty for financier's working for america's biggest investment banks where employee pay is expected to average how often million dollars. or more no such promise is here on main street where fifteen million americans are officially unemployed and u.s. poverty levels have reached
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a fifty year high forty four million people ironically that figure marks new york city's most expensive residential sale this year a seven floor fifth avenue mansion purchased for forty four million this as more than two million homes have been swallowed up by foreclosure in two thousand and ten still in the army eighty thousand dollars in this so-called rebounding u.s. economy. purveyors of all things luxury are in fact resurging while the majority of americans are left wondering when life will finally be good looking as pretty as the painting. r t. r t's marina part nine joins me now from our studio in new york with more marina looks like he really got to see a lot there of the lavish things that people will spend their money on was there anything that just outright baffled you you couldn't believe that people would spend so much on it. well i think that at the spa when i was the amount of the
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they were charging for the creams and amount of people that were buying the creams was a little shocking i think you know seven eight hundred dollars for facial products was quite surprising but i think all in all in all the money that is being spent one hundred seventy five dollars on a on a hamburger forty four million dollars on a mansion this is the kind of money that most americans are not familiar with with having nonetheless even hear of spending and it's surprising when you see get a glimpse at least of the lap of luxury that. wealthy americans are living in yeah hundred and seventy five dollars hamburger idea that blows my mind i can't even believe it one of the things i also found very interesting is one of the women that you spoke to in your piece who called these well deserved bonuses which is so funny
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you know if you think about how americans would react to that i'm pretty sure that's not how they would describe them but considering that these women also i guess you know depend on these men who get their bonuses in order to come in and provide their business i guess it's skews their thoughts. it is a good point alone randi told me that she makes three thousand three thousand dollars working three days a week and she expects that possibly she believes that that will rise come bonus season come the next weeks and months because more and more people will have money to spend a select few people so obviously those that benefit from from the people getting wall street bonuses and going out and spending yes of course they want financier's to get get these bonuses and i should also mention that the mayor of new york city mayor michael bloomberg is also a big supporter of wall street bonuses because he believes that those bonuses will turn around and infuse cash into new york city but it's important to see where the
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money is being spent are the financier's going to mom and pop shops of mom and pop pharmacies are they going to gentleman clubs christie's spas and getting luxury hamburgers well that is of course one of the ironies here right is that everyone is so angry that wall street who got bailed out now gets lavish bonuses and gets to go spend it but if you know consumer spending is what the economy really needs you think about the fact that someone might buy a watch worth one hundred twenty thousand dollars you know worth more than the annual income of three families then well they really are doing a lot to boost consumer spending. that's nice of you to make that argument one of walk was even one hundred fifty eight thousand dollars and that was very surprising to me and that is one watch that's going to very jeweler that deals with luxury jewelry luxury time pieces i don't know how many people are going to how many jobs are going to be created from that one purchase how many people are going
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to benefit from that one purchase what's surprising to me most is that one home was purchased for a forty four million dollars a mansion here in new york city that was the highest sale residential sale and. yet the poverty population in the united states is right under forty four million people that's the worst it's been alone in fifty one years and it gives you perspective on on the disparity between the ways that americans are living in the majority of them are of the bottom level of this financial crisis and i will never ever did try to defend them or play devil's advocate again i promise marina thanks so much. are also to come on tonight's show a lawmaker out west thinks that his state needs an official gun not a bird or a flower but a weapon and that's how he plans to get the public on his side he said i told time when i had cities around the u.s.
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are facing dire spending cuts including at camden new jersey the city is already in ruins so laying off half of their police force be the nail in camden's confident we're going to discuss the topic interested in the. world. really new leaders in science and technology from the realms. we've got this huge earth covered.
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