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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2010 8:00am-8:30am EST

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as. you can. see don't need to go and. read this in the kindle was toto as a retreat. thousands gather a london to protest a rise in university fees paid to have a big impact today's the day and. i'll be following the demonstrations throughout the day. even with unemployment and homelessness in the us a fifty year high may pay out bonuses early to help the wall street and lead avoid higher taxes. no blankets moscow's slowing down an already tough commute some drivers are finding unusual ways to fight off road rage as they pass the time in traffic jams.
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well why news live from moscow this is artsy london is the scene of a mass demonstrations by thousands of students and trade unionists final attempt to block the racing. the british government is set to vote on the plan it's the latest in a string of sweeping austerity measures and budget cuts across europe. joins us live from london for more details on this to gauge the mood on the streets laura a little bit earlier we were seeing thousands of students behind you am i correct in thinking that they are now marching towards the houses of parliament tell me what are you seeing there. that's absolutely right to worry they gathered just outside the university of london union about an hour ago now they've started their march towards parliament if we're lucky we'll see more students coming around the corner and more trade unionists there seems to be more people gathering to join
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them all the time they are just about about three hundred yards ahead in front of me that making their way towards the houses of parliament their goal is to be m.p.'s directly as they go into that which is expected to take place at about six pm this evening at that time the students say they'll be holding a candlelight vigil to try and stop the m.p.'s from voting this measure it actually took a bit more about the issues surrounding these demonstrations that we've been seeing in london and across europe i'm joined by sam bowman he's the head of research at the adam smith institute sam thanks very much for talking to us now let's talk first about something that gordon brown's told the b.b.c. this morning which is that the problems of the euro on more than just their governments debts and he's expecting to see a euro crisis in the beginning of two thousand and eleven do you agree with that what sort of crisis do you think he means well i think for once cornrows actually been right about something i mean it wouldn't take a genius to see that there is a crisis approaching the. continent wide crisis i think it is probably because of the government there wouldn't be surprising that brown would try and excuse ramping
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up government. by a responsible leaders but i think the bailout in ireland has failed to combine markets. to still extremely high and we're seeing portugal and spain creeping up words as well so i think we're probably going to see quite a difficult year for the eurozone it's not the end of the coming months you see this as the beginning of the end for the. i think the sooner the better really i think we need to see start looking to the future and looking at how countries can return to their own currencies turn to a way they're able to get their way out of these kind of. high or low interest kind of bubbles at the euro was creating a position where they have a currency that's suitable for their own economies rather than for for. in germany which is really a project is all about. will involve the banks way into and i mean the banks seem to have shown a huge degree of irresponsibility we've seen. banks agree to pay out four hundred million euros in bonuses just in the next couple of weeks after they've had to be
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bailed out how do you see that affecting the situation. i mean it goes to show what happens when you bail out banks. that they don't. when you introduce the. safety net for banks they're just just. ridiculous because there's no danger of their collapse and there's no real threat. punished for their deeds so i think that what we need to do is be much much more responsible about the banks and realize that if they act badly that the market needs to be allowed to push them down and even. i think. it's a great mistake that it wasn't what about the situation that we're seeing on the streets people in europe becoming increasingly unhappy about themselves having to bail out what they see as sort of feckless and. mistake bankers and property speculators what do you think we'll see going forward i hope we don't see as many protests because they wasted time in their extremely damaging as we saw in the first protest. really violence isn't the answer to these things but what people
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should be doing is thinking about how we can move forward in a way that allows the system to take place where there are market failures and market profits because it doesn't work if you only have private profits and the taxpayer pays. pays the bill for the losses there needs to be a profit and loss system and i think that hopefully will see that kind of transition across the. country and what about today's measures they're voting in parliament on these fee hikes in universities it seemed certain at first that these measures would be voted three but now it's looking slightly less unlikely what do you see happening well i think i'll probably go through probably squeak through and i think it's probably. part of some of the to get the bill passed. but i have a few lib dems voted for it as possible obviously the lib dems in this pre-election pledge not to raise tuition fees which they have to go back on it was a great mistake for them to sign the pledge in the first place i think they did so probably not expecting to be in government to ever have to go through it but they are i think it's good that they're putting the country first head of their own
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political interests but of course now we're seeing these kind of last minute. piece claiming they're going to get concessions that kind of thing and that's always with a view to the next election they want to be seen as the people who have managed to get in this minor concession hopefully that'll save their own seats. or work a student say unequivocally is a betrayal of what they promise to do yes certainly i mean students protesting as we've seen over the last couple of weeks but i mean i think a lot of them are probably misinformed the national union of students has been putting out quite a lot of misinformation about what this bill entails there's no upfront fee for students to be deferred across the lifetime of their careers. really i mean it won't deter people from poor backgrounds i mean it will make students pay the cost of their own education so i think it's a good step in that right and probably a lot of the people here if they knew this didn't actually mean they were upfront fees that they were going to pay probably wouldn't be here so i think it's
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a great shame that the student has put out that misinformation for probably quite politically motivated campaign. and from the audience it is to thank you very much for talking to us now we will be at these demonstrations a little bit later we'll be going down to parliament to see what's going on down there we are expecting a degree of violence today this is the biggest demonstration that we've seen so far between twenty and forty thousand people expected to turn out onto the streets in london elaine to cripple the city and have as big an impact as they possibly can i had to see if it will be here all day. or the vote is just hours away in the in the houses of parliament have to see if the protests today will have any effect on the outcome of that vote. head of research. live from london thank you. well in his latest edition of his program. stop financial terrorists plaguing the world economies that's coming up later here on r.t. . that owns j.p. morgan the j.p. morgan i was the fed that's part of the u.s.
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banking cartel jamie diamond is ben bernanke he is dirty underwear and ben bernanke he gives jamie diamond a few billion fresh t. bills and if they don't then jamie dimon says we're going to crash the u.s. economy the global economy by not rolling over this junk diaper debt collateralized by baby poop and your old tired global economy goes into the into the swamp now why is jamie diamond not in guantanamo bay right now being violated by blackwater is zero never is down there walking on broken glass eating broken glass why why is he allowed to roam free why is your double standard why do the people at airports have to have people from the t.s.a. stick their hands up their strength going up to their elbow and then jamie down with you walking around free is a bird i don't get it he's the terrorist. america is the largest banks that may pay out bonuses in december rather than early next
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year so wall street's elite can avoid higher tax rates with homelessness level not seen since the depression critics have slammed some of that will be given to bankers off the back of a hefty government bailout to sabrina portnoy looks at this flow of money which many average american say is going straight into the pockets of the fact cats. next the sculpture thirty thousand dollars now the first floor thirty thousand to thirty two thousand if an artist were to illustrate something of today's new york city opposite fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand votes nineteen thousand it may just be money bags twenty four thousand dollars to twenty six from you amid the lackluster american economic climate christie's is seeing sunny days this painting sold for a little over six million dollars with over six hundred million dollars worth of impressionist and modern art sold this year like yourself since two thousand and
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eight we've seen an increasing return of confidence to the art market new york has once again become one of christie's selling sites sixty five thousand dollars what you like you would like so you think you're just as wall street's wealthy and powerful. that afternoon think. are back to indulging pampering at the la perouse spa at the ritz carlton involves wearing decadent hors d'oeuvres i recommend this skin caviar body cream cream costing more than seven hundred dollars for less than four ounces while the caviar facial costs more than three hundred we do have a very very very large corporate following so corporations will come in and get their employees coming at a time when corporate america is banking record breaking profits with fifty thousand. from choice to. business at wimpy jewelers has spiked but only those making top dollar can afford
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pieces with price tags that exceed the average annual income of three u.s. households combined expecting a very very busy talking to. some new business boosted perhaps by bonuses coming from a one street where street the symbol of the finance industry the financial collapse and record breaking compensation one hundred forty four mil. apparently about four percent from last year's record haul if anyone would know about business it would be we always want to make everyone happy here here at rick's cabaret happiness comes bearing lots of skin and beauty but it doesn't come free for an evening six seven eight thousand dollars ten thousand dollars it's hard not to have a good time when you're surrounded by nearly no uniform of you women who've seen a boom in business as wall street has rebounded and these guys are getting much deserved bonuses and they want to celebrate bonuses and hearty and have
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a great time particularly pretty for financier's working for america's biggest investment banks where employee pay is expected to average how often million dollars or more no such promise is here on main street were fifteen million americans are officially unemployed and u.s. poverty levels have reached a fifty year high forty four million people ironically that figure marks new york city's most expensive residential sale this year a seven floor fifth avenue mansion purchased for forty four million this as more than two million homes have been swallowed up by foreclosure in two thousand and ten still in the early eighty's also in this so-called rebounding u.s. economy. purveyors of all things luxury are in fact surging while the majority of americans are left wondering when life will finally begin looking as pretty as the painting. r.t.
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new york. top executives are skimming the cream off the banking sector increasing the gap between rich and poor well that's the view of gerald celente the founder of the trends research institute. the gap between the rich and the poor in the us is the widest of any of the industrialized nations wages are stagnant median household income is below two thousand levels it's only a small segment of the top that has all the creed when you talk about those bonuses hundred forty four billion dollars those handful of wall streeters are the equivalent to a country that would rank forty ninth out of one hundred thirty four countries in the world we've said it since two thousand and eight when the top programs began
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it happened in front of everyone's eyes wall street has hijacked washington and i don't see it coming to you live from moscow and still to come for you how to stay sane in a traffic jam. is. going to set up our languages is just one of the many practical ways to spend time in moscow's tough traffic stay with us to learn more. moscow wants an explanation from nato over a wiki leaks report that the alliance agreed plan to defend the baltic states and poland against russia and the revelations follow the nato russia summit in lisbon which should be hailed as a breakthrough in relations between the two sides while russia has a foreign minister sort of a left off says reports the alliance may still consider russia a potential threat has put a question mark of
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a nato sincerity. they began that planning in december last year just as we held a ministerial meeting of the russia nato council where we decided to move on after the two thousand and eight crisis in the caucasus so it means that on one hand needle was talking with us about partnership and on the other was taking decisions to protect itself against us secondly these plans seem to have been approved in lisp on another platform of the needle russia council where president did it would need to leaders approved documents calling us strategic partner so there is a question about when nato is sincere when it's openly talking with us about partnership or when it's secretly deciding a monster it's still somewhat different things. when asked about the wiki leaks revelations the secretary general of the alliance anders fogh rasmussen refused to comment but nato is chief insisted his organization does not see russia as an enemy
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. and saying with wiki leaks the swedish government's website is reportedly facing a cyber attack from supporters of the arrested whistleblowers founder julian assange he remains in a british prison and faces extradition to sweden over sexual assault allegations around five thousand hackers are now reportedly taking part in the cyber attacks it comes as the wiki leaks founder is leading an online poll for time magazine to be named its person of the year amid reports he would then be extradited to the us some american politician said he even suggested that a son should face execution civil rights activists and liam have a long ways from a silence as native australia says if there is an altar here we have motive for the extradition. just go look at the fact that how often does interpol go off on sex related charges it's just it's unheard of they both be chasing people for
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your ex all the charges that are related to sexual offenses so i think it's completely politically motivated the swedish prosecutors dropped just this case two months ago right and now they've just picked it back up again up to the israelis so i would say there's a very good chance that the american government is behind this night that no doubt about it because if it definitely if they actually died from sweden to the us what recourse the state saying i have no doubt whatsoever that he charges will right allegation charge will disappear and he will be facing espionage charges in the united states. civil rights activists helen speaking right there where you can access more information on all of our stories with just a click of your mouse on our new and improved website r.t. dot com and here's a quick look at some of the things we have been waiting for you on line of right now our friend electric a boy with leukemia sees through the eyes of a robot to keep up with schoolwork while he copes with his long term illness. and
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will keep going that's what thorsten say after a spate of unusual and terrifying shop attacks in the popular sharm el sheikh resort in egypt the attacks left four people injured and one person dead. traffic jams are as prominent a feature on the russian capital as red square to moscow's roads are not just choked by cars at rush hour congestion continues throughout the rest of the entire day and this is led some motorists coming up with some rather creative ways to pass the time incredible. on a bike i found out. terrified of traffic. most cause miles of jam snaking back as far as the eye can see and in the midst of
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a lot of angry drivers fighting off road rage if you want to get anywhere better plan and early start to the half hours that's an average tired most cool water is found stuck in traffic jams every day that's a world record that quite literally drives people wrong that bad muscovites consistently wrangle over the area thrivers on the planet. yet while some a left red faced moaning about wasted time others are trying to make the best of a bad situation sergei has spent anything five and a half hours in traffic but that didn't knock him for six as an avid chapel or he uses the daily commute to study foreign languages. which used to be very first to the bug a term i was wasting into i think janice but then i came across audio books and it changed ago not only do enjoy being on the road sometimes they deliberately take
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a long road just to finish listening to the past two years sergey has refresh his english and learn some german all sat behind the will conversational spanish is his next goal. is that it's your. gas here. and the other way out for stress motorists is bringing some of the comforts of home with them and it go to eleven and suggest sales of car guard jets are on the rise. we see a lot of demand for my vacation devices we've been built to be to those with so much traffic we have in moscow i guess people spend more time in their cars watching t.v. and following directions and some resort to even more eccentric tools diary is a well known mosco psychic a few years ago she would a hummer and hard to drive or. or also she could travel constantly and stylishly through the globe highways and byways. i keep the same watch in my car i look at it
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when i need to make a decision and i have plenty of time for that while moving around the city for me it's a symbol of life a symbol of maternity and paternity can seem like a very real concept while stationary in your car staring at the brake lights in front that's why drivers are finding new ways to see back relax and go with the flow however slow it's unavoidable artsy moscow. time now to have a look at some other stories making headlines around the world and in washington d.c. the house of representatives has approved the legislation stopping the transfer of guantanamo bay prisoners to the u.s. to stand trial the bill which there is yet to approve may cut government spending on detainees but will endanger president obama's efforts to close the cuban detention center the move comes after the first detainee to face a civilian trial was convicted of just one of hundreds of terror charges brought
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against him. china says a military threats cannot resolve tensions on the korean peninsula the statement comes after the u.s. military chiefs assertion that beijing has failed to use its influence over north korea to diffuse the crisis the united states reiterated its comment to south korea's defense as both nations continue joint military drills tensions are high after two koreas had exchanged live i mean asian fire late last month. and just a few moments a korean is here with the business. hungry for the feast we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news maker. how
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do i welcome to our business program here or not he would make i mean i can thanks for joining us regulators have frozen assets of unnamed investors who bought shares in russian to scoop the done just before pepsico announced its takeover bid someone used a swiss bank account to buy a four hundred thousand american depository receipts which are a proxy for one down shares in the new york stock exchange it's illegal in most developed markets to use inside information to profit from moves in share prices to live russia adopted a law against insider trading the regulators are still working out how to enforce it one bit of dung jumped twenty eight percent in new york last week that would have earned the unnamed investors a profit of about two point seven million dollars. being soft during producer
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pepsico will invest more than one billion dollars in the russian market in the next three years that's according to the local head. our c.e.o. was here in russia what a year ago she committed in the way she committed to about a billion dollar investment over the next three years and we've already invested in the name of the double planet south of moscow where we produce t.v. we produce all of our serious these we're going to expand very very supply and are investing in logistic distribution center while building as a p i two systems across the business so we commit to these one million dollars daily with that position of we believe that this will go up. and prime minister putin wants a homegrown pharmaceutical industry to supply ninety percent of essential drugs mr putin says he wants fifty percent of medical equipment to be produced domestically by two thousand and twenty analysts say the move seems to confirm conflict with calls to build a more open economy there is always a constant conflict for
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a government between trying to protect the mass of producers and opening the economy but i will have to help them the opening i mean and in case of the pharmaceutical industry there is a difference between desired and possible most of the world is supplied by the international conglomerates that spend a lot of money on r. and d. to be able to produce new drugs and it's very difficult to supply those all replicated to must acquit. for the first time ever russia's finance ministry sold more bonds than it offered but investors forced the government to pay a high interest rate amid fears that inflation will rise next year ministry so two hundred and nine million dollars over a two year notes at a yield of six point one percent. now looking at the markets here in russia the post has a high slowing after i don't think rally close to the main plaza climbing with energy the best local is bucking the tranche shedding more than one homicide and
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stocks in europe makes this hour with the dutch chip equipment group up seven percent up to lifting its all a booking estimate for the fourth quarter minus a while both say we're fresnel three point three percent. now russian prime minister vladimir putin and his colleague french and his french counterpart francois fillon have opened the first french financial forum here in moscow the forum is exploring opportunities in the economic scientific technical and humanitarian spheres and our joined by r t correspondent daniel who's at the forum so danielle are there any deals that come out of that meeting so far. you already knew. will be allowed to take control of russia's ailing called manufacture a device that was recorded for a third term is up ahead of mega-corporation rose technology which controls well it's about the buzz of russia is really i don't think the french moldy old economy
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and management of the day to intervention in the economy government backing of megacorporations just growth technology and all third nationalization of strategic industries president medvedev has been so good for elite civil servants holding the basis of growth is a cause which produced most of her country's politicians and a business leader. as. russia is allowing renault to take control first of all scritch a no after buzz also the french utilities key shareholders in goes from may new to pipelines to europe but north stream self dream russia is also helping to build the airball fees for which are based in frogs trade turnover has also almost returned to twenty two pre-crisis levels between draws and
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russia that's almost fifteen billion dollars we expect the number of other deals today notably in energy and gold cover which is russia's new silicon valley project throughout the course of today. thank you both so that our correspondent reporting from the first french financial forum. that's taking place here in moscow. and that's all which we have time for in this hour but i'll be back with more in less than one hour from now.
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