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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EST

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coromandel you can a list which will return saddam did to go and. run the city the colonel was her job as a treat. these guys are getting much deserved bonuses and they want to celebrate the bonuses and party and have a great time. there is a feast on wall street with record bonuses on the way billions are being spent on luxuries of america's growing unemployment and soaring dad. and in the u.k. public anger of budget cuts grows with thousands of students expected to hit the streets in protest at a trampling of fees to go to university. tackling traffic terro with moscow's bottlenecks consistently ranking among the world's worst we'll look at how local drivers are learning to take advantage of the jams. and coming up in business update for the first time ever russia sells more ball movement off the field hit
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six month highs will have the details of about twenty minutes time. watching aren't you going to live from moscow i'm renay joshua welcome to the program bonus time is approaching on wall street and to the anger of manny the rewards are set to rise but it's not just bankers bonuses going up so was unemployment across america all linked to the massive seven hundred billion dollars bailout to the biggest financial institutions in the country are reports. next the sculpture thirty thousand dollars now the first floor thirty thousand to thirty two thousand if an artist were to illustrate something of today's new york city office at fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand votes nineteen thousand it may just be money bags twenty four thousand dollars to twenty six from you amid
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the lackluster american economic climate kristi's is seeing sunny days this painting sold for a little over six million dollars with over six hundred million dollars worth of impressionist and modern art sold this year thank you so since two thousand and eight we've seen an increasing return of confidence to the art market new york has once again become one of christie's selling sites sixty five thousand dollars what you like you would like to think you're just as wall street's wealthy and powerful . after you think these are back to indulge in pampering at the la perouse spa at the ritz carlton involves wearing decadent hors d'oeuvres i recommend this skin caviar body cream cream costing more than seven hundred dollars for less than four ounces while the caviar facial costs more than three hundred we do have a very very very large corporate following so corporations will come in and get their employees coming at
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a time when corporate america is banking record breaking profits one hundred fifty thousand. from choice to. business at wimpy jewelers has spiked but only those making top dollar can afford pieces with price tags that exceed the average annual income of three u.s. households combined expecting a very very busy year the more. business boost and perhaps my bonus is coming from a one street where street the symbol of the finance industry the financial collapse and record breaking compensation one hundred forty four million a pair. only about four percent from last year's record haul if anyone would know about business it would be we always want to make everyone happy here here at rick's cabaret happiness comes bearing lots of skin and beauty but doesn't come free for an evening six seven eight thousand dollars three thousand dollars it's
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hard not to have a good time when you're surrounded by nearly naked. women who've seen a boom in business as wall street has rebounded and these guys are getting much deserved bonuses and they want to celebrate bonuses and hearty and have a great time from six cravings. to food cravings one hundred and seventy five dollar hamburger served up at the wall street burger shop and we still fellow. you know every month get him for ten ounces of seared gras age grier cheese and this is kind of where all the value lies this is a white truffles was a black truffle as well as gold as in gold leaf flakes to garnish off the burger there isn't anything that's really just to make it pretty. particularly pretty for financier's working for america's biggest investment banks where employee pay is expected to average how the million dollars or more no such promise is here on main
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street were fifteen million americans are officially unemployed and u.s. poverty levels have reached a fifty year high forty four million people ironically that figure marks new york city's most expensive residential sale this year a seven floor fifth avenue mansion purchased for forty four million this as more than two million homes have been swallowed up by foreclosure in two thousand and ten still in the early. in this so-called rebounding u.s. economy. purveyors of all things luxury are in fact surging while the majority of americans are left wondering when life will finally begin looking as pretty as the painting marina poor nial r.t. . gerald slanty the founder of the trans research institute says washington let wall street cheat when the crisis broke the gap between the rich and the poor in
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the us is the widest of any of the industrialized nations wages are stagnant median household income is is below two thousand levels it's only a small segment of the top that has all the creed when you talk about those bonuses hundred forty four billion dollars those handful of wall streeters are the equivalent to a country that would rank forty nine out of one hundred thirty four countries in the world we've said it since two thousand and eight when the top programs began it happened in front of everyone's eyes wall street has hijacked washington and back across the atlantic discontent from those being hit by a government cuts. there is a sort of caravan of despair that goes around europe. but look at how hysteria
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measures are driving a wave of protests this time in the u.k. it's angry students seeing a future of dad ahead of them. he may be sitting in a british prison waiting for a decision on whether to be sent to sweden over allegations of rape but we get leaks founder julian assange has climbed to the top position in times online poll to be named person of the year in stark contrast in the u.s. there have been calls from some high profile figures for the internet whistleblower to face execution all because his side published secret american diplomatic cables containing criticism of its allies assad is being held in london over accusations of technical rape under swedish law which were previously dropped against him many suspect the u.s. could be behind the allegations being reinstated as attempts to keep him quiet but as independent journalist antony loewenstein in sydney says even if it's silenced
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there will be others. for him is certainly being ruthless for a long time to be us government would like to get a solution silent human we should leaks i mean that's something that many of us in a state and in many of the world fundamentally opposed and we demand you straight in government provides far more support and resistance to those if they happen one of the concerns that many of us have is that if this extradited from sweden that he will face a political trial rather than a legal trial and we became just silence for a very long time on spurious charges so we very much opposed it i very much oppose that possibility but i think it's a real risk and the truth is that if you knock out the julian the sausage tomorrow someone else will replacing the genie is out of the bottle the. investigative journalist and are to your behavior when madsen says we can leaks has shown how freedom of speech is in danger in the us. so we've got the door open pandora's box
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is open and now we're seeing all the people with the agendas starting to make noise like calling for an investigation of the new york times for publishing the wiki leaks cables now i think what we could see is like we see in certain other countries licensing of people who have websites a massive government surveillance of everything we already know the the they're considering the end of net neutrality well that's another that's another area that we have to look at but i think the freedom of the internet is under a vicious attack right now. and if you want to know more about the facts and latest we can leaks revelations had around the globe you can always find more on our website. find out how the whistleblower website could unveil the secrets of the russian nato strategic partnership moscow's and boy to nato anticipate difficult discussions at c.b.s. interview online. and barack obama faces
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a second here blooms of previous democratic presidents by those example will be followed bill clinton or jimmy carter and gets through with our. london is braced for a mass demonstration from thousands of students and they're making a final attempt to prevent the british government from war than travelling the amount some will have to pay to go to university trade unionists are also expected to join in and there will be a large police presence after previous protests turned violent r.t.s. or am it says students are wondering why banks get handouts while they pay more. and now the wave of protests is set to grip the u.k.'s capital on thursday this is crunch time for the student protesters as it's their final chance to make their
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voices heard ahead of the evening vote in parliament on increases in she wishin fees for university students they say it will mean a university education will become elitist a privilege for the few rather than a right for the many estimates of the number of people expected to march in london ranges between twenty and forty thousand and that's in london alone this comes against a backdrop of a euro in crisis as billions from national budgets to save banks and into the coffers of the european union after a summer of demonstrations on the continent the u.k. see. in a wave of autumn process and store its own demonstrations earlier this week as its parliament passed the toughest budget in irish history to secure an i.m.f. and e.u. bailout of one hundred fourteen billion dollars the feeling on the streets there is that ordinary working people and the less advantage to being made to pay for the
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mistakes made by rich bankers and prophecy speculators one of the groups who resent this the most is the german taxpayer europe's largest economy is supposed to the bill for bailouts and e.u. excesses and there's a growing feeling amongst germans that it's not fair that they should bail others out of the action in london is expected to take place around parliament's around a thousand police on the streets of westminster as protesters try to directly not be m.p.'s into voting against a fee hike but it's widely believed this would be the end of civil unrest in the u.k. if the fee hike goes through more people are expected to join with the students in what's already being dubbed a winter of discontent as the european people feel more and more they're being required to pay for the mistakes of a privileged super rich few. chairmen who are been a labor member of parliament in london as well as the speculators behind the financial crisis are still able to profit. what we're seeing is the end of access
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to higher education for people of average and below average incomes it's going to be the preserve of the wealthy or in the future this is cutting of the color of society those that created this economic mess that we're in are the ones who should pay for it's a transaction tax a wealth tax a tax on the very wealthiest people in our society would help to close the gap there is no need to basically hit the poorest people in our society in order to pay off this debt in march in time you need a more sensible more rational more humane approach to the whole issue we're not getting that from the government at the moment i do however think that there is a sort of caravan of despair that goes around europe that denigrates people and an economy and then the very same people through the bond markets and making huge amounts of money out of loaning money to those governments so the irish bonds for example are being traded at nine percent at the present time way above the current
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rate of inflation you know in or indeed anywhere in europe and i think that when all the additions and all the sums and all the investigations are done at the end of this will see that in all this despair some people have made themselves very very rich later on archy's max kaiser asks how to stop by actual terrorists attacking the world economy. the fed owns j.p. morgan the j.p. morgan as the fed that's part of the u.s. banking cartel jamie diamond gives ben bernanke used dirty underwear and ben bernanke to give jamie dimon a few billion fresh and if they don't then jamie dimon says we're going to crash the u.s. economy the global economy by not rolling over this junk diaper debt collateralized by baby poop and your old tired global economy goes into the into the swamp about why it is jamie diamond and want to animal bait right now being violated by
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a black mortars zero never is down there walking on broken glass eating broken glass why was he allowed to roam free why was your double standard why do the people at airports have to have people from the t.s.a. stick their hands up their strength going up to their elbow and then jamie don't want to walk around phrase a bird i don't get it he's the terrorist. and moscow's infamous for miles of traffic jams leading angry drivers fighting off road rage so artistic sana boyko took to the streets of the russian capital to find out how some moskovitz are learning to enjoy their analysts hours in traffic. terrified of traffic. moskos miles of jam snaking back as far as the eye can see and in the midst of a lot of angry drivers fighting off road rage if you want to get anywhere better plan and early start. to the half hours that's an average time most school water is
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found stuck in traffic jams every day that's a world record that's what literally drives people wrong the bad muscovites consistently rank among the air and various drivers on the planet. yet while some left red faced moaning about wasted time others are trying to make the best of the bad striation sergei has spend anything after five and a half hours in traffic but that didn't knock him for six as an avid chappell or he uses the daily commute to study foreign languages. which i used to be very first rate about the time i was wasting in traffic jams but then i came across audio books and i changed ago not only do enjoy being on the road sometimes they deliberately take a long road just to finish listening to the past two years sergey has refresh his english and learn some german all sat behind the will conversational spanish is his
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next goal. is that it. has here. and the other way out for stress motorist is bringing some of the comforts of home with them and ignoto evidence suggests sales of cargo jets are on the rise. we see a lot of demand for have a geisha device has been built to be two years with so much traffic we have in moscow against people spend more time in their cars wishing to be following directions and some resort to even more eccentric tools gyrate is a well known most psychics just a few years ago she would a hummer and hard to drive. or. you could travel stylishly through the globe highways and byways. i keep the same watch in my car i look at it when i need to make a decision and i have plenty of time for that while moving around the city for me it's a symbol of life a symbol of turning. an eternity can seem like
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a very real concept while stationary in your car staring at the brake lights in front that's why drivers are finding new ways to see back relax and go with the flow however small. artsy mosco i'll take a look at some other stories from around the world and the u.s. house of representatives has approved legislation prohibiting money being spent on transferring guantanamo detainees to u.s. for trials it's yet to be approved by the senate the law was suggested after the first detainee to go in trial was found guilty just one of hundreds of terrorist charges against him it's a setback to president obama's efforts to close the military prison. at least ninety people have been killed and hundreds injured after a head on collision between two trains in eastern bangladesh witnesses described hearing a tremendous bag fall by one of the trains holding over the other and officials said the crash was the result of a signalling error the military has been called to assist emergency services and
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rescue operations. forces from the ticket stand have seized more than one hundred seventy kills of very water on the afghan border armed afghan drug dealers trying to cross the border under the cover of the night escape after a short clash with police more than two tons of drugs have been season to take a stand since the beginning of the year russia afghanistan pakistan and to have agreed to combine joint and to narcotics operations. and the drugs trade i've got to stand as a native to the country but was sparked by a dramatic events there that's the view of afghan coward or kardex minister who spoke to r.t. the full interview is coming your way in around ten minutes but here's a quick look. the afghans themselves never grew poppies before the problem came to the country together with the war it's the result of the impoverishment brought on by drought on the one hand and by war on the order of the populace a very short time to harvest you that's why they chose that way.
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time now for a business update harlow joins us in the studio. as news of an i.p.o. fever hello that's right the number of global i.p.o.'s. with liston streaming in we'll have more on that story later in the program but first this hour the first time ever russia has sold more than it off but the country's finance ministry sold two hundred nine million dollars of knows more than one hundred ninety million dollars they had planned making it the highest yield in six months and they say russia had to accept this because of rising inflation which will cause the cost of boring to grow in the near future. now opec appears unlikely to raise oil supply limits to cap a rally in the oil price when it meets in saturday with ministers insisting the world economic growth can hold up with crude at ninety dollars a barrel prices if that if it is from a severely cold winter and improved economic outlook and upbeat forecasts for high
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oil prices in two thousand and eleven no shock news is expected from the meeting in the ecuadorian capital kwaito because it might create debate is that the time for next year opec members are already producing well above their quotas but any increase in production ceiling would send a clear message to markets is concerned about runaway prices dumping economic recovery. still now in russia severstal aims to build a new plant in india and a joint venture with the state backed n n d c the project is worth more than two billion dollars and is the first time service dollars building a plant from scratch it previously board old production facilities in particular in the usa the year of the company seeking to get rid of those fruit unprofitable india is seeing the fastest growing still consumption in the world so the sas is also interested in the markets of south east asia and africa. leading softer in
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produce the pepsi co will invest more than one billion dollars in the russian market in the next three years that's according to their local head run look after . our c.e.o. was here in russia what a year ago she committed in the new issue committed to about a billion dollar investment over the next three years and we've already invested in the more than double blind south of moscow where we produce t.v. we produce several for she is the we're going to expand beverage client or investing in the dish the distribution centers will get bigger say be the right two systems or grocery business so we commit to these one million dollars really with their position of we build out this will go up and so clearly our investment commitments to russia will be much more than one billion dollars over the next three years. tom see how the markets are performing now here in russia the forces are high up there they're slowing off the initial rally at the eighth when most of the main players are climbing with neurochemical leading the gains up more than one percent bucking the trend they're shutting one point five percent this hour. never
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in europe stocks have been high of dutch chip equipment group eight s. and now holding up seven percent of lifting his order book yes the french quarter miners are also doing well in the footsie with fresno up three point three percent . never an asia stock markets are mostly high with the take a market benefiting from a lower yen japan's nikkei is up more proof five percent opposed to finish the u.s. stocks on wednesday a leader of regional sentiment the financial stocks rising above his gains in their peers on wall street. the global i.p.o. market will reach record highs in two thousand and ten according to consultancy ends to new young issuers have raised around two hundred fifty billion dollars from listing since the beginning of the year and probably sees will suppose three hundred billion by the end of december the growth has mostly been driven by asian markets hong kong seventy four i.p.o.'s generating more than sixty billion dollars around two billion was raised by russia's resell on the agricultural bank of china
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twenty two billion dollars in the longest i've ever expect i.p.o. activity to continue growing next year. russia will spend around four billion dollars to upgrade its medical services prime minister vladimir putin says ninety percent of vital drugs and fifty percent of medical equipment should be produced domestically by twenty twenty. we are currently falling under the influence of foreign pharmaceutical production monopolies and i won't go into any details on what this means for our national security that could cause a shortage and price jumps which we see from time to time already the situation is of course unacceptable that is why it is paramount we modernize our pharmaceutical and medicinal industries. into the car industry now and sales of new cars and light commercial vehicles in russia have rocketed eighty percent in november year on year
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according to the association of european businesses the number of vehicles sold reached almost one hundred ninety thousand the biggest monthly number in two years list say the growth was supported by post crisis recovery and the state rebate program for used cars so far this year cotton bound sales are up twenty eight percent. russia's largest minor roles nickel is sold thirty eight percent of its u.s. units stillwater whining company the very seven hundred million dollars in the secondary market but it plans to sell another ten percent of so water at some point in the future nickel water fifty one percent stake in two thousand and two almost three hundred fifty million dollars it says it's selling the stake the lack of operational control. a member in the state duma has suggested fining russians for gambling else-i the assigned zones at the moment the law bans organizations setting up gambling halls and casinos anywhere other than for specified by the government
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but no such legislation exists for citizens which is push many underground if passed anyone caught gambling could be subject to a fine of sixteen to sixty five dollars. much update for this hour but you can always find more stories on our website r.t. dot com slash business.
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