tv [untitled] December 9, 2010 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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to brendan period true and to tell us that. you can a listener till the show to see don't need to go and publicly and run this in the kennel was such a retreat. in. london erupts in protest in response to the latest in a string of government austerity cuts in europe thousands of students and trade unionists flooded the streets as british parliament passes a new log tripoli university tuition fees. fat cat deal even with unemployment and homelessness in the us at a half century high the country's largest banks may yet record bonuses early to help the wall street elite ovoid higher taxes. to rest of the wiki leaks founder shows the west has no right to dictate to others what democracy means
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according to russian prime minister vladimir putin he was commenting as moscow demands an explanation from nato following a lead by the online whistle blower suggesting the alliance had secret defense plans against russia in eastern europe despite the ongoing reset in relations. up next the alona show in our washington studios they speak to our who is defending wiki leaks and they find out why a u.s. military man who leaked information to the whistleblower website has become something of an american hero. we've got. the biggest issues good voice ceased to face with the news makers. welcome the ilona show will get the real headlines with none of the mersey are coming alive out of washington d.c.
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is a wiki leaks being defended by hackers a group called anonymous has claimed responsibility for cyber attacks against corporations and web pages who have cut ties with the whistle blowing web site i'm going to speak with a representative of anonymous explaining in their words why they're defending us on his organization and how they're doing it meanwhile they have seen bradley manning accused of leaking information to wiki leaks is being hailed as a hero in berkeley california i'm going to speak with kevin zeese and ask him why manning is being held as a hero by some and a villain by others by whether he thinks the average american really cares next has obama abandoned his own party many progressives are feeling betrayed especially after the president's recent compromise on tax cuts so with members of the left getting discouraged could obama really face a challenger in the primaries for two thousand and twelve we're going to ask marcy wheeler blogger for mt whelan firedoglake then should states be allowed to declare bankruptcy currently they can't but some republicans are toying with the idea of
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changing the laws we can't help but wonder what would a change like that mean for america's economic future we're going to host a debate on this issue at the end of the show but now let's move on to the day's top story. yesterday we glanced over what some are calling a cyber battle of sorts as a group known as anonymous has taken credit has taken credit for a string of high profile cyber attacks against the websites of businesses banks and politicians but either spoken at. against or stop doing business with whistle blowing web site wiki leaks those include master card visa sarah pail and joe lieberman swiss bank post finance and rumors are swirling about amazon dot com as a result both facebook and twitter have closed accounts corresponding to anonymous but who are these people and is what they're doing a legal one joining me to discuss it is an operation payback representative i want to thank you so much for joining us i'm going to address you as anon and now i know
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that anonymous has existed for several years that wiki leaks really didn't begin this entire operation but if you could tell us you know why it is that it started what the goals are here. well of course anonymous started years ago but the real goals of this are to show these companies such as plex the software company that delivers copyright notices they just torrent sites that refuse to be taken offline . we are fighting against constant expression of copyright laws but. they're infringing on copyright against it and i mean when circumstances wrote surrounding wiki leaks it was a much greater threat when they required immediate action and we will fight for the vindication of wiki leaks the events surrounding the pirate bay have not been forgotten companies like this are playing a cool game with the public and will make them lose they will lose the game every single time now can you give us any details as to how you've actually been hacking
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these sides of these on master card such lately well like i mentioned earlier these software companies of course detoxing sites that's exactly what we've been doing among other things we have been doing such we've been floating them with traffic so other people can't use them. and this is been they've been taken down by this and we can't they can't. operate like this anymore we've been take we've been talking them we've been discussing them so they can't people can't buy things people can make transactions and the reason we're doing this is because these companies have. paper for example stopped funding we can lease they they took the funds from wiki leaks and they refused to give them back they have given them back now but we believe this was not really an act that they wanted to do they were forced to do it and we have been talking sites like paper to code. we've been talking through the same means that we mentioned earlier but from what i understand you actually have
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thousands of people that are volunteering their computers essentially downloading this program. yes where you don't even need to download a program anymore anyone can do it anyone who has a voice that can stand up and do it you can we have over nine thousand people more sometimes they can just stand up and say this they don't they don't want these sites playing this game with the public they can take them down using this simple program and they don't even need to use the program they don't know how to if they don't know how to internet they can just. type in the details they can volunteer for this and have a voice of their own now and the average joe puddu illegally can these people be gone after i mean you know can somebody prosecute them or prosecute the group anonymous for what they're doing and know are the chances of getting caught in this basically zero i mean there are thousands and thousands of computers attacking at once and there's no way to distinguish them and voluntary attacks and you know the administration isn't directly attacking we simply you know coordinate and direct
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the attacks. like i said the computers who are actually doing the attacking actually volunteers who offer up their bandwidth to a cause this could be anyone this could be people listening now this could be you it could be anyone we've simply offered the means of doing it people everyone involved is aware of the risks so. well as i can imagine that probably doesn't make the government all too happy considering there is such a legal gray area here but what we do know is that twitter and facebook have both taken down the accounts for anonymous has that disrupted your ability to communicate with people to garner more support for this and not really not whatsoever basically those facebook and twitter accounts were made for updates and support rather than the coordination of the you know attacks we made them to update and they take them down we'll put ten more up and if they take ten down will put one hundred more up i mean i don't think they feel like playing welcome over those they're not going to stop the facebook and twitter account is it just a whack a mole or would you consider this
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a full on cyber war that's what some people are calling it. figuratively at worst for could be considered between two states anonymous is not a state it would be expressed more as a revolution or a protest. as it is the public standing against agencies that would silence them but were does sound a bit better in the media so i guess you could push war but more a protest or even a revolution. now what we heard today is that you were planning on hacking amazon dot com and the media then shortly after reported that your hack in fact didn't work but is that true what's the real story here that is untrue they obviously the company news reports that cited obviously didn't get it quite right we decided not to attack us and we decided to that point talking i was and would be malicious and we're not a malicious group we do we're doing this for a reason we're doing the movement for a reason for the freedom of information and speech and talking almost at that point was considered too much we decided not to do it it didn't fail we just we just
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never attacked them but what's the difference for attacking amazon or going after visa or mastercard i mean these are all massive moneymaking corporations the point is not exactly attack him just for fun and say oh look what we can do it's these sites. against wiki leaks we support wiki leaks we support the information wiki leaks gives we say we support the freedom of information speech like i said and besides withdrawing their funds from wiki leaks they were against wiki leaks and we've taken them down. like i said we've taken down to code and paper for quite some time over the past however many weeks or months mainly just yesterday and today they've been down for now from what i've been reading sarah palin also claims that she was somehow hacked what was that your doing was that a malicious move. we don't really care about sarah palin much to be honest i think i don't really know what she's trying to accomplish or what attention she's trying
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to gain but we personally don't care about sarah palin that might have been a member or group of members that have tried to do this but nothing not a major attack that was planned on a major movement that was planned you know now politically this is definitely something. we haven't really seen it in such a massive scale before but do you feel like you have the ability to stay one step ahead you think that you're going to win this for t.v. purposes a war. yeah we're always one step ahead the internet itself is always one step ahead where it's so diverse anonymous is diverse the internet's diverse if these companies try to play these games they try to take down sites because of stupid reasons they try to use our own tools to actually using against other sites that they claim to be illegal i mean we're one step ahead we have technology that's one step ahead of them and we will always have technology that's one step ahead of them . thank you so much for speaking with us and really appreciate you coming on telling us what it is that your goals are here and a few details about how you're doing it thank you you know. now while the wiki
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leaks stories continue to unfold a commission in berkeley california is considering a resolution to declare allegedly he leaks source bradley manning a hero. the author of this resolution said that he did what he's accused of doing he's a patriot and he should get a medal but not everybody feels that way bill o'reilly being just one of many out there calling for his death. whoever leaked all those state department documents to the wiki leaks website is a traitor and should be executed or put in prison for life as you may know classified information is now floating around the globe courtesy of the traitor and this suspect of a website which is face and sweet. now if convicted manning could face a fifty two years in prison but so far we have very little information as to what's really going on with his case so it seems like america here is divided the right wing writhing in anger calling for blood and anti-war protesters on manning side i
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guess the real question we have to ask is does the average american even care or earlier i caught up with kevin zeese executive director and co-founder of voters for peace and i first asked him why it is that he supports and stands behind bradley manning. well aware of the meaning to the very courageous thing he put the desire to end torture and were crimes and this is very wars and that his own safety he stood up and allowed the world to see what the u.s. government is doing and what he showed us was not a pretty picture it was a picture of violence death of civilians. wanton killing by u.s. troops rather ugly ways. you know a whole host of examples of torture you know the kinds of things that we really should not be proud of that need to be aware of and so i really appreciate meeting
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doing that now he's facing up to fifty two years in jail and that's a rather serious thing for young man of twenty some odd years old to do so i really appreciate him doing that what do you make of those people like let's say the bill o'reilly's of the world that are calling what he did treasonous that are saying that he needs to be executed. well you know i kinds of. reactive right wing hysteria. is difficult to deal with but what they're really afraid of is what we're doing. the bill o'reilly is the star appeal in the world who are criticizing wiki leaks and bradley manning we don't want the world to see what the united states is doing its foreign policy that we're spying on diplomats that we're bringing using blackmail and threats and trying to get countries to do things that they don't want to do and that's not what they want the world to see about us we need to face the reality of who we are because actually we're going to change the law change is needed the united states is losing its national security
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it's losing its economy which really is leadership in the war world it's no longer a nation of laws and i think that's what we have to face up to and change i want tell you what i care is i fear that americans themselves don't necessarily want to face up to that right because we have of course the the typical right wing reaction the reaction from the government or they're condemning wiki leaks saying if they're putting our national security at risk then you have you know people like yourself anti-war protesters that are supporting wiki leaks that are supporting bradley manning but i feel like just spite all of the you know revelations that have been made despite all of the leaks the collateral damage video the finn put out there nothing has really changed i feel like for average americans it's just something that they're watching on the new is being debated but i don't know if if they really care about what's in these in these cables. well i think education does change things it doesn't happen immediately but it does and we're seeing people getting organized you know we're started project with a democracy which is mean we can leaks is democracy died or were people can sign up
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and get involved in helping defend julia songe and we can lease project and we're seeing very prominent people signing on the senate recounts human rights representatives noam chomsky whistleblowers reporters activists on various issues i think more and more americans see the bigger were foreign policy if you look at polls most americans don't support the afghanistan war i don't support the direction our country is going they don't want to see us as a torturer a nation of torturers and so i think in the end you will see these wiki leaks documents and the meaning documents actually have an impact on change the direction the country what changes not happen immediately it takes persistence it takes organization that's where we started that wiki leaks is the market or get people organized so that when they try to prosecute unison odds will be organized to respond in and so people join us there and get active but do you think they will ever see the day when perhaps our government starts going after our people that committed war crimes people who tortured rather than just a whistleblower. they certainly should be and i know that's one of the greatest
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points about obama you know i filed complaints with the bar associations around the country about the lawyers who justified torture because i think that's against what they should be doing as lawyers they should be telling their clients the truth that torture is illegal under international and domestic laws and i think in the end we will see people like that held accountable but it's going to be a while you know these are very difficult things for us to face as americans this is not what we believe in our country you know we believe our country is the greatest in the world we believe it's a country that respects the mark racine rule of law and to be shown that we're the opposite is not easy so it takes time for us to digest this understand it right thing change will happen you know for so many years people said women couldn't vote and now women do go he said that blacks and whites could not share a bathroom or a water fountain and now they do they said that gays couldn't marry and now they are i think the reality is that freedom will continue to expand civil liberties will continue expand of course will be challenges along the way will be dictums of
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julia sonship to stand up and take the heat for this progress but that's what progress involves it involves who is standing up and challenging the status quo to get a better world and the government is clearly doing everything they can to push back against that now just quickly as i mentioned earlier the city of berkeley is considering a resolution to declare bradley manning a hero there are rumors that time magazine's person of the air might be doing a science they are russian official even said that he will in a songe should be considered for the nobel peace prize if any of that happened what do you think would happen to our government to the right wing what they just their heads come off completely. you go ballistic but that's ok that's part of the process it's all part of them learning reality reality. is there and so once we accept reality we can start to change and i think these are all the descriptions that you can use equal or they're all examples of positive possibilities i would love to see even the peace prize it be kind of interesting this government then repeats prize winner president obama is trying to prosecute him to have kind of peace prize winner you may be in jail united states will be quite interesting side
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in all of the conflict will clarify the issues and bring more understanding and that's what's needed is more understanding so we can change we better kevin thank you so much for joining us thanks for having me on. as the wiki leaks scandal continues to unfold it brings up a larger issue the relationship between the media and the u.s. government has the original idea of reporting completely gone out the window as news networks seemingly generate government propaganda many can't help but wonder if they're responsible for embedding ideas into the minds of americans parties and if they say it's working that story. a little hate here a little fear mongering there i mean these guys can really damage america could these reaching positions from the pundits be stemming from something a little deeper than moodswings for. propaganda images dating back to the cold war may look outdated now the reason why we are spending billions of dollars in the
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production of the ideas of embedding a message could turn out to be more relevant than ever but some of the cold war style propaganda and that of the modern day having a little too much in common for comfort. oh. the pentagon has proven time and again its love of creating chasing and trying to undermine what it calls and what. you know in afghanistan as well as several other nations it seems rogue united states is always involved in some kind of war of aggression it rarely goes spends an entire year without invading some for some foreign country and the media is almost constantly right there to march in lockstep we have a military industrial media complex today most of the media is sort of zoned in india logically into what the government is saying just as the pentagon likes to
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get carried away with its military if you call the pentagon they can't tell you if it's seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred or thousand bases so does the media american media is saying as a matter of fact that iran has a nuclear weapons program there are the drums beating for war in washington are being echoed by our mainstream media and the list of antagonists grows one after another the government of china iran is forging ties with al qaeda and the danger that this country poses to the war in the american media there are a lot of countries that are deemed deemed at least suspicious if not enemy countries meant to be a force independent branch of power and watchdog to the powers that be the media is earning a nickname of a ministry of propaganda for the white house instead of c.n.n. you go to fox news you get these hyper adrenal arguments. between two combatants
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one allegedly from the liberal point of view one from the conservative point of view but the context is so narrowed that you don't get any critique of the national key security state nor the military industrial complex nor the corporate structures the lack of substance and narrow context is becoming only more obvious in the age of the internet that makes alternative often more relevant information available to anyone while the establishment politicians corporations and media to. embrace and widen their circle of bodies it's not only government it's in coalition tacit or otherwise with think tanks with pundits with others who have big money interests certainly with lobbyist planting stories with planting stories comes the embedding of ideas the united states has officially been in the state of emergency for the last nine years our nation is at war against a far reaching network of violence. and with more comes fear which gets deeply
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rooted into the system from the top down which people are out to kill us propaganda is known to be a very powerful for any government and with forces joined to the political establishment the corporate elite and the media sleeping in the scene bed with the message of fear history shows shaking off that fear could take years if not decades if this if you're going to parties here. so to come tonight will have show and tell class students in the u.k. are taking to the streets after parliament votes to increase school tuition for the look at the mass protests and have a report from our teams laura hemet on the ground in london.
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welcome back everyone now it's time for show and tell on the show now on monday we told you that ted turner proposed a solution for global warming by calling on world leaders to implement a global one child policy on hopes of preventing overpopulation so here is what some of you had to say pauline murphy thirty tweeted her response saying since when did you all live in china civil liberties and freedom guarantee people can have more than one child one of our facebook responses comes from terrence only read and it says world leaders do not have the all thore to implement a global one child policy nobody does the suggestion is absurd and we also have a response from one of our you to commenters coconuts and bananas and it says we are not overpopulated or in danger of overpopulation the entire world's population could fit into the state of texas with a density much like brooklyn new york only with more parks or bigger yards overpopulation is a total lie as always we thank you guys for your responses we very much appreciate
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them but remember these are questions or asking you they are not opinions of the alone a show dare i say i feel like some people over react a little bit as a. it was my idea and i'm going to say that is blamed now it's time for our next question we've spoken in depth about obama and his approval ratings we've discussed how there is talk of perhaps somebody being a challenger for him in the primaries for the two thousand and twelve election so today's question is should obama face a challenger in the primaries and if so who would it be thanks again for your responses you can let us know what you think on you tube facebook or twitter and who knows your response just might make it on air. protests continue in london a students fight tuition hikes and express anger over poll government funding for education at universities several students are breaking windows attacking police even attacking prince charles was vehicle because they say they want their voices
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to be heard laura and it was at the protests and she gives us an inside look at what happened. i'm here in the thick of today's process in london masses of people have come out to demonstrate against a hike in university fees behind me it was estimated to be a round full two thousand people to come onto the streets of london today this is the main protest that you can see here they're also struggling greeks of people all over london with honest shouting slogans the asheri stay quit smoking the pretense of the burning advantage you can also possibly hit some projectiles being thrown at the police to a stop take a hike make these police were wearing high visibility jacquet c.l.o. jackets but they were told by their superiors to take them off because that was the case just behind what you can see all of a projectile a flare big bright innocent officer and of his high visibility jacket catching fire so they were told to take them off if you can see how close westminster inside this
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building m.p.'s will surely be voting on whether to increase university tuition fees this is what this protest all about here in the heart of london head just over here in this direction downing street where the prime minister lives why hold on trafalgar square for the role where demonstrations the whole say taking place this is really part of a europe while eight demonstration against austerity measures the people here think that they are being made to pay for the mistakes of the privileged few bankers and property speculators and the money that they have lost to close earlier this week we saw protests in ireland as well we've been speaking to some of the students and other people who are protesting here today and they are saying that they don't hold out much hope that the vote isn't going to be positive parliament but also that this isn't going to be the last step is strange that we're going to see on the streets of the u.k. let's hear what they have to say i don't have that much optimism in a bag but this today's me and it's because so carry on. as you
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just keep heard. to so they seem to. hate me isn't it more positively perfect even if that moment. predictive ago. everything. we have seen violence in its day to any just got dark really and we are expecting to meet to deteriorates a little bit once the thought is really sets in and also of course this crucial vote which is going to take place sometime after six pm here in london we don't know what the mood of these protesters will be all of that date has taken place and if this measure has been pushed through to increase these university tuition fees the people here say that an increase in these tuition fees would mean that university would become a privilege for the few rather than the rights for the many and not something that they do want to see happen and indeed something that people. protesting against having to pay full of others have done all the more privileged few having to pay
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for the mistake that they have made the jump shot that was our chancellor and that reporting from london still to come on tonight's show we have a tool time winner tonight for her ability to look like a fool on the floor of the house of us represent that's all play the tape of her mistake in a moment and is the left really considering a primary challenge to obama and twenty twelve come to discuss it with marcy wheeler blogger for mt we'll talk like. in india oh she's available to do the movie jointly her children's village where her took the brunt of.
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