tv [untitled] December 9, 2010 3:00pm-3:30pm EST
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plans to. startup team. members of parliament approved a hike in university tuition fees on the streets of london. of government buildings and reportedly attack a cop belonging to the prince of wales. also even with unemployment and homelessness in the us of a fifty year high banks may pay out bonuses early to help avoid higher taxes. if you're pushing for democracy as you push all the way why did they put mr saunders in jail is that democracy at work there's a saying about the pot calling the kettle black the arrest of the founder of the whistle blowing web site wiki leaks shows the west has no right to dictate its version of democracy to while the russian prime minister vladimir putin has said.
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live from our studios here in central moscow this is r.t. with you twenty four hours a day good to have you with us this hour the british parliament has approved a bill to raise university tuition fees in england the vote came amid mass demonstrations by thousands of students and trade unionists it turned out the law is just in a string of rallies against sweeping austerity measures and budget cuts across europe with images in london for the latest from the streets now laura the bill which is core such anger and violence has finally gone through but with a very narrow margin tell us more. that's right m.p.'s voted on this measure a couple of hours ago and being heckled from just over here they did pass by really
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a very small majority of much smaller than was expected to three hundred twenty three m.p.'s voted in favor of the measure and three hundred two voted against it so that's really suggests for the first time really a split in this conservative liberal democrat coalition that is governing the u.k. at the moment that's brought protesters out onto the streets and that's really why i'm here well today's demonstrations start it was quite a peaceful march but then turn violent you've been there all day tell us what's the mood like now in the streets. well at the moment this street that i'm standing on i'm about three hundred meters away from parliament you could just see been big ben in the background of the show here this is a busy thoroughfare it's usually full of traffic at this time of night but as you can see it's been shut off by police as has much of the the town around. what we're seeing at the moment is a hard call pocket of about a couple of thousand still protesters outside the parliament building but we're
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also seeing pockets of protesters who've broken out and just the most recent development is that there are new process breaking out on oxford street and regent street people blockading top shop their flagship store there in oxford street this happened already the other day because philip green the head of top shop and the head of the retailing conglomerate the top shop belongs to is accused of not paying his taxes to registering companies in his wife's name and she lives offshore they don't have to take operation tax of course that's exactly the kind of thing that these students are protesting against a big businessman rich people not paying their taxes and the little people having to make up for that then we spoke earlier to some students who'd been demonstrating here today after the vote and they told us how disappointed they were for how this is not the end of. tests across the u.k. let's listen to what they had to say he's going to carry on demonstrations like this and really try to push through something which. has passed today there's going
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to be felt good people going to go to get back to the working class is going to say the right people who can do something like that because of the that's something that you know just. the way it was. yeah i mean if there's a protest right now. this is a process that has turned violent and as i say we've seen people breaking away taking smashing windows at the treasury. smashing windows at the supreme court and a car in which the prince of wales prince charles and his wife camilla were traveling was attacked regent street is part of that street regent street protests i remember slightly bizarre developments it's unclear whether the protesters knew who was traveling in the car or whether it's just pot luck and they happened to strike it lucky as i'm sure they see it but we are seeing these these pockets of protests spreading out around london making of course much more difficult for the
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police to keep control. ok thanks very much indeed that's. live from london more from laura throughout the evening there from the british capital. well the former british prime minister gordon brown has said the problems in the eurozone have amounted to much more than just the debts he fears the euro will face tough times in the first months of two thousand and eleven so the head of research at the adam smith institute says there's certainly some truth in this. actually been right about something i mean it wouldn't take a genius to see that there is a crisis approaching the. crisis i think it is probably because of the government debt so it wouldn't be surprising that. excuse ramping up government debts by a responsible leaders but i think the bailout it failed to markets. are still extremely high and we're seeing portugal and spain creeping up words as well so i think we're probably going to see quite a difficult year for the it's not the end of the sooner the better really i think
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we need to see it start looking to the future looking at how countries can return to their old turn to a way that they're able to get their way out of these kind of. high or low interest kind of bubbles the euro was creating a position where they have a currency that suitable for their own economies rather than for france and germany which is really what the project was all about. and in the latest edition of his program max kaiser asks how to stop financial terrorist plaguing the world's economies that's come up a little later here on r.t. . the first j.p. morgan of j.p. morgan as the fed that's part of the u.s. banking cartel jamie dimon gives ben bernanke is dirty underwear and ben bernanke he gives jamie dimon a few billion fresh and if they don't then jamie dimon says we're going to crash the u.s. economy the global economy by not rolling over does john diaper debt collateralized by baby poop and your old tired global economy goes into the into the swamp now why
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is jamie diamond in want to animal bay right now i don't get it he says the. u.s. is largest banks may pay out bonuses this month rather than early next year so wall street to lead can avoid higher tax rates and with homelessness at a level not seen since the depression critics have slammed the sum that will be given to bankers off the back of a hefty government bailout what is marina point of this flow of money which many average american say is going straight into the pockets of fat cats. next the sculpture thirty thousand dollars now in the first floor thirty thousand to thirty two thousand if an artist were to illustrate something of today's new york city office at fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen thousand votes nineteen thousand it may just be money bags twenty four thousand dollars to twenty six from you amid the lackluster american economic climate christie's is seeing sunny days this painting
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sold for a little over six million dollars with over six hundred million dollars worth of impressionist and modern art sold this year thank you so since two thousand and eight we've seen an increasing return of confidence to the art market new york has once again become one of christie's selling sites sixty five thousand dollars what you like you would like to think you're just as wall street's wealthy and powerful . after you. are back to indulging pampering at the law at the ritz carlton involves wearing decadent hors d'oeuvres i recommend this skin caviar body cream cream costing more than seven hundred dollars for less than four ounces while the caviar facial costs more than three hundred we do have a very very very large corporate following so corporations will come in and give their employees coming at a time when corporate america is banking record breaking profits with fifty
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thousand. dollars for. choice two. business at wembley jewelers has spiked but only those making top dollar can afford pieces with price tags that exceed the average annual income of three u.s. households combined expecting a very very busy. business boosted perhaps by bonuses coming from a one street less street the symbol of the finance industry the financial collapse and record breaking compensation one hundred forty four million a pair. only about four percent from last year's record haul if anyone would know about business it would be we always want to make everyone happy here here at rick's cabaret happiness comes bearing lots of skin and beauty but doesn't come free for an evening six seven eight thousand dollars three thousand dollars it's hard not to have a good time when you're surrounded by nearly no uniform of you women who've seen
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a boom in business as wall street has rebounded and these guys are getting much deserved bonuses and they want to celebrate bonuses and hearty and have a great time particularly pretty for financier's working for america's biggest investment banks where employee pay is expected to average half a million dollars or more no such promise is here on main street where fifteen million americans are officially unemployed and u.s. poverty levels have reached a fifty year high forty four million people ironically that figure marks new york city's most expensive residential sale this year a seven floor fifth avenue mansion purchased for forty four million this as more than two million homes have been swallowed up by foreclosure in two thousand and ten still in the early eighty's also in this so-called rebounding us economy.
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purveyors of all things luxury are in fact surging while the majority of americans are left wondering when life will finally begin looking as pretty as the painting marina port naya r.t. new york. will street c.e.o.'s and other top executives are skipping the cream of the banking sector increasing the gap between rich and poor well that's the view of gerald celente he's the founder of the trends research institute. the gap between the rich and the poor in the us is the widest of any of the industrialized nations wages are stagnant median household income is is below two thousand levels it's only a small segment of the top that has all the cream when you talk about those bonuses hundred forty four billion dollars those handful of wall streeters are the equivalent to
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a country that would rank boy the ninth out of one hundred thirty four countries in the world we've said it since two thousand and eight when the top programs began it happened in front of everyone zaz wall street has hijacked washington. still coming out for you this hour how a boy can influence the decision of a prime minister. has been named the premier made his choice from one of the polls and subversion is mailed to him by the public. which is just one of the many practical ways to spend. time traffic stay with us for more on that story. as a whistle blows found the remains in prison the swedish government's website is
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reportedly facing a cyber attack from his supporters he faces extradition to sweden over sexual assault allegations around five thousand hackers are now reportedly taking part in the cyber attacks it comes as the wiki leaks founder is leading an online poll for time magazine to be named its person of the year amid reports he would then be extradited to the u.s. some american politicians have even suggested a son should face execution leader of sweden's pirate party says the cyber battle we're witnessing is unprecedented. there's an all out war going on on the net right now where the both factions trying to silence the other which ironically is quite the opposite of the freedom of expression that we could lead is fighting for it has been called the first information war the first serious information war and it is being fried to a fort worth new weapons in a new arena but it's still weapons and it's still a battle but it's still a battlefield and. the prosecution thought in sweden have been has been attacked
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visa has been a tight master card has been paper twitter every basically everybody who has somehow been seen as politically opposing wiki leaks have been attacked in the past few days and so have. been supporting wiki leaks by supposedly other people it's very very intense on the net right now. this cyber war is unlikely to prevent getting the songes extradition as there is an ulterior motive that's if you have civil rights activists in hand and just go look at the fact that how often does interpol go off to people on sex related charges it's just it's on hold be chasing people for your it's own charges that are related to sexual offenses so i think it's completely politically motivated the swedish prosecutors dropped just this case two months ago and now they've just picked it back up again up to the israelis so i would say there's a very good chance that the american government is behind this one night that no
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doubt about it because it definitely if they should draw it from sweden to the u.s. what reports the state saying i have no doubt whatsoever that he charges will right allegation charge will disappear and he will be facing espionage charges in the united states. civil rights activism hang in there and you can access more information on the click of your mouse on our new and improved web site it's r t dot com here's a quick look at some of the things we've got for you on line at the moment a friend in that trick a boy sees through the eyes of a robot. school work. with his long term. will keep going tourists a. terrifying shark attacks a popular. resort in egypt that left four people injured and one person stories available online.
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traffic jams are as prominent a feature of the russian capital as red square and moscow's roads are not just choked by russia the congestion continues throughout the rest of the day. coming up with some rather creative ways to pass the time in the gridlock. found out. terrified of traffic. most cars miles of jam sneaking back as far as the eye can see and in the midst of a lot of angry drivers fighting off road rage if you want to get anywhere better plan and early start. to the half hours that's an average time most cool water is found stuck in traffic jams every day that's a world record that's what literally drives people wrong most of it's consistently
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ranked among the angriest drivers on the planet. yet while some a left rat faced moaning about wasted time others are trying to make the best of a bad situation sergei has spent anything five and a half hours in traffic but that didn't know. him for six as an avid chapel or he uses the daily commute to study foreign languages. which i used to be very first to do about the term i was wasting in traffic jams but then i came across audio books and i changed it all not only do enjoy being on the road sometimes or deliberately take a long road just to finish listening to the past two years sergey has refresh his english and learn some german all sat behind the will conversational spanish is his next goal. is that it's your. last year. and the other way out for stress motorist is bringing some of the
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conference of home with them and it go to eleven and suggest sales of car garge it's on the rise. in live with us but also shows we see a lot of demand from have a geisha devices with and built to be to those with so much traffic we have in moscow i guess people spend more time in their cars watching to be following directions and some resort to even more exam trick tools diary is a well known mosco psychic a few years ago she would a hummer and hired a driver also she could travel constantly and stylishly through the globe highways and byways. i keep the same watch in my car i look at it when i need to make a decision and i have plenty of time for that while moving around the city for me it's a symbol of life a symbol or turning to. an eternity can seem like a very real concept while stationary in your car staring at the brake lights in front that's why drivers are finding new ways to see back relax and go with the
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flow however slow it's on a bike or artsy moscow. now let's take a look at some other stories making headlines around the world thousands of taken to reach across haiti to protest against the preliminary results of last month's presidential elections at least four people were killed during clashes with police some political offices have been set on fire while the capital's main streets have been blocked by burning tires and concrete blocks business is schools in airports and the airport i should say have been shut down. but suspected bomb factory near san diego has been destroyed by local authorities the building packed with explosive chemicals was burned to the ground it was decided we too dangerous to remove the hazardous materials which are used by suicide bombers the house was rented by an unemployed software engineer who's now in jail and now faces charges of bank robbery and bomb making. well every dog has its day as did one canine now at the highest level of russian political life that may be
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a new name buffy if not a nationwide contest the prime minister was given the pet by his ball gary counterpart interfere last month the idea came from five year old from moscow choice and he got to meet buffy in person and you can feel. pretty also side of football because to commemorate russia wouldn't be twenty eighteen world cup and these other don't call me already was getting on well with. but to bring it up to date for the moment coming up just after a short break we got the latest from the world of business with kareena. i. our welcome to our business program with a creative malakhov prime minister putin wants a homegrown pharmaceutical industry to supply ninety percent of essential drugs put in says he wants fifty percent of medical equipment to be produced domestically by
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twenty twenty analysts say the move seems to conflict with calls to build a more open economy. there is always a constant conflict for a government between trying to protect domestic producers and opening the economy but it will have to happen in the opening i mean and in case of the pharmaceutical industry there is a difference between desired and possible most of the world is supplied by the international conglomerates but spent a lot of money on r. and d. to be able to produce new drugs and it's very difficult to supply those all replicated domestically a group of french delegates including prime minister francois feel is in moscow for talks on joint efforts in the economic scientific technical and humanitarian sectors correspondent reports. rush is for me i tried to reassure investors but he's welcoming foreign investors off to some mixed messages in the past he said that french companies will play
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a central role in the fall story with gas fields which he said will be delayed but will still happen he added investment is a two way street all calling on europe to buy more russian gas this winter that living uprooted out investors should look more to russia's regions for growth in the future he saw to the success of europe's number to call make up detroit which has set up an industrial production cluster in the kaluga region sells all of the capital in fact trade between the two countries has jumped more than a third this year to over fifteen billion dollars russia is adopting for all these multiple of economic management with strong state control and the parking call for joy and sybil fuel call for asia when it comes to the economy but even preaching suggested that the two countries all developing official relationship microscopist
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over. i can say that working on the global energy markets french companies are the most promising partners for us they are literally strategic partners. presidents of russia belarus and kazakhstan were holding talks in moscow on thursday to cement the legislative basis of the trilateral customs union and single economic space r.t. correspondents i know the club has the latest. today wash out how sad it will cancel world taxes for belarus after creating a single economic zone between russia belarus and kazakhstan and if president bush and guy had any doubts left about this this seemed to have been the final argument to convince him and today and in his turn he promised that belarus would rectify the package of the documents needed for creating a single economic stone by as soon as first of january next year which is in less than a month and all three countries together with the overall population of one hundred and seventy million people will make up for eighty percent of the economic power of
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the uses sorry used to have of and the three leaders today have said that other countries are in some welcome to join and this is the next step towards deeper cooperation between the three countries of course they face a number of difficulties while working on this package of documents as it was done in such a short period of time right after preaching the customs union the similar difficulties that european leaders were facing more creating with the e.u. the boats are the three leaders today have said that's we shall see a single economic zone between russia kazakhstan and belarus by as early as the first of january two thousand and twelve. carson markets closed higher on thursday most of the blue chips climbed with energy majors the best performance across north park the trends moving over a quarter of a percent back to salt or the worst performance would be to be shedding more than six. russian oil to telecoms group systemise says net profit rose twenty seven
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percent on the quarter to one hundred eighty three million dollars revenues grew more than a third to seven point three billion dollars a year driven by the performance of oil company a company notes its consumer businesses are recovering including banking interest over and yearly terms profits were down almost ten percent from the third quarter of two thousand and nine present many of them. madd outlined the company's investment strategy. very clear thirty june. investing in two or three main groups of industries one group of infrastructure projects and the company is the positive it is linked to the basic consumer needs seconded in full communications and the direction is inclusive have sooner just to invest into the project. and then later with the state of the first. u.s.
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regulators of frozen assets of unnamed investors who bought shares in russian jews groovin bill done just before pepsico announced its takeover bid someone used a swiss bank account to buy four hundred thousand american depository receipts which are proxy for women a gun says on the new york stock exchange it's illegal in most developed markets to use inside information to profit from moves in share prices russia adopted a law against insider trading so regulators are still working out how to enforce it when been done a.d.r.'s jumped twenty eight percent in new york last week that would have earned the unnamed investors a profit of about two point seven million dollars. that's our business update but you can always find most stories on our web site at a dot com slash business. wealthy
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you watch this tape i can only imagine the fear and the despair that you face for this is being recorded for viewing only after the disappearance of god's people from the earth. well it's a clash of cultures it's a place of civilizations do we want to go back to the eighth century islamic law or do we will enjoy the lessons and leave it for sure for. really christianity is one of the only religion i think the only one that actually respects the rights of people who don't bring. the spirit in. taking place. on the station. and. wait for your moment one of the time and exclaim.
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god bless you. if. russia would be soon which brightened if you knew about sun from finest impressions. please friends down totty dot com. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in india ulti is available in the move go hard enough to join the hoto villas the gateway photo the grand imperial trident the top.
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