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tv   [untitled]    December 10, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EST

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the torch was. to go. round the city the colonel was heard to retreat. pretention with further planets with students taking their anger to the top. of the cleanup operation. which the government building. and even the royal family attack. war rages on supporters named to the firm starting the whistleblower while the us is criticised for exerting pressure proof of guilt. and global malaria rates could be much worse than we think. for a number of left. coming up in business update will be looking into why hedge funds . in place for three years join us in twenty minutes time.
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so you're watching news and much more twenty four hours a day now london is clearing up after another day of violence student protests after lawmakers approved a hike in university fees. targeted government buildings there was even an attack on prince charles's car london correspondent joins us now live. how do the streets all the british capital look this morning. well part of this is. like a particularly destructive tornado has swept through with broken glass a lot of people being drafted in for this cleanup operation a lot of the violence was centered around the green open area which is just
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opposite the houses of parliament that protesters tore down fences which are now being having to be put back up again as a telephone box by the treasury in which all the windows all the little panes of glass have been meticulously smashed by one particularly determined person. yesterday was it was a violent day it's now being called the worst rest that we've seen in london in the decades the latest figures that we've got reports thirty four arrests for a range of crimes including violent disorder criminal damage arson and attacking police officers in terms of the number of people injured we're now seeing figures of twelve officers twelve police officers injured one particularly seriously he was knocked unconscious in a scuffle and forty three protesters who were injured in the violence they are they have all been taken to hospital an angry statement has been issued by the police and indeed we're seeing statements coming out all the time from from politicians and various members of the police force the police saying the officers came to work
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to police and facilitate a police peaceful demonstration but they came under sustained attack from processors from quite early on fences were thrown at the. bottles and firecrackers being aimed directly at police and it was a point in the evening in fact when whenever you saw a police motorcycle or a police car it was being aggressively attacked by protesters as i say most of the action was centered around parliament square where the protesters graffiti vandalized property including cars they also graffiti to a statue of winston churchill which is that they. broke out on to oxford street and regent street at one point which is a main shopping street barricaded themselves in shops smashing windows stealing looting from the shops and also one point the prince of wales charles and his wife camilla his car was attacked by protesters they were on their way to. without
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what's now being described as significant enough police protection as attack that cost mass one of the windows and three paint on that car there's an investigation into how that could have been allowed to happen but the world cup will is on the home and protesters are setting ball odds on why they smashed windows at the treasury and the supreme court also a bit of a bit of the petty vandalism and interestingly to distinguish it from previous processed it was increasingly difficult yesterday to find students who condemns the violence more and more they're seeing it more as a means to an end rather than something to be condemned in something that's hijacking their message but there will be repercussions from this violence they're trying to police trying to find the people who run the treasury they're looking on c.c.t.v. footage of that incident and the home secretary has come out and said how shocked she is the prime minister has also said there will be arrests and repercussions for
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this violence so a lot of anger against the government. plan has been passed by the house of commons now so all the students likely to just give up. no they say no it in fact all of the people that we spoke to yesterday said that they will be carrying on processing is important to note the. rise that has been agreed will treble the the amount that it cost students to go to university or some students is any way it's going to go up from just under five thousand dollars to around fourteen thousand dollars but that won't take effect until the next generation of students goes to university so this this is something that will really come into force in around two thousand and twelve we're also seeing a lot of anger against the liberal democrats who are one half of the coalition that's governing the u.k. at the moment the liberal democrats campaigned on a platform of polishing student fees all together but now that
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a lot of them ministers have voted in favor of increasing student fees so obviously that directly goes against a campaign promise that they've now with nato and so that's something that's not going to go away either mistrust in this coalition government we spoke to chris knight yesterday who's a professor of anthropology and also a season demonstrates that hardly a demonstration takes place in london without him being there and he said that he's determined to fight so and that's what he said. for me to. come again. shortly parachute in prague of course young people leading the struggle for freedom and first the students moved and then the work of this is exactly what's happening here except i think it will be a much bigger story about across europe. and of course as chris knight says this is not an isolated incident this is part of a europe wide to me when we saw protests and demonstrations on continental europe
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in this over the summer then surprising to woods the u.k. in the autumn winter there have been several protests over this kind of live this was the biggest that we've seen in london so far and earlier this week we also saw a protest in dublin against an austerity budget that was introduced the toughest budget in arlen's history which was introduced as a result of the e.u. i.m.f. bailout that they've just had to accept so we are seeing this violence spreading and worsening and continuing and certainly as i say that the protesters that i spoke to yesterday all determined i'm prepared to come out on the streets again in what some are already calling a winter of discontent. ok laura do keep us updated there correspondent laura emmet reporting for us live from london thank you. well the months of disquiet around europe come as governments across the continent are being forced to shore up the euro currency some bowman the from the island smith institute says
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a possible end to the euro zone is on the cards. it wouldn't take a genius to see that there is a crisis approaching the major culture white crisis i think it is probably because of the government debt but i think the bailout in ireland has failed to bond markets. are still extremely high i would see in portugal and spain creeping upwards as well so i think we're probably going to see quite a difficult year for the eurozone it's not the end of the arms of the coming months i think we need to see it start looking to the future looking at how countries can return to their own currencies turn to a way that they're able to get their way out of these kind of. high or low interest kind of bubbles that the euro was created. where they had a currency that's suitable for their own economies rather than for france and germany which is really what the art of project is all about. and coming up in the program deadly disease but in the area of a million people a year round find out why something in india say they will not even.
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going to the palace boasting swimming pools that dance full and even then she'll discover. that plays new toy. we can make supporters are waging cyber war against firms they accuse of stifling its activities and its founder julian assange he's a master card and pay pal all suffered online outages when they came under attack after sunday's bank account was frozen he's currently in a british jail fighting extradition to sweden on sex crime allegations the hikers are promising more to come meanwhile chicken reports the firms which of qatar. continue to support other controversial groups. the u.s. government has presented no charges against juliana saunders but the absence of solid accusations did not stop american government officials from reportedly
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putting pressure at the highest level to cut off weiqi leaks money supply the senior executive of america's money transfer giant pay pal said the state department had written to the company claiming the online whistleblower was involved in illegal activities so pay pal along with massive card and the sec no longer accept cash donations for the controversial website. threat of this has some impact on national security and when you say that in the united states everybody. you know what's their parents and they do what they're told. and so i think that it's a misconception in some cases that people think that the u.s. is purely a money driven society it's not the government has certain parag it is particularly over national security no court ruling no legal procedures were needed to crackdown
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on the media organization i think it's outrageous wiki leaks has not been charged with a single u.s. crime and i'm saying convicted by even charged with a crime and here the nation or the country's financial institutions are taking action on behalf of our state department to extinguish this whistleblower web site later pay-pal back tracked on acting upon the u.s. government's work crass master card and the so where most of a sieve on the issue but the general explanation they give for not accepting donation payments will weaken leeks is that the site quote encourages promotes facilitates or instructs others to engage in illegal activity but on the other hand neither master card nor booths have any problems processing donations for say no coup clark's klan racist movement and his demand a history of extreme violence with the goals of racial segregation and white
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supremacy and yet it takes seconds to make a donation to the klan using one of one of those years and the zen master card must be saying it's all about business right but they're not saying that when it comes to we can wait. and number of senators including the chairman of the homeland security committee joe lieberman were quick to pat those companies on the back for cutting off cash to weak he leaks but some can't help asking if u.s. officials are so down and weak you leaks why aren't they after the week you weeks partner papers one other incredible thing about the prosecution is that so many people are falsely reporting that wiki leaks has dumped two hundred fifty thousand documents that's not true at all they only were putting stuff up on their web page when you have the new york times or der spiegel or the guardian were putting up or very useful to the united states government in some ways there is
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a severe slanting in the output that is the new york times got to go through as many document as it possibly could in the several weeks or several months given to it by week usually to go through these documents and pick and choose those documents that were most conducive towards the new york times there's a lot of mystery surrounding wiki leaks but what's on the surface now are examples of double standards everyone is after a week in leaks but not for example the new york times question is why going to shut down our t. washington d.c. . for the first time in more than seventy years a nobel peace prize won't be received lights went out for a representative in steed to be given to chinese laureates a new job of his work on human rights and political reform but the pro-democracy activist to seven and eleven a sentence or something urgent chinese authorities have not only banned him but also his wife from attending a ceremony in norway on friday and stamping with isis when the fans chanted the
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u.s. is among nations calling for these releases saying peaceful expressions are the core of human rights professor michel chossudovsky who's of globalization and this says it smacks of double standards. i don't want to pass a judgment on you all but in effect what this implies is really targeting of china you know political sense or good it has nothing to do with what your child was actually done and you come to the conclusion that that prize based on political considerations rather than on anything tangible i think that what you see with regard to the science is not all facts are going to scientists now being threatened to be targeted for releasing information through google will be god so they can see the double standards of the so-called international community where the sun is targeted for knowing what's what you
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should be doing which is releasing factual information which should be known to the public and then you have public the same people will be pushing for a candidate which is a dissident within the people's republic of china using the nobel peace prize to justify a political agenda and this year it essentially is there to put pressure on signed up and to sign those so-called human rights records when in fact the united states human rights record is far worse than that. well on law and and interactive call where there is more the day's news and analysis on a new look website grounded by us from pilots are in trouble being called brawling on camera sarpy in hotel during a drunken one turn around. and reports today she wanted
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a contest between his new pet pooch finally gets in they are not what it is i thought you go. to india now where it's claimed that malaria is killing tens of thousands more people and health officials and first thought was huge numbers of deaths in rural areas go unrecorded it's raised questions as to whether the world health organization is a massively underestimating global in the area death rates auntie's charan singh has more. they named yes eastern state of bihar one more victim succumbs to malaria it's a treatable infection yet it still takes more lives i mean india than each i've seen. that malaria has spread everywhere near our village no medical teams come to help us and hospitals a far away poor people like us a dying at this hospital in but now many patients believe they have the parasite to infection down to kind of a south and i have a very high temperature and i think i have now larry and i've come to the doctor
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for treatment because many people in my neighborhood have malaria a new study has found that malaria kills more than thirteen dimes the number of people caught in the estimated by the world health organization since many one area deaths occurred at home and you need lydia's they don't get recorded so research as was did families and asked them to describe what had happened to the victims a method known as autopsy we estimated that something like four percent of the deaths between one life and sixty nine years of age were due to malaria and if you multiply that percentage by the national number of deaths at those you get two hundred thousand deaths before age seventy in india it's a staggering number especially compared to the world health organization's estimate of just fifteen houses and then more fatalities it disputes the study saying the responders could mistake muti is commonly shown symptoms it is true that you can
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confuse malaria deaths with other causes of fever however the w.h.o. accepts the use of verbal autopsy poor estimating childhood deaths from malaria in africa so bit puzzled why they would think a method would work in one continent and not three thousand miles away in another most medical stuff and indeed hospitals agreed the number of malaria deaths is far more than the w.h.o. feel. as india faces this killer disease it's important for the government and the dup who we true knowledge the scale of the problem only then can they upgrade their disease control strategies and resources to fight malaria effectively in all its forms and seeing r.d. . let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines in brief around the world the disputed result of haiti's presidential vote seems to be even on election officials announcement follows a lot of protests where thousands of people clashed with u.n.
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peacekeepers so there is good offices were settled upon the capital's main streets and invoked off successful elections to establishing an effective government in haiti after years of instability. heavy snow fall has brought chaos to paris causing the closure of its main airport tower was also shut down after ten centimeters of snow and that in the french capital you're seeing a movement out of status on all some disruption across the continent major airports were closed and many train services were brought to a standstill severe weather conditions are expected to continue. authorities in the u.s. have set fire to an alleged bomb factory net sunday that officials say the house was filled with explosive chemicals of the type used by suicide bombers and that burning down. people from nearby homes were evacuated from the area before the blaze the house was rented by a fifty four year old unemployed software engineer who's in custody now accused of
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making. the strain as attorney general has declared forty five communities of them east disaster areas often weeks of heavy rainfall at least four people have been killed and thousands forced to flee their homes that are experts say the rain is forecast for other areas is the worst flooding in the country in two decades. well even being among the richest men in the world doesn't mean you can buy e.o. way q getting a new luxury yacht but maybe it's worth the wait this is chelsea football club tycoon a man up a move which is a new play thing called the crips the sixty's german shipbuilders were a year late in delivering the new. four hundred billion you want which set sail from her but on thursday she is the largest and most expensive private kind and includes two kelly pads twenty jet skis two swimming pools hot tubs
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a dance floor and the cinema. decor might not be to everyone's taste however all five decks sorted it out in reptile skins and. even has its own missile defense system and mini submarine docked. and how that plays with r.t. martin are there's a top with uncle sam in the russian capital. from starbucks and mcdonald's but it comes to american culture this muscovites love anything to do with the good old us of a but it's not just all about food and drink american arts u.s. or fashion design a music it's all very popular here in modern day. yes moscow out is here in term and it's time time now to cross over to the business
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desk with charlotte. hello welcome to the business program here are with me show them this folly hedge fund so the largest net inflows since two thousand and seven with industry caps increasing by one hundred twenty billion dollars in the third quarter performance a new money the founder of a mosque a base hedge fund richard deitsch says managers investing in emerging economies will see massive inflows as the industry comes back on track after three difficult years. emerging market countries which are very strong emerging market countries have record levels of reserves. i think something like sixty percent or sixty five percent of all global reserves are now held by currency reserves are held by emerging market countries and when you look at the other side of the equation in developed markets are they from something called that. they look like what we used
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to think emerging markets look like they have extremely high levels of debt they have a particularly in europe in the periphery of europe they have situations where. they look worse i mean if you look at historically what countries went through crises in emerging markets well they never had macro positions they were never allowed to get to positions where they were as bad as you would see in spain greece or portugal so you have fiscal tightening in the core countries which is inevitable because of the very high levels of debt you don't have that problem in emerging markets and then you have growth partly because of the fiscal situation and partly because a more secular phenomenon that's much higher in emerging markets than in developed markets so i don't think it's very surprising that we would see that emerging markets will perform developed markets but despite this great performance over the emerging markets fons of the service suggests that investors are cautious about allocating new model to emerging markets the figure for the third quarter was just about ten million dollars so what do you think drives investors away and then i
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think if you remember that the hedge fund investor base itself is still very damaged there's a good portion of it i would say which is gone and maybe never going to return. probably shouldn't have been there in the first place and then kind of some of the larger institutions in the other parts that i think are probably going forward going to be the more significant and better and more stable part of the hedge fund investor base still taking their time i think to move forward when investors come back it's kind of natural they may come back to the core markets first before they go to emerging markets but i wouldn't think that there's anything particularly scary i think on the opposite i think the tremendous enthusiasm of them are emerging markets and i think you'll see a disproportionate amount of those flows going into emerging markets that we go forward. to sell one point five billion dollars of convertible bonds during two thousand and fifteen is the russian oil giant's first sale of such data always a decade ganske your bonds will have a coupon of two point five to three percent will be convertible until it was eighty
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oz this is in london a spokesman for the company declined to comment on the reason for the say. the organization of petroleum exporting countries may increase crude production but only if the price per barrel leaves one hundred dollars that's according to the organization secretary general the russian news agency entire task also reports that opec would only increase oil exports should the price increase result were genuine shortage of oil the commons committee day before meeting of apec members to be held in the ecuadorian capital quito. time see how the markets are performing now here most critical of the sliding in late day trade energy stocks weighing it comes out of the polls or sessional thursday when most of the main players performed well the bench what was that is down north point five percent misawa air of what shares a drop in point two percent on news of a stake sale we have more in just a minute moving to europe and stock markets are trading on the in our grains on the
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apron with the drug and food sectors leading with gains potential has up one point five percent off that it was upgraded by a move that stanley puts it is sliding into the red this hour. and every major markets are also lower the best concerned they are using possibly raising interest rates the nikkei slipped from a seven month high and profit taking thing is also a drop sending the benchmark index to its fourth week replied in five weeks. to the u.s. now regulators the firm is in the assets of unnamed investors who bought shares in russian jews the group just before pepsico announces takeover bid one of them used a swiss bank account to buy four hundred thousand american depository receipts which are a proxy for shares on the new york stock exchange it's illegal in most developed markets to use inside information to profit from moves in share prices. russia
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adopted a law against insider trading the regulators are still working out how to force it . deals jumped twenty eight percent in new york last week that would have and the end. that's a profit of about to point seven million dollars what they do they do the examine the volume of the trade and see the volume has been bigger than than would they would normally expect then they draw a conclusion that this is likely linked to somebody having information which other investors do not have and who that could be here whether that's a russian a russian living in russia and the russians living outside of russia will put them you know lives in problema is something you can you can guess about and write about . now russian business alexander lebedev is planning to sell around four percent. that's according to its financial source it will be worth up to one hundred ten million dollars if it sells the forty four million shares in russia's national
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carrier. to be sold through a private placement open eyes by u.b.s. unless they leave the main reason for the sell is to generate finances for lucrative troubled national bank which is seen capital outflows of a number of state inspections. last update for this hour we can always find more on our website. business.
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writer if you remove the song from finance to pressure the same. stance on t.v. dot com. wealthy british style it's time to explain. the. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy. in these kinds of reports on our t.v. . in india multis available in the move go hard enough join the photo of us think if we had.


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