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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2010 11:30pm-11:59pm EST

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again this is all to see if the headlines are. new protests from britain that students take their last chance to look like in university tuition fees and slamming the government for targeting education to cut expenses as a sales on saying if you're a pain economies. wiki leaks founder julian assange is sold to the top of an online portal to become time magazine's person of the year the speculation mountains that the u.s. is driving his extradition to sweden from london. but indeed he will. be ok as the u.k. finally allows russian embassy officials to communicate with the russian accused of
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a spanish that western be made to excuse me seems to be seeking a new tone needs to complete the story. and let's go back to part two of the show now. well it's time for tonight's tool time ward there's a lot maker in utah that apparently has a lot of free time on his hands republican representative coral wimmer says that he plans to introduce legislation in january calling for the state to have an official gun and it's not just any gun either he wants the m. nineteen eleven forty five caliber handgun which is designed by utah gun maker and winner is a former cop and a lifelong member of the n.r.a. and he says the gun designed by utah native john moses has been used in every war since world war one so for that reason it should be made a street treasure my question for car wilmer is why i made it while it may have
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saved lives in the war how many lives have been taken by this gun in utah across the nation as you might imagine we were has received some backlash from anti gun groups one group told talking points memo but he's just trying to glorify an implementation of death others claim that wimmer is preparing to campaign for congress in two thousand and twelve and he's using this bill as a publicist stunt something he denies saying this he's had this idea for more than a year now but it's not really what's important really what's appealing to voters in utah right now considering the financial ruin the country is in i'm not really sure who needs their head checked more the utah populace that would vote for a lawmaker just because he wants a state gun or a car a woman himself who thinks that what voters are dying to get right now are guns guns not jobs anyway i'm going to go with your car a winner last night to a time where. a recent statement from afghanistan's interior ministry shows
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president karzai going back on his word how shocking four months ago karzai surprised the united states when he and a very public and loud fashion the all private security firms be dissolved. by may december that ghana stand would no longer put up with their presence but what do you know he's now abandoned those plants before the president changed his orders fifty four private security firms are already dissolved fifty two farms stormin in the country most of which are afghanis and here originally wanted to disband the private firms because there was mounting evidence that the heads of several of those firms paid for with u.s. taxpayer money were actually working with insurgents opes but apparently cars i realize that running a war without the help of contractors well it really isn't all that easy in this day and age even if some of those firms hired to protect them are potentially working for the enemy it also isn't easy to keep a ban against contractors in place when you have nato exerting their full political
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might to make sure that's never enforced i think that's called a flip flop in fact wasn't just last year when cars i was sworn in for a second presidential term or he pledged to cut back on the private firms operations he even called them a parallel security system undermining afghan forces the now even after evidence of massive corruption change his mind but somehow this doesn't really shocked me at all this is after all. that we're talking about. well tonight we're going to shine a spotlight on a city that's struggling like many others across the u.s. camden new jersey it's a place where people have a hard time getting a hot meal and have little hope for a better future if they see a child going to travel to camden for a look at life in this new jersey town. ruins turning hundreds of homes into shattered garbage. just two hours away from manhattan
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a city pleads with. this is the most broke town in the u.s. with up to thirty five percent of families living in poverty if you're happy would be economy can you raise your hand. of the most dangerous. this town does not want any cameras to be witness to it's just talking about economy. where jobs here along nonexistent up to forty percent of those living here have no income because of the escalating unemployment rate in camden more people on the corners more people on the street more people looking for an alternative way for many here the only alternative has become drugs this is just one of the hundreds of locations in camden where people come to be part of the flourishing business it's become a very active drug area. people from the suburbs come through and buy drugs here.
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a few people have died here in the last year or so r t was chased away from the scene. in the city of camden policy is just so tangled up and so inconsistent there's been such a lack of leadership that they have not been the city of camden has not been able to reinvent itself amid a drastically falling population prostitution is flourishing here with many of the women hiv positive most of these cars here are just passing by up to fifty thousand people have left this town since it started falling apart and thousands more of those who can afford it are bound to leave to millions of dollars previously invested into camden have been robbed left and right amid flourishing reports of corruption. better much of the population has long lost trust in politicians the mayor the governor. and almost no one expects a change for the better here especially after the latest u.s.
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election. campaign used to build warships and host the headquarters of several big corporations all of this was an attraction to workers. all over the country and abroad but those days are long over what used to be a major industrial area has turned into a town build with former factory logs like this one camden used to pride itself in being a manufacturer for the u.s. navy. boats have become a symbol of something long forgotten homelessness has also taken over the town with no more than two hundred beds available for the hundreds of homeless in shelters were filming was also not wanted this is the time of year where the homeless population they start to come in. there can be upwards of five to seven hundred people with any given time while the u.s. is trying to get back on its feet camden among other towns spread just like this
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across the u.s. is on its way to becoming one of the goals of a once industrial nation. r.t.e. camden new jersey. now looks like the situation in camden is about to get much worse come mid january last week the camden city council voted to lay off almost four hundred city workers which would include nearly half of the police force and a third of firefighters and don't forget camden is considered to be the second most dangerous city in the us already and the blame is being spread all around for new jersey's governor chris christie the local bureaucrats who are accused of corruption are the worst part is that this isn't an isolated situation the city of detroit has become a complete wasteland other cities in new jersey and california and other states have also laid off firefighters and police so is there any way to stop the demise of cities across america or is this what it will take to clean some of them up or to discuss it with me as eileen norcross senior research fellow at the center at
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george mason university and thanks so much for joining me thank you now with this situation in camden here i mean out of nine new jersey municipalities granted transitionally they saved the largest portion of that one hundred fifty nine million dollars in available funding. so how do they come to the point where now they're saying if they have to lay off half of their police force it's an excellent question and camden's financial problems predate the recession it lost a manufacturing base last century they have been receiving state aid for many decades and they have been able sorted out and as you know they continue to get state aid and yet they're still finding they have to make these kind of drastic cuts but who is that stated going to i mean who can we really say is to blame for this problem is it going to i mean obviously doesn't go into the homeless population because they just told us that they only have two hundred beds for those that don't have a home is it going to schools or is it going to corporations in the sense of tax breaks again great question a lot of this aid where does it go public service is the cost of been driven up by
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the kind of salaries and pension benefits that are given to the police and the teachers at camden school budget is in fact entirely carried by state and federal aid only three percent is raised locally so a lot of the money does go down the hole so to speak and it doesn't get to where it's needed to serve these populations but i would say that having a strong police force having a fire department that that's where it's needed i mean those are services that especially for the second most dangerous city in america i can't imagine how you could possibly lay off your police force why does the first exactly why does it come first what other things contaminant possibly cutting its budget in fact i went online i could not find their two thousand and ten budget they have one hundred thirty eight million dollars budget this year there must be other non essential services they might be able to either ask non-profits to provide or find other ways to provide some of those non essential services that the police are probably the last thing i'd want to cut from cameron's budget and we've seen this happen in cities in california as well there is one town that actually had to start
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contracting out and you know hiring the police on the fire department from other cities that are surrounding them do you think we might see the same situation here it's possible that they might draw on the county or they might ask for the state police to help out in this situation and again you're. seeing that kind of fiscal crunch in these in these towns where they've had poor fiscal management for a while and now you know push comes to shove and we're seeing that you know not only in camden and other cities in new jersey and detroit like i said in california and san jose they're having to cut fire department in oakland now the cops have already said we can't respond to certain calls if it's grand theft auto don't expect us to come because well we're just spread too thin which really i mean it's so insane but in some way could this help cities in the future you know i mean do we need this kind of destruction in order for the entire situation to be cleaned up in some cases that might be true in fact there was a manager out in california who fired the police or she took the opportunity to fire them because they had proven so corrupt themselves and what she's done is she
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sought outside help from other counties and neighboring towns provide that police service so they can get a handle on the corruption within their own department so in that case it could be a blessing in disguise in that you get rid of some of the corruption that's going on in some cases but in other cases might we see entire cities just vanish off the map. that i don't know i mean detroit is certainly an example of a city that's been facing these problems for decades and you have the mayor there who's really trying to think outside the box in terms of what needs to be done to salvage parts of detroit and to turn the city around so there are things that cities can do they just have to get creative now what would you do you think that perhaps some of these some of these budgets like you said you went online you couldn't even find the budget is there need to be more transparency do we need to know how much goes in to pensions as well so that you know perhaps states could declare bankruptcy of the way that perhaps wall street doesn't get bailed out by the federal government certainly better pension accounting has to be a part of the states or states and local governments are underestimating how much
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they owe to public sector workers and that means they're not setting enough aside so better pension accounting getting that information out there so policymakers can make better budgetary choices is a good first step but i think what's really scary about it is if we see you know the story. as in captain where she was talking to the local residents and these people they have no hope they don't feel like it's going to get any better you know they can spread the blame around but they don't think they just have no hope how do you restore that people that's a great question to ask because this is a city that has received lots of aid lots of promises over the years in two thousand and two their finances were taken over by the state of new jersey and they were given one hundred seventy five million dollars to revitalize camden and it didn't work and this is after years of promises that were going to fix camden so no there isn't hope what they need to do is restore those institutions you know and restore legal law and order and provide better education in camden to give people some sense of stability and hope for the future all restoring law and order doesn't
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necessarily seem to go hand in hand with getting rid of half of your police force now does it do you think that this is going to backfire for the city i think it is i think people realize that that's a pretty desperate cut to make in this case and i think residents will be right to complain if they do cut these these kinds of services and the ass or mayor in their city council council to go back to the board and say what else is in this budget that we really can do without or that we can ask the nonprofit sector the private sector to get involved in providing i serve it with the mind and i thank you so much for joining us thank you well still to come on tonight's show he was an internet hit during the campaign season and now baseball marceau has a christmas music video we're going to play that you just a moment and the first of what nasa hopes will someday be a leap of privately built rockets and capsules to supply the international space station launch today florida we're going to speak with jeff remember the marshall space pioneer about today's test flight just.
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the only one thousand words not mine.
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would be soon which would brighten. move. from place to question and so. please. don't come. it's no secret that the united states has a weight problem and a report released last year said that the american obesity epidemic is now leading to problems for the military when it comes to finding work roots a problem that ten years from now is only expected to increase but to make it worse
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rather than just getting in shape maybe going on a diet some soldiers are now going to extremes are reported by the army times says that u.s. soldiers are taking diet pills and laxatives starving themselves even getting a. liposuction in order to meet the military's weight standards one army soldier told the paper that liposuction saved his career along with laxatives and starvation before an army physical fitness test and a two thousand and nine report says the more than a third of uniformed men and women do not meet the army's weight standards so they're subject to the dreaded tape measurements to determine body fat percentage of soldiers exceed the body fat limits they cannot earn leadership roles or promotions maybe that is a good way right to reduce the obesity rate across the u.s. you know promotions in the office until you drop some bounds now in all seriousness the army here is in play if soldiers who are found to be overweight don't drop the pounds in two months they can lose their jobs and report published in military
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medicine found that between one thousand nine hundred two and two thousand and seven twenty four thousand soldiers were discharged because of weight issues it is so bad the cosmetic doctors have started putting flyers in gyms and newspapers or bases are located around the country i just have to say that it's really sad that soldiers have to turn to liposuction to stay in the army and even worse that as a nation we just can't stop eating and becoming more obese with each passing passing second. you know a few months ago here on the show we played to a clip of a man running for governor of tennessee his name is basal marcel and here's the clip of him on a national t.v. station asking viewers for their votes. on major more show dot com good republican candidate for governor i like to recall all permits and registration but gun everyone carry a gun because i want to know you get murdered and you go to jail and i like to put
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a plank grass or vegetation across the interstate where anybody can log and. well believe it or not have bays omar so has actually topped that appearance he has now made a christmas music video and we saw this video this morning it was just like christmas came early to the office we just have to play it for you in our interview for you to appreciate it. we. are. told. that is just scary and frightening on so many levels but it's obvious that basil marceau doesn't love the spotlight he's run for office numerous times in tennessee and in the primary earlier this year more than thirty five hundred residents actually voted for this guy he has such
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a fan base that his song is already on i tunes now i don't want to give away a surprise here but everyone here on the ilona show might just have a little baseball under their tree on december twenty fifth. well for the first time ever a private company has a launch to spacecraft into orbit and then guided it back to earth the capsule which belongs to space x. launch from cape canaveral today. six. three two. zero we have liftoff of the falcon knowing it won't. drag it as the capsule is called circled the earth twice before parachuting into the pacific upon command and space x. hopes to launch a ferry program for nasa shuttling supplies to the international space station and eventually providing astronaut right so since all was a success today we have officially entered a new space age well joining me to discuss it is jeffrey manber commercial space
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pioneer jeffrey thanks so much for being here are you excited a lot of it is this very day you've been waiting for this is they have this story is not only a launch of a new era for how we do space it's incredibly exciting nasa didn't design you don't have to ask any questions i'll just go over there you just tell me how nasa didn't design this rocket nasa didn't tell everyone what to do and what it should look like in the specifications nasa entered into a contract and said hey if you want these we'll pay you for it at first glance you might say so what but that's not the way we've ever done the space program and really today the space exploration program has entered the realm of normal business and so that's really exciting but it wasn't really a success right i mean of course they had to postpone the launch because there is some kind of a problem if you spoke to you know the people from the company they said they had a fifty fifty percent chance of everything going well a little bit more certainty there earlier this is the way it always and this is like in the interim the business this is a beta launch of software but this is
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a rocket i mean when iraq has a rocket like this or iran has a rocket like this where israel has a rocket of pakistan we're worried this was a significant missile that took off today and orbited the earth it did so at an inexpensive price and it was late it was a little bit very much did it actually cost if we were to compare how much it would cost you know what a private company does it versus whether the government would say this you know get in trouble for this but roughly the taxpayer is spending about two hundred fifty million for these demo flights that's about four flights so you figure it's fifty sixty million a launch we spent about two billion dollars we talked earlier about this government . a program called aries it's hard to compare that's two billion dollars and it's still not there yet so you see the private sector is a magnitude lower they're going to be more aggressive they're going to launch cargo one day launch astronauts one day launched they have this dragon is a mini space station it can almost become what we call
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a free flyer and you'll be able to do all sorts of research and put cool things up there and it won't be the government running it and so today is just. a victory for all the people who want to reduce the budget it's a victory for the tea party people who want to you know you know get the government out of the way and it's a victory for all of us obama people you know who have been fighting for this could be and how they are going to be maybe this is a silly question but is it also a bit of a sad day because i feel like you know astronauts have always been there special they've been unique because there's been so few of them there's only a certain amount of mankind that has ever traveled out of earth's atmosphere and now it's kind of like everybody can do it in fact masters look i mean if you're just algae were no nothing wrong with that i mean new year's eve is coming and you can be in this but but i mean nasa is looking at reducing the astronaut corps significantly because no matter how we do it we no longer going to be using the
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shuttle which is seven astronauts at a time this will be two astronauts or three astronauts as we go along so it is a passing of an era but hopefully will fly a lot more often than the shuttle shuttles only been flying for three times a year and with space x. and with all that all coming competition we should have a significant number of flights going to a number of space stations in the future and so it's an exciting time but yes it will be sort of like in the sixty's we had jet travel and then everybody was sort of core who went on jet planes and now today it's like a plus in the air maybe the same is going to happen for space but i won't mind. all right if you don't mind i guess maybe that i won't mind either one how long until we really see this function because today was just a test flight how long until we see them taking supplies to the space station how long before astronaut started getting rides well it's too soon to say when the astronauts will start figure roughly five years but they're going to do another demo in the spring where they're either going to go right up to the station and
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back away because you know you don't to make sure breaks anything or they'll go and dock with the station so conceivably if there's no more mishaps it could be within the year that they're taking cargo up which will reduce the amount of money we pay to the russians we pay the russians commercially to send the cargo up and our people up and so soon it will be competition with the russians and the price i think for everybody will come down so we're only a year away on the cargo in five years maybe on the only five years now how does this differ from what we've seen with richard branson the people that really are just trying to make it a commercial enterprise rather than working with the space station and asked her a great question the version galactic cannot go to space it can only do a suborbital it doesn't have the heat shield doesn't have the capability so that's completely tourist suborbital you get six minutes or thirty minutes of microgravity i forget what it is you can see the earth the curvature completely different story but one day we hope those projects another one called x.
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core will in five seven eight years go to space and all of a sudden it is the ultimate in the v.a. shin that's now in space and that's why we're all so excited ok so then i don't have to feel so honest because for now it basically is still the astronaut to their lives that are going all the way up there so we think it's going to stay that way for a while ok guys are lance armstrong and buzz aldrin those are still names there and these are matters they want to be in the static about of the. great everything so much for joining us our before we go it's time for our tweet of the day did you hear that someone high up does it when she arrived in the u.s. years ago sheikh. here as an undocumented worker what we hear is the g.o.p. outrage over this admission calls for her to be deported so we're wondering what would john mccain tweet about this revelation since he's all about aborting illegals when we thought he'd say sally gets a pass she's hot and she has a nice rack as you know john has a thing for younger women that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make
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sure you come back tomorrow it'll be time for another round of show and tell as we show your answers for monday's question and we'll reveal a new one in the meantime don't forget to become a fan of the a lot of show on facebook and follow us on twitter and if you missed any of tonight's show or any other nights catch it all you tube dot com slash the lower show where we now post the interviews as well as the show it's entirety we have the next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. and around the world. as you watch this tape i can only imagine the fear and the despair that you face for this is being recorded for viewing only after the disappearance of god's people from the earth. bolts of flesh of cultures it's a place of civilizations to want to go back to the eighth century islamic law or order we will enjoy the blessings of the bush liberty. really christianity is one
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of the only religion i think the only one that actually respects the rights of people who don't bring. the spirit in taking place. on the station. can't. wait for your moment one of the time and exclaim. god bless you wealthy british science. market. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cancer for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to a report. in india. the movie joins the hotels. the gateway hotel the grand imperial trying to tell us to. close let's. go and. pocalypse brother since the colonel was her child was used to retreat. to russia would be so much brighter if you knew about someone from funniest impressions.


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