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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2010 11:30pm-12:00am EST

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truly to tell us the toast coromandel you can a letter to. say don't need to go and. read this and the colonel was toto as a retreat. seven thirty am in moscow good to have you with us here on out of. london has erupted in protest in response to the latest in a string of government austerity cuts in europe thousands of students and trade unionists flooded the streets of the british parliament narrow we crested a new law passed a new law tripling university tuition fees. not
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bad deal even with unemployment and homelessness in the u.s. at a fifty year high the country's largest banks may pay or record bonuses early to help the wall street to lead avoid higher taxes and. the rest of the wiki leaks founder shows the west has no right to dictate to others what democracy means russian prime minister vladimir putin has said he was commenting as moscow demands an explanation from nato following a leak by the online whistleblower suggesting the alliance had secret defensive plans against russia and eastern europe despite the ongoing resetting relations. back now to part two of the alone a show from our washington studios stay with us here on r.t. .
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well it's time for our tool time award and tonight we're going to giving it to a congresswoman from michigan candace miller she's upset over the weekend leaks release of state department cables and she thinks of the whistle blowing organization should be declared a terrorist organization now of course she isn't the only one out there asking for this to be done but her impassioned plea on the house floor was definitely unique take a look. since wiki leaks has begun releasing american top secret information that it obtained illegally there has been a debate about how our nation should respond to this i believe that the actions of wiki leaks provide material support to our terrorist enemies so it should be treated as a terrorist organization. others have argued that wiki link is simply a media organization and go therefore it is protected under the first amendment
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well consider for a moment the most recent statements by julian assange the founder of wiki leaks which i believe show exactly what he is a terrorist of. oh ok and this before you head to the united states house floor and make a speech can you at least learn how to say the name of the website that you're so mad it's weiqi leaks very easy very simple to say now. and if you're confused you can turn on any cable channel they're covering the story nonstop for days now and pronouncing it correctly or maybe you can even read an article to see that spelling and his name is julian assange so maybe just ask anybody with a pulse in your office pronounce his name before you go on the house floor calling him a terrorist but congresswoman candice miller currently she isn't embarrassed by her mistake at all if fact she posted it front and center on her website so maybe miller should you know focus on creating jobs rather than fighting with links to
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terrorist organization that she doesn't even know the name of and that's why republican congresswoman candice miller is tonight's told time with. a short while back we first told you about a shortage affecting the u.s. prison systems the drug sodium thiopental is a key element used in lethal injections so the supplier of the drug ran out prisons across the country had to put their planned executions on hold. but the state of california had an execution plan for a condemned inmate albert greenwood brown accused of killing a high school student and then harassing her mother so in attempts to keep on their execution schedule california officials searched everywhere and i mean literally everywhere texas the only state who actually had a supply of sodium thiopental just straight up denied california any access to the drug so they started to look internationally from britain to pakistan hoping to get their hands on the chemical concoction finally one state did step forward arizona
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go figure they gave california police twelve grams of this drug and in response the police department decided to send them a very nice thank you e-mail it said the following you guys in arizona are lifesavers buy you a beer next time i get that way. really really that e-mail sounds more like two frat boys talking about sharing tests no it's not lending sodium thiopental all for an exit but seriously does anybody else out there buying that so incredibly disturbing and distasteful calling people lifesavers for sharing a drug used for lethal injection and say buy you a beer next time is that all killing somebody is worth honestly it disgusts me and it does not give me very much faith in our law enforcement officials or the prison system in general unfortunately for those very stoked police officers in california california took too long with their search for the drug and the scheduled execution
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for brown was called off and that was literally a life saver. many progressives or the professional left as robert gibbs called them they can't help it feel like obama has abandoned them but he's gone back on his word one too many times with this compromise on tax cuts being the ultimate capitulation because there really be a primary challenger to the president two thousand and twelve like matt dave the new york times wrote and really doesn't even matter considering there don't seem to be any politicians out there willing to champion real progressive causes things like worrying about civil liberties correcting this country's record on torture and guantanamo bay well earlier i caught up with marcy wheeler blogger for empty wheel at firedoglake i first asked her if she thought that a challenge might actually happened. oh i think it definitely can happen i don't think we have a challenger yet i don't think anybody has stepped up and said i want to take them on but. everything's in flux and i think there's
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a lot of people who are not just furious with obama and want to see somebody besides obama but but worried that obama has degraded the liberal brand to such a degree that we at least need somebody out there talking about liberal issues talking about the importance of so security talking about the importance of jobs in this country and fair trade not free trade talking about civil liberties talking about the constitution and less we on the left have somebody actually talking about those issues as from a leadership position then the democratic party is going to lose everything that is important about the democratic party because obama has has sacrificed on all those issues would you personally you know support somebody else taking on obama had or do you have any ideas for somebody who ideally you would like to see run against him you know i know that to the people who i would love who i think would be effective both dean and finegold have their the people who you know they've said well we're not going to do it i think if it happens and it needs to be you know if
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it's going to be credible i think it would be interesting to see their latino or woman run because everyone i mean it's kind of a farcical idea when everyone's saying if somebody runs democrats will lose the african-american community forever ignoring the fact that some of the people who have been most outspoken in support of a primary challenger are themselves african-american but i think they're also ignoring the fact that democrats are losing women because obama has kind of cut back on choice and cut back on some other key women's issues obama promised a comprehensive immigration reform and maybe we'll get a vote on dream act today but that's as close as we're going to get so it's not just african-americans who are disappointed with the presidency now also could you say that perhaps some of this talk swirling is just natural right but at this point perhaps two years in. presidency people would start talking about it or is there real disenchantment of the tax cuts perhaps as something that really catapulted that move the fact that obama gave it away now we see democrats saying that they
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won't even go for his tax deal right and in the same day that we're seeing if l c o come out against his trade deal with korea and i think those are two really signature issues and i live in michigan and so for me there was a poll that came out earlier in the week that said oh you know obama would beat everybody in michigan except for maybe mitt romney. but that's before this trade deal goes through in this trade deal you know in the midwest we've been hit worse than anybody on jobs we've seen all of our jobs go to asia and now a democratic president says we want to put more jobs and more jobs to asia and that's not going to go very well so i think those two issues the tax cut the trade deal or are issues that are really kind of you know i work on civil liberties we got really fed up and tired with obama you know around about february two thousand and nine when he started invoking state secrets to protect cheney but it's only gotten you know he's he says that the president can decide to assassinate an
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american citizen without any kind of court review but i think the other constituencies in the democratic party are are getting to where the civil libertarians community had got a long time ago well see i think one of the things also the most frustrating is sure there's a lot of people out there that are angry about obama so when it comes to the economy when it comes to his compromises on the tax cuts but i don't feel like there are enough voices really speaking out against what he's doing with civil liberties about the fact that he's put american citizens on assassination list that he really is continuing so many of bush's policies and perhaps you know one of the ways that we can see that is that the house last night just voted essentially to make sure that guantanamo detainees can not be transferred to u.s. soil by saying well we're just going to block any means for you to be able to pay for it so there isn't even with. then the democratic party pushed for these changes to happen and apparently they don't know who submitted that you know no one wants to take responsibility for that amendment but they somehow mysteriously god flipped it yeah so we don't know where it came from but it's there now and you know i think
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it's interesting that the whole t.s.a. scandal going back a couple of weeks before thanksgiving was really interesting because for the first time white americans imagine themselves in the position that they were kind of ok with muslims or arabs to be put in which is these kind of very invasive searches with no grounds no reason to do just whatever it takes that's what i think that that's the line that we were hearing over and over again and so that to me was an interesting moment because you know both people on the left and right were like we won't stand for this and then i think what it was really about was a lot of like i said a lot of white affluent privileged americans realizing what these really invasive policies on civil liberties do to people in the degree to which they're there they're very heavy handed that they are over kill. people. so that was interesting and you know we'll see whether anything comes out of it at the end of the day right national opt out day november twenty fourth of it being kind of
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a but nobody nobody really ought to doubt all the media was prepared at the airports and i think it all went by pretty well we think that they turned off the machines we think that what we basically have are these hundred thousand dollars paperweights at all the airports which are going to remain at the airports so that they're there so that nobody has to come out admit that they're not using them anymore but there are there are a number of accounts of them actually being kind of cordoned off on that day and since then and there was even there was a interview that james fallows and jeff goldberg did with john pistole the head of t.s.a. and he kind of sort of seemed to admit that well they went overboard but wasn't willing to admit that they had turned the machines off and you know people are trying to subpoena to for that information to find out whether the reason opt out. it was a bust is that they just turned down the machines turned off the machines that were so offensive to people and i want to hear today if there was a hearing house judicial committee hearing that you were a. number of others and you were telling me just
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a few minutes ago that there was almost no media there really you were just basically in an empty room but what were the issues that were discussed i know that jeremy scahill was there and he talked about the war in afghanistan now you raise the fact that he saw with his own eyes that you know civilians are affected by these things that perhaps some of our practices are encouraging more people to become insurgents that are shadow wars in yemen and pakistan are helping these issues but i did it all fall on deaf ears well you know you heard it we're talking about it now i mean it was it was a it was a hearing pulled together kind of at the last minute in response to a lot of these issues scahill testified and told this really amazing story which i think he's doing he's doing a piece on about meeting these two families who had been raided by american special forces in the middle of the night and their family members including in one case pregnant women and young teenager were killed and they had been very pro-american afterwards and came out saying i'm going to go join the taliban and they you know
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one of the things that the american military did in response to one of these families to having killed these civilians was give them to sheep that's what we're doing in afghanistan i mean and so that was scahill bruce fein testified and talked he it was actually kind of this it's not in his written testimony but it was inspired where he went through the the articles of impeachment that they used against nixon and show that they've you know what we what we used to impeach nixon have now become standard fare you know it's just assumed the head of d.c. office is a.c.l.u. testified she talked about how under the republican congress they are going to ask to renew the off the resume to use military force which was originally limited to those who struck us in nine eleven and they're going to basically. say oh we're at war against al qaeda and associated groups anywhere therefore wherever we can do anything we can arrest anyone without any kind of a warrant we want need these are things that need to be heard and so you know i
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think that that really shows you why there won't be any kind of a challenger to obama two thousand and twelve either because i think the issues that i find the most offensive perhaps that you find the most offensive essentially fall in deaf ears because it's not necessarily what the american people want and it's not what other politicians out there are pushing against either marci thanks so much for being here thanks. so to come on tonight show there's a shop in new york where you can buy greeting cards had watched pole dancing more on the unusual business in just a moment and should states here in the u.s. be allowed to file for bankruptcy many are swimming in debt and some say that filing for bankruptcy could be a way for states to return to solid footing we're going to debate the issue in just a moment.
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we'll. bring you the latest. on the right. we. are very. wealthy british time. is going to. go. well you know. i know what's really happening to the global economy with much stronger no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports.
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i'm not sure if hallmark makes a card for this but who really cares a new york business owner has combined her love of designing greeting cards and whole dancing and yes you heard me correctly jill ham opened her greeting card store in lower manhattan two months ago but in this slow economy she decided that she needed a certain spark to bring in more customers so she decided to put in the pole to entertain her customers symbols that now i know what you're thinking but get your mind out of the gutter she says that when people on the street see her pole dancing they commit to which i say well obviously that's what they're going to do but she also says that about seventy five percent of those who do come in are women they smile they clap and they call her business and and to encourage sales and not just customers who buy fifty dollars worth of work dice get their own personal pole
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dance now from what i hear that's about the going rate can spend a strip club these days but jill and says that she is serious about her greeting card business and the pole dancing. since gillett is a serious greeting card designer with a thriving business of the past ten years doesn't she worried that doing pole dancing in her store could make people take her less seriously not at all everyone embraces my art in every form but i do it. says that in these tough economic times female entrepreneurs must be creative must combine their passions in order to get ahead so why not write sex sells and if some horny guy comes in and spends fifty bucks on greeting cards just to see her shake your money maker then take his body and laugh all the way to the bank. now are american states bankrupt and should they be able to declare it if that's the case states are currently not allowed to declare bankruptcy only local municipalities but
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a reuters report alleges that republicans have set their sights on changing that but why would politicians want american states to be able to clear bankruptcy most importantly it would allow them to renegotiate obligations potentially slash public employee benefits which have been blamed for many states financial woes so would this be just a ploy to wipe out the democrats' most powerful donors the public sector unions or is this a financial imperative for the economic future of america well join me to discuss this issue is patrick gleason director of state affairs at americans for tax of tax reform and michaele cleaver journalist and contributing editor for in these times gentlemen thank you both for being here well i will just ask the basic question should states be allowed to declare bankruptcy. yeah i'll take that one the simple answer is yes and there are three numbers that illustrate why this is a needed tool for states to have their disposal the first two hundred thirty billion the second number is seventy two billion and the third number is three
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trillion two hundred thirty billion that's the size of deficit states have faced over the last two years this has been generated by unsustainable over spending seventy two billion that's what states are projecting is another overspending generated shortfall for fiscal year two thousand and twelve now that begins in july first of next year and then three trillion actually now as bad as those deficits are generated by overspending you have a three trillion unfunded pension liability that states are facing this is a much more massive problem that states are facing and that it's leading down to the path of insolvency and without bankruptcy at their at their disposal like municipal governments have there's no way they're going to be open to these contracts renegotiated because they're they're simply unsustainable in taxpayers taxpayers are the ones that are on the hook for this and we saw this just today chicago mayor daley today just expressed grave concern that governor quinn in the state legislature is going to significantly raise property taxes to cover unfunded pensions in states so that's a concrete example just today. bankruptcy needs to be a tool for states mike well let's talk about this issue of unfunded pensions the
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reasons why we have so many unfunded pension is because wall street failed to see an eight trillion dollar housing bubble and invested heavily in it too if anybody needs to pay for these unfunded pensions and wall street and the way to do that is by enacting a financial speculation tax which could raise up to two hundred billion dollars a year and then redistribute that fund back to the states this bill needed a cause like bankruptcy is just a tool being used by right wing union busting forces that want to deny workers the right to collectively bargain well that is not be the argument out there right there of course murmurs least for is going on and this is going to be one of the biggest issues on capitol hill in two thousand and eleven and that this could be a republican political ploy to make sure that the unions you know lose all their money basically well it's hard not to laugh that. you know as they're in facing this challenge the first solution my friend to them i write different political offers is more taxes we've seen the federal government raise over three hundred fifty billion in higher taxes the federal level last year we saw states follow suit
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and now actually going to show the middle class tax cuts in the united states. and now your answer is more job killing tax increases that your solution is simply unsustainable these contracts these countries in pension obligations you know these you know pressure plans are not like what most americans have and what kind of pension plan do i have a defined contribution pension plan for on k. and that's exactly bankruptcy is a tool for states they need to move from defined benefit plans to defined contributions like foregoing case their sustainable right now for one case or sustainable because it looks like for long periods of lost about a third of it well you know i mean if you look over over trend over decades the increase but it was never a decade in which there's another bubble that comes along you truly don't have any if you don't want to know you haven't traveled with her also a lot of people out there who lose all their money to lose their pensions but i mean who's whose fault is that really it's not these people's fault it's not the state workers policy could say because shouldn't there be perhaps some kind of regulations maybe you shouldn't be allowed to invest you know government workers
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pensions into more risky assets maybe only buy treasury bonds you're exactly is that and in a lot of these cases these risky assets there was a leader shown there was a large amount of campaign contributions going to state pension funds and his governors would later invest these in some of these same risky assets let's talk about campaign contributions because people like those on the people like my friend right here on the left they like to talk about corporations don't need to get involved politically and they vilify the amounts of money they spend but if you look at the last two election cycles who spend the most money it's organized labor that's you spend most money and it's the states organize away what's wrong with workers want to spend money on it workers want to democratically decide to spend money and there's nothing wrong with that that's that's actually size of first amendment i'm saying don't vilify it because you guys do the same thing when that makes sense then for republicans. obviously you have been trying to get corporations to put as much in inject as much cash as they can into campaigns wouldn't be obvious then that they want to somehow get the unions out of the whole you know company but that's exactly what this is is the republicans not the only
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thing standing but we privatizing social security privatizing public education privatizing a whole slew of other forces is organized labor is the largest funder of the democratic party and this is why republicans are going after organized labor was such a deal it's pretty simple look at the situation right now most americans they have a defined contribution plans in the private sector now if your plan underperforms or is lost money like mine has over the past few years and most americans has that's something you have to deal with in contend with now if you have a defined benefit plan like these unsustainable public employee pension plans they're leaving states out of have been solvent see they see their plans lose money except people like me who. lost money will i'm supposed to cough up in the form of higher taxes no no i don't think you should i think wall street made a copy that's what you're saying wall street was that people that gambled their summations cough up the money to pay for you know wall street is wall street is for families across the country really if i really and families across the country missed the housing boom because you know what i think everybody saw the housing bubble you know the c.e.o.
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of goldman sachs and a few other big wall street bank he's getting on top of the problems here be that there simply are just too many government workers that states have started spending too much money right if you look at the state of california which obviously is a financial complete disaster when i had a great day with became governor in one thousand nine hundred nine i believe the state's budget was something like forty five million dollars you look ten years later when arnold schwarzenegger stepped in and he hiked that up to one hundred and forty five that's just that's kind of the unsayable why would you ever need to spend that i know well you don't i mean the crux of state fiscal problems budgetary matters has been unsustainable spending california is a great example it's not taxes they just inherited the largest tax increase in u.s. history last year taxes are not the problem it's spending go back to one thousand nine hundred ninety one. since then california is spending has tripled over that time had they limited spending to population inflation kept in line with the economy and live within their means they would have a fifteen billion dollar surplus last year as opposed to the twenty five billion
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dollars deficit they're projected to have over the next eighteen months it's spending that is the main problem but even the bigger problem is the unsustainable pension system in the states and the ticking time bomb that it's set to be unleashed on taxpayers and the response is no more taxes spending seems to be a problem that everybody in this country has right now in our federal government has a little problem when it comes to spending too but should they be responsible for bailing out states no and that's precisely why bankruptcy needs to be permitted to states as a tool at their disposal the federal government should not be but how come wall street got bailed out and states can't get exactly exactly the point the biggest drag on the economy we saw in the earlier half of the shear was the fact that public employment was declining while private was increasing by about ten thousand twenty thousand a month for the first six or seven months of this year and now we're seeing private employment the quiet again and the reason for that is that we were losing public sector jobs at the rate of you know one hundred thousand or so a month you know we're expected to lose one million state and local jobs over the next year this is
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a drain on the economy but i'm going to wrap it it's going to be we're out of time i want to thank you both for joining me and we'll see if this does become you know the heated political issue that is promising to be in two thousand and eleven we'll have to have the debate again thanks so much but now before we go tonight it's time for our tweeted today america's favorite complainer sarah palin is going to annoy people overseas in the new year she's making plans to visit england and israel so we're wondering what in going to do about her planned visit we thought they'd say oh bloody hell screw the special relationship to at least keep the paling off our island that's it for tonight's show thanks for tuning in to make sure you come back tomorrow we're going to talk about how far people will go for their fifteen minutes of fame some teens are going as far as getting knocked up and the meantime don't forget to become a fan of your. on facebook ad to follow us on twitter and if you missed any of night's show or any other nights because technology dot com slash the onset are now posting the interview as well for some of the full titles coming up next is the news with the latest headlines from the u.s. senate.
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