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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2010 5:30pm-5:59pm EST

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top stories this hour long after the u.k. parliament. students protested outrage at having to pay for the mistakes of those holding the purse strings. even with unemployment and homelessness in the u.s. at a fifty year high banks may pay out bonuses only to help the wall street elite avoid higher taxes. and. has some sharp words about the rest of the founder of the whistleblower website wiki leaks saying it shows the west has no right to preach its version of democracy. while make stuff on out who is the most dangerous banker in america is in this week's kaiser report.
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as a reporter show that tells you about the financial terrorists that are plaguing the world with their corrupt money fractional banking scandal. sister max first headline america's most dangerous banker yes this is a headline from fineman johnson a former chief economist for the i.m.f. and he's now on huffington post telling people jamie dimon is the most dangerous banker in america because he was interviewed by the new york times and he was saying that j.p. morgan should actually be bigger yes bigger you know let's give gibson numbers here it doesn't have the numbers are interesting talk talk about the numbers j.p. morgan has two trillion in assets and that is comparatively my brothers which had
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six hundred billion when it collapsed and took down the global financial system right and jay j.p. morgan also has ninety three trillion in derivatives yes so let's round it off two hundred trillion that means they've got two trillion on the books and a hundred trillion in derivatives that means that they've got two percent on the books to cover their liabilities. that means that if the derivatives value those reduce drops fractionally the balance sheet of j.p. morgan is wiped out j.p. morgan is also own in part by the fed the fed owns j.p. morgan the j.p. morgan is the fed that's part of the u.s. banking cartel if j.p. morgan goes out of business or has a problem they go to the fed for a bailout they give the fed their garbage literally garbage that actually they give jamie diamond gives ben bernanke these dirty underwear and ben bernanke he gives jamie diamond a few billion fresh t. bills. or those dirty diapers from his kids and ben bernanke you will get
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a few billion dollars in t. bills and if they don't then jamie dimon says we're going to crash the u.s. economy the global economy by not rolling over to junk diaper debt collateralized by baby poop and you're all entire global economy goes into the into the swamp. right so that's what a financial terrorist does they threaten to blow up the economy now why is jamie diamond not in guantanamo bay right now being violated by black mortars zero never is down there walking on broken glass eating broken glass why was he allowed to roam free why was your double standard why do the people at airports have to have people from the t.s.a. stick their hands up their shrinking up to their elbow and then jamie done with walking around free is a bird i don't get it he is the terrorist well there's he's in the news as well because j.p. morgan's derivatives book a lot of it isn't silver they have a massive short position in silver so well the san francisco chronicle asked j.p.
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morgan getting squeezed in silver market so they have noticed this and they're asking the question of whether or not they're actually being squeezed and part of it is you know j.p. morgan and it has merged in the last week has bought up like a huge percentage of the london metals market copper so are they hedge in themselves against a potential collapse and their silver position absolutely in other words i was a broker i was a money manager if you got a huge loss potential unrealized loss you're trying to try to ensure way out of it by putting on what are guaranteed trades if you monopolize the copper market and they're buying something eighty percent of all the available copper you know that those are incremental gains going forward because you own the copper market again jamie dunn is saying we need to be even bigger do what monopolize every commodity in the world and to jack up the price five hundred percent so you can go see. well run your yacht with the samba whomever you think i would be frickin terrorist also
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involved in the alleged. market manipulation of silver is h.s.b.c. and together j.p. morgan and h.s.b.c. are in the next two headlines j.p. morgan sued for six point four billion over made off fraud by liquidating trustee bernard madoff trustee sues h.s.b.c. for nine billion in new york court so the trustees of the bernie madoff ponzi scheme that collapsed with what sixty billion dollars lost they are suing h.s.b.c. and j.p. morgan for their role in aiding and abetting bernie made off and what is a ponzi scheme what did burning made off to go back to the numbers you spoke of at the top of the show one hundred trillion dollars in derivatives two trillion dollars in equity as the derivatives need to be rolled over they use fabricated new derivative contracts to pay off the bad debt that this coming due in the short term so it's a ponzi scheme the company is a huge ponzi scheme which bernie made off on steroids drinking four loko inhaling
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alcoholic whipped cream that's the stock price it's so far overvalued that just looking at it will give you you know not to love is not the right word but action well what we're trying to think of the brands we come up through the water and you're going too fast and you get something out of the look that up well put it put a graphic what i'm trying to say in post production and the people will know what i'm trying to say i don't think the bends is something you see i think in terms of . ok well max why has nothing being done to stop j.p. morgan to stop h.s.b.c. to stop these other financial terrorist well let's look at this headline from the new york times frank rich obama the g.o.p. and a case of stockholm syndrome yes once again max keiser of the chrysler report we said it here first you said oh many episodes ago that obama was suffering from the
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stockholm syndrome tell people what the stockholm syndrome is well first of all frank rich stole my stuff again. frank rich new york times you'd think he'd come up with his own stuff but no he's going to steal my stuff. anyway yes stockholm syndrome it's pretty well known i mean you fall in love with your captor the famous example being patty hearst of the liberation army out there in those photos robbing the bank you know because she had fallen in love with her captor so the point being that in america people say gee i don't not sure i should buy so over and take down j.p. morgan i mean after all they're my they're my prison guard i mean they might i might be let free out of this prison this paper prison and then i would have know what freedom tastes like and that scares me so i want to remain a subject jamie diamond's monarchy and please sir can i have some more grueling. well they say that this is the reason why they're not doing anything to stop these bankers now speaking of dangerous bankers though max i have this little video ben
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bernanke on sixty minutes we could raise interest rates in fifteen minutes if we have to so there really is no problem with raising rates tightening monetary policy slowing the economy reducing inflation at the appropriate time so that time is not now you have what degree of confidence in your ability to control hundred percent. do you anticipate a scenario in which you would commit to more than six hundred billion dollars certainly possible well ben bernanke is completely wrong he can't just raise interest rates in fifteen minutes without totally throwing the the housing market under the bus and crashing even more than it's already crashing and this is what academics do like ben bernanke even talk about deflation. remember they were educated at ivy league schools that are endowed by the top one percent the oligarchs in america they goes on t.v. and talks about the flay ssion and therefore flood the market with cash and credit which goes to the banking system goes through companies like j.p.
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morgan who then put it into the accounts of their privileged one percent clients to buy commodities and assets and stocks and bonds those things are going up but meanwhile so is food and energy so for everybody else like the bottom ninety nine percent they're seeing the cost of their food energy go up but they're also seeing their wages and their savings returns go down because all that money is debasing the purchasing power of the currency so it's by design but bernanke you talk about deflation to do it has two effects number one impoverished the bottom ninety nine percent with low interest on savings and lower wages while simultaneously enriching the top one percent by boosting artificially the price of assets meanwhile from the bottom rung on percent you've got low wages and you've got stagflation and you've got rising food and energy this guy is kind of the capital capital been bernanke how but if we just get rid of ben bernanke and let the market function on its own without this intermediary coming in there and setting the dials and adjusting levels that are completely out of the much of the concept of free market capitalism
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begin with well he said that he was hundred percent certain that he could control this very easily and i'm going to show you like pinocchio that he wasn't lying and this is the silver chart silver is going mad tonight this is as he was speaking literally as this sixty minutes video ended silver went down. or as you put it on max keiser dot com silver is going nuts thanks to the global insurrection against banker occupation if the super vigilantes they are imposing justice were bernanke is doing not we start the bond vigilantes but now they've been basically co-opted by the folks at the i.m.f. and the world bank that are now attacking ireland and greece and hungary and they're going in there they're using the bond market as part of their collage their coordinated financial terrorism scheme so it can't rely on the bonds anymore the bond vigilantes as they were once known to restore economic justice we have to bring in the silver and gold vigilantes and then now they are in charge and every
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time bernanke he speaks they mark the price higher well there is also the other global currency for the last five thousand years is gold of course and that is also in the headlines gold demand huge buying from china. so wait a minute wait a minute later told china on the show. it's only eighteen months ago that the only way they could be players is if they increased our supply of gold now so what does anyone not watch the show. i mean you've got medvedev old enough that gold coin one of the g twenty meetings after watching the show you've got china increase in the gold supplies after watching the show i ran to well let's put this into context for people because you're just shouting my own region you're overreaching but let's talk about the numbers here china imported two hundred nine point seven metric tons of gold in the first ten months of this year of two thousand and ten that is
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a five fold increase over the previous year now one of the famous names involved in these c f t c hearings that we covered a few months ago of the silver market manipulation the guy who says it can't happen that you know all this manipulation is benign jeff christian managing director of c.p.m. group he says quote everybody in the gold market knew there was a surge in investment demand but they didn't know it was china like he was a house surprise and we had no idea that china would buy any gold and except if you watch the show with a report on it every week for months that this is exactly what's going on these guys live in a place called stupid bill. you never heard of that is a place called stupid ville and they get paid to be stupid like ben bernanke is put is a paid moron he's paid to be a jackass let me let's be honest about it he's
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a jackass and he's paid to be a jackass he goes in front of congress and says nonsensical things to make his benefactors the top one percent cash in royally as you flood the market with cash that never gets to the wage earners or the pension retirees ok ben bernanke you do yourself and i want to favor. retire well that's my final comment here is china is hedging themselves just as j.p. morgan is hedging themselves against their direct disastrous investment of the massive short and silver chinas protecting themselves against their disastrous investment in the us treasury bill and mortgage market by buying gold all right stacy ever thanks again for being on the cars to report thank you max when we come back we're going to greece to talk with somebody who's actually taking on these financial terrorists don't go away.
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trying to. move. from stupid question. please don't talk don't come. down to official placation. from the. life. video on demand. broadcasts and feed now with the palm of your. question. welcome back to the kaiser report i came across a website
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a few weeks ago absolute must viewing it's called stop speculators dot g r as in greece time not to go to athens greece to talk with dr. stop speculators are dr carol goes welcome to the kaiser report i don't how are you a very good doctor tells about your campaign stop speculators dive g.-r. scum. start their own april. this year. after we start. experiencing here in greece walk toward the result of a speculation on our government forcing the spread of our government bonds in very very very high figures and by the wars in parts. to continue the government lending program and this is why our government. or stretched to.
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the i.m.f. and you're being a young battle. this is it isn't that that we did and we started this auction. because that was not as simple as speculation process we didn't do that because we are against speculation because it's going on very well speculation is that it is on the markets exist. we did that because about wars aereo or primaries creaming out on. even then two minute late the whole critiquer quote i mean to manipulate a country through and when you've been a sort of over government bonds mark at the end of a government lending soul for all the series last week start this campaign one april two thousand then and before that moment. five it's probably charts what we started if you still under investigation process in there the percentage there over the course of often ok so just to be clear the the bond
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traders have done to greece what they've done to other countries and what they do to corporations all the time they use the bond market as a financial weapon to destabilize and to destroy in this case a country greece they sell they sell the greek bonds in a way that is not only. ill ill served in terms of any financial purpose but we also know that they sell what are called naked short sales this is a form of counterfeiting so that the the banks essentially are selling counterfeit bonds purposefully to destabilize the country i remember back in world war two countries would counterfeit each other's currencies as a way to destabilize other countries now the i.m.f.
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and the banks on wall street in the city of london counterfeit bonds greek bonds they sell these counterfeit bonds in the market to destabilize the country is it difficult to get the population to understand that they're being attacked by financial terrorists exactly that they're very out there if you did exactly what you said by non-self there or in this is exactly. what happened here in greece and what will happen in the rest of the european countries don't believe that the only english is a problem grayson was just the first victim over this game. which now would be. valuable for all the other european countries it is very difficult to explain that to the people here you understand because this is very very complicated financial things. ordinary people they cannot even understand because they don't have the knowledge or even understand. but i would explain you in very simple words what
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they exactly what exactly happened here generally when the first crisis started here in greece. some institutions who have the vicious in london. they start trading on naked c.d.'s on greek government songs in the same time they were trading on naked c.d.'s where that is alt to increase the spread of far bones in the same time they were doing a very very big game with this short selling of the government bonds here in greece that means they did all of the things together and in the same time from one side they were standing with naked increasing. the spread far beyond and from the other side they were creating an artificial low for bones in the international market with this short selling of the existing lot of the market what the courses of.
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generates a thousand then. the short seller they was obliged by the greek low to close for solutions in three days and the if they didn't global position in three days they stopped bank penalties on the. third was brought from three days then days and this speculators were freshly faded by the central bank of british. open for ten days and for more than ten days and without to pay any penalty about the well because it is up there is all the wars after one month every day they were naked says he is to increase his bread and the local of all for the international market because of this short selling of our bones. are all the results to create an artificial over greek bones without the money
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to be where they got busted or artificial over with it is all about the government when i arrive in the point to make auctions for the new ball and don't find any buyer for the. what is the criminal side of it the big the criminal. the same person the same institutions and the same fun. and they steal and they are still. the greek government owns the means they have with the greedy government for the promotion of the big bones in the international markets the same and the same mission in the same time they were they sure of the negative the end they were. who they were. in the international market this is this is the point of
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a situation and this is why we say. the war criminal when organized internationally supported this people they've never seen the international market if they stand on the mobius and. they were not helping them with their reports of they were publishing every day every day in this bitter though this claiming that greece is going into bankruptcy every day the greek bank bankruptcy was the first. the first new on the international knows a lot on the war. in this game because they found. things that are wrong. what happened in greece don't think about is different from what this crippen into the other bank you know that's mean. surprises. with saving grace today and the deficit crisis our economy is not something about
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the god it's only greece this is a global problem. all european countries all the european economy european economies have the same problem. is that they start doing this game here because there is very small and it was very easy to manipulate this market and after they manipulated this market they used greece like experiment they could take the formula to manipulate the rest of the european market and now you see that. they start making the same game in ireland. with different factions because irish program is different but the big problem at the same thing when you play the big market now in the same way the same the same issues the same banks their money predating that is market and they will do that with portugal then with spain and then with this is
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a game the game is global and it regards all of us this is not just a critic problem to the greek economy or to the critical collations of the greek citizens or to the good players all the european taxpayers will pay the crisis because the crisis is not of the system is not of the economy is the crisis of the banks because they managed in a very very bad way they are and now all of the european union or the citizens and the taxpayers who have to pay the cries of the banks ok dr. i hope everyone agrees replay and watches. for the previous few minutes because it is. a well articulated encapsulation of exactly what's been going on in greece and around europe let me just fill in some of the some of the terms here first. yes or naked c.d.s. you're talking about a credit default swap which is an invention of blights masters over there j.p.
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morgan a known financial terrorist the credit default swap was sold as an insurance product but it is actually a fake insurance product because to have an adequate qualification as an insurance product you must have some reserves in the bank to reserve against what doesn't exist with the c.d.'s it's a purely it's an invention purely to create financial terrorism and as you point out and this is the one of the points that i think needs to be made here people ask well why would the banks destroy a country like greece why would they use these fraudulent counterfeit products like c.d.'s and naked short selling because they have as you point out bets on the collapse of greece so as the collapse of greece ensues as the collapse of ireland continues the return on their bets that they've made in these international markets increases spectacularly c.v.s.
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is fake insurance people need to understand because to have an insurance product you need their insurance quote by me to issue an insurance contract and i ask you if you ever sold any c.d.s. contract what is deformed i think yes it is a form of a legal insurance policy no this is the main reason why c.v.s. is not the insurance business first thing a second thing let's go to see what of a sure sign of a c.d.s. they speak about insurance policies about somebody is betting about greece or some other country will go and buy procedure and they promise to be viewings to the people will be by this call into question is one in fifty is very soon if greece to morrow morning very early it will go in bankruptcy doing various issuers over c.d.s. . do they have the money to pay the people who have
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a book disk or interact you know what is the answer no they don't care if they had a blessing because c.b.s. is if i and i felt blessed if this fake insurance is just a bad thing if these clowns are found fasting and they don't have their farms in this old belief to bury this bear even default with the reality happen ok dr to bring us we have to leave it there thanks so much for being on the kaiser report thank you the support all right so thank you and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me master has her and stacy herbert alice thank my guest dr cariocas to bras his website is stop speculators dot g r if you want to send me an e-mail you can do so at kaiser report that r t t v dot ru until next time this is nice guys are saying bonnie all.
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in india multis available in the movie go hard enough join the photos videos thinking for a photo to brandon parents trying to.


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